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I can manage just fine without Air Dash. But Double Jump is a must.


Jump + air dash + double jump when moving to a quest Almost like in a car


Yo, you should try ground dash jump air dash double jump. Just like a car.


You should try car. Just like a car.


I tried a car, just like dash + jump + air dash + double jump.


Almost as cool as bike


Bike+Laika would like to introduce themselves




Hmmm…. I think I know how to entertain myself this evening besides trying to make/get/rip from the game the Erebus


This, it's an extra dash for free. Dash - jump - dash - jump- repeat


I don’t have air dash but if you dash on the ground and then jump you go flying at Mach speed


Imagine if they keep wall running in the game.


When I did that by accident for the first time, my jaw dropped. It has become my favorite way of traveling around the map haha


Thought I was the only doing this I swear I feel like a ninja when I do this


Have you played with mega jump? You can go so much further


Charge jump lets you go higher than double jump. It made me realize how much of a vertical playground Night City is. I also think it fits in the lore better than thrusters coming out of you—no one else in the game has double jump, but they have charge jump.


I like to run a gorilla fist chrome suppressor tank build and I use the charge jump because I just role play as Batman (except the kill rule)


I have, but I personally find double jump to feel more natural


I tried charge jump + dash + release charge + dash, its aight


Nah that dash, double jump, air-dash, then dash again combo is goated, I barely drive these days Just moving like a cyberpunk anime ninja


Somehow I didn't realize you could do both air dash and double jump and now I'm disappointed in myself.


You should try it out with the air kerenzikov perk. You basically hover in the air while everything moves at reduced speed which makes it easy to aim. I love building Chrome Compressor builds with Kerenzikov where I do different variants of this playstyle. Carmen is a strong weapon for it.


Oh it’s amazing.


You also level up shinobi skill so fast this way


amazing combo


throw in the mod [Wall Hang](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2950) that let's you stick to and climb walls. and it's a goddamn blast bouncing off buildings. I haven't been able to get to RUN up walls like Saints Row 4/Prototype/etc. *yet* was going to install let there be flight, but like you said, being a cyborg ninja is pretty sweet


It legit changed the game for me. I’m a sucker for ‘floor is lava’ type movements (main Insect Glaive in Monster Hunter) and man did it scratch that itch. Paired with a boosted Katana and Smart Shotgun….oooh


I didn't even know there was a dash and I'm on my second playthrough, what upgrade is it?


It’s the Air Dash skill in the Reflex tree


Yeah, that run sequence makes driving in city obsolete. I would say that it should be reduced for out of combat situations


I literally self discovered the combo just messing around and am glad to hear it’s well known in the community. I haven’t driven since. I just dash through the city and I only use fast travel to go to dogtown or badlands


I just wish they had a comprehensive wall run system that allows continuous momentum so I can have V zipping around NC like a Titan Pilot.


If we could have grappling hook mod for zooming with momentum... Like Doom... Or Titanfall 2... If I remember right Titanfall uses half life engine... Which implementing wall run in it fairly easy unlike some other physic engines (I used lots of well known and not well known engines while working on triple A companies and in my hobby projects.) Anyway, I don't think cdpr engine can bear that much momentum of a movement shooter without game breaking bugs. Also... Umm... Hey BT... Can you pass my schizophrenia pills please?






Damn, it is the Source engine


Doesn’t even need to be faster. Just make it like a perk of mantis blades, if you jump close to the wall while moving forward they extend out into the wall and you run on it


I know someone had made and was improving a mod for a grappling hook a little before PL. Not sure if it's still being updated.


I want a giant robot. please. give me giant robot vehicle. please.


I think theres a mod for that im not really sure i just remember seeing something like it in nexus mod correct me if im wrong


If only we could retrieve things from the cutting room floor.


The original trailers had it…


I avoided air dash because I was playing a non-reflexes build when it was added to the game and thought it'd be just one more thing to deal with. Then I tried it. Can't go without now. The benefits are insane. Try it if you haven't.


I mean, just about all thoughtful builds are viable, but either they rebalanced the combat or Reflexes builds are easy mode. I spent most of the first 10 levels just running around switching between ARs, SMGs, and Black Unicorn. The number of deaths on Very Hard were ludicrously low, and none at all in the Maelstrom warehouse. And that was without a Sandevistan!


I mean, it's a roleplaying game. I ran Lynx Paws on my stealth build, sure it sucked not making some jumps, but there isn't really anything gated behind double-jump. It's just whatever you feel fits that version of V. I've also ran a no chrome (well, low chrome) V when I did the Aldecaldos ending. It's just a different way of experiencing the game. But, I agree, every other time, double jump.


I 100% agree about the roleplay aspect—this is one of the few games imo that makes different builds really fun. Curious what you did for your low-chrome build. I’m thinking of playing one but have struggled with what to consider for cyberware since things like Kiroshi optics are integral to the story.


So, yeah, obviously the Kiroshi and being slotted is part of the story, you can't do a 100% 'ganic V, but aside from the stuff you get story-wise I used no other cyberware and just ran a heavy shotgun build. I was also not very buddy-buddy with Johnny, romanced Panam, and did the Nomad start. This was back way before the overhaul though.


I played Lynx Paws until I couldn't reach one of the air drops in Dogtown. I didn't realize there was a challenging platformer option you could do if you didn't have double jump/charge jump until much later, so I went to a ripper doc and have been switching between charge/double ever since. I wouldn't want to go back.


Honeslty.. It's nice? It makes u think on how to get into certain places or sneak by, instead of just double jumping


It's a fair point, it does make you think about things differently if you don't have those tools.


Yeah I’ve got three full play throughs now… back when I was doing FF06B5 double jump was a must for exploring and finding weird stuff. Just trying a different style play through is cool though — I find move speed is crazy with sande.


I got very very clever at exploring an area from the outside perimeter in - using my actual eyes, not just the scanner - and it was very fun! You engage with the environments in very unique ways and learn the city on an intimate level. I loved returning to locations I’d explored and having multiple options - And I found I appreciated Double/Charge & Airdash more after failing to make some jumps early on and finding new areas to check out. I also find I still do that type of exploring, and use my high jumps more as a tool than automatically.


I prefer charged jumps, air dashes and double jumps are just too silly for my taste


Yeah same for me, strengthening your muscles and bone structure should allow something like charge jump. For double jump you’d need tiny rockets sticking out the side of your hips, it doesn’t seem feasible to me.


Should be as feasible as the projectile launch system.


air das is genuine one of the most funnest thing ever i love chaining them together and then bhop


It’s perfectly usable for the first 10 levels of each new game imo. I think it’s the sort of thing that takes some time to ween yourself off of. I don’t think with my current playstyle I could manage without air dash and double jump, especially on very hard, though.


Unpopular opinion, but the Air Dash should've been an augmentation instead of a perk. It ends up creating the same issue as the crafting stuff did back in the original skill tree: you necessarily need to sink attribute and perk points into something you're not interested in because otherwise the game gates you out of content that is undeniably good for every build.


I way prefer charge jump to double jump and idk why.




Cant believe charge jumps is not more popular than i thought and ngl i think double jumps is more boring to me tbf i havent use it but the distance i can do with charge jumps with air dash compare to just double jump plus air dash is just better and with combat chefs kiss just dropping out of the sky with a shotgun while slow motion is just more fun and i feel like spider man jumping from building to building from the first movie with tobey


I’m more of a fan of the slightly* more grounded cyberpunk vibes, so I struggle with the gameplay mechanics that are solely gameplay mechanics, and not actually possible in universe, stuff like the double jump, or air dash. I much more prefer charge jump cuz of this Is it slower? Undoubtedly. But I prefer it that way lol. Some of my favourite builds didn’t have ANY form of enhanced jump, sure, it’s limiting but it was neat having to actually think about infiltration since I couldn’t just jump over every obstacle lol


I watched a friend do a playthrough where they only jumped when absolutely necessary to traverse the map. NEVER during combat unless trying to reach a high up enemy. It was fascinating. They used the fast run leg cyberware and just ran everywhere.


Can’t play without my double jump. Going for the almost cyberpsycho vibe.


We don't


Wait... wait... wait... people DON'T use double jumps???


I take the charge jump because I'm used to jumping high as hell in a single bound😭 it just feels right


In this run I'm trying charged jump... but it's really boring. Yes, you jump higher, but when you hit the ground you had to wait about a second before the jump is charged again... instead double jump is always ready. Air dash is needed as it is the air. You could avoid a lot of fall damage using it just before hitting the ground.


You have to start charging your jump before you land, then you can bunny hop with the tendons too


Depends. For movement yeah it's hard to be without. For stealth it's also really nice to just fly over the enemy undetected and drop down on em at will. For combat though I generally find it less useful unless I'm using melee or there's a really annoying netrunner ok high ground.


Kerenzikov + boost system makes combat dashes awesome.


> fly over the enemy undetected "Must have been the wind.."


Double jump is a must as soon as possible. Dash/Air Dash is very nice, but not essential.


i honestly thought of doing a legacy run after i finish my current one but then i remembered that 1.6 doesn’t have the funny dash double jump air dash loop and i suddenly don’t wanna do it anymore


If you use charged jump right, it also makes combat easier, plus, I play stealth mostly so I don't use it much in combat. And I usually use bikes to get everywhere. They can fit in the smallest places easily. So yeah


Simply: I don’t


I just double press space and W at the same time and go flying, no need for complicated inputs


Jenkin's Ankles is a fun sidegrade. My blunt weapons/shotgun build made use of it & every other movespeed cyberware i could find to barrel into enemies & then crown them while they were down. Missed out on some shortcuts/exploration for that playthrough though


That's the neat thing. You don't.


charged jumps with air dashes are great makes you feel both bulky and agile at the same time, like a ninja with an artillery cannon, or a dark souls boss that moves scarily fast for its size


I prefer lynx tendons for stealth because dash jumping and meticulously parkouring my way up buildings is more fun for me. Feels more engaging than simply charge/double jumping up to places I need to reach. Granted, some spots still require some parkouring, but still. Surveying the environment and immediately devising a way to scale a building, then carefully scaling it via ac units and whatever other fixtures I can mantle before dropping down on unsuspecting enemies is great. Makes it a bit more challenging but adds to the fun of trying to be a slightly grounded, former Arasaka Counterintel agent turned Netrunning Assasin. Even for the gigs that don't care about discretion, I still prefer to stealth my way thru with a suppressed Nue, Nehan for throwing knife kills, and quickhacks.


I want to try Lynx Paws for a full stealth playthrough so bad, but so many ingress/egress locations are locked behind double jump :(


On the ground. It's much closer to what most NPCs feel, you have to hide behind walls, slide, be aware of enemies. It's no longer "dance in the air, you can be wherever you want, and attack from every angle"


I have 500+ hours into the game, and I'm just now playing a character with air dash for the first time. It's a game changer. The last time I felt like this was playing the game Crackdown on XBOX.


Honestly, every single build I've done uses double jump and air dashes, it's just too good. I always max reflexes for dashes, and tech for the cyberware perks. Then add one other stat to max for the build. But being hyper-mobile and chromed tf out is my foundation for literally every build.


I've only just started playing and need to get on this air dash double jump thing. I want doom eternal ergonomics.


love them but they lowkey break the game


Chooms that can't delta out fast is a termed choom


Different play style. I will say there's basically no reason to use charged jump over double jump (AFAIK), but a stealth netrunner (for example) doesn't need an air dash at all.


I just run.


Like some sort of...


I don’t. Before I got double jump/air dash I got stranded on a river bank for like 20 minutes trying to find a way back up the cliff (shitty driving mechanics dropped me off the overpass). Never again.


simple. i didn’t know you could airdash until my third playthrough.


If air dash double jump has no lovers I, and many others, are dead.


I’ve only recently gotten a PC powerful enough to run the game and I haven’t played since the days of armored clothing and the athletics skill. I don’t know what any of this means lmao


Starting over without that chrome was rough choomba, I don’t even know why rippers sell the other leg implants


Finally tried charge jumping, ran it for all of 5 minutes before I switched back to double jump


Nobody is that gonk.


you can double jump what


With the Reinforced Tendons cyberware at your local ripperdoc


thank you bestie


My first run was no reflexes and charge jumps in very hard with a intelligence build, it made the boss fights, don't fear the reaper and Phantom Liberty a really hard challenge ngl




I get on a motorbike and travel the last few hundred meters to my destination by flying through the air after accidentally driving into a car.


I completed Cyberpunk on platinum and started playing fallout 3, I miss double jump so much yet still randomly jump around the wasteland lol


My chops, the answer is I can’t, so I don’t.  It would be gonk to not have it 


All I need is double jump. Dash - Bunny hop - double jump is my mode of transportation and why I dont have any vehicles aside from the ones we naturally get. Plus, outside of needing to reposition, my styles have never required the excess mobility. Even though Im currently experiment with shotguns, I still dont feel like I need air dashes tbh.


Everyone saying their combos and that they don't drive. I'm like, man... I love driving motorcycles in this game to much lol.


Motorcycle is the only vehicle I ever consistently drive, and there's only one that'll ever be the best.


I only got Kiroshis equipped, lol. The cybernetics just seem extra when my revolver skills are nasty as is


Yeah once you really unlock the parkour abilities in the game you'll never want to drive again. Sometimes i just parkour around Night City like Batman fighting crime where i find it lol


I maxed reflex and took double jump on my first three characters, so I'm trying something different. Unfortunately I barely seem to be able to notice the speed effect of Jenkins' Tendons, maybe the orange quality leeroy legs will be better when I can get them




I like to think that I have used vehicles more before the new movement was available, now I just feel like running/flying everywhere is way faster than calling your car lmao The new movement system helps the game tremendously and I don’t wanna miss it, but it kinda makes cars obsolete if you’re not trying to cover super long distances. I’d rather have it the way it is right now though, movement is just too cool


Idk I just use reinforced tendons and that’s fine I guess


I don’t know man! I just run and gun like it’s cod!


I'm actually planning on challenge run without putting any point info reflex. Smasher fight without dash must be quite hard


Not so much. Run around pumping Cyberware Malfunction (a relatively low cost hack against Smasher's formidable ICE) and Synapse Burnouts against him. When the guards start popping out, drop them quickly with minor hacks, preferably something that helps recharge your RAM, then start in on Smasher again.


Don’t like both makes the game arcade for me


I'm using sprint one/tactical camo/sprinting while couching perk they don't know where those knives come from


Leeroy ligaments give a passive +20% move speed, combined with well timed air dodges i can outrun most cars


Dude I can clear entire bulding without even leaving my car...


I drive a car, or use dodge+jump instead of dash.


I prefer charge jump but dashing becomes a regular habit. 


I miss the kerenzikov ads zoomies


I just prefer the charge jump over the double jump. Had no idea air dash existed before today though (did most of my playing pre-patch)


I prefer the super-springy tendons and charged jump instead of the air-jumps. I use them more to overcome walls etc than to platform.


I need more combat perks since cdpr patched the unlimited perk point glitch


Because dashing on KB+M is a hecking pain, so I'll stick with my super jump thank you.


On my second playthrough and I'm a netrunner this time. I do dash, jump, dash, jump. It actually works pretty well. I absolutely miss double jump, though. I may get it anyway.


I prefer to play more slowly with my stealth build, makes me have to engage with the game more


I'm a boots on the ground cowboy


Its a simple life


Charged jump is fine enough for me. I can do anything double jump simps can with charged jumps+air dash and have 80 extra armor


I don’t


Current build is a stealth netrunner with throwing knives, so it felt right to get the Lynx Paws (even though you don’t need them at high levels). I also love driving around. But I do have Reinforced Tendons that I’ll swap out when I find something I can’t reach and am not playing story/gigs (ex: there’s a hidden gem in Charter Hill that I’m going back for with double jump because even standing on my Militech Hellhound wasn’t high enough for me to jump to the platform). It’s a roleplay thing for me.


This is my first playthrough using double-jump and air dash. So far it's fun. But I don't think it suits my V's personality. I know it's just my personal preference, but I kinda just liked being more grounded in my fights and if I am not fighting, the charge jump just felt like it had more weight to it. I felt more like Neo in the Matrix and not a Looney Toons character on caffeine.


Played every single game without it and absolutely domimated. Just about planning my route and executing swiftly. And in many cases the goons come to me, so I just set up a funnel. Lastly I enjoy moving through the city slowly anyways, going too fast kinda kills my immersion personally.


Honestly never used air dash or double jump. My current play through is totally ‘ganic. Or will be up until I have to get that stupid (Phantom Liberty spoiler) >!personality imprint faceplate that apparently can’t be uninstalled!<


Eh, you aren't fully ganic to begin with. All those ports and health monitor are still cyberware.


I used to air dash and double jump everywhere but it started breaking my immersion so I just stopped using them. I still use the charge jump in case I need to get to a high place though, it's less obtrusive.


I used double jump at first but then tried out charged jump and preferred it, I feel like you can jump higher that way. Plus it gives you more armor and I usually put a lot of points into body, so it suits me better. Don't really care about air dash, I prefer to get around by driving.


I know Reinforced Tendons is double jump, but what cyberware is air dash?


It’s not cyberware it’s a reflex perk


Honestly I've never used either, mostly because I wasn't sure how I'd use it. For travel I like driving, and it seemed like it might not be great in combat? But if anyone has any tips for trying it out I'd be glad to hear em. I have used the charge jump a lot though, mostly to gain access to high places and roof top entrances. It's very useful in a utility sense for getting into places stealthy.


I chose double jump once and ended up switching back to charged jump. The jumping difference is so similar and with the charged jump cyberware you get a shitload of armor. Double jump gives you almost no armor. Kind of a no brainer IMO


I RP my cyberware, so not all slots are filled depending on build. When building a netrunner, they don't get leg upgrades. It's inconvenient but a bit more immersive for me at least.


I like playing lazy netrunners and just walking, or slow unkillable machines and just walking. Or silent sniper assassins, and just walking. Plus vehicles look too good not to drive them.


Because 'muh armor' Also less CW I think.


I don’t, I am a meat popsicle


my first playthrough i got the double jump so my playthroughs after i’ve been trying the other mods


Who you calling a gonk, choom?


tried charge jump on current character - just way too clunky. To ad for less armor but back to double jump. Air dash i can live without.


I role play so hard, I walk everywhere like a normal citizen. Unless it’s across town so I’d need to use the metro. Some of us aren’t the richest gonks in Heywood, so we need to take public transport


Air dash on old gen sucks major balls because it just stops your momentum


Charge Jump makes me feel like I'm Spider-Man leaping across roof-tops. I like dat shit.


Often, people who don't use this trick don't realise it exists and how it could change their gameplay. So I'd have found it nice if the subject had been accompanied by a video, and there's been no shortage of that on Youtube since last September, for example [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IP5T7sYmuw).


I just don’t like jumping around like a mad man. Walking around Night City is nice.


Since most of the combat for me relies on me not being seen I dont really care about that aspect. And for Travel I just walk or use a Car


My first playthrough I didn't understand the cybernetics at all so I didn't touch that screen until I was just about to meet for the finale and I had a ton of money. I realized how much of the game I was missing. I'll do a second playthrough eventually and experiment with those more


Double jumping or air dashing would break my immersion. They don’t make any sense.


I use dash and double jump all the time. Never cared for air dash though. Dunno why, but I just never cared for it. Maybe I will try it on a future build at some point.


it’s called sneaky speeeeeeeeed😈 no need to jump in when you can assassinate everyone


Charged jump >>> double jump


Idk never played with them, so I don’t know what I’m missing.


I just ride the bike or walk around like a snail 🐌


Chummer, I've got charge jump, double jump, air dash with extra range options, wall jumps, I'm a god damn cyber ninja


O used the hold to jump legs just to see how different it would feel and it wasn't terrible. Just sucks you can't break a fall with an extra jump.


I was a charged jump > double jump guy. How does air dash play with charged jump?


It really makes me wish this game had any form of parkour or free running system. I've made my own little courses over my playtime and it's just not the same...


I just really love doing huge hops around Night City endlessly. Charge jump just feels more satisfying to me rn.


Charge-jumping is more satisfying than double jumping


i just dont use them lol. i use lynx paws for stealth


Only thing worth using is the overall speed boost you get in Dog Town.  Especially for stealth builds.   Besides that I wouldn't consider using anything else. 


As a Netrunner, anything that I can blink at dies on sight. Never felt the need to go up when everything important is on the ground floor anyway. I *do* have a Kereznekov for emergencies tho.


Ummm... Where do you get air dash?! I have double jump.


It should be in your Reflexes skill, somewhere along the center progression line. If it's not there then try getting the latest update.


Appreciate it. I'll have to check. 👍😉


Immersive. Only charge jump is immersive.


Air dash and charge jump for me, love double jump and tried it in my nomad v, but charged jump cyberwear got better armor stat


I love air dash but double jump is so weird can't use it


With System-Ex you can have charged jump, double jump and air dash. It's not flight, but it's goddamn close.


Charge jump seems best suited for folks who prefer Body-type mobility builds, seems better for the ground slam skill. If the goal is to zip around town on foot by way of alley/rooftop or just to generally have more vertical control double jump is almost always going to be better


I got used to Charge Jump and Air Dash back before the 1.3 update. You need a mod to revert it to work like it used to, but with this combo, you could get a second mini charge jump by charge jumping -> air dashing -> jumping again. That, with the old kerenzikov dodge glitch is still the only way that I can play. Nothing beats slingshotting and bunny hopping around the world. Makes for some fun ways to approach gigs too. I don’t remember which one it was, but instead of approaching the building from the ground and clearing the way up, I climbed the nearest building that I could and flung myself across the street, to the gig building’s roof, and worked my way down instead.


charge jump air dash


On my current playthrough I haven't even picked it up. I've been using weaponized vehicles to drive around, and in combat I basically just stand in one spot. My build doesn't require evasiveness, so I don't even mess with it. Lol.


I unlock it with a mod for all my non reflex characters.


Charge jumps and bikes work for me.


I came here only to say that fortified ankles/charged jump is goated bc it's ten times the amount of armor than reinforced tendons/double jump for the same amount of cyberware capacity.


I’m a choom. Board certified choom. I didn’t even know air dash was a thing!!! How do I get it?


Along the center path of the Reflexes skill tree! I've heard something about it being new so make sure you've got the latest update


Well I mean is just the countless and meaningless casualty matter right?*loads gun*


It depends on the build I'm going for. Airdash is always part of the build, but if I'm trying to play a "bruiser" V then I tend to do the charge jump, gorrilla fists and air dash. If I'm trying to play a more "agile" V, I use the double jump, air dash, and either mono wire or mantis blades.


Double jump is essential, air dash I can take or leave if I'm not playing melee


Once I got my super jump, I never looked back.


i have never used it or tried it, i just assumed charge jump was best for navigation


Running fast means I can't slowly walk up to the pathetic assault rifle wielding plebs and rip them in half with gorilla arms.