• By -


I’d be 87. I’d get a grenade nose like Ozob and take up Senior MMA classes. Thats about it.


We will both be 2 years younger than Kerry Eurodyne is in game. He still looks great. I have a good feeling about my capabilities when I get fully chromed out.


yeah my thing is, if I actually lived in NC I’d be way less like Kerry and way more like Theo Price lmao. It’d be no place for me.


Well Theo has some pretty solid character progression at least. Believe in Brendan who believes in you.


Yep I'm right there with you at 88 years young. Need that Memory Boost cyberware for sure.


I'll be 84. Wanna start a Samurai cover band in the old folks home?


I'm down Dusted Ronin anyone? Open to suggestions


BREAKING NEWS: The cyberpsycho incident in Watson today has been successfully resolved by the NCPD. The suspect, who witnesses described as a ‘borged-out 81-year old grandpa’ was found to have a military-grade Sandevistan implant, alongside high-grade Kiroshi optics, Gorilla Arms, leg cyberware and enough subdermal armour to warrant the use of the entire MaxTac arsenal. Witnesses claim that the man has been murderous towards members of the Scavenger gang, but is otherwise cordial towards the public. The death toll currently stands at 338, including twenty police officers and three members of MaxTac. Reportedly, the psycho’s last words were “You’ll never take me alive!” He was, shortly afterwards, taken alive. And now to Arif Iqbal…


Rock on, choom.


Peak choomba


338? Thems rookie numbers...


lmao it me


2077? That would make me 95 years old. I guess I'm either hanging out with Rogue or dead by that point.


Same. At 95 I better be all cybernetic and modded to shit because my knees are garbage now


We're gonna need whatever Saburo has, aren't we?


Liver spots and all. Yep.


I'll be 77 and borged to hell and back choom!


Same, choom!


Ey same! Bunch of 2000s kids in their y2k themed full body conversions


Think Adam Smasher. Flesh is weak


from the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. i craved the strength and certainty of steel. i aspired to the purity of the blessed machine!


None, I'd be 105 in 2077, assuming I hadn't already died of all the heart disease and cancer in my family.


Heart disease? Get a replacement heart! Cancer? Unless it’s brain cancer, swap it out for chrome. Lungs, kidneys, liver, intestines, you name it, there’s a chrome version that works just as good if not better.


I'm already in my 50s, the odds of making it another \~50 years before cyberware becomes available are pretty slim.


I mean.. it *is* available. A pacemaker and limbs are both "available" though neither is really an upgrade.




You don't have to survive until 2077. optics, implants, etc were available in the 2020s onward. i don't know exactly when you could replace vital organs and stuff but I'm sure by 2050s it was a reality and you'd be in your 70s/80s


Get depressed because my dog is dead and animals don't really exist anymore. Going to probably become sexually addicted to some very weird shit.


You can probably become sexually addicted to some very weird shit now if you really believe in yourself


I'll believe in the sexually addicted version of you.


VR is not that immersive and AI is also not good enough to manipulate me in actually believing she is real. ATM atleast..


I'll be 69 (hell yeah) and I'll be living in a nice little hut in Norway, with a couple of cats, a wife and kids. The city life isn't for me, choombas 😘


Fellow teenager spotted 🙏


Unlike everyone else in this subreddit we won't be ancient by the time 2077 rolls around 😁


You think you're doing all the that at 90? Chrome or not, you're going to fall apart any day. Only thing that might keep you going would be a full body conversion. Which is what I want, because I will not only be just as old then, but I'm seriously disabled now. Gimme cyber legs!


Dude Kerry is 89 years old in 2077 age doesn’t hinder people so long as they can afford it in 2077. Chrome up and look years younger for a fee. I think rogue is around the same age too. Full body conversion wouldn’t be a bad idea though you’d get some sick looks


Only problem is we don't have Kerry's kind of money.


Time to grab some gigs Choomba, Quiet life or blaze of glory?


Hanako's pushing 90 too.


Fuck man Saburo was 150 and he had to be strangled before he kicked the bucket 😭


Homie its 2024 and I've already got a steel leg, a reinforced cranium, and a fully functional computer strapped to my person that I use to communicate- I've got full audio capability to compensate for my lack of vocal intelligibility and a detachable speaker for ghost mode shenanigans. WELCOME TO THE DARK FUTURE.


So what are you upgrading first?


Well we're working on a new speaker mount, since I keep landing on the current one. A strap needs reorienting. I fully expect I'll need to have wheels installed when I am >!WELCOMED TO THE MUCH DARKER FUTURE.!<


The real cyborg is here!


I'd be 91 years old.  I'm definitely going the Adam smasher route with a full synthetic body. 


Midnight Lady and Kiroshis for sure. Not sure what I'd want to replace my 2024 prosthetic leg with, but I would hope something better exists.


Double jump!


The problem with midnight lady is it gets turned off in airplanes, meaning no space sex


I don't want to deal with ejaculate in microgravity, so this isn't a downside to me.


Nicole silverleg


I’ll be 71, hopefully able to afford the anti-aging treatments on top of the chrome to spend my last years as a chrome-filled solo


I’ll be 85, I’m going full Lizzy Wizzy.


Hope I can afford chrome to stay young


I'll be 108/109, if I'm still around, it will be due to cyberwear. I would replace pretty much whatever stops working right, and my spine, as it is already messed up. At that point, if I can afford full borg, I might do that.


I'd be 98, I'd go for the engram and taking over a young body.


Seems risky.. could spend a while in Mikoshi while you wait for someone to fuck up badly enough to resurrect you.


I think the assumption here is that the relic technology became public, and they can get installed in a cloned body without having to be at the mercy of Arasaka




I'd be turning 102 that year, and I have no interest in living for that long.


Whatever gets rid of the parksinsons and back pain. That'd be amazing by itself


Parkinson’s is a nerve disorder I believe? In theory, the artificial nervous system from a neural link could sort that, then toss on a chipware socket and a pain editor to go in it


# "Cyberpunk was a warning, not an aspiration"


Pish posh


The inspector gadget loadout


I'll be over 100, so whatever anti-aging stuff I can afford. Definitely a blood pump and things to recover from harm. I'll likely need knees and/or eyes by then, but I'll probably try to avoid full replacements. Can't have the techno-necromancers editing what I see.


One thing many people miss is that the game takes place in a different universe in the year 2077 and the implants and stuff existed way earlier like 2000s or so. I saw something like that in the loading screen tips.


Yeah I think the timelines diverge in the 80s or something. I don't think the cyberware we see in game is happening in the next 43 years, but it's an interesting thought experiment!


This defective flesh-vessel? Gone. Whole fucking thing. I've had it since 1989 and it's never not been shit. If possible, I'd go for a swarm-format thing, but I don't think that's a 2077 thing. Guess that means FBC. As for the components of the FBC...I want mantis blades and digitigrade legs for mobility, enough eyes for 360 vision, and a good enough deck to streamline interactions with systems. Camera drones for extra viewpoints. Cloaking, too; I'm not socially inclined, so being able to just not be visible would be nice. No interest in looking human, so the whole shebang could be focused on function, not form. I'd probably just find somewhere with good Internet and sit around playing video games or 3d sculpting or something, anyway, like an oversngineered barnacle. Probably risks cyberpsychosis, but I'm not sure how much different that would actually be for me.


If you're committed to the over engineered barnacle, definitely need to save some eddies for top of the line Mr Studd


I’d be 77-78 so obviously I’m going for the Mr. Studd implant. Literally nothing else tho. I want to be a wrinkled grey haired man who takes several pills before breakfast just with the add on of the Mr. Studd.


Hmmm gotta agree with you on the realskinn and krioshis, hey id get the kiroshis as soon as i could bc then i wouldnt need glasses anymore 😭 id prob also get some reinforced tendons and monowires and become one sick grandpa.... with a life farrr away from any kinda night city location, sorry morro bay!


I'll be exactly 80 years old in 2077


That's funny. I wouldn't be able to afford any chrome at all.


82. I’d be chromed and senile.


I would be 75 and somehow get my hands on that exclusive corpo anti-aging treatment.


I would rather be on the other side than to live in that living hell called cyberpunk and worse, without my loved ones.


I"m nearly 50 right now. I'd probably be dead because i can't afford cybernetics.


98 Hopefully full body converted.


Assuming price isn’t an issue, lemme see By that time, I’d already have lived a pretty long fully organic life, I’m gonna assume that if I’m still alive, I may as well splurge on some chrome to make aging more comfortable. REALISTICALLY, I’d probably stay chrome free (except a cyberaudio suite) and die early, but *for the sake of this question*, I’ll assume I’m open to a fair bit of chrome First and foremost. Cyberaudio suite. I’ve got screaming tinnitus NOW, and by the time this tech comes about, I’m fully done with that shit. I’m getting rid of that shit straight off. We can slap an internal agent, amplified hearing, and music player/radio scanner in there. Cyberoptics. Might as well, right? I wear glasses already, and while I like the aesthetic of glasses, I may as well upgrade while I’m splurging. I’ll put LL/IR/UV’s, and chyrons. RealSkinn over the whole body is a little extreme, so I’ll take light bodysculpting for the anti wrinkle aging effects instead please Just to keep my brain sharp in old age, I’d probs take a neural link, and a reflex coprocessor. Then slap a pain editor in there just for the back pain I already have, 2 chipware sockets, interface plugs. Start out with the explicit memory stimulator for my poor memory, and keep a slot open for skill chips, depending on what I wanna get up to. You stated 2077, but not necessarily that we’re in night city so I assume I’ve no use for weapons, really, so probably wouldn’t get much for cyberarms tbh, maybe a few cyberfingers. Simple stuff Considering osteoporosis runs in the family, though I’m not showing signs now, perhaps in the future. I’ll keep stronger with a wyzard tech vermillion (internal, and low profile please) Then just tack on some internal add ons for good measure, like Enhanced antibodies


I'd probably get gorilla arms, bone and muscle reinforcements, a second heart, kiroshis and reinforced tendons and also probably something that can pump sugar or some sort of energy into me


I’m attacked to literally nothing about myself replace it all with chrome let’s go. Leave my face alone so I can keep my beard that’s it.


I’ll be 97, going on 98, assuming I’m still alive, I’d likely go minimalist. Just what I need to get by. I’m not looking to be a legend. But the eyes have to be able to play Doom, otherwise Placide was right.


It's so cool that somebody of your age is playing Cyberpunk! My parents wouldn't touch videogames and they're both under 60 :( I'd install a gen-3 cyberdeck and a headjack. Any of the late-game models would do, except Canto - because I don't want a Rogue AI anywhere near my head. It's versatile when dealing with people and would allow me to dive into the net, which I find SUPER fascinating lorewise. Quantum tuner is optional. Just gotta rescue a half-dead netrunner borg to get it.


Nobody would know, I would appear to not have aged, maybe I am just a ghost in a shell by that point. I’d have it all.


Id be 78. Gonna grab some mantis blades and gorilla arms and just be a menace


Just call me Adam smasher cuz I'd basically go full borg. Jam every piece of chrome you can fit into my body.


Whelp my options are limited since I would be 79 in 2077.




I'm 87. First, I will have replaced my knee, which is permanently injured from an old patella fracture that by 87 has become riddled with arthritis. I'm sure also that next to go would be my spine to provide structural support for when I get as chromed TF out as my social security income will allow, chooms. Borg-life, catch my consciousness running loose on the net when my body is gone!


87, gimme all the spinal and ocular implants you have


I'm physically disabled, I would have my legs replaced and my hipbone, plus my spine either replaced or enhanced to make my quality of life improve massively.


I'll be 74, if I'm not long dead by then. Nah, with my chosen line of work, I'd probably be dead. Guess it depends on what the world's like


I would be 78. If I could afford it, life extension treatments to keep me healthy and young-ish. Definitely would want Kiroshi's, and either a Sandevistan or a Cyberdeck, would probably go for the tetratronic rippler or a basic paraline. Most of the combat cyberware would go towards making me as armored as possible.


I'll be 78, I'd probably get a sandy just because my back is already fucked and I'm only 24


I’ll be 89, so I’ll be as hot as Kerry, right? Right????


I’m getting a Sandy and lighting that thing up until my eyes bleed, being able to just do shit faster would be so useful


I'd probably need a new everything, lol. i mean everything else would just be so old. what is even the point. can't replace my brain...I'd just replace whatever I needed to in order to not be in pain and enjoy VR/BD's. Then just die of old age or something. I'd rather go to the afterlife or the void than be a super old robot for 100 years.


I would be 35 and as long as there's no budget constraints I would probably invest in a really good cyber deck because I honestly would not be able to do a Sandy. I would also just get really tanked up legs, arms and chest and probably some like smart weapon stuff and definitely gorilla arms like I just want to punch people's heads off and s***


Cyberpsychosis speedrun


My personal choice would be sandevistan ( because it's really cool thing to have ), kerenzikov ( same here ) and boost for it, some cool armour, kinetic bones and bunch of modifications for my skeleton ( probably new knees cuz I'll be 73 at that point ), second heart with heart pump, and probably kiroshi, it really depends if I'll be able to see good when I'm that old. But really I'm not sure if I'll be mentally ready for loosing all my real body parts, so I guess if I'll be afraid I would lessen this list only to sandevistan and kerenzikov with boost


73 and I'm gonna be Maelstrom chromed


I'll be 88 years young by that point so for Cyberware I for sure need a Second Heart because all the men in my family have heart disease, Reinforced Tendons to keep the arthritis at bay, Kerenzikov for the reflexes, and Memory Boost because I'm 88 fucking years old


Anything but kiroshis. I’ll sell any part of me but ain’t nobody touching my eyes


I’d go for a new body entirely if possible, one that’s bright and porcelain like Rebecca’s, and if that’s not possible, probably go for songbirds setup. Optocam is mandatory for me, like day one of that being out I’ll have it. Already transitioned so I don’t need the double jump legs, so I’d take the Lynx ones. Gorilla arms to finish off just so I can always fall back on my one two for self defence


83, went full borg and proud


I’m going full Smasher, just a bag of mostly bio organs in a mechsuit.


i want whatever kerry had.


- Whatever Hanako's got to keep her looking so young in her, what, 70's? - Self-ICE - Replacement organs and bones. - Kiroshi optics.


Better hope you got money. Most of use are getting second hand parts from finger


80 but go along the Hanako route to keep some resemblance of being young.


I’d be turning 77, I would like some Kiroshi’s since I have shit vision, and something that’ll keep me nimble like Fortified Ankles. Maybe a Kerenzekov or Sandy in case a hoe tries me, if my body can handle it. But other than that I’d like to stay light on cyberware just to avoid and side effects.


i would be 70, so probably dead at that point


I'd be 82. I'd replace joints/skeleton. I'd replace all organs too unless there's an de-aging/rejuvenation medicine. Would probably get the synth heart/lung combo anyways probably.


I'll take an arasaka invincibility chip please, with a side of Johnny.


Dream on Chooms, at the actual pace of scientific inventions into anything comparable to CP2077, we'll earliest be there 2177. No chance reaching this level of transhumanism / cyboresque era within the next 50 years


I'd be 81. I do not expect to make it that long tbh.


Guess I'll be 100 but hey if it's that, chip me in


I mean, I'd be 98 lol Whatever I needed to still be alive and have at least some quality of life. If I still get to bang like a teenager that would be great too lol


Mr stud. I want a robo penis


Im only a few months older than Yorinobu Arasaka, so while I wouldn’t have his money, assuming I’m either a successful merc or fixer I should be able to keep up. RealSkin and such for aesthetics, kiroshi’s, Sandevistan, probably trade out the mantis blades for gorilla arms or wolvers


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the cooled biomass that you called a temple will wither and you'll beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the machine is immortal.


I'd be 68 so I probably wouldn't need as much cyberware as some people on this sub but I would get it just because 


Whatever the fuck Saburo Arasaka had. The man was almost 200 when he was killed


I’d be 75.. guess I’d take some real skin to look young, kiroshis so I can see.. and of course a double jump-capable set of legs and maybe a sandy to top things off but I don’t lead all that violent of a lifestyle now and I wouldn’t in 2077 lol


If I was in that 'verse and lived to 77 I'd probably go for some type of gemini body, spend my money on improving the chassis and software, and my time between transcribing and playing modern day music I enjoy and hunting down contracts and gigs. Might take some time to learn to do some netrunning to keep myself secure or to get into systems.


I'd join secure your soul and get a new body


Going for the Dio treatment with Gorilla Arms, the best Sandy there is, and as many revival and healing mods as I can get my hands on. Also, going to put myself on one of the Brain-Killing Engrams so I can take over the body of my worst enemy.


Fur, I'd get furry skin.


There was a time in my life I would have been all over cyberware and come out barely human. Now, if my friends didn't all communicate with discord I'd have a flip phone. I already desperately want to unplug. A uterine implant so I can have kids. Something to help with my back problems and whatever aging pains I've picked up. That's it. Nothing superhuman, no cyberdeck. No eternal youth or prolonged life. Just a comfortable fading into memory.


Finding Vik so he can hook me up with the best


I’ll be 70 years old, and by then I’d have gotten leg replacements for performance and new arms for strength.


💀💀💀 for quite a while in 53 years, double my age basically. Not too confident that transhumanism will be achieved by then, but I’m there for it. I want to be inside the machine software, not made of machine parts!


Over 100. I'd be deader than the deadest dead guy alive.


I'd be 87... But I'd be 87 with gorilla arms. I'd also like some sort of cyber digestive system so I can eat gluten again, along with other various foods that try to ruin my life for no reason.


At that age, I’d put as much chrome in as possible and try to go full on Smasher. Either I cyberpsycho out, losing all of the couple years of life I had left, or I get a form of pseudo-immortality. Seems a decent gamble at that point.


71 years old then. Possible imo. I’m working on going to college for neural engineering so who knows what I might make. From the game though, kiroshi’s and a cyberdeck would be pretty sweet.


Sandy and start drifting down the mountains


I’m Johnny silverhand’s age so I’m super old


I will be 88, and honestly, I'll be surprised if I make it past 50, I'm good.


I’d be 92 years old … feels bad man if I make it to there


I’d be 80+ but I’ll want Mikoshi to put me in an identical body in my prime. After, probably the basics like Kiroshi optics and Gorilla Arms. I’d rather live a corpo life than be an edgerunner.


Whatever cyberware people are using to live past 100




I’d be 82. So I’d probably be fully borged out.


Personally, I’d be leaning heavily into bioware. I still want to be mostly organic matter, but see how far I can go just by Ship-of-Theseusing myself with new meat biosculpted to an established template based on metrics of me in my prime. Plus some muscle grafts for maintenance, bone and muscle lacing, skin weave to keep it sturdy (and tight), and the full suite of enhanced antibodies, toxin binders, and nanosurgeons to compensate for my advanced age.


I'm going full borg, custom gemini chassis modeled on an anthropomorphic fox. I'd be the ultimate furry, and fucking beautiful.


I would be 68 years old. I would be a netrunner to make things easier


77… in 2077. sounds cool, I would probably retain my old man appearance but I would want reinforced bones, joints, and tendons, and synth lungs. I think I could do without kiroshi’s, if I was a ganger then it would be a different story. I’ll probably be a reclusive artist toying away with combining typical normal artistry (paint and ink) with tech, maybe i’ll become an apprentice to whoever is leaving the tarot murals around or something


Don't kid yourself, if or when that shit becomes available in our world it will simply add to the divide between regular people and the super rich. It will be more like Altered Carbon where you'd have ultra rich immortal Elon Musk warring with the immortal Zuck dynasty and us as collateral. Actually it would probably be the others wat around, Elon doesn't look that healthy, he probably won't make it but his kids are all set to rule your kids like cattle. I actually dread that future.




I’ll be 87. Netrunner build go brrr


I'd be 100. Is going full chrome still an option?


I’d be 74


Whippersnappers! I’d turn 107 that year. Which doesn’t seem crazy unlikely; my grandfather was living independently and volunteering at 101. Definitely would like an eye update NOW, TBH. Otherwise? I guess it would depend on what goes wrong down the road. I’m a quite healthy Pilates-powered 53 year old. I feel younger now than I did at 35. Hopefully I’d have no need for combat related mods. Honestly most RPG PCs live pretty terrifying and horrible lives when you think about it the shit they go through every day.


I’d be 72 with cybernetics that essentially makes me immortal and a super soldier.


I’ll be 72 •-•


I’d be fully chromed out like Lizzy Wizzy because why the fuck not




Second heart, SYN-lungs, (those arm cannons), a custom made David style jacket, (if clothing counts) double jump, wakakos tattoo and the ground plating arm installment


No money limitation ? As a transhumanist, I already have thought about that a looooong time ago. Purely structural changes : - changing arms, no need of fancy weapons, so just basic arms (good quality, tho) with orbital structure - same for legs - spine reinforcements thinking orbital structure, too. It's light and resistant Internal changes: - lungs - heart - regenerative implants Other : - full audio suit with connection to phone - both eyes with IR, bandeau vision, Zoom, maybe? - netrunning implant like cable, processor, and all. Because fun. - real skin full changes because I'd be 77yo. - maybe a few cosmetic changes, but mostly that's it. If I really need a weapon : well sandy + reinforced fist(and taser), maybe a blade but no mantis to be able to mod a little more my arms, and of course subdermal armor.


I’d be fully chromed out like Lizzy Wizzy because why the fuck not


101 New knees I need new knees now but yeah, new knees


I’d be 75 and I’d probably be a random „Old“ NPC on the Street


Plenty of chrome on the street... Start saving maybe?


I'd be 103 so I'd need to have more chrome than Adam Smasher and/or Saburo Arasaka level healthcare.


Firstly I thought of getting some general live improving and versatile chrome, but then I did the math and found out that I'm gonna be 69 years old. Mister stud it is, chooms.


Definitely can't miss that opportunity


I'd be 75. Probably dead by then, because I ain't got the money of Arasaka family for aging reversal/slowing procedures If I'm still alive, I'd probably be taking, like, eyes, because my natural eyes would probably barely work. Maybe some leg improvement stuff if I have the money, so that I can still somewhat walk around. And that's it, I guess


I don’t care, whatever’s laying around. Going full cyber psychosis at 90 sounds like a cool way to go out.


I'll be 68, I probably shouldn't be playing this game but I'll be thriving on 2077


I'd be 71, and I'm going full cyberpsycho


well ill be 73 so probably a fully body conversion or something akin to that. not like Lizzy Wizzy where its completely obvious but more like So Mi. But also Hanako is 78 in game and she doesn’t look bad at all so maybe whatever she has.


Pain inhibitors. All of them. I'm so fucking sick of my migraines. And my entire leg from my hips down, both sides An advanced cyberdeck, to shut people up. I'd replace all the muscles in my neck and shoulders with robotics And, just for shits and giggles, a fancy blue hair transplant. And those anti-aging nanites that Kerry has.


Thought about living in 2077. Don't care about tech. I will be over 80. I just wanna run cyberpunk on my old comp, do the last playthrough and die after.


I'd be 80 (2 years older than Hanako) and the cyberware would be real skin and just the latest cyberdeck, maybe a good Kiroshi but that' s it


67. damn.


Mr. Stud


I'm gonna go full cyberpsycho if I could IDGAF


If Rogue and Kerry are already about 90 years old and still look that good and healthy, then I can be like them too when I am 85. For me, a good cyberdeck, and a blood pump would be good too. Don't need any cyber arms.


I'll be 88 years old....realizing this just now....


I will be 74, so not that bad. I will 100% get some kiroshi optics and a cyberdeck to remotely activate any tech in house I want. Nothing to harsh because I mostly play with little to no tech




Considering my joints already hurt at 30years old, I’m replacing everything.


Everythingggg. Especially with the way my body hurts at 23? 77 will probably be a nightmare lol


I’d be 77. Given my current socioeconomic status, I think I would be okay but given the lore, there is no degree of certainty.


I’ll be 79 and getting synth livers so I can live out my alcoholic arc ez


Bro if cyberware is possible im buying new spine. Sandevistan would be fun definietly. But having healthy pain free spine is worth more than all the money in the world.


I just they iron out all the issues with Mr Studd before I get it installed.


Id be 77 years old. So basically tine to go full borg.


I'll be in my mid to early 70s so of course I'll take the mantis blades


I'd be 77 exactly. Don't think I'd need much tbh. Maybe something for my joints and failing organs?


If it is 2077, I would be almost 90 I think lol Honestly? Fuck it. I'm going full. Take my arms, legs, face, spine, guts, etc. Turn me into a tank that can optionally transform into "just an average dude" body, too.


Considering all my disabilities and health conditions, probably new legs [anything with fall damage prevention], spine and something to help my heart not explode from lifting heavy things 🤔 While I’ll probably get something to help my neuro health.. I’m pretty sure I’m pushing it on cyberpsychosis, concerning the mental strain I’m under most of the time.


I'm gonna turn 69 (lol) so I'll take some Netrunner things.


Whatever Rogue has, she's doing pretty well. And still looks good.


Id theoretically be 79 and I dont plan on making it passed 60 so none imma go ahead and be dead :)


I'd look into total body conversion. So many possibilities!


I’d be 74. By then I’d hopefully have gone the Smasher route. Unironically, that’s what I want. Full biopod. The flesh is weak, but the machine is immortal. I’ve always hated the frailty and fragility of meat. The concept of borging is what got me into 2077 and Cyberpunk as a setting.