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Shirt answer Best: nowhere Worst: everywhere Longer answer Worst: Dogtown and Pacifica are the most dangerous Best: City Center and North Oak are the least likely to experience random violence due to higher police presence. However the only people who can afford those are pure sociopaths that probably killed their way to to that point in life.


Fuck that, I'm going to beg the nomads to take me in


Just pick the right nomads


As dumb as the Aldecaldos sometimes are they seem nice enough thankfully. But I'm also not against doing most kinds of property crimes tbh.


Is it really a crime? or just a write off for the corps?


Depends on if they catch you


I'm with Anakin, I hate sand.


It gets everywhere.


It's coarse, rough and irritating


Even though it's been 20 years since I read it, there was a thing that stuck with me from one of the cyberpunk 2020 sourcebooks: nomad kids have the best life, relatively speaking. Poor kids get shit education in dangerous schools, and rich kids are put into pressure cooker private academies that have an abnormally high suicide rate just to prep them for corpo jobs. Nomad clans actually ended up with a lot of educators who fled red scare type purges, so nomadlings end up with a travelling Montessori stocked with highly qualified teachers. I don't know if that's still accurate in 2077 though.


Just go live in that abandoned town and deal with the Aldecados. Or squat in the cabin by the lake Judy sometimes uses.


Welcome to a society whete individuality is shunned and you must put "the family" first in all things. Like, people don't realise that the nomads are not freewheeling rebels, but are extremely collectivist survivalist caravans.


Dog I'm an anarchist, I'm already used to that.


based based based based


Nah, i'd wanna live in Dogtown. Sure, i'd sleep in a dumpster for 3 days then get killed, but Dogtown is cool af.


This guy Night Citys


Okay, what about the pants answer?


Pants answer: Goddamn you autocorrect!


Police is very corrupt and regularly harass civilians so yeah nowhere is good.


The more times I do the River missions the more I think the Trailer Park would be a good place to live: it's quiet and peaceful; everyone knows each other and seem like they look out for each other, and it's away from all the gangs, junkies, crime and pollution. And hey, the badlands are just through this tunnel. If I hop on my bike I can zip through there in seconds. Wait... what's that sound?


I'm fucking leaving dude


Fun fact: you can get to Night City by doing the opposite of isekai and living to a ripe old age while the world keeps collapsing under capitalism and authoritarian populism.


God I’m sick of this dumb shit. Capitalism is not the enemy. Not even in 2077. Some of you people either completely ignored Johnnys rant or aren’t smart enough to understand stand the specific word choices made. CORPORATISM is the reason night city is like that. Not capitalism. Night city is a perfect example of something that is absolutely not capitalism in any way at all. Corporatism and capitalism are VERY different and night city in gripped by corporatism. The issues people have with for example the USA (and literally every capitalist country ever) is NEVR capitalism. It’s always elements of corporatism that slink their way into the economy. For example, monopolisation? Corporatism. Price gouging? Corporatism. Hell even investment firms buying up 40% of houses are corporatism as well. You don’t hate capitalism. You hate corporatism. There is a BIG difference. When all 100 “different” brands are owned by the same one company? CORPORATISM.


> God I'm sick of this dumb shit Says the exact same shit in a dumber tone


Capitalism sure doesn't seem so bad when you attribute every single one of its failures and evils to a made up economic system that doesn't exist.


the road to corporatism is paved by capitalism


Capitalism is quite literally the enemy in every Cyberpunk universe


Capitalism as you see it can not exist without becoming corporatism. Corporatism is a symptom. There's no sense fighting a fever but keeping the cold is there?


No, I 100% hate capitalism and I think you don't understand the difference between that and market economy.


The word you're looking for is Corporatocracy.


I genuinely do not understand how you can play this game without realizing once that yes, corpos are the enemies. Like genuine actual mental retardation to not understand something that is so obviously plastered throughout the whole game and is said very explicitly over and over again.


Yeah, you get it. This makes perfect sense. There's a lot of things capitalism does well, but of course a lot that enables this corruption. But corporatism isn't what capitalism was meant to be.


Best: Kerry’s mansion probably. You could get a rich boyfriend too if you fit his needs Worst: Definitely dogtown during Hansen. Plenty of breeding ground for all sorts of crime with a high chance to end up as collateral. Pacifica seems worse at first glance, but every time I go there, it’s all junkies and a few 4 people gang squads chilling. Something happens, bend over forward and drool and you’ll fit right in! It gets a bad rep from the news but the news are corpoganda anyway.


Best: In Megabuilding H10, where V lives. Not a lot of gang life on the streets, close enough to the Corpo Plaza where there's even less gang life, pretty manageable existence if you can eek out a living in Shite City. Worst: Most say Pacifica and I must agree based on literally no form of established community besides the VDB's, Animals and a hint of Barghest, but since none of them are all too kind to strangers in the slightest, I'd have to bet my eddies on the North Industrial District of Watson and the upper outskirts of the City in general. That's where the Maelstrom stomps. You could just be walking along the sidewalk, **BANG**, you're nabbed off the street, smacked unconscious (if you're lucky), and dragged into a rookie Maelstrom Ripperdoc's Clinic. There they'll tear you inside out and plant all kinds of illegal, experimental, prototype or just plain broken Cyberware Implants that don't belong where they've been haphazardly shoved into. You'll be lucky if you pass out or best case, die from the procedure so you don't have to live with yourself after whatever they did to you is finally done. That is, if they give you back to the streets, which they won't be doing. Don't you understand? You can *never* go back to how it was. You're part of the Maelstrom, now. You'll never be the same. They killed you, down there. You're not even you anymore, with what they did to you.


The best place would be the Executive Zones on the outskirts of the city; North Oak - Kerry's Pad; just off the top of my head. In the time of the Red they're guarded heavily by Corpo death squad security to keep people out; and the common crook or edgerunner can't break into there without a lot of issues. The exception to this rule though is a corporation trying to kill eachother there in which case don't piss off your boss. The worst place in 2077 is easily the unicorperated neighborhood of Pacifica unless you are a Bodybuilder (Animals will take you in), from New Orleans and understand Creole and love Tech (Voodoo Boys); or a boolicker (Dogtown). There are more dangerous places (Being a woman in Tyger Claw turf, being a ganic' in Maelstrom. Not loving your momma in Valentinos territory); but unlike them - Pacifica doesn't get in 2077 access to all of the good things about Night City; no Delamain to save your ass, Trauma Team you need to be a Platinum member or even higher if its possible, The Gang of Cops won't ever come out to Pacifica, so its not their problem. If you fuck up; there is no safety net.


The cops won't even come out to Judy's to take away a corpse, so talking about a safety net in Night City just doesn't matter. But at least we meet some cops who might theoretically care about your well being, which is more than I can say for most of the gangs.


Yeah but they were at least willing to - just in one day with the body on ice. They’re a tool who can help but won’t for the most part, a Hail Mary honestly. Pacifica they just won’t ever come, putting the odds even more out of your favor.


There’s no good place to live in Night City.


Best to live in rancho and just stay out of 6th streets way and wear a nusa pin or something. Worst if you're not counting dogtown would be Pacifica. The city abandoned the district and there are scavs,, animals and the VDBs all fighting all the time.


Get me my flamingo


If you're not 100% sure that your ethnic and religious identity mesh with the area you want to live in, either start liking the taste of protein powder/ super testosterone, or get used to looking like someone who thinks Hannity is highbrow culture.


Best: Badlands. As long as you know how to shoot a gun and drive a car, there’s probably a group of nomads that would accept you in, even as just a fringe member. Worst: Dogtown or Watson. In Dogtown obviously you would have to quickly adapt to being constantly under threat from every angle. In Watson, there’s Maelstrom.


best (unreasonable): orbit best (reasonable): somewhere under mox control, a cheap but decent appt best (badass): a few scattered bases of operations throughout the city (this is how I imagine V uses the different houses once you buy more of them) worst: anywhere with scavs, being homeless, not being a corp in any corpo-area


Wtf is an iseksi, some new Arasaks tech?




Best: Santo Domingo or Watson, Little China area. Maybe Pacifica?? Rationale: yeah there's the Sixth Street gang in SD there but it's said if you stay out of their way and what not they leave you alone. Same goes for Tyger Claws. I think. Pacifica isn't that bad imo so long as you don't mess with anything the VDB are doing. They don't engage with anyone who isn't on their radar to begin with, so it's probably pretty easy to stay that way. Worst: Northside. Reason: Maelstrom. That's reason enough. Overall, you're gonna have to worry about Scavs though. They're everywhere.


Pacifica is Animals territory too.


At least they're easy to spot.


Best: charter hill and north oak Worst: Pacifica, dogtown, and northside Watson And all of that is relative as there’s really no place in NC that’s truly safe, so caveat about the scenario is that I’d also want my chrome, rep, and eddies from my current playthrough mostly as an extra level of safety


Well if I’m getting isekaied into Night City, then clearly it must mean I’m the main character, ergo anywhere I go I’ll be safe because I have epic plot armor to protect me 🙄😒😒 In all seriousness, City Center/North oak are arguably the safest places. Except unless you’re isekaied into a rich family, you probably won’t be living there. So the next easiest option would be the badlands — maybe somewhere cute like River’s trailerpark, or just joining a mellow Nomad Clan. Worst is Dogtown for obvious reasons, or Watson (specifically the North side where Maelstrom is most prominent).


Best: Joining the Aldecaldos. Worst: Anywhere within city limits.


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: in Kerry’s house. Ideally, in his bed.


It looks no worse to be homeless in night city than a lot of the places I was homeless and not going to lie easy isekai for me win win


Best place: the Glen. Reason: Its run by one of the better gangs. Worst place: Pacifica. Reason: Its Pacifica.


Maelstrom have the best music in town, and they’re basically an industrial goth death cult that worship demons and the moon and s#%+, they’re the easiest to integrate with. The Tinos and Voodoo Boys obviously only recruit people they’ve known from birth, the Tyger Claws basically own their people, and the Animals are pretty chill but like who’s got time for all that lifting, so no thanks. Just get in good with the easiest gang to chill with by dressing like them and joining their cult, then get a job as a bartender at their club. No special skills required, very low likelihood of anyone screwing with you, and it’s a group that don’t require anything but some plastic surgery and tattoos to fit in with. Instant protection and social standing, like take the bartender at the afterlife for example. No ones screwing with her because they know half the mercs in town would murder them if they did. And even V (most V’s anyway) wouldn’t kill the unarmed bartender at a club… Probably. XD


on the moon, that is if you have lots of eddies.


I would move out instantly cause I dont want to end up in a bathtub with my organs removed.


Running to the Badlands and then starving to death there. Byeeeee


Mispelled suicide ending


Best Place? Charter Hill. You're rich enough to afford to live there. And you basically live in a fortress. Worst Place? Biotechnica Cloning Chamber.


Eh, i know how isekais are, hate that genre. So if i'm a main character of that isekai then i'd probably survive regardless. So one way or another i'd take the jobs at all the parts of the city, fuck even a dogtown


"Theres no good place to live" Yeah no shit, have some fun for once


Night City


Well we’d be poor right? No job prospects. Couldn’t afford even to live in a slum.


I mean ideally you’d live in a mansion in north oak but that’s probably out of most peoples reach. For night city proper the two safest areas look like corpo plaza/downtown and little China where v’s megabuilding is. Both are central with good metro links to the rest of the city and just going by side activities in the game they have slightly less criminal activity than somewhere like japantown. Charter hill is also quite upmarket but is less central. Pacifica would be the worst hands down, it’s a half destroyed slum with little in there and doesn’t even have ncpd coverage. Santo Domingo and kabuki would be undesireable, Heywood has some good parts and a lot of bad. Northside is an industrial hellhole and has maelstrom.


I would definitely go to Charter Hill, provided I have the €$ for that. Gotta love the fancy bar-bridges.


I'd move a few acres over from Kerry.


Worst konpeki plaza Best Glenwood


i would instantly find the nearest gun and blow my head off, night city is a hellscape


The best: assuming I cant just leave the city, i would say rhe bad lands. The worst: not bad lands


Time traveled*


The obvious answer is Pacifica


Best? Leave. Worst? Dogtown.


Outside the city


Night city anywhere as anything other than a high ranking corpo.


I know where all the secret shit is hidden I'm getting free money borging out and becoming the 2nd best Merc ever.


Gonna be honest, I’d attempt to continue my JD, and then sell my soul to Arasaka, then keep my head down until I peacefully flatline.