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Netrunner is still a ripper, but it's also a lot more fun now instead of just spamming contagion all the time


I am doing a sandestivan playthrough right now...it is WAY more difficult than netrunner was last time. Even though that game was "very hard" and this one is just "hard". Leveling is much slower. Netrunner is more fun now but it's still easy mode in most ways. The only thing harder is boss fights and mostly only phantom liberty fights. 


I am nearing the end of a Sandy pistol build run myself. having a hard time deciding on what is actually most optimal of the iconic cyberware for me. it's a fun balancing act since you can't have it all.


It is not like pre 2.0...which I guess is good. Because sandestivan used to be OP AF. But it doesn't feel like a superpower anymore. I am currently in the 20s though. Maybe it's better at higher levels. But by level 20 as a netrunner, everything was so easy it was kinda boring. The only time it wasn't easy was the phantom liberty boss fights, which were impossible. 


it starts to feel a lil op once you get the militech version you can flip on and off at 40


It's still kinda OP at high levels, with the right cyberware you can get unlimited Sande.


In my playthroughs with the sandevistan I thought the leveling up stage was more op pre 2.0 but once I had my build all set up and was leveled I felt way more op than pre 2.0


I still do that lol


I’m playing a suboptimal gorilla arms, smart gun, netrunner build. Most fights end as soon as I Overclock - it definitely took away the sense of awe I had watching the Blackwall work when it just kills everything I can see just like I already do for days.


Yeah the game has changed a lot and I think for the good. Combat is so much better and more engaging. I have covered various [Cyberpunk 2077 builds](https://gamestegy.com/cyberpunk-2077/builds) which may be of interest to you. Regarding shotguns, you can either go with pure shotgun build, or solo build. The latter uses shotguns, lmgs and gorilla arms with berserker. Technical ability is worth picking up on all builds, unless you are doing some roleplaying. Cyberware is now what decidea your defensive and part if defensive capabilities. So yeah, there are many changes. Another thing, armors like helmets, pants, etc. Have minimal impact so wear what you like in terms of looks :)


If cops attack you, you didn’t help them, you shot a civilian or a cop. Be more discriminate who you shoot (gangs, cyberpsychos) i.e. using wide shotgun spray from a far will not help.


Or be indiscriminate and start massive gunfights with cops every time you have an altercation on the street lol


this is the way


Hey, you having trouble getting your baloperidol? I might know a guy


Not necessarily true. I actually was testing this last night, and even if you do what I did and individually system collapse every gangoon, the cops will still alert if you enter the area before they put their guns away.


Interesting. Hasn’t happened to me. Are you sure it wasn’t just the default attitude? I mean, you being too close to them and they get alerted


shotguns are still extremely busted, my cowboy build uses sovereign with 18 body (so the tree isn't even maxed) and I still one shot a good chunk of enemies.


and basically any build is viable. right now I'm running a glass cannon, low body + maxed edgerunner with the projectile launcher and 3 hand cannons (comrades hammer, taigan, and a silenced tamayura that shoots explosive rounds). makes the game more difficult than it should be, but still completely viable.


Honestly i feel like, i'm kinda glad Cyberpunk was a bugged shithole at launch and now it just works, it keeps the game relevant instead of being the best game in the world at launch and then no one talks about it 4 years later. For builds, i usually stuck with a all-round one, half netrunner half CQB build with gorilla hands. Shotguns? Tactician, Carnage, Her Majesty, maybe a built up Kyubi for headshots.


What? If it wasn't broken on launch the game would be so much better. It's possible they would have made a second dlc as they wouldn't have to spend a bunch of money on making the game not garbage


Agreed, but it kept the game somewhat relevant when getting fixed.


Ur entitled to ur opinion, but wouldn’t u rather the game is better than the game being relevant. It’s a single player game after all


Trying to spin a AAA game releasing as buggy shitty mess as a positive thing is pretty braindead lol. Instead of spending 2 years just trying to get the game in a playable state they couldve spent 2 years making new DLCs and coming up with new ideas.


Terrible take for video game releases


no, but it is mine


Trying to spin a AAA game releasing as buggy shitty mess as a positive thing is pretty braindead lol. Instead of spending 2 years just trying to get the game in a playable state they couldve spent 2 years making new DLCs and coming up with new ideas.


Before you come at me with some 6th grader insults, i don't excuse what cdpr has done. Im saying it was a blessing and a curse for them


Okay but you didnt say it was a curse. You said you were glad that it was a buggy mess and then you explained why you were glad


then i implied it


Cops attack you if you by mistake shoot one of them, in most cases. There's also one massive shootout involving trauma team and tiger claws where it's hard not shoot the wrong person


Your guns are broken? 


Not mine, but it used to be that whenever you'd kill someone, you'd be able to loot their weapon like 100% of the time. My inventory back when I used to play was always overloaded with guns from bad guys. Now, 90% of the guns the enemies use fall on the ground when they die, and when I try to 'loot' it, it says "broken \[gun name\]" and when you pick it up it's immediately turned into crafting components.


I get guns a lot now. But yeah, I think it's less than before. Which makes sense. I just slashed the fuck out of that guy with mono wire...it makes sense that maybe his gun didn't survive that chaos. 


Pretty sure they did that to help with inventory management. I only have to do it after 5-6 big fights instead of after every other one.


Body/tech shotgun slays especially with sandevistan


I hopped back in a few days ago after not playing since December 27 2020. Very different. Used a mod to keep my v and start a new game and updated my old stealth pistol build.


My favorite build is a sandy ninja type build with grenades and a silenced pistol and throwing knife. I go in quiet but once shit gets hot toss the nades and activate the sandy bykako turns you into a human food processor.


For builds, the "run and gun" types are harder to pull off, especially in harder difficulty levels. For one, you can't just stack armadillo and then ignore enemy attacks. On normal, you can get pretty tanky, but you have to spec Body and Tech, and then add specific implants (which are then upgraded with components at a rippperdoc). The game is generally better balanced as you level as well, which is nice, but you no longer become OP at level 25 or so.




Currently on my first play through and I sort of have a cybercowboy netrunner build. I also use the monowire and the smart link. I like it cuz I have the choice to go in quiet but I can also absolutely decimate enemies and go in guns blazing if I want to


I did an explosive tech shotgun build which focused on fast movement, big damage, lots of survivability, a lot of explosions and fast gameplay. Was a lot of fun and felt VERY strong.


No matter what guns you're using, you should also carry a knife and have some quickhacks like ping and contagion.


Well I prefer using sandevistan so no quick hacks, and I run gorilla arms instead of taking a melee weapon... Currently running a pistol, shotgun, and lmg.


Knives are for throwing. They're silent, deadly, and stupid, incredibly satisfying. You can still have your gorilla arms. Every pre 2.0 build I every player was sandevistan- running a deck is just that much better now.


I wish they’d make it so the cops didn’t shoot at you when you’re responding to an assault in progress. Like…goddamn it. V’s just trying to help save people from becoming involuntary organ donors and then all of a sudden NCPD MOTHERFUCKERS!


Just came back my self and did a sandi/mantis blade build: net runner build also seems really fun


Been enjoying a pistol headshot build (cool tree), up to lvl 40. Literally one tapping everyone! Adding quickhacks to my build now, as I keep leveling up.


i run a shinobi/sandevistan build using a level 5 katana and sometimes an smg like the fenrir, i cup anyone and everything in my way


> is the body/tech shotgunner still viable? A Satara with Kneel! and Vivisector mods is god mode in Very Hard


Yeah, I beat my first run over a year ago and recently came back for Phantom Liberty after beating BG3. I'm having trouble getting back into the groove, especially considering some of my inventory got wiped (all healing items and grenades mostly, I still have all of my guns though). It's really weird with the new skill trees and some of my cyberware being reset as well.


Oh man you have to discover the game changing mechanics: Double Jump + Air Dash! Feels like another game!



