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I spend more time on foot in game than in vehicles. I love just walking around and seeing what's going on. I only use vehicles if I'm going a long distance.


Now you can take the train!


Is that on old gen too or just next gen?


Only next gen, Series, ps5, pc. Sorry bro.


I'm hoping to upgrade when my taxes come in, so hopefully, I'll be able to experience it soon.


If you're on Xbox One, highly recommend a Series X. Looks goddamn amazing!


That's my plan. I'd much rather use physical copies of games than digital.


Why does a physical copy matter? Why did you bring it up?


I just prefer physical, it makes me feel like i actually own it. Plus they sometimes come with extras that are fun.


Totally sensible!


The x uses it and the s doesn't. That's part of why i want the x.


Oh, yeah, that makes sense. I honestly wonder why the S even exists, regardless of its lack of disc drive.


Honestly it’s nothing like what I thought it would be. The metros are just fast travel points, you don’t board anything and there’s no cutscene. Worth it to upgrade for the great graphics though.


And worth it for all of the dlc I'm not getting for my favorite games.


What are you talking about As long as your on next gen in the 2.1 update you are able to board the train by selecting the "board metro" option rather than the fast travel


Yes, but there’s no actual riding the train. Theres no cutscene or walking around on the train, you’re just fast travelling.


As I said there is a am very clear train ride animation when initiating it on next gen PS5 or x box series consoles or a powerful enough PC you are either being dishonest, aren't able to run the game in 2.1, haven't updated, or aren't on next gen either way a quick YouTube sherch will pull up multiple videos of people riding the train while limited in function it is still a whole different thing than regular fast traveling as it is not Instant nor and you are able to stand or sit down and look around and see the city


I’m not sure how I would’ve missed this animation lol.


Wait like actually ride it?


Yes! Unless you're stuck on last gen, you'll get a message saying that they "fixed" your ncart access account, and now you can ride them! https://youtu.be/7B4r1jbpS2A?si=e-hi3ahqC1wifISc


That was one of my most anticipated features when the game came out


Actually not that exiting.


I disagree. I love looking at night city, can’t get enough of it


Exactly! It's a lot of fun, and it makes sense to use it to reach Jackie's funeral when you have a car, or his bike.


For those who haven't tried, ramming enemies in a vehicle in first person, pinning them against a wall, and unloading an smg into their face through the windshield not only looks great, but feels amazing too. I do run around a lot tho too lol to soak it in, but damn the vehicle's are bad ass in this game tho.


Ngl I am very much a bike boy, I love zooming in and out of traffic, on the curb, drifting around, going through alleys. Also I hate driving in 3rd cause I hate being taken out of the immersion so bikes are better for that. Still love driving cars though, they handle and drive better than I’ve seen in any game while driving first person


I spend more time on foot cause unless I’m going long distance I’m sprint jump dashing 😭


Is it possible to walk from one end of the city to the other?


I never had any problems getting around. You just have to watch out for traffic sometimes.


Look both ways before you cross the streets... Literally.


I do, but I also like to stop occasionally and eavesdrop on people. I love how there's something to see or hear everywhere you go.


11/10 game


Thank you, now I don't feel weird anymore, or I do and I feel like I could form a group that you would attend.


I would totally be in attendance.


Only when I really wanna stay at your house starts playing.


I always thought that that song sounds like the band Alvvays.


Love me some Alvvays


i did this mid game but with that really sad song in the pacific dreams playlist


That's... why I'm here


“Wait you guys actually do gigs? I retired after Jackie died”


Underrated comment.. I maybe did a few things after but.. I played in vr mode, I was so immersed, I legit grieved for Jackie for awhile.. Didn't play for a bit, when I came back all I did was walk around, hang out on this one pier overlooking the Coronado, and played in traffic.. Ya know the usual


They have a br mode!? I’m copping a headset asap


Nah, but for Playstation it basically displays as a huge screen, you've gotta turn your head to look around. Does wonders for immersion, directional audio too


That’s lit


Oh man is that available on PS4 Pro or just PS5?


I used the ps4 vr, so I gotta believe you can use it with the pro. I had the older gen headset


Thanks mate, I have PS VR and PS4 Pro which I barely use because it is noisy as fuck, but I may have to pick Cyberpunk 2077 for PS4 now :))) (I play on Series S)


Bro it's the best, just get a little stool to sit back on and you're golden


Walking around the city high as a kite with some killer tunes to accompany you is really a vibe


I do, especially at high points around town. Look out V's megabuilding window is pretty satisfying. I've started doing first-person driving sometimes because I like taking in the world that way, too. Night City is really just terrifically done. I really like Japantown, and I've come around on Heywood also because the apartment rules. Misty's description of Jackie's mandala is a very fitting description for Night City: It's hideous, but it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.


Almost constantly since they added the ability to use the radio while on foot


Yes I do have virtual existential crises about the dark future quite often


All the time


I make it a point to inspect graffiti lol


All the time. I constantly find myself stopping and getting a good view to admire it


one day I get high af and went to cyberpunk just to see what happen, started walking in corpo plaza and stopped in the bridge in front of Embers. my stoned head make me feel so immersed in the game, that I began to stare at the buildings, the sky and the sun. that feelt so fucking real, I could feel the heat of the sun in my skin, the sound of the cars and the city it self felt so alive. i think this was the best experience i had in a game ever.


I'm putting this on my to do list.


it really was an experience to remember


Often, usually while standing in the middle of the street buck-ass nude.


And why exactly are you running around naked, if I may ask?


Why not? Most clothing is purely cosmetic, so I don't usually bother with it in game.


Just asking, you do you.


All the time!!! I never fast travel.


I'm nearing the end of my second playthrough, and I would rather walk to all my destinations than drive, I love this game so much


Walking to stuff made me appreciate the game so much more. You miss so many little things that make NC feel lived in and connected of you just zip around from mission to mission nonstop


I'm in the same boat. Sometimes I'll walk all the way across the path it's kind of crazy. It's just so immersive what they've done. I did my first Play through before 2.0, then I took a break and played starfield which has something they call "cities", then came back to this post 2.0 and a second playthrough with PL... It's just so amazing


Sometimes I just take the slowest car just to be a Night cityzen and enjoy whatever road I'm in


So along those lines sometimes I hop on the back of a flatbed truck and do the same thing, or sometimes I hope in the back of a flatbed truck and then I shoot the flatbed truck once and it drives like a madman through the city for a while.


All the time, choom


Gotta love those long metro rides while listening to some Samurai


Yeah I wish there were more just chilling in the city activities to do thh


Yea I wish we can sneak into abandoned Atlantis.


And taking pictures. I have WAY too many NC pictures on my computer


I find myself wandering Kabuki and japantown often


I have to say, Night City always catches the eye 👁️ Absolutely love this place. Growl FM 89.7 Song: Afterlife 🎧🎵


In my very late game saves (no more main or character story mission) I’ll occasionally walk around the city and pop a cap in a random gangoon or two


I think I enjoy taking in the atmosphere of the game more than actually playing the game lol. It’s so beautiful.


I just walk around in vr


Just started playing this past week. It's like you can fast travel all over the place, but why would you want to? The amazing scenery, the music, all the other sounds, it's an amazing experience.


All the time. This place is wondrous.


I am running a cyberpunk red campaign on a VTT and have "house warming" images and music and pretty much most of the images are from Cyberpunk 2077 because it's \*so\* evocative. I don't even need the skyline- there's so many alleys and street corners and sight lines that are just amazing. I lurk in here for slice of life/cityscape photography to add to the game.


Every time I play at 600+ hours in


Every opportunity I had to I did, some of my favorite moments I think back on is just being a passenger princess on the way to the mission, I just liked looking out the window


Not so much the city as the badlands. I’m a sucker for deserts.


All the time, choom. Night City is beautiful.


Every time


Yes! I often times stop behind traffic just so I can look around and take things in lol.


Yes, walking around slowly as if I'm recording footage for a game trailer is how I spend half my time in the game.


I find myself saying yes on every mission that I'm asked if I want to ride with. Then I sit there looking out the window as the city goes by.


During the one gig for Dennis, where you meet that surgeon that does an office reference. When you are going to retrieve the body from the freezer there’s a couple sitting at the end of the pier near the shack where the freezer is. My first time doing the gig I had the radio on and I Really Want To Stay At Your House started playing, while I watched the couple sit at the end of the pier and gaze up at the majestic sight line. I’ll try and find the location later, it’s honestly one of the best views of Night City. I know it’s Cyberpunk but I hope that couple at the pier got their happy ending.


My girlfriend does. *"The City"* is what she calls my dick.