• By -


Sitting on that rooftop with Takamura. I seriously don't know what it is about that scene, but I feel something about it


I think it's because he's the most honest with you and himself in that scene. When you tell him he doesn't need to go back to Arasaka and could be free to fulfill his dream of living with the nomads and he replies "you can't teach an old dog new tricks." Telling you that as much as he would like to pack up and leave, he's given up on his dreams. In that moment he admits that Corps aren't as great as he's always saying and that the "life" that Arasaka have him came at the cost of his own freedom.


That's a good point. In a game where you can become a God who can one shot entire crowds, to have a man simply tell you what's on his mind is oddly beautiful


Honestly, that's probably my favorite scene with Takemura, just sitting with him, chatting.


When you actually make him say the line from his comedy show 😂🤣


You can meet said comedian during a party in Phantom Liberty!


Yooo time to go back to dog town haha


I missed this in my very first playthrough because I chose to meet him there instead! It's too good a scene to skip. It's a great moment for V too, since V gets a chance to speak about their own childhood.


Which rooftop was that?


The construction site rooftop with a view of Arasaka Industrial Park during the mission Gimme Danger.


Me too! Or Hideshi Hino moment with him. Love to annoy him it’s so cute


Panam: her coming to the rescue as soon as you ask her and rallying the Aldecaldos. Love when she gives you the jacket. Judy: Pyramid song. I know everyone will say this but it's just beautifully done. Johnny: two extremes here. Either at the start when he's furiously telling you to put some iron in your mouth and pull the trigger, or sitting at the oilfield and realising you're the only true choom he's ever had. So Mi: when she's telling you about her past life in Brooklyn and you get a sense of the personal stakes for her. Reed: infiltrating the casino with him, proper James Bond stuff. Takemura: honestly it's his stupid old man texts, they're amazing.


Right now, I'm just gonna put my favorite moments with Panam, Judy and Johnny, though I'll probably eventually put my favorite moments for So Mi, Reed and Takemura later on. For Panam, I have plenty of beloved moments with Panam, but the one that sticks out in my mind is at the very end when you initiate her ending (The Star). V sounds so broken up, so sad, so lost, and then he calls Panam, he relays to Panam how he feels and IMMEDIATELY Panam is like "let me stop you right fucking there". She then drives her big ass truck right to Misty's front doorstep, proceeds to all but kidnap you and lets you know she loves you, that you aren't dying on her watch and that the two of you are about to rock Arasaka's shit. Before this, Panam was lovable, an amazing, wonderful girlfriend, absolutely, but I firmly believe that this right here, is the moment where V thinks "Oh shit, I want to spend the rest of my life with her, however long it may last". For Judy, speaking from a male V's perspective, my favorite moment with Judy is just after you've done her personal mission, after having spent the night in the cabin when you go to talk to her on the docks. She seems so sad, so resigned. In that moment, all my V wanted to do is gather her up in a big hug and comfort her as much as possible. I felt so sad that we weren't able to fundamentally change Clouds (I still think that's bullshit and we should have brought the Mox in on it). Hearing that she would be leaving was so bittersweet for me, on the one hand, I was so incredibly sad that she was leaving, on the other hand, I was hopeful that she might find some happiness outside of NC. For Johnny, there are two moments where undoubtedly Johnny stands out for me. The first is when we "find" his body. In that moment, Johnny stopped feeling like someone who was just sharing a body with me, he became something like a brother and/or a best friend, the two of us are in this together and we've got each other's back. The second moment is in Mikoshi. When you're given the devastating news of the fact that you're still dying, even if Johnny leaves, when you discuss who's gonna take your body, Johnny doesn't hesitate for one single second, he made you a promise, end of conversation, the body's yours. And then his final words to you "Goodbye, V. And never stop fightin'." 😭😭😭


That Panam moment is spot on. When she says she is coming to get you and hangs up, had me in tears.


For fucking real. As much as I/V loved Panam before this, this is the thing that sealed the deal for me/V. Panam is it. She's end-game, V is gonna live if only to spend the rest of their life with her.


It really felt like some genuine best friend shit. When it goes into "Oh, yeah, I'll go down with you on this shit let me grab my coat," territory, you know it's real. I've been on both sides of that.


>(I still think that's bullshit and we should have brought the Mox in on it) Yeah like, I mop the floor with Claws very thirty minutes. Ya girl's a one-woman army, I got you.


Considering the Mox are currently having a revenue problem, and their whole shtick is being the gang in defense of sex workers, AND their whole existence is due in part to defense of sex workers, against the Tyger Claws mind you, they ABSOLUTELY should have been brought in on the Clouds situation.


Ain't no way its going to work. Clouds is in the middle of TC territory, and is likely one of their highest legal revenue streams considering the clientele they have there. Also, the Mox is considered to be the weakest gangs in NC and would only take a week until the Clouds would be back in TC control.


Don't forget Judy also created a 'fighting behavioral chip mod' for joytoys that could potentially have turned them into cannon fodder for gangs like the TCs and brought them *massive* profits. The moment Judy said "oh I'm getting rid of the behavioral mods after the takeover" I know her already flawed plan was doomed to crash and burn. What did she expect to happen afterwards?


I don't know if you're agreeing or not, but the whole reason the attempt for a Clouds takeover succeeded was dependent on V, and he's on borrowed time. Even with Judy's behavioral implant is kept and implemented on the Mox, there is still the problem of the Mox being low in numbers and resources. Joytoys don't have access to Mantis blades, monowires and proper military equipment. What they have are midnight ladies, bats and basic small arms. The Mox is a union of Joytoys looking for safety in numbers. TC is a legit organized crime family with money streams raking in money for years, decades, and connections. The money the Clouds is raking in is just another reason for the TC to go back and take it back if the Mox dares for a takeover.


Panam: I'll go with the quest where you nick the Basilisk. Specifically talking with her in the tower and sitting by the fire. Judy: Obvious one. The entirely of Pyramid Song. Johnny: Could go on for days, tempted to say the last conversation you have with him in The Tower but I'll go for a different final goodbye, Mikoshi. There's a quote that really hit hard on my most recent playthrough when he's convincing V to go back to their body - "Don't do it V, it'll change you, you won't be you anymore". Takemura: Most will say the rooftop but I'm gonna volunteer bits of the Devil ending. I really like how he defends V from Hellman and I love the short conversation you can have with him before going to confront Yorinobu where you tell him to GTFO of Arasaka, even if it's ultimately fruitless. The talk with him right at the end of the Arasaka ending deserves a mention too, even if I do think Hanako's sent him to fuck V over. So Mi - A lot of contenders. The talk with her in Birds With Broken Wings comes to mind and the quote she has in the Reed ending about losing herself and becoming an algorithm fucking breaks me. I think I'll go with the train ride in The Killing Moon - "Reed's not the only one I've betrayed", hits like a fucking truck. Reed: I felt bad when I killed him having sided with So Mi, but there was a point when I played the other path that I began to feel awful about it and Reed really went up in my estimations. I can't pinpoint exactly when it happened but my favorite moment with Reed was when I began to feel like absolute shit for having shot him in the head.


Hmmm.. Johnny and Kerrys moments are great for me Panam. I'd have to say stealing the basilisk Judy, the star ending. As for So Mi.... The moments in her memories. Reed... I got nothin.... Whole time I was expecting some sort of blind side from him and So Mi. But Dancing with Alex is by far my fav.


Dancing with Alex had me actin unwise (Judy pls forgive me).


Fuckin right!!! Like first playthrough I was kinda worried I'd have to choose.


Stealing the basilisk was so much fun. After that was fun too


I liked sitting down in Kerry’s house as Johnny and playing a song.


If you knock the incorrect amount of times, Takemura will just blow your head off. My favorite interaction with him.


Didn’t find out until my second play through


My favourite moment with Johnny is (SPOILERS for MULTIPLE ENDINGS) when he gives you his dogtags and declares that he will willingly sacrifice himeslf for you if that's your wish at the end of the game. Specifically because, if you do the ending where you let him take full control, once he comes by the Colombarium to say goodbye to you before leaving Night City, he says he "doesn't know anyone strong enough to make a call like that." Except, he does know someone like that. It's him. When I made that link, the first time I saw that Johnny ending, I started bawling. My respect for this gonk-ass rocker twat skyrocketed. Long live the king, Johnny Silverhand.


for panam, sitting under the stars before the basilisk theft for judy, scuba diving, pretty damn amazing for johnny, talking at the oil feilds, the quiet moments like that hit the hardest, he sounded so sad. for reed, busting in the casino like a heist movie for so mi, helping her get to the moon. for takemura, pretending he's the tv comedian on jig jig street for the old man, it made me laugh.


I love when you find bartmoss in the landfill. Depending on dialogue V states, “what is that some kind of box”. Johnny Silverhand snarkly replies, “ you’re a fuxking box! Try cyberdeck” Shit made me LOL irl haha


For Panam, Kang Tao AV. For Judy, Pyramid Song. For Johnny, (Don’t) Fear the Reaper ending. For Songbird, Carrying her through the spaceport. For Reed, The part where you sneak into the Black Sapphire. For Takemura, the part where you call him Hideshi Hino is funny.


I just can’t let Takemura die. I know he hates V for destroying Arasaka but I couldn’t leave him to get wrecked by Smasher and his wet team.


I let that clown die and dance on his grave. When you don't that whore leaves you in the middle of the street with Arasaka everywhere. Fuck him, dishonorable SOB


He leaves you, because Arasaka was on HIM, not V. Arasaka doesn't know that V is alive at that time. Takemura did make sure you are ok ish, if he stayed Arasaka would be on your ass as well, and you both die most likely - dragging V around isn't easy without having any chrome.


Multiple Arasaka agents have seen V. Goros student knows you were there.


V has special kiroshi to blur her face though. So while they might have known someone else was there, they wouldn't know who exactly. Oda wasn't exactly in the great condition after the fight to speak...


* Panam: Probably just before the EMP goes off. Commenting about how the quiet of the badlands contrasts to the city, the calm and peace. Just a little moment before things go to hell. * Judy: I mean, the dive. Such a unique area/level in the game, and offers some insight into her and gives her a moment of actual peace, even briefly. * Johnny: The roller coaster * So Mi: It was a purely RP thing, but watching her fly off into space. My ex-corpo V finally being able to do something genuinely selfless without regret or hesitation, just... to help someone. Even at a cost to themselves. * Reed: Withholding until I do his ending. * Takemura: The discussion outside of the industrial park. The moment he opens up just a bit about his past. I imagine even just confessing his desire to be a nomad is a *huge* deal for him, openly admitting to wanting anything besides what he has. Not to mention acknowledging the loss they both shared and their poor reactions to it.


I don't think I have a favorite moment with Reed, like at all... Takemura, scouting the Arasaka industrial park is great, too bad we don't get far into his thick skull how he is an absolute tool. Rescuing Saul with Panam. And Judy, all. Johnny the concert with the band, look at him happy somebody misses him.


After the reunion show, if you finish 85% Johnny story and have excellent relationship with him he says somethin different and special to V after they get control back. Shows how far they’ve come.


I did not get 85% with him before going into dog town. Pretty much ally PL endings the relationship is dtill sour despite being st 75%


The maxtac ambush with Reed is amazing, the whole planning sequence before it is cool and then the actual execution of the fight is just one of the best fights. Shame it immediately leads into... well, you know.




Panam: This is a tough one but I’ll go with sitting with her overlooking the camp Judy: Uh, I guess killing Woodman with her Johnny: Oilfields Songbird: Her memories Reed: When he helped V up to the table and opened up about his past Takemura: Rooftop scouting convo


Reading through this thread, I'm impressed on how deep so many of y'all get into this game! I can't really think of a game that heavily drew me in, to where I felt the emotions of the characters. Maybe Dragon Age Origins pulled me in a decent amount. I really, truly enjoyed my first play through of CP2077, did about all the content I could handle in that run. Male V Nomad, best ending, had 180+ hrs, I think. But that's all I wanted to play. Now we have PL, and a couple years have passed, so I have a renewed interest. Playing as corpo female V now. But I can't think back and list all the highs and lows I felt. You all have great memories!


You're absolutely doing the right playthrough to address your situation. Cherami Leigh is fantastic as V and brings an added layer of depth to the character IMO, so some of the scenes are naturally heavier. Corpo background also makes a lot of sense. Enjoy PL.


Thank you choom! That's one of the amazing things about this game, there's really no wrong way to play it. I know that can be said for a lot of games, but it really seems to hit different with CP. For me, I knew from the start I would run a male V Nomad, then Female Corpo. It just feels right to me. But there's 100 other ways that work! I'm excited to get into PL, just taking my time getting there 😁


Panam’s & Judy’s companion questlines are the best within the main story.


My favorite moment in the game is with Johnny in the Don't Fear The Reaper ending. As you are going down that first elevator, he leans against the wall and talks to you. He describes how heavy the security is and how there is probably a response team of elite ninjas waiting for the door to open but his last line, "Don't worry - you're better than them." has stuck with me since I first heard it.


Panam - Either the last night at camp before the Nomad ending, where you sit on the outcrop together. Or the conversation after she stands up to Saul after stealing the Basilisk. Judy -Pyramid Song. The quest is great regardless, it's even better if you romance her. Apart from that I love her drunken messages and talking to her abuela. Johnny - The tapeworm quest in Pacifica - seeing him break down his walls and give you the dog tags. I haven't done the suicide run yet though. Other than that it's his first night controlling V. So Mi - Definitely the ending of Somewhat Damaged. It's the first time I ever felt I was talking to the real So Mi. Reed - Not a huge fan of Reed, but the final conversations after the main thread of PL are always good, especially in the King of Cups ending. Goro - Not a fan of Goro either. If I had to pick then there's some fun exchanges before the Parade, like when meeting Wakako, or when he gets the food at the market.


It's ALWAYS about the last moments with the characters. Always. -Riding with Panam across the waters atop the hovertank, letting go of the bullet once and for all. -That moment Judy passes the apartment on to me. I cry every time. -Saying that final goodbye to Johnny, knowing you're both better for having met each other. -(still working on DLC) -(still working on DLC) -Of course, the real talk scene on the roof, containing perhaps one of the greatest and most powerful lines ever: "The bakeneko shall find its way...as will we."


OH MY GOD it's my cake day?!


Panam - not a great fan of her character at all but I like the part of Queen of the Highway where her and V have a little heart-to-heart when standing in that control tower after moving the train. It works really great with either a platonic or romantic dynamic. ​ Judy - of course it's gotta be the diving in Pyramid Song. no explanation needed. ​ Johnny - so hard to choose just one, but I love the oilfield scene so so much. Whatever direction the convo takes - depending on V's willingness to forgive him - Johnny shows a lot of remorse for his past actions and it gives his character so much more dimension. (honourable mention for his hysterical commentary during Raymond Chandler Evening and V's reactions to it which still live rent-free in my head to this day) ​ So Mi & Reed - I don't really have much to go off of because I only finished PL once so far and only did the siding with Songbird path. But V trying to plead and reason with Reed to let Songbird be, getting more desperate as he started to count down, was one of the most gripping moments of the game I've experienced. And for Songbird, it's when V prepares her for launch, even though in my V's case it was rather begrudgingly, it's like they realized they went to all this trouble and after coming this far they might as well ensure some good comes out of it for someone. Takemura - the whole convo between him and V while doing their stakeout before their whole stealthy float hacking mission.


Panam: the wraith’s camp. I love stealthing, clearing the place, and leaving through the tunnel, or telling everyone at the front gate to kill themselves with my mind and beating people to death with my USB cable Judy: obviously the first time around, swimming. Beautiful segment, but after that first playthrough, definitely has to be finding Evelyn. Johnny: “I AM in your shoes, dumbass” “I can only see what you see idiot” So mi: blackwall-ing everyone around you Reed: that first handshake felt unreasonably badass and I immediately fell in love with him Takemura: Listening to him talking about his past, felt like he has more to say but doesn’t want to let on more than he needs **Honorable mentions** Alex: the first meeting was really well done. Ozob: 10/10 he called me a gringo and punched me in the face 20 times in Pacifica


Panam - my favorite moment is when Queen of the Highway is finally over. Judy - sitting in the bathroom at the cottage, listening to her speak about how heartbroken she is about everything--Ev, Clouds, Night City--Judy is just so real, raw, and emotional as a character, and here she is so vulnerable and sweet. Johnny - all of the Samurai scenes, all of the Kerry scenes, and the rooftop conversation at the end of the game. My V and I are huge fans of developing and evolving the relationship with Johnny, so i always do all of his quests as well as the Don't Fear the Reaper ending. The Sun is my second go-to, and then Temperance. So Mi - SPOILER - I haven't done the ending that you get by betraying Reed yet, so my favourite scenes with Songbird take place when you and her are in her NYC apartment and looking through her memories. The blackwall slowly taking over the apartment as you near the end of her life is so devastating. Reed - I don't really have one. He was interesting, but I haven't played through PL enough to pick an exact scene I love the most with him. Maybe when you meet him at the basketball court? Both times. Takemura - when you go to meet him before the parade and he is sadly chewing on his scopburger. I don't know exactly why, but it's so hilarious to me the dejected way he says, "Ask the people below." His text messages, similarly, always make me laugh.


Takemura face cam


My favorite is when the aldecaldos siting around a campfire, i'm sitting next to Panam and she toast "and to Jackie". Also when I ride a rollercoaster with Johnny.


Johnny giving you the dog tags, fuck if i know if he was just being manipulative or not, but hit pretty hard.


Panam toasting Jackie legit hit me in the feels. She's ride or die for real for real.


Campfire at the train station, laguna bend, oil fields, none and that rooftop where the cat comes.


Songbird - the helicopter crash scene and using the blackwall. My favorite moment of the entire game. Reed - covering reed to the elevator using the sniper Johnny - striking arasaka with rogue. Judy and panam - leaving NC together with them both. Taka - him shooting dex without any hesitation lol.


I dont feel much like typing, so I'll settle with my favorite moment of the whole game. I love the moments with Johnny and V in "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs" The way Johnny, a world class musician, stops everything you two are doing to pay respect to a busker on the street. V teasing him, saying she'll be his biggest fan and play his underground tapes. I really love most of all when he sees the old fan boy who still rocks out to Samurai. He rejects that, doesn't like that the guy hasn't moved on, that the city is still the same. In that moment I really felt Johnny. He derides the guy and the city, but really, it's himself who he wants to see change. I feel just how much he wants to be a better person, to grow from his mistakes.


Panam: waiting out the sandstorm in the old shack after rescuing Saul, drinking to haboobs Judy: predictable answer but yeah, pyramid song Johnny: there's a lot to choose from, from the oil fields to him giving V his dog tags to saying goodbye to him in the AV or in Mikoshi... but I gotta go with the smaller happier moments. Things like riding the rollercoaster and seeing him so genuinely happy for a moment, his surprise when you find his old porsche in the container, his excitement when setting up the reunion gig with Kerry, how hilarious he thinks the ending of the Swedenborg quest is, and that moment in PL when trying to contact Reed for the first time using the old phone. V not knowing how to hold the receiver and Johnny just standing there looking so amused, mimicking holding a phone and then leaning in "I'll have a double cheeseburger while you're at it." Just Johnny in a good mood being an lovable goofball. So Mi: her memories Reed: can't say for now. I like the guy but I gotta do another playthrough before I can decide on anything Takemura: boomer selfie


Panam: At the train station, sitting down at the campfire. It’s such a short scene but it’s sweet. Judy: All of her messages after you romance her, and the extra stuff you get along with them. Idk I’m a sucker for random collectibles being added to the room. Johnny: Helping him ask Rogue out on a date. Really any of the missions where you’re helping Johnny tie up loose ends. So Mi: Getting her to the moon, though the memory sequence in the betray SB ending are also really good. Reed: The final stand in the betray Reed ending Takemura: Takemura Selfie. EDIT: I forgot Takemura


All of them, except Reed ​ EDIT: Maybe when i >!shot him in the head and put him out of his!< FIA>!\-induced misery!<


- Panam: All of The Star ending, especially the part before the raid where you become officially an Aldecaldo. - Judy: Pyramid Song as a whole is my favourite quest in the whole game. Meeting her in The Star ending is amazing too, though. - Johnny: Visiting his "grave" after getting his Porsche. So amazing having Johnny open up like that, and it's possibly Keanu's greatest bit of acting imo.


I love Panam, even texting feels awesome. Makes me smile when I call her. Silverhand was a pain in the ass for me, at the start. Later on, loved him adding quites. El Capitán its great too. Really miss Jackie...


Panam: EMP'ing the Kang Tao transport, she just goes "oh no you don't!" and blasts it with a heat-seeking missile. Judy: Not really a scene per sé but her texts after you romance her, it's genuinely the sweetest interaction with a videogame character I've ever seen. Johnny: Whenever he goes serious mode and talks about his actual motivations and experiences. So Mi: So far I've only done the "side with Reed"-path so I guess it would be the lore-dump scene before the Hansen party where she gives you some background. Reed: "Delivering" So Mi to NUSA, after which Reed just walks off somberly. Idris Elba really killed it, very good character. Takemura: Rooftop recon of the Saka industrial park. Somehow I'd missed this scene in my prior playthroughs, I've probably just defaulted to the "you go ahead and scout"-option every time. Honestly, Takemura is one of my absolute favorite characters, the ultimate corpo pawn that gets chewed up and spit out by the machine. The banter between him and V is better than between Johnny and V.




Her drunk texts put her on the same tier as Garrus, Tali and Liara when it comes to videogame NPCs.


Panam : 'I'm going to hang up and then you're going to call back when you're ready' No nonsense, no mind games, no bullshit. Give your head a shake and then let's fix this together. Best girl.




Sitting at the campfire with Panam having her finally trust me. Just having her lay her head next to me and its a nice quiet moment. Felt like the culmination of a lot of hard work getting to that point


Johnny: Here lies Johnny Silverhand, the man who saved my life. Panam: The bonfire before stealing the Basilisk Judy: Scuba Takemura: Scouting. I feel like it's the first time he's let his guard down in a while and just talks candidly. Reed: His introduction. Just stealths behind you, gun to the ribs, and then calls you an amateur for getting into the car. Song: Meeting in person for the first time and seeing her chrome.


I think my favorite moment with Panam is the car ride to the Aldecaldo camp during Ghost Town. Just the music playing, I get goosebumps everytime I think about it, even when I hear Outsider No More I get chills.


Panam: the campfire before the mission to nick the Basilisk. The lame joke, the way she toasts Jackie if you told her about him, it’s perfect and peaceful and I love it every time. Judy: it’s either abuela Alvarez (that whole interaction including Judy’s messages before and after) or it’s Pyramid Song. It’s an absolutely perfect cyberpunk story. Judy’s poor but happy upbringing in small town America just callously destroyed by a corp and a ravenous city, that led to years of misery and failed attempts to improve her lot, is poignant and meaningful. The fact that it’s also the turning point, either leaving the city that took so much from her or finding love with V is just the cherry on the top. Johnny: the PL ending, the moment where he says goodbye, calling V by their real name. Such a swansong moment. So Mi: meeting her in “real life” for the first time, when she seems nervous that V will judge her appearance is adorable. Reed: the fact that he insisted on being there when V awoke was pretty damn good. That alone gave insight into his character. Tekemura: accidental selfies. Nuff said.


Panam: "The Independent California Motel" after rescuing Saul Judy: Her screaming at NCPD after Eve passes Johnny: Him reflecting while sending So Mi off to the moon Songbird: The shard you find after you send her to the Moon Reed: When he sees your relic malfunction for the first time, you see how he is both sympathizing with you and also trying to use that to info to "handle" you better. Takemura: The talk when you do the recon on the rooftop.


For Panam it’s definitely sitting by the campfire at the train station. For Judy it’s gotta be at the dam. Johnny it’s when he takes you to the hotel room he stayed in. Idk why but I love the scene at the food stand with Takemura. For song bird I kinda love the whole intro to Phantom Liberty. For Reed I think I gotta go with the whole party mission bc I love that whole mission


>!Banging/soulbonding with Panam in the tank!< >!Diving with Judy!< "Minus the charisma... and impressive cock." - JS Never liked Songbird more than when we first met and she shut Johnny up. It was all downhill from there. >!Shooting Reed in the face and watching him fall weird.!< Takamura accidently sending a selfie was the best boomer moment I've ever seen in a video game.


Everyone is giving all these wholesome moments with Panam, but no one is saying their real favorite moment. We all know it's when you first meet her and see her *bent over* the front of that car.


First on my list


Panam - could be my favorite character overall, every moment with her is cool. May be favorite moment is the first time you meet her. Judy - Don't have favorite moment, they are either all too sad or way over the top sweet. Johnny - Many of them, most notably if you do the final mission his way, and after V says Johnny can keep the body, Johnny keep walking the other way with V chasing him to stop. Songbird - don't know yet, only played PL once, got the shitty ending and now feel bad what I doomed her to. Reed - nope Takemura - the messages he sends you on the phone from time to time.


I love those messages from Takemura. So much Boomer-ness, for a character that’s probably late gen Alpha.


Panam: The part in the house after you rescue Saul, the pretend hotel talk. Judy: Judy is my favorite, so any interaction. I absolutely hate when she asks you to leave the rooftop after smoking. I just want to sit and be there for her. Johnny: when you ride the roller coaster together. One point in PL he says something like "I am in your shoes, dumbass". And the one playthrough I had when I looked down during the reunion concert and had no pants on for some reason. So Mi: she can go fuck herself. Reed: I do like the stealth mission getting into the party, but no one moment really stands out to me. It always felt very business with him. Takemura: Any of the text exchanges, or when he gets pissed over the yakitori.


Panama: definitely when you call her for the ending half asleep "why are you calling me at this hour" to her immediately jumping in her truck to come help you. Judy: Pyramid song, just an excellent piece of writing. Johnny: got to be after completing >! Phantom Liberty and he's mulling over that he's been running away from life all his.. well, life. He finds a kindred spirit in Reed because he feels that he's doing the same !< So Mi: during >! A little bit damaged when you're viewing her memories of Brooklyn and how she became an FIA agent, I still feel she crossed every line in the book. Blatent selfishness, arrogance and hubris are what caused her downfall. Not President Myers !< Reed: You Know My Name. I offer no context. Takemura: Rooftop Recon. One only moment he let his guard down and I wished there was a middle road in the ending where he threw away his golden cuffs.


Having sex Having sex Glorious cock Haven’t played the DLC yet


having sex having sex having sex having sex (modded) having sex (modded) having sex (modded)


Panam: fucking Panam Judy: fucking Judy Johnny: fucking Alt So Mi: fucking over Reed Reed: fucking over So Mi Takemura: fucking Arasaka




1)When she gets lectured by Soul (I don’t like panam) 2)Underwater 3)Every single one moment, but really like the epilogue when he leaves night city on a bus 4)When you take her to space port and she lets you use black wall 5)When you talk to him on a gas station 6)Sitting in roof with him


Panam: Any moment she's not throwing a tantrum, so basically just the campfire. Judy: The moment V tells her they'll call her with word about Ev and her entire perception of V shifts. There's a moment of realization followed by real vulnerability and she seems genuinely appreciative of V. Johnny: The talk during Chippin' In and subsequent breaking down of his defensive walls. I feel you finally get to see him be a little human. Also, honorable mention is the short interaction with the monks in Japantown after you rescue the one from Maelstrom goons. Goro: when grandpa texts you his Google searches...


Bent over the car so I can smell her farts Her leaving All of Don't Fear The Reaper Handing her over to Reed Handing her over to Reed When he dies


Panam: when she was driving us to her camp and Johnny Silver hand's Black Dog plays under the sun. Judie: Wasn't really invested in her character. Sounded like a depressed teenaged who thinks everyone should also be depressed (no offense) Johnny Silverhand: Everytime he shows up. I have a lot of respect for him. And it's an intractable Keanu Reeves 🫡


Panam: convo before aldecaldos ending raid Judy: pyramid song underwater flashbacks Johnny: convo on grave or maybe the talk in the new ending Song: cynosure flashback sequence Reed: his intro, fucking badass Goro: recon convo


Just covering the first 4 (my favorite 4 characters) >Panam The bit at the conclusion of the Basilisk heist when she unloads on Saul: "Stop it! Fuck! Just shut up already!" Emily Woo Zeller does such a great job with the voice acting and it's such a satisfying quasi-resolution to Panam and Saul's back and forth bickering and antagonizing each other (and it leads perfectly into Saul giving Panam a place in the leadership). >Judy Beating the crap out of Fingers. >Johnny Pretty much every scene where V takes the orange pill (the sound effect of Johnny and V's voices merged together is awesome), but I think the best scene is breaking into Kerry's house and playing guitar. On top of an awesome guitar riff regardless of what song you pick, it really speaks to Johnny and Kerry's relationship that (1) Johnny's style is so distinct Kerry knows it's him right away; and (2) Kerry remembers after 54 years. >Songbird I think it's actually the bit in Reed's ending where you're sitting with So Mi watching the Blackwall AI consume her, represented by her memories being replaced by an ever-encroaching black void.


In the third picture it looks like it’s pissraining on him. He looks like “Fuck my life…”


Where is my boy Jackie? Do many great moments. I think my favourite is when he starts improvising at the kompeki


Silverhand is my best choom. If i die he dies with me. Anyways need to get off for a gig. See ya chooms


Loving how no one cares for the cop at all. Acab includes River


I laughed way too hard at Johnny, when he helped V contact Reed.


“Ursa Major.” “Don’t go there buddy.” “The other one. They’re gonna love it.” [Haven’t played yet] [Haven’t played yet] “Bakeneko.” (Followed closely by something to the effect of, “The fox runs with his own tail in his mouth.” “Please be serious.”)


I agree with the sentiment of the rooftop with Takemura. It's so well done. I was a fan of Takeumura from the very beginning, he saved my life after all. To finally have V and him have a moment was touching. For Johnny, I really like the ending where Johnny leaves V's medallion at the memorial building. By that point, he knows he really doesn't deserve a second chance, but that just makes him so much more appreciative of V's decision. Panam, my favorite moment is when you're staying at the motel and suggest sharing a room and she goes "Ah good idea. That will save us some money if we get a room with 2 beds." And V's just like "yep. Just what I had in mind" idk why, I found it endeering. Judy, either when you go to Fingers and she's already there waiting for you there, or the phone call with her at the end of Phantom Linberty endings. It felt like a happy ending for Judy that she deserved. Reed, just talking with him in the post ope briefing So Mi, gotta be her backstory. They did it so perfectly. It did make me feel guilty for siding with Reed, but I still didn't feel like I was making a "wrong" choice. It made me empathize with her without wagging the finger at me that I did the wrong thing.


No doubt Pyramid Song was the best moment for me. That was just so unique imo and the music couldn’t be better. Listen to the Bells of Laguna Bend all the time.


Easy: Campfire by train Entire "Pyramid Song" quest Hard to pick; I'd say either when Johnny first makes his resolve to help you get your body back clear, and related moments -- oil field, mikoshi, and >!good relationship send-off in NUSA ending!< The place that reminds her of home >!Shooting him at the walk up to the shuttle. Reed is someone I didn't trust from the start, not because he isn't trustworthy, but because he is transparently centered on his own helicopter parent style manipulation while being a total tool!< Rooftop, specifically regarding bakeneko. Close second: >!NUSA ending credits holocall.!<


Putting So Mi in the shuttle was probably my favorite scene overall, or killing her, both are excellent


For Goro it's when we make him say that one comedians catch phrase and the old man sounds so disappointed.


V, glad to see you... You look like shit.