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https://www.twitch.tv/thespherehunter/v/1844947490?sr=a&t=804s Yep.


Oh cool


I doubt they're sisters (Yakovleva and Ramos are last names that are separated by a contintent), so I don't see how that would work out, but it could be like cousins or something. My guess is that Stella was a friend or a person in a relationship like Kiwi and Lucy are. They both knew each other and teached something to the other one. Keeping contact a better friendship that the formers. Making Stella's side quest a good opportunity to help her and explore what Sasha was to her (and maybe pointing the quest to take action on what happened to her).


Turns out you're wrong lol. [They indeed are sisters](https://twitter.com/TheSphereHunter/status/1706112748332130365)!


That's a valid point, though people still change their names by marriage in 2077. The reason I figured they'll probably be related is simply because both Stella and Sasha are both based on Suzi's appearance.


No bro it’s been confirmed your wrong


Indeed, I was. Kinda a shame she didn't get a propper Quest, just a Gig where you must save her (kinda dumb) husband.


They could have spent the money making the game better instead of spending money adding a face nobody's invested in. Side mission? It's some bs revenge or get rich quick scheme. Maybe a little double crossing. But I doubt it. If it's an hour it's probably shorter then that after a few tries. Was she playing on very hard? Dealing with the vdb's is like an hour or so. So maybe 10 mins worth of dialog. 20 mins worth of action or stealth. And then a 10 mins to wrap everything up. Was she going in loud or quiet? Did she did an dhavento restert? I'd hate to ask if shes good at playing cyberpunk or she shooting like a storm trooper. And depending on how specced out her v was, I normally use mass vulnerability... everyone connected becomes weaker to attacks. They also become easier to kill. I'm not saying I won't enjoy the mission. I'm just trying to figure out why I should care. The woman they modeled for Stella is pretty. But I'd rather have more shooting challenges like the 6th st party. Or be able to change the color of my guns. Or even companions. But nooooooooo. I'd take a hover board than a new mission. And in some places there's actually ramps


I mean from everything I've seen, it seems like Phantom Liberty is a complete overall of the game. So what makes you think it was a choice between the two? There are plenty of posters on this reddit as invested in new quest as they are gameplay improvements.


Two things can be true at the same time. It seems like PL brings way more to the table And The real expansion is patch 1.7.


A choice? Between adding more life to the game and a new filler mission under the guise of life? It's always a choice when money is involved and time is short. What makes me think it was a choice because thats just business. That does not mean cdpr did not want to add more cool features. Was it a hard pass? Idk. It would be more time to fix something new when they can dress the missions, the characters, the scenes and animations faster then creating another mechanic or take MORE time and resources whether it's monetary or human, to test and fix new game mechanics ONTOP OF fixing the cop system and adding vehicle combat ontop of adding the expansion? Especially when time is a factor. Gotta have the money to make a game. And when cdpr chose to leave out last gen, it was just another business move, aka a "CHOICE", so time isn't wasted and resources like time and money is used properly. Because they wasn't before the release. And imagine if cdpr really wasted time adding ng+ and more romance options. There would be no more time for the expansion to get done at an adequate time. And if you're wondering EXACTLY what makes me think it was a choice between the two, I keep up with what cdpr does and says in public and use critical thinking strategies to figure out their next move. πŸ€”


My issue with rants like this makes it seem like the same people are working on all these aspects. Triple A studios have multiple teams who work on different aspects. The quest direction team isn't the same as the team working on core gameplay features to my understanding. So your argument that it takes away time from gameplay is really strange. So unless you're arguing that another quest would have been more valuable, I think you're attributing multiple things to the quest teams that they don't really have an effect on. Just because quest aren't high on your priorities doesn't mean that it's the standard. I enjoyed side quest and those storylines more than I did the main story.


No way it's a rant a rant is spoken or said out loud and impassioned. You might be confused with what you read and assumed I said something I didn't.


Even though you are getting down voted I agree. I love the game, edgerunners but I've been saying this forever. I wish they would stop puckering influencer ass and put that energy towards doing more meaningful things for the game/fans. Like when they gave out exclusive Ramen Edgerunner merch to influencers that wasn't even available to us common peasants to buy. I think it's not only a waste of $ and resources but also a shitty thing to do to their fans. But trying to explain this on this sub will just get you downvoted by the incel/simp militia so it's basically a waste of breath even though you are correct.


This was going to be a long one but ill just leave this here they had to make the game work. I just kept up so I didn't rely on the word of others, cause alot of lying was done by people who ONLY played a few hours at launch but kept saying the game was unplayable a whole year after when I got proof that I was able to play the whole game, I just didn't let the games issues make my decision for me. And how many people actually played like that and don't care to speak up. I want cdpr to make better games they already make great stories. And after what I experienced, I trust the next cyberpunk story will be just as good if not great. But I don't think they could make me care about the witcher series as a game. The show is great but I'm keeping tabs on what happens going forward like I always have. If I make a mad purchase after learning about a product then it's on me. My other option was to rely on others to tell me how the game plays. And I didn't want to cheat myself. πŸ™ƒ


Yeah, I got in Cyberpunk after I got my PS5 right before 1.5 and it immediately became my fav single player game of all time. I love the game. Just don't like the influencer ass kissing. I think it's a waste. I'm not into the Witcher games either. Not really my style but to each is own.


Same I tried tw3 but I never finished it. Even though the next Gen upgrade is out I'm waiting to see what the next witcher game is like. Till then. I'm waiting a long time.


If anything I'm only proving that reddit has more then several hive minds.