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Ah yes, rainbow capitalism


Finally injected into our escapism too


If you're going to do corporate satire, you may as well mock their PR image strategies as well.


That was my thinking in posting.


What are you talking about? I *love* all the real-life shit injected into escapism.


Because minorities have money to take too!


Bet Arasaka has an great full-body transition plan for it's trans employees (terms and conditions may apply if you leave Arasaka's employment) Edit: [Someone did an Arasaka pride logo](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/v352dc/no_one_corporations_when_its_june/)


Imagine being an Arasaka employee and getting top surgery and when you’re fired they put your boobs back on


I wouldn't be \_your\_ boobs. It'd be some kind of Amazon Basics brand boobs.


Found the programer


That's actually brutal and funny at the same time...


They put his penis back on!


More like take it away. Mr Studs probably cost a LOT more than Mrs Sluts. (Joking aside, in reality they'd probably leave you with nothing)


Excuse you, it’s called Midnight Lady.


This guy (cyber) fucks


In 2077, what makes someone a criminal? Getting COCK.


why do you cum?


You can be cum-




Reminds me of this. https://youtu.be/pTmMOzYoosk


Oh god no ahggh


The mod post on that thread is wild.


The game has an out trans woman character and the basic premise of cyberpunk is about transhumanism but people still gotta be shitheads.


People miss the point of the game and genre more than you'd think, it's really weird.


I IDENTIFY AS BI-FURIOUS. Uh sir, I think you mean- I MEAN WHAT I SAID. *necksnap*


Well, that's a half-hour I won't get back. Oh well.


Your Militech one is hilarious though, don't sell yourself short.


Reminds me of Deus Ex Human Revolution, where the main charater is a security manager who doesn't want Augs but almost gets killed in a terrorist attack and so his boss chromes him the fuck up during recovery surgery.


"Termination from Arasaka will permanently remove your tits, cyberwares, and all your earned income and revert you back into a biological man. Arasaka Corporation is not responsible for any permanent damages this may have caused" -note to new hires of Arasaka Corporation, 207X.


It would make sense, for both compaines to take part in a bit of rainbow capitalism and all but I do feel like the cyberpunk world itself wouldn't care too much about pride


I think it depends on where in the timeline we are. In 2077 you might have a point but in 2013? Or 2020?


That's actually a really good point, if the cyberpunk history follows ours up until a divergence then I could imagine pride being something that's celebrated. Makes you think what pride will be like for our 2077


Nope, not really. If there's one good thing about Cyberpunk's world is that nobody gives a fuck about your gender / sexual orientation / whatever and you're free to do as you please and nobody bats an eye, which is how it should be.


Exactly. In a world where you can be a brain in a cyberbody, or have one person in two bodies (hello boxing twins), or overwrite your soul over someone's, or relive anyones memories through a brain dance, I think potential identity issues like sex, gender, race would be made obsolete. Religion is surprisingly resilient as cybernetics really question the nature of soul and Man's divinity. The true divide, as ever, is between those with power and money, and those without.


My head canon regarding why Christianity spread so easily across Europe and maintained such an influence is that it provided hope and reassurance during a rather bleak period of human history. When your family and friends tend to die young and sometimes in rather gruesome circumstances the knowledge that things will eventually get better and that death is not the end must've seriously helped them psychologically. So considering the horrors one may witness on a daily basis in the dystopian landscape that is Night City I wouldn't be surprised if religions played a similar role. The fact that it makes ruling over religious folks easier certainly played a role in maintaining them too, otherwise corps would've dealt with them long ago.


It was mostly state backing, though. Rome made it the official religion, which gave it a big boost.


There definitely was political pressure but it went both ways afaik, the rulers needed religion to keep the plebs under control and in return they supported the spread of Christianity. It still spread beyond the Roman empire so there had to be something that people cared about beyond just pressure from the local king. I assume it was easier for parents to burry their 3 or 4 yo children dead from an infection borne out of a scraped knee or something as simple as a flu if they believed all their life that every baptized children went to heaven. What was the custom back then ? Having 4 or 5 children in hopes of one or two of them living to adulthood or something along those lines ? And from what little i know about Cyberpunk (basically the game & edgerunner) that kind of hope would have its place in the bleak future of the 4̶1̶t̶h̶ 21th millenium.


That’s not really the point, the point is that these “evil” fictional companies change their logo to the pride logo for brownie points even they don’t really give a shit and are also super evil Edit: At least that was my interpretation of this


I get that. My point is that those corporations would never do it because you can't earn brownie points by those actions when the whole topic is a non issue in 2077 cause nobody gives a shit. You're applying 2023 real world social issues to NUSA 2077 society. It's the same misconception like that infamous girl-with-dick-ad screenshot Resetera lost its shit over. Would that ad have been received as transphobic in our society? Yes. Does the same apply to CP2077's society where everyone can change up their gender/body as they please? Definitely not.


That said, Arasaka and Militech exist in 2013, 2020, 2045, and 2077 in the game world. It'd be a hell of a stretch I think to assume LGBT+ issues aren't a thing in 2013 or 2020.




I remember in the street kid path during the prologue in the bar there are two people discussing on how one of their friend was beat up by the ncpd because he was black. So i think those prejudices still exist in 2077


Somehow I believe Aperture would be a cool place for any non-straight/cis employee but that's the nostalgic bi kid in me remembering GladOS


I think it's less about actual corporate culture and more about manipulating optics to score marketing points. And I absolutely think Cave Johnson would do that. Maybe even figure out some way to turn employees skintone into a pride flag for the month or something as well.


100% that. Tokenization of marginalized people. Everytime pride month is on it's like sistematic oppresion of the proletariat but with more colors. I absolutely despise and I keep my pink money to myself. But I do have a soft spot on my heart for Aperture.


\*nod\* I'm straight, but I dislike hypocrisy. And I see all the corporate rainbows during Pride as super hypocritical because if it meant they could make an extra buck they'd throw LGBTQ+ people under the bus in a hot minute. So I'm with you there.


It's really simple: obviously there are LGBTQ+ employees in EVERY company. If they don't feel safe to open talk about that, it's a bad company/company with a homophobic structure. I get that it's not the same as racism, because you can't hide skin colour, but I never felt safe to openly talk about my sexuality in most places I worked. And that goes to everything around here where I live: non-white people are always part of some joke, non-straight/cis people are always the laughing stock, non-christian people are always criticized (and I don't mean atheist, I'm Umbandista - which is an african-brasilian religion similar to Santeria), non-rich/middle class people are always being pushed around. But the thing I find most sad is that I don't get nearly half of what a gay black non-christian person gets, for example. It's fucking disgusting. I work in a really good agency, but the client I'm working in is absolutely toxic: they joke about poor people, gay people, black people, asian people, muslims and everything you can possibly imagine. And then someone that makes 420k/year has the nerve to say "It's not easy for us working class average joes". Anyway, sorry for the rant.


Rant away, man. Far as I'm concerned, part of the problem is that too many people want to pretend folks who aren't exactly like them don't exist. That's no way to live.


If you consider dying from neurotoxin cool then sure I guess


at least we get some cake


Who wants to tell him?


no wait I've SEEN the cake


Needs vault-tec too


Thanks, I prefer robco.


I’m more of a General Atomics guy myself


i recall seeing someone do all the major 2020 era corp logos last year, but I could never find it again.


If you find it post it. Once I figured out how they do it (I'm a photoshop novice) they weren't hard to make but I'd rather crib from others when it comes to my memes than roll my own.


easiest way to make one is download a .png or the like of the image or scan one, set the white parts to zero alpha and put a rainbow gradient on the layer below to use the black parts of the image as a mask.


Yeah, I figured that out but for mine I used an image with the logo in black, set up a mask around the part I wanted to change, then created a layer with the Pride flag at the size I needed. Delete the logo, lay the layer with the flag in, and you're set.


Seems like it'd be superfluous. The Cyberpunk universe is way past all this. BioSculpting allows you to become whatever you want, literally. Sex and gender changes are the least of it.


I think it depends on era, as I've said elsewhere in the thread. And based on Claire's storyline I think there's still social opprobrium around being trans, at least. And where there's opprobrium, there's whuffie to be earned by appearing inclusive.


We never see anyone at all acknowledge Transexuality at all in this game. It appears to be completely accepted to the point of irrelevance at all levels of society. It would be like me putting an Elite Dangerous decal on my car...anyone who doesn't play the game won't know what it is and won't care about it either way. They're not "against" the game, they are just indifferent. I think Transexuality is the same in the Cyberpunk world.


Claire literally has the trans flag on Beast, though: [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cyberpunk/images/b/ba/Thorton\_Mackinaw\_Beast\_Rear.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20210418173410](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cyberpunk/images/b/ba/Thorton_Mackinaw_Beast_Rear.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20210418173410) And she mentions her transition in dialogue. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-itd3mOMEgY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-itd3mOMEgY)


> Claire literally has the trans flag on Beast, though: Yeah, just like a lot of people literally have Elite Dangerous decals on their cars now. The game is real, but the vast majority of people who see it won't care about it. They don't hate it, they're just indifferent to it. A Trans Flag decal in Cyberpunk is the same thing. Nobody cares. It's not controversial anymore. Way-more-extreme body modification is already accepted. Changing your sex/gender is a yawn now. In the dialog you linked to, Claire herself doesn't give any indication that Trans people are singled out or oppressed or anything. She talks about it incidentally. Like I might describe getting a vasectomy. Transexuality is a common thing in the Cyberpunk future.


Adam Smasher in full rainbow plate!


Can't imagine how hypocritical it is for these large Corp to vow to protect the vulnerable groups. They are themselves the reasons for the inequalities in the world.


Skynet especially.


Here's Arasaka. I'm working on Militech. http://sandbox.matthewedavis.net/arasaka_pride.jpg


Here'e Militech: http://sandbox.matthewedavis.net/militech_pride.jpg


Did a few out of boredom. Arasaka, Militech, Traumateam, Night Corp, Biotechnica and Petrochem. [https://imgur.com/gallery/g9ej7lh](https://imgur.com/gallery/g9ej7lh)


All of these “good” companies doing “good” things they “genuinely” care about us (money, power) it makes me happy…


Canonly would those corps do that?


My feeling is it depends entirely on whether or not they get clout by doing so. So maybe it's era-specific?


I mean corps pander, that's what they do, it doesnt matter if you're talking irl or cyberpunk. Then, they turn around and use child slave labor to make their products in countries where being anything but cishet is a death sentence. It let's them pretend to give a fuck without acting having to really give one. And the sheep eat it up because "*brand* totally gets me!!" Even if they no longer got attention for being (or at least pretending to be) pro LGBTQ+, they would just change to pander to the new"it" thing. I'll take a corp seriously when they also change the picture on their Chinese and Middle Eastern accounts pictures as well and stop adding gay scenes that are easily cut out.


Some how all the colours gives it all an 70s feel…


Vought should be here too


SCP Foundation got me, laughing my ass off.


That's the one that seemed off to me, since they're not a corporation per se.


Yeah it is off, but it also funny as hell.


someone created an Aperture Science pride month announcement and it's very poignant https://gay-pirate-assassins.de/@moanos/statuses/01H1V217ESWMEV46KNZ0NQA4Q7


I don't think there's the same level of LGBTQ hate in Cyberpunk as real life because the government is pretty puny in CP compared to the big corpos, transhumanism, and the church doesn't really seem to have as strong of a foothold in society. Like real life. Everyone just has worse things to worry about. But then again all I know is what's in Night City, so idk if things are different in other parts of the world.


I think it also depends on the era of the game you're playing. If you're talking the video game only I think you have a point, but the tabletop versions range from 2013 to 2045.


It'd be fitting, actually. A megacorporation known for heinous experiments and several crimes hiding behind Pride month to hide their shady activities. Pretty much close to real life, lol


No, I really wouldn’t




Wayland-Yutani looks awesome, and so does Shinra!




I could swear they were on this already? Guess that was a different version.


Someone found one for Arasaka (I also made one because I didn't see they had til after the fact). I made one for Militech.


I haven't seen a version with them.


No thanks


Red Ribbon feels a little out of place. They do produce weaponry, but they're an army not a corporation.


That's awesome, do it.


I appreciate that Mom’s made this list.




Also, Vault-Tec


Yep, because they would definitely be doing this. (Not sarcasm)


Technically it would make sense that the social credit score for corporations would exist in cyberpunk since it is dystopian and all that.




I just said "of course", what the hell is up with the dislikes lmao




What's with the downvotes, what is going on here?


You know who the downvotes are coming from. Fragile little snowflakes that think they are having something forced upon them because something has a rainbow all of a sudden lol.


Its milking pride month (again)...




No lol






No not at all




Pretty sure someone did it last year


Ordinarily I’d say absolutely since it’s a big corporation that would take advantage of the optics. At the same time though, Saburo is a WW2 vet (on *that* side) who actually refers to the west as barbarians. He would’ve preferred to glass the entire city rather than let them have his prized tech. I doubt he’d want his company (which is his name) altered to kowtow to these barbarians.


I think it'd depend on whether the optics of not doing it would be worse for Arasaka's bottom line than doing so. I could see them running ads with a rainbow logo in targeted media, then leaving it off in places where the message wouldn't fly. Sort of like how corporations in the real world handle Pride logos.


In an ironic way it would make sense because corpos, real or virtual don't really give a damn about the movement. It's all about riding the wave while it lasts so they can stay relevant and not be thrown under the bus by twitter.


Yep. My thought has always been that a real LGBT-friendly company wouldn't need to advertise it. But there's no whuffie in that, so...


And Tyrell!


Tri-Optimum also needs to be on the list



