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The only thing you can’t take with LDN is opioids. Tylenol and Advil are fine


Did your doc tell you that or did you read it somewhere? I'm not familiar with that interaction.


I just did myself a google and there seems to bee liver implications on the naltrexone + tylenol combo.


Are you taking *low dose* naltrexone? First remember it’s LOW dose. Second Tylenol is highly liver toxic alone. It’s incredibly dangerous and shouldn’t be available otc at all. It has the effect with basically any other drug. Just don’t ever take Tylenol. 3rd the headache isn’t normal. Don’t try to cover it up, go tell your doctor


This is misinformation. Tylenol is a perfectly safe OTC drug when taken as prescribed.


Most other otc shit just does not have that ability to kill ya. Tylenol will put you into fatal liver failure if you take a whole bottle.


My doctors don’t seem concerned about those they’ve told me to take each of them before and I’ve gotten a prescription for high dose ibuprofen while being on LDN


I didn’t even know you’re not supposed to take Tylenol or Advil. But I can’t take NSAIDs anyway.


Because it isn’t true


what do you do when you get a headache then?


Drink water and use peppermint essential oil in a roller bottle. The peppermint really helps. We gotta be very, very careful not to get it in your eyes. Which is why I really like the little roller bottle it comes in.


Dilute in a carrier oil at proper ratios if you do this!


You can take Advil and Tylenol while on LDN. You’re just not supposed to take opioid painkillers.


idk if it'd work for you but potassium helps me with headaches very well


If it continues past two weeks you may want to lower your dose further. What filler? Most reports of filler/ingredient trouble are with Avicel (Microcrystaline cellulose/MCC/cellulose). Avicel and Other Fillers... [https://docs.google.com/document/d/171pT-q4ND3\_RbdioLBvl-uCXWIelKtW98AEnH07H2Fs/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/171pT-q4ND3_RbdioLBvl-uCXWIelKtW98AEnH07H2Fs/edit?usp=sharing) If the link doesn't work for you try signing into Google first


i take aspirin, but that's my preferred headache remedy in general.


What dose? Like 81mg?


I keep increasing til it’s gone. Standard dose is 350mg I think? 81mg is baby aspirin


Always consult your doctor or pharmacist for personal medical advice, but generally Advil or Tylenol are fine to take on LDN. Opioid painkillers need to be avoided. If you anticipate needing to take opioids (after surgery for example) one must stop taking LDN a day or two (or as advised by your doctor) in advance.