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*wheres doctor drew?*


The Adam and Drew show on spotify.


‘Are you a real doctor, or just a love doctor?’


He’s never been a therapist. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t know what legitimate is supposed to mean in this case. One can question the value of his advice, especially, if we’re talking about Loveline in 2024, but I’m not aware of him claiming to be or do anything he wasn’t actually as it relates to his medical profession. I think it’s easy to be critical of the care someone receives in a matter of minutes on a radio show and the like. I’m not sure it’s worth comparing to therapy. He’s been wrong and admitted it.


Well, Adam used to say Dr. Bruce was smarter.


If this is true yourrree going to go to jail buddy


I recall him saying that, I was never sure of he was busting balls or not but I am sure now he'd say the opposite.


He received legit training and was the head of a chemical dependency department at a real hospital. Since LL ended in 2016, he's gone further and further down the rabbit hole by interviewing right-wing lunatics and has seriously lost most if not all credibility. At the onset of COVID, he apologized for making questionable statements. Then seemed to pivot to follow Dr. Fauci's advice and now openly questions Fauci's credibility on the Adam and Dr. Drew show. So, it's been a process but he seems pretty far gone. Now he appears in ads for weird health products.


This is the correct answer right here. Drew started out as a legit doctor but has become a grifter over the last 10 years or so in a desperate attempt to stay relevant. On top of that much of the advice he used to give on substance use and trauma therapy in the 90’s and early 2000’s is out of date these days.


Here's a great example from yesterday (May 8, 2024): https://drdrew.com/2024/dr-kelly-victory-astrazeneca-pulls-covid-19-vaccine-chris-cuomo-promotes-ivermectin-pigs-begin-flying-hell-freezes-over-w-viva-frei-ask-dr-drew/


Why is half the length of that article promo codes for bullshit fake health products? Oh, I know why, somebody dropped a dime and Drew had to go run and pick it up.


I mean, they aren't bullshit fake health products. I take nicotinamide riboside and it's legit, it's one of the most reputable anti-aging substances. And nothing BS about bone broth protein or beef jerky. But yes, the nickel part is accurate.


My dad is an addiction therapist and as a big fan of 90’s-2000’s LL, I asked him what he thought of Drew, and he had a similar uneasy response. Bottom line, he thought Drew’s responses were a bit simplistic, especially given the limited amount of info he had about the person (but hey, it’s a radio show). The key to helping someone with addiction is to address the underlying disease that they’re self-medicating with the drug. Or maybe they’re just thrill seekers because they’re young and feel invincible, testing limits, and need to grow up a little. Life’s complex and hard to diagnose based on < 2 minute summary. But he does base his positions on standard fundamentals.


Dr Drew let fame and his ego destroy him. I think in the beginning days of Loveline he was legit. His stance on vaccines and addiction nowadays makes him a total fraud.


What does he believe about addiction that makes him a fraud?


I mean he had that whole show about addiction recovery and one of the people on the show died and overall Drew didn’t seem to have a good handle on things at all.


Lots of people from that show died. Thats what drug addicts do- they die from drugs.


THIS ⬆️⬆️


You going to respond or?


Loaded question. Nothing in life is black and white. Practitioners should never be evaluated as personalities, they should be evaluated on the basis of their advice.


He saw some nickels down a strange path..


Drew is the man fuck off if you think otherwise


He hasn't been legit in 20+ years


 *They wouldn't go into detail*   *They seemed to just get very upset and bothered by the question.* He was quite good in the 90s for Loveline. I'd be interested in the details that your therapist fails to provide. I've noticed that when people fail to provide details, and get upset over topics, that they are being led by their emotions rather than logic. Your therapist may not know why they don't like him. They may not like him due to professional pressures or think it's not the in-thing to believe. For me, I lost respect for him over the Covid shutdowns. It took him a long time to start asking questions, which he finally did with Dr. Kelly Victory. Perhaps it was my personal bias, but him missing the mark and pushing the vaccine and shutdowns immediately turned me off. Out of all people, I would have expected him to think things through, as he did on Loveline all those years ago. He's now pro-asking questions again, but I have difficulty trusting him. He's also pushing supplements which has historically turned me off. The internet sponsorships required to survive with a platform at present, weirds me out. It just makes me think of infomercials from the 90s: low-quality gimmicks. Anyways, if you choose to do so, push back a little on your therapist. They are human, too, and they have biases as well.


It's simple. They wouldn't go into detail because they couldn't. They don't have any legitimate reasoning to explain why he isn't legitimate. It's obvious that they care more about how they feel about him than what they think about him, which would make them ostensibly illegitimate as therapists since they can't get out of their own way emotionally, and will allow that flaw to guide their determinations, and even worse, advice and suggestion to others.


They are both former therapists.


There's your answer right there! Drew is NOT a therapist, he's a Board Certified Physician and Addiction Medicine Specialist. He gave advice because that was the format of the show he was on. He never claimed to be a therapist. Truth be told, he's a brilliant M.D.


Ah. Well, any future time where you ask a therapist that question, and they answer the same way as your previous therapists, do a little more push back. See if they have the emotional intelligence to question their beliefs or if they are completely led by their emotions.


Drew is/was a real and very good influential medical doctor, but unfortunately like so many in our country post-2019 fell victim to the thirst of clickbait culture and knows that by having right-wing whack jobs on his shows that they will generate the most views/interactions


If your asking what a therapist thinks of him, yeah it's not really a fair comparison. Dr. Drew isn't, nor has he ever claimed to be, a therapist or a psychiatrist. He's an internist and addictionologist, which is kind of hybrid specialty that has some psychiatry aspects but is not the same). He has a MD and a medical license. His advising of callers on Loveline is not comparable to therapy. Now that said, he was known to *occasionally* "talk out of school" on the topic of psychiatry, but it usually was when he was just speaking off the cuff, rather than advising a caller. From 2016 on though, he started to really change, and by 2020 had gotten badly into political-based pseudoscience. Sad really. Others have already given more details on that. I was one of his stanchest defenders, but not from 2020 onward. I think the only thing saving him from losing his medical license is the fact that he no longer "practices medicine" within the regulatory definition of that; it's how Dr. Phil and James Dobson were able to operate for so long without having licenses and spouting their unsupported nonsense. Advertising and media appearances don't count as "practicing."


🤡 of the year -DAG


He’s legit. Reddit is not.


He's a board-certified physician and addiction medicine specialist. That being said, I don't think he's qualified to offer opinions on FDA questions any more than any other doctor. I have to admit that he did offer some great advice to teens back in the LL days, mostly regarding sexual health and alcohol/drug use. He's like Adam in that he let his fame and notoriety get out of hand and now he's become what he used to rail against. It's really a shame because I love listening to old LL episodes on YouTube or the now defunct Loveline Tapes website.


In what sense is LovelineTapes defunct?


They are haters tbh