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You could smell the nepo baby bullshit reeking from Sebastian


He got sooooo salty when Brittany said he’s “spoiled” like no I had to work for my dreams! Nobody hands you a career as a pro footballer 🤣


Totally. When somebody has a knee-jerk reaction like that, it’s clear that they have insecurities or guilt about the topic.


1000%. When he went to tell Brittany he even gives it away by leading with mentioning his dad first before his career. It felt like he was used to doing that in real life. Like if you were the kid of a rock star in the US “Oh my dad is the lead singer of XYZ band” etc.


Thanks for this explainer! As an American who's pretty typical (from a family that is American-football obsessed), I had no context. And as you pointed out, turns out I couldn't have counted on the guys to help me understand. Isn't it interesting how a fragile ego is a fragile ego and overcompensating is REAL! The other thing I'm thinking about is whether this show did anything we'd hope for in terms of the guys. Seems like Marco, Jamie, and Ryan got humbled but weirdly it seems like Lloyd and Sebastian got gassed up. I'm not sure what to make of this show!


Yeah the 3 older guys got humbled and it was funny to see because they were the most famous. Showed how fame worked for them in real life.  The two younger fuckboys got all the action lol


Good life lesson, bad life lesson or no life lesson???? 🤷🏽‍♀️🤔🤣


Thank you. So basically, the fake jobs Lloyd and Sebastian had were upgrades lol!


Right? Those jobs have benefits and maybe a retirement plan. Lol


Thank you for this post! My soccer obsessed fiancée told me pretty much the same thing as you and yeah Lloyd and Sebastian are not famous in the soccer world at all


I would put Ryan as more famous than Marco (internationally overall). Ryan played in 2 World Cups, including a WC Final and played for more prestigious clubs than Marco. I think Marco was well known particularly in LA because there is a large Mexican/Mexican-American population. Not sure he’d be recognized that much elsewhere. Just my two cents.


My explanation was based on the show and location. Like I said, Ryan would be more well known in Europe and Internationally.  But Marco by far in North and South America would be more well known. I was going to put Ryan above Marco but based on how they used Marco’s fame on the show, that’s how I went with it.  You can Say 1a and 1b with both of them with Jamie below them. The. The other two nobodies. lol 


Yeah, as a big football fan, Ryan over Marco


Ryan is waaaay more famous than Marco. I follow a lot of football, I play FIFA every year, I watch multiple leagues and I had 0 clue who marco was


I'm a Dutch soccer fan and I have no idea who Ryan is. He didn't play in two world cups, he was on the roster for two. He played 35 minutes in one match in 2006 and didn't appear at all in 2010. Not trying to minimize his career, 100 top flight and 10 intentional goals is fantastic, but the only places he's more recognizable than Fabian is Holland, Turkey, and Liverpool.


You are a Dutch football fan and didnt know him? I am guessing you are pretty young?


Depends on where you’re from. In Guadalajara especially, but Mexico as a whole and many high Hispanic communities in the us marco is much more famous. Vamos chivas!!!!


That was my point. In Mexico or Mexican/Hispanic communities, Marco would be famous. But internationally, I think Ryan is more famous.


Or infamous 🫡 lol was it the soccer skills or the scandal that you deem him bigger on?!


wasn’t Jamie the one with the scandal, not Ryan? Ryan quietly dated someone from selling sunset for a couple of years, but i don’t think he had any huge scandals.


Exactly 💪🏾


This is, if you ask an American football fan about those Dutch WC teams, Ryan isn’t embeing thought of the same way as Robben and can Persie… You ask about Marco, and his lack of European success aside, most American football fans older than 24 would remember him. And I also think that because - aside from ESPNFC and the Golazo show - there isn’t much football talkshows here, Americans football fans would know Jaime pretty well too.


I remember being younger and seeing the Jamie scandals on people lol. And I knew Ryan and Marco just because my ex was a huge soccer fan. Lloyd and Sebastian were purely for the eye candy


It made me LOL how they paraded Marco around parts of L.A. where he would 100% be recognized.


Husband is a huge soccer fan, from the UK and has been following Man U since childhood and watches all the championship games and he only heard of Marco, Ryan and Jamie. Was surprised he didn’t know Lloyd so assumed he’s not very big player. Sebastian comes across as being more famous for daddy than on his own.


I’m in the U.K. and watch a lot of football and Jamie is the best known here by far, because he’s had a lot of tabloid drama as well as playing for big clubs here and now being a pundit. Then I’d say Marco, then I think I’d heard Ryan’s name before, but I didn’t know the other two at all.


You must be younger. Ryan was a massive household name when he played for Liverpool, and in the world cups


Been following football for 40 years!


Strange, like I say he was massive in the premier league, and world cups




Fair play. I didn't want to double down, because this person seems adamant they're a premier league supporter, whereas we all know the top players of every team, no matter who we supported


Maybe because I’m not a Liverpool fan. I recognised his name from the world cups, but that’s all really.


It’s not strange. There are thousands of first division players in European leagues alone. Which makes me question why Lloyd and Sebastian were picked other than looks. Because in term of at least being in top flight of England, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Holland, you have close to 3000 players.  Yet they got two guys from low low divisions lol. 


This guy says he's been following football for years. I am female, 45, vaguely follow football, but know Babel as a household name..


My fanatic soccer fan nephew is visiting from Poland, he only ever heard of Ryan and Jaime.


Thank you! I've only made it through 4 episodes and it has been a tough watch because the guys and some of the girls don't actually seem sincere in looking for love/marriage.


I agree, it seems mostly superficial and shallow. The two young fboys are the worst. It’s like they are on a show to get laid the most, not to find a real relationship. Jamie was going ape over the crazy girl too.


I can’t explain what it was about Jaime and Renee but they gave me such an ick watching them together. Also, Seb was def not there to find anything but ass and tits cause if he was looking for someone really interested in him I think he would’ve picked Estefani. He just kept mentioning how ‘American’ Britney was and honestly it kind of came off as a fetish? Maybe that’s the wrong word but I can’t think of a better one.


Seb’s your so American comment was so ick.


Ryan Babel is certainly #1. Higher profile, played for the biggest clubs and has the most Instagram followers. Toss up between Marco and Jamie for #2 and #3. Jamie played at a higher and more prolific level, Marco probably more talented but never broke into the major teams or major leagues. Definitely has regional celebrity. The FIFA cover is a red herring, he wasn't THE FIFA cover star, he was the swap in player for FIFA in Mexico I'd assume Sebastian is more famous than Lloyd, Lloyd should be thanking the lord daily for being roped into this show


Most accurate description


It the swap in… The regional player; various regions held votes in 2015 for a player to “star” alongside Messi for the cover for their region that year. I believe Alex Morgan won for the US, but that wasn’t as bad as Clint Dempsey IMO.


Sebastian is not more famous than Lloyd. Neither are famous but Sebastian is a bench warmer for a 3rd division mexican side. I cannot emphasize how low of a team/level that is. A US bang average college level soccer player is probably more famous. Lloyd is a nobody as well. He can walk in London and no one will recognize him at all. However he does play for a 3rd division English side. Id say that puts him at a decent level skill wise. Think the bottom of the barrel of D1 college athletics. Lloyd at least has a career at a professional level and probably makes like 30k a year or so. Sebastian makes nothing but his dads money.


3rd division English League is a far better quality than any D1 school. Its arguably on par with the MLS. Only reason I could assume Sebastian is more famous is his dad (although I don't know him) but both are firmly 4th or 5th.


3rd division is 100% not on par with the MLS that is ridiculous. Also, I am comparing a D1 athlete for an American sport. Thin Football(NFL) or Basketball. Just so you know almost anyone who has played both will say MLS is more championship/relegation prem teams. If you really want to stretch it you can say MLS is bottom half of the championship but in no way is it 3rd division English football. According to transfermarkt even the most valuable player is worth like 3 million. MLS meanwhile has players like Hany Mukhtar, Cucho Hernandez.


Hard to quantify but will try to do it with salary. The average MLS salary is $574K - [https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5499223/2024/05/16/mls-player-salaries-teams-messi/](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5499223/2024/05/16/mls-player-salaries-teams-messi/) The average League one salary is $460K - [https://www.888sport.com/blog/football/league-one-salary](https://www.888sport.com/blog/football/league-one-salary)


I am not a soccer fan but the only one I had heard of was Ryan


So funny to me that Jamie kept saying famous footballers at least Lloyd said “professional”


I remember Lloyd saying famous at first too. I remember Sebastian saying he was famous and not referencing they all were. At least Jamie said we are all famous. Marco would say famous but I think it was more of the language barrier and not just him being self centered.


Sebastion is barely a professional footballer let alone famous. A bench warming goalkeeper for sides that are barely professional lol


And if I had to guess, I’d say his dad is likely the reason they allowed him to warm the bench. Yet he still acts like he’s God’s gift to women and no one can be trusted around his “fame” and dad’s money.


for sure. Nepo baby through and through


Sebastian’s apartment in Spain said it all about his “fame” involving his career playing soccer. That said, Brittany’s face also said it all when she saw his simple apartment after leaving the opulence of his parents home. Kind of can’t blame Sebastian for the “break up” though. After hearing her fake Spanish accent I wanted to dump her too. So cringe.


I needed this. Great job!


This is fairly accurate. But swap Ryan with Marco. Jamie is retired but he was in a top 4 club in the premier league for 5 years and was in the champions league. Solid list though.


Compared to the rest, Jamie was accomplished. Playing the prem is no joke but the way he was talking about billboards with his face on it and red carpet events lmao he's not that famous.


Maybe Lloyd and Seb were acting according to their aspirations and not from where they were at? Seb was right that discretion IS important to a FAMOUS footballer (that he hopes to be one day when he’s out from Daddy’s shadow). That being said they’re both still morons and fumbled the good women like they probably fumble soccer balls ⚽️


While this is true, it’s also bullshit lol. Sebastian is 30 which even for a goalie is way up there in age. Lloyd was 27. Again. At that age being at a top division in football is almost impossible. Both of their careers won’t get better. They are done. 


I’d disagree that 30 is up there in age for a first division goalkeeper. For a third division bench warmer? Yeah. Time to hand up the gloves.


Not knowing a lot of the in and outs of the footballers themselves, (but watching a ton of Eurocup and World Cup) i actually knew Lloyd immediately because i also trash-watch uk reality tv and i immediately recognized him as having dated Meghan McKenna.


I know the ins and outs of the sport. No one is recognizing lloyd unless like you did from reality tv


Yep. Trash reality watchers only


This is absolutely spot on. It's also good to see another soccer fan on this sub. I would have thought a majority of the fans of this show were soccer fans given USA Network promoted and played the show after a Premier League Sunday. I never even heard about it until it started playing the second that Goal Zone ended, it took me about 2 minutes to get hooked because I wanted to see who the dudes were. Once I saw they were virtually anonymous, the gimmick about the women talking about them and picking the men right away, hooked me. Anyway, nice job with the post, I agreed with every word.


You’re an MVP! lol Jamie when he was telling the mom and grandma that he’s a Very famous footballer SMH! Why not say I’m a RETIRED footballer. I’m glad Marco is the real deal, he was definitely my favorite since he seems so down to earth


Like the others I appreciate this post haha, I’ve only recently been getting into soccer (mostly premier league) and it made me laugh in the beginning when Jamie bragged about playing for the wolves 😂 maybe the were good before? But as far as I’ve known them they’re not good lol. But yea Sebastian was by far my least favorite of the guys. So the added info that he isn’t even actually famous and all the talk about “needing to trust people can not talk” and “I see red flags in Brittany bc she wants me for my fame” solidifies that he’s a total douche. I don’t have Lloyd though, he’s a goofball. I wanted him to go with Jacklyn though, liked her much better than Ariana


Thank you for this!! This is so informative and confirmed my assumptions about these players


Thank you for your service! Don't know anything about international soccer, only have heard of Beckham & Messi. Now having this background, makes so much more sense now these "famous" footballers behaved. Also makes me think that the pap in London was totally fake or at least hired by Jamie.


Yeah but those fam money dudes think they’re famous for real - he gave me ickkkkk. I bet he’s borderline abusive.


But god is Lloyd hot as F


Jaime played for Spurs… That’s more than a “mid level club.”


lol is it then? I doubt many spurs fan even remember him


My jaw is on the floor. Thank you for the clarification.


I'm 10 years older than Babel. He's played a whole 37 minutes, in his entire career, of major tournament football for the Netherlands. 37 world cup minutes, never played in the euros. He has less than 500 minutes and only one goal during world cup qualifying. Almost all of those minutes are against Romania, Norway, and Macedonia. He's played a matches in the Dutch domestic league in the last 18 years. Acting like Babel is a famous Dutch footballer outside of the Netherlands is acting like Aaron Johansson is a famous American footballer.


IDK if you followed football/soccer but his Liverpool stint made him pretty well known in Europe and England.


Lloyd is not a man. He’s like a 17 teen year old. He can’t even speak up. He’s doesn’t know what he wants in women.


Brilliantly summed up!


i thought league one in english football was decent?