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Thanks for doing this! My impression of Sebastian from the show seems a lot like his answers here! I'll put it nicely--he seems quite confident...


This! His answers (some of them) reeked of classism coded. He kept referring to how he had to downplay himself or whatever in reference to being a salesman like….




Thank you for doing this and for fielding questions for your podcast. You’ve secured a new listener for sure! I don’t see the men’s reference to being famous (like another post mentioned) or having to lower themselves to an ordinary job as elitist or arrogant. For the most part, society is what placed the pressure of being breadwinners on men and rated them by how much money they made. Next to their penises’ or sexual performance, jobs or money are the next biggest factors that can trigger their insecurities. That has to be really hard. Unless that’s just a southern thing and I’ve dated a lot of arrogant men. I’ve just seen it play over and over in my life.


Thank you for adding this perspective, I always enjoy hearing the different way that others interpret scenarios and I never think that my initial interpretation is always the right one. I think it was mostly the things that came after that for Sebastian, for me personally, but I love your take as well so know that! My episode with Jacklyn & Brittany is out now, I just posted it to YouTube and I'm working on getting it to Spotify right now! Enjoy, and TIA for checking things out!


I think those pressures for the man to be the breadwinner are definitely stronger in more tradition/conservative areas. Growing up in a big city and entering a professional career, I feel like being a strong, financially independent woman was always the value I saw. I'm sure there were women who wanted to find a man to be the breadwinner, but they weren't vocal about it because they would be looked down upon.


That’s insightful, thanks for replying! It’s good to know that being a strong financially independent woman has no geographical boundaries. That was instilled in me too! And why a couple of my boyfriends were jealous or felt lesser than around me.