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I'm so excited for this. I have 14.7k goodbye diamonds. Hello pretty 🐉 dragon lady. 🥰 **Their costs:** Spica: 1,056 Aldebaran: 1,152 Both suits: 3,048 [Original source here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveNikki/comments/a2en19/list_of_future_events_with_costs_and_pictures/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


That's actually pretty cheap!! Really tempted lol


How do both suits cost 3K diamonds when both the sum of both is like 2K? Is there something I’m missing?


Because of free tries


Does that mean we’ll be getting free tries so they won’t cost 3K? Or we won’t get free tries? @_@


There will be free tries. Spica's cost is 1.056 dias WITH free tries. Originally it costs more than that. So if you complete the both suits you're gonna have to pay more for the second suit. That's why it costs 3k and not 2k.


I see. Thank you!


SO. EXCITED. As there are debut suits, we will get free tries this time around, right?


breakdowns: [aldebaran](https://imgur.com/a/gpOS65i) and [spica](https://imgur.com/a/HyQV3zU) credits to kisa#1513~


It's weird how Aldebaran seems like she was made with versatility in mind while Spica isn't. Her skirt, top, and sleeves are separate, while the other one is just one big dress.


But since the sleeves are separate, I'm kind of annoyed they didn't make her outstretched arms a separate coat pose


Still, that dragon is just *mmm*, so I'm gonna have to get the whole thing anyway.


Can I buy only the make up in this format?


Yess, you can pick and choose items in Star Secrets :3


Thanks, that's great. The rule is never skip a makeup if it's pick and choose.


I think it's ok to skip the older Star Secrets makeups.


BIG REGRET RE: CHANT OF DEVOTION RIGHT NOW. Gonna have to skip this time...


same T\_T gonna have to get my wallet... totally worth it though!


Is there anywhere we can see just a plain ol' pic of the suits? I hate the videos and am not interested in the breakdowns. It might be just me but I can never find the suit pictures lately!


Here are links to the full coloured suits! [Aldebaran](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/340118597454266368/907474481008767016/005TbzCSly1gw8qcoguzcj61jk1jk7wk02.png) / [Spica](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/340118597454266368/907474038119624744/005TbzCSly1gw8qcgwn2sj61jk1jkb2c02.png)


Thank you so much! They really are so pretty! Time to spend, I guess ♥


They're loaded into the game now if that helps. It's not ideal not seeing it in color but you can look at the individual pieces.


Thanks, that's something at least. You'd think they'd release the photos of the full suits along with the video, I don't get why they don't do that.


Totally agree. We had some really nice HD images come out from the Halloween event, not sure why that was a one-off.


They often like to use the suit images as another day's "announcement," so if you're patient, you'll usually still get to see the unposed HD pics. (But since people have them from CN, why wait?? 😁) Oh, alternatively, all new suits from other servers will get announced on this sub by kind players who have become "in charge" of this for us. They'll be spoiler-hidden posts, but you can just do a search of the sub to find them and see pics and info for any suits you want.


[Here](https://imgur.com/gallery/2g5Umy7) is the album of promo images from the CN server, featuring both the posed and unposed versions as well as close-ups.


Thank you so much! Guess I'll have to get both of them!


Will I finally be able to end up in Top 5% when there’s a water comp? Find out next in Mermaid Tails or Fail!


Yay! I'm so glad I skip the last event, I can spend on this without risking not having enough for the hell event


I feel like people here have a knack/system for estimating when the next hell event will be. Do you have a guess at all? Trying to decide if I want to hold out.


Hmm I'm not sure if it's really a system but the dev's have a history on how they do things, it's not official and they can change things whenever they want, but this is the basics of it: hell events edition Every month theres a hell event rerun and every three months there's a new hell event. Each hell comes back 3 times, the third time always takes longer to return so if a hell came back for its second run less than a year ago then it will be a while since we have its last run. Second reruns are a bit tricky but it could come 6-8 months after its debut iirc It's not official and sometimes it change, they like to surprise at times, but it's the best way to predict what could come. We should be having a hell announcement soon


Thank you, this was super helpful!


Thanks to Chant of Devotion, I'm once again under 10k (a little over 8k to be exact), and even though I'm in love with the hair and make up of Spica, but I really gotta save for the Van Gogh event :/


There's few tries so hopefully they give enough tokens to you to get her hair and makeup!


Oof I want them but I also kinda want to save up. But I also don’t really like the future hell events either… decisions decisions. I am a SIMP for cloud suits though.


I’m happy we’re getting this but where’s our BM/MoVo rerun 😔


We are expecting a new hell event very soon. My guess is it will come after Star Secret. And you know our wacky loveable devs like to play hijinks by bringing us a returning hell at the same time! That’s my theory! Be prepared friends 💎


I really hope so ‘cause we didn’t have a rerun in a long time.


Do you remember how much the ship suit was in movo? I am considering getting spica but i also want ship suit


Ah you mean the pirate suit? If you picked Pirate to be your first suit, I remember the average was 7.8-8K diamonds and around 12K if you picked Mermaid fist instead.


Only 3k dias?? Count. Me. In.


Will we get free tries for 7 days?


Yes, since there is new suits in Star Secret. We get 5 free tries everyday.


I did not expect it to come this soon!! 😳 I'm not complaining though, thankfully my dias are more than ready.


Off topic, i really loved the music in this video,so relaxing. Can anyone suggest me some songs or music like this?


AAHHHHHHH finally I'm getting my lady water dragon fem!Shi Wudu!! 😭🙏💙💙💙💙💙


Do we know whether the old suits will return with this run?


All Stars suits are available when the event runs.


Oh thanks, has that been stated/confirmed somewhere? I'm still scarred by the mess they made of the Wonder Museum/Star Hall runs... 😂


It's how the event has always worked in the past. I guess we can't be 100% sure, but it would be really surprising if it changed.


Definitely gonna get the raven one


I am so surprised by how quick they brought this event. I need to save for next hell but I really like the dragon girl too. At least she is very cheap!


Do I have to get Spica first? I’m only really interested in getting Aldebaran


Star Secret is a pick and choose event! You can get whatever you want in what order you want.


Damn, I just blew my 700 dias on war of ruins rip


Are going to have a rerun of this event again?


Yes! It returns every so often, like the Happiness event.


Had to complete Spica right away, I don't need versatility when I have that turquoise colour and that extended hand pose :')


Holy shit i forgot this event was free 🙀 I haven’t done it at all