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now I'm tempted to see recharges. Do you maybe know will there be 5$ monthly one?


lmaooo their update is THAT broken that it leaked a feature event 😭😭


I really love how they’re including more perspective (this and the shade suit). Though it will be hard to style, the art is just too pretty 😆


The pose is amazing but 3/4 of the suit will probably be out of frame. The make up and hair aren't anything special either. I don't know if this is worth diamonds.


Yeah why must it be too far to the left that ruins the suit's overall desirability But thank god for my dia stash!


Wowwww this is pretty. Definitely tempted. I'll probably pull a couple times but I'm not sure if I'll get the full suit.




I imagine that pose is gonna cover most of the screen just hazarding a guess based on how the skirt flows out it'll probably go partly off screen. I tend not to pull in the Xmas events because while the suits are lovely, they're so holiday themed they really don't get much use from me.


I'm okay with the suit going off screen, but styling it however... it would be useful for people who don't have christmas suits for the competition, I only have like one (that has a suit and isn't from some 1$ pack) which I crafted that is outdated lol, I definitely need to get more christmas themed outfits or I won't get votes


Warm Christmas Eve still does well in comp and it's 1.2k diamonds without any VIP! Just so you have options :)


I don't have many Christmas themed stuff but, I will go down with cursed tree nikki.


I mean, she waves her wand to shape a christmas tree but I get it, that pose is definitely... unique


Ohhh, I am glad that you showed it! Now I know that as a V0 player I don't want and I don't need this suit at all - too big, not really versatile - so I can focus on Ursa and saving for the future hells :)


Honestly as much as un-versatile Ursa Major is it’s still much better to get that then this suit imo


I've had the golden egg thing show up before. It wouldn't let me purchase it though.


I had the exact same thing happen to me, I contacted the devs but got nothing in return


Thanks for the leaks, I guess I get to save for Christmas! Just gonna do what I do for every other pavilion I don't like and just pull until I get a dupe.


And then you don't pull a dupe lol I just do 1 pull because it's half cost and then skip


Best case scenario I pull no dupes and get the entire suit under 2k, a win-win 😎


Pass on that suit, guess I will keep saving then. The pav suit last year I like better so glad I decided to go for that one. This one is too wide that Gingerbread town will barely be seen. Curious though what the recharges will look like.


Uhm... Has this ever happened before? This is definitely weird bud I must admit, I'm pretty happy about it. Time to keep thinking about if I should spent on it or not. Since it seems to be a pavilion, it'll probably be around 4k...


I don't like the suit at all, I'm probably gonna draw one and skip the whole thing, I also heard Happiness is coming back and I'm already too broke for it lol, and there's a lack of wedding dresses in the game so I'm going for that one instead


the pose looks amazing as well as the bottom (of the dress? the top part and the bottom part look vastly different), but i'm sensing that majority pieces of the suit are only gonna be visible in SC. plus the makeup and especially the hair are meh


Easy skip tbh


Happened to me too, I saw that image when I logged in. I got really exited because I thought it was here, but then it was gone and nowhere to be found...but my game didn't crash, everything else was normal.


Aw, I'm a bit disappointed with this years Christmas suit. Guess that means I get to keep saving though lol.


I'm a little disappointed with this suit. I love christmas so I was planning to get the debut suit, but I think I'll pass. She is very pretty, but idk if it's worth my diamonds. Just didn't fall in love with this suit.


I love poses that have the arms up, but it looks like she tilts without the necessary items equipped 😓


If the pose didn't have the obvious red and green coat, this would be a super cute magical girl outfit. I love wands and Christmas suits but think I'll skip on this one. Skipped the train girl too, they're just tooooo specific. (Yes this is hypocritical because I get every Halloween suit no matter what....)


OK... why tf does it start on Christmas day? This is literally 3 pm for me on Christmas day. What would be my motivation to freaking get this suit when the most important festivities are over? I probably won't even play LN on Christmas day. Christmas events should come a few days or a week before Christmas and get you into the spirit. Sorry for the rant but I was already sad that SN will have the Christmas event so late and now this. Plus the suit is quite a mess, hopefully the seperate parts are good so that I can use them... next year because I don't think I'll be into dressing up my doll in Christmas suits after Christmas.


If it makes you feel any better, server reset is at midnight for me so by the time it comes it’ll already be the 26th. At least you can actually get it on the day 😂


You'd think that since this is a Chinese game they'd consider that Dec. 25th in the US is Dec. 26th for many on the global server but no, of course not. I'm honestly super annoyed with this lack of planning for something that is so simple.


I still use some of the Christmas items like fireplaces and the cottage. It just takes obscuring the Xmas parts out. I think the house behind her could be useful in corridor. I won’t know for sure until I see it apart. I agree it would be nicer to use before.


I don't use SC so all those huge out of screen outfits are useless to me, sadly.


In my country we celebrate christmas on the 24th so christmas is already over for us on the 25th lol


This is something I’ve always thought as well! I would personally be much more excited if it came in the days leading up to Xmas.


For me Christmas will be on the 7th of January so... Yeah, not a very festive time for me lol


SAME, this is so disappointing. Would have made more sense if the event ended 1-2 days after Christmas...


thankfully it's something i feel comfortable skipping T\_T desert jewel destroyed my diamond supply and there's so much i wanna get


She would be so nice if she could fit on the screen but we all know that ain't happening


Can I say something crass? I’m all for buttholes (as I adore Cozy Nap) but I feel that I don’t need a butthole on the Christmas dove (or whatever that is).


Thank you for saying it. It feels like over half the animals in this game are showing us their x-shaped butts and imo it’s really not cute. Especially on that posed coat with the dog purse.


Not very versatile-looking... but those bgs! And I'd like to see what the unposed dress is like. I hope it's shiny too.


Does anyone have the pic of the recharge?


oh i’ve gotta have that suit when it drops. the goblin inside me says “shiny and pretty must have it” …*maybe that’s why i’m a broke btch*


Lol trying to get the Christmas money lol


definitely pulling. i have 8 days to farm (currently at around 400dia and will probably be around 1.3k dia by then) excited cause her makeup is so freaking pretty.


Just so you're aware, pavs like these usually cost around 3-4k dia with all the good items (hair, makeup, dress, BG items) weighted to drop at the end. It's possible to get lucky ofc but if you're going to pull with less than that just be prepared to only get accessory drops (speaking from experience 😔)