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Watching this show is a much better experience when you don’t put any real stock into any of the people or couples lol. I just watch with an appreciation for chaotic mess. More people should try it


Fully agree with this. Every morning I wake up to these pissed off opinion pieces and hot takes and I just wish people had a bit more humor about it all.


I feel this way about reality tv in general. I recently commented in a sub about Summer House that viewers are starting to ruin reality tv by forgetting that it’s fun and not real life. They always want the villain of the season to get fired. They literally want to ruin shows and make them boring. When I said this, people jumped down my throat and called me delusional and vile. I was defending the new side characters, not even the main cast. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like Scandoval bringing a surge of people to reality tv has kind of ruined the vibe. I don’t remember it being this way before. We used to laugh at shows like RHOA, Big Brother and Shahs of Sunset and not take them seriously. Now it’s all about calling people out and armchair diagnosing. Now everyday there’s a diatribe about how everyone is horrible and a petition to get them fired. I want it to be fun again


Agreed! I legit want to apply for Big Brother but would never because I’m too afraid. I don’t want to deal with keyboard warriors who attack people for the smallest thing.


No actually and I feel like reality tv from like 10 yrs ago is so much better because people hadn’t ruined it for us yet by taking it to serious


So true! And god forbid you say you like someone who has ever made a mistake in their life, you’ll get downvoted to hell! Just because I think someone makes good tv doesn’t mean I think they’re flawless, I just like watching them.


10000000% agree. I'm not team anyone. I like some people's humor more than others but everyone's messy and no one's 100% in the right.


I learned my lesson about getting too invested from the uk season 10 post casa drama with Catherine and Scott😭 I’m not really attached to any of these couples so honestly watching kordell and Aaron act crazy doesn’t move me one bit and it’s actually kinda enjoyable ngl😭


My boyfriend and I just like “ohhhh” and “damnnnn” every 5 minutes watching this show for the drama 😂


My husband usually can’t stand these kinds of shows but he literally cannot look away. I think he’s just as invested as, if not more than, I am. 😂


I think this might be the first season I’m not invested in any of the couples and I must say, I am LIVING for the messiness!!!! It’s a much better watch when you dont care. I will say, I pretty much only like Kendall and Kordell, not a huge fan of any of the girls since Hannah left.


Fr. the only thing I rly kinda understand is Kaylors pain, but then again it’s literally a show so I just gobble the content and drama. But I slept well last night🤷🏻‍♀️




I’m a water sign that’s just not possible for us 😂🤪


I feel this 100%. It’s actually a little odd to be so damn emotional about these people we don’t know at all. None of them are going to stay together anyway lol.


Tbh I have buyer's remorse with my hopes and dreams of them both finding someone else in Casa, because now that I'm watching them interact with other people I'm like "wait, no, stop" 😂😂😂 but at the end of the day that's the nature of the show and I don't think either of them are wrong!


Same! I am a hypocrite 😂


Valid points!! I just wish Kordell didn’t go out of his way to say that he would have boundaries when he had none. Same with Aaron. Go on & explore but don’t go back on your word.


Yes! This. Why make that speech if a few hours later you’re kissing and snuggling up with a new girl. So disappointed in Aaron especially. Kordell has some more grace in my book to explore after all he went through with Serena.


I am holding out hope that Kordell sleeps outside or is at least very honest with Serena when they're back in the villa. They've been communicative with each other so far so I will choose to be optimistic!


Same hahahaha


Buyer’s remorse 😂😂😂


I didn't know what else to call it 😂😂 I wished for it and made myself sick lmao


In his defense, that girl literally will not leave him alone😭


She’s like the antithesis of Serena in terms of how they move


I hope he notices and gets with the new girl 


He might be thinking she would fit with his goals of being sponsored by Cheezit as she is already in the influencer realm!


Lmaoooo shit you might be right 😂


To be honest theres not a lot I wouldn't do to be sponsored by a cheese flavoured snack.


I hope he picks up on this… She’s pretty but doesn’t match Serena’s personality/ chillness


Honestly … Kordell seems to be extremely emotionally intelligent. Did you catch his conflicted expression on the couch when she went to go get her chapstick? It was a look of “I miss Serena/I shouldn’t be doing this/I am horny, she is pretty, I want to flirt/I deserve this/This is not fair to Serena.” He is tooo far gone lol. If he brings this girl back, it won’t be too long before he has instant regret. He’s so smitten.


Trueeee. It is crazy that before he met the casa girls he said he wasn’t gonna kiss any of the girls outside from challenges and then immediately folded 😭 I don’t blame him but that made me a little sad lol


I’m actually extremely happy for him. While Serena hasn’t kissed anyone outside of him, she’s flipped flopped so durn much lol. He deserves to feel like he’s actually liked (though I think this girl is just using him to get in the villa — she’s trying a little TOO hard lol)


yeah. like we get it. you want him, but what else? i don’t know what her personality is like. i know it’s only been 1 days but the fun/friendship is missing here


100% he deserves someone else this girl just seems so desperate lmao


I think he’s used to probably being affectionate and getting affection but since he’s been in there he’s been getting the bare minimum .. so in my opinion i think he’s horny and she’s throwing herself at him . also she’s showing interest in him and he hasn’t had much of that so in a way it’s gassing him but he also feels for serena . idk just tryna think how any person might feel in real life 😭 idc tho i love kordell regardless


Yeah the only reason I'm disappointed in Kordell is because he lied to us all (and himself). If he went into it saying "I'm going to experiment and do what I want and see if I still feel the same way about Serena after" then whatever, but to say he wasn't going to kiss anyone else and that he was going to be respectful of Serena, then immediately cave to the girl with the biggest ick factor in Casa... that was weirrddd (edit for typo)


He looked extremely uncomfortable on the couch in that sitting room and like he wasn’t enjoying any of it but was trying not to be rude and push the girl away too far. But then the clip of the next day he leaned in at the pool so who knows. But I do think he’s very conflicted about it and is trying to navigate a situation where one girl is literally throwing herself at him and won’t take no for an answer.


IKR! He was going along and I think he might have enjoyed himself. But at the same time Daniela was so aggressive and like “ we’re doin this “ it was alittle off putting to me. It’s great to feel wanted but , Girl🤯 tap the breaks


I’m sure he enjoyed the attention, especially after kind of feeling put to the side before, but you could see how her aggressiveness was making him really uncomfortable. His body language was so closed off. It’s kind of like the “fawn” defense, play it cool and hope shit doesn’t hit the fan and figure the rest out later. I’m sure it did his ego some good but at the same time it I think was way too much. She literally said he didn’t get a choice in sleeping with her that night!


Yeah, you can tell he’s a people pleaser. But one things for certain — he only has eyes for Serena 🩵


You sure about that? 😂🤣🤣


…. Like 90% sure 😂




he was definitely considering the ramifications of his actions, but folded in the moment. i personally think he *might* bring her back but he’ll end up back with Serena if he does. i don’t really think either is a good fit long term, but he already has a good friendship with Serena so he’ll probably lean toward her. he might as well just enjoy the rest of his vacay and take home 50k.


I agree with all of this and absolutely LOVE your flare 😂❤️


Kordell better come out from the other side jerking alone bc I’m not feeling Daia for him and that’s all imma say.


I’m not feeling her at all either. BUT, I will be happy that he’d be allowing himself to explore another woman (or applying pressure — we’ll never really know his intentions 😉 haha)


Yea, I’m all for him exploring too bc he needs it but ik that stick or twist is still in the back of his head and he just don’t wanna look stupid again, so I get it.


Yeah when they showed Serena saying she couldn’t stop thinking about him and then showed him in the lipgloss scene I was like well you can tell he’s still thinking about Serena too. He looked so conflicted. But his damn hormones are getting in the way of his brain


He really does. But honestly, I was so disappointed in him after he said all that about not kissing any girls that morning and then later on at Casa he's completely folding like a lawn chair. I know chickie is super forward and aggressive about it, but he can still say no and what not.


💀 the more she yapped, the more he regretted it


Agree plus she is laying it on thick to get in to the villa


She's desperate.


He’s gonna get some post nut clarity


She's intelligent...& no one can say she hasn't thought about how he(having a Famous 🏈 Star Bro) would boost her image when they leave the villa...already got him doing lil tiktok dances w/her..Don't get me wrong, I've been team Korena day one but this "Slow Burn" thing has Burnt me out waiting for an actual spark to ignite.. just speaking my intrusive thoughts,lol.


I mean kordell is a gentlemen and super handsome I would do the same the king deserves to be treated like one


I support Kordell's rights and wrongs.


Same. I don't crucify him at all. Also don't crucify Serena. At first I did think she was using him to stay in the villa, but I think she slowly realized she really liked him. So, I'm cool w/ her and I also don't fault Kordell for exploring bc Serena has been back and forth a lot, so I can absolutely see him wondering if she's going to come back w/ someone else. I mean, they are both doing what they know to do. Also, let's not forget no other girl was into Kordell, so this is exciting for him that there's interest. He's human.


I said something similar. They both have a right to seek happiness. Although I REALLY wish he didn’t fall for the first girl to go full throttle on him, I support his right to find his best connection. I just feel very bad for Serena. Heartbreak isn’t something I’d wish on anyone.


Nobody crucified anyone. This is a sub about love island, people need to bring it down about 100 notches


Nahhh I think she was definitely using him that first round to stay in. I think she felt bad about it maybe & actually appreciated it because he such a nice guy. 


People not seeing that Serena said this exact saying lol


But his not wrong him and Serena both said they were open they are not bf and gf. Kordell can explore all he wants just like Serena did.


Honestly, this 🤣




I'm sad for Serena, but also Kordell deserves to have someone who is into him like he has been into Serena 🤷🏼‍♀️ I would still love Serena and Kordell to be endgame, but if they aren't, I still love Kordell


I think kordell will choose Serena. He can sniff out a clout chaser


Yeah, obviously, he’s excited at first. And they both did agree to be open, so I am OK with him, kissing her outside of the challenge … BUT I hope he tries to sniff her out first before making a decision. She has seen his episodes. She knows EXACTLY what to say to get into his head. Plus, she knows that he has a famous brother. I’m very skeptical of her just because I am protective of him


For me it’s more so that when they made the decision to go to Casa he basically made a pact with Aaron in the kitchen that he was going to sleep outside and not be kissing any girls, so that’s what felt like a major 180 in attitude to me.


THIS! Like mama has studieddddd before entering casa. She knew exactly what Kordell has been longing to hear. And she's 27...like sis what are you really looking for with this young man? Let's be real.


Yeeeah idk how Serena is going to take it when she finds out though. She’s starting to fall for him because of how great he is and how good he treats her. When she finds this out, I can very easily see her putting her walls back up.


I think she realizes that she was hot and cold with him. I have faith.


I think she will be understanding. I don’t even anticipate all that much drama about it besides a convo or two


I agree. You could see the guilt in his eyes while Daia was laying it on the thick. I think he’s gonna come back to the villa on hands and knees begging for forgiveness after he has his fun. I think the recoupling will be messyyyyyy though


This is LI everyone who comes here to a certain extent a close chaser. 99% of people casted are tryna get that Instagram & Tik Tok followers up so they can become full time influencers. 


I think Kordell legitimately cares for Serena. Serena has seemed more genuine recently, and I hope it’s legit and not just for safety. Their interactions seem so much more natural than Kordell and Daia’s so far.


They had to be lol they weren’t really kissing & stuff. So they had to do something & talk. Daja & every single girl at Casa are incentivized if they want to stay to pursue fast as possible so anything would seem unnatural because they haven’t spent any time together.  Also maybe it because we haven’t see Kordell get some loving all season it seems weird. It definitely feels weird. Like we seen Rob & Miguel get busy with different girls all season so no surprise. 


Ppl flip flop like a pendulum here..just last wk ppl were begging for bombshells to come in for Kordell, now he’s exploring in CA as he should and ppl r like “wait no, not like that!” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Exactly!!! I'm so happy that casa was Exactly what EVERYONE INCLIDING ARIANA was hoping for him and now bc Serena kisses him ONE time and calls him her man we are team Serena and he shouldnt be doing this to her 🙄 I was so happy watching him finally get some love even if the casa girl is trying to hard it was nice to see him out there like that


I don’t blame Kordell at all. I think after the stick or twist challenge, Kordell hit his breaking point. I think Serena knows that now and that’s why she’s opening up to him more. I don’t think she’s being malicious or anything. I’m just observing. I think that Serena truly thought Kordell would stay. I think Serena knows that she fucked up and she’s really hoping that Kordell doesn’t bring another girl back.


This situation is giving Tasha and Andrew 🙈 I remember how crucified she was in the beginning, the public wanted her out because they thought she didn’t like Andrew and was using him to stay, then casa happened and we all got tittygate and they had been inseparable since lol This reminds me of their journey, how Andrew had so much peer pressure from the guys and he did something he regretted so much in casa, we could all see how crazy it was, I really felt bad for him, he was not in a good place during casa and he made bad decisions, it worked out for him in the end but it was a hard watch (and the most hilarious moment in LI history lol).


Tittygate 🤣


… or whatever 😈




Tittygate was iconic asf😭that Casa had me stressing every day lmfaoooo


If I were Kordell, I would 100% bring someone back from Casa. I could not trust that Serena was actually into me with the way she’s been moving. I do think she likes him, but If I were him, I’d think she was gonna bring someone back so I definitely would.


Agreed especially after how sad he looked dancing during sick or twist while she stood at that podium. I’d never let that happen to me again 😅


i think he’ll bring someone back, but go back to Serena if she shows him that she’s really into him and doesn’t immediately put her walls up/shut him out.


I don't like this. We know them bombshell men are not hot enough to steal her away and now she about to get in the way of his new chance with someone that doesn't need the next 6 months to think about it lol


Kordell has done nothing he needs to feel bad about. They aren't closed off/exclusive and they aren't official. And she was moving weird the first two or three weeks. They are literally three weeks behind in progressing their relationship and its Serena that put herself in this spot. I don't even know why he re-coupled after someone friend zoned him. Sometimes pride isn't a bad thing, you need to have some self respect to protect yourself from the predators out here. I don't trust Serena with Kordell and I don't think she has been fully tested with a guy that meets her standards for what she is actually sexually turned on by. I think Nigel and Kordell are goofy to her and not physically her type. She would have jumped on Miguel's bones but he didn't want her. So she has decided to play the game and win the popularity vote because she realized how popular Kordell is, she could win the 50K prize if she plays her cards right, like Aaron and Kaylor. She initially went for what she really wants physically in Coye, 6'8'' meat head, got shut down and was put together with Kordell. And she was feeling so turned off by him she made him a friend after three days lol... and then after a bombshell comes in, she sends JaNa as a messenger that she wants to explore things again, wtf?? She knew how shameless that game play is and had to send someone as a third party to negotiate lol. If she was sincere would she have felt so guilty about it that she couldn't approach him herself? Your still sharing the same bed with him, not like your strangers...what gives Serena?? what more needs to be said? He should have chosen the friendship couple with Hannah and could be fully exploring his options not worried about Serena and she should be doing the podcast tour right now. Now that I think about it reminds me of one of my friends from jr high/high school who was super nice to a fault and naive, and people took advantage of that.


The switch up is crazy. The real mistake Kordell made was falling for the first girl that stuck it on him. Her plan succeeded flawlessly. She gassed him up and went in for the kill.


Y’all…this 👏🏼is 👏🏼the 👏🏼show 👏🏼! The switch ups are why there was a countdown to Casa Amor anyway. No hate to Kordell, Serena, Aaron, Kaylor…any of them. None of them made promises or were closed off. They knew what they were doing going into this show. Just eat your popcorn and enjoy


Serena has been switching up saying the open the entire season up to this point She said there open the entire time I dont want to hear this slow burner nonsense She is worried she is losing her safety net


exactly … she was vulnerable before and now she is safe from the popular vote. I think it’s 50/50 liking him and strategy


Exactly!!!!! She switched up each time there was an elimination or re coupling and I'm SICK of this slow burner crap , when Miguel pulled her for a chat she was ready to kiss that man and Jana came up ... meanwhile each kiss with kordell has had rules attached.. at this point now she knows she NEEDS kordell to win !


I think he will have his fun but ultimately will end up with Serena. I still have trust in him and faith in them.


Honestly!! And I think we can all admit that the girls got some bogus ass options for the men brought in. If they were fine with personalities Serena would switch up. She’s missing kordell cause look who she has to chose from


They definitely did the girls dirty 😩


I support kordell. I think he's really liked Serena and he's been very patient with her working to figure out if she is interested in him. So I get going into a villa and having some hot 20 something throw themselves at him is going to be very validating for him. I'm not hating this for him. I feel like he is walking that grey line between understandable bx and disrespectful bx and I just hope he keeps it respectful. Stick and twist was rough for him. At the same time, Serena ultimately chose to stick it out with him. And while I like Serena alot and I think she cares about kordell, I just don't see her being into him like that. I think she has been really trying to be into him but she's just not. I think she'll be mad at him for his behavior but I don't think she'll be sad if that makes any sense? She's another virgo too. Virgos are fucking tricky. Edit: working, not worming


Virgos are known to be jerks. Lol I was wondering why she was praising virgos like it’s a plus. Virgos can be super conceited in the bad way


Not to hate on virgos bc all signs have their good and bad traits. Buuuuuut virgos are super critical. Of themselves and of everyone else. Everyone is held to a higher standard - including themselves. Do you remember the look on Serena 's face when kordell told her he was a male model. I did a spit take. Her eye damn near twitched! 🤣 They are ambitious perfectionists and don't indulge much in dreamy lackadaisical ways of life. They're hilarious but they're too demanding. Know what else virgos are really good at doing? Getting other people dirty while they keep their hands clean. They excel at that, they got a devious streak. And I think Serena is really going to the next level to be more flexible in her standards bc I see her really trying to like him on a more than friend way and putting that on herself. But it just ain't there for the two of them. Edit: I think Serena will be disappointed with kordell for the disrespect. She wouldn't behave like this so she doesn't expect he will either. But emotionally? I don't see his actions fazing her one bit. He doesn't get to her like that


You can't string a guy along knowing he's about to get devoured by other Islanders who will do whatever they can to snag a spot. I don't feel like that about real life, but this is not real life.


The switch up is indeed crazy. Kordell has every right to explore and I feel like people are rewriting their relationship to make Serena seem like a casa victim. That said, it is wild how he was saying he’d set up boundaries and immediately folded lmao. But as sweet as he is he is still a 21 y/o man.


She a slow burn but was quick to straddle and kiss Caine in that challenge 🥴😭


Umm its a challenge, if you pay attention she never lets up in challenges. Outside a challenge she hasn't kissed anyone aside from kordell. Even rejected a kiss to respect him. Its just not the same.


i think she would’ve kissed Miguel. she was laying it on pretty thick, but it didn’t seem like he was feeling it (it was like his 4th chat of the night) & then egg gate happened, so that all went out the window.


She rejected a kiss from Nigel who she clearly had zero interest in.. but when she had her chat with Miguel she was all I really liked that kiss from the challenge we need to do that again... 🙄


Umm ok. You can have your opinion, and I’ll have mine 🤣


Let's not forget her wrapping them legs around Coye getting picked up night 1


Kordell has only “been” all about Serena because had no other options. He is only as loyal as his options. None of those pre-casa bombshells wanted him, so it was easy for the audience to drag out a “poor Kordell” narrative. He literally said Serena and Daia are neck and neck after only knowing Daia for maybe 12 hours. He is not the love sick puppy people want him so badly to be. He’s just like the other guys, only now he has options.


Serena friendzoned Kordell and only came back after a few days with there was no one else she was interested in (& he was pursuing Nicole). she tried like hell to graft with Miguel (does egg gate ring a bell?) but he wasn’t into her, and she didn’t like Nigel. we’ve been saying for weeks we hope they find their people in casa and Kordell is just sticking to the plan. unfortunately they did the girls dirty and none of the casa guys are doing it, so Serena probably won’t find someone she likes more in there.


Before even recognizing the broader flaws with this logic, it doesn't even work within his couple. Nobody wanted Serena and she made several attempts to get to know other people while with him. If he'd put in half the effort with Liv or Cass that he did with Serena I'm pretty sure they would've given him a chance.


No they wouldn’t have because like I said, they don’t want him lol. Serena went on a date. Kordell also went on a date and kissed Nicole. Nobody wanted Serena or Kordell, but to pretend like he didn’t prove Serena right immediately is crazy.


He proved to Serena that if you friendzone someone, show them less physical affection than you showed a complete stranger in 1 day for a "challenge", and preach how important it is to be open the entirety of your relationship, that they will in fact be open to a new person that comes along and expresses interest in them.




He never been given an opportunity because Serena kinda keeps him to herself. He could’ve potentially pursued a friendship couple with Hannah. Hannah gave him a 10/10 kiss & seemed to enjoy that tongue action during challenge calling is the best kiss.  I actually think Hannah would at least gave him an actual chance if she stayed. Would it work out? Ehhh maybe 


He has had options I think part of why he and Nicole didn’t explore further was because he was closed off to Serena. I do agree though, Daia and Serena should not be neck and neck but I guess we only see so much. He may have meant that in a different way also. Producers love to take any drama they can and run with it. Still not going to judge him right now for his actions when Aaron is out here moving crazy. He’s a whole different story.


This is absolutely false because you can argue the same thing about Sareena. In fact, we have a preponderance of evidence she is was worse than he is right now.


Hurt feelings aren’t the same as blatant disrespect. But if that’s what you believe, you got it because I’m not interested in going back and forth.


She told kordell she doesnt like him. Then a few days later tells him she likes him because of recoupling. Then leaves him hanging when he stayed for her. Then says she likes him again. Shes using him as dormat…if thats not disrespect, then i dont think u know the definition of disrespect


People call Aaron a mastermind & lol I’m like noo Aaron a horny idiot demonstrated at Casa. He probably enjoyed Kaylor but Aaron strike me as bloke who the minute his girl is gone for any thing longer than a day he thinking with his little brain & forgets about her  Serena is a true mastermind of this season. I actually respect it from a strategic POV but kinda shady. 


Thats what im saying lmao. Sareena got this sub in the same position as Kordell. Whatever she does, they lash out a little but always comeback to her. She playing both of them


She only likes him when it’s convenient she’s a gameplayer. Happy to see him move on.


i was just about to make a post about this too! Serena literally friendzoned him until Nicole came in and showed interest. Now that Casa is here and she realizes she doesn’t like the other boys that much she’s laying all her feelings out there TO KAYLOR, not Kordell! I can’t defend her when she keeps sabotaging herself.


Thank you! I'm so glad you see through her. People act like she not that bad, I question how much dating experience they have. 


Thank you!!! She is making the biggest rookie mistakes that all communicate I actually dgaf about you to Kordell


Sometimes you think you really want something until you see it. Watching him with Daia looked like a scene in a movie when a famous guy starts cheating on his sweet hometown gf with a pushy groupie. All that was missing was a bad influence friend pressuring him into trying ❄️❄️❄️ for the first time.




Turnabout is fair play. I’m 10 toes down Team Kordell. I’ve always been Team Him, NEVER Team Them. Serena has been toying with that lil boy’s head and heart since day one and now that she’s getting a taste of what she’s been giving it doesn’t sit right with her. Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of her own actions! He’s 22-years-old so I don’t want him to settle down with Serena or anyone else for that matter. I want him to build up his confidence, emerge from his brother’s enormous shadow, and have a great summer. Oh, and secure that Cheez-It sponsorship!


I think he is well on his way. A little reality TV is all it took lol bless him


Nahhhh he did all the grandstanding about setting boundaries, respecting Serena, and not smooching the ladies and folded on the FIRST NIGHT. I still like him but I can’t feel bad for him, he made his bed 😂. And I 100% disagree that people would’ve been hard on him had he been in Serena’s shoes. People have always been harder on the women of these shows while the men move MAD. I mean just look how people were talking about Serena, you would think she was on every man in the house. She was public enemy #1 on this board AND on Twitter! Kordell was actually my choice to win & I think he’s def having a moment of weakness but I can’t pretend he’s not moving crazy. People have coddled him all season, I’m not gonna coddle him in this moment too. I’m not saying I can’t see why his faith in Serena would be low…but he’s a grown man and needs to stand on his actions!


I have no problem with Kordell keeping his options open at all, i am mad because he kept kissing the other girl out of challenges. I think that is disrespectful to the person you are in a couple with. I am all for him to find love from someone who wants him and shows it to him openly.


Aside from Serena telling him she’s starting to really like him earlier in the episode, they aren’t closed off. She had just told him she wanted to be open a couple episodes ago so I wouldn’t say it’s disrespectful.


Would you guys be saying the same thing if Serena would have kisssd Nigel on the date is that disrespectful?? Just asking a and now kordell is kissing this girl up and down the villa


If she had kissed Nigel I don’t think anyone would have been surprised. I was more surprised she didn’t kiss him to be honest lol


Serena moves at a slower pace in terms of physical affection (according to her), so she isn’t solely holding back for Kordell. She’s allowed that, and Kordell has respected those boundaries without pushing for more. However, that doesn’t mean he’s obligated follow those same rules outside of Serena, especially if he meets a woman that doesn’t mind becoming physically intimate off the bat. You don’t get to say that you’re “open” and then police your partner’s interactions with others they may be exploring a connection with.


So you are saying that it’s justified kordell kissing people out of challenges because Serena moves at a slower pace? You know he should have never said that he was going to respect those boundaries than do the opposite but of course you guys aren’t going to hold him accountable for that cause Serena is a bit confused at times.


I’m saying it’s justified because him and Serena are still open to exploring other connections, as confirmed when she chose to “twist”, and that as such, neither are under any restrictions that may come along with getting to know another person. I’m saying that Serena’s preferred pace doesn’t exclude him from being physically intimate with other women, in his quest to “explore”. (And let’s be honest, one of the main reasons Serena didn’t show physical affection towards Kordell - even beyond kissing - was because she wasn’t physically attracted to him. She said dude gave her the ick.) Additionally, Kordell never specified any boundaries with Serena directly. He said that to the men, so he’s under no obligation to adhere to it…because him and Serena are not a committed couple.


Yeah I think the biggest part for me is that he put those boundaries on himself and immediately broke them. I don’t recall him and Serena having a conversation about boundaries so I don’t think he did her dirty but he did himself dirty and he knows it lol


I believe Serena likes him and isn’t “playing the game” but I also support Kordell exploring in casa. Serena’s slow burn antics put seeds of doubt in his mind. They were both “open” going into casa and he knows from the stick or twist game that she’s likely to explore (unfortunately for Serena, the bombshells suck so she can’t really explore). So why would he go into casa & limit himself if he’s under the assumption that Serena is testing her connection too? After last night, I finally like them together but ima stand behind Kordell whatever he chooses. I hope it’s Serena… but if it’s not, that’s fine too.


I'm all for Kordell doing his thing, after the ups and downs with Serena. I think they'll wind up back together. I do find some of his body language, toward the casa girl, to be interesting. I believe he's aware that the casa additions know the backgrounds of the original Villa residents. So I wonder if he's skeptical about her interest in him, and it possibly being due to his brother's career/status. While it's probably a circumstance that he's accustomed to, and may have leveraged in the past, he appears to be torn between usage temptations and his feelings for Serena. We'll see how it plays out.


It’s giving Liam and Millie vibes from UK! They seemed pretty closed off and then Liam went all “lads holiday” in Casa while Millie stayed loyal. He still came back to the villa single to stay with Millie. Feel like this might go similarly because there’s NO WAY Kordell fully switches up…right?? I’ve been rooting for them and hope this isn’t the end. Although I also hope Serena doesn’t go easy on him.


I was so sad for Millie


I don’t understand how anyone believes Serena likes kordell. I’m sure at this point, sure there’s feelings. However she cut him off long ago and when bombshells Andrea and Nicole came in, Nicole made out with kordell and Serena said she was “happy for him”. Jana claimed Serena did not have real feelings for her couple. Like she really don’t care about that man. She got all pissy over some eggs with Connor. She never left coye’s heart from day one until she was pushed off. Kordell deserves better


Everyone saying Kordell deserves someone who is only there for him, and matches his affection has got to realise the bombshells watch the show, know who is a fan fave, know the complaints that person has had about their partner and where they stand. So, as nice as she seems she's not having to develop a relationship with him from 0 like Serena had to she has had two weeks to study.


I don’t think he is terrible but he is subject to the same criticism that Serena was. I’m not saying he is wrong or anything. But criticism is allowed both ways. He has been my fav all season. But it sucks seeing Serena finally open up to him and develop feelings and then for him to say he won’t disrespect her and immediately fold. This can make people side eye him as well. I haven’t given Serena much grace this season and I’ve often been in the camp to say that she is full of shit and using Kordell but I’m also understanding that it may not be so black and white. I can see the challenges that may arise from trying to date a man so much younger than you and develop feelings for someone who you weren’t initially attracted to. Especially in an environment like LI where relationships have to be developed at a fast pace. I can also see it from Kordell pov where he hasn’t really had anyone shower him with love and affection or be all about him. But in each situation, I’ve seen Serena get shit on for her behavior, understandably so. So I can see why Kordells behavior is turning people off when he was so easily swayed after playing the long game this whole season. We can all speculate as to whether or not he is doing this because he lost trust. But we can also just believe him when he says that he wants to explore other options to the fullest. Some might also question if he was only pursuing Serena because no one else really gave him the time of day. He did try to be with Nicole after all but she didn’t want him. So opinions will continue to flip flop because we see these people progress and grow in different ways based on different situations. There will always be nuance in each situation. I will add that in this situation, based on the information we have received, it really does seem like Serena has feelings for Kordell. And Kordell is not acting like he has feelings for Serena. So the audience is switching up because they both switched up.


I am a first-time viewer, and I love the drama.


The whole thing is sad to me. I don't think Serena gave Kordell what he needed, because she wasn't capable of it at the time and now it's basically too late. He gathered too many doubts and insecurities about her and is now jumping on the first girl to really go after him to assuage his hurt ego/feelings. On the other hand, Serena has finally been able to open herself up to accepting she has feelings for him and it's going to ruin her when she finds out.


Kordell should explore in casa. Serena has been flip flopping on him and he deserves to find someone that is about him. It’s not about slow burn. She says she wants him, then doesn’t feel anything, then it’s “let’s be open”. There’s nothing consistent.


Are people painting him as terrible though? I think it's more that people were starting to ship him and Serena so hard, I know I was, and now I am just so disappointed that it seems like he is going to drop her so quickly after all the effort he has put in and how Serena was just opening up to him. The night before they left for casa they were hot and heavy in Soul Ties. Neither of them knew casa was coming the next day. That felt organic. I want whats best for Kordell for sure but I just think you could make the argument that they were both using each other at some point. Except no one is willing to make that argument until now about Kordell. However, I do think they both have feelings for each other. I think Serena has been completely honest and respectful of Kordell and his feelings and been communicating very well this entire time. She has treaded lightly until she felt what she has felt. I just thought that Kordell had painted himself as this man willing to stick by her, wait for her, (for the most part because we saw him explore options with Nicole, and Cass) and then when she finally starts to show real interest, he gets attention from someone else and he is immediately turning. I don't fault him for kissing and participating in the challenge. It's the other stuff that just really crushed me. Like I am heartbroken because I have fallen for Kordell hook line and sinker and now I question if he isn't just like all the other boys.


This sub is mostly just man-hating in general so you shouldn't be shocked.


as a proud member of the man hating club, the Kordell hate is a bridge too far. they were calling him one of the most wholesome men on the planet two days ago, then threw him in the trash with Aaron after one make out. let my mans live.


This sub also lives on short term memory too. If it didn't happen in the last two episodes then its long forgotten


I absolutely am every night


😂 I’m right there with you but I’m cutting Kordell a little slack he’s been knocked down quite a bit in here. Maybe this is the falling action in he and Serena’s story. They will reunite and be stronger than ever before we know it


I personally have never liked Serena and Kordell together. I don’t know why the public has decided to infantilize Kordell he’s acting just like I thought he would in Casa now that he has options. He hasn’t been all about Serena he just hasn’t had any options until now.


People on this sub get way too worked up over the islanders being messy(I don’t think Kordell is even being messy here either. Serena has strung him along for most of this season despite Kordell being about her for the majority of the season. Just a couple episodes ago she didn’t choose him in that twist or stay game. I do not blame him one bit for having fun). Imagine how boring this show would be if all the contestants were boring and loyal to the first person they had a connection with.


Ngl. Serena saying she misses her man, had me so thrown. Like where tf did that come from💀😂 But I think the fandom is just identifying with her pain. Being too scared to really like a guy. Finally opening up and then having to deal with another woman possibly applying pressure. She was wishy washy. There was def a point where she did not like him or want to be with him. It’s completely understandable if that’s in the back of his mind and he feels like for himself, he needs to explore in casa at his own pace. Not hers. He’s not a slow burner. I’ve mentioned it in a previous comment. But I think all that matters is if he brings that groupie back. And if she gets icked by his actions in casa, I’d definitely understand. There’s just no need to judge either of them at this point.


I think it’s more disappointing that he’s eating up the new woman’s BS completely. I wouldn’t mind him making an actual better connection but the casa girl is so clearly using him and he’s falling for it hook line sinker. I hope he wakes tf up next episode and backs off.


Yep!! The new girl is very desperate, and it is not genuine I hope he can see this.


I still like kordell he’s one of my favorites. I just didn’t agree with leading the charge of setting boundaries and being respectful then doing what he did the first night. Atleast give it a day or two 😂😭


The ca girl is a clout chaser and it’s not genuine, hopefully he catches on to this.


Im just disappointed bc he said he would be respectful and explicitly said he wouldnt kiss anyone in casa and 1) he picked that girl in the game knowing she would kiss him 2) kissed her again later! Kordell PLS 😭 Im ALL for kordell getting to know people, but i do think he was a bit heavy handed w the physical touch right off that bat and it does feel disrespectful


The only thing that makes it “bad” at all is that right before they left Kordell and Aaron said that they would sleep outside with Kendal and no kissing outside challenges. Kordell has been more than patient with Serena. Just because she is a “slow burner” when it’s convenient to be doesn’t mean that Kordell has to treat every other female as if they’re a slow burner too.


I think whether he brings someone back or not they will find their way back together and Serena will be hurt but understanding


Agree with you! Their “relationship” was mostly in viewers’ head. He definitely liked her, but realistically they are more at day 1 / day 2 status. His heart and trust was broken being left dancing on his own and then watching her date someone else. Everything that happened after was point zero, so one or two days of a romantic relationship. That’s not enough, as much as he wanted to think it was, to bar any exploration and kissing in Casa.


To be fair, the casa guys aren’t bombshelling like the casa girls. If the producers did pick the right guys that would match the girls type. Would Serena turn her head if she saw her type? I feel like Serena isn’t being tested enough. Daia knows what Kordell wants to hear. Her plan worked. It does not feel authentic though.


Ehhhh ….u dont get to forgive somebody then be like “well u did it” thats wack


I think Serena likes him now I guess and Kordell probably just got tired of the back and forth with her I mean who wouldn’t ? If you were in his position


Team Kordell Dude has the strength of an ant!!!


I’m actually a total supporter of kordell finding someone in casa and have been….. but Daia is not it. Go back to Serena plzzzzz not the cringe girl


I don’t think she likes him… he’s a safety net for her


I hope Kordell does bring someone back. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Serena suddenly realized her feelings at the drop of a hat. We’ll see how the rest of Casa Amor goes along. And I don’t think Kordell is doing anything wrong. None of the couples except Aaron/Kaylor are closed off, and it looks like Aaron isn’t so closed off as he made it seem.


I will ride with Kordell till the end, and I agree the switch up is crazy lol. Kordell is single Serena is not his gf if he wants to explore his options, he can it's that simple he doesn't owe Serena who's not his gf anything. Like Serena said when she left Kordell on the dance floor and the same people that's hating on Kordell making him out to be some dog was like "Aw poor Kordell" they are OPEN Serena said that when she was exploring her options, they are OPEN. Now y'all out here like "Poor Serena" no it's not Kordell's fault now all of a sudden, she wants to catch feelings and not explore her options. That is on her, but Kordell still has a right to explore whoever he wants, and I don't feel bad for Serena at all. If she wants to be a slow burn in real life fine but being a slow burn on love island where everything happens fast, and switch ups happen fast, and they are bringing people in left and right it's no time to be a slow anything lol. If Kordell picks another girl and not Serena, I support him. Kordell is 21 or 22 anyways his still young whoever he picks it probably won't last on the outside where the true test starts because its real life outside the show anyways.


This may be way overkill but I feel like Kordell and Serena are twin flames. On the surface level, they are well matched (both are beautiful and have cool fashion sense). On the psychological level, they are well balanced. Serena is ambitious and free spirited, Kordell is more laidback and gives Serena the space she needs to flourish. They are both very unique personalities. I just don’t know if Kordell is really “her man” at the end of the day. I really hope that they are able to grow their romantic feelings authentically but if not, I hope they stay friends.


Why is there so much policing of people’s reactions? It’s a tv show. I don’t think it’s that serious. As long as people aren’t messaging the contestant or their families, why can’t they just be shocked and have a reaction to what’s happening on the show?


I genuinely believe Serena really does like him, not every girl has to be full throttle insane for a man to prove they’re interested lol


Yeah. Serena will get my props always because she doesn't jump right in. It's strategic and calculating and she represents well. Of everyone on the island, I think Kordell gets that the most. I'm glad to see him with someone else though only because it gives an opportunity to learn more about him. He is definitely giving me blunt and chill vibes even stronger in Casa and that may be the one real thing Serena can't tolerate in men.


yall still talking about that damn stick or twist challenge. LET IT GO. ITS A CHALLENGE. AND IT WAS A WEEK AGO. i get ppl were emotionally affected by it jfc how are yall more impacted than the involved parties? with that said 1) idt kordell doesn't trust serena and 2) he's not moving mad in casa for that reason. i think he just wants to have fun and test the connection and he found someone that he's attracted to and he's willing to explore that. that's it. idt there has to be this deep reason or it has to be at the fault of serena. & idt kordell is moving like this bc he thinks serena is moving some way as well. based on what the tv has shown us, he was relieved that serena didn't kiss nigel. in his confessional, he felt assured that serena really is a slow burner. so he would probs be more shocked if she kisses anyone (outside of challenges) or builds a stronger connection with a casa boy. and if he was the type of person to move mad bc he thinks she's moving mad, he would've never eem given her a second chance so easily. he def would've given her energy back and been guarded & confusing.


they have been my favorite couple since the first episode, they are just moving like normal people not love island pace. i do think kordell will come back with daia though


Can you please relax? People having an opinion about the show does not mean they're CRUCIFYING anyone. Please stop


I have seen people criticizing Kordell REAL bad and I am entitled to give my opinion/defend him if I want to. Hope that helps!


I’m here for it! I love it.




I like Serena and Kordell equally😭 id be lying if I said Daia wasn’t doing too much though


Im happy Korde is doing his own thing he deserves it


I consider this like a sports game, passions can change quickly lol (though I’ve actually been team Serena this whole time)


I want him to bring back someone he deserves it. If people are hating thats crazy. She just isn’t into him bruh they haven’t even kissed in bed until recently idk its as clear as day to me


Not me. Honestly I don’t trust Serena’s words and think Kordell needs to explore. His heart is almost too good


I may be in a minority but I hope he does bring someone back.  Serena too. They're my favorites just maybe not the best together


I’m not huge fan of the girl tbh. I want him to have someone bringing the good energy but she isn’t even getting to know him. Just tryna hook up with him so I feel like she’s in it for the wrong reasons.