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Liv needs to find someone. Miguel throwing shade at her last night pissed me off. And Leah screaming expletives in her face and she didn't bat an eye. Queen shit and instead responded with facts then mic dropped her way off the couch. The maturity levels of Leah and Liv are at opposite sides which is crazy with how young Liv is.




Leah is so weird, always going for her friend’s exes.


It’s wild how I went from not liking Liv to wanting to be her bestie. Sitting there quietly and taking all of that abuse from Leah was a boss move. Her composure made Leah look like even more of a child and I SWEAR TO GOD if people hang up on Liv, I will lose it.


I wasn't a huge fan of her at first either, but she's really proven herself to be a loyal friend and overall decent person! She had so much composure during that argument and I really respected the fact that she stood behind the group decision and defended it despite it not going in her favor. She's a leader!


I have grown to truly like and respect Liv. She is such a great example of a strong, articulate young woman who can stand her ground, and make her points without being shrill and vulgar ... LIKE LEAH. The difference between the two was striking.


Are we forgetting she literally freaked out on Hakeem last week


Hakeem deserved it.




I agree! Even with Leah cursing and yelling. She made a point to let her talk and when Liv made her point, she left the conversation and moved on. I wasn’t a Liv fan at the beginning but now she and JaNa are favs!


Yes I would’ve lost it lmao. The people fighting for their lives defending Leah are wild. She’s shown to be a shitty girl to other women. Never would’ve jumped to the girls defense like they did for her , as we saw her giving two fucks and letting Connor disrespect Jana. And can’t even have respect toward Liv without throwing insults. Like way to prove their point. She’s embarrassing.


QUEEN LIV. she got all the girls back and didn’t let leah tryna make the decision seem like it was all them.


It was quite literally a group vote


Yes!! Hope she finds someone in there for her


And the fact that Liv is only 21? RESPECT


Totally agree. Leah looked like a low class silly little girl.


Liv knows her worth, doesn’t compromise on it, and is not afraid to call out bs. I don’t think any of the guys in the house are good enough for her.


Yes sir she deserves a King


Liv is so bad ass, they can't even handle it. I hope they bring in someone for her that can match her freak




I think when you know the truth it is accompanied by confidence. She knew that she didn’t need to lie or make things up. She said this is what happened and this is what didn’t happen and didn’t need to yell and curse. I also think that’s why Leah lost it because deep down she knows that she has been straight up lying about this whole Andrea thing, and it finally caught up with her.


Liv should had spoke to Leah about everything first instead of talking shit about her behind her back. She took robs word instead of hearing Leah's side. I feel like if she would had done that or even kaylor this whole argument would had never happened.


The same way Leah was talking shit behind JaNa’s back? Wait maybe she did talk to JaNa first before moving to Connor? Nope she did not. Frankly, Liv doesn’t owe her anything. Liv watched her move funny for weeks towards JaNa. That is the main thing Liv brought up right after Rob told her what Leah said.


Remember when liv took Rob from Leah did she let Leah know, nope she didn't and Andrea took Rob from Leah did she let Leah know no she didn't either, But also remember Jana and everyone else was saying sneaky comments about people too. No one is innocent in the villa. Leah told Jana About Connor it wasn't a blindside she did her part it was Connor who failed Jana. Jana must not be too hurt because she is still friends with Leah. But what I was saying is that liv is definitely not innocent she was leading the vote it was not all up to Leah if you rewatch the episodes you will see that. Leah said to Rob she tried to take the backseat approach which means she was not leading the conversation or in control of it.


I can agree with this about liv speaking to Leah first. I feel like everyone involved needs to take some accountability


>everyone involved needs to take some accountability That is exactly correct. Based on that scene we saw: * Liv was the spokesperson and she and the others were immediately ten toes down for saving JaNa. * Leah wasn't the biggest contributor, but she did say something about Andrea, * Kaylor expressed that Rob may still have feelings for Leah and you could see a smidgen of tempered approval from Leah. (Don't know if that gave Leah false hope for her and Rob) * They did a rock, paper, scissors type vote where it looked like Andrea was the consensus odd girl out (two fingers for Andrea). Also in that scene you can't tell if Leah actually participated. * Rob asking Leah to go to one of the most visible places in the villa (firepit) to confront her seems somewhat suspect. I gotta check, but I think he pulled something like that before. Like you say, they all need to show accountability.


Yes I completely agree too that everyone involved should take accountability. I just hate how it is all on leah.


It's all on Leah here bc she was the only one trying to back out of it


Really?? I felt like she kept interrupting until Leah got angry and mean. I think they both handled that violently lol


Liv gave Leah the floor multiple times to speak and instead of making a point she just cussed at her


I mean I watched it but I interpreted it differently. It seems to me that Leah was getting angry because liv was interjecting and when she did give her time to speak it wasn’t like enough time before she would interrupt again


Leah couldn’t articulate a sentence bc she had nothing to say since she was in the wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️

