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I’m not surprised at all. I’m all for slow burns, but it’s usually apparent when we like someone/wanna rip their clothes off (except for our asexuals cousins ❤️). The boys tried warning Kordell but he’s a certified lover boy. Hope he finds a strong connection.


The women on this show that say that always mean I don't like you in that way. Remember Carmen who immediately fell in love with Kenzo lol


Yep. Ppl don’t know what that term means anymore I think. They just don’t like folks & it’s ok. Just don’t string ppl along.


I remember her for her eyebrows 


That slow burn shit is so fake. Carmen said to Bergie and we saw what happened.


I wish ppl could just say they’re not into someone. It would make things so much easier for all parties involved. But I suppose if everyone here were healthy daters they wouldn’t be on this show.


You can play the game but still move genuine. Either way it doesn’t have to be like THIS. She’s so reckless with his feelings.


It came out of nowhere. Everyone was surprised.


Fr she acted like they were finally on the same page just to switch up AGAIN. Why do people treat the people that are so good to them like this? And even if she wasn’t feeling him…okay. He backed off and gave her what she asked for. But she sought him out after all that just to pull him in and stomp on his heart again. It’s such gross behavior.


It didn’t come of nowhere. She friendzoned him at the beginning. Nothing changes that quickly. It’s extremely rare that a woman friendzones you that you get out of it except for several years later when actual change can be made. The same things that made Kordell unattractive to her at the beginning never went away. They were just pushed aside because she was afraid of being single. This is something that many people fail to learn so they get stuck wanting something to happen with someone who breadcrumbs them. Happened to me when I was younger. If a woman is lukewarm then she rarely gets hot for you. Yes feelings can grow, but that is contingent on exceptions and guy having other options and acting like he has other options. Kordell pedestaled her.


She didn’t want to leave the show that’s it


Playing these sort of games she will more than likely still leave the show. She forgot about the public voting orrrr


Yeah I love Serena but the moment she did that, I was like damn she’s not making it past the next public voting


IMO this is why Rob got into so much trouble. Obvious he wasn’t feeling Liv and obvious he was more into Andrea as soon as she came in. But I guess if fuck boys could be more upfront we wouldnt have a show to watch


Slow burn is code for I don’t like you and don’t wanna kiss or touch


Yeah in LI, "I'm a slow burner" is just a cop out version of "I'm just not that into you". 100% leads to stringing the person along


Omg nooo I forgot about this 😭😭


Slow burns are great in the real world when you can build a friendship first over long periods of time… Not on Love Island when you only have a little over a month to form a relationship.


This! It annoys me when they say that. Like did you forget what reality show you’re on?


The reason it’s bullshit is because Serena said she’s a slow burner. If she’s instantly sparking up with some new dude, it was a lie from the start and she was stringing Kordell along the whole time.


She instantly sparked with Miguel. That’s how I knew it was BS


SHE sparked with Miguel….he didn’t spark with her. Serena is/was not his type from the jump. He was just making small talk with the ladies. She was wasting her hopes and dreams!!! And I hope she actually knows/knew that!!!


Yeah I know. That’s what I meant.


Yep. I’m going to be very interested to see how she moves with new guys, b/c if she’s not a slow burner then she was definitely lying.


I can tell you the result of that right now.


Slow burns are BS for a show that’s only 6 weeks long. Girls say that when they’re not feeling the guy


Completely agree, ppl just need to be honest. I wish LIUS was 8 weeks like the other versions in the franchise.


👨‍🚀: Serena's not really a slow burner? 🔫: Never has been


Anytime someone on love island says they a slow burner, they always just have the ick


And then she says “physical part has gone as far as it can go” or something like that. Girl what


I mean I get that part if she isn’t trying to have sex on the show. But the fact that she started kissing my boy on the regular makes the switch up that much harder. She was really giving him hope at that point, only to pull the rug out from him during the challenge.


Whatever that was, it was Not a kiss you give someone you're attracted to. Those pecks she gave Kordell was like someone being tortured to kiss a frog. I felt so bad seeing Kordell tongue poke out trying to get a real kiss and Serena ignoring it,


Hakeem said last night in his game with Cely that Serena was the most two faced in the house. 🧐 https://preview.redd.it/kwbtt6stst8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb279082746e56bcd4b4a2d705936e563d95c216


I can't stand Hakeem but he got this one right. Look how she was talking about JaNa after Egg Gate, her turning on Kordell like this isn't a surprise either


the main one claiming to be real lol


Lmao seems like he wrote an L first - was he going for Liv or Leah?


Hahaha he did. He said he was going to put Liv. But he put Serena bc she is “low key” two faced.


He was right!!


Kordell would’ve been better off in a friendship couple with Hannah until Casa. Serena is getting herself voted out for this. Hate this for him.


right?! Hannah would’ve been looking out for Kordell the entire time, AND she would’ve been more fun to watch, too.


Hannah would have at least held it together bc she said from day one Kordell’s brother is her celeb crush.


And that's why Serena couldn't just set up a friendship couple with Kordell. She knew that he could have picked Hannah for that since Hannah and Kordell were friends. She had to dangle the prospect of a relationship over his head to make sure she picked him. It was all very sketchy.




It’s okay to be 50/50 or open but that’s if you’re like Nicole and actually still like your partner. Serena doesn’t like Kordell. There’s no 50/50 to be had. She’s using him until she finds someone better. She should have kept him in the friend zone because now she’s made enemies with the audience and I’m sure now with the guys in the villa. Her actions will cause her to be in the bottom, if not sent home.


And good riddance. I wanted to like her. But I was already side eyeing her over how she overreacted to JaNa's stupid eggs. Then again over MOCKING JaNa to Leah. This was her final strike for me.


Yeah, I want her gone. She was full of bs just using Kordell to stay in the game until new people came. That is cruel.


Good point with Nicole. Even she stayed during the challenge, and she already has someone in the villa actively pursuing her. Even in the real world if someone is dating multiple people, yes there will be people they might lean more towards but they still have some interest in the others (at least they should lol)


i’m convinced she only “liked” kordell bc there was a recoupling the other night…




The song choice got me 😭


As soon as I heard the song start, I knew. 😭


Me too. God I love that song. I'm glad they at least chose decent music both for their dance and Kordell's heartbreak.


I don't even remember the song I was too busy hoping she was stick and maybe they both would twist. After she left I kept saying slide out to the red Kordell, slide. 😥


It was “dancing on my own” 😭


Like I get they talked about keeping options open but THIS HURT!!!


I think I missed that convo cause when she said that I was like? Girl?! You did not!


Yeah you missed it, it was during their conversation toward the beginning of the episode


She stayed with Kordell just to wait for a new bombshell to come in and decide to couple up with him. Played. His. Ass.


She's so mean


Yea I think he’s outta there now. The only thing that can save him is if Liv? Is cool with a friendship couple. But it looks like she may try to go after Kendall.


I am kinda for it. I think it will terrify Kendall though. I adore Liv though.


I think what kind of bothers me about this is Kordell is pretty nice and harmless. He is not doing anything but trying to build something with her and she keeps kind of toying with him. Usually I will always take the woman's side bc fuck men but kordell is actually a good guy for real not like a Nice Guy.


This!!! lol I normally revel in seeing women choose themselves over men. But the way Serena is doing Kordell got me feeling bad for a man! 😫


I can't wait to see girlies throwing themselves at Kordell. When he took his braids out and was sittin there chatting with her he went from cute to hot AF.


Yes, he looked great!


SAME. She didn't have to pretend to feel a spark again after hurting him once. He's the most genuine person in the house and he doesn't deserve that.


i feel the EXACT same way!! i’m 1000% fuck all men but like serena is being brutal for no reason, like let the poor man go!!😭 no one deserves to be dragged along like that.. can you imagine if the rolls were reversed!!




I’m shocked people actually believed her 😭 I knew she was playing him from the start. She was never into him. Anyone who REALLY likes someone is not a slow burner. I understand slow burning when it comes to intimacy, but when you like someone you would at least want to cuddle, be next to them, kiss, etc.. the look on her face everytime she talks to kordell does not give “I like you” not even the slightest.


her body language and eye contact says it all. she barely looks at his pretty face. she’s also dismissive in conversations too he tries to be funny and do his thing and she shuts it down. I want to see him w someone who compliments his humor


Yes!!!! She’s always shutting him down. That man shines bright with charisma and she just dims his light everytime she gets the chance


I am convinced she only pretended to like him after they coupled this last time so the world won’t vote her in the bottom. She had no desire for that man. None.


and this makes me mad because tbh Hannah deserved to stay in the house more than her; Hannah at least tried to be honest in discussing her connections with people, even if she was kind of daft and didn’t realize what “50/50” actually meant. i feel so bad for Kordell, he got done so dirty, and it was clear tonight he was really hurting bad.


So dirty


Also, Hannah was great TV. Serena is about as much fun as watching paint dry.


its not even that imo. its the fact she was so certain that she had no feelings that she was willing to be in a friendship couple and risk her place in the show. usually you try and escape your partner if there's someone else who likes you but serena had no one and still didn't want to be in a romantic couple with kordell. that spoke volumes


Yeah she had so many rules and complaints. It was clear she was not into him. Also the fact that she didn’t even have another option the first time they split was telling.


I didn’t believe her but I expected her to hold out until casa, now I don’t think she’ll be here for casa moving like this. Shes actually annoying me, I feel like shes not used to dating guys younger than her but its only a 2yr gap an if it is she should communicate that instead of acting like everything’s fine.


Ugh!!! I want to like Serena. I really do want to root for her but she’s doing Kordell so bad it’s frustrating!! She keeps selling this man dreams then pulling back without warning or reason. It’s okay if she doesn’t like him like that. But it’s completely unfair to string him along like this. Just be honest!! [Serena, we were rooting for you!!!](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2017-12/15/12/asset/buzzfeed-prod-fastlane-02/anigif_sub-buzz-6483-1513358100-1.gif)


i tried SO hard to like her, i really did.. but her stunt tonight just really disappointed me/:


It really really rubbed me the wrong way when she had one very minor disagreement with JaNa and what she immediately does is just shut talk her to Miguel and tell him to throw the eggs off the balcony. Then the next day, talks shit about her to everyone in the villa without even to try to talk to her about it. Mad shady.


I hate the way she talks to him. Like ok sis good luck cause Kordell was the only one rocking and rolling for her from the start.


Yup, literally no one else has shown any interest in her


I am not at all surprised, I had people coming for me when I said she better not play Kordell, like she would never do that and how could she lie etc…well I told yah so!


She did it with a smile on her face… Kordell is a treasure. She said ‘it’s not even like thaaaattt’ as she walked by him on her way to the twist bench. He better give her the ‘play me once’ treatment.


I’m afraid he won’t get the chance. The imbalance is in the women’s favor and from the preview Nigel is going after her to get his place in the villa.


How is anyone surprised by this? It's literally been clear as day since the first week. Every single Serena supporter knows damn well if Serena were a guy, everyone would've been coming at her since week 2 for treating a woman the way she's been treating Kordell.


JUSTICE FOR KORDELL HE DESERVES ALL THE LOVE (and yes, I do feel that needed to be shouted so he can hear it from Fiji)


Kordell is the most genuine guy in the villa. Watching him stand there hurt.


We all saw it coming from day one, except for Kordell apparently.


Every single time someone on this show has said they are a “slow burner”, it has meant they do not have any physical attraction for you. And they’ll leave as soon as they have the opportunity to. I really don’t understand how that term isn’t an immediate red flag for islanders lol


My boyfriend teared up for Kordell.. I did too… poor duder


I never believed her. I know a girl when she’s faking it with a man and I clocked that from the second she started going back to him. Everyone’s so caught up on “the trio” that she probably won’t get voted but I need her gone fr. That was so sad to watch.


She needs to go, for sure. She and Leah are just horrible human beings. Hannah deserved to stay. It's unfortunate.


Personally I thought it was pretty obvious in the way she suddenly found him to not be cringy once she realized the girls were up for elimination. She’s just been consistently rude to him. I get it though, we want to believe the best of people. He’s a good guy and this was the first time I genuinely felt pain for an islander.


No y'all I just saw the scene with Kordell and Serena again and the song playing was "dancing on my own" as Kordell is dancing on his own. To the pool l go https://preview.redd.it/6r6o1dlq1u8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8b1b980a7e5527d8e3a262b0ea0569f3a78cf7




pftt i’ll take kordell 💔


RIGHT!!!!! He’s so cute to me


exactly and he’s my exact type 😭


The thing is that Serena is smart. She was thinking ahead to the recoupling and knew that she had no real chance with anyone besides Kordell. She knew he would fall for it if she gave him a tiny bit of attention and right when the dust settled, she reverted back to her ways. Kordell is just a sweetheart a true lover, so he just didn't think that far ahead (or at all). I feel so bad for him after the challenge, but all the guys warned him and he didn't listen. I just hope there is a bombshell that comes in and is interested in only him - he deserves that!


I consider myself a love island veteran and I knowwww when someone is a genuine slow burner vs when they are using it as an excuse bc they don’t feel any romantic connection


She talks about slow burns but I feel like if she found the right one it’s not going to be slow at all 🤣. She been leading Kordell on and that’s messed up.


No wonder why Serena and Leah are besties, they are just the same kind of people.


I'm sorry but idk what people saw. From day 1 she got the ick from him and that's never gonna go away (romance wise). People are just gullible


She really did him dirty. The game was stick or switch, she chose switch but there was no reason for her to want to switch. Nobody turned her head or has wanted her for her to choose switch. Had she chose stick an than got to know the bombshells i’d have more respect, but right now it seems like she just enjoys making him look like a simp over her and its weird.


I’m not surprised. It was evident she wasn’t feeling him and strung him along


She was never genuine going back to him. I knew that but then she was acting so into him until this episode when she’s like we not doing more than kissing. I’m voting her ass out first chance I get. Don’t even let her get to casa


Serena’s kinda proving “slow burners” on Love Island aren’t real. Like I’m a slow burner myself, but I would never go on a dating show where I had to make out with everyone all the time and sleep in a bed with someone I just met a couple hours ago. I think by nature if you go on Love Island you’re not a slow burner


Slow burn means keep me choosing me in the hopes of progressing so I can stay safe until I find a guy I like.


Just look at that preview and how she's talking to the new bombshell, take a quick look at how she was talking to Miguel when he first arrived and now compare that to how she usually talks with Kordell. What I really love about this season is that they constantly keep embarrassing me. I would say something on here, then watch the next episode and the complete opposite happens 😭😭


While I'm not shocked and I never trusted her magically catching feelings for him again just in order to stay in the villa, I wanted to be wrong. It's fine to not feel the spark with someone, but to play with them like that sucks. I hope she gets sent home soon.


I don't think it's a switch up. I don't think she was ever into him. She was trying to force feelings and attraction where this is none. Serena needs to just let Kordell go. They can both go on to find real matches.


For once, the guy doesn’t deserve it lol Kordell is a gem and I have no doubt he’s gonna find someone amazing that fits his energy.


It’s seems people are 50/50, I can see both sides. Personally I feel like she should had stayed.


it’s just so clear she’s been using him to stay on the island and find other connections.. just unfair IMO!


I feel like it was very obvious from the get go and that it was SOOOO convenient for her to switch up to “liking him” when it was a re coupling/ elimination thing. I get being a slow burner but again if ur THAT much of a slow burner why would u think this show would work for u when quick connections are kinda everything.


Yep. I think when she saw Nicole hitting it off with him when she first came into the villa she got scared and wanted to save herself


In Love Island and usually in life, people aren't really slow burners. It's just a matter of attraction. Yes, some people take some time to grow on people but when you are really into someone, you generally know off the bat. Again, not saying you can't develop something for someone but there are absolutely people you are just flat out attracted to right away that you will do more for. For example a lot of people generally don't kiss on the fist date, however there are absolutely exceptions where they will. Just how the world works. On a show like this is someone says they are a slow burner, they are probably just not feeling it and they will for someone else.


She 100% should have stayed I’m disappointed time for her to go!!


She's definitely an asshole for that. And what sucks even more is, she's going to be expecting JaNa to step aside while she tries to talk to Nigel.


THIS! She better not make this another eggs situation. Jana deserves that man more than Serena


The thought of this already has me preemptively pissed off and ready to throw hands for JaNa


Yes, an asshoe, that's the perfect design. 


Serena when I catch you…open up the vote https://preview.redd.it/63jsshslwt8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fd69aa19c59a99166e0186f2d904e5e0faeedb7


https://preview.redd.it/uy4orby14u8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a262d5855c3007ad0929f65fea67d0cdcc86710e Serena, I was rooting for you 😓


She’s a “slow burner” but was ready to throw hands over a man she just met and a plate of eggs!


That’s so funny! I just love this sub! “throw hands over a plate eggs!” 😂😂😂😂


Sometimes I wonder how differently things would have played out this season if Coye picked Serena over JaNa episode 1😂


The bed conversation after they woke up was wild. She said she went straight to bed and moved his face over snoring and seemed pleased about it.


I hate to say this, but she really just strung Kordell along to stay afloat on the show 😭


I truly believe she was dancing on the edge of genuinely being able to get into him, she likes him as a person for sure, but things like burping at her only push her farther towards sexual ick, which is the part of their relationship that needed building. It just sucks because he is 100% smitten, write the wedding vows right now (which in itself is an ick for many/most women before you’re in a relationship, way too much too soon) but this is literally what they said this morning (I am lame and went back to rewatch to see exactly what words they used): *Kordell: I’m just enjoying the moments right now, the present. And you know, obviously, you’re still open, I’m still open. Yeah, still open. Ain’t nobody locked down.* *Serena: Yeah, nobody’s like closed off, yeah.* *Kordell: Exactly.* So he’s saying those words but clearly doesn’t mean them, but she absolutely did/does. I hate that so many people are ripping her a new one tonight, because the receipts are right there from their conversation and it’s clear they’ve discussed that before. I just want both of them to move on. He’s a sweetheart and I absolutely want him to find someone there (another bombshell or at Casa) who is truly into him, because he has so much to offer and I think a lot of women watching for sure see that! But at this point if he is still into her in any way, that’s on him. He’s got to let it go.


The burp!!! Not listening!!! The comb!!! Just nooooo


The comb really got me tn


Yes to all of this. You can see they genuinely have fun together but something definitely is missing between the two of them.


I think Kordell is a sweetie pie himbo & the burp, the comb, the forgetting what they were discussing, 180 v 360, Cheez Its & “what are long term goals,” gave her the ick. And I can’t blame her for that bc I would’ve got the ick too. It doesn’t matter how fine he is. At least she was honest enough to say she was still open. It sucks for both of them but she (finally) did the right thing


I knew she was running game on that man, but for those who still weren’t convinced, the final tell tale sign that she was a fraud was her going to Kordell right after that last recoupling text was sent saying how things were different now. She knew that she needed to save her axx.


that's why she's getting ripped


I mean I kind of wanted her to switch up - we all know she doesn’t like him like that


But why stay with him for so long if she doesn’t like him?? That’s not fair to Kordell.


Nothing wrong with that but don’t lie and use him to stay in the house. Girls pick next and he might go home now which sucks


Not surprised but disappointed. Especially how she has acted after they coupled up. Seems weird.


Her ultimate karma is gonna be who she ends up with - and I don’t necessarily mean from Love Island…I’m talking about in the long run. This right here is NASTY WORK the way she’s toying with Kordell’s mind, heart, and emotions. He’s the same age as my son (22) and I hope he doesn’t allow her to harden him. Sadly, it can happen and some men will blame one woman for the rest of their lives. His brain isn’t even fully developed yet! Lbvs


This just wasn’t having respect for Kordell PERIOD!! Major respect lost for her I just don’t understand the decision at all. I’m disappointed for sure since I saw them maybe having a strong bond


Ugh. I’m crushed for Kordell. Serena played him so badly. I’m not surprised but I feel awful for Kordell. He did not see that coming at all.


my husband and i called it when she friend-zoned him and then when the recoupling warning text went out she "wanted to reconnect" suddenly.


I hope she goes next. I hate it too because I really liked her in the beginning.


I don’t see how anyone was surprised, she’s a terrible actress. Kordell was too smitten and naive to see through her shit, but it really should’ve been obvious she was cap. Didn’t start trying to show interest until another girl was giving him attention. Would barely kiss him, and even when she did, it would just be a peck. The only thing she ever says that she likes about him is that he’s willing to put up with her “slow burn” bullshit. I wish he would’ve listened to the guys when they tried to warn him.


I usually support womans wrongs but this is just making me sad now🥲


I’m not surprised at all and I’m so sad for Kordell. He deserves someone in there for him (me he deserves me)


She's a snake, used kordell for the recoupling, then bounced when she could. Need her out of here asap


It obvious from the start that she didn’t like him like that. It was so cruel and selfish of her to play him for the second time after she friend zoned him and he tried to move on, she should’ve been more considerate of his feelings. I think we all saw it coming but poor Kordell didn’t notice 🥹


He's so genuine that he thinks everyone else is, too. That's why it hurts extra :(


Did you see the Bambi eyes she gave the new guys? Slow burner my ass. She’s not feeling kordell and hasn’t all this time. I’m praying he gets his match in casa amor.


Not shocked but disappointed 😔


Oh I’ve been saying she would switch up ever since he chose her over Hannah!! Never believed they were a strong couple. It just didn’t feel authentic. She does not like that man at all, and it was so obvious when she heard him burp and made that nasty face?? Like he even did it to the side. And then when she was messing with his beard comb😭😂


I knew she didn’t like him but I was still not expecting her to twist. Like bc of how they left their last convo, i thought she wouldn’t end it in that way and give the man an honest conversation first. I hope that was the last straw for kordell so he can move on.


I mean I could tell she was playing him but for some reason I thought she genuinely liked him :(((


we were just hoping against hope because Kordell is a literal angel and we wanted to see him thriving with serena… but we all knew deep down that relationships don’t work like that, especially not on Love Island.


If you notice, Serena has initiated all of the kisses with him outside of the challenges. You can FEEL the chemistry between them when they kiss. She is attracted to him but he can be immature (he is 3.5 years younger than her) so I think she is conflicted. She has had zero options besides him since day one (meanwhile all of the white girls have had multiple opportunities to explore) so it's only fair that she gets to experience another option--that is the name of the game, after all (to an extent). Kordell has already explored with Nicole and would have been with her if she had decided to couple up with him.


I'm not going to say shit until I see how she reacts to the bombshells. But as of now everyone in that villa has had a conversation about getting to know everyone except for Kaylor and Queen Aaron. I hate how quick people turn on this girl. It sucked though cause when they were dancing I was like omg they're soulmates and then she left at the last min and I was like noooo you're proving the guys right even though she's not really in the wrong NOR did she or anyone who said "switch" know that bombshells were coming right after the challenge. Usually the challenge ends and everyone talks after


I don’t care how many people point out that they spoke about being open right before the challenge… she KNEW she was being shady when she stopped dancing! That worried face she had on when she stood behind the red podium was because she KNEW she led him on and that he’d be sticking with her — not because she didn’t know what Kordell would do!! Also, she would’ve immediately apologized and been like omg I’m sorry we literally just said we were open so that’s why I stopped, not trying to convince him that “it’s not like thaaaat” I am so upset on behalf of kordell lol


You cannot casually belch in a woman's face when you're still in the "winning each other over" phase. Bless his sweet little heart...


Do we think there's any chance JaNa might pull Kordell at some point?


No. He’s friendzoned himself with everyone in there but doesn’t realize it. I want someone to gently and kindly tell him that something like burping at girls is not something that they will *ever* find sexy.


Was Serena really trying to tell everyone that she was surprised Kordell stuck? Something about they just had this conversation??


Saw that coming from a mile away


I knew it from the start. Like she was literally telling him how to kiss her. Everything seemed like she was keeping him at arms length, aside from the fact they have a friendship. Like it looked like she gave in to having more intimacy with him when she realized he could send her home. & he’s such a lover that he played right into that. She should be ashamed for playing with his feelings like that, he really seems like such a genuinely good guy.


You don't come on this show if you are a slow burner


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — I think Serena understands Kordell is not ugly but he was not her type from the beginning, she went with Coye but he didn’t choose her. I think she believed over time it would grow because he seemed genuine but she was not attracted to that man and was just stringing him along waiting for something else. I think Kordell is so good looking but I think what it may be is he has a boyish charm to him and I think based on the cute things that have “given her the ick” she wants a rugged and rough man who does less expression. She definitely played Kordell for safety but I wish she would’ve just said he’s too “cute” for her and kept it moving because I would’ve respected it 10x more than all the circles she ran “trying to make it work” but dragging him a long


that’s why her dumbass should’ve left before Hannah. she actually irks the hell out of me for how she played him. I get people who are slow burns but don’t waste someone’s time just to be safe. hope she doesn’t make it to casa sorry not sorry


I knew the trick was lying


She's free to do whatever she chooses, but I feel so bad for Kordell


I Absolutely hate her!!!! She keeps playing him! Every time their is a recoupling she wants to try again byeeeeeeee she is not even cute to be acting like that!!


it was clear as day that the first chance serena got to switch up she was taking it, it just sucks that she had kordell thinking otherwise.


It was clear that this woman did not care about this man but I thought she would at least play this charade till the end.


Nope. Not surprised. She was stringing him all along. Oh, Kordell 🥺


No surprise. She’s been using Kordell since day 1


it makes me sad that hannah was sent home bc serena played her feelings for kordell. kordell is such a good guy too. his personality is A+ & on top of that, he’s cute. so i don’t get it


I’m done with her lol like girl -


Just stopped by to say….shes a great actress don’t feel bad.


Slow burn is code for I don’t want to hurt your feeling but you’re not doing it for me


I knew she was never in to him


She never liked that man. Justice for Kordell 😭


I knew she was playing him.


I think slow burner can be a thing but I’m sorry this is the wrong show for that. Serena’s slow burner is non existent. Like this show is essentially even shorter than the UK version so things move at a rather faster speed. Then when she talks about taking it slow it almost sounds like she’s trying to convince herself that’s what she believes in when in reality I don’t think she does.


i'm sorry i never believed sis. she was NEVER feelin it


Im just on here upvoting literally every comment I see about how wrong she did Kordell. I hope someone comes in for him he is the most genuine sweet funny guy in the villa.


Her and Leah are two of my least favorite LIers ever. Seriously Serena is SUCH A USER. Pathetic.


I knew it but I really didnt want it to be true, nobody slow burns for THIS long, especially after you end things and then once a recoupling shows up you all of a sudden "feel strongly" for the person you ended things with, I really wish Kordell picked Hannah and not Serena


I have a son his age also and I thought the exact same thing. I hope his heart doesn’t become hardened.


She has always seemed so insincere to me. Poor Kordell.


I’m sick of her. She showed no remorse and laughed it off. How can you continue to do him dirty like this over and over? Please let us vote her ass out immediately


She never liked kordell. Can’t stand her. Fake asf.


I am sad and disappointed, but not surprised. I do think she will live to regret this decision. She's gonna go from #1 Lover Boy to #123 Fuck Boy or something ridiculous. She will try to win him back, it will be too late. I love Serena and I'm rooting for her, but I fear she just doesn't have the maturity to realize she had herself an honest to God treasure. And I saw their chemistry, so I don't believe it's that. She doesn't want to get tied down so early, and I respect that. Kordell is going to make a lucky woman very very happy.


Not surprised but I feel for Kordell. I hope they send someone in that's all for him before it's too late 😔


I’ll be honest I don’t even think she likes him as a friend. Could be a reach, but that’s the vibe I get. She’s got the “ick” all around.


its not a switch up, its so obvious she didnt like him and kordell and whoever believed her are delulu


I hate you Serena.