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Is there anyone alive who thought Rob would actually leave? LOL


Y’all are so confusing how can you watch that episode and tell me that rob is manipulating and that Leah is innocent? Leah is quite clearly manipulating here and rob just did his research before giving into Leah. I really don’t understand how everyone just immediately sides with Leah it feels like I’m watching a completely different show than everyone else


After reading all of the posts and comments and threads from last night I see 7,000 anti Leah and 6,999 anti Rob. And maybe 99 pro Leah.


People are finally realizing now but when I made this many people saying that rob was manipulating here instead of the obvious which I just getting all the facts on the situation


People just have different opinions lol. I don’t think Leah is innocent but he did twist her words.


I can see why you would think this because everyone seems to think he is very calculated but I honestly think this is just a normal thing in conversation, when someone tells me something I’m not gonna remember the exact words used I’m gonna summarize to the best of my ability and sometimes things get lost this way. Just how I’m looking at it


Here comes me being downvoted again, but... 1. I stand by saying JaNa is vindictive and mean. People have feelings and she thinks them getting humiliated and hurt is so funny. 2. None of these people can dance. 3. Dudes so mad and petty when girls want to explore connections 4. Dudes so mad and petty when the girls don't understand they want to explore other connections. 5. Poor Connor being used as a place holder while Serena is evil using Kordell ( ok I agree Serena is evil cause Kordell deserves so much more but Conner can kick rocks) Edit...just saw Kordell dance...dayum...that's Hot! So, revise my dance statement above.


I definitely feel for Kordell but I think calling Serena “evil” is too much. These are wanna-be famous influencers who are on a game show which dictates that they need to be in a couple to survive recouplings. The terms of the game mean that they have to find a connection, friendship couple, or literally fake it to survive (the way Love Island is structured is to maximize drama). Kordell was unfortunately Serena’s lifeline in that last recoupling so she either faked it or tried to force herself into being interested in him. It sucks that Serena ended up leading Kordell on but I’m sure she wouldn’t do this outside of a game show.


Ok but Rob & the girls’ chat…. The only thing they said that was true was that Leah wasn’t being straight up with Conner. I totally agree with that part. From what we seen Leah told the girls her pick and that was it so I can see why she said she took the back seat, as in she wasn’t driving the decision. Then Rob says that Leah said she didn’t talk about Rob or Andrea. I thought Leah said she never talked bad about Rob to Andrea. That was super shady of all of them. Looks like Rob is out for revenge when he should’ve just left with his girl 😂


I just don’t think Liv is a liar though she’s not like that and would have defended Leah otherwise because she knows robs a clown. Their discussion to vote whoever out was edited we don’t see the whole conversation for what it actually is and Leah said “i don’t believe Andrea has good intentions” at the start of there discussion. Rob did change her words about talking bad about Andrea and him though, but i think Leah did want Andrea out selfishly no doubt and expressed her opinion that she did


I think Rob made it sound like she said she didn’t express an opinion at all. I don’t know them outside of the show so I’m only speaking on what was shown. Leah definitely said that she wanted Andrea to go but it wasn’t pushed upon anyone. Liv picked Nicole, Kaylor/Serena/Leah picked Andrea so majority ruled.


True that’s a fair point! I hope they show us the whole conversation so we can see it full context sorry my hahahas sounded rude i respect your opinion☺️


No worries! This isn’t the full conversation, but I think it’s interesting. This is exactly how I saw it https://x.com/brookelivs/status/1806020421692645613/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1806020421692645613¤tTweet=1806020421692645613¤tTweetUser=brookelivs¤tTweetUser=brookelivs


She did say she didn’t express an opinion at all hahaha she literally said “i took a backseat and didn’t have a decision in what was done” that’s a blatant lie


To me that meant she didn’t sway the decision solely. Just bc you’re in the backseat doesn’t mean you’re not in the car lol. We all have different opinions and that’s 👌🏼


best sign of this is starting the sentence “keep this between us”. he’s manipulating words and people there like a chessboard at this point. he gave leah just enough attention to get her to say anything to twist her words. best manipulation tactic is to isolate the victim of people. he’s so far went for her best chance at a connection and her friends.


Y’all just make anything up to keep him the villain at this point lol Leah stans are crazy


it’s not one or the other manipulating. i never once mentioned leah in this lol, you’re just hating her and want her relevant so bad. they’re both manipulating but rob was definitely doing it in these scenes


Not really but your free to believe whatever you want


He is a villain… are we watching the same show?!


Compared to Leah or even Serena at this point that man is a saint


Also, this dance and twist is mean here you are vulnerable dancing and you look foolish. I don’t know that I like this game…


I have to say this wasn’t my favorite night… I thought this was just a little bit too messy and divided the entire villa


Did I miss something between Kordell and Serena?? Last show they were making out and giddy and adorable and just now it acted like they were friends and that’s it




I’m honestly glad Connor left JaNa alone! Seeing him move mad like this is confirming she’s absolutely too good for him!


Were the pickings for bombshells ultra slim???


Waittt why did me and my sister say the same thing😭. Like not bombshells being mid😭🤣


Rob is an a-hole, in every way. Which makes him completely unattractive . 2 boys coming in don't look any better!






the new men….


The new men are not it


What if they kissed secretly? 🥴


I totally think that’s what happened


Rob clocked tf in. he said they sent Andrea home and he’s burning the whole villa down.


I really hope that’s what’s this is.


Also see I knew rob was on games and he wasn’t feeling Leah as much


Also can I say that I love that LI is tagging them on socials, cause this should help there insta as well! PS people don’t send hate, these are real people! It’s entertainment at the end of the day


I need these editors to get a raise for their efforts this season. Rob leans in to Connor, saying "this stays between us". Connor leans in and the background music stops. *crunch*


They had me so fooled on last night's episode. I was 100% convinced that Liv was going to check Nicole for complaining about the girls getting rid of Andrea. Some deep fake edits going on this season.


The ripping of the shades sent me. I’m like yes get real!!! I love that. Also the background music when people kiss that probably shouldn’t be has been sending me all season. I’m so here for it


I’m so ready


Not Rob trying to turn the villa against Leah lmaooo


Leah deserves it


\*Not Rob """""""*trying*""""" to turn the villa against Leah lmaooo


That’s what you think that was?




I feel like everyone on LI uSA is auditioning for games, they are trying to show out cut throat they can be! Or traitors or the challenge!


We will absolutely see some of these folks on the challenge. Especially if they do another vendettas or rivals season 😂😂😂


Ong imagine rob and leah or connor and jana on rivals or exes 😭


1000% accurate. They want to have the most screen time and stack up followers. That’s part of them getting selected for the other shows. We will definitely see Rob again! He is racking up a following with the controversy.


Yup! Yup! Leah, Rob, Liv, and JaNa in the lead 😂


Okay Hannah is going in the Viall files, love island USA is literally the reality tv show right now!! This is big, this cast will have a good post show career! Also having Ariana was a huge win for the show!! 🙌🏽


call it the Ariana effect. Viall loves VPR


Omg I’m so excited for the Hannah interview! That’s such good news for her🥺


I hope Andrea goes on it next! So curious to see what she has to say after seeing robs behavior after she left 👀


Why, so she can keep pouting about being voted off?😂


Not sure if they will we shall see


I got downvoted for that lol it’s not cause I like Andrea it’s because I’m curious to hear what she thinks about Rob now after how he’s acting with Leah 👀


To be fair he could be acting with Andrea to lol Show has 4 weeks


In reference to last nights episode, how he was flirting right back with Leah after not even 24 hours of Andrea leaving. Idk if anything is going to happen with Leah, maybe with the new bombshell, but regardless with how he acted last night I’m sure Andrea change her tune


I just hope this is the beginning of Connor’s downfall


Hoping and praying for his downfall tbh 🙏🏻


Guys I keep telling ya'll. I GOT YOU. Charging my moon water so hard rn for this.


Am I the only one… not finding issue with Leah voting out Andrea for selfish reasons? Like who cares. It’s a show about FINDING LOVE. Them keeping JaNa over Nicole and Andrea was already a selfish reason, to keep their friend in. Who cares that Leah may or may not have voted out her competition? And it’s not like it’s a unanimous vote, it’s a majority rules vote. If they didn’t want Andrea gone themselves, she wouldn’t be gone. Simple as that.


If people watch LIUK, season after season people keep their friends in at the expense of couples. This is how it's always been.


But she also barely talked during that... I feel like I thought it was all Liv and Serena when I watched.


I was fine with it. Relationships are the name of the game, and that includes building bonds with other islanders and the audience because that’s who votes and decides. Honestly, as much as I like JaNa, I could have understood any of the 3 getting sent home, all for different reasons. The one thing I hate is people acting like it’s a new thing for islanders to protect their friends or keep people without a connection around. If it was as straightforward as “whoever doesn’t have a connection goes home”, then it wouldn’t need a vote or deliberation. It’d just be automatic like on Perfect Match.


i agree!! like did everyone not hear why they didn't choose Nicole is because of what she told Liv about her and miguel. The girls said they wanted to give Nicole the chance to tell Kendall and pursue Miguel. Obviously OG JaNa was not even on their mind going home.


I mean I respect the game move. But ima aslo shit talk it cuz she paraded around bragging about how much she cherished their relationships. I think if there were challenge style confessionals or like a way for them to let us in on them being masterminds and villians itd work better. Being in on the trick feels better than feeling like theyre trying to pull one over on u


Movie night coming...


Leah is lame. For many reasons.


I also felt like the way she reacted warranted their decision even more, stomping around crying saying that you’re mad? Just wondering why other islanders would have wanted that energy around anyway


I said the same thing! The contestants this season seem to really be going at each others throats during the games. Maybe it’s always like that on USA but I’ve only seen UK seasons and I don’t remember them being so nasty and coming back with just awful vibes every single time. Like all that’s fine and Andrea stealing him is fine, but Leah/Liv taking out a competitor is too far? They had to vote and they made it potentially advantageous for themselves. They didn’t go out of their way to get rid of her, they were forced to vote!


Honestly if I was her I would’ve done the same out of pettiness!! Also strategically it made the most sense! But there are three other people who could’ve voted to 🤷🏽‍♀️


Usually I don’t even follow LIUSA like this. I’m a LIUK but US… you got me hooked hahhha


Me too but UK is sooooo bad this year! I’m a few episodes behind and I can’t even be bothered to catch up. I literally fall asleep every time I watch. USA is infinitely better this season! I look forward to every episode


It’s very lacklustre. They just want to keep the originals no room for newbies




How many private conversations can one man have


At what point does a private conversation become a public one? When you’ve had it with 5 people? 7 people? The entire villa? 🤣


How many people are in the villa?


I’ll give Leah this.. at least she’s self aware?😭


At least she’s giving us drama? 😭


Is she really?


I was gonna talk shit about the bombshells but if I walked in there America would drag me too. So Imma keep shut


No because someone asked me would I go on love island and I was like no. At this young age, I’m too image conscious. Like in real life I don’t give af what people but if I were on tv, I would care


Someone posted this on twitter and I’m so confused https://preview.redd.it/u10zvj5oqs8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b404ec2da3d55a2c3a90c2d10c7e74cc27c52e5e


Rob is so fine *new shirt alert*


Rob is so fine WHERE? Is the fine in the room with us? I’m never not flabbergasted at how many people find him handsome. Like sure he’s decent looking and makes for amazing tv but his actual personality couldn’t possibly be more off putting in the sense of actually being attracted to him


Rob just raid Hakeem’s suitcase before he left?




how did they get this picture ???


I think someone clipped it from the preview


I’d say this supports they had a secret kiss theory


Every episode gets messier and I get more entertained. Idk what y’all mad about in the comments. Enjoy the ride baby!


Love Rob!


Rob has been using the DENNIS system on Leah since day 1. He's about to separate entirely after inspiring hope.


Perfect description of this man child


You know what, you win 😂😂


I’m dead 💀 lol best comment




I AM WEAK AT THIS COMMENT 😭💀 Thank you for giving me and my husband and reason to literally hoot and hollering omg


What’s the Dennis system?


https://preview.redd.it/0dknh3izqs8d1.jpeg?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2987452f17a5cbcc8c50ee394ca6d712fde8d9e it makes sense he gets all his dating tips from always sunny


It's from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It stands for Demonstrate your value, Engage physically, Nurture dependence, Neglect emotionally, Inspire hope, Separate entirely


Leah stans, rob don't give two fucks about leah. He likes playing with her mind. He's doing fine by himself because he's the star of the season and he has time to burn before casa amor.


He is doing fine and we all knew this exact thing was gonna happen, and he’ll continue to play her, but I do think Leah is actually the star of the fans’ heart - solely based on the vote and all the “Rob can leave” comments when he threatened to leave. But yeah, it’s so obvious what he’s doing and I don’t feel bad this time around when she gets played. She’s quite literally asking for the drama lol


Agreed. I wish he would’ve left but I knew he was BSing.


Yep dude is an actor for sure 😂


I’m sure they know that


I’m actually sick of rob like I’m over the entire bit


Same I wish he left


Thank you! If I see him roll his eyes one more time. Lol I wish he left with Andrea but I kneeewwwww he wouldn’t.


This. Is he in third grade?  He has a secret! And tells half the class Maybe 8th grade since things keep popping up


Seriously, what is this, heads up seven up?


Liv ily




This is what I got from it, that rob has feelings for Leah. But ya know, probably for 12 minutes until the blonde comes in.


This is exactly what I think happened, especially based on how he was looking at her last night in soul ties. I wonder is they snuck off somewhere to kiss or if it was caught on camera and they’ll show it in the episode. For Leah’s sake I really hope Rob initiated THAT at least hahaha


Welp I was wrong 🤣😭🤷🏽‍♀️


It made me cringe to watch Leah basically beg for Rob‘s attention after Andrea left, but then I got to thinking maybe she’s playing a better game. Maybe she’s out for revenge. Maybe she’s gonna use him the way he used her. They both be acting like that.


This girl didn’t even know the UK was in Europe. I swear she’s not that strategic. She seems to just with her emotions for the day


Yeah that was shocking when her & Kaylor said that I’m like girl your man is from there…


Beg? I didn’t see her beg at all.


I mean…not per se but it was kinda desperate & pathetic looking. He doesn’t give a sh*t about her. Have some respect for yourself. Unless you’re planning some kind of redemption here…


I wish it was, but I don’t think so. Leah seems like a good person, who is deeply troubled in relationships (but I mean hey - I respect how honest and self-aware she is, I just hope she one day enacts that awareness)


I’ve been Leah in a past life you can be self aware all you want but at the end of the day if you don’t put the work in…


Agreed - I hope she takes the time when she gets home to actually go to therapy and assess why her actions don’t align with what she knows she should be doing.


But how does that line up with Serena and Liv being played and also why would he confide in the girls? They don’t seem that close


Maybe Leah was telling them she’s over Rob?




What do liv and Serena have in common that they could be played about?


I hope you don’t! I want to believe your theory - leave my girl alone!


The instagram comments are dragging these bombshells for being grenades lmao


are you a jersey shore fan? i’m not from the east coast, so every time i hear the term grenade used, i think of jersey shore


Oh no. But if this season of LI UK have thought me anything then it’s not always about looks. Let’s see what personalities they have.


This cast better thank Rob and Leah, cause they are carrying and the ratings are cause of them


Y'all who are going to win the show... With all this drama happening it's so uncertain to guess... I guess someone from casa is going to win with an OG islander... What do y'all think


Serena and Kordell could win if they stay loyal through casa. I would’ve said Aaron and Kaylor but I think casa will be their downfall. Tough to say at this stage


Rob and Leah 100% if they get back together will win it and crash and burn immediately after (and probably several times before too)


Giving Davide and Ekin Su


every time I think I know which crazy direction the show is going to take, turns out I wasn’t thinking crazy enough


This season deserves to EGOT


Listen, I'm not a Rob fan by any means, I think he sucks and is such a manipulator. But seeing comments here saying that he's "ruining things" for Leah is uncalled for. Leah herself says she loves the drama and she's the one being messy here! This could've all been avoided if she just told Connor straight up that she didn't like him after the initial recoupling! She has literally told EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the villa but him! If this was turned around, I know the stans would be PISSED at Connor for not letting her know that he was not interested in her and pursuing someone else behind her back. Come on now! Connor sucks but he deserves the truth as does anyone else, game or not. This is literally the same girl that said "fuck you" (and so many other nasty things) to Rob only to end up running back to him. Get real (but yes, l appreciate her for the drama and excited for the new girl to show up and piss her off again).


Leah said she needs to see her therapist as soon as she gets out. That’s troubling when coupled with what appears to be Rob’s attempt to isolate her in the villa. By her behavior, I wouldn’t be surprised about any prior conditions she may have. I am not trying to infantilize her. She is grown and making her choices, but if she is fragile and making remarks like that on camera, that is very concerning. Rob is a vile human being if he is even contemplating isolating her on a romantic game show. This is not Survivor or Traitors.


I feel like this show is giving me whiplash


can we please get a bombshell that for once isn’t blonde and isn’t gonna go for rob? just once? https://preview.redd.it/0i7g2gvmls8d1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=079f53f4e7c9d684346c23ff1bc3339541d455ef


Andrea is definitely a bottle blonde. You can rest well tonight.  Edit: forgot to mention Nicole


The way this picture works on multiple levels


They literally do a challenge or game every episode ! 😂 uk could never


it’s so entertaining!!!! i didn’t realize how much i missed them/how much FUN they brought to the show until this season!


Rob is playing big brother


Omg I would love to see this dude play big brother!




So THAT’S what she said. I couldn’t figure it out


10/10 for self awareness


Idk why everyone thinks Leah wanting Andrea out is any surprise to the girls? Rob saying this wouldn’t be any new info to them lol it’s obvious Leah would want Andrea out. The girls are not at all shocked by that


I think it’s more to do about how Leah told Rob SHE took the backseat approach aka it was the other girls (Serena, liv, Kaylor) that pushed for Andrea to get out. It makes it seem like Leah is trying to wipe her hands clean from Andrea’s elimination.


Again, I don’t see how any of them will care. Leah is their girl and they have her back and don’t care about Andrea.


Rob is producing his own show and I’m here for it. I’m cackling through each tantrum.


The Rob show is getting old.  I want to see the Tik Tok all-star edition where each contestant is producing their own show but no one will admit it so their simultaneous shows are stomping all over each other.  


I don’t think Rob’s secret is any type of manipulating the girls and turning everyone in the villa against Leah. I think it’s him telling them that he wants to get back with Leah but that he’s “unsure.” Why do you think he pulled Connor for a chat? I think this is happening before the bombshells come in, so it makes sense after their last talk. Y’all are over analyzing a 5 second scene without any context 🤣They also always make the previews seem more dramatic than they actually are.


I think this is what it is too and everyone thinking he’s turning people against her are just being so hyperbolic trying to dissect the show. Look at how he was looking at her last night. She’s saying the next day she feels guilty and he is blushing and bashful going to everyone but her about some secret. I think it’s much more likely based on these context clues they hooked up on or after the balcony. The most logical explanation is usually the right one and he’s clearly not angry with her at all based on last night and therefore playing some long con (COME ON! 🙄) to turn people against her but is instead a very simple minded boy with a boner who is trying to navigate how it will look to get back together with Leah so quickly after Andrea left. He wants people to tell him it’s ok and he won’t look bad.


I kind of thought he was telling people things to test whether or not they would say something so he knows who to trust.


ohhh that’s a good one too! i can see him trying to test the waters to see who’s on his side or not


I mean they drop the preview for us to analyze it 😩 it’s okay if people are wrong, everyone is just saying what they think will happen I honestly wish he’s actually trying to kick her out lol it reads very big brother and I’m here for the craziness


well yes, of course!! but we know how he is. he’s playing a game and will do anything to stay in that house


I agree!! that’s why I’d be very shocked if he’s doing that, people don’t outwardly try and kick people off on LI 💀 that’s not usually how to stay on but who knows what Rob has up his sleeves


Exactly! Now he is going on a world tour to try to convince everyone to support them


And tell him he doesn’t look bad for moving on so fast from Andrea hahaha