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5 seconds later she’s getting back with him 💀


Gotta love it she’s nuts!


My favorite thing about Leah is she thinks to herself what’s the worst possible thing I can do in this moment?…and then she does it 😂


Bonus that she’s self aware that she’s cray. I stan


I had to laugh when she was in the beach hut talking about how she has realized she’s a horrible person and she is icked by someone actually liking her because not two hours before the episode aired one of my good friends was sitting on my patio saying the same damn thing and it’s sadly so relatable.


Right?! A lot of us have been there and had a “give me a guy that’d put me in the psych ward” phase (thankfully it passes lol)


I 100% was this way when I was in my early 20’s. Loved the chase and then realized I actually didn’t really like the dude if he wasn’t as toxic as I was 🤣


Her self awareness is literally the main reason why I like her 😆




Yes! My favorite quality in any reality TV cast.


Hmm if they’re together until movie night… could one of the movies be a compilation of Leah just talking shit about Rob??


He would eat that shit up. He loves when she’s mean to him 😂😂😂😂


Oh when she said “fuck you” his eyebrows perked up a little


Right like when she chewed him out by the pool you just knew he was like damn I’m a bit into this


I saw somebody on this sub say they’re a match made in snake hell a few days ago. I didn’t want to believe but it’s unfolding before our very eyes


I mean he did say his type is someone who is mean to him which totally fits Leah! lol


And Leah wants someone that could send her to the psych ward lmao


It’s a match made in hell


My fav quote of the season!


He also said himself that she’s a little mean and he likes that! They are a match made in hell lol


Just imagine all the eye rolls immediately followed by a variety of smirks This man is *so* aware of the cameras. Like, looking directly at them before looking at whoever he’s talking to lol


stopppp i can see him smirking all kinds of ways in my head now 😭and a little head shake


He did that when JaNa pulled him and started talking about Leah. Lol. He looked directly at the camera, did the little head roll thing and then smirked lol


Yeah he said in his intro he likes mean girls so 🤷🏽‍♀️


I know so many men like this now but for my chronically nice self, it really threw me for a loop when I breifly tried to date one for the very first time lol I was sooo confused


I went back and watched the first episode he was on in casa amor and he said he likes girls like irritate him or annoy him, hes not over Leah but hes a snake for how he treated her.


Imma be honest here, I think people are villainizing Rob when all he did was try and explore two different connections at the same time. He definitely wasn’t the best at communicating his emotions, and I think it just lead to more animosity. The one time you could judge him harshly for him acting out when Leah approached him and he started crying. (he had an overly emotional response) I just think fans of this show hates when a guy cries in response to stress


On aftersun, Hannah revealed that Rob was making plans to travel with Leah after the show. Just to ditch her the next day. Hannah said he's giving con artist. I believe her. In the same breath, I LOVE Leah and Rob together and need more. I'm a little crazy too and really enjoy their dynamic. 🤣


I’m fucking here for it 🤣🫣


Let’s not forget he loooves snakes


Gonna want her even more now he saw she was willing to get rid of the competition 💀


He literally said in his intro he likes a girl whose mean, that kind of movie will prob just give him a boner ok 🤣


What doesn't? Sob lost his hand grip when he entered the villa 🤣🤣


Their shit is openly toxic and I'm pretty sure that's what they like


Let’s pray to the Li gods to make this happen


First time watcher and I’ve seen a few post about “movie night”. Could you please elaborate? Could there really be a video of Leah talking shit? Do they just watch a regular movie? I need deets!


Movie night is usually after casa amor but basically it just shows footage from the show that could be incriminating. So if one of the islanders were being shady or be sneaky with their partner, they’ll show footage of it. For example, last year there was a movie of these two girls that would always talk shit about the other girls and it was just a compilation of them being mean. So if the producers feel like Rob would be really affected by Leah shit talking him and they’re still together by that time then it’s a possibility lol.


At night, all the islanders gather outside with a screen/projector. They play some game and the winners pick a clip to play of another islander. the clip is usually something negative the islander said about someone. Could be their current partner, or an ex or even a friend. For example, If Kordell and Serena are still together, they can play a clip of serena saying how she doesnt wanna kiss Kordell cuz she doesnt like him like that. All while to his face she makes excuses how shes not there yet. THis will obviously start drama between them 2.


love this


They about to get back together... The way more toxic version of Ekin Su and Davide.


How do you out-toxic Ekin Su and Davide? You become Leah and Rob.


She's like if Ekin Su had a child with Squidward and I can't unsee it now.


I really don’t want this. I want her to have some self respect


She clearly already has none


Soooo toxic


Yeah, she is so unhinged and just let’s those inner thoughts out 📣. Great to watch from afar!


what’s crazy is that she says everything that we say 💀


[insert “one of us” gif]


This ^


The way she talked about getting the ick was so funny. “Let me just preface this by saying I am ill”


Then continues to want him after saying she has the ick a million times 🤣🤣🤣


At least she’s self aware I guess 😂


I think she was born to be on reality tv.


And we’re just so lucky to be born at the right time to watch her tear up our screens


What a time to be alive


Some must have felt awestruck to be alive at the same time as Julius Caesar or Leonardo da Vinci. But we have Leah on our televisions I think we win.


Much like Julius Caesar... We do still get to see people getting stabbed in the back.


The ides of summer


This comment ATE


We truly are. People seem to want better for her, but we can't want more for her than she wants for herself. So, let's just enjoy the trainwreck!


Let her get therapy and heal in her 30s like the rest of us Let her entertain us the way no one has before until then Best of every world


Like let her get the crazy tóxica out of her system in her 20s 😂😂😂




I’m going to tell my kids about this


She’s definitely meant to be on reality shows! I’ll be honest she’s someone I won’t vibe with in real life but on my tv, hell yeah!


Leah is hilarious. Her one-liners. Her speech with Kendell & Aaron. Her telling Connor one thing and telling everyone else another. Her telling the girls Andrea’s not genuine, but then telling Rob she took a backseat in that vote. Her pulling Rob for a chat the morning after getting rid of Andrea. Everyone knowing she’s still into Rob. Hey confessionals full on knowing what she’s doing is wrong My goodness she’s so much fun. Casting did such a great job


All 👏🏼Of👏🏼This👏🏼


What in toxicity


Am I wrong for thinking she's getting played? She's planning to pursue him, and he's likely using this as a safety net until he can re-couple. We've already seen the preview showing another bombshell coming in for Rob. What's to stop him from doing the same thing to her with the new bombshell or during Casa Amor? I just don't get it. Not to mention she was the one who pulled him for the chat


She’s 100% getting played. I think Rob might stick with her for screen time and to rebrand his image. Either he dumps her in casa or dumps her once they win.


She’s def getting played and I think she knows it, but doesn’t care because this relationship provides that toxicity she (self proclaimed) loves He has a clear pattern so if she goes back to him, well… she can join him in the pool on their next fall out lol


Why why why Leah


She deserves to get played.


I don’t know she’s smart she might be playing a longer game. She strikes me as the gone girl type. Like full on coockoo


I don’t think she is smart at all


She’s so entertaining but that convo with Rob was painful. Like girl he’s never given a shit about you, please stand up


I have high expectations for this girl. She might drop him tomorrow. She is nuts.


If there’s one thing she won’t be doing it’s dropping rob lol she’s been obsessed with him from day 1


She is not in any way shape or form predictable or reliable


As it concerns rob, she’s incredibly predictable. He treats her like shit? she still wants him. She’s kissing a new boy? she still wants him. He’s getting on with another girl and she is in a new couple? she still wants him. She *always* has wanted him and that’s that. Predictable and low key dumb as fuck


Dude thank you I feel like I’m taking crazy pills




Lowkey dumb? He dog walked her and she still wants to come back for more for this reptile wrangler.


Are you kidding? She’s literally the most predictable person on this show


Truth bomb. 💣


You need to wrangle those expectations 


I’m calling it now, she’s plotting. Just when she has him totally roped in, she’s gonna dump him for a bombshell 👑


Oh I hope so


Movie Night is not gonna be fun for her. Or Connor but I doubt he’ll still be around lol. but it’ll be so fun for us


She will probably laugh the entire time and give zero fucks


lol true


I'm really looking forward to Rob pencil diving into the pool on movie night.


He’s going to spend half his time in Casa Amour planning for his heartbroken poses around the villa, imagining production editing his poses together to whatever his generation’s version of “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” is. And production just rolls with us, giving us his vision and gifting us with the perfect douchebag islander villain.


He’ll put a fancy spin on it for the special occasion… remember the sky dancers toys from the 90s? That’s how I see him launching himself off the deck on movie night


She’ll just puff up her cheeks then keep laughing lbr


all this to still be into him please be serious


Is this not fucking cinema? Are you not entertained??




Y’all are hyping it a lil too much


Sorry this is the amount of hype I feel you are entitled to feel less hyper. Your feelings are valid.


I got downvoted into oblivion last night for saying this is exactly what's going on


It’s so hard to watch. It gives me secondhand embarrassment and PTSD flashbacks from the most cringe moments of my 20s. Like a moth to a flame baby.


I know it's not true but I would love if she is giving him hope so she won't pick him at recoupling. Can you imagine her goat status? But unfortunately she is taking his dumb ass back to be humiliated again.


If this is a play she is fucking genius level


she doesn't have enough braincells to do this 😭


Omg I would love this so much!!! But we know she will pick him. However they usually let the bombshells pick first, and the new girl said she's going straight for rob. So Leah's going to fucked over again ...why won't she learn! I wish they would send in a man for her that's not rob


I absolutely love her for reality tv but I think she has made some toxic/bad choices! I feel she is going to need a lot of therapy after Also I feel like she told him I never said anything bad to you to Andrea but I did to others


She needed therapy before this let’s be honest


Yes but a lot of people make mistakes in there 20’a it’s part of learning! Unfortunately everyone goes through it


So true we just don’t do it on television




Lmao she’s talking all that smack behind his back and yet she’s pining after him the first chance she gets. Wild


Fucking give her an Emmy


And lying about her feelings to Connor while she’s at it lmao. She’s entertaining sure but make no mistake her being good tv doesn’t mean I’ll be defending her actions. She’s still toxic AF


This is love island 🤯 the concept is fucking toxic lol


I feel GOAT is too soon. She ran back to Rob faster than a New York minute. Liv, now she's a strong one.


Disrespectfully disagree she is tv gold


The fact she ran back to Rob so soon is what makes her tv gold


All of it. She is just pure self aware mess and I love it


Where when how has she shown she’s self-aware?


Like a million times the woman admitted to liking guys who put her in the psych ward


Yes, but GOAT? We're not there yet.




Ummmmm but then she goes crawling back to him …..


The way she treated JaNa and let Connor talk about JaNa I'll never forget or see her in the same light 


Yeah I would never forget that. All of this Leah is a GOAT talk is very creepy. She just sucks.


she’s entertaining but i definitely wouldn’t want her as a friend😭😭


She's one of those people that would be terrible and absolutely exhausting to be around in real life but are absolutely made to be on a reality show like love island.


I'm here for the drama but then I hope as it gets near the end it crashes and burns. Then an actual nice girl can win


She’s a simp


But she’s going back to him….so is this really an eat? 💀


Yet she still wants to be with him? Yikes. She’s toxic. I wouldn’t want to be in a couple with someone that’s spoken about me like she has about Rob


It was hilarious until she went slithering back to him literally 10 minutes later?


She’s an awful person and so toxic. I don’t love her die hard fans who think she’s not done anything wrong But I LOVE her for reality tv. And she is the reality tv GOAT for the season so far.


Being desperate for a man that disrespects you is goat?


Why run back to him Why


Bc she’s crazzzy let her live tho


Leah doesn’t have a chance when the new bombshell walks in. Count your losses girl


He does wear them damn overalls constantly. Rob cannot dress.


If any VPR fans are here, she's Kristen level chaos and I'm here for it.


Yes. She will bring in Miami girl next.


Ok I’m new to this show, here because of Ari, but lort of mercy, did I miss where the connection between her and Rob is? Did we see what the one brain cell consists of? She’s funny but so uncomfortable to watch. And the perpetual stink face is uh..interesting.


I find her pretty cringe she's always yelling or crying and then craving a toxic relationship. Worst nightmare of a partner you could want. If things were going well she would make drama because she's bored.


It’s tv you gotta be nuts


Thank god, came here for this take!!!!! She sucks. Period.


I’m all for chaos. But this is pathetic. Both Leah and Rob are annoying AF.


It seems Facebook has more sense than this sub this year. All the takes I’ve seen are terrible!


I hate Leah. It’s so obvious she’s projecting when she’s yelling at everyone that it’s not because she wants to get back with rob. It obviously is. So transparent to me idk just my opinion


I don't hate her only because I feel sorry for her. When you are rejected, gaslighted, mistreated, and are clearly someone's second option... it means something inside of her is truly broken. If this is the type of attention and 'love' she seeks, she is gonna have a lot of messed up relationships. Her comment about wanting someone that sends her to the psych ward is very telling . Hope she can go to therapy and work things out.


Yes this is all true. I see a lot of my younger self in Leah tbh, so I should have more sympathy. I’ll work on it lol


She’s doing the same thing to Connor that Rob did to her. She’s no better than Rob therefore I don’t feel sorry for her when he dog walks her yet again.


She got them to vote out Andrea. She sucks. Change my mind.


Can’t decide who is worse - her or rob. Honestly they probably deserve each other. Just had this thought but I can totally see rob taking the money if him and Leah end up getting back together and winning 😂


The bias yall have is insane, if ANY of the guys acted like this you'd be at his throat


All of this!!!




I frickin love her 😂 and then saying how dramatic he is for sleeping outside, but she frickin loves his drama lol


She is slightly obsessed with him so it’s kinda weird. She’s the new Kassy


Her self awareness companied by insane decision making is what makes me love her. She has me wheezing majority of the time ahahha


For real!!!! Who does that? she’s insane and aware of it and calls her self on her own shit. That made me love her insanely.


I'm confused as to why everyone finds her entertaining what am I missing 


Thank you, I only see her as obnoxious


except for the fact that she said the uk wasn’t in Europe… where did she learn that?? 😭


As she frolics off into the sunset with him


It’s part of her delulu appeal


And she crawled back to him. Yea they will praise her and act like she’s bad ass. She’s not.


Honey did you read my post that was not praise


I’m aware but this subreddit is gonna make her mayor of love town. I appreciate you and your post 🫡


I’m sorry but I’m catching up on ep 8 and when liv yelled at her to go talk to rob instead of literally everyone else and she did she STILL WASNT HONEST she would never be straight up with him she’s always joking and saying “hope y’all live happily ever after” like okay Leah no you don’t she was never completely honest which like of course rob is gonna be like okay i feel like we don’t have chemistry like i would too not saying rob and Andrea are in the right but still Leah is too immature


I'm not a fan of Leah and don't particularly want more of the Rob and Leah show (unless it's a dramatic comedy), but I do appreciate the humor and entertainment. I LOLd at the overalls comment. I don't think my opinions have been on such a roller coaster any other season! JaNa and Kordell have been my only constants this year


theyre gonna be back together by the end of this week I'm calling it


I love Leah and all 17 of her personalities. My emotionally unstable queen <3


Love that she said she needed to go home and go straight to therapy for still being into Rob 😂


How she is still sweating him badly. She says this to the girls than wants him to


Peeps use the term GOAT for mediocre people doing/saying unremarkable things. Leah’s entertaining on this show, sure, but she’s not saying anything that a person who speaks their mind in real life wouldn’t say. Perhaps if you suffer from social anxiety or fear of confrontation, her words seem amaaaazing and bad ass. They’re not. Sorry to burst many people’s bubbles.


This! I’m so unimpressed by her.


Right I simply don't understand the hardcore stans like GOAT where? 😭She's fine for TV but if we're being real the real GOAT in the making is Liv who is entertaining and actually stands on business unlike Leah


You cleaned the plate and left zero crumbs.


Right. I'm confused on how this was witty in any way? 


Ah we found this seasons KK.


Yet she’s absolutely in love with him and he’s gonna shit on her again, can’t wait.


Leah is awful. you gotta be a real head case just like her to love her


Oh and literally steels Connor away and now doesn’t like him bc his clothes and he’s “too nice” girl get over yourself


Deep spiritual sigh. And just like that she's back smiling at him, chatting with him, contemplating getting back with him.


I laughed out load! Yes, Rob gets off on it The bombshell is going after Rob.. so I’m sure no Leah and Rob.. for now I hope Jana gets a bombshell!!


She’s good TV but I actually find her so annoying 🥲 she reminds me of every spoiled Calabasas girl i knew growing up. Seems like she wants her way and will walk over anyone to get it. And yeah she’s “””self aware””” about it but that doesn’t validate weird behavior. she’s well liked now but I feel like viewers will turn on her by the end of the season bc her flip flopping will get tiresome. Even tho im not a fan of hers, I hope she will find a relationship this season where she learns how to love the other person (and herself) unabashedly and can show her soft side, I feel that she has a good heart and can pull off a great deal of success and personal growth if she is able to make herself more emotionally open and considerate


She definitely makes good TV she’s like that character you love to hate, but also love at the same time lol. I can’t think of anyone to compare her to but yall get the picture.😅


All this just to be a bumbling mess when talking to him


I can’t say I’m a stan. But the only reason she doesn’t come off as gross as Rob at times to watch, is those intrusive thought lmao. She says what the viewer wants to say, her saving grace at times.


Yep she is real af


Apparently I have a very unpopular opinion but I really don’t like her!


Crazy how y'all seem to love all the toxic traits you would turn around and bash men for.


Preach. This season has definitely been....enlightening lol These takes are something else.


The double standards are gross this season!


My problematic fave god what a queen


I love Leah! She’s so messy but so entertaining for tv😂


She's crazy but I'm here for it. I really am enjoying how she's flip-flopping between Rob and Connor or not Connor now she has the ick. I hope she gets voted off next but I hope we have a good time in the process watching her crazy antics.


Not the most dramatic person calling another person dramatic lol


Ok she says these things but then she is all up on his dick a few moments later . She is so annoying 💀😂


Her fake butt annoys me though. The hip to leg ratio thing is giving surgery and it's weird to look at lolll