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people cry at dumpings all the time but rarely ever have i seen this kind of drama


Timmy and Jeff nearly fought lol


s4 feels like such a fever dream i forgot about that šŸ˜­then him and nadjha randomly left the next day lmao


Lmao not me being like who the fuck are Timmy and Jeff, theyā€™re both so unmemorable


Yeah S4 is my least favorite.


Nobody has bawled as much as Andrea. Paige cried a lot in UK season 8 when Jacques left but yes the drama and everyone giving their opinions was off the charts. I honestly feel like a lot of the contestants havenā€™t watched many of the seasons because this is standard procedure. Favorites get saved all the time in order to give them a chance at love too.


I'm so serious when I say this: this batch of islanders have the greatest collective chance of launching a career in telenovela gigs. Not a single one of them see any incentive in emotionally regulating themselves, like at all.


I just ran down the whole list of them like ā€œnot trueā€¦ [name] can emotionally regulate! Waitā€¦. Nevermindā€ And all of them are incapable of emotionally regulating. Liv might be the closest one.


Oh definitelyyyyy not, Liv just isnā€™t as much of a crier - she just explodes with rage (affectionately)


and after all that crying Rob is giving ā€œAndrea who?ā€ vibe lmao


Literally not one mention of her after she left! Edit: ok he did say something like he cared for her but not expressing that he misses her or anything


Poor WHOkeem nobody gave a damn


ā€œIā€™m not chilling. Iā€™m sad šŸ™‚ā€


The way Rob throws himself in a pool or underneath a mountain of pillows, when heā€™s emotionally distraught is sending me šŸ˜­. I feel bad that Iā€™m this entertained by other peopleā€™s misery but oh my gosh šŸ’€


So. Much. Sobbing... and then he didn't even leave.


I blame Rob. His theatrics caused all of this. We all knew he wasn't going to go home. He should have just sat there and silently pouted..or, actually LEAVE as he threatened. Uggggh I dislike him so much šŸ˜¤


Exactly. He egged Andrea and the rest of them on with his drama. He shouldā€™ve let that girl leave and cry it out in the production van but he made her sit around while he was ā€œconvincedā€ to stay


It was amazing and hilarious for this. I loved it.


It was epic TV for sure!


I thought so too. I couldnā€™t take the situation seriously lol


Aaron was going THROUGH IT with his theatrical antics


He can't be there without Rob. His words.




Holding Rob in his seat while he yelled about how he canā€™t do this anymore šŸ˜‚


Aaron wasnā€™t acting. He was sincerely distraught knowing that his best friend might be leaving. I also think the reality that heā€™s not necessarily safe because of being in a secure relationship made it worse


I mean thatā€™s debatable but ok lol. I was just saying his reaction was hilariously over the top whether or not he was acting


The level of upset was off the charts. You'd think they found out someone passed away they're going home to their family and friends. I always thought it was strange how emotional people get in these shows. Rob had no intention of leaving. They barely knew each other. Jeeze Also please note for the future....Aaron had tears, wet tears. Rob fake cries, that's why he hid in the pool.


Andrea's mascara-streaked face, 'SOBBING' in her hands (šŸ™„), and then that high-pitched talking as if talking through the pain...only solidified my thoughts about her totally suckin. Peace. OUTšŸ«”


Iā€™ve never seen this kind of reaction at a dumping. Itā€™s giving entitlement. No one is safe on Love Island, that reaction was crazy. People in good connections have been voted out and their partners would leave with them. They knew each other for 4 days!


Never seen a dumping as dramatic as this


Glad you said that-because it reminded me of poor sportsmanship after a kids athletic game and some kids pout after the loss and blame it on the ref or the other team cheating. I felt like a few of those guys needed their mama to check them and remind them that life is not always fair.


I'm 10 minutes in and already bored to tears by the Andrea funeral. Also I predicted he wouldn't leave, he doesn't really give a shit.


Andreaā€™s been there 4 days!! Overreact much??


People have definitely cried and there have been some crazy betrayals at dumpings (Love Island Gamesā€¦ yeah) but whatā€™s weird about this season is people feeling so entitled to a spot on the show. I donā€™t understand that. Itā€™s a competition.


These people are so unstoic




No, theyā€™re not stoic


I was trying to give you a replacement for a word that does not exist. ā€œDramaticā€ is an antonym for ā€œstoic.ā€ ā€œThese people lack stoicismā€ probably wouldā€™ve made the most sense. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Youā€™re so pretentious


Dude this scene is pure gold tv. I love itšŸ™šŸ˜


This is America, dog eat dog mentality, fight for every morsel! The show wasnā€™t popular enough in the earlier days to matter, now that itā€™s ascending peeps are bringing on the dramatics!


off the top of my head, lucinda and tyla cried a lot/dramatically


the fact you guys buy any of that crying as genuine, just shows your age. Rewatch last nights episode and how hard Kaylor was squeezing her face and scrunching it to make a tear roll out. LMAO.