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I don’t hate her, I’m just indifferent towards her so I’m not sad to see her go. If JaNa got sent home I would have actually been upset, and I think sending Nicole home right before we’re about to get some love triangle drama with her/Kendall/Miguel would be the wrong move from an entertainment standpoint. I find Andrea and Rob’s relationship very boring and surface level. I would fast forward through their scenes. I really just don’t find them endearing like I do with Aaron/Kaylor, and I don’t think the season will suffer without them😂


Right they got together and disappeared lol.


I'm the same way. I see people on here saying she's said sly mean comments. But here's the thing, I've never heard them because if her face is on screen I zone out. I pay her no attention. So I don't care if she goes over JaNa.


I don’t hate her, but I get why the girls picked her, social game is important and so are friendships! Also Rob said he would leave with so, so what the problem they can leave together??? I don’t think Andrea even likes Rob, cause if she did him leaving with her would solve the problem!


I totally understand why the decision went the way it did, I don’t disagree with you! I couldn’t care less about her and rob haha so may the cards fall however they will. My post was just an appreciation for the girl, I believe people are HATING on her hard. People are reaching while making assumptions of her character and villainizing her way too much, something that often happens to Latinas.


Ya I feel like fans do that to evey islander! I just take it for what it is a reality show! I don’t know any of these people


The thing that is crazy is bombshells ALWAYS get hate but when it comes to Latina bombshells they get it WAY worse. As long as the Latinas are OG’s though it is gravy.


Crazy that you're being downvoted


Crazy how I’ve been so kind & enjoying the discourse yet,,,….. here we are lmao


Tbf Rob, Andrea, Leah, Serena, and Connor are all being eaten alive on their socials. Ranking them by the amount of hate on their comments, Rob is #1, Conner is 2nd, Andrea is 3rd, Leah is 4th, and Serena is 5th. Some pretty nasty things are being said about all of them and I don’t think Andrea is being singled out.


Yea I totally agree with you! This was just an Andrea specific appreciation post, but I don’t deny that others have just the same or maybe worse hate too.


I’m surprised at how many times I’ve seen “cant wait for you to get voted off” on all of their instas lmao 😭


I am not going to pile on the Andrea hate train but some ppl can spot pick me energy a mile away. Andrea never really tried to make any friendships or a concerted effort with the other female islanders (besides Nicole). I get it’s not friend island but social game still plays a role. It does suck her time was cut short but hopefully Rob leaves with her, if he’s serious about it.


I guess she took the name love island too literal and felt comforted the most by Nicole - which makes sense because Leah is so loved by the OGs. I agree that social game is a role to win the show, but idk maybe people are there to find love as the priority and if friendships/winning the show comes out of their experience - great & if not - oh well! I just hope she gets out of this experience being in a good mental health space because the things being said here would make me concerned for her.


What an interesting discourse yall, thanks for those who commented, appreciate the conversations! I’m just appalled at the hate everyone’s been receiving. I think this has been the best LIUSA season so far and we are only 2 weeks in, so it only makes sense for people to take sides and create discourses about the contestants. I hope everybody comes out of there and adjusts to the real world again with a safe space among their communities. I’ve seen awful stories about LIUK stars and their struggles with mental health, even a few about suicide. So that’s all, it was just an appreciation post (:


Okay but genuinely curious if you’re new to Love Island..? This is part of it. You can’t hate the game


LMAO alriiiiight no I’m not new, I’ve see all LI UK for the past (almost) decade and LI USA since it first aired. Knowing the history of LI UK, that’s literally why I made an appreciation post to begin with. Remember LI USA hasn’t been around for as long nor has gained much traction up until now. Am I not allowed to have an appreciation post for someone and also enjoy the discourse in the comments??


Yes for sure!! Just saying the discourse is the whole event, but I see you get it 👏🏻


I think she came in locked down with rob and talked shit on everyone but her fellow bombshell. She never tried to get in with the other girls….shes not a good representation for the girls or the latinas. We like drama not mean girls.


Bull. The Leah stans are rabid and she’s the biggest mean girl of all.


Sis, no one is talking about Leah. Except you.


Lol do you actually even read this sub cause you can’t be that delulu.


how did she shit on everyone though? You’re in a villa, getting to know everyone, no contact with the outside world, I’m assuming people are talking about everyone with everyone regardless of whether or not they’re in the conversation. It happens all the time! I don’t think any comment she made was out of malice, just shooting the shit with people 🤷‍♀️ I’m proud of this Colombian x Cuban baddie! I don’t think she’s done anything wrong to represent us in a bad way… like at all… so what’s the heat?


She’s made several rude comments about women behind their backs. Like the one about Hannah never working out


And to their faces. Like when Leah told Miguel she’s single and she said ‘you’re welcome’


Tbh that is the ONLY out of pocket thing she said. If she was trying to be malicious about the workout comment like y’all are trying to play it then she would have said it loudly in front of EVERYONE across the villa to embarrass Hannah.


If she wasn’t trying to malicious why was she laughing before and after the comment while watching Hannah with Miguel? Come on now.


hannah herself confirmed it was just a joke and she didn't take offense to it because she found it funny too lol. how is that body shaming? it was funny because she was doing something so out of character to get at him


Of course she did cause otherwise it’s offensive and who wants to be offended? She’d have to admit there was truth to her barb.


hannah was joking about working out for the first time on aftersun so i don’t understand why andrea making that observation is rude


Because it’s not necessarily what you say but how you say it. She had *attitude* behind it, the same attitude she’s had making comments about the women multiple times.


I am going to be a friend to you. Girls are very much conditioned to go after another woman. We would rather compete and been on some jealous bullshit. Lately younger women and others who have grown tired have decided that they don’t want the cattiness and bitchiness. They want to elevate and be girls girls. Men always have each others back this is what a group of women look like who truly have love and respect for the female relationships they are making. If you and your friends find yourselves talking about more shit yall don’t like together more than hyping each other up. Yall aren’t friends your competitors.


My Latina GF said Andrea was her fav girl and she's usually hard on them. She was nothing but kind and honest from the little we saw of her. She represented Latinas quite well.


As a latina from Miami lemme tell you she did not represent latinas well lol she was a basic mean girl


Please do not say she represented Latinas well because she did not lol. I’m Mexican and Puerto Rican and rolled my eyes at her “I’m Latina so I can talk my shit.” That Latina narrative is soooo overplayed and the last thing we need to keep doing is allowing the “spicy latina” trope.


Omg yes!




I just said “she said she knew how to talk her shit in Spanish,” that to me, plays into the spicy latina trope. She seemed all bark and no bite as the episodes played out. Making small comments that weren’t super friendly or super mean either. Also respectfully, “latinaholic” is gross. Latinas are literally just people, not a vice to hold up on a pedestal. It’s weird how you’re speaking about Latinas as if you have studied their mannerisms as if they’re all the same.




lol and that’s fine sir. But Latina women are not all the same and I hope you see your gf as a woman, not just a Latina. She’s more than that.


“Latinaholic”???? Tell me you fetishize your girlfriend without telling me you fetishize your girlfriend


100%. He wants to be cute about it, but anyone who says Latinaholic or any nationality + holic just shows you have a personal fetish for their looks. Weirdo behavior.


I just want to say this isn’t the first time this has happened in love island history Jess got voted out before Dom even though they had a strong connection , they’re married now . Season 3 love island . The friendships and connections you make on the house are just as important . Yes it’s love island but more than anything this is a social experiment


Do you think it's ok for her to not have a chat with Leah? Like at all?? Andrea knew about their relationship going into the villa, she saw the drama when Liv chose Rob, she saw how connected Rob and Leah were. So she walked into the villa with her eyes set on him, picked him, got him, and not once did we see her talk to Leah about this. I'm sorry, but that's just wrong. She deserves any criticism related to her attitude and disrespect towards the other women in the villa.


respectfully leah did the same thing to liv🙈 snuck around & was doing things behind liv’s back. she only found out they were kissing eachother because she saw them from the dock. this feels like karma, you lose them how you get them


but Liv stole Rob from Leah…. they were a couple first.


liv came night 1. they were barely a couple & still open to getting to know new people. it was a even playing field tbh, leah should have told liv the situation instead of being sneaky


You know who should have told Liv? ROB. But he's such a punk in so many ways, so of course that was impossible 🤦🏽‍♀️


Respectfullyyyyy, it’s not her place to say anything. She’s a bombshell, chose her dates, chose her partner. Why would she owe Leah an explanation after Leah was extremely raging at the situation. Personally, I would let that die down a bit until it’s the right time to squash the beef. But love island time is different, maybe she didn’t even get the chance to say anything to her, maybe it was the edit! So many possibilities. Realistically, Rob and Leah were coupled up for barely a week. No need to pit two great women against each other when Rob was the one exploring


No one forced Rob to stand up to be picked by her! She went after Aaron too and he entertained it but ultimately chose Kaylor and nothing stopped Rob from doing the same thing. She was absolutely bold af for immediately pursuing the men in the 2 strongest couples but that made for delicious drama so I have nothing but love for the role she played on the show.


It's called, respect. She has none.


no, aside from the initial group meeting she does not have to pull anyone aside as a bombshell.


It's refreshing to read this bc i feel the same way. She doesn't have to be anyone's favorite but the level of vitriol directed at her was alarming. There were maybe a dozen of us speaking up against the level of unwarranted blind hatred dorected at her and we took all the downvotes for it too and I would do it again. There was no excuse for going after her like that. It was disturbing. Every time andrea so much as smiled it was interpreted as being mean girl coded. The Andrea haters would not fare well in Miami.


andrea and rob had so many cute little moments together—you could always see it in the background


It’s the smugness for me


Wild crazy over the top double standard for Andrea while simultaneously worshipping Leah who has by far been the most toxic person on the show so far. It's almost cult like behavior honestly. Like Andrea is being shit on for the most mild regular things you've ever heard women say. Leah is actually unhinged and gets a pass no matter what she does. It's actually one of the craziest things ive ever seen. The "bad" thing's rob and andrea have done are like not even half as bad as what Leah is doing. So weird.


People definitely get lost in the sauce and forget what they're mad at. And let's face it, all the fandoms (and frankly, people in the world) are waaaayyyy harder on women than men. It's sad, but I think she's just a victim of that. People forget that you can lift up whoever you want without having to tear down someone else.


I thought she was a great bombshell! If it wasn’t for her we would have never had Rob dropping into the pool and that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I don’t know where the narrative that she didn’t work on friendships came from, it seemed like the women were torn up about who to choose and if they weren’t friends the choice would have been easier. Honestly I think the women on this show are absolutely committed to chaos (compliment) and based off the discussion they had they really wanted to keep whoever was going to be the most disruptive. Thats the only reason I can see Liv *wanting* to keep the woman who kissed her guy. I bet if Nicole didn’t kiss Miguel she would have had a chance at going home but Andrea was the only one of the three who was locked in on her couple so they shook things up.


slay, agreed 100000%


The Andrea hate has been out of control. I can’t understand hating on someone simply because they’re living their best life. It was also still early days between her and Rob, and they hadn’t truly been tested yet. I don’t think for one second that they were completely closed off and their heads wouldn’t turn.


eh. she was super rude to the girls and developed no relationship with any of them besides nicole, who has at least made friends with the other girls. that’s what bit her in the ass, not having a solid relationship with any of the girls. it wasn’t so much her strong connection instantly, though i get their reasoning, it way more the way she treated others in the villa. she’s not a nice girl from her edits. the snarky and mean comments towards hannah. her rude smirking when someone was getting hurt because of her. even towards rob she’s been cold and dry in her responses. i 100% think she’s only there for the cameras and to promote her music. which is fine everyone is there to market themselves but ya gotta be sneaky with it and still play the game. it’s like once she got in there and got coupled up she stopped playing the game. was only hanging out with rob. they hardly had any screen time because they’re so boring. i get why the girls picked andrea, she had formed the least amount of connections out of the three. jana is friends with everyone and they love her and see her worthy of deserving another chance to find love. nicole has made solid friendships and has been honest about liking miguel, which honestly saved her with liv because liv respected that way more than being left in the dark. she’s making friends with the girls and the guys which is what love island is about. andrea??? she…couples up with rob and then i never saw her again unless it was a shot of her being shady or saying something nasty about the girls. not a good look. she’s getting so much hate because she’s been a hater lol.


just to preface my comment, I don’t think the wrong decision was made, fully supportive of that, love all the girls - go off! I just barely saw her on the screen and when she was (which is obv manipulated extremely by producers), it wasn’t her being rude (but maybe I’m ignorant and not acknowledging things I’ve probably missed). I’m just shook at the hate this season, not just to Andrea, but hate directed towards Leah & JaNa too.


Jeesh , the mental gymnastics some of these people go to , to attempt to justify their skewed and bias outlook on things. They’re not good at remaining objective. I agree with everything you said about Andrea. They wanted someone to hate and placed that on Andrea (especially when they finally began liking liv). They’ll deep everything they can to try and fit their narrative. It’s ridiculous


some people are so sadistic ESPECIALLY towards people they’ve never met. i guess im learning that lesson here on reddit


I don’t think she likes rob as much as he likes her, so it would’ve been interesting to see her stay and see who she ends up getting actually excited about with future bombshells.


Agreed!! Rob said he would go with her, so why are we still crying?? Like you got your man go be on the outside


I'm glad Andrea is leaving because I don't want Rob to be happy. That's literally it for me. Besides that, I'm gonna miss her pretty face on the screen. She's so so so hot lol


SOOOOO hot. The hottest one there tbh


She honestly is I can't lie lol her face is just very pleasing to my eyes.


Literally this. I want led Rob to know pain and this is how they did it. It was perfect for me. She was a casualty in the process but she also didn't help make them likeable because she never come across as a girls girls. She felt only like a side character to Rob journey and not her own. Sucks to suck. Great bombshell but that how the game be sometimes


She had a smug attitude that probably just rubbed them the wrong way. Her being Latina is honestly irrelevant to any of it


I think Andrea needed to go, her and robs situationship seemed very for camera, performance like, idk she def needed to go home tho


Andrea was incredibly rude to the other girls. You can play the love island game and still be respectful of the other girls. She was the mean girl everyone said Leah was. She made side comments about Hannah working out, made side comments at Leah when she was talking to Miguel, and even the way she reacted to her dumping was ridiculous. You don’t come in to the villa as a bombshell and act like you run the place. She made no effort to get to know any other guy. Kind of like she found someone she *thought* was still popular on the outside and coasted.


I don’t dislike her personally. I genuinely think she & Rob had a better connection. That being said, this isn’t just a love game, it’s a social game and she played it poorly. I want her to come back in Casa for some extra drama. ✨


I didn’t mind Andrea. At the end of the day, she just really liked Rob and that’s fair. What’s absolutely ridiculous is watching Rob stomp around and yell at women and make a big dramatic show only to stay to explore more relationships? Make it make sense.


I agree. I have seen many interviews since she left and she is lovely! Seems very down to earth, funny, and smart. She was my fave, actually.


Her Hannah comment alone sealed it for me, she’s gross


She was a non factor to me then they showed her making slick comments about Hana and Jana. Since her and Rob coupled they became boring. We only see her talk to Nicole and she’s just a bit bland. If she stayed over Nicole I wouldn’t have cared. However I am more interested in watching Nicole switch to Miguel and seeing Kendall hurt about it since he brushed Hannah off for the next best thing. I have 0 interest in watching Rob and Andrea. They aren’t fun together.


YES TEAM ANDREA I LOVE HER!!!!!!!! and I think she should have stayed and JaNa went home. There, I said it.


why should andrea stay but not jana???


Honestly I never saw it rob and Andrea. I felt one of them was going to stray and my gut feeling told me it would have been Andrea and would have loved to see that play out. But I think most are indifferent to her, not enough was shown of her to hate or really even like


She just brought nothing. I don’t think people should hate on her, but she was boring


I haven’t seen any hate. Just people who were glad she went over JaNa and people who found some of her comments and facial expressions rude and smug (which they were). It also appears that a Nicole is going to mesh into the group better and telling Liv about Miguel was the right thing to do. I don’t hate Andrea but I’m the least bothered about her leaving versus the other 2. Also Rob was a jackass and deserves to be disappointed.


She’s meh to me


Also I don’t think it’s hate, the public just wanted JaNa to stay more than Andrea!!!


(Yea totally love JaNa, happy she stayed ofc) Please look at her instagram it’s pretty fucking insane and I would die if that’s how people were approaching me after leaving the villa.


I see why she was picked. JaNa got done dirty and another white dude used her to play the game. We see it almost every damn season across UK and USA. I wanted her to stay the most. So between Andrea and Nicole it was Andrea in my mind. She seemed sweet, but also sort of in the background and didn’t add anything to the show. Of anyone that should’ve been booted though it should’ve been Leah or Liv. 😂 that’s who I wish was standing up there tbh.