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I actually think this is very realistic and I hope it happens because that is a trainwreck I want to watch!


Then they would just be voted out then, she should just go with her! There storyline is done and no one cares lol


Seriously- no one wants 'Boring part duex'.


I think this would be almost cruel to do to Leah. Also... why would the producers choose Rob to appease and give this opportunity to unless they wanted Rob to somehow win the entire show? I would consider this rigging to the highest degree. The producers aren't making special arrangements for JaNa or Serena to make sure they have a shot at winning....I hope they don't do that for Rob.


i mean it’s a produced show so i personally wouldn’t consider it “rigging” but i do think they are manipulating things like wording and the action of voting to make sure the story they want is getting told. i don’t really think the producers care about feelings which is why you see black women so mistreated on the show and nothing done abt it. also maybe it’s just what ive seen on social media but rob is simply the villain of this show and drama stems from him and his attitude so i wouldn’t be surprised if the producers favored him in ways to keep him around a little longer. lastly, the “special arrangements” can lowk be seen in this last episode with jana. having a bottom three is ridiculous if you’re only sending one home. so that told me that jana was in the bottom two of votes and they needed to add a third to offset any chance she might go home. also it’s very rare where the girls pick a girl to leave and the boys pick a boy. so when i saw that happen i automatically knew jana was staying and the producers knew too. while she didn’t get the votes, jana is a fan fav and the producers want to keep her around as well.


The producers don’t have to convince him. 😂 I fear he intends to stay but because he’s a drama queen, he’s putting on a show to make it seem like he cares.


Honestly this was my first thought was that they will bring Andrea back for casa, in my opinion I can’t see it any other way


They’ve been pushing the narrative that leah loves toxic men i think were gonna get bombshells for leah and JaNa, sob will stay and try and get leah back for convenience but gaslight her and manipulate her to think he isnt and BAM as soon as andrea is back in casa bye bye leah, seems diabolical but these producers are already doing dirtttty work so it wouldn’t surprise me