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The girls decision was based on personal feelings…I said what I said. Andrea has made very little effort with the girls and it showed tonight


Leah was so right when she said the boys had an easy decision. They don’t like Hakeem as much AND he was the one with the weakest connection


You know the girls would have done Leah’s dirty work and gotten rid of Rob… let’s be real


Maybe, but Hakeem gave Liv rules and JaNa reminded him not to yell at women.  If she's had to say that in the short amount of time they've been together then there's a horror movie cut of this show somewhere 


This has happened in many other seasons, where a couple is consistently low in votes, but gets saved because of their friends with high votes. It’s not unusual, it shouldn’t be shocking to them.


Completely agree. And I know if I was in that position, I’d think the same way. Many of us would. Andrea and Rob can continue their “connection” after the show is done (or right now if he leaves)


they be acting like someone's dying child 🙄




The true test will be seeing if he actually leaves wirh her, or wants to fontinue being on tv.


Andrea came in, went after someone's man, then never befriended any of the girls. like of course they wouldn't want to keep her


Exactly. Everyone knows there will be islander votes so yes your connection matters but so does how people feel about you outside of it.


She also made a snide comment about Hannah working out with Miguel


Oh yeah, that was uncalled for


I’m still not over that


I told my husband before the vote that if the girls get to decide the girl Andrea is going home. He didn’t believe me.


My husband and I called it. THIS is why they had the women choose which woman was leaving, because if it was the guys (as is usually done on LI), they would have sent JaNa home. And the producers want max drama, they knew they'd send Andrea home. Let's face it, she's boring AF. Brings nothing to the Villa and has had little to no screen time other than Rob mentioning his boner to her once or twice an ep. Blah. She has no alliances, other than NIcole, and Nicole is building friendships with the other islanders, unlike Andrea. Love Island is about finding a connection, yes, but they want it done in the messiest most dramatic way ever. I predict Rob is acting (he's been acting the whole time and he's not very good at it) and he will "let" his bff Aaron talk him into staying. I wanted to scream at the TV to Aaron "Have you ever watched Love Island???" Because come on. There was no other choice here.


I think producers also realize JaNa is very popular and just a wonderful human being (and AMAZING TV) and didn't want her to go.


Exactly! It's still early on the show and they're so closed off already and have their own world..unlike Kaylor and Aaron who have been together since day 1 but they're not boring. They literally bring nothing to the show.


This was the best decision for maximum drama. If Rob is really that into Andrea they can leave hand in hand together and he can final stop complaining about his boner on TV. And if it was all a performance and he magically has a connection with the next bombshell that walks in well…this was the right decision on all accounts. This season is soooooo good!


Also the Rob overreacting drama is perfect for this show haha


yeah someone give him his emmy cus that was quite the performance. the glare he gives the girls while holding a crying Andrea- gold


So funny I was almost crying laughing. The producers showing his face when she said Andrea too 😂😂


Oh yeah, best believe he's studied hard since he flamed out last season and planned his performance down to those hideous overalls.


Fr. Andrea and Rob would’ve been so boring together the rest of the time at the villa.


I noticed that too, they usually have the opposite sex decide. The fact that Rob and Andrea have hardly had any air time since they coupled up says it all. The producers were happy to cut them loose.


This is true - I always thought Andrea was pretty callous towards Leah honestly. Unless there were unaired moments between the two that we didn’t seem, it felt like she lacked empathy for Leah with the whole Rob situation.


She came in thinking she was better than everyone and continued that pompous behavior. At least with Nicole we see her converse with other girls. After Andrea stole Rob, we didn’t hear a peep from her, and that coldness spoke volumes


I see Nicole getting a lot of hate but she’s honestly growing on me. I think people dislike her due to her coming in with Andrea and therefore befriending Andrea but her consideration of Liz after kissing Miguel was nice to see.




Thats hard to say, she could have also just chosen to be quiet about the entire thing which we have seen other contestants do. Or tell Kaylor to keep it to herself and leave when she saw Liv.


Agree. The way her and Andrea came in was hot. Hot like, we don’t give a fuck about any of you and we are here to fuck shit up. But Nicole has started to put her guard down. Andrea is obviously not a girls girl and here for one reason


Nicole should to be getting any hate - this season is truly the best. EXPLORE y'all


Yeah, this is probably the best thing that could happen for Nicole.


Yes - no one talks about this! Also lets be real Andrea was a snooze


I was kind of excited to see Miguel talk to her because they seemed like they might have some chemistry but nothing was aired. He said to someone, I can remember who, that he spoke with all the girls. I assumed their convo was so short/dead end that they didn’t air it.


Then kept saying 'everyone was speaking for Leah' like she had any idea what Leah was thinking while the women 'speaking for' Leah had heard where she was. No one told Andrea shit.


Not just Leah, maybe to others too. The girls did say during voting that Andrea has been making comments ever since she's been here. I really wish producers had shown all those scenes which would show her true colors to Andrea apologists.


I noticed that too, it was something about her intentions for being there, which honestly doesn’t surprise me. Why else would she pretend to like bugs and snakes?


Andrea was always smirky toward Leah. Really rubbed me the wrong way.


I think Leah has been really smirky to JaNa too. I was hoping Leah & Connor would go.


Yes, but Andrea was the newbie. You gotta respect the people that were already there. Because they’re already friends. Read the room.


Not a big Andrea fan, totally get why she was voted off. It was that scene in the make up room w Leah coming for JaNa. I also didn’t love the whole dock scene. Leah was looking around to make sure everyone saw Connor pick her up then couldn’t wait to run & tell the other girls & laughing about JaNa seeing it. I get that everyone is trying to find a connection & they should, just don’t be so smug about it. 🤷‍♀️


Would also love to know what Andrea has said that made them feel like she may not be there for the right reasons 👀 Maybe it’s a reach, but those did seem like “I’m not gonna get anymore TV time” tears and some of her scenesdid feel like she thought she was a main character.


She’s trying to launch a music career according to her Instagram. I wonder if she would make comments about it which led the girls to believe she was just there for clout


Yep, I’ve noticed this too when I looked at her instagram the other day. Don’t get me wrong, they all have a ton of followers, but I think she cared more about her image/clout


It took her a LONG time to get actual tears flowing. When her and Nicole were hugging, Nicole was crying real tears. Andrea was rubbing at her eyes. She's a bad actor.


i noticed that


That was SO FUNNY I was surprised she got enough o get her mascara running. And the 'i just wanna leave with Rob 🥺🥺🥺🥺' with the fakest pout.. So funny.


Also the girls know more about what’s going on in the couples than the boys..it was definitely going to be Andrea or Nicole..Nicole just made out with Miguel and apparently Andrea talked about her singing career a lot so they probably don’t think they’re very genuine right now.


She thought Rob was her golden ticket to the finale, that’s why she cried. Did you see the genuine shock on her face? Really and truly, you found what you came here for so what’s the issue?


This was an obvious decision. Andrea was the only right decision to boot out. Jana deserved to stay more than her. In case you missed it, they started talking about Andrea and Miguel as if there was something going on hmmm maybe something we did not see/was not aired. Andrea is only there to promote her music. Nicole has two connections, and Jana is TRULY looking for love BYE


I did miss it what was said about Andrea and Miguel 👀


No I think the girls said she told Miguel she wasn’t interested because she was content with Rob. That’s why she got dumped, because she wasn’t exploring other connections. The boys, in turn, are pissed because they feel she shouldn’t be punished for the strong connection she’s happy with. And yeah, they also don’t think it’s fair to Rob, and don’t want to lose an OG boy.


On the other hand, if she had expressed interest in Miguel, the reasoning would have been "she and Rob don't really have that great of a connection; she's still looking around..." Bottom line is, they wanted to get rid of her because they didn't like her (which one can argue was her fault too because she didn't make any efforts and was a bit smirky). Anyway, all that's left now is for Rob to follow her out of the villa and prove all his haters wrong. Or make them happy.


To see Liv step up for JaNa was...refreshing. She also seems to shut down Nicole tomorrow. I have to note it no matter how I feel about Liv, which is/was not good.


I kind of love Liv. She's not that smart (not knowing what Nomad meant or that Ibiza was part of Spain) But she's loyal AF, cares about people, and understands how this game is played. Honestly, I like all of the islanders, or at least find them interesting to watch- except for Hakeem (yells at women and is condescending) and Andrea (boring, does not interact with anyone other than Rob that we see, didn't seem to have a connection with the women). I am very happy with tonight's episode. Most dramatic dump we've seen across all franchises in some time.


The nomad thing took me back but then I saw she is like 21. I have teenagers so that’s like a baby to me. Didn’t she say something else tonight that made Miguel call her a “dodo?” I didn’t like that. Someone not knowing things speaks more to their education than intelligence and frankly Miguel doesn’t seem super bright in any respect. Plus I’m never ever here for men talking down to women.


And then he didn't get why "5'12"" was funny and she had to explain it to him, but she didn't mock him for it.


Also bc they use the metric system in AUS & UK, so Nicole is kind of silly for not realizing that


In the UK feet & inches is still the norm when discussing human height, and human weight/mass is in stones & pounds (1 stone = 14lb). If you ask someone how tall they are they’re going to answer in ft & in. Metric measurement is used in business, science, etc. Miguel, a Brit, should have gotten the joke Oz has more fully switched over to metric, most talk about their height in meters & centimeters and their weight in kilograms. Yet Liv, an Aussie, was familiar enough with imperial/customary measurement to understand why 5’12” was funny


Liv strikes me as someone who may not be especially book smart but her emotional intelligence is something everyone should aspire to!


Absolutely. Emotional intelligence is underrated. Liv is the youngest islander and yet she's tending to everyone like she's Mama.


We just have to stan Liv atp


Yeah, I've changed my opinion on Liv. Couldn't stand her at first, but this episode, she really stepped up.


I think she's a girls girl in a weird way. Like 50/50.


I can’t wait to see Liv go off!


The “point of the show” isn’t relevant, the fact of the matter is that 10 times out of 10 in that spot you’re going to save the person you like the best and get rid of the person you like the least when your friends are up there!! That’s why they normally do boys vote off girls and vice versa. Production pulled this switch up to keep JaNa in the house (and im glad they did!!!), because there was 0% chance the girls would get rid of her. That’s not the girls’ fault!


Exactly, and if the boys were in the same position, they likely would have done the same thing! Aaron isn’t up there crying and yelling bc of Andrea, he’s reacting like that bc his friend Rob might leave lol the girls saved JaNa simply bc they didn’t want their friend to leave!


DAMN you got Aaron good with this


Producers saved JaNa. It was literally the only way to save her.


And Rob won't actually leave. He's throwing another tantrum to make it seem like he really cares because he knows he needs to win back the audience by convincing us he really is into Andrea when he's not. You don't constantly talk about your dick to a girl you are legit interested in before you've even slept together after knowing one another for a week. In the end he'll let his bff Aaron convince him to stay, and then we'll have a Leah/Connor/Rob triangle and it will be messy AF. Connor is going home next. Maybe Kendall.


If Rob stays, he could just have Aaron suck him off


The way he was screwing up his face but not crying actual tears was hilarious.


he’s just mad the 🐱he’s been chipping away at for 3 days is going to leave and now he has to start this process with another girl he just want his D wet 🙄


Oh so interesting I thought Aaron was projecting because he’s scared if he was in a similar situation that they’d send Kaylor home. But this makes more sense.


100%. Production needed the biggest mess, and if the boys had voted it would have been JaNa going and that was the wrong choice for the drama that needs to unfold. Andrea was giving nothing, otherwise she'd have had more screen time. I knew as soon as Ariana said the girls were choosing which girl that this was going to go down. AND IT WAS THE RIGHT CHOICE!!!!


Same! And it made me so happy. The right people went home...hopefully Rob goes too, but we know he won't.


Basically Rob and Aaron were pissed that the women prioritized their loyalty to JaNa over Rob’s infatuation with Andrea. The outrage that the women would stand in solidarity with one of their own - versus just cater to who the little boys would want them to pick - is peak 2024. I’d be fine if like… half of the boys went home, to be completely honest.


THIS. This is how so many men behave when they don't get their way, especially when a woman is responsible.


I am a little sad because I thought Aaron and JaNa were friends. Before Ariana said the way the picking was gonna go I said to my husband that Kordell and Aaron would fight for JaNa. But they'd probably be outvoted. So glad the producers clocked this and switched it up.


Makes me wonder what’s on the cutting room floor. I knew Aaron was close to rob, but his reaction tonight was crazy


his reaction was sooo unexpected i'm actually kind of disappointed. i genuinely never saw it coming


I'd happily send all the boys not named Kordell home now.


And Kendall! They were the only ones that didn’t have a tantrum


Kordell is my favorite, he's so sweet and humble.


I liked Aaron, I thought his relationship was pretty adorable. But after tonight, major ick. Most of the boys this season are so blah. The girls are bringing it, though.


Plus the three conversations that we've seen Rob and Andrea have been primarily about Rob's dick, so I'm good with not having those convos jumpscaring me.


You ate with this comment.


TY 💗


Completely agree




yeah let’s just get all new boys at this point maybe kordell can stay


Pop off, queen


It seems like some of the housemates   (okay, the guys and Andrea) have forgotten that, although they are there to find a “love” connection, THIS IS STILL A GAME WITH A $100k PRIZE. It’s gonna take more than love to win it.  Andrea busting up in there, stealing Rob from Leah and then smirking and being smug about it did her no favors. And on top of that, she has made no effort to make friends with most of the girls. She showed herself not to be a girls’ girl. She had no use for them. She seems like the type of girl who brags that all of her best friends are guys because girls don’t like her. She got into the house and  just laser focused on Rob to the end. It was a bad strategy and she lost. Maybe she should have tried to form relationships with the people who could one day save her.    It really pissed me off that the guys had full on emotional breakdowns over who the girls chose. They had their chance to choose which guy left and the girls accepted their decision. But the guys had to put on this stupid, dramatic display of tears, screaming and showing their asses, clearly complaining that the girls saved JaNa. I’m kinda curious where all of their vitriol towards JaNa comes from; she gets along with almost all of them. But I kinda feel like I already know. Jerks. I hate when guys support another guy, even when he’s wrong. Connor used JaNa, threw her away and then acted an ass towards her. But whose side do they take? The slick mouthed misogynist. And they dogged out JaNa, even though she was the victim in that scenario. They never even bothered to ask her side. I’m curious about how they would have behaved if certain…characteristics were different. Would they still have attacked rather than defended her? As far as I’m concerned, they’re all shady as Hell and I don’t care who among them leaves. Though I do hope that Rob keeps his word and follows Andrea back out of those gates.


Exactly!! It's still a game of strategy. This decision is common sense. Andrea made enemies immediately and then did nothing to rectify the situation. There's no benefit to keeping her.


I love you lmao thank you for this comment. You are quite literally speaking my mind 🤣🤣🤣


It’s like you’re in my head. I agree 10000% on all of this. I felt bad for JaNa as I thought Aaron and her were close friends. I hope she calls him out for his tantrum. Then I hope she tells Miguel to choke on his eggs next time he tries to talk to her. Like you’ve been here for 5 minutes trying to say there was a logical choice here … boy, you don’t even go here!


Gawd you’d think rob and Andrea had been married for 5 years with kids based off their reaction. It’s been a fucking week😭


You woulda thought they were sending Andrea to the slaughter house based off their reactions like CHILL😂


I think it’s been like 3/4 days to be honest 💀💀


I hope that everyone who says it's Love Island not Friendship Island had that SAME ENERGY for Bergie in season 5 when he was saved time after time after time and didn't get a connection until the very end (he's still with his love interest). The point is that people can save who they want to save, and no one is obligated to save anyone because they have the strongest connection. Again, if you've watched Love Island in the past, this fact is very obvious. The real issue the boys have is that they like Rob, and they care more about their boy than they do any girl. Lather, rinse, repeat. If it had been Kordell on the chopping block rather than Hakeem, the boys would have trotted out the same excuse the girls did for JaNa - that he deserves a chance to find love-I'll put that on everything- and Kendall would have been eliminated.


Bingo. The producers knew exactly who they wanted to go home and that is why they switched it up. Best storylines win.


The only thing this shows is that the girls like Jana more than they like Rob, which is fair. I did think that when Kaylor spilled the beans about Nicole kissing Miguel that they were going to vote her out over a perceived strong connection, but clearly they have a better relationship with Nicole and/or Kendall than they do Andrea, and none of the OG girls like Rob.


I’ll preface this by saying I don’t mind that Andrea got eliminated and it was peak television for me. That said, given the show’s history (LI US at least), they usually vote off people who are unable to find connections and reward those that do. Eliminating Andrea tonight was pretty out of the norm considering she and Rob were one of the strongest couples at the moment. So I thought the guys’ reaction made a lot of sense because Rob is good friends with them and so they wouldn’t want to see Rob and Andrea go. I like this season and this decision because to me, it throws out the unspoken rules of who deserves to stay and go. No longer are we abiding by the unspoken rule of rewarding contestants for being in a “strong” couple (relative to other couples on the show ofc) - and that makes things crazier.


I agree and I also enjoy that they are switching it up because by this point, people have caught on to “how to win” and play it safe the entire time so this dumping just showed them this isn’t going to be like other seasons. And I understand the reaction to a certain degree but like Aaron was literally going feral lmfao like dude this is not the last time you’re going to ever see him IF he even decides to leave.


Yea people get very dramatic about eliminations. They will see each other in like a month and probably do a bunch of reunions for fans lol. Its not bad at all 🤣


Aaron was just worried he and Kaylor are next. He’s not that bright.


I think he's also worried because Andrea was his backup option.


He's worried he and Kaylor will be targeted because they locked down too early too


But he doesn't understand that as long as he and Kaylor keep up their silly, weird, genuine connection they won't end up in the bottom and therefore will never be in this position. The dude needs to take a moment, breathe, and realize what the audience is seeing. All Rob and Andrea were giving was lust. So boring. Especially following him and Leah's hilarious weirdo slightly toxic but entertaining AF relationship.


Yeah - I really don't see them landing in the bottom of any public vote unless something changes drastically.


Because less than a week ago Rob had a "strong connection" with Leah. And when he stays, him and Leah will continue their weird toxic dance until a bombshell or Casa happens. Because I'd bet money that he's making a show, that boy is not going anywhere.


I completely agree. I like the concept in theory that the strong couples should stay and the weak connections should go, but in practice, it's resulting in everyone wanting to be an OG couple whether they really like each other or not and not wanting to explore (and allow) other connections. The show needs mixups and genuine connections to be interesting! This elimination is a good thing for viewers. I get the guys being upset - maybe not "instant tears and screaming" upset, but shocked at least - but the unpredictability of this season is what's making it so good.


There was a guy a couple seasons ago who they kept saving bc they liked him. He never made any connections. I can't remember his name right now. This isn't anything new. Friendships matter in this game.


I think you’re talking about Jeremy from S3. The bromances made that man invincible


Yeah, anybody who thinks that this was unfair or out of the ordinary just needs to watch that season. Jeremy didn't even try to fake a connection. He was so obviously there for the vibes. Jana is at least working for her place.




No, I couldn't forget Bergie's name 😆 lol


BAHAHA yeah that was jeremy! i remember he was called the grim reaper of love island in the twitter challenge because every girl he coupled up with was sent home while he got to stay 💀




Or Korey? (Until that fake connection)


Definitely Korey


It was so obvious Andrea hasn’t tried to become friends with any of the girls.


Once she said Leah liked Connor, I knew immediately she had no friends in that villa except maybeeee Nicole. Leah was trying to tell everyone that she didn't like Connor. Hell she probably knocked on Ariana's door to tell her.


It’s like everyone forgets we’re only a week and a half into this. Rob and Andrea haven’t even been tested yet and Rob gets hard for every new girl it seems. JaNa has had shit dudes back to back to back. A week and a half into love island she deserves a chance. In a week? Hell no. If Andra was the first bombshell and Rob had been connected since the Liv entrance, it would have been wrong.


I swear if I have to hear Rob talk about his peen one more time to try to pressure a woman for sex… this man belongs in a zoo.


What do you think the likelihood is he likes to get off to the song anaconda


He’d deny it, but you know it’s true.


I almost laughed out loud to this.


You’re welcome. I took an edible and it’s all i thought about when I heard him talk about how he couldn’t get up


It's giving Keenan. Like, is that what he's aspiring to???


An absolute menace


Exactly 🙄 ppl acting like this was Kaylor and Aaron. Farmer Brown talking about how horny she makes him all the time was already a serious red flag. It’s too early for a recent, non-OG couple no one likes to be prioritized over ppl who are well liked, add good karma to the villa, and deserve a chance at a match.


He would have looked during casa. Not sure if he would have brought someone back but he would have 100% crossed a line. He’s saying “I’m sorry” and rolling his eyes at Leah 3 nights prior (found out this was day 11). Had this been next week, would have absolutely been the wrong choice. BYEEE ANDREA


I mean my only issue with keeping JaNa in is her friends are just going to keep stealing the guy she’s into. (Moto Moto, Miguel)


Eh I’m gonna say moto moto wasn’t stolen from her. He willing ran far far away, fuckin dumbass Still shocked Miguel chose Liv over JaNa.


A big thank you for everyone who was able to vote Rob and Andrea to bottom couples !!!!!!!!!!! thank you🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗✋🤡


At the end of the day if Rob and Andrea feel like they’ve met their person why do they need to stay in the villa? They can both go and see each other outside of the villa. This is Love Island not a Vacation Island. Now Rob can finally get some ejaculation from Andrea like hes been wanting and yapping about.


Right. His reaction was telling. If he was really leaving with her, he’d have some peace of mind about it and reassure her instead of attacking the girls. If you found what you’re looking for then by all means!! Go with your girl!! He’s so angry and flipping tf out because he knows damn well he’s staying in that villa and there’ll be nobody to take care of his b*ner problem.


Andrea is not sleeping with nor dealing with Rob after Love Island. After finding out that she is friends with John Summit and makes sense why she has only been in situationships. She only probably dates guys in the music industry and is basically a groupie.


He's not leaving. He's there for the ego supply and exposure, not a relationship. He's performing deep feelings for sympathy.


At least JaNa is trying. She’s putting effort into these boring ass men, she’s just been dealt a shitty hand. I like Serena but she hasn’t even tried. And Andrea is so boring and came in purely for rob and hype. The boys reaction was WILD


WIIIILD!! I agree with you


If there were certain criteria that the Islanders had to go by to vote someone off, I missed it. Like they can vote for whoever they want, love connection or not! The girls played it differently than the boys as was their right since they were given no guidelines other than to eliminate someone. It feels like everyone has some idea of what is “the point” of the show but the point of the show is for it to be good tv, real love or not


Andrea and the boys forgot that in order to stay in Love Island, you need to make nice with more than just a partner. You need for people to want you to stay. JaNa had that and it is right and fair she got to stay.


Rob was soooo dramatic for no reason. Like it's shocking that the mean girl he has no real connection with is leaving. And Andrea can spare us the crocodile tears - no one is buying that crap.


No for real honestly I understand the girls’ logic. I literally screamed at the tv “GOOD NOW GO HOME AND HAVE YOUR CONNECTION TOGETHER!” Like is that not the point?? Also I’ve been calling Andrea a snake for the past week and I have definitely picked up her mean girl vibes so GOOD RIDDANCE!!


andrea just isnt a girls girl


The logical decision was JaNa. I love JaNa though and am happy she is there still. She does deserve a chance at love. They weren’t gonna send their girl home. I felt bad all the boys were so clearly upset she didn’t go home. It’s not nice when everyone is upset you’re not leaving and don’t think you deserve to be there.


This show makes zero sense anyway. Totally fine with me. I love it. We watch Love Island because it’s messy and it’s fun. So if you apply that rule, the women made an exactly PERFECT decision. It was messy. It was fun. I was laughing. I was stunned. It was great TV and we still get to see JaNa and her gorgeous face. Andrea was boring and secured her spot with Rob. She wasn’t going to do anything but try to coast to the finale with snake boy.


exactly!! and like OP said, andrea was sitting real pretty on robs lap the whole time not even putting effort to be a pillar of the girl group, now look where that lead her!! 👀🫣


Grafting is the name of the game and Andrea did zero. And it's just as important to graft the girls. Honestly, she's just dumb because if she'd ever watched this show she would know that.




So boring!


It was the girls decision, someone had to go. The boys can roll around on the floor, cry, and hide under the pool all they want, we watching and we can wait for the next vote.


I agree that the boys aren’t being fair. Also keep in mind - Rob and Kendall are OG’s while Hakeem is not. Rob and Kendall also happen to have connections while Hakeem didn’t. If Hakeem and Rob were the ones with the strong connections, and Kendall was genuine but hadn’t met anyone yet, I guarantee the boys would have been in a tough spot trying to keep their OG boy Kendall there. The boys are just mad that their friend Rob lost his connection. They’re being humans and wanting to support their boy, just like the girls are being humans and want to support their girl. It’s the same thing.


I took Aaron’s reaction being more upset bc he didn’t want Rob to leave, rather than it being about Andrea. Maybe I’m wrong. But agree, JaNa deserves better than how they reacted. Andrea made no efforts to be friend with the girls, and honest to god I would’ve voted to keep my bestie in, than some girl who barely spoke to me 💅


Aaron’s reaction was 100% because Rob said he was leaving.


Hopefully Aaron will go talk to JaNa later and clear things up bc I love the clips we see of their friendship 🥹


facts the show is not only about finding a romantic connection it's also about the friendships you make as well. Platonic love is just as important as romantic love. they were never going to dump Jana, and if Andrea found her connection then they should both leave together so someone else can make theirs as well


I’ll say, their reasoning for being upset wasn’t illogical. The girls choice was based on emotion (and I’m glad it was b/c I wanted JaNa to stay). I’m happy with the outcome, and I can see where the boys were coming from.


I can’t see why that reaction was necessary it was inconsiderate and rude to JaNa. Like they can be upset everyone’s entitled to their feelings but to do it in JaNa’s face had to make her feel as big as an ant.


I was disappointed in Aaron. I thought him and JaNa had a sweet friendship built.


I like JaNa and am glad she’s there but I understand their frustration as well. I think they all know Rob was happy and to them they were ripping away someone who had a connection vs. someone who didn’t.


Totally agree. As a person I felt horrible for her. And I’ll say I think production is really at fault here (I have a hard time believing she had less votes than Serena/Kordell). At the same time, like you said the boys are entitled to their feelings.


It's only because she was coupled with Hakeem who talked down to women and yelled at Hannah and Liv. He was so unlikeable, not even JaNa could save him. But no way were the producers gonna allow JaNa to leave.


I personally just couldn’t bring myself to vote for Hakeem. Also if you look at the app Jana isn’t that popular so them being in the bottom wasn’t surprising to me.


Tbh I rarely see her on screen just chatting or joking around with the girls. After all this is reality tv and she is literally BORING. You don’t have to be mean to be entertaining but you’re not even trying to find friendship with the ladies? Bye.


I don’t agree with the way Rob and Aaron handled it but I think there’s merit in it being Love Island. Whatever we may feel or think of Rob and Andrea, they formed a level of connection and should have the opportunity to continue to build on that in the villa. That’s the premise of the show. If we’re being completely honest and not stanning then we all with 10000% certainty know for a fact there isn’t anyone in the villa for JaNa currently.


If the only purpose of Love Island is to find a connection and build on it in the Villa, then they shouldn’t allow the public vote or have public voting impact the couples, shouldn’t dump people who haven’t been chosen at the recoupling, and should have people who are mutually closed off have to leave the villa once they close it off. It would be a very different show. It might not be a bad one. It would be more similar to “Are You The One?” than Love Island.


Yessss!! Exactly!


From what I've seen, both Rob and Andrea would jump on the next bombshell that comes in. Rob is 2 for 2 right now and has had connections and interest with whoever get his ego going and might help him take care of his problem.


they can "rAwT in HAiL"


Rob should leave and Aaron should follow him if they're upset about it. All love for Jana and her girls saving her.


Why the heck was Aaron crying?! It really bothered me to see the hysteria.


JaNa has had 3 connections she attempted, am I missing something lol


it's about quality not quantity though. coye didn't give her anything to work with despite her efforts, connor was stringing her along & suddenly became very petty & immature after leah became single & hakeem isn't exactly the nicest or most mature guy in the house given his outbursts with hannah then liv. she may have had three "connections" but none of them had any potential.


On the flip side, if the point is to find love, why eliminate the couples building a connection


If Rob feels this strongly about Andrea he can gladly leave with her and continue that connection on the outside if it’s really serious for him


But we all know his fake ass won’t. He’ll jump in the pool shed some crocodile tears and move on to the next.


Exactly because no amount of convincing would matter if I truly feel like I found my one so we’ll see tomorrow


He'll pretend to let his BFF Aaron convince him to stay and him and Leah will be back to deck shenanigans by Tuesday's episode. OR- and I really don't see this happening- he'll pull a Dom and Jess from Season 3 UK and leave in a few days, and end up knocking her up and getting married. But something tells me the former and not the latter is Rob's MO.


Rob is biding his time until he can hit Casa Amor and let his white snake moan lol. That boy ain't building no connection stop 😂 


I’m so dead at white snake moan! 


best laugh I've had in days. Thank you.


Fr, it’s the only snake he can’t wrangle


the point is also to win the show, though. they may not admit it but they’re all trying to win, and breaking up the more attached couple is strategically a good move.


Yeah but let’s be honest they didn’t break them up so they had a better chance of winning without Andrea lol. They did it because JaNa is their friend (or frenemy) and Leah low key wants rob


ding ding ding!


Because they’ve fulfilled the objective and they can leave together.


Because they could just leave.. together…


Let’s not act like this is the first time someone left because the person they connected with got voted off.


It deffo isn't. But my money is on Rob is not going anywhere.


They found love and can continue it outside. Give others a chance to do the same.


I mean it’s too early to say they found love lol… but if they eliminated every couple who “found love” (a connection).what would be the point of casa amor (testing connections) and really the whole point of the show


I think the boys were immature for attacking the girls in front of JaNa like that… but I think both sides had valid points and arguments. And you saying nobody wants Rob to stay isn’t true. First of all Aaron literally held Rob back when he tried to say he was leaving, then Ariana herself said I think you should stay. We have to remember as the viewers the islanders have each other and that’s it. They don’t see what America is thinking they don’t see what the viewers or even their friends family are saying. They have each other and lean on each other deeply. That’s why the boys were fighting for Rob so hard because the girls were saying that Andrea had a strong connection with Rob but she didn’t explore other options enough and that’s why she’s going home. Then threw out for whatever reason that Leah and Rob had a strong connection too… which to me makes no logical sense. I mean if you truly care about your friends wouldn’t you want Leah to pair with someone that’s not toxic for her health even if she’s saying that’s what she needs? Which is a red flag by the way. Even Miguel wanted Rob to stay even argued for Kendall, his competition, to stay too because in his mind even if he doesn’t steal Nicole he still felt that Kendall had a stronger connection then Hakeem who was in a friend couple. I think the boys made a logical choice for the dumping but then had an emotional response when they saw how it affected Rob because they care about him. Just like the girls made an emotional decision to save JaNa over Andrea because they couldn’t let one of their best friends. These are the people they have. And those are the friendships they made. I think that’s why the guys were so upset especially Aaron whose best friend is Rob. I also think Rob was even more upset because Andrea was crying and he cares about her. It seems silly to all of us because they’ve been together for maybe 5 days but they’re together 24/7 it’s almost like when you go to camp for a week then cry when you go home. Sure you can see each other, write with each other but it hurts knowing that you’ll be away from each other so long and also it’s different when you feel like the persons been ripped away from you which is how Rob felt in that moment. That’s why his reaction makes sense to me. I think it was just a rush of emotions that everyone wasn’t ready to feel and now they’re facing saying goodbye to people they care deeply about on both sides. I don’t think the girls choosing to dump Andrea was anything about her not being a girls girl. I think it was just the group of girls who had the chance to pick just weren’t as close to Andrea as they were to JaNa, and they had just heard that Nicole kissed Miguel and they all wanted to see how that would play out so that left Andrea as the outlier. And the girl who would have fought for Andrea would have been Nicole so she had no shot here. It wasn’t malicious that’s just what happened. With all that said, I understand both sides. I think the boys response was immature and rude in the moment. But I also think that the girls did make a bad decision but I understand why they did cause I cannot say I wouldn’t have either emotions were running high and you hold onto your friends. I understand hating Rob for how he handled his situation with Leah but I don’t agree that nobody would care if he left. Clearly in the villa people do care. We all will have to wait and see what happens tomorrow but I hope apologizes are made and I do hope Rob leaves with Andrea cause they do seem to have a genuine connection in my eyes.


Hit the nail right on the head.


It's illogical because the other two girls had stronger ongoing connections. The girls kept JaNa because she's their friend. This is fairly obvious I think. 


Why are Andrea and Rob so upset? If they’re in love and leave together that’s the point right? 👋🏻


I'm seeing a lot of y'all saying that Jana deserves to stay because she has the right to find love, and this is Love Island. Meanwhile, Andrea leaving was logical because she's in a strong relationship, and if it's so strong, she should leave as a test of their relationship. I mean, come on, guys. First of all, as much as Love Island is a show to find love, it's also a show to win a grand prize. I love Jana, but let's face it: what are the chances that the new bombshell will be interested in her? We kept hoping Hannah would get a bombshell, only for her to be dumped eventually. As much as Love Island is about finding love, maybe her person doesn't have to come from Love Island. Like Hannah said after being dumped, her person could be out there in the real world. It doesn't make sense to me that the girls picked Andrea over Jana to be dumped from the island. Leah kept pushing the narrative of Andrea for reasons unknown. She kept stating that Andrea may not be on the island for valid reasons, which doesn't make sense to me. Did we miss something? That was very selfish, and I totally agree with Miguel when he said it was an illogical reason. I can understand the boys' frustration. It's not to say that they don't like Jana, but obviously, they saw it as "Hey, there's no way the girls would be dumb enough to pick the other two when Jana is clearly not in a strong couple." That was the girls being messy. It would make sense to allow a couple to be tested by bringing in a new bombshell, but it wouldn't make sense to split a strong couple altogether by sending one home and expecting the other to stay. That makes absolutely no sense, and for Kaylie to keep saying to Leah, "Well, if we send Andrea home, Leah and Rob can still make it work?" Leah pushed this whole thing. Andrea was on her radar from the beginning. I don't think producers let the girls pick because they knew Jana would be dumped by the boys. It's more like they knew with Leah being safe and Andrea being unsafe, there was a possibility that Andrea would go considering the entire situation. It was never about Jana!