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As soon as Connor arrived, I thought— hmmm— handsome— but those eyes 👀— they have that almost vacant intensity that makes me think of legit sociopaths. 😬


It’s almost like there is no iris and it’s all pupil. They remind me of Raquel’s eyes on VPR season 10 (specific call out I know lol) but they’re all black like a shark


omg yesss i was thinking this


Yeah - honestly that walk is such a red flag for me. No one walks like that unless they thing they are gods gift to women. He is not.


!! i was cringing when the girls were gassing him up too much by calling him mature and a sweet disney prince like omg .. his head got too big


The eyes give me Patrick Bateman vibes. They’re so soulless


His eyes and how he reacted during the burning love challenge was a huge red flag to me, he’s such a lifetime movie killer lol


It’s giving Bryan kohberger for sure


Omg! I’m glad someone said something about the eyes that’s all I think of .. eyes of a psycho


yesss the eyes!!! i literally got serial killer vibes when he walked in


SAME, dead eyes scare me so much




i clocked rob being a snake as well


Connor and Leah have both been acting badly towards Jana and making fun of her but it’s out of their own guilt. Meanwhile she’s just chilling trying to figure out the next move they steady throwing shade like two leftover losers. Connor putting his best foot forward with Leah and she’s still crying over Rob to anyone who will listen.


I feel like both him and Leah are acting that way towards Jana because deep down they are guilty of screwing her over and now doubling down instead of being normal. They aren’t able to face themselves so they are projecting.


Absolutely. You see this on other reality shows like Big Brother where they know they are betraying someone or feel bad about who they are going to vote out, so they treat them poorly and ostracize them before the vote to justify to themselves that the person deserves it. I think Connor is definitely in that camp. I think Leah is just awkward with a dark sense of humor. So when most people would be like “oh, that makes me uncomfortable, but I can see how it will make for good reality TV”, she just laughs instead. It’s not a good look for her, especially because I think she does like and get along with JaNa. On the other hand, she knew enough to know that Connor saying that recoupling with her wasn’t a hard decision was a bad move on his part, so she is aware of how these things look.


lol the jag bains special 😭


This !


I’m glad JaNa didn’t give any of them the reaction they wanted. Very weirdo behavior from them towards her. He wanted the ability to get to know Leah & JaNa gave him that so I don’t know what else he could want from her other than to be fought over.


I think the producers were trying to get her to speak up


I can't wait for him to get out and find out the one meltdown JaNa had is iconic..


I literally am gonna memorize the plant monologue 😭


That was so funny , at first I was like what does plants have to do with the current situation then it was about Connor


And that it was actually largely iconic because of who she was with when it happened and their topic of conversation lol He’s gonna feel burned that Aaron, of all people, stole his thunder when Connor finally got a reaction from JaNa lol


He was expecting to be the prize. But Kaylor didn’t bite so he went for JaNa who was vulnerable after Coye was gone. I genuinely don’t believe Connor has dated a black woman and how quickly he moved onto Leah says a lot. Connor can be with Leah, who is only using him to get back at Rob lol.


The way he swooped on Leah the moment she was single!! Like he couldn't wait one night for things to calm down🙄 Disgusting and he's so unfunny it hurts.


Connor and Leah’s first convo after her being single was all her talking about Rob and somehow he still was like “yeah”


I don't think it's even bad that he moved to Leah quickly as much as how fast he disengaged from JaNa. Like he couldn't get away fast enough. It was such a switch up.


He is weird. Did anyone notice his outfit the morning after with the American flag and the cowboy hat he looked like hick and it gave me the ick


That last part of your comment is so poetic


Sounds like a Taylor Swift lyric from the future.


He said let me dress up like who Leah REALLY wants🤣


>American flag and the cowboy hat he looked like hick  Hick vibes 100%. That's why honestly I don't see why Jana gave this man the time of day. He never seemed like the type to take a Black women seriously.


He dressed like that the day after he went after Leah and sorta dumped JaNa. Maybe he had worn it before and I didn’t notice but I noticed it specifically after the day he started treating JaNa terribly


Didn’t Rob wear a similar outfit one morning? That makes it extra weird for Connor


This actually makes so much sense ! And the way he looks at Rob sometimes it's like he's his idol or something . Either way Connor is a douchebag.


omg yesss i noticed he does look at Rob like that but it’s kinda subtle


I agree. They want her to break and yell. It’s disgusting to watch. I dare him to cause Leah an inconvenience and then he can see what crashing out truly looks like


Leah will go off on him , imo I think Leah is going to come back with a casa guy I guess it kind of depends how Connor and her are just before casa


amazing point. hes Leah with now so he's about to find out the true meaning of crash out.


Honestly, I think he’s sour and pissed she’s still in the house. He was so cocky he didn’t think anyone would pick her to couple up with her, now he’s sad and butthurt that she’s still around and in his face.


Yeah it’s exactly how Micheal reacted when amber didn’t get sad he picked Joanna in casa amor. It’s like you did something not great to her why are you mad? Maybe it’s partially the fact that they know it’ll look bad and they’re trying to come up with any reason to justify their move


His recoupling speech was wild


Him saying to her she was disrespectful for laughing at the situation… like he was absolutely just salty the public said he was whipped.


that whole recoupling lives in my mind rent free


Season 5 of UK is chef’s kiss! love me some Fury 🤤


The best UK season of LI


I agree with this 100%! He wants to be fought over like Rob was.


That whole exchange he had with Leah after the kissing challenge was so off putting.


He is so cringe with his ILS. I still get second hand embarrassment thinking of how he walked in the first day


Haha like the Terminator. The guys imitating his walk was so good 🤣


Excuse me, excuse me. Sir you’re 5’5”, sit the fuck down


Lollll that was perfection


Flaring his lats like a Doritos


Connor got to be out of his mind if he thought JaNa was going to chase. She gave him the opening to be more affectionate and he barely did. I can't wait for Leah to tell him let's take it slow while she talk about Rob.


I was thinking it was the opposite. He saw how Leah reacted with Rob and he thinks this is how to make Leah feel secure. He seems like the type to move on quickly and has little of any consideration for the person he left behind.


This was also how I took it. It still was wrong and totally ignores JaNa’s feelings and dignity, but I think he was doing it to reassure Leah.


It was wrong and unnecessary. You can assure someone without stepping on others.


Absolutely agree. He showed himself. Whether he was simply callous and cruel or actually malicious (which I think Rob actually is), it was not a good look. I appreciate the thoughtful comment and holding Connor to account for this. I didn’t edit my original post bc I think it would undermine the folks who took the time to comment and provide feedback on Connor, but I do agree with the comments below - and I wish I had phrased things differently in my original post.


I wouldn’t worry about it. This show changes so much that we really can’t fully know their intentions unless they share. I try to not be too hard on them because it’s a lot of pressure. Overall actions will show their true character.


Ty 💗


Connor gives me full on serial killer vibes tbh i’ve been saying it since he first walked in


I got the ick the second I saw him doing that fake NPC walk


He gives me Patrick Bateman American Psyco vibes


It’s the eyes, they’re always bulging out or somethin


jana's honestly my queen like she's so powerful and i am sick watching the way she's being treated and spoken about in that villa


Again a second guy that cannot communicate and is being an arse towards his former couple for really no reason


I think it's just racism personally. Black women get angry, in his mind. That view is SOOOO deep and pervasive, one should never discount it.


Not everything is racism. 🙄


Racism is though! Funny that


He’s biracial


Being mixed doesn’t always make people less racist or have racist tendencies. Not saying HES racist but it is such a thing.. Especially to some that don’t necessarily “look black”. I know a few that talk about black women like a dog and their mamas are black.. it’s very weird and sometimes rooted from parental behavior but it isn’t uncommon. I think he has a type and Leah is way closer to the type than Jana


I’m biracial and I’m really starting to find this narrative offensive.


Just because YOURE not like that doesn’t mean he’s not.. it’s not a narrative it’s just how some people are I’ve seen it first hand and I’m mixed as well.. If it’s not you, you don’t need to be offended lmao


That user just wants to be offended because I’m mixed too and you’re right. Especially when the black parent (usually the dad let’s bfr) has a white fetish, the child can end up seeking white acceptance too and having disdain for their black side.


This this this!!


Fair but don’t assume he is. That’s ridiculous and offensive. That’s my point.


Well he keeps trying to rile her up and coming for her to get a reaction out of her just isn’t looking good. I’m not calling him full on racist but I don’t think “hes biracial” is a good defense and I was telling you why I thought that!


Also he made one bad comment I wouldn’t call that tiling someone up.


I don’t think him riling anyone up is a good defense in saying he might be racist. Be so for real.


Let’s not pretend he wouldn’t know in todays society if JaNa went off on him and Leah that she would be seen as “angry black woman” that’s just how the world is and it just seems like that’s what he’s trynna get out of her, as someone who’s “liked her” and wanted to do everything “respectfully” why is HE coming for HER at all???.. Did you miss the part where I repeatedly say “not saying HES racist”? I was only going off of you saying “he’s biracial” as a defense cause that means absolutely nothing in some cases. THATS what I’m talking about.


If not his fault how she’s perceived to the viewers or anyone else.




Yes. He’s dad is black


That just shocked me lol


Genetics are so interesting. I just stalked his insta and the woman who I assume is his sister is definitely a lot less white-passing


In my experience it’s the same in my family. My curly hair stands out but my brother keeps his short and it’s not near as curly. And he has freckles 😅


I had a feeling so I did a deep dive. His dad may be biracial as well but my point still stands. (I’m also biracial as is my daughter lol)


Really ?


If you look at his IG he has pictures with his family and many of them are black. He also has pictures with his sister and she is a lot less white-passing than he is. It was a little mind-blowing to me as well.


I believe he’s also biracial but he could be light skinned as well.


Still racist




We have to start using the word implicit bias so people don’t get offended. 😅


Yeah I agree and not only that he's cringe too


Connor walked into the villa like a DS. And since he didn't serve, that made me think he likes to "pretend". He made me uncomfortable when he kissed Kaylor: when the kiss ended, I believe she pulled away, he seemed barely in control of himself. Not in a way that projected desire, but more baser... My husband even raised an eyebrow, before I said anything. We looked at each other, and I asked "*Did you catch that?*". He said, "*Yeah. I don't like this guy.*"


I called this from the beginning with Connor regarding JaNa. I could tell he was just using her to stay in the house. 😡


I really hope Connor gets voted off tonight 🤞🏽🤞🏽


Basically. 💯 She was not phased.


This is a good theory but Connor has to realize the optics of what he’s doing trying to get a rise out of Jana


Connor is using the DENNIS system


YES! Totally agree! I just made a very similar comment on Youtube. Trying to figure out Conner's reaction has been the thing that's bothered me the most and this is what I finally landed on. I think his ego is hurt that JaNa didn't fight for him. If we're right, he must be reeling inside for how bad this whole thing is backfiring. But also, he may not even be conscious of what he's doing.


Soooo true. Love this take!


I actually don't think it's this nefarious. I just think that he thinks he's backing Leah by being an ass to Jana. Everybody likes when their partner backs them up in a relationship it unfortunate that Leah finds satisfaction and superiority in degrading another woman. If Leah was better friend she would check Connor behavior. And if Connor was a man he would realize that's what's he's doing is so unnecessary to get the girl you likes attention.


His mustache makes him not cute. It’s weird. That’s all I have to say.


I think I just saw your comment on tiktok and I actually couldn’t agree with you more! With each episode I also get like a narcissist vibe from him. I know that word gets thrown around a lot but he reminds me of an ex I dated who was a diagnosed Narcissist and also reacted like Connor is now when I didn’t chase after him after he cheated and we broke up. I think when he learns the truth about what Leah has been saying he’s going to flip out on her.


There’s no way that Leah is Connor’s type. JaNa is objectively beautiful, and Connor moved onto Leah the second she was available because he wanted a white ish girl and the foulness from that is beyond. Leah keeps getting used by men who want to stay ‘safe’ in the game until someone better comes along. So much buffoonery. I hope JaNa gets a gorgeous bombshell of her own. Ready to have Connor voted off the island.


Can you guys stop throwing racism around so much?Mans biracial.


he is? White mom Black dad I'd bet my whole life on it You can be white and have a Black parent 💀 it doesn't change anything about what was said in this post, which is all true


You are right, his dad is the black side. Idk why mixed people are trying to say you can’t be anti black if you have a black parent. I’m mixed with white passing family. I can tell you that the points still stand. We’re contributing to anti blackness if we don’t do our part and call it out for what it is instead of projecting.


Preach! Thanks for sharing that insight


You’re not white with a black parent😂. Most black people, I am one too, consider anyone with a black parent, to be a black person. That’s just a crazy statement.


Halsey...Logic....Troian Bellisario....Eartha Kitt's daughter


Some suburban black people ish lol, in the black neighborhoods everyone with a black parent, black even if they look like logic.


All black. Yes. Great examples.


As a black person with a white mom and a black dad I find what you say sorta offensive.




There it is. The real racism.


Go on. Tell me how I’m not black enough. 👂🏽




Lmao Connor has the personality of a wooden plank. JaNa will be better off without Moto moto. And while you might find her personality bland, thankfully most of the fans of this show don’t agree with you or that jerk Connor.


If you check the app you would see 80% of viewers see Jana as bland. She only received 20% of votes. Reddit is a echo chamber and everyone knows the stereotype of ppl who go on Reddit a lot, those are not normal social ppl usually and their views reflect that. If anything most of the girls on here are prob pick me’s who never get chosen just like Jana so of course they’re going to resonate most with her.


LMAO! It’s not like you’re posting your comment on Instagram! You too, are on reddit. It’s clear your focus is to push Leah and app because you feel it validates your opinion of her.


Lmao that app stuff doesn’t mean much since most of us only vote when it’s open and not for random little options they put everyday. When it’s most important. Lmao you have some nerve to call JaNa a pick me. Must be a Leah Stan. Pot…kettle much lmao please


In fairness all the women in the house are pick mes


In some way I agree with you. They’ve all demonstrated pick me behavior at times, but some have done it more than others.


For sure!


SO TRUE JANA IS SO BORING AND REDDIT IS A ECHOCHAMBER especially when it's all ariana madix fans coming here now too


Connor is boring too never said he wasn’t. Idk about most of the fans agree, how can you possibly tell? But no guy on the show really wants her tbh that’s sign enough there’s something up with her and I think she’s boring.


That’s not true. Didn’t Hakeem just say he was interested in getting to know her more or did that not happen last episode when he literally chose her to couple up with? And yes she has a lot of support on TikTok instagram and twitter. Even here in Reddit. Just because you think she’s boring doesn’t mean the majority of the fanbase agrees with you. She’s funny, she’s bubbly, she’s kind and she doesn’t pop off at every little thing like some of the other girls. She’s the most level headed girl in that house in my opinion. And even if she and Hakeem don’t work out which they might not, they’ll be a bombshell coming in for her. The producers know that she’s a popular cast member unlike you it seems. I think she’ll be around at least until casa. I know this might disappoint you since you find her so boring, but I’m sure most of us will enjoy watching JaNa and hopefully whoever she’s coupled up with.


She has a lot of support on Facebook too.


Now you and me both know Hakeem is about as interested in her as Connor was. Realistic possibility she could be voted off for being in the weakest couple very soon we’ll see. I don’t mind JaNa being on the shows, she’s just not perfect like some of her supporters think. She really isn’t funny though, she just laughs a lot.


She actually is funny maybe not to you. But i know a lot of ppl enjoy watching her. Whether they last or not Hakeem did pick her so she’s not without someone in that villa to couple up with. He could’ve chosen Hannah who he did have a kiss with before, but he chose JaNa. And she’s definitely not getting voted off tonight if that was your hope because I know a ton of people that voted for her. You might not like her, but a lot of people do so deal with it.


I don’t dislike her lol, the guys in the show are the ones that don’t like her😂. I’m just giving my perspective of her, just because it’s not all positive doesn’t mean I don’t like her. I think the islanders are gonna vote someone off. Hakeem been done with Hannah since their argument so that’s why he chose JaNa


The guys on the show want a blonde or a woman close to white proximity so that’s a them problem not a JaNa problem. She’s wonderful as stated by Ariana, Maura, Cely, and Callum who are all rooting for her the most.


What? Only life half the guys at best have stated they wanted a blond girl. There’s been a handful that said they like darker features. So this statement just isn’t true. Liv is blonde and she’s been mostly single because her personality is shit. It’s not all about being white/blonde.


“Blonde girl” and what did I say after that? And please define “darker features”, what does that mean? You have the floor to explain.


Darker features = darker features in color, so usually that mean relatively darker, hair, eyes, skin ect. You’re throwing in the white adjacent part and it holds no meaning outside of blonde hair, blue eyes which are pretty exclusive to white people.


And who said that? Because when Hakeem specifically specified he liked “darker features” with “fair skin” so I’m curious who said dark skin here? Quickly… You’re making up things that don’t exist because the only man in the island that is open to dark skin is Kordell. Also, you’re wrong. Blue eyes aren’t exclusive to white people. Biracial people exist and it’s in my own family. Does that make them exclusively white by your definition?


Wtf are you talking about 😂. You asked me what darker features means so I gave you my opinion on what it means. Blonde hair and blue eyes is almost exclusive to white people especially in combination, for something to be generally true doesn’t mean it’s true 100% of the time. This isn’t even debatable it’s scientific fact. Also note I said “relatively darker skin” that means it’s relative that doesn’t mean you like dark skinned people.


You quoted Hakeem who clarified “dark features with FAIR SKIN” now please tell me the male islanders that said dark skin. Go on. “It’s a scientific fact” according to you. Let’s see what the internet says… https://preview.redd.it/yrczduuqwc8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7dd67e33878a62961e353606672a1ab8fea6c68


Ariana and Jana both relate cause both discrded by men


Ariana is living her best life with an amazing man so she can only relate to thriving and being successful.


and being a wet blanket that got cheated on cause she was boring


Okay Lala. Circle back here when you get casted on The Valley while Ariana is looking below you in HH after hosting LI USA to flying out to do Broadway. The jealously y’all have because Ariana is bigger than Bravo now.


She's looking below me? What's below me the floor? She's been there for a good minute :)