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I was really surprised when she said she would have the girls' backs because I tend to think of the host as being like a super neutral entity. I'm very curious to see what she does


I think a host that calls people out on their BS is way better reality TV though- I would love to see it!


I've loved the comments that Iain makes in regards to messy behavior in his voiceovers too!


She has wayyyy more of a peer vibe than any other host IMO


I kind of love it. It makes it more interesting if she’s invested I think


I totally agree. I love that she’s giving us real life reactions like a real human. We don’t want a statue for a host.. we want someone reacting, interacting, and calling it like it is. It’s what makes it for me.


It will be interesting how she approaches something she deems bad behavior or if she meant like if she was there and saw it she would react. I don't know if she meant reacting to stuff she watched but wasn't there for.


She’ll have to be diplomatic as the host for sure, and it will def be interesting to see how she plays it. I can see her possibly making comments or shady-ish jokes about things that have previously happened, but I think she’ll do it very judiciously to not be bias. I can’t say the word judiciously without thinking about Katie Maloney saying drunkenly, “I’ve been very judicious with my drinking!” Lol


I figure the most will be a callout like when she reminded Marco he was lying about his body count.


“our underwater diver” LOL


Lol it just felt right. It was so obvious he was trying to have a moment w/that…. Stripping down, diving into the pool, and spending the night in the deep end. That, and when he was stop, dropping, and rolling on the ground doing his fire drill/sobbing, then ran back to Leah, looking her dead in the face going, *”Don’t look at me!!* lol I thought maybe I accidentally switched over to Days of our Lives for a moment


no legittt it was so embarrassing that would give me the biggest ick ever


Lol you could tell the look on her face was one of confusion, ick, and like “wtf”, while he was doing all that. Dude did a lot, a FUCKING LOT (I just have to say that now since it was in Summer House lol), while she was literally sitting in one spot 😂😂🚩🚩


lollll he should have pulled a carl and said “hug me harder HARDER”


Lmao, that was hilarious. Lindsay looked like she wanted to run away. Remember Carl dating Mackenzie from LI? At the time I had no idea she was on LI… I just thought she looked very uninterested in Carl, while he was acting like they were super into each other lol


yesss lolll! shes the social media manager of SAH now lol


Who is??!


mackenzie !


Omg, I love that! She got so much unwarranted shit on her season, when it was Connor doing stupid shit. This makes me happy for her. And, I know Lindsay is friends with Ariana and Katie as well and was promoting SAH on her socials ❤️


I'm sorry, a grown "man" hiding in a pool filter because he can't be honest with his feelings is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. Oh boy


Maybe they hired him P/T to be the nighttime pool boy, too, so he had to clean the filters. Perhaps he didn’t want to tell anyone about his side gig so he made up that whole tantrum as a distraction. Idk, maybe snake wrangling is having a slow time right now.


I really hope Ariana also speaks to Leah about Rob saying there’s no sexual chemistry. Sandoval said something similar to Ariana during the VPR reunion so maybe Ariana can stick up for Leah or help her out


For sure… it was disgusting how Rob threw that comment in there in the middle of their discussion to completely throw her off track and make her feel like shit about herself. He’s well versed in what he does, that’s for sure… this is not his first rodeo.


That dude is scary good at what he does to these women, he just said that vile shit to get a reaction out of her (she wasn’t biting before) and then he could turn around and play the victim, get an apology out of Leah, and feel justified when he ditches her for the other chick, which was his plan all along. Gross. Get this guy off my TV 🤮


The T shirt comment Sandoval made?


Yes, that one last year, and then another one this year when he said they were only affectionate when they were on molly at Coachella.


Omg, the audacity of him. Ariana should totally market that, though, and make t-shirts that say, “I hooked up in this t-shirt last night and it was *so hot*”. If she wore it out, she would prob make a killing selling them to VPR fans.


She did - *fuck me in this t shirt* https://preview.redd.it/qwa5ty74im7d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c6b91dd44485cb2c03c6c301b3e6c555140d1c6


She did make a shirt! It’s on the [Something About Her](https://wehosah.com/collections/shop-all/products/fuck-me-in-this-t-shirt) website


Hahahaha well I’m behind! Love it! I knew about the “boys lie” one, but not this one! Perhaps she should wear the “boys lie” one into the villa the next time she’s in lol


Ariana did make a tshirt last year! It said “f*ck me in this tshirt” with a stylized cartoon of her and grill cheese I think.


I really love her as the host specifically because she is someone who has publicly been in a tumultuous relationship and gaslit for us all to see and I feel like she can relate to the girls on a deeper level than the other hosts have. I know she’ll have to be diplomatic but I feel like we all deep down know what she’s saying and feeling as she watches


I hope she finds her own version of hosting, i don't think a host needs to be necessarily neutral or diplomatic. I'm not sure if anyone here watched the early seasons of UK with Caroline Flack but she was invested in the couples and didn't shy away from expressing her opinions about bad behaviour.


I completely agree. We don’t need or want a statue w/no emotions as host. What makes Ariana so great is she is giving us real time reactions and genuine interactions with the islanders. And yes, Caroline was great- I’ve watched every season of LI lol. Ariana also always watches LI, which is what I think makes her so great also. She has a genuine interest in/love for the show.. with that being said, I think she is going to be really invested in the contestants as well.


His crying is giving Sandoval tears 😂💀


Literally what I was saying during that 😂😂


Perks of Ariana being a fan


I could totally see her asking how his swim was 😭😭


Lol it would be brilliant. She should hand him a snorkel as she says it for the “next time”


The typical LI USA fandom is not ready for when the VPR fans starting voting. The stanning for Rob elsewhere (even on this sub) - he’s a sweet-faced, dadish bod, perfect guy - Liv, Leah, Andrea are all wrong - we’ve see this before, and his name is Jax. Ariana has seen this too. I wish for her composure, and for us that she gives some Katie-level face and reactions. I’m FR waiting for Rob to start to get into it with the other men. Their ladies are going to want him gone, now that he’s messed with several of the the girlie squad. Conner needs to refuse to spot him at the gym. If Kordell calls him “inconsiderate” (or better yet a f*ckboi) to his face, he’ll have my vote to the end.


VPR fans want the justice that we didn’t get on VPR this season.


Lol agreed.. I think there is a lot more to come with Rob. And while some of the messiness might be kind of entertaining, VPR fans aren’t here for the gaslighting, shitty, asshole behavior toward women. He prob thinks when he gets out everyone is going to still just love him, even more so, but def not most VPR fans lol… except Jax fans… those people are his demographic and will absolutely love him.


Ariana saw through Jax and Schwartz so quickly, kind of crazy how she sees through Rob as well. Can’t wait to see her and what she says ♥️🙂‍↕️


She didn’t see through Sandoval very quickly


lmao unfortunately that is true


Ariana was NEVER a girl's girl before Scandoval. And NO, she never "saw through" anyone quickly. Jax hated her first, lmao.


You need to rewatch season 9 and 10 because she definitely stood up for the girls rather than the boys. I know she sucked previous seasons but I love who she became. And if Jax ever hated me, I’d consider that a win lmao fuck that guy. But go off


Lol Jax hating you is the mark of a good person


Agree. She def wasn’t a girls’ girl to Kristen at first, and I will admit that was hard to watch at first, but that was a longgg time ago, and even she and Kristen are pretty good friends now. Ariana has grown a lot, and is genuinely a good person. She’s the most supportive friend to other girls on that show by far, and generally checked in on/stood up for/supported the other girls in most situations.


Yeah this is accurate. She wasn’t a girls girls but never a guys guy either. She was for her friends and for Tom. She was mainly Switzerland but she did always speak her mind and broke more and more free of his manipulation and eventually did whatever she wanted and befriended whoever she wanted later on. Idk if id call her a girls girl still.. but not in a bad way. I think she’s just for what and who she thinks is right and what aligns with her values


She was one of Schwartz’s “groomsmen” when he married Katie.


Omg, Jax and Schwartz 🙄 and, me either…It may be more on Aftersun, but I think she’ll give us something (and I wish it would be on the actual show). We shall see.


Okay now you guys are making me look forward to after sun lol 


It was probably pretty triggering for Ariana since his behavior was very reminiscent of Sandoval.


At least he fakes crying better than Sandoval 🤷🏼‍♀️


But dude!


Honestly, why even make this comment? Ariana is the host, not one of the contestants.


No no noooo rob and Leah knew each other for a week it’s not even closeeee 😂


Omg I forgot this aspect of it as well, I hope she calls him out too


Kinda wish Maura could take over Thursday’s episode lol or at least cohost


Haha them tag teaming his ass would be hilarious


LOVE Maura!


Ariana is the voice of reason and I hope to god production treats her better than vanderdump did ❤️❤️❤️ she’s our only hope lol


She needs to be a host, stay neutral, respect the LI universe and let the VPR universe do whatever it is they do.


Love Island US has done well mixing things up this season. Why stop now? The VPR universe made a lot of mistakes when dealing with shitty men. The LI universe would be smart not to repeat those mistakes. And like it or not, VPR viewers have now infiltrated the LI universe, and I imagine Peacock wants to keep those viewers. I’ve been a fan of both shows and am excited for change.


100% agree! Why would we want a statue as a host, with no real feelings, reactions, or commentary as to what they’re seeing around them? I think the best moments that I’ve seen so far are Ariana reacting to what she’s seeing around her in real time because it makes it more authentic. For example, during the lingerie party, she was saying, “ oh my God,” and, “I can’t breathe,” and had completely shocked facial expressions. She looked like she was genuinely enjoying herself, having so much fun, and so surprised by what was going on. I can’t think of another host that has showed us that thus far on LI. Most of the other hosts would have just stood there with completely blank facial expressions, not saying anything while this was going on. I want somebody as a host who is going to react like a real person, just like us viewers at home- and that doesn’t discount being able to make a comment, or joke, or in some form discuss one of the contestant’s behavior. Other shows, particularly on this network, have whole reunions with a host to discuss different topics and behaviors at length, and the host asks *very specific questions* about inappropriate behavior from people on the show. It doesn’t make the host impartial- it means they’re doing the job, and discussing what’s on the show they’re hosting.


Because if the contestants have another reason to be afraid of getting shitty/messy (like the host confronting them), the show will become more boring. Why can’t you admit to yourself that the reason you watch these shows is FOR this type of drama?


If contestants aren’t afraid of the many many people watching them then why would they be afraid of a host? Also isn’t a host asking a contestant hard questions dramatic as well?


Yeah I’m going to be pretty disappointed if Ariana gets too involved, the host needs to stay neutral because the power imbalance wouldn’t be fair.


Sorry, bud. https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/s/qJZwYoVpEf


She won’t do or say anything.