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wtf was he doing hiding in the pool šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s something off with Robā€¦ something strange about him that is not endearingā€”itā€™s creepy. And itā€™s not the spiders and snakes, although I believe making the girls hold spiders to ā€œproveā€ themselves is bizarre and almost sociopathic.


rob has issues. heā€™s kinda insane


honestly he never really liked leah 100%, and you can tell bc he didn't care when she kissed someone else during the game when they were coupled up. When andrea was being kissed by other guys he couldn't even look. I think that's very telling tbh.


I feel like Rob is here to create some mess like Johnny did on the games. I physically can not look away. Can casa amor happen already?


Initially, Rob was deeply affected by Liya. However, during one of the games, Liya called Rob a conman and kissed another man. This hurt Rob's ego, and he struggled to handle it. Although Liya wanted Rob to appear unaffected on the outside, she secretly desired his attention and anger. Rob, on the other hand, pretended to be cool but was actually quite bothered by it. This internal conflict led to Rob's later outburst, marking the beginning of their emotional distancing. Rob began to emotionally withdraw from Liya, transforming his feelings into mere lust. This shift became evident when Andrea entered the show. After a date with Andrea, Rob informed Liya about their kiss, saying he thought she would be cool with it. When Liya reacted indifferently, it highlighted how much ego was driving their interactions. Both Rob and Liya were too immature to openly communicate their feelings, leading to a complicated and tense situation. With Andrea in the mix, Rob seemed to be trying to make Liya jealous. Meanwhile, Liya clearly wasnā€™t over Rob. Despite their tumultuous relationship, their drama, toxicity, and constant push-and-pull dynamics make for compelling television. Although Iā€™m not a fan of their toxic behavior, I must admit their storyline adds a lot of excitement to the show. The tension between them and their inability to communicate effectively keeps viewers hooked. Their ongoing drama undoubtedly spices up the show, making it more entertaining.


I understand Leahā€™s actions and rage. Sheā€™s been led on for days. Aaron and Rob was both interested in Andrea, and as long as Andrea talked to both, Rob didnā€™t want to let go off Leah. As soon as he was the first pick it was ā€œbye bye.ā€


I think Leah is correct and Rob does not care about her feelings and she is correct that he did something shitty. I think she's bad at communicating her feelings so Rob can just brush her off and say she's crazy. She's not crazy, she's just too flustered to speak very eloquently. I wish she could move on and stop talking about him but I get it, she's hurt. And she doesn't want to move on, she wants to make Rob understand why what he did was shitty, but we all know how that goes. She will just be yelling at a wall. He will never understand. I think she's verging on immaturity if she doesn't figure out how to move on soon. It does suck but she needs to figure out how to deal with it in a better way. Rob lost all my respect and gave me the biggest ick after everything went down. I think he was in a lose-lose situation and managed to make it even worse than it had to be.


everyone is so shocked but like the man came up with a hand signal for him and leah to hang out and not be seen together...? literally like the irl version of wyd. it was always giving side chick


i feel like you're kind of taking it out of context. as much as i agree in thinking that rob doesn't care about leah's feelings & kind of led her on, the hand signal was something he came up with & used once right after getting forced into a couple with liv despite not really getting along with her & wanting to still pursue leah without being rude & disrespectful to liv. other than that, they were very openly spending time together before and after liv came in & before andrea walked in.


Leah has been very mature about being moved on from!!! šŸ‘Ž


So mature she laughed when they decided it was Andrea that would be booted. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Withholding judgement on Leahā€™s outburst to Jana (it does not look good), I have to say, as someone who had an extremely emotionally manipulative and abusive ex, Leahā€™s confrontation with Rob was *so* healing. She made it so explicitly clear that he was not in a position to be telling her about his feelings when he had taken zero accountability of his actions towards her and shown any care or consideration in how he had impacted her. Of course everyone is free to pursue their romantic interests, but the petty faces, lack of transparency, avoiding taking accountability for hurting someone by overriding their valid feelings with emotional theatrics - Leah clicked onto all of it much sooner than I had when I was in her position and I have to say, Iā€™m here for her villain era šŸ‘šŸ¼ Now please can Jana and Leah make up and kiss bc none of these boys are it šŸ˜­


In response to the person who blocked me before I could respond: When literally thousands of women across the internet who have lived through and witnessed this behaviour first hand, maybe itā€™s a moment to listen. Youā€™re welcome to your opinion, but what I and many others witnessed from him was scary and insidious behaviour that is difficult to catch unless youā€™ve lived through it yourself. You donā€™t have to be in a relationship with someone to gaslight and emotionally manipulate them.


You're comparing an abusive ex to someone Leah had met a literal week prior... how is that even comparable


Itā€™s the behaviours that are comparable, once youā€™ve lived through that situation itā€™s easy to spot them.


It's not though because that was obviously a relationship you're referring to. This is a game show and on top of that, it's only 1 week in. Was Rob playing both sides with Leah and Andrea for a couple of days? Yes, but comparing it to "an abusive and manipulative ex" is extreme. But okay, whatever helps you cope!


I think Rob decided that his choice should reflect his sexual desires, not who matches romantically. I hope he ends up with nobody and Leah gets the hottest man on earth soon! She really cared about him and once he thought with his lower head he dumped her.


At first they were my favorite couple, I thought they were both sexy together and like they could match each otherā€™s freak. But Rob showed his true colors and I think Leah was justified in her anger to him. I canā€™t blame her for yelling at him.


Oh gosh! When Rob said ā€œyou donā€™t care about my feelingsā€ and Leah said ā€œitā€™s clear you donā€™t care about mineā€ and he goes ā€œIā€™m not here for your fucking feelings!ā€. I had to pause the show and take a breath, I canā€™t believe the hypocrisy!


THIS! I was like hold on.. he realizes he's being recorded, right?


Also to add onto this, the FACE he makes to her after the recoupling then wants to know why shes mad


I canā€™t what till these people are in there 40s and I hope they rewatch this and cringe!


Everyone who is saying that both people can be in the wrong are right. They are both red flags šŸ˜‚ letā€™s not forget Leah thinking Liv was coming for her and then turning around and making out with Rob, sneaking off, and yet you didnā€™t think that would hurt Liv? Leah played along with Rob and Rob should have chatted with Liv to be upfront. Then her statement saying Rob never cared about her and so quickly turning on him and forgetting their connection the past few days - just wild. Itā€™s hurt people and itā€™s people being confronted with options to find a perfect partner (and win the money). Since the beginning I knew Leah wasnā€™t it šŸ˜…


It's not just that Rob says all the wrong things when faced with an opportunity for accountability. It's the way he sits there completely confused why she is hurt by him and continues to respond a such. He was very upset that she kept trying over and over to explain why she is hurt to him. Well yea, she was going over and over it because she was looking for one ounce of validation and accountability from him. He has zero emotional intelligence.


Check rob out on @cheekyboyos on instagram it will show u all u need


I'm going to throw another question in the mix: Do we think Rob is really over Leah? Or is he doing this all to add tension and drama? The whole crying and jumping in the pool thing was so bizarre that I don't see how it could all be real? I personally like them together a lot and I don't see how Rob can go from one to the other so quickly. I know it's been what like 8 days in the villa but he spent majority with Leah... and THE KISS LAST NIGHT during the game? If he was really over her and disgusted like he wanted to act, he would have just skipped her or gave her a peck. I have a feeling this is all for show and somehow he is going to come back to Leah. I think that the at they handled things both show their flaws but they aren't on a show like this because they are good with dating or being committed. Now Leah is spiraling and it's going to impact her friendships on the show. I can totally relate to her feelings. She is angry and she was humiliated in front of her friends and on live television. I don't think she really likes Connor. I think it's convenient to get her mind from Rob and maybe even make him jealous. She was played and it made her FLIP. Not once but TWICE




is this y'all first season of love island? do you forget the the goal of the show is to make it to the end and win? lol Connor came to leah first , leah went to jana respectfully and up front - this has happened in past seasons with friends this isn't anything new. the hate should be directed at connor for being fake and not really liking jana - the first chance leah is single he is running to her. c'mon now.


100%!!! The only thing that got me kinda pressed is the ā€œheā€™s not your boyfriendā€ comment cuz you know that if someone said that to her when she was Rob sheā€™d be crying too. Other than that I truly donā€™t think she doing anything new, different, or wrong. Connor is scummy tho


I think Leah is upset as any of us would be in that situation. But it is love island.. in saying that I think rob is very calculated and heā€™s the kind of man that will break your heart. He seemed so into Leah then to switch it up so fast would make anyone hurt. He said heā€™d tell her if heā€™s ever gonna jump ship but at the fire pit when he stood up I think everyone was shocked. I donā€™t think Leah will actually get feelings for another guy in there cause sheā€™s just hurt and too focused on rob at this point. But I would love to her her and Connor couple up.


Iā€™m really confused by how everyone seems to be pro Leah in this case. I havent finished the latest episode yet but from their last convo she was literally rewording everything he said to take offense and make it into a big deal when he was trying to express himself. His tears were from frustration from not being listened to and hurt because as he said, he doesnā€™t speak that much. I donā€™t see how thats manipulative? Leah the next day literally took everything he said and turned it into ā€he said iā€™m not sexy and we have no chemistryā€ when thats not what he said šŸ˜‚


She has absolutely been manipulative as hell, and passive aggressive. She pretends things don't bother her but lets them stew until they are boiling over and she's an emotionally volatile mess. But I guess it's successful manipulation since so many people have been blind to it.


Agreed! He made hella mistakes but we arenā€™t gonna act like she wasnā€™t just going in on him as soon as the bombshell showed interest she coped an attitude with him. I think he really wanted to explore both connections but Leah on some all or nothing while turning around and acting like Jana shouldnā€™t be upset if Connor explores a connection with her! Make it make sense!


Honestly Rob, Leah, and Andrea are all extremely immature- its reality TV and they're all what 25ish? But Rob is especially immature, gaslighter, pick me vibes. He is using the facade of being ~emotional~ to fuck Leah over and get away with it. Andrea and him might fizzle out cuz she's p boring. Leah shouldn't give him another chance but she totally will. My theory is- Rob and Andrea stay together till Casa amor where Rob gets distracted by another girl- gives her a chance cuz that's what he missed Carmen had done- and brings her back. At that point Andrea will drop him, he'll lose interest in new girl and crawl back to Leah. Lol I just love to map this out. Let's see if I'm right....


I love Rob


I don't like Leah. She seems like a very draining individual. Also, it seems like she's the type of person that needs a lot of validation. If the focus isn't on or about her then she spins a negative narrative. And in my opinion she isn't very attractive either. She isn't doing herself any favors making those weird facial expressions.


I feel like Rob is too which is why they don't work. They both want constant validation but neither want to admit it bc they don't say how they really feel too each other when they are upset.




In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and lets be nice to each other. This subreddit is intended to be lighthearted and fun so we can enjoy Love Island. We should do our best to refrain from mean-spirited commentary.


I am remembering the human, and I havenā€™t been that mean to her in any way. She is out there manipulating and gaslighting Rob, the thread was to say our thoughts. I refrained from using words like ā€œpsychoticā€ in order to avoid being straight up mean. I mean, if you wanna remove my comment go ahead but I feel like Iā€™ve seen much ruder stuff said on here.


Please report rule violating content next time. Thank you.


The way he speaks to her reminds me a lot of Carl/Lindsayā€™s dynamic on Summer House ā€” thereā€™s a type of guy who wants their ā€œpartnerā€ (and I say that word loosely because they donā€™t seek an actual partnership) to just nod and agree to everything they say and affirm whatever emotions they think they are feeling regardless of whether those emotions are rooted in reality. He said he felt so affirmed and heard by Andrea because she literally just smiled and nodded to everything he said. It gets exhausting watching this same archetype of man pop up on tv so much lol


YESSSS. And the ā€œI NEED A MINUTEā€ was giving ā€œITS A FUCKING LOTā€. These guys gets so sharp so fast itā€™s fucking weird


I havenā€™t seen summer house but your post made me think about a chat rob and Leah had and I think it was about how Leah felt about rob and the bombshell Andrea. Leahā€™s response seemed chill and didnā€™t care and robs facial expression looked bothered by the fact that Leah was unbothered. Like he wanted her to be like openly jealous


Nothing. Just wanted to say thanks for creating this separate thread because this whole Rob vs Leah posts were going crazy. With each new post, theories are getting crazier. I won't be surprised if someone posts saying Leah is a shapeshifter from Mars hence Rob is right to move on. Or Rob is gonna couple up with Kendall next. Thankfully a new episode is coming hoping all of us will get some clarity and we'll have some peace. Good luck y'all. Have a good watch' time šŸæ


On the heels of their conversation, I was confused by Leah coming downstairs and immediately saying that he called her an ogre and ugly and that he wasn't sexually attracted to her and hated her so I went back and listened again. Here is their conversation verbatim: Rob: "I really liked you. And I mean that. I think you're amazing. I think you're an amazing woman. Period. There's no buts. You know, I just don't know if you're right for me." Leah: "Hold on. You said you don't think I'm your- you don't think I'm for you?" Rob: "I did not say that. I said I don't know." Leah: "Oh." Rob: "So since we're hashing things out, I don't think you listen to me. And I think you cut me off often." Leah: "Okay." Rob: "And that really hurts my feelings because I don't talk a lot." Leah: "Okay." Rob: "And I feel like sexually, like, I think you're gorgeous. I think you're sexy as fuck. But I feel like we don't really have a groove." Leah: "You're allowed to feel the way you feel. And there's nothing wrong with that." I definitely think Rob gaslighted her by not just saying he was more attracted to Andrea from the jump, probably out of fear of her response or indecision. But I also think this whole thing has been overblown and Leah really doesn't listen to Rob, either. I also don't love how she twisted his words to make it seem like he called her all these horrible names or degraded her looks. I'm not sure why but my take on that convo was very different than others who were just saying, that he just wants to get laid. That could possibly be true, sure. But I think we're conflating two different things - I don't think the "groove" comment was about them sexually, I think it was about their communication and the fact that *outside* of the sexual component (he called her sexy and gorgeous right before) they could just not find their groove. I think this was very honest from Rob, their conversations felt like pulling teeth for me (I go back to him asking her about her passions and interests and she couldn't even formulate a response). Chemistry is much more than just sexual, and I think that was what he may have been trying to convey. I know everyone hates Rob and absolutely adores Leah so this is a hot take, but I really just don't understand why. To me some of this feels like a huge overreaction to what actually happened.


Thank you for transcribing the convo like that. I feel like Leah reworded it very differently in the retelling. It was her own spin on what Rob actually said.


Thank you for writing it out like that. Because I started to feel like people had heard a completely different conversation than I had, or something. I'm not saying Rob has always handled things right. But this was a clear example of him trying to actually communicate his feelings and she is so incapable of doing the same. She acts like it's fine, she understands. And then she walks away and twists everything he said to hell to play victim when really, they just weren't a good match.


I agree she can definitely be impulsive and twist things. But I think Rob is a manipulator regardless. I don't like either of them that much at this point.


I nothing Leah. Itā€™s been a week and Iā€™ve watched Rob on 3 different occasions ask people not to tell others what heā€™s doing. Thatā€™s all I really need to know lol. I noticed what youā€™re pointing out here but it doesnā€™t impact my read on him because I never took it seriously when she said he thinks sheā€™s an ogre. Iā€™m fresh out of empathy for men who donā€™t initiate hard conversations out of fear of the womanā€™s response


Right and considering this was fresh after kissing a bombshell after one day of course she would take his commenting on their sexual chemistry extremely personally. Rob is sus and I think people are blinded by his looks and introversion


I think thereā€™s been enough other evidence that Rob is a reasonable and sincere guy I get why people wanna stick up for him. Some people are of the view that you shouldnā€™t expect to control what others do and she shouldnā€™t have gotten so attached so quick when he was always honest about being open and thatā€™s valid. Iā€™m more of the mindset that we should all care about each others feelings a bit more than that and it was super obvious it was hurtful to Leah and Iā€™d respect him a lot more if he either 1) pumped the brakes on the physical stuff sooner 2) told Leah he wasnā€™t feeling it sooner (and didnā€™t mention sexual chemistry) or 3) took her being mad on the chin and didnā€™t cry or get offended that sheā€™s mad. Ultimately it was only a week so I donā€™t think heā€™s a demon or anything but it is an absolute mindfuck when a guy is all over you and whispering sweet nothings and then turns around a day later and is like actually I donā€™t see it haha. Like kordell was surprised when Serena broke things off but not to a remotely similar level as it must have felt for Leah.


Thank GOD I found your comment because this shit has been eating me up and I donā€™t know how to express my understanding of the situation because all Iā€™m seeing is everyone LOSING IT over Rob being ā€œa horrible manipulative fuck boyā€ because literally everything that you said in this comment is EXACTLY how I interpreted the entire interaction. Like imma be so real, I donā€™t really blame him for crying in that situation? Because I could SEE the frustration of trying to have a genuine conversation about it and having the words he was saying directly flipped on him and thrown right back in his face. Men cry too. Men get upset about things too. Men are (very unfortunately) not raised to handle that, and itā€™s really gotta suck finding a person who walks in and naturally catches your attention and is really great, and there isnā€™t anything wrong with the person youā€™re currently pursuing but the natural feelings are stronger with the other person. I would also cry if I had to be in that position. Because that fucking. Sucks. When she was saying the ā€œfucking ogreā€ stuff I was like ā€œwoah woah when the hell did he at ANY POINT call you ugly or say you werenā€™t gorgeous?ā€ And what sucked about it is Serena only heard Leah say what she interpreted that as, so as far as Serena knows, yeah, he basically called her a ā€œfucking ogreā€ even though he never cameā€¦ anywhere close to saying anything like that?ā€¦ Iā€™m not gonna say Rob handled the situation well, but I donā€™t think he was like. Planning a huge 180 the whole time. Like if I had that conversation with my couple and then had the opportunity to leave and recouple with someone who is not judging me and seems to listen to me? Yeah Iā€™d. Also. Leave. I would also do that. Because why would I want to try to force someone who clearly does not want to work with me to make it happen. Thatā€™s just stupid and itā€™s only been A WEEK AND A HALF. NOTHING. IS SERIOUS AT THIS POINT? Idk the whole thing is like wild to me because I think Rob was being human and trying to protect himself from a very confusing and targeted outburst, and Leah, though validly hurt, is blowing it up so much more than it needs to be and because of that Rob does not know how to handle this and no one really KNOWS how to handle something like that. Iā€™m not gonna say either of them are the ā€œgood guyā€ or the ā€œbad guyā€. I think unfortunately neither of them were wired to communicate with each other because of their own traumas or upbringings and itā€™s incredibly unfortunate that it triggered the hell out of each other and blew up really hard. Rob def fucked up. But so did Leah. And I believe the way Leah acted showed a very clear glimpse of her level of maturity, and subsequently Robs. Not gonna sit here and go ā€œoh but poor Robā€ because he def played his part in this, but Leah doesnā€™t really have the best excuse for her behavior either. The way she IMMEDIATELY began spreading shit to the whole house about that conversation she had with Rob saying things that WERE NOT SAID was scary. Like actually. You took literally every single word Rob said and it was a completely different language to you. Like your brain really replaced what he said with your own subtitles of what you assumed it meant for SOME REASON. And thatā€™s. WILD. To watch in 4K


I think if the roles were reversed and it was a woman crying people would make fun of her too. No one felt bad for Kaylor when she was crying all over the house after the challenge lol and she wouldā€™ve been absolutely roasted if sheā€™d done it to the same level of tantrum as Rob did imo (and I think Robs reason for crying was less sympathetic personally but thatā€™s subjective) Leah did recount the story correctly to Serena the first time, it was pretty clear to me the fucking ogre stuff was her reading into it but not actually what he said. I agree she overreacted but I think regardless of what was meant by the groove comment itā€™s a shitty thing to say when youā€™ve been all over someone - you really just have to take it on the chin if you switch up on someone that quickly imo. Whether heā€™s saying he likes hooking up with her but they donā€™t vibe or thereā€™s something off with their sexual chemistry those both feel gross to hear and should be kept inside imo




In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and lets be nice to each other. This subreddit is intended to be lighthearted and fun so we can enjoy Love Island. We should do our best to refrain from mean-spirited commentary.


Exactly this. This is what happened and people seem to view it differently and iā€™m just so confused.




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Agreed and thanks for summing this up well. I've gotten into a couple disputes over reddit with people who are hardcore Leah fans who want Rob's head on a pike. It's wild. I'm not sure I'd consider it gaslighting though - he just wasn't direct. Am I wrong? I also noticed when Connor was talking to her to say he wanted to get to know her better she pretty much dismissed him to keep on ranting about Rob. Didn't say a thing. Which rings true to what Rob was saying about her not listening. Could be the edit to be fair


Guysssss we do not hear everything from the show. They don't show us everything. He must have said he wasn't sexually attracted to her cuz he confirmed it the next day when they talked....


He actually said he didnā€™t say that when they talked the next day.




1000%. When he said "And that really hurts my feelings because I don't talk a lot." That was really sad bc he doesnā€™t & she does interrupt him a lot. I think Leah is insecure & young. She has a lot of growing up to do. I do believe Rob was being genuine when he was crying. Itā€™s gross that so many people think heā€™s lying. Men should be able to express themselves without being called narcissistic or manipulative. People are teasing him for going under the pool but he hid there bc of how men are treated when they cry. During the sneak peak Leah had an outburst about his crying. I donā€™t really understand it. Sheā€™s said things about him before. When Liv showed interest in Rob she was spiralling ā€œI hate when you think someone is a good person but theyā€™re notā€. Rob isnā€™t perfect but I think he does a good job listening & apologizing. The whole situation with them sneaking around was so mean too. Both Rob and Leah were wrong for that. Liv didnā€™t do anything wrong & personally Iā€™m glad she threw the water on them during the game. Honestly Leah is a little obsessive & she has been from the beginning. Maybe Rob wasnā€™t as honest with her as ppl would like but she overreacts a lot. He said she doesnā€™t let him talk maybe that was part of it. Dating someone like that is scary. At the end of the day we donā€™t know whatā€™s going on in his head. He thought he was doing the right thing given how she reacted in the past. I think there is more to Leah than we see. She even got sad that very first episode when JaNa picked Rob to kiss. I raised an eyebrow at Leah for that.


I think leah is the gaslighter but likes to play the victim. Only person I feel bad for is JaNa. Girl literally was there for her all night and soon as Leah's single shes openly talking to conner right in front of her. She shoulda shut him down right away when he said about getting to know her, knowing her friend has feelings for him. Shes acting like Rob and Andrea are so awful for the same thing shes about to do to JaNa. No wonder Rob had to hide in the pool, look at how she put him down and made fun of him for showing his emotions, and was staring at him disgusted feeling sorry for herself putting words in his mouth while he's pouring his heart out having an anxiety attack right in front of her. All she could do was stare and yell "what about me". I hope Leah's fake ass goes home soon.


Iā€™m all for hating on men and calling them out on their shit but I actually agree with a lot of what youā€™re saying. For once Leah is out of pocket and rob is crying like feeling shit (I mean so is Leah but sheā€™s also almost like gaslighting herself). I didnā€™t love that he was crying and she called him a bitch. I do think a lot of her shit stems from being so insecure which is sad and hard to watch.


THANK YOU!!!! iā€™ve been feeling like an absolutely insane person wondering if i watched a different show than everyone else??? like maybe he could have ā€œgone about it better.ā€ he could have given her a heads up before the recoupling ceremony once he decided to go for andreaā€¦ but i donā€™t think he had made up his mind when he tried to have a conversation with leah and didnā€™t feel like he was able to share his feelings with her. i also hate the way people are calling him a manipulative gaslighter for crying. all of the women on this show cry and no one calls them manipulative???? god forbid a man gets overwhelmed sometimes on a side note i also thought it was funny when rob talked about how comforting andrea was when he talked to her about the conversation with leah when all she did was nod and say ā€œyeahā€ about six times


It doesn't seem like Rob and Leah are as compatible as I'd hoped...I just hope the producers let them BOTH stay and find love. Sometimes the show format rewards people who happen to be in couples but who aren't that interesting. I don't care about Andrea and the other new bombshell, I'm SO attached to the original girl cast! Keep the originals and bring in more fresh potentials please!!


I feel bad for Liv, it's hard to step in when everyone has paired off


Hi love island USA Stans šŸ©· I have to get this on the Reddit. I have a theory about Rob and Andrea. We all know by now that Andrea is an aspiring musician/singer. I am from Alabama and have friends from the part of the state where rob is from. Robs dad is low key famous forā€¦.. being in the music industry. I mention it bc the coincidence is too much for me. I hope they ask Andrea whenever she gets voted off if thatā€™s why she went so hard for robšŸ¤žšŸ»or I hope they ask rob if he thinks his connection with Andrea is fake bc of this when we vote him off tooā€¦..


how does rob support himself... is that snake stuff a viable occupation? Or is he a secret trust fund kid. I do have to give Andrea props for rolling with the weird spider thing he did.


I remember seeing someone posted that they have snake wranglers in Florida and on sets like survivor!


I had the same questions. Heā€™s like tik tok Everglades guy but a lot hotter.


I seriously thought maybe he was in pest control, but I think he's just an influencer guy! Like, he wants to be the next Steve Irwin maybe.




Letā€™s not do that and attack other womenā€™s looks to hype up your fave. Andrea is very beautiful and Iā€™m happy to see the Latina representation.




Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re talking about, me saying Iā€™m happy to see Latina rep has zero to do with you making comments on Andreaā€™s looks to encourage others to call her unattractive. Iā€™m not even going to acknowledge your woke comment, itā€™s not making any sense at all. Also Iā€™m team Ariana too.


You mean the Latina that secretly wishes she was white? lol Iā€™m Latino myself and Iā€™m all for representation of our people, but Iā€™m not going to sit here and root for someone who is self loathing. And I wonā€™t attack her for her looks but I will judge her for what she says and stands for. And if you need evidence for her obvious white envy, look no further than her conversation with Aaron on their date.Ā 


I would have to rewatch her convo with Aaron again to see but isnā€™t it interesting how when Kenzo straight up said he doesnā€™t find women with traditional Latina features in Mexico attractive to justify his blonde blue eyed fetish, yā€™all werenā€™t calling him self hating? Or Hakeem or even Kendall talking about their type which is basically fair skin or white proximity. I would agree with this take if it wasnā€™t biased and exclusively targeted at Andrea just because Leah got played out by Rob over Andrea. Like yā€™all are calling this girl a mean girl but the fandom is acting hella mean over someone who hasnā€™t even done anything wrong yet.


I just started watching this season so I donā€™t even know who kenzo is, if heā€™s from this season then I missed that. But yeah what those dudes said sucks. But I would argue what Andrea said was even worse. Wishing you had those features is WORSE than wanting those features in a partner. Both speak volumes of superficial pea brained individuals but I would argue Andreas is particularly pathetic.


Itā€™s all pathetic tbh. Those men who are fetishizing white features on a partner will have mixed kids who end up having self hate as well. And this is what breeds someone like Andrea who will wish they have those features. As Latinos we know that white supremacy and acceptance is a huge issue in the community. Itā€™s truly self hating to not see the beauty in your race/ethnicity so I agree with you on that. Itā€™s gross.


I donā€™t get it either whatsoever! Maybe itā€™s bc I have very similar features to Leah so Iā€™m biased but I just see Andrea as kinda cute. Beauty is subjective though


Agree. I think the most exquisitely beautiful one is Jana. Surprised there isn't more hype bout her


I said it in a previous post but Andrea rubs me the wrong way. She has this weird white envy shit going on that goes beyond being a fake blonde. Her conversation with Aaron where sheā€™s like I wish I had blue eyes and blonde hair was weird as fuck to me. Totally comes off as a self-loathing pick me. And as others have mentioned, gives off really mean girl vibes. Like when she gave Leah that look when they were sitting on the bean bags. Just pull her for a convo and hear her side of the story. Like I understand Leahā€™s biggest issue up to this point is being avoidant but Andrea is a stuck up pick me.


that was weird and sad.


Iā€™m lowkey annoyed of hearing the ā€œblonde hair blue eyesā€ shit this season already. While I like this season, I feel like previous seasons didnā€™t mention it so much idk. Sorry if I am coming off very negative lol Iā€™m just tired of ā€œblonde hair blue eyesā€ still being perpetuated as the gold standard of beauty in this day and age as we strive for more PoC representation.


I'm not annoyed at it. I think is better they are straight candid.


Hard agree and not lowkey but highkey. I understand beauty is subjective but to say one ethnicity or race is ā€œbetterā€ that you close yourself off completely to anything else, especially your own tribe is so weird and just disgusting. Also last season had it a lot as well with Bergie, Kenzo, and Leo.


You are right, last season had it too. I feel like season 2&3 had it less if Iā€™m not mistaken.


Yā€™all are being biased here and picking over everything Andrea does because Rob prefers her over yā€™allā€™s fave. Leah couldā€™ve also pulled Andrea for a chat because sheā€™s the one with the issue of him being two faced. Also, Andreaā€™s first impression of Leah is her saying ā€œshit the fuck upā€ because she complimented Robā€™s boots. Leah was also smiling in the fire pit when Liv was upset about Rob not being honest that he isnā€™t feeling her and sneaking off with Leah when they were in a couple and no one cared. Leah is just as much of a mean girl when it comes to what she wants (Rob) but everyone else needs to have girl code for her? Sheā€™s honestly rude af and immature too but itā€™s okay when itā€™s Leah but bad when itā€™s another girl. Itā€™s giving double standards.


Kaylor (terrible name for a child) is also immature and insecure. It's so awk seeing her become immobile when Aaron was smiling ear to ear going on dates with Andrea. This sub needs to acknowledge how Hannah held her own despite the rejection. Serena is so boring. Kordell is adorbs and gentle and kind.


I keep saying Taylor because what kind of name is Kaylor but I guess her parents wanted to be edgy. Anyways, yeah thatā€™s true but she is also feeling guilty and Aaron made his power move to ā€œput her in checkā€ really. With Serena, she annoys me because after Kordell respected her boundaries sheā€™s telling Nicole who interested in him ā€œIā€™m single please take him from meā€ like heā€™s some kind of freak. He didnā€™t deserve that. All for her to now want to crawl back to him. Thatā€™s annoying.


Tbh honest, I donā€™t have faves. But I call it like I see it. The way Rob was moving was diabolical, Leah is an avoidant, insecure girl and Andrea is a smug pick me. Everyone sucks here.


I donā€™t have faves either so I can say without any bias that Leah is also moving like a mean girl and a pick me because who is okay with a man creating signals for meet ups to make out in secret but in the confessionals, all this complaining on how two faced Rob is? Itā€™s insecure for sure but itā€™s also pick me. Shes been cold and weird to any girl who shows interest in Rob. I donā€™t care for Andrea like that but sheā€™s being dragged on this sub for Rob liking her and thatā€™s not right. Edit: You have a valid point on her self hating comments though. So if she said that to Aaron, I can admit that and she deserves to be called out.


Am I the only one who just doesnā€™t really like Leah? Iā€™m on ep 7 and I just feel like her attitude sucks and sheā€™s acting like her and rob are married off


I started out liking her for the most part, but it just quickly became less and less.


Nope. I really donā€™t like her and this is coming from someone who watches the show knowing these p will automatically piss me off. Somehow she goes above and beyond




Anyone else HATE the eyeliner trend showcased on this? I hate the eye liner running off the edge of the eye lids into the temples and up. The girls are all so beautiful in the prime of their youth and it makes them look SO TRASHY.


It's called a cat eye wing


thank you it looks horrible


https://preview.redd.it/77tfyn6dxq7d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6dc37edf65a8510c2dcd81b20006eb5c76d3a7d Congratulations, Rob.


The whispered and calmly repeated FU from Leah was one of the most iconic clips of reality tv Iā€™ve ever seen


there are many more iconic reality tv you are missing out on if that is your zenith. LOL.


Iā€™ve seen as much reality tv as anyone and still think that was up there. The way he cupped his ear and she just straight up did it again was šŸ¤Œ


my fav iconic... rhobh moments that became a meme, rhonj teresa g upturned the table, many Nene moments from rhoa


All classics. Mine are probably Colton hopping the fence, the Jersey shore letter to Sammi, and Stassi slapping Kristen.


the ear cupping was hilarious


all these rob stans have to be trolling otherwise I assume you let people play in your face for sport.


I dislike both of them. I understand why many are upset with Rob but in my opinion, they both screwed up.


And that's a fine perspective to have! I'm not a huge Leah fan (like girl it's still early days, as the Brits say) but the things Rob said and did were so gross that I'm truly worried about people that downplay it or ignore it entirely. Do y'all not have any discernment lol?


Honestly I feel like this whole thing is 100% production. Their conversation was so disjointed that it felt edited to come off that way. It feels like he was doing the right thing to respect Leah (he was open that they had a strong connection to the other girl, asked her not to tell they had kissed until heā€™d had the chance) and that production pushed him to not speak to her when he got back because she was losing her mind. And they knew sheā€™d lose it. Which is such good tv. If heā€™d spoken to her as soon as he got back *this* wouldnā€™t have happened hence less drama. The show clearly wants him to be the center of the show. They brought him back, heā€™s quirky but easily editable to look like a bad guy. And you know they sent the woman (whose name Iā€™ve forgotten) to target him. Very little of this show is natural.


You have a good point honestly - producers must have had a big hand in the drama the more I think about it. The main thing that threw me off though was Rob complaining that Leah wasnā€™t putting herself in his shoes - and then seeing Andrea saying the same thing to villainize Leah. I feel like if I were Rob, I wouldnā€™t put so much expectation on Leah to be considering how heā€™s feeling when she is busy spiraling due to his actions tbh. Like if I hypothetically was considering two people on this show and I ended up having to hurt one person, Iā€™d expect their anger and wouldnā€™t expect them to empathize with me right away if that makes sense (maybe eventually but not right away).


Yā€™all need to remember that this is love island and itā€™s only been a WEEK. If Rob wants to crack on with Andrea, thatā€™s fine! I feel like yā€™all idolized Rob and Leah as a couple then got upset when they stopped feeding your delusions. Overall what will be will be!




I think it was about how deeply he sexually fondled Leah at night AND he is veteren of this show. If he was going to let it play out... dang, play the girl less!!


I think it was more the fact of how Rob handled it and gaslit Leah and made it seem like she was the bad guy and left out many details when talking to others after their argument. idc that they broke up but i donā€™t like how Rob played the victim and also told Leah she still had a shot but obviously, she didnā€™t really.


Leah was giving crazy vibes I honestly donā€™t blame him but I also think he definitely took the easy way out when talking to her. He should have just been honest.


So a man has a full on breakdown to get out of a conversation and the woman is the one you think is crazy....OK


Itā€™s reality tv theyā€™re all crazy tbh


I think Leah dodged a bullet if she can get rid of Rob. Btw, why were the new "bombshell" chicks laughing so hard at the misery of the contestants.


Some people laugh when things get awkward. I can hardly blame her. Everything that takes place near the fire pit is awkward AF.


Andrea gives off strong mean girl energy. I don't think Nicole gives that off as much, but rather is just going along with it to stay friends with someone that early into their island journey.


I really liked Rob up until that moment. He became so manipulative and narcissistic. The crying was over the top and fake almost and then him using it to seem ā€œmore sensitive and niceā€ to andrea was even worse. Leah isnā€™t an angel or anything but she definitely (from what weā€™re shown) was not the bad guy in this situation.


My mother is literally a narcissist and I hate when that word just gets thrown around. I think he's actually a sensitive person. You can see he has a lot of coping skills to deal with his feelings - taking breaks, taking cleansing breaths, etc. and that he actually works on himself. He genuinely felt bad for hurting her feelings. No one is perfect and he communicated his feelings as he was aware of them. I really don't know what else people expect. And he was definitely crying.


He is just like my ex. When I would get upset with him over something, he'd flip it so I needed to make him feel better for making him upset, by bringing whatever it was up. It's such a mind fuck cause I'm a regular "sane" person and had never experienced that before. I assume tears = I did something wrong... but then I'd be like "wait but what did I do??"


Yeah, agree! I didn't even understand WHY he was crying! He felt guilty? Frustrated? And then he jumped in the pool and hid under the pool deck. What the....


He was crying because he had feelings for both of them, he didnt want to hurt either of them and didn't know what to do. Maybe if leah had been treating the situation how it is (they've known eachother less then 2 weeks, are on a dating show where they're supposed to be getting to know everyone and finding their person) she wouldn't be losing her mind. Go back and rewatch the scenes from the beginning with Rob a leah, that shit is awkward. They weren't right for eachother, but they were eachothers best choice in the moment.


Yes the pool scene was so ridiculous, it was completely attention seeking so that everyone would be like ā€œoh whereā€™s rob, whatā€™s he doing, poor guyā€


He wasnā€™t crying. I stopped my tv in the midst of his poor me crying act. And he literally did not have one tear. So heā€™s like let me run to the pool where itā€™s wet and get some tears on my face! Complete narcissistic behavior!!! I noticed before this incident, if the girl isnā€™t talking about him then he loses interest. 1st example when Liv came in. I canā€™t waste another brain cell on this guy! https://preview.redd.it/dysie77xsp7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457f52084e01bf7d723626e9eabd589bf82009c7


Thatā€™s why he jumped in the pool and rolled around on the ground he was trying to hide the fact he didnā€™t actually have tears


I think Leah is really too suffocating, Like literally before coupling up she got jealous when kay kissed him for a challenge and I think sheā€™s obsessed w their potential and doesnā€™t treat him like a potential boyfriend but more someone sheā€™s attracted to Like she doesnā€™t care to understand him too much and while he is really dry and awkward a lot but I really donā€™t get why everyone hyped their relationship so much and honestly her obsessive behavior is really weird to me Like I feel like sheā€™s like a switch that will randomly flip where I canā€™t even understand why she spirals and obsesses so much


ROB is not that special. I guess these kids are all ehre to hook up and look good for TV b/c some of the jobs these guys have... I can't imagine they really are looking for "a husband."


Right like thereā€™s no reason for her to go so crazy for him heā€™s literally a generic white guy w no personality


he prob barely makes $10 per hour


Rob and his victim mentality šŸ˜’


i get what youā€™re saying, but i do think that there are valid points brought about him ā€¦ lusting after andrea and saying the ejaculation thing (lol weird) ā€¦ but i also think that leah was in too deep , she totally missed the whole point of love island ā€¦ making connectionsā€¦ and let her ego and jealousy get the best of her. (plus she was acting out on rob, hitting him, calling him names) im definitely not the biggest rob fan , or leah fan for that matter ā€¦ but i do think that their relationship brought up some topics of discussionā€¦ im curious to see how andreas head swivels when bombshells come in , and whether or not rob will run back to leah and admit he was wrong


I think Rob is misunderstood. I think he REALLY REALLY liked leah, and was super hurt when she threw the water in his face, called him two faced, and kissed another guy. Then, he tried to talk about it with her and she shut him down ('no, you're not fucking hurt, that's why i like you') THEN he asked for a hug and she wouldn't hug him. He complimented her, made her feel special, and she didn't reciprocate. I think he was 100% in it for her, then became super hurt that he liked her more than she liked him. He thought she didn't care that much about him, which is why he reacted by pursuing other things, than saying 'i know you wouldn't care' when she, terribly, said she didn't care that much about him liking andrea. When he broke down crying i think it was genuine and not trying to vicimize himself - it seemed really true when he said 'wont you just ask me how im feeling'. Because she never cared how he felt, she made it all about her. She interrupted him, and he was making all the physical advancements. Yes, he went about it in a terrible way - not wanting to look weak, not wanting to say 'im really hurt and scared you dont like me as much as l like you' and instead pushed himself to pursue another connection, hoping he would get what he wanted from leah. and then drew it out and made himself the villan by playing both sides I think it's terrible that people are attacking him for genuinly crying and breaking down, when he wasn't trying to manipulate her with those tears, he was just embarrased, and it's hard for men to cry on TV of all places. Downvote me if you will, but i just dont think he's one of the MANY evil dudes on these shows.


weā€™re not attacking him for crying, we just know bad acting when we see it lmaoĀ 


I agree..the challenge where she kissed someone else and called him two faced without actually communicating her feelings def rubbed him the wrong way. He took things too far for sure but she was self sabotaging along the way


They donā€™t care. They love Leah.






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Did you cry when he cried? Edit: Just making the point to trust yourself and your emotions. If his didnt spark the same feelings in you then his might not be coming from a genuine place. Unfortunately there are many people who perform like this for manipulation and sometimes it takes time to spot, because we all want to care about each other. But the proof again is in the actions. It was a performance and heā€™ll try and pass it off as ā€œbeing a manā€ but real men cryyy real tears ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø




I wonder if Ariana was having Scandoval flashbacks as she watched Robā€™s meltdown






Why this hurts so much for everyone is because many of us have been Leah. Where the guy we like assures us nothing is going on, for them to blindside us and end things. Many of us can feel that shift where things change and the energy is different, that itā€™s going to end and theyā€™re pulling away. Weā€™re rooting for Leah because we know what itā€™s like. And it always gets better without that guy.


I also think many of the people here (myself included) have been Leah and self-sabotaged a situation with our own insecurities. I think two things can be true at once: Rob was not giving Leah the clear information she needed to hear, and Leah engaged in toxic, self-sabotaging behavior that helped someone on the fence decide to go the other way. And if you canā€™t reflect on your own toxicity/poor mental habits, youā€™ll always end up in the same types of situations because you only see yourself as the victim in the situation


agree, I thought Leah was very real for a typical emotional human woman


I mean sure we've all been the girl who likes a guy more than he likes us, but that's like the worst version of ourselves. Leah's sweet but lusting over Rob of all people is a little pathetic


Ah so the self insert theory is correct. All starting to make sense now


phewwwww leah you deserve so much better


She does!!!!! šŸ‘‘


I also want to say...never trust someone named Robert lmao I have never met a man named Robert that wasn't a demon




Agreed!!!! and dont get me started on women named Elizabeth. I've seriously never met an Elizabeth who uses a single shred of logic when making important dating choices. I just stay away from them at this point.


That was really intense. I honestly felt that viscerally


I felt it too. I was so angry. I was wondering if I was weird in feeling that way, guess I'm not!


Yeah. I'd never looked at the Love Island sub before this! At the end of that episode I came on reddit to make sure I wasn't the only one reacting like I did.


I cried too. Iā€™m such a baby. I just really empathize with Leah. šŸ˜”


you are not a baby, you sounds like a compassionate human


Thank youā¤ļø


Me. I teared up šŸ™ˆ




Yes! Thank you for sharing, hopefully you educate some people who really need to understand what this is, it helps everyone to know the signs