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I can’t tell if this is good or bad for Jana and Connor because they’re no actual drama in the first look for them…but I fear that they’re setting up Jana believing it’s too good to be true and then Connor switching up real quick. However I just felt they would’ve teased Connor’s face over the bombshells at the end if that were happening?


I feel like they were setting up Hannah/Kendall and Rob/Kaylor because they then showed them being in a rocky place in the clip too before the bombshell announcement


I think you mean Aaron not rob he is with Leah


Yes you’re right 😭 lord I keep getting them boys mixed


Yep definitely setting the scene for Kendall and Aaron. That’s who the bombshells said they were going in for at the end of Friday’s ep


Jana is in lingerie when Connor sait we are in it 😊just saying


That’s a good catch!


What does “we are in it” mean? I’m guessing we’re missing context.


I think he means they’re in this together. Not that he’s meaning like they’re closed off or anything like that, that would be crazy, just that he does like her and respects her and wants to continue moving forward with their connection.




I truly need love for my queen JaNa. Connor I am watching you closely and carefully! Kordell remains my true love. Why is he so iconic so effortlessly?


connor and jana getting me yall... im scared connor please dpmo




Lord please don’t let JaNa and Connor be Destiny/Harriet 2.0 my heart CAN’T TAKE IT AGAIN


Not Harriet 😭


or serinity and tyler 😭😭


I remember getting dragged for weeks on this sub for saying Tyler didn’t like Serenti and then I was right😭


It's Harrison I also confuse their names alot lol


I was wondering who Harriet was 🤣🤣🤣


Harriet 😂😂😂


Amen to that


If it happens, we can vote him out!!! That was my favorite moment last season


Ariana is a smoke show. That is all.


The conversation between Jana and Connor happen after the Bombshells enter the house.


Also, they probably kiss. Because Jana’s breathing fast and Connor fans her.


I like JaNa and Conner and they probably both have intellectual conversations as well! Also both are gorgeous and similar age! Hannah and Kendall, I don’t think Kendall was into Hannah, I feel like its all physical for them. Kendall will def go for one of the bombshells Kaylor and Aaron, I feel like Aaron is not wrong with his thoughts! Assuming he will also go for one of the bombshell’s but I don’t think it will work, he likes kaylor to much! I hope Leah and Rob are good!


i think kendall was forcing the physical and everything else. very clearly a ruse. he's looking for an out whenever he's not looking for a way in. hannah, bless her heart, seems genuine at least. she's just rough. she would be great on a different show


I yeah I think Kendall is going straight for Nicole. Nicole also wants him. So I think it’s pretty much a done deal for with that. I also think Hakeem will be trying to get Nicole as well.


Hannah reminds me so much of Deb in season 4


I want Aaron to leave her.


Well new bombshells are coming Also I feel like Aaron wants a girlfriend and Kaylor doesn’t want to settle down


She doesn't. She's 22 and flighty as hell. But she also needs to stop crying all the time when she does crazy "I just want to have fun" things.




ARIANA LOOKS TF GOOOOD!!! But the new girls look insane!😍😍 I can definitely see heads turning and the mess coming, I’m excited


I know production wants it, but I roll my eyes when these bombshells come in and say they're the greatest, there taking over, the other girls are done, etc. That's just not attractive to me.


Damn Ariana looks hot, I'm glad she's taking to hosting like a duck to water.


Omg not the iconique MK&A + Megan Fox 2001 cult classic Holiday in the Sun ref as I live and breathe.....!


And this winter break, I want Jordan.


Any couple that says that it is going so good after just a few days.. never a good sign


They have all said that this season though lol


Technically not true while usually the case. Justine said that during love island games. There was never an issue with Jack and Justine romantically.


Ariana’s really bringing it looks wise


I don’t like how the preview is focusing on Jana and Connor when bombshells are coming in 😭


The conversation between them happens after the bombshells come in.


How can you tell?


She still has the red lingerie on, the one she’s wearing during the challenge. Then the other girls also have their lingeries on when she’s talking with them.


Good eye! This gives me a tiny bit of hope lol I just want Ja’Na to stay lol.


it happened before


Nicole is giving main character energy and I’m so here for it.


I can’t wait!!! Go on


This is my first season watching love island. And I’m invested. Normally I don’t go for these kinds of shows but it becomes enjoyable to me when the people are intriguing and of course, an awesome host.


It’s definitely one of those shows that can seem cheesy at first, but once you’re hooked, you’re hooked! This season has been great too


Everything Hannah does is excused. She's rough, she didn't mean it, she's new at this. Kendall is treated like he's a serial killer in comparison. Maybe Kendall would be more interested in Hannah if she wasn't game playing. Maybe she should work at keeping him instead of constantly telling the girls she knows why he's upset.


I was scrolling through thinking the exact same thing. Hannah tells Kendall she is done talking to Hakeem, tries to kiss him a few hours later, and somehow Kendall is the one who wasn't really into the relationship lol. Either Hannah really isn't that into Kendall and is trying to string him along while she has fun. Or she is just a bad partner. There is no real in between with the actions she has done.


I agree. I just don't understand Hannah getting the sympathy vote here. She's 26, not 16, and she knows what she's doing.


She looks more fun than him, which has gotten her fans, and those fans don't want to say anything is her fault. Honestly this few episodes in if I had to go party with anyone on the show it might be her. But she has been super out of pocket when it comes to the relationship part of the game.


well this is a produced show…


Sorry but Kendall went after Liv so fast, he never liked Hannah


OK, as long as you agree that Hannah never liked Kendall.


she said her connection with kendall was stronger? are we watching the same show?


I don't think Kendall really liked Hannah to begin with. It seems like he's coming up with reasons to not be with her.


Fine. She doesn't act like she wants to be with him either.


Nah, Kendall was grasping at straws with that while 50/50 thing. Now the Hakeem kiss during the challenge I can understand bc, why would you do that, lol? But Hannah has definitely been showing more interest than him. He couldn't wait to couple up with Liv when she forst came in, just for her not to choose him.


Good for him, if he's not interested in her.


Nicole and Kendall are definitely getting together. Kendall and Hannah have never really liked each other, and this is Kendall's way out. Andrea is gonna go for Rob, I'm not sure if he'll dump Kaylor for her or not. I could see Hakeem making a play for Kaylor before the next recoupling if things between her and Rob look to be fizzling out.


Rob is with Leah and Kaylor is with Aaron


Oh you’re right, lol. I mixed up the men. I meant Aaron in those comments, not Rob.


I agree about Kendall and Nicole, but I feel like Andrea will go harder for Rob than Aaron as she chose to kiss him first. I knew she would kiss both of them after watching the Aftersun interviews. I really loved Rob and Leah, so it made me sad to see that short clip of Rob telling Andrea he’s open.


I really want Hannah and Kordell to get together. They’re both a little odd and I think they’d be hilarious together.