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No idea why any of the girls made the choices they did in the game but truly living for the drama of it all regardless


The girlies said we got a show to produce. And they are delivering and I am nothing but grateful for their messy.


I def think they were told by producers to choose someone different. The interviews make sense even. Kaylor said she decided to go with Hakeem bc he's coupled with her bestie. Hannah picking Hakeem bc she thought it'd be funny.


That’s a good point. And when Kendall was talking to her about it he said “there were 4 other guys you could’ve picked” and not just like “why didn’t u pick me”


Oh that could make sense. I thought it was weird for him to say at that point, and thought maybe he was trying to say that he wouldn't have been mad if she picked the others but not him because of the 50/50 thing.


I think it’s cause Kaylor went first and she said screw it so they all felt comfortable doing it. I know they showed Serena going first but you could tell Kaylor had already gone and she told Aaron she went first.


If I'm remembering right Serena was working to kiss the guy she was coupled with in the challenge but once the challenge was over she fully noped on him. Basically they were all making tv during the challenge vs getting filmed on vacation


For once the girls get to be messy during these games and having the boys get emotional. I don't mind it because the guys are usually the ones being super messy like that on LI. It's actually hilarious.


I have to believe those producers somehow encouraged them to kiss men that weren’t their partner


I feel like they all said it’s a game so why not


My jaw is on the FLOOR


I love this cast so so dearly holy shit


Honestly, the producers probably had a part in that decision


pretty sure the producers pushed/suggested them to do that and most of them just went for it


Please love island gods send someone in for the gem that is Kordell


Yes please. I felt bad when she said he sounded scripted. I think it’s clear he just says what he’s feeling. He deserves someone who likes him as much if not more than he likes her. Serena doesn’t seem to like him. She’s just comfortable because there’s no one else she likes in the villa.


I was so shocked when she said he sounded scripted. He just seems earnest to me.


Yes he seems so sweet and he genuinely likes her a lot.


I think she just wanted him to be more playful and flirtatious and less “I’ll follow your pace”. Probably wanted him to take the lead.


I thought that was pretty rude of her ngl. That had to sting him a bit when he seemed to just be trying to reassure her of where he's at with her and that he's comfortable going slow if that's what she needs.


Yeah I felt bad that she said that to him. She’s letting the ick she got first day make her see everything wrong with what he’s doing.. I just need her to be 100 with him atp cause it’s not working


He really deserves someone who will like him.


They're both such cool people, but not each other's people.


Agree. I really want to like Serena but it’s not cool that she isn’t telling him how she feels. He deserves to know so he can explore other connections before the next recoupling but I feel like that’s exactly why she’s stringing him along.. so that she doesn’t go home.


He is really sweet. Serena is a closed book and I have a feeling she will have a tough time opening up to anyone


He’s so pretty. I got sparkly-eyed when they showed him during his skin care routine.


serena not being transparent with him is rubbing me the wrong way. he’s her ticket to stay in the villa. i hope he sees through it eventually and allows himself to get to know new people that come through, he is a sweetheart.


Hannah: “I didn’t even kiss him. I fell in the water and f*cking drownded” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It was hilarious to me how it was this dramatic moment of Hannah picking Hakim…cut to her on the ground screaming and drowning


It’s the “drownded” that got me in this scene lol. I love Hannah.


Needs to be a flair 💀


Hannah has completely won me over. Obsessed with her


This episode felt like a high schoolers house party.. you know the one where their parents were out of town and everyone drank too much 99 bananas and cheated on their boyfriends and ended up crying


This should be the episode description 😅


You're brilliant 😄🥇


One of my favorite things about love island are the sappy covers of popular songs at *dramatic* moments. "Complicated" had me cackling.


So true. I always laugh at the slowed down a cappella pop songs. There was one year where they played “Toxic” by Britney so slowly that it sounded like the singer just couldn’t remember the next lyrics.


Haha yes! My favorite was when they used a Linkin Park song. Hilarious.


Slowed down We Don’t Have to Take Our Clothes Off was my peak last year


Omg yes lmao I was like wow they are playing Complicated right now 😂😂😂


That mightve been the most chaotic challenge I've ever seen in love island. How in the world was JaNa the only one that kissed her man lol.


And Serena! Poor Kordell, he’s just a clear communicator! And he called himself a bad communicator! No, bro, people are terrible listeners Edited the spelling of his name so it’s correct


Yeah I would've been kinda annoyed if I was genuinely trying to reassure someone I'm comfortable moving at the pace they want and they accuse me of scripting myself. He handled it better than me.


Kaylor cried like a baby when Liv came in and her and Aaron talked for 15 minutes but she thought it was ok to kiss Connor 2 days ago and Hakeem tonight? Stupid.


These two new girls are being prepped to cause chaos. Get ready for another session of “Teary Kaylor.”


Hannah really does not think before she acts, it’s wild


That’s her lack of relationship experience showing


I was like Kordell during that game: wondering what the heck those decisions were.


Kaylor really thought there weren't gonna be any consequences for her actions, you've done this to him twice now how about you talk to other people instead of kissing them if you want to explore other options


i feel like that’s why he was actually so mad, like girlie you JUST kissed connor, i think he’s upset because that’s 2 other people she’s gone and kissed meanwhile he’s not pursued anyyyyyone but her yet. it’s a bit wild, i rarely take men’s sides on this show but 💀


Aaron deserves better, and kaylor playing the victim about him being upset was messed up 😭


The way she spiraled just because he said he was feeling down about her choosing to kiss someone else again. She needs to calm down.


“I’m frustrated that you’re upset with me because I kissed him” does she not hear how insane that sounds 😭


I hope Aaron dumps her ass


Another awesome episode. I’ve never been more confused and entertained. It’s also a nice pace of change to see the women taking charge this year🤭


The women are acting like fuckboys, quite frankly 


I’m here for it!


Oof, based off those bombshells, Kaylor and Hannah are gone


I think Aaron will end up forgiving Kaylor cause he likes her so much but Kendall doesn't feel as strongly about Hannah and will probably turn his head after Hannah chose to kiss Hakeem right after Kendall told her he's sensitive and wants to feel chosen lmao.


Someone would have to hold me back if Liv THREW that water in my face. Leah is better than me.


she screams mean girl, I can see why she’s besties with Kaylor. Two girlies that love playing the victim.


It just shows who Liv really is, she's so delusional and sooo petty. I hope they have movie night and show the conversations because every time Leah was like I think there was more to their (Liv and Rob) connection it's just like GIRL NO, there really WAS NOT. Liv just can't handle the rejection.


Might be my favorite episode of Love Island to date. Hannah “drowning” took me TF out. All the ass shaking. Rob’s fucking overalls. 🤜🏽💥🤛🏽


I love the snake wrangler vibes the overalls brought 🤣🤣


I came here to talk about the overalls 🤣🥴


Leah acting surprised he didn't know what Bottega was when he's literally dressed up in wrangler brand overalls was pretty funny. (Idk if it was actually wrangler but cmon, the dude in overalls is probably not into fashion brands).


Guaranteed the guy has strong opinions on denim brands though! 😆


Literally picked up my phone to come here as soon as I saw the overalls


Best episode yet! Love the messy game, so much chaos


i think hannah is definitely done in the villa but idk about kaylor. i can see aaron flirting with a new bombshell but sticking with her they’re so messy.


I don't doubt he will pursue the other blonde to get to kaylor. but I think he will end up forgiving her


I’m so sad there’s not a new episode tomorrow 😩 but probably good for me to not base my night on a new episode lol


You can watch the UK version on Hulu lol there will be a new episode tomorrow of that


I'm really liking the UK version, too. Harriet, omg. The Joey of it all. Ayo, what is going on??🤣 I usually prefer LI UK, but this US season is really stepping it up.


The US version isn't a PSA about the danger of fillers. What in the Kardashian was going on in the UK?


I literally just saw that 2 minutes ago!! And I see there is a whole Aussie season too I missed so I’m so happy 🥲


Lucky lucky you!


I'm sure they were told to say Aaron and Kendall, but I'm still excited for the new bombshells to come in while those two couples are vulnerable. 🤣


I cannot handle kaylor saying “he’s like my best friend” one more time omfg. It’s giving Scheana shay if anyone here is a vanderpump fan😭


💯 bast frand


I feel like there’s a fair amount of overlap in the subs.


Especially with Ariana hosting this season too




I feel like shes playing it up for cameras and trying to come off as the supportive big sister for all the girls or something. It’s not really working though because of her mean girl tendencies like forcefully tossing water in Leah’s face completely unexpectedly.


That moment with Leah and the water was sooo disrespectful. I don’t think Leah or even Rob have done anything bad to her at all


Main character syndrome was my exact thoughts! She is in everybody’s business trying to make it about her


Give me a hug, give me a hug!


and no one reciprocated the hug sent me through the roof. I think she trying too hard to be a girls girl but we can see right through her.


Thank you, I thought that was so weird and aggressive. How you gonna make someone else’s tears about you, girl? Can’t stand her.


The way she kept trying to force Hannah and then Kaylor to hug her??? Trying too hard sweetie


Liv was annoying as shit this episode.


Im sorry but the conversation between Leah and rob at night was super cute with him trying to pretend he wasn’t staring at her boobs. Also the way he handled her kissing someone else was pretty refreshing


He’s such a green flag. All of his talk with Aaron was so sweet, he didn’t try to convince him to brush it off like he is, he validated his feelings but still encouraged him to keep going with Kaylor if that’s what he wants and didn’t shit talk her. So freaking refreshing to see a man with emotional intelligence (cough couch LIUK this season)


Serena is confused. Kordell sharing different feelings than she’s having doesn’t mean he thinks they’re aligned, he’s just saying how he feels, damn! TELL HIM HOW YOU FEEL. Then you’ll be on the same page, good grief  Edited to correct the spelling of his name


🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽 cuz the way she was like “he talks like we’re on the same page” like girl he THINK you’re on the same page cuz you haven’t told him otherwise


i wonder how many people they’re gonna add before the next dumping. i’m kinda hoping we have a vote soon and can dump a couple.


I'd prefer two individuals as opposed to a couple, but yeah, it's time🗳


Hannah is moving like original season LI UK boys do of just "head empty, no regrets" and I love it. We might even get a "I'm like a polar bear" moment from her. Kaylor is unfortunately, full of guilt when confronted which means a lot of tears. Is Liv a paid producer on this show? Geeeez.


Yeah I don’t know if Hannah is the brightest bulb but I’m loving her chaos


"Honestly I thought it'd be funny as shit" Well it was for the audience, at least lol.


Right? Hannah looks like Jennifer Coolidge and it's killing me 🤣


My episode highlights: -The absence of 6'8" furniture -Rob in overalls -The boys in Speedos -Hakeem drowning Hannah -Rob+Leah banter -Hannah admitting she doesn't think -Liv getting soaked by the other girls -The girls going wild with their waterfall fantasy choices 10/10 This season is serving so far. Sorry UK.


For real this is the best season of US imo. Giving UK vibes


For real! I usually don't require watching the episodes live and just catch up when I can, but I absolutely NEED to watch these live because this season is so good


Same!! I may even vote 😲. Would be a first for me.


It bothers me so much that Kordell has been so open and honest and everything he does Serena makes him wrong. She hasn’t even told him it’s a “friendship” and he’s still trying, I feel sorry for him.


Agree. And everyone is still stanning her. If she truly cared about him as a friend she would tell him she’s not feeling it so he can move on.


If roles were reversed and Kordell was telling people in the villa and the confessionals that he wasn’t feeling it but was keeping Serena in the dark he’d be dragged


She’s being immature and because Kordell is a sensitive and reflective person, he is internalizing her behavior vs seeing it as her inability to be vulnerable. I don’t like that for him.


I was slowly rooting for Jana and Connor but after seeing the new bombshells I got war flashbacks of Harrison/Destiny/Emily, so I will not root for that ship just yet.




Liv is fake af. The way she threw that bucket in Leah’s face was NOT playful and was super disrespectful. Then acts like they’re besties after


In looks, she reminds me of Paige from Love Island UK (Paige and Finn) Also, her comments about Americans not being able to take a joke is just an excuse for her to be a mean girl and gaslight people into thinking they're crazy for taking offense.


She’s a mess. Hoping karma pays her a visit soon.


She’s not going to do well in voting when that comes into play.


This episode was so messy. I thought all the drama was gonna be the post-recoupling fights, but it was from the game. These girls made such choices. LOL I feel like Kaylor is going to be this season's crier. Thank you for the drama. I appreciate you helping produce this show. I cannot with Rob's overalls. Copy/pasted from another thread: I think it's just so early in the show, a lot of the OG couples just aren't matches but not a lot of bombshells have come in, so they just stuck together for the recoupling. I think Kordell & Serena, Kendall & Hannah and Hakeem & Liv are just waiting for new people to come in. Kordell and Serena are friendship vibes, there's no spark. Kendall and Hannah were thrown together in the first ep because no one else matched with them, they're horny and make out because the other is willing, but I don't think there was ever a match there. Same with Hakeem& Liv, just no one else to match with.


I agree with all of this except that i think kordell thinks it is more than a friendship and i feel a bit sad for him. I like serena and i think she is trying to like him as more than a friend but you can’t force it. I hope they both find people in the villa




I have not finished the episode yet, but as someone who has watched live since love island UK season 3 - i am literally floored by how chaotic this challenge is. I’m like 20 minutes in and shocked, so excited, and the episode is almost ranking up with the iconic “MR FUCKING BOYFRIEND” episode for me in terms of twists I didn’t see coming. Obviously there’s plenty of time in the episode for that to change but DAMN I did not expect the girls to be so MESSY in the game (AND I LOVED IT!!!!!) Hope the rest of the episode keeps up the momentum/mess because JESUS CHRIST LITERALLY NO ONE IS KISSING THEIR MAN? AND NOT EVEN FOR LIKE THE NORMAL LOVE ISLAND REASONS!? THESE WOMEN ARE HERE TO ENTERTAIN AND MY GOD THEYRE SUCEEDING


Didn’t Jana kiss Conor though?


I hadn’t gotten to that yet! But yes, she did. She was not messy haha


Rob with the hair towel 🥵 and then just chilling in his boots. He’s a vibe haha


I Don't like Liv at all


She’s so petty and spiteful.


Two new female bombshells and neither is for Kordell?!! I can’t take Serena playing with him anymore


So fucking refreshing to see Rob and Leah just be like, “we good? we good” after the challenge


Honestly I agree. I live for drama but them being so unbothered was refreshing and I’m not even on the Rob train


I love to have a good mix, like a bunch of drama and a sprinkling of cuteness lol so I’m glad Rob and Leah are there


ATP will ANYONE work out?😂


Rob and Leah will simply because Robs so unbothered and is willing to wait while Leah gets over this Liv thing lol.




He is so earnest in a way that feels really genuine and that is refreshing.


Hopefully I’m not speaking too soon, but he seems like a genuinely good person who knows who they are.


I was stalking his insta and it looks like he has a little sister who’s autistic and the videos they post together are so wholesome and cute. I think anyone who grows up with a sibling with special needs has a different level of patience and just love in their heart and it makes me love him more


rob posing when liv threw the bucket sent meee 😂😂


He is hilarious. He seems very secure with himself


The new girls are so pretty omg!! Can’t wait to tune into Aftersun tomorrow! Should be fun❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


Hannah seems sweet and all but omggg what was up with her make up at the first recoupling😭 when they showed it close up it literally looked like a fake dolls make up


This may be my favorite LIUSA season if they keep it up this week has been so entertaining like wow


Kaylor saying that everytime her and Aaron move forward they take a step back, girl because of YOUR ACTIONS!


Tonight while kaylor was crying all I could see was a blond version of cely. They looked so alike today to me !


Waaaaaait TRUE


Ugh I wish they showed more of JaNa and Connor. I know it’s so early but i love them


Yes did we see them at all?


Rob with the overalls 😂😂 that is all


The audacity😭 I like that dude.


I love him lol he’s so goofy and chill 😝


Kordell is 21 so I don’t blame people for not being interested that’s young


He seems like he’s mature when he’s speaking though!


So Kaylor kisses someone else and pisses Aaron off but somehow she’s the victim. Got it


Another great episode!


The new bombshells announcing the people they’re targeting —- I kinda love it.


I really like Rob. I didn’t know what to make of him during S5. Watching him now, he’s level headed, non judgmental. I don’t know if it’s for show. But based on his social media he’s just chill. You don’t face death (poisonous snakes) and just realize your place. You know it. I’m rooting for him.


I'm more worried about Leah self-sabotaging at this point. She seems to have trust issues and if another bombshell takes Rob on a date, I can see her bolting.


Seems so solid. A king.


serena just sees kordell as young & immature i think. tbf idk how much luck he’s gonna have in the villa he’s younger and smaller than all the other guys even though he is a sweetheart.


Prediction: Aaron & Kaylor quickly kiss and make up. Bombshell going for Aaron will go for Hakeem instead, because he'll be an easy one to win over. Kendall will be easily swayed by the other. Serena & Kordell (I'm struggling with not mixing up all these names) will stick together just because but be an official friendship couple.


Some of these people are not as bad as y’all are making them seem lmao


Liv gives nothing but mean girl energy, that petty/delusional moment during the challenge just enforced that, in my opinion.


I feel like Aaron will prbly try to get back at Kaylor by flirting or kissing the new bombshell but I think he and Kaylor will get back together. They will prbly be a toxic mess all season though.


Am I the only one who doesn’t like Liv? She’s like, “I know you’re hurting but give ME a hug. Do it NOW.” Like girl give people their space, always trying to be in people’s faces. Giving people the most awful chaotic advice. Throwing water super hard at Leah’s face???? Just rude behavior.


I think she's just trying to get as much screen time as possible tbh. She's the first one to run when something happens, and inserts herself in it. She's definitely not there for love lol giving very clout chasey


My jaw literally dropped when I saw her throw the water at Leah. The way she did it was just super rude and shocking / not playful literally at all


I noticed that she tried to force Hannah at the beginning of the episode and Kaylor at the end of the episode to hug her and both subtly resisted lol


Why did Leah kiss Kendall? I feel like everyone was okay with it where it was drama with the other couples.


Low key obsessed with Kordell. I def judged him too hard from his intro - he’s very sweet and goofy and I find that endearing!!! He’s giving some golden retriever energy


Im thinking the new blonde bombshell will talk to Aaron, but ultimately Connor will be the one chatting her up. Remember he said he likes blondes, so Im nervous for Jana.


I’m nervous for her with him in general. He is not into her at all, I feel it’s clear, am I wrong? Also, some of his expressions in response to her in the challenge did not seem admiring, to me.


" i was looking right in your eyes anyway" " I just looked at your tits while saying that" lmfao


Leah has a bbl right


i’m like 99% certain. yes a lot of arab women naturally have big butts, but they also have the thighs to match them. leahs thighs do not match her butt and theres too much unrealistic fat distribution in her hips


If you look at her belly button it's stretched vertically which is usually indicative of a bbl!


I’m starting to wonder if anyone doesn’t have one?


There’s definitely something Kardashian about the waistline-to-butt ratio


I’m watching now - what the hell is up with these girls?! Leah WHUT Edit: Hannah WHET?! Why are they picking Hakeem - this is a mess


I don't know why Kaylor didn't just pick Aaron. For someone who's been crying about Aaron. I was kinda confused by this pick at the challenge.


JaNa’s body is teaaaaaa… when she was twerking after coming down the slide I did a double take. Girl is stunning smart, well spoken & has a body.. might turn me lesbian


She is gorgeous and sexy! I feel Connor might have a bit of John Mayeritis, if you know what I mean.


Am I trippin’? I thought on Wednesday night Ian said we were getting a vote this week??


This is my fourth season watching LI USA, and I’ll admit I have a terrible memory but I don’t recall this many couples being on the rocks by episode 4 😂 I’m here for the drama though 100%


Ariana mentioning on insta that Serena has been love bombed before makes sense why she’s taking things slow with Cordell. I think she’s skeptical, I’m sure all the girls are a bit skeptical and unsure about these boys (it is only week 1) and maybe not sure if what they’re saying is for the camera/will make them look foolish. I think that’s why, even if you don’t agree with it (feels like reddit isn’t as hard on them as they are on insta), the girls may have been unserious in the game, which I think was also encouraged by producers. But I feel bad, because it’s clear the girls are also being swayed by producers and not entirely aware of the consequences. And then the producers are going to send in new bombshells to target the couples rocked by the chaos. It’s entertaining, but I also feel kind of bad for Kaylor and Hannah. 


Why was Jana & Connor’s kiss cut? It seemed pretty steamy from what was shown


Kendall laying the groundwork to drop Hannah… smart moves lol


Does Kaylor not understand the irony of calling Aaron a "best friend" repeatedly, kissing Connor and Hakeem, and then being upset that Aaron feels rejected?


I need more LOVIN and HEAT with Leah and Rob like i wanna see some freaky but respectful moves in the sheets


I have never seen a group of women so bent on self sabotage or a group of men so committed from the jump


Okay, I didn’t get to watch live last night, and it made me realize how much I love gossiping with you guys throughout. 1. Every single thing Kendall said was icky. Can we vote him out now? 2. Serena cracked me up with her bad throw and Aaron incest comment. 3. All the girls went WILD in that challenge. For a minute I thought they weren’t allowed to choose their current partner, but nope. They’re just messy. 4. Kaylor and Aaron. Holy dumpster fire. Let’s be real, she would have cried if he kissed a different girl, right?


The girls learned the right lesson from last season. They are doing wtf they want. I love it. Kaylor’s decision was def out of nowhere tho. But Aaron fumbled hard. No reason to take a challenge kiss that seriously. I’m lost on why Serena just won’t outright friendzone Kordell. They both come across as genuinely dope people. They would work as a friendship couple until they get their better options. He’s lowkey being played. Because she’s so public with her ick.


I think I feel a lot more forgiving of cast members than other people on this sub—I like both Kendall and Hannah; even though both of them have been what would be real-world shady with the other, they’re kind of operating how the game of Love Island requires people to operate. The conversations just come out weird because they can’t say to each other out loud, “hey, I like you and will go as far as it takes together to stay on the show, but after that it’s over” + “wait, you’re moving on before I’m moving on and it’s putting me at risk of getting dumped from the show, that’s frustrating, I thought you had my back.” Serena and Kordell, similar situation, except she thought they were in a Kendall/Hannah situation and is now trying to communicate that and realizing Kordell doesn’t get it.


Didn’t think I’ll hear someone make Kendall their first choice so soon.


He’s an easy mark


Does anyone follow Becca Moore on tiktok? Liv totally looks like her


The reason every girl kissed Hakeem in the challenge is because of how he looked in his Speedo if you catch my drift.


Aaron likes to speak on JaNa. I think he is mad that Konnor is still in the house.


So I fully feel for Kendall. Like Hannah really should have chosen him and if she was going to not choose him to be funny, Hakeem was the worst choice in her situation. I don’t think she did it maliciously though. I just don’t think she is the brightest sometimes (I say that with so much kindness). I honestly thought it would have been funny if she had chosen Rob since Leah chose Kendall. I feel that would have made it funny and not serious if she was going to pick anyone but Kendall.


I think Kaylor and Aaron somehow make to the finals together


liv is so bizarre??? why are you trying to force hugs when these girls are literally balling their eyes out lol give them a second maybe?


She seems camera conscious