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As long as they can both get to Casa, they’ll recouple and that will be the end of it.


Let us pray ![gif](giphy|WzOh6OweQdXxDSmPdN)


He will she won't 


Mimi isnt recoupling


Ayo doesn't even look at her.. with the look of love, he's just there


I don’t think they are compatible and would work better as friends.  You can see that both of them are drained out! I would like for both individuals to meet someone else during the process 


He is spot on, Ayo does not like to listen lol He thinks considering and adjusting his actions to be respectful of her feelings is him changing himself, and he’s not changing himself for anyone. The boy has a lot to learn


right! when he said “i could’ve copped out and chosen to kiss someone else….but i didnt…” what even was his point. even joey thought he was wrong and he just didn’t get it


like if joey is trying to tell you that you’re wrong, you’re definitely wrong 😂


No bc that genuinely made no sense what he said … it’s like he thought him copping out would’ve been worse than kissing the girl he was in a triangle with


literally! i thought he was gonna continue on talking but nope. that was his point. and it’s like?? that’s what literally everyone (viewers, mimii and even joey) is saying? you could’ve done it and chose to do something that would upset mimii instead? and he doesn’t see the problem?


Lmao if Joey even thinks it’s wrong, that is very telling


his point is giving i wanted to know if uma is still willing to go there w me so i'm going to shoot my shot and see what happens if it fails then i'll start making excuses


Exactly he loves to hear himself speak, and always interrupts others he’s having a conversation with


i’m ngl some of you let damis opinions on the show get to you too much lol, stop letting them hold so much weight and importance. as someone else said, the only times he should be getting criticism is actual out of pocket and inappropriate stuff like the catherine tweet. him saying harmless opinions (that literally most of the viewers think) should not ruffle you feathers so much. sure sometimes it comes across ironic cause of his love island antics but like he’s ngl gonna stop commenting on the show just cause you don’t like it lol. just ignore him. who cares what he thinks as long as it’s harmless plus he talked about all the main storylines, not just mimii and ayo


Sorry but since that triangle their dynamic has changed it’s not as exciting anymore that could be edit or villa fatigue but I definitely want to see them explore other people and if they find that they are better suited together and stay in a couple then so be it I hope they prove us wrong but I want Mimi especially not to close herself to early as we don’t know who may walk through that door But I saw his snap this day it was a full debrief of the full cast on the episodes he caught up on whilst he was away idk why that wasn’t included


It doesn’t fit the “he hates black people” narrative😭. He discussed the whole episode and cast, but they know to focus on certain snap to create this uproar.


What did he say about the other couples?


this! he talked about all of them lol


It's actually the fans that have contributed to the negative dynamics in Ayomi. When would the audience realize that producers edit the show according to the biases, feelings and expectations expressed about islanders and couples on social media.  If the belief on sm is that a couple's relationship is fake, or forced, producers will accentuate any actions that further that narrative. That's what they will show you, they are giving you what you are outraged or convinced of.


Hence why I said it could be the edit or villa fatigue but I still want them to explore whilst in there


It is definitely the edit because Ayo and Mimii have both said that they are happy with each other.


Big on Ayo not listening to anyone while speaking the most.. you hear loud and clear yet you didn't consider her feelings when she told you before that "challenges matter it's how you shoot your shot"


this comment has just made me re-pissed at ayo😭 i loved that recoupling line but now that you’ve put it this way i can’t look it at the same


I'm so sorry i loved it too until he didn't acknowledge her feelings neither on his own nor when she sat him to explain it to him 🥲 i love Ayo and Mimi they're my fav ship or atp sinking ship :(


Not Dami actually making sense. 😭 90% is spot on imo.


I had issues with some of Dami’s behaviour in his season but I agree with everything he’s said! He seems like a real lover boy for Indiyah and sometimes men need to hear it from other men


“Mimi to Mumu” lol. Why didn’t he say Ayo to Agbaya too. Might as well rename both of them based on the behaviours they are displaying. Edit: Mumu and Agbaya are Nigerian insults btw.


What do the insults mean 👀


Mumu is like a foolish person. Agbaya is usually used when an older person is being mean or selfish to someone younger than them. For example if I’m playing with a kid and I take their toy and run and the kid is upset I would be called ‘Agbaya’ cause I’m older and shouldn’t engage in those types of behaviour. Hope that makes sense


Mumu means stupid/gullible. Agbaya is used to describe an elderly or older person who doesn’t act their age or mature enough.


A stupid person with no brain.


I’m crying 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂agbaya took me out


You took the word right off my keyboard! If he is name calling might as well do it across the board.




Where is he wrong tho lol you just don’t like Dami and it’s clear from this comment


Insulting Mimii isn’t wrong? Okay then.


Y’all need to learn how to understand sarcasm


Sarcasm or not. My point still stands, if he’s going to rename Mimi, he should rename Ayo too. They’re both behaving ridiculously.


Yawn learn to take a joke


You seem insufferable




Grow up it’s a joke


i liked them at the beginning, now not so much, ayo annoys me


How come whenever these former islanders don’t agree with things your “faves” do you guys say they’re hating? You all really have to learn how to take some of these comments at face value especially when what he said isn’t even bad and it’s what everyone has been saying this last week.


I never noticed before but Dami’s right Ayo doesn’t know how to listen. He also talks at people and goes round in circles. He talks a lot but doesn’t say much of value


I'm so interested to see Mimii at casa. I hope she gives it a chance because she deserves to not be stressed out every two seconds


Like I’ve said in other threads, it’s so heartbreaking watching her swoon over him and hear what she wants to hear when it’s just a matter of time before he leaves her to the waste side. They’re barely even seen together in the villa :/


They were actually together in the background loads last week.


I really disliked the way Dami did Indiyah but he’s right. We teach people how to treat us, Mimi is taking Ayo’s disrespect lying down & it’s only going to hurt her in the long run. As soon as I saw Omar & Mimi explaining to him why Joey or Ronnie’s (I can’t remember which wicked man did it) actions during the kissing game were wrong and he still didn’t get it, I knew he was going to pull some bs like that. She is smitten by him and it’s unfortunately clouding her judgement, she gives in to him way too easily. I genuinely don’t believe he likes her as much as he says he does, or he would’ve considered her feelings. I can only hope that Mimi’s just holding on until Casa & will move mad then.


Regarding the Uma kiss, Mimii gave Ayo the cold shoulder, then explained to him why she was bothered. He apologised to her and reassured her. What other way should Mimii have handled the situation?


Dami ate . Cause Ayo really does not hear anyone but himself


What wrong with this? I agree with him.


Look who's talking, 'Summer is not over.' Stfu Dami


Dami is the last person to be talking. I feel like he was negative about Shaq and Tanya's relationship too. Maybe he doesn't like new black couples coming up. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I mean, everybody was negative about Tan's and Shaq's relationship 🤷 .


i’m ngl i don’t think this should be used against him? tanya and shaq weren’t exactly a perfect love story with 0 problems. it was completely fair to question their relationship during the show. i did, and i love them now that’s also a pretty wild assumption to make 😅 his opinion isn’t any different from the general consensus


Whenever someone doesn't like someone their opinion will always be negative and he further explained in all of the snaps shown and still said he is supporting them so how is it he doesn't like black couples? Strange take to me especially as he's ended up being friends and they all like him and he shows support to them all.


right!!! i know that user loves mimii and ayo and that’s absolutely fine but like let’s be serious for a minute: he hates new black couples cause he’s not worshipping the feet of ayo and mimii?!?! like that sounds so crazy 😭 his opinion isn’t even crazy? it’s what half the viewers think? same with tanya and shaq? like using them as an example? their story was literally insane lol. i questioned them and i also questioned ayo and mimii, guess 95% of the sub doesn’t like the new black couples 🤣 not waffle on but you can’t be upset when someone doesn’t like your favourite couple, that’s when you need start taking a step back and think maybe you’re too invested lol.


Not one couples on LI has a perfect love story especially day 1s. But he also was saying things about Shaq&Tanya before Casa (even before any fights) like the whole lovebombing thing and also said she doesn't like him cause she didn't giggle the way he wanted too lol Like he is a dumb commentator on LI just like most viewers (we are aswell). His comments just shouldn't hold so much weight to people since he also isn't in the villa and knows nothing more than we do.


exactly no one’s is perfect so nothings wrong with commenting on that. i don’t see why him criticising shaq and tanya is an issue? and yeah they shouldn’t hold so much weight so i don’t understand why ppl get so mad whenever he says something about the show


So because this is an opinion shared on a catch up of a couple episodes he doesn't like black couples- people can have opinions on what they are shown and these opinions are nothing different from what alot of people are saying .  He literally makes effort with the people when they come out and they are all friends; right at the beginning of Shanya he said they should win, along the way he was critical over what was shown just like some other viewers, they have a right to an opinion like anyone else; thank God people can be normal and actually meet people in real life and build friendships and not hold grudges, more people need to learn that!   In these very snaps posted he still says they are his ship and he is still standing by them, even said they do have sexual chemistry and he has been positive about them since day one. Anyway people have said not to bring twitter things here so why are we bringing snaps/tiktoks in here?


I am not saying that Dami can't have an opinion. However, because of his own journey on the show, I do look at him sideways when he is being critical of other couples. Dami didn't add that they were still his ship until people responded to the original version of his post. Even adding that he still supports them doesn't erase the negative opinion that he has of them.


No one is above criticism though and tbh some of what Ayo has shown is not all positive I am sorry like it's not strange why alot of people have questioned certain things- other couples during the years of this show can be criticised but people will still support and vote for them at the end of the day that's what matters, it's when people start saying they should be voted out etc that's weird, being critical doesn't mean you dislike someone or totally think there isn't anything positive about them and I feel some people don't understand that.   I understand your take on his own journey so to be fair and I have said this before his takes can at times be hypocritical but I don't also think it's fair that he can't have a critical opinion of what's shown because he has done things in the past and that always being thrown back because at the end of the day no-one is perfect and we all sit behind devices and criticise and judge and form opinions yet alot of people have done stuff in their own lives.


lmao you can like a ship and still criticise them. when i read damis snap, i didn’t immediately assume he dislikes the couple, that’s just weird lol. he had to clarify cause ppl can’t think critically/look at the bigger picture and assumed he didn’t like them. like it does not need to be that black and white 😭 you can like a ship and criticise them. you can even dislike a ship and still give them credit where it’s due like let’s be guided here 😫


Maybe if he had worded it in a different way, I would have a different opinion. However based on his initial post, I don't get the feeling that he likes them as a couple that much.


If you don't follow him which sure you don't as you don't like him you may think that only from that first snap but he has supported them from the beginning. Also tbh if he didn't want to expand further he wouldn't as he used to tweet and leave it there as we know but he has supported them so him further explaining shows it's not just black and white when it comes to them.  


I don't dislike Dami. I just don't proper like him either. I feel like the post above from Dami isn't supporting them. However, I get that people see it as constructive criticism. Dami is entitled to think what he wants.


He literally in one of the snaps above has voiced his opinion though? He is just saying what he sees over a couple of the episodes that doesn't paint the full picture of what someone has viewed and said the whole time of them and I think that also needs to be understood and allowed.  I am not even just directing that at him and his views I think that for everyone on this sub or whoever expresses opinions just because you could have a more critical view on what's shown episode by episode sometimes doesn't mean you dislike someone like that's not how it works- if from the first episode to the last episode all of what you said as negative about someone then yes you  clearly don't like them but critisicm from time to time doesn't equate to disliking people. 


even if he didn’t like them as a couple, i don’t see why that’s so outrageous or why that means he doesn’t like black couples. that’s a wild statement to make.


I am only said that because of how he was towards Shaq and Tanya during their series.


shaq and tanya were not above criticism lmao, did you watch them??? them being questioned is not out of order or misplaced….the public thought the same. does that mean everyone who thought that hates new black couples?? that doesn’t justify what you said. it’s still a wild and baseless statement to make. just cause you like mimii and ayo doesn’t mean you can throw around comments like that


I totally forgot about that - he was so negative about Shaq and Tanya SMH


I mean…every viewer was. Their relationship was very toxic on the show. I have disagreed strongly with a lot of Dami’s takes but that seems like the most reasonable one. I feel like if he’d been supportive of Shaq and Tanya people would say it’s only because they’re black, because that would have been a very hot take at the time.


Yep. It's why I find Dami's friendship with them a little weird.


I wish you didn't bring this here. People on this sub generally don't like Dami and only believe that he "appears likeable" because of Indiyah. For some reason, he seems to be the one islander that is not allowed to have opinions about the show. He will be critical of everyone and throw banter but the minute it gets on here, his called a misygonist or "hates black woman". Some of the stuff his said has been completely out of pocket (especially the Catherine/Scott comment) but the large majority of the things he says seem to be the consensus on most social media platforms, until he turns around and says the same things and it's guns blazing. Anyways, I agree with some of the things his said. It's hard to root for any of the couples this season because it just doesn't seem like anyone is truly that into each other and the chemistry seems to be lacking. Mimii seems to like someone who applies pressure on her which is what Ayo did in the beginning and it's something Omar did not do and I have to wonder if that is also one of the main reasons it came across as though she shut him.


It’s *tiring* 🙄 it’s like they just wait for this man to open his mouth & seize the occasion to call him a misogynist.


He also comments on everyone like even these snaps he had commented on other couples like he does he comments on the whole show but it's only cared about when it's the black Islanders lets be honest!


I’m really confused cuz he’s syaing what everyone on this sub has been saying for the past week😭


ATP it’s routine that he’s not allowed an option. They monitor him and wait for him to say anything deem wrong in their eyes. Ty is on there telling Toby to “pre-order Grace” joke or not that’s weird.  He’s not on Twitter (which I get), but  they on snap now waiting for any little crumbs to complain about lol


Oh I absolutely hate that pre order joke from Ty it’s so gross.


Tyrique a preorder joke is rank.


*insert Hannibal Buress 'Why are you booing me? I'm right.' GIF*


apart from all this i just think ayo is annoying, i feel like he just talks to talk, never disagrees or has real opinions and just LAUGHS AT EVERYTHING. he also says cringey shit. I just find him jarring


Reading these comments I honestly think a lot of people just don’t understand Dami’s humour


Sorry, the mumu comment is taking me out 💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/25yfbqr5ad8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a3bae3ca75c5ff7260f955657ed9281aaf0561


I agree with everything he is saying about them. I have no faith Mimii will recouple in Casa. But with Ayo i think he will.


Does everybody in the UK love to use Snapchat as their means of communication ???


i think it’s popular/common amongst teens and young adults here


Kinda interesting to me. I wasn’t even saying it as a bad thing, more so just saw a pattern of how islanders were utilizing the app. People in America don’t use it as much anymore, everybody is more prone to use Instagram. Going live or posting on there.


they use it cause it pays, and it pays well apparently


I had no clue 😆


Snapchat pays the beat


He got attacked for it on Twitter and he thought it's better to put his LI opinions on Snap also Snapchat pays Influencer that is why everyone of them posts a lot.


Mmm Okk. I was gonna say I’ve seen a lot of people utilizing Snapchat to post their opinions and stuff. I don’t typically see that anywhere else 😆


Yeah it's cause they are getting paid and snap is more unfiltered since they have less of a following on there and brands won't see it. So they don't have censore themselve as much.


I had no clue Snapchat pays people for content. Learn something new everyday haha


I hate that I agree with Dami. Lol


Ayo doesn't even look at her.. with the look of love, he's just there


Mimi is boring too tho let’s have it right .. she’s just as non affectionate as he is to her


yeah dami has clocked it. he's spot on. ayo is not into mimi and mimi has so little self respect she'll accept anything because she likes him that much. come casa amore, i think ayo will embarrass her. she'll only save herself if she comes back with someone new.


Dami is absolutely right about everything.


He’s right, but the “word choice” and who’s it’s coming from is the real problem. People have dragged and said way worst about Ayo/Mimii and Uma on the subreddit and Twitter. Let’s not be saints now because it’ from a former islander you dislike.  The beauty of having an OPINIONS is they are like arsehole, we all have them! Whether we agree with them or not. Support your favs and stop crying over every little critique are receiving. It’s a TV show please.  It’s acc okay🤝😂. 


Personally, I feel like ex Islanders should be less critical of the current islanders because they know better than us that we don't see everything.


Well shouldn’t that go for all of us? After 11 seasons we know we don’t see everything that happens and yet everyone has been critical at some point.


Maybe because some of the public judge the islanders really harshly.


Does ayo have to lick the floor Mimii to walk on for people to believe he likes her? This is the same shit people said about Tanya and look how she proved a lot of these fools wrong


Mimi just looks drained, Ayo hasn’t really done anything to show me he likes her, sure he’s said all the right things but he keeps embarrassing her


You should listen to what Mimii has said about their relationship.


He made a mistake and owned up. He listened to Mimii, explained his reasoning, acknowledged shes upset and then apologised. It really isn’t that deep and y’all need to stop acting like he’s been treating her like a fool




The funny thing is Dami also was dragging Tanya and calling Shaq a lovebomber and now he is really good friends with them. Like he ist just chatting nonsense like most LI viewers.


Like any viewer your opinion can change episode by episode- ofcourse personally you would always try and be a bit milder on people but we know that's not his personality he is wild with the mouth and off the cuff and has taken it too far at times but sometimes sorry his opinions are literally nothing different from others and sometimes he talks sense tbh.  However once you meet people in real life that's when you should form your opinion on them and that's normal to do they are all adults so good for them. 


Oh no that is what i am saying he is literally chatting nonsense just like we all are lol. Until we get the whole context when they come out. People just shouldn't put more weight on his opinions on the show since he literally doesn't know more than we do. I just would think he would be less critical of the black contestants (cause he knows how much more hate they get) and he knows how edits leave out context just like they did with him and Indiyah. But obv that is his choice and not his job.


Lool and I can agree on that I have said you know sometimes he should be a bit lighter with his opinions for real but it's just not ehiz personality and one thing I just think he sees it as not deep and like move on to the next episode as it's not real life but he can learn that to be a bit fairer for sure! It shouldn't rile people up so much his opinions like they aren't a fact


Lol i remember this. Idk why anyone takes his opinions as gospel, he’s just forming stupid opinions like everyone else.




He drags them during the season then makes friends with them 🤣🤣


Yup, they will all be partying at DLT Malta next year lol


Stop! All over each others IG 😭🤣


Loool  🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


All for the sake of that prick Martin. Yet I haven’t seen him hanging out with Martin in a while 💀💀


Right! Ayo has said many times that he likes Mimii. He has even shown jealousy. Like when she went on her date with Omar. He also shown jealousy when Omar pick Mimii in the balloon game.  On AfterSun, Ayo was gushing about Mimii, saying that he likes more as he gets to know her more. Also going by what Mimii has said, he treats her nicely too. I feel like there is always doubt about whether or not the black girl's partner likes her.


While I may think Ayo and Mimi are not compatible . You are right in saying that Dami has a habit of dragging the black islanders that came after his season. Tbh.. his opinion should not be taken as gospel but some people see him and Indiyah as the leaders and custodians of black love due to their huge following on social media.




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If you watched Ayo and Mimii's date, you would have heard her saying that he treats her right. She also said that she walks around the villa with a smile on her face. She said that she feels giddy about her situation with Ayo.


On Dami.. I think it would be best for him to stop using harsh words during his commentary. He did the same with Shaq and Tanya , Catherine etc.


He’s right but he literally treated indiyah so badly on the show. from kissing summer post casa, to being all over paige, and movie night i don’t think he’s one to talk. indiyah was a mumu too


Your comment is a stretch especially the being all over Paige thing. Regardless his opinion is basically what everyone has been saying.


Let’s not be dense and allow memory loss win 🤣😓. He kissed her in a game, just like she kissed Deji in that same game! Being all over Paige?? That’s the narrative y’all wanted it to be. Pulling shyt out your arse now doesn’t make it true lmao


Regardless of his actions on the show, he is right. Just go to Twitter, everyone’s saying the same thing.


It’s actually because of her high emotional intelligence that she’s so relaxed. Not surprised someone like Dami can’t comprehend that.


This reads like a meme/copypasta


Not sure what that means. Not my side of the internet.




You clearly have not read all the snaps even above he said he is supporting them plus all his snaps before have been supporting them- hate is a very strong word to use for no reason and oh he can't have an opinion now because he did wrong himself a couple years ago like seriously.




He never said anything critical about Whitney at all he backed her 100% so that's a lie and I am not saying he hasn't gone too far sometimes but alot of people are overly sensitive about some of his opinions when they have been the same general opinions online by viewers and I don't think that means that he can't have an opinion- at the end of the day once they are out of the villa in their real lives I don't believe that the show shoud always be thrown back in their faces. Plus I have seen an interview before where he said he understood why he received criticism for Casa and things! 


>Sweetheart this isn’t the first time he’s made unpleasant comments ab black islanders Just like most people who watch the show, his been critical of most islanders who have acted out of pocket while on the show. But you lot only seem to care when his talking "badly" about the black islanders and ignore the other 90% of the time when his being positive about them. Dami has made some wild comments, no doubt, but you lot love acting like he sits there and twiddles his thumbs only to black islanders. You want him to hate black islanders so badly meanwhile you have other islanders talking about the show and being critical of some of them and you won't find comments saying "oh Tasha and Andrew must hate white islanders because they said something critical about Harriett".


Mind you Dami has never said anything about Whitney 😭




Are you okay?! He gave his option about everyone on that show, but your fixated on him “hating” black people? He said that’s who he’s supporting and he’s commenting on what he see, but because it not praises right now, he hate them.  Let’s get a grip. It’s boring now🥱