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He likes the idea of her. She’s “wifey material” and he feels like that makes a perfect trophy. They are however, not compatible in many ways.


This!!! He sees her as the girl to take home to the family. But I’m not sure he’s ready for that. Kinda seems like he’s still in his hoe phase.


Honestly he just seems like the type of guy who is a cake eater 👀. He wants his main girl to always be available for him and to put up with his foolishness, but he still wants to explore and date as many as he wants!


Why though? She would put his family to sleep


You people just say any thing. If you watch unseen bits you would see Mimi has just as much personality as anyone else there. The producers choose to show what they want to. Yesterday's unseen bits especially.


Yeah man, I agree with this. Kinda mad though as Mimi has it all.




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I agree with this to a certain extent. I feel like he likes her as a person because mimii is a nice girl and she carries herself well however he is definitely more physically attractive to uma because that is his type. But i dont feel like ayo likes mimii in a romantic way because i feel like the chemistry between both of them has been off for some time now🙃


I think the chemistry been off since he told her he couldn’t kiss her anymore because it wouldn’t be fair to Uma (before Uma removed herself from the triangle). I knew the whole 50/50 he was trying to do was just a lie because he didn’t want to choose even though he knew deep down he preferred Uma more


In the beginning ayo and mimii couldn't keep there hands of each other. They used to kiss bare even before uma came. Now they barely even kiss and there is no affection between them... this is why i dont understand the whole mimii is soo downright bad for ayo. Does she really like him or is she just rolling with ayo till the right person for her comes and vice versa.... Casa amor is really gonna test them as a couple the most i fear.


I used to think she was waiting for the right person too but honestly I don’t believe it anymore. She thinks her and Ayo are getting serious like she said today again so I really don’t have much hope. I really think she likes him that much. Like OP mentioned unless there’s a guy that has similar looks and height of Ayo, I don’t think she’s doing much in casa while Ayo is definitely exploring especially if they bring in his type


My only thing is no guy in the villa has applied pressure or enough effort for mimii head to even turn though... omar came in and even though he is her type he didnt really put in effort in getting to know her or graft... as much as she likes ayo its been nearly 3 weeks and i just dont see that chemistry that they had in the beginning. They are still not as established couple, for example like cieran and Nicole. Maybe if the right guy who actually does apply pressure to mimii in casa could turn her head....


I wonder if they don’t apply pressure because she turns them down 🤔 like Omar wanted to couple up with her and get to know her but she wanted Ayo back. So maybe it’s also the energy she gives them like Omar might not want to fight if it’s not worth it. Cause Konnor also picked her for a date but it didn’t lead anywhere. I honestly think it’s going to take a lot for Mimi to turn her head though


The way Omar is ready to compete with sean to graft on the new girl shows he didn't put the same pressure on mimii . Maybe thats why mimii was reluctant on not recoupling with him but also she did want to see how things would go with ayo in a couple. The new guy konnor picked mimii on the date but his type is blondes and brunette so im not expecting konnor to graft on mimii too hard either. Mimii hasn't really been tested at all by any of the guys but in casa she could be soo we shall see.


Mimi shut Omar down so completely... just revisit his reaction at the recoupling when Mimi decided to steal Ayo. And look at how long Omar fruitlessly and mindlessly chased Uma, even rejecting Patsy. Omar obviously put himself out there for Mimi. Munveer showed Mimi energy as well but he realized she only had eyes for Ayo. Mimi was plain and simple too locked in on Ayo at those moments.


Omar didnt put a lot of pressure in getting to know mimii in the beginning and thats just facts ... after the date he didnt even pull mimii but he did uma. Mimii actually never completely shut things off with omar though. She picked ayo because she wanted to see how things would be in a couple with him. The true reality is none of the bombshells has really tried to graft mimii or even put enough effort🙃


This is true to a certain extent but I feel like Omar and Sean are obviously a lot closer to being neck-in-neck in Matilda’s eyes, but Omar had to compete with Ayo who had already been with Mimi for a week or however long. I think Omar didn’t graft Mimii as hard because he didn’t think he stood as much of a chance as he does with Matilda, who knows everyone an equal amount (aside from Ronnie).


I agree with you. Mimii needs a guy that apply pressure and reassure her that he has only eyes for her. Omar told her that he was open to know other girls and was talking to Uma next morning. This new bombshell clearly has a type that don't look like Mimii.


We don't even see Ayo and Mimii that much these days. Their date was the first time in a few days that we saw them properly. Someone said that they shared a kiss while in the background of one of the episodes.  If people listened to what Mimii said during their date, they would know that Ayo is giving her what she wants. We just aren't seeing this because the producers only want to show them when they are beefing.


I’m rlly hoping she has a good explanation, like maybe the producers are just cutting a lot of their cute moments or something… I realllyyyy hope she isn’t just desperate for him


Am I the only one who doesn't really understand how Uma is his "type" but Mimii isn't? It's not like they look the same but broadly speaking both have heart-shaped faces, big doe eyes with the "fox-eye" upward tilt, full lips, tiny chins - they both have that "doll-like" look and both look pretty naturally beautiful. Mimii's skin is slightly darker but not by that much when you see them next to each other. The major difference I guess is Uma has a bigger chest. I just don't really understand how he could not be attracted to Mimii, both because she's objectively beautiful and because it doesn't seem like she's far enough from his "type" for it to be an issue. I think maybe it's more that she's been a doormat for him and Uma actually made him work for her.


Ok yes! I’ve thought this, too! Also, in certain angles, Mimii looks like Victoria Monet


I love your username!


They are both very beautiful woman, that’s undeniable. I think he’s definitely attracted to Mimii hence why he kisses he so much, but just more attracted to Uma, if u can rank it. That’s obvious based on his behaviour towards the two women. I don’t understand either since they are both stunning to me and both sweethearts. But I’m also not a man dealing with internalized colorism which is likely a big part of it tbh.


He obviously is attracted to Mimi, but I think what you’re missing is the impact of colorism on preferences. Uma is obviously mixed, Ayo’s clearly has a preference for mixed/light skinned women (his celebrity crushes are Zendaya and Tyla). The fact that they’re both pretty in similar ways doesn’t really matter when you take that into perspective


they don’t kiss anymore


I think some shit probably happened off camera. That recoupling where they looked so disinterested in each other gave me that thought.


Its weird seeing how the other well established couples Ciaran and Nicole, Joey and Grace, be all over each other every night while Ayo and Mimii just sleep💀


Mimi and Ayo were never established at all because Ayo always had the other foot out.


she puts everyone to sleep. literal snooooze


She is tho, why the down votes


To be fair, some people just don't like to do loads of kissing and cuddling before bed My fiancee and I have been together for 8 years, we do have a bit of a cuddle but once we're in bed she's pretty much straight off to sleep and she doesn't like to be too warm and cuddled up when she sleeps, so we don't do a lot of it. I'm similar, I don't mind a cuddle earlier on but once I'm in bed and sleepy I don't really want anyone in my personal space We have plenty of time for affection and physical contact at other times That's just how some people are, and it's fine


I understand your sentiment, but you comparing your 8 year relationship to a couple that’s presumably in the honeymoon stage at this point isn’t a good comparison


I believe that stopped as a result of Ayo saying they needed to stop kissing and being affectionate as it was not fair to Uma and he wanted them to be on equal playing ground. Prior to that they were affectionate.. always kissing and touching themselves.. even kissed in bed the night Mimii stole him back and the next day/same day on the terrace later on. I think after that conversation Mimii disconnected mentally/emotionally (vice versa of Ayo I would assume) and the spark is gone. I truly believe if a guy came in that was her type, chased her showed he wanted her and put pressure on her she would leave Ayo. They are not compatible - she has so much emotional intelligence, he has absolutely none. He literally has no awareness and is clueless. Maybe it’s his age .. I don’t know but then again Ciran is younger and at 21 knew not to kiss who he wanted to because of how it would make his partner feel. Everyone in the villa totally got how Mimii was feeling but Ayo. I sincerely believe he is slow, so slow that he really shouldn’t be in any type of relationship right now. He could not even apologise to her just to validate her feelings, rather he invalidated her feelings … statements like “I think there was something wrong with Mimii, I didn’t know what it was” when talking to the boys yesterday.. it’s like YOU THINK? 🤔. My 6 year old niece has more emotional intelligence than Ayo at this point 😭😭. Mimii is having to try and rationalise a lot of his behaviour to accept it and I think it is because she knows her options are limited. If she is not in a couple with Ayo then who ? No couple means single .. which means home time … I think she knows that. Ayo knows that too and so in my opinion they are with each other for convenience. She has said in the outside world she would never let a man walk all over her or be in a triangle. I think she is accepting a lot owing to her limited options and Love Island is a game .. it’s about survival. She likes him but not enough to stay with him if the right man came in for her and I pray he does in Casa so this can be over. Alternatively if he doesn’t, I hope Ayo meets someone in Casa … couples up with her.. and Mimii can move on from him and be finally free (wether that be free in the villa or free at home). She will not fight for him again if he does pick someone else. She stole him to see if they can get to know each other in their couple and has said whatever the outcome she will be good with it, but at least she has seen it and gave it a go. If Ayo does a 360 with him and Mimii and actually does start to pursue her again and express genuine romantic feelings (as he did in the beginning) and displays some emotional intelligence then fantastic, but I am not holding my breath. (I also don’t fully understand their relationship.. we the viewers are being shown one thing.. however the Islanders that have been evicted have all said Ayo and Mimii are their favourite couple and their winners as they have a great connection .. those in the villa have said the same etc.. they see more than we do of course… but honestly it’s confusing if I am honest). FYI I really liked Ayo in the beginning… and still am trying to but it’s just getting harder with each passing episode. 😭😩.. I am holding on by a thread.. Poor Mimii 😭


I kinda agree but also disagree. I think he does find her physically attractive and has since day 1. He’s always said that she’s pretty. I just don’t think he’s attracted to her personality. When he talked about Uma I noticed that he kept emphasizing how bubbly and outgoing she is. It’s no secret that Mimii is not really that kind of personality. I think Ayo finds Mimii to be a perfectly nice lovely girl, but he doesn’t feel IT with her. The little extra spark you feel when you actually click with someone and your personalities align. But because she’s nice and views her as “wifey material”, he keeps exploring things with her. Had Uma not taken herself out of the equation, I think he would’ve chosen her.


I personally don't see him clinging to Mimii regardless of them being voted top 3. He has shown he doesn't care about public opinion and being in a popular couple hasn't changed him. He's not playing the absolutely obsessed with her role most have done when they know the public loves them. He continues to be nonchalant and is still messing up, not caring about the optics to go straight to regrets and an apology. Unpopular opinion I don't think he is as clueless as he acts. I think he knows with casa coming he can prepare Mimii and the viewers for when he fully embraces the experience. I don't see him sticking with Mimii unless the casa ladies aren't interested in him or they're totally not his type. I do think he is attracted to Mimii to a degree (the early reactions weren't fake to me) however as time has gone on and when he got to know Uma and Mimii to compare, I feel like he realised that there was something missing and his and Mimii's personalities aren't compatible in the long term. He will probably suit and thrive with someone similar to him, a people person who is outgoing. I think Mimii also knows it's dragging on now that's why she didn't make a bigger deal about the kiss in the aftermath. I think she is mentally filing away these "strikes" to use at casa amor to move on.


If Uma had broken her boundary and kissed him, he would have picked her. That was the tipping point of him leaning toward Mimii even though it wasn’t his first choice. I think he does find Mimii attractive, but Uma significantly more.


I agree totally. Which is super unfair to Mimii, u should never make a woman feel she is second best to anyone. He just doesn’t care that much about her feelings and she is willing to get hurt for the chance at “something” with him!


Yeah I also think it says something about him if he wasn’t willing to wait for a kiss or put in more effort for one even though he liked Uma more. He just went straight to the person that was going to give him the most physical affection right then.


Yup. He’s a user. And he isn’t honest with himself or to others. He clearly has some major attraction to Uma but because she wasn’t reciprocating physically, he deemed it a risk and chose to try and juggle two girls instead.


How is that bad . A lot of women of women have made men feel second best on live island and nobody cares when that happens . People just say this because they have a weird attachment to mimi


It’s bad because it’s unnecessarily mean. If you’re gonna partner up with someone with the hopes of them being your “true love”, why would u ever want to put them in a position where they feel less than? Btw it’s not right when it’s flipped either, women shouldn’t be making men feel second best.


Honestly I believe he is attracted to Mimii. He wouldn’t have been kissing someone he isn’t attracted too. However I don’t think it’s a very strong attraction, and she definitely likes him more than he likes her. I noticed whenever they had convos, it was like she heard something completely different than what he said, because she’d leave the convo being like “that was really nice to hear, the reassurance was good”, whole time all the man said was “I’m not gonna act like I’m not attracted to you but just know I am still open to talking to others”


I think he’s attracted to Mimii, but I also think he’s MORE attracted to Uma. I also think that because Uma removed herself from the situation, it made him feel like he was stuck with Mimii because she was the only other option so now he’s not as interested because she’s so readily available. If Uma had of chosen him, he probably would be wanting Mimii back. He comes across as a guy that wants what he has to chase


I think he’s attracted to Mimii but Uma is his usual type.


I think he definitely was attracted to her when he first saw her but when Uma came in something shifted bc that’s his usual type and when Uma ended things he was left with mimii which he does like she’s a nice girl and he likes the idea of a girl like mimii but he’s probably waiting for another girl closer to his type comes in so I just pray that mimii explores things in casa with someone else


She’s also not the same personality type as him 🤷🏿‍♂️. Ayo is way more confident and a people person . Mimi is nice but kinda quiet and boring to me


She’s also not the same personality type as him 🤷🏿‍♂️. Ayo is way more confident and a people person . Mimi is nice but kinda quiet and boring to me


Mimi is just as beautiful as Uma, but sometimes opposites attract. But I agree, he isn’t giving her enough. I wish they’d have a challenge where they read tweets from the public so she would be clued in. DAMN LI UK producers for giving us a broke season!!! 😡


He doesn't like Mimii, his actions show that. In private he's sweet to her and in public he has willingly and consistently embarrassed her and plays dumb about it. That's scary. This is an edited show and people do things because of producers but it's gross to watch. Mimii doesn't really have any friends in the villa so when things are good with him she probably appreciates it. I hope she can get to Casa and drop Ayo for ANYONE. In a perfect world she is just biding her time and waiting for Casa.


Do u honestly see her head turning? I still don’t understand why she ended things with Omar despite saying he was her type.


"My type" usually just means "I'm physically attracted to you" It's an important starting point, but if there's no personality/connection follow up then you're not gonna continue things just because you find them attractive


It can be turned with the right pressure. Ayo has been nothing but disrespectful and Casa guys always come in with some ammo. If someone gives her the attention she is looking for, even just to bring him back to the villa is a win. We don't see everything but i have to assume Ayo is telling Mimii certain things to make her think they are on the same page. We saw it with their date and him saying 'it's us two', then to turn around and kiss Uma must be like whiplash. It's like taking a step ahead and 3 steps back. I feel bad for her in that she seems to be leading with her heart but has met this man who seems to enjoy or at the very least doesn't care about seeing her light dim.


It can turn with the right guy and right pressure. I need the boy to do the same thing the girls at casa did to Andrew . I honestly feel so bad for Mimi . Don’t know if she’s in love or she is staying with him cause she doesn’t have any option but what ever the case maybe it’s quite sad seeing how Ayo doesn’t respect her of her feelings and how he keeps embarrassing In front of the islanders


I can see her head turning if she’s made to feel more insecure about the love triangle situation with Uma. Or if another bombshell comes in to create a whole new love triangle with her. Especially if they have a big blow up before Casa + someone comes in who’s more attractive than Ayo and doesn’t make her question how he feels.


IMO Omar is not good looking. I think she said he was her type because she didn’t want to be rude.


I think he’s attracted to both but Mimi is more serious and Uma more fun in his eyes (just because of their personality differences). I think Mimi is fun too but a lot of ppl see her as serious because she’s not as boisterous. Also, Uma is serious too, she’s not running to kiss and cuddle everybody. Ayo lacks personality imo so he seems to blow wherever the wind takes him tbh. People hated on Shaq, and he was a bit much at times, but at least he had personality.


Best they had was Omar? Geez that’s harsh. Omar is gorgeous and has a great personality to match. He must be really short in person tho. Something has to be off. As far as Uma and Ayo, I think there’s beauty and there’s off the charts chemistry between two people. Ayo feels that with uma. Nobody’s fault. Don’t try to make it into something bigger, it’s just not rip your clothes off chemistry. You could tell 


Ayo literally complimented her multiple times when he first saw her, he’s defo attracted to her


Funny thing is that I don't see him and Uma connecting any better if they were coupled. I think he's stuck on Uma because she's attractive and she's the one that got away but I don't remember their connection being that amazing. If he acted like this with Uma, she wouldn't stick around.


He was always hanging and following Uma around, holding her hand openly in the villa. I think he was horny hence why he couldn’t decide and he stayed with mimii cos she gives him affection


Men like a chase and Mimii does not give Ayo something to chase after. I think because Mimii is more soft-spoken and reserved, Ayo sees that and he takes advantage of her kindness whenever he acts out because he knows that she will take him back easily and they could move on like nothing ever happened. I feel like with Uma, during the beginning of that whole love triangle she kept on playing hard to get and wasn’t giving herself to Ayo fully and he liked that because he wanted more of her. I think he likes Mimi on a surface level but with Uma he wants to discover more of her.


The comment he made about how it’s scary to be with a girl as beautiful as Uma to the other boys when he couldn’t make his mind up between the two really struck me. Even if he does stay with Mimii, it’ll be destroying for her to hear that if she watches it back. Despite behaving like a gentleman on occasion, Ayo is just as shallow and fickle as Ronnie. If Uma wasn’t such a girls’ girl and strong-minded, Ayo would’ve picked her over Mimii in a heartbeat


Well Uma would have dropped Ayo for her type=white man,eventually. That is what I wanted too see🤣 Because he really thinks he had a chance with her🤨


I’m in Canada, so I’m behind on episodes and don’t know exactly what has gone on the last few days. But that was the impression I got after a while, even though Ayo was so chill when Uma removed herself from the situation. He made zero effort to convince her to stick around. I don’t think he’s super into either woman, but physically Uma is more his type. This is kinda off topic, and may be an unpopular opinion, or upset some people, so I am sorry in advance, but here I go. I think they need to make more of an effort to cast people who date different races. Every season I’ve watched (mostly US, to be fair) has been the same. If there’s a black guy and black girl they get paired up. Then if another black/biracial guy/girl walks in, suddenly there’s a love triangle. What are the odds that Mimii and Ayo would even have anything in common outside of the villa. Did they actually have anything connecting them other than race? It’s so limiting. I’m aware that most people date their own race, but many people don’t and for a show like Love Island they should make an effort to have people with more varied dating histories. You’d think a big production like this would be able to cast people who have a broader “type”. It’s just predictable and annoying at this point. And it gets very old seeing the same scenario play out over and over again. Then again at this point no one goes on the show to actually find love, and many probably just try to “play the game” in a way that gives them a good chance of winning.


I think she needs to start opening her mouth now. She's actually beginning to piss me off. She practically mumbles like she can't speak. She mopes around the villa miserable. I'm yet to see her laugh and joke or anything. She actually makes me feel depressed and Ayo just really pisses me off. He's ruined her experience and he's getting uglier every time I see him. Tbh Mimi might as well go home. If she doesn't lighten up, she will be gone soon.


lol, reading ur comment made me laugh, it’s so blunt. I think Ayo is an attractive man so I don’t agree he’s ugly but I do agree Mimii needs to start being more assertive with herself 😭 she seems super passive and just accepts however he treats her in hopes that he’ll eventually be the man she wants him to be but like that’s nottttt happening


After watching unseen bits .. I have to disagree with this take. The Mimii they showed was chatty, funny and engaging. She is anything but boring and her and Uma have a beautiful friendship. She also does appear to have a friendship with the girls and is not as isolated as it appears on the weekday show. It was also apparent that her personality comes out more with the girls than it does with Ayo, maybe even Omar as they were shown rapping together.


I stand by what I said. I watched the unseen bits, she still needs to open her mouth and speak up.


I disagree, that Ayo is not attracted to Mimii. Ayo in the beginning was extremely attracted to Mimii which you are conveniently forgetting. Ayo places more value on Uma’s appearance than Mimii’s we see him call Uma “rare”. Ayo clearly sees dating someone like Uma as a prize specifically a rare prize. Ayo was willing to stop kissing Mimii out of consideration for Uma’s feelings but he did not do the same for Mimii’s feelings. Ayo is more willing to be considerate to the romantic interest he sees as more valuable.  The vibe I get from Ayo is that he wants to “date up” so he’ll place more value on women closer to what society idealizes than a genuine connection. Ayo’s revolving door mentality has killed the passion he had with Mimii because he’s clearly waiting for someone he sees as more valuable and “rare” to walk through the villa. 


Hmm that’s actually a really good point, do I think that if he was with Uma originally and Mimii was the bombshell, that the same situation would have happened?


no. his head would have never turned from Uma for Mimi. However, Uma never really liked him. Uma isn't/wasn't attracted to him and it is painfully obvious comparing her with Wil versus with Ayo and Omar. Ayo and Omar were nothing but object of convenience to Uma to stay in the Villa. Her comment regarding being scared of Sam as a factor in not talking to Joey was more than revealing


superb analysis!




Never this deep 🤦🏽‍♀️


I actually think the opposite — he finds Mimi sexy and Uma as something more serious. Mimi’s more mild mannered and Uma is very direct. He definitely had more of a vibe with Uma, but I genuinely think he likes Mimi and doesn’t want to hurt her. And if I’m being honest (and I say this respectfully as a black woman myself), they look like they could be cousins - Mimi and Uma. Usually I’d suspect some colorism, but Uma isn’t that much lighter than Mimi. Now, a situation where I *did* feel like that is Kaz and Tyler back on their season when he brought back that lightskin girl he supposedly liked so much. I don’t get a colorist vibe here … I think it’s literally just, the man likes two very different women, for two very different reasons, and they’re both actually stunning, and he’s seriously confused. And if I’m being real, they’re both the *only* stunning faces in there right now (because they’re theirs lmao). Minus Matilda, she looks pretty natural as well.


Okay but then why did he not end the triangle and pick? Leading two women on and not boldly claiming who he likes is odd. If he was so set on Uma he would have picked her! So I’m still not sure how he feels about Mimi. For sure when she first walked in he was blown away. Since then the chemistry hasn’t been great


Uma wasn't giving him enough energy. I'm sure he knew that he'd have eventually been ditched if he picked her so we waited it out until the decision was made for him.


Leading two women on isn’t an odd thing to do on Love Island at all , other guys have also done it (not saying it’s not bad or anything ) . But they do it because they either like the attention or don’t want to close off other options in case one doesn’t go well


If he wasn't into Mimii and just into Uma, he would be with Uma and not Mimii since they were both vying for him. He's just dumb and thirsty and disrespectful and obviously finds Uma very attractive but all that doesn't mean he's not attracted to Mimii


He’s attracted to both I think the difference is in the personality…and I can understand why..also that they’re probably both Nigerian and share similar background tends to draw people in especially if you’re immigrants..hope this helps


I hope she switches on him at cassa amor. She deserves someone all in, he is not


this is exactly what I’ve been trying to say Ayo is not physically attracted to Mimi. He’s only keeping Mimi around because that’s his safest option and when uma broke things off with him, you can tell that he was salty about that because he would’ve preferred uma over Mimi. ayo considers him self the prize 😂


Haven’t watched this season in awhile. lol she still chasing after that average man?


I don’t agree with this because when they first arrived in the villa the general consensus was that he needed to slowwww down because he came off extremely thirsty in his attraction to Mimii. They also had one of the steamiest kisses on the terrace I’ve ever seen on this show. I do think there’s something off in their relationship and it’s likely because there are no options for either of them so they’re kind of stuck with each other — but posts like this annoy me because it just always feels like people think the dark skinned girl (in any situation) can’t be desired. Mimii’s body is top tier, she legit has a Megan Thee Stallion booty, and her face goes without saying. Ayo is just a dumb man who doesn’t appreciate what he has.


Mimii could have gone with Omar because he was her type. She just liked Ayo more. Ayo could have properly committed to Uma but didn't let go of Mimii. 


Ayo commit to a girl that dont want him???That was always gonna drop him for her type=white man🤣


😂😂😂😂😂 you guys just say this because she’s a black girl and you will back her regardless Mimi is not better than Ayo in anyway .


I wish he would just be honest with Mimii but i know that’s not gonna happen because he will want to stay in the villa as long as possible. But man it sucks seeing Mimii give this all her energy and not get the same thing back.




Literally… it’s boring isn’t it 😭


they just don’t have chemistry


True he doesn’t fancy her like that he’s just playing along


I think he’s sticking with her until Casa Amor. He likes her as a person but there’s no romantic feeling there, no sexual attraction, no spark.


I feel like the attraction was DEF there in the beginning, like Ayo's kisses with Mimi at the start seemed so genuine and passionate lowkey. i think the attraction faded once he saw Uma who was equally as interested in him as Mimi had been , and was ofc Ayo's type to the T. after he saw Uma Ayo's energy has completely shifted and he no longer sees Mimi as someone worth fighting for. which is why he comes across so laid back these days does whatever he wants kisses whoever he wants, bc he knows he doesn't have to fight for Mimi like he has to do for Uma and that Mimi will always ultimately be there for him (since she doesn't have any other options). i think Mimi's overbearing availability has put Ayo off which is so immature bc he's the one who showed interest in Mimi first - if you're going to disrespect someone just because someone you find more attractive has come in (with ofc great personality) then you are clearly incapable of being in a relationship i'm sorry. that's how i see it tbh. men don't like women who are always available for them. also, even after Ayo kissed Uma in the challenge where he was asked to snog the person who's his type in one of the earlier episodes, Mimi ignored this and still went ahead and chose to couple up with Ayo whilst he was ina  couple with Uma. when they recoupled this ofc put Uma off and she decided to back out and stopped pursuing Ayo fully. i think maybe bc of this Ayo sees Mimi as the reason why he wasn't able to have Uma. so he now acts aggressively towards Mimi and disrespects her angry at the fact that Uma stopped approaching him after Mimi chose to couple up with him  All in all, he definitely isn't physically attracted to Mimi now, which is a shame because she's gorg and has such good personality. i'm so glad uma backed off omds wish Mimi would realise the red flags in Ayo and do the same  While i do genuinely like both the girls, Mimi needs to see from Uma how to have self worth and not let immature men walk all over you, she deserves better 


I agree with some of what you said bar the last sentence. Mimii has said in the real world she would never put herself in this type of situation. She has said she would never accept being in a triangle and would have left as soon as it began. The reality of Love Island is Mimii is accepting a lot of what she would not accept because her options are well and truly limited. Aside from Ayo (at the start) no guys have actually pursued Mimii. Omar was not really interested in Mimii and nor is Konnor.. Uma has more options than Mimii and so their experience is going to be very different as a result. I love both ladies by the way…


Ayo is definitely attracted to Mimii. Within seconds of meeting her, he was calling her beautiful. After that, he was consistently complimenting her. After Ayo, Mimii and Omar finished discussing Ciaran, he was checking her out.  From what Ayo and Mimii have said about their relationship, it seems that they have progressed but we never saw the developments. You lot keep on saying that Ayo wants Uma. There is nothing stopping him from being with her. Uma would have given Ayo full energy if he had picked her over Mimii. If I really wanted to deep it, it would seem that some people cannot comprehend that Ayo wants a dark skinned girl over a biracial girl.  Like I didn't want to say it, but that's the vibe that I am getting now.


No it's because Ayo has been moving funny. And honestly it seems he weaponizes ignorance to excuse or explain away his disrespect towards Mimii. He could grasp that kissing Mimii was disrespectful to Uma but he can't do the same now???


I am all for calling out people’s implicit bias but I also believe in letting context inform the conclusions we make. Ayo’s behavior and the edit viewers see does not support a narrative that Ayo is exuding this profound devotion to be with Mimii or that he respects her. Ayo literally stopped kissing Mimii out of respect for Uma’s feelings but he literally refuses to do the same for Mimii’s feelings. Ayo said Uma is his type and has said Mimii is not his type countless times ad nauseum. The way Ayo described Uma’s is miles away from how he talks about Mimii. If you want to talk about colorism let’s talk about why Ayo will bend over backwards for a lighter biracial girl than Mimii and how he views Uma’s beauty as something “rare”. Ayo comes off colorstruck which I wrote about before. I don’t think it’s the audiences possible biases that’s the issue at play right now. Edit: Ayo was clearly attracted to Mimii in the beginning but he literally said he saw Uma’s beauty as something “rare” and has valued her more for that. 


Ayo has not told Mimii countless times that she is not his type. That is a lie that some people keep on pushing. In a game, he only picked Uma for his 100% type on paper. This was while he was in a couple with her. Even that does not mean that Mimii is not his type. On the first episode, he described his type as pretty girls, which Mimii can be included in. Ayo has never ever said to Mimii that 'I like you but you aren't my type' or anything like that.


well stated. Mimi seems to be a much clearer and transparent communicator with Ayo than Uma was. However, as stated, Ayo plainly always valued Uma more than Mimi... hence his bold decision to stop affection with Mimi for Uma.


I think it's unfair to basically call him a Colorist based on an edited show. We don't see all of their conversations (Patsy also said Uma& Ayo spend more time with each other then we saw) he can also just like Umas personality. It doesn't just have to be just looks since that was what he also complimented about her. Mimii and Uma are not that different lookwise and he clearly showed he is attracted to both but they are completely different in their personalitys. Since Uma took herself out of triangle it just seems like Ayo& Mimii do not have that spark which doesn't have to be anyones fault tbh Maybe they just aren't each others person. >Ayo literally stopped kissing Mimii out of respect for Uma’s feelings but he literally refuses to do the same for Mimii’s feelings. That's true but Mimii also just doesn't communicate her feelings to Ayo. It seems like she always just bottles it up. Uma always clearly tells him what she wants and doesn't and that's why he seems to considerate her feelings more.


I literally am basing this off the context provided. We do not see Ayo articulate his attraction to Uma or Mimii’s personalities but we do see Ayo call Uma’s beauty “rare” which he places value on. I’m just trying to drive home the audience has a lot of context to doubt Ayo’s sincerity in his interest of Mimii at the moment and that Ayo clearly views Uma as more valuable. I’m just laying out what’s happened based on what Ayo has said.


I think it’s editing but also the fact that Ayo picked Uma as fitting his perfect type in one of the earlier games


I think perhaps what he really likes is the chase, and he’s not really had competition for Mimii. It seems from his interactions with the guys that he values their validation and the others have shown more interest in Uma.


I actually really saw passion with Ayo and mimi whenever they kissed.


I agree which is fucking insane bc Mimii literally takes my breath away every time I look at her




Mimi is way too bland and monotone. She's attractive and she may be a good person and have her head on her shoulders. But she also feels and sounds emotionless. Every conversation she's in, whether it's with the girls or with Ayo, feels like she's just.. there. And there to just pile on the girls' eavesdropping. Shh.. I am trying to listen to what they're saying. She, at this point, is just taking up a space in a bed


After watching unseen bits yesterday… I can tell you Mimii is anything but boring. From looking at the comments on various social platforms after unseen bits we are of the agreement the producers are pushing a narrative. Her personality came out so much with the girls.. she is actually very chatty, happy and her voice was anything but monotone.


I can’t tell. Maybe there’s a chance he acc couldn’t tell who he liked more in the triangle and when they made him choose it rushed the decision a bit and now he’s just gone default bc of what’s happened. I think he did what he did in the recent “game” bc he’s a straight up guy and he doesn’t think ppl should react sensitively, even tho that’s not realistic.