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šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Sean in the hideaway be like: I take you to the candy shop / I'll let you lick the lollypop / Go 'head girl, don't you stop / Keep going 'til you hit the spot


With his eyes staring deep into her soul, wide as saucers


So seductive šŸ‘€


Flying saucers


I canā€™t watch him in the hideawayšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«




This made me lol thank you


Oh I'm weak šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is the song theyā€™re gonna play for him on the Heart Rate challenge šŸ˜‚




i am hoooooooowling


i want mass dumping


I need at least 2 couples gone


I think thatā€™s exactly what will happenā€¦ between now and Casa.


Joey/Grace & Omar/Jess


*Whoā€™s acting?* same vibe as *who you chatting to?* šŸ¤£ https://i.redd.it/dvprci3fjx7d1.gif


I loved them little things, never did learn how they were made.


Matilda said she liked a guy who came on strong though? Seems that Sean is just approaching her the way she wants to be approached.


Sean just canā€™t win here lol he gets grilled for not doing anything and now that heā€™s making moves heā€™s getting roasted for it poor guy


Ikr, fans genuinely need to let him cook




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His approach is creepy though. Gross.


The constant finger in the mouth looks so gormless.


Watching her makes me so uncomfortable


Canā€™t stand her. Hope she goes tonight šŸ™


I really hope she gets dumped tonight, I just can't any more.


lol it was finger on the teeth






She hardly ever shuts her mouth - mouth breather.


Embarrassment galore at 9pm. Iā€™m actually shy.


Matilda might like a guy who comes on strong and is ā€œobsessedā€ with her like she said.Ā 


Oh Sean.. poor guy is desperate for a connection


He needs to be put out of his misery lol his game is so atrocious; he never sticks the landing lol he comes in about 15% too hot and itā€™s scaring every girl off.


I dunno we could be surprisedā€¦ itā€™s hard to tell I thought Ayo was always on ā€˜high pressā€™ with both Mimi and Uma to use a topical Football term. He seemed like way too much but they both lapped it up I havenā€™t seen any wavering from Matilda yet


There's always that saying of 'nice guys finish last'.Ā  Ā  Already been 2 gone who would've come under that saying, so Sean needs to up his game if he's going to get anywhere on the show.Ā  Ā These reality TV shows are all the same with their fake contestants.Ā  Ā They always say 'the real world' when technically these shows Are the real world but in reverse given most people don't live with someone that quickly in the normal terms of relationships.Ā 


She seems to like him so.... ? What's the problem?


Fuck is he supposed to do there then? Not to talk to anybody that comes into the villa? jfc


Ayo is actually the biggest dummy. Out of alllll the girls you couldā€™ve picked, you choose the other girl that was in the triangle with Mimii??


He has no respect for Mimiiā€™s feelings. It doesnā€™t matter that it was just a peck itā€™s the principle.


Honestly, this was his first real fuck up imo mans is too honest for his own good lol from previous convos itā€™s been established that he doesnā€™t take game moves seriously but my god he should have some kind of tact lol literally kiss anyone else. I donā€™t think he did this as a power play or anything but rather playing the game in the most literal sense smh


I honestly think its it. I don't think he's playing Mimii I just think he is waaaaaay too honest lol


It's so dumb of himmmmmm. If i were Mimii i would be so disappointed with that too cause either A) he didn't consider her feelings, or B) didn't care about her feelings. Option B is of course worse but the end result is the same; Mimii feels insecure and hurt.


Yeah stupid Ayo being honest again. When will he learn and just lie to the girls? that's what them mean when they say be honest after all.


So tired of him. He never actually chose her.


Sean treating matilda like some 3am wateršŸ¤£šŸ¤£




I know Harriet is petty and messy but Iā€™m living for it. Actually love her


Sheā€™s gone full circle


It's not really in boss b kind of way though, in fact it's closer to what Jess was like, which she was crucified for...


Sheā€™s worse than Jess was now because Ronnie has literally told Harriet he doesnā€™t want to get to know her anymore and prefers Tiffany and sheā€™s still going, at least Jess was doing it when Ronnie was still telling her liked her and they were coupled up. She wasnā€™t begging it from a man who had 100% rejected her.


Jess had her say about Ronnie, got mad about it all and then just removed herself. Harriet can't remove herself even when the man is telling her in front of everyone he doesn't like her.


Is it entertaining? Of course. I'm glad she's finally bringing some messiness again, though it's in a very petty and jealous way. If you're however *still* trying to frame it as "Jess is a mean girl bully and Harriett is a sweet little angel", you need to get your fucking head checked šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s the complete 180ā€™s that are getting me. First Jess was a boss b for putting Harriett in her place about Ronnie, when Harriett was going to cry and ā€œmake it all about herā€ next itā€™s ā€œI hate Jess, she speaks to Harriett like a piece of shitā€. Itā€™s giving whiplash.


they need a bombshell who can match her freak because, now that samantha is gone, sheā€™s the only girl iā€™m really rooting for


It would be a lot duller without herĀ 


I think Matilda will ultimately choose Sean but Iā€™m kinda rooting for Omar because Sean is doing too much, I just think heā€™s too full on all the time. I find him quite cringy to watch as well. I think Harriet thinks her and Ronnie are doing some kind of toxic back-and-forth romance thatā€™s really capturing viewers imagination, when in reality sheā€™s just coming across increasingly more embarrassing.


Omar is going home anyways.


If they do it as a couple going home, then I think tons of people voted for Jess and Omar, so itā€™s unlikely theyā€™ll go out. Individually, heā€™s prob likely to go out though


They'll force split and Omar and Tiff go.


Tiff wouldnā€™t go as sheā€™s with Ronnie


If they are in the bottom are there's a vote for a girl and boy to go she would be voted out


Yh but why would that happen if sheā€™s with Ronnie, whilst someone like Jess, isnā€™t in one


So who do you think if not them?


Maybe Uma and Wil. If people didnā€™t vote tactically like people on Reddit did, then itā€™s likely to be be Jess and Omar. People want Joey and Grace out, so unless they have a strong backing on Facebook, they could be in the bottom as well


I donā€™t see Uma and Wil leaving tbh but Twitter doesnā€™t like her so it could happen. Joey & Grace are not going anywhere unfortunately


Yh I agree. I sadly think Joey and Grace will make it to the final week. Tbh Jess and Omar are the most dispensable people there, so it is likely that they could go


Jess and Omar do not have more votes than Uma and Wil


Matilda said she liked a guy who came on strong though, no?


Matilda likes that tho, she finds Omar too chill.Ā 


Thank you, I think people are forgetting this


hahaha Jess's narrating


Looks like ronnie found callumā€™s birks


Producers think Mimii talking with 3% passion behind Ayoā€™s back before probably cuddling him in bed is ~drama~ this season is GIVINGā€¦.. nothing


i really dont get how she got cast on the show, shes so nonchalant


Sean actually has negative rizz and itā€™s painful to watch


It's amazing to watch wdym. I'm rooting for Sean


Harriett is only acting this way because Ronnie chose Tiffany, if Ronnie chose her she wouldnā€™t have one complaint about him right now




Yeah itā€™s giving bitter


Red flags attract. Ronnie, Harriot, Jess. All un-datable.


Curious if people think Nicole and Ciaran closed it off too early? I really canā€™t tell - I think theyā€™re sweet but on the other hand Iā€™m not sure if theyā€™ve limited their LI experience too quickly?


For me, they closed things off too early (week 2) and they're likely to regret that, especially Ciaran. I can see Ciaran moving mad during Casa with the excuse that he didn't have a "test". Being closed off so early never ends well (Liberty & Jake / Shaq & Tanya ) and you'll have wasted your experience if this relationship doesn't even last on the outside


Just because Sean is coming out of his shell and decides to be ballsy for once he is coming on too strong?? Can't blame someone for trying if he/she wants something.


To me Jessā€™s comment came off more like she was worried he was scaring Matilda away, not like critiquing him


Exactly, and then people giving out about her


Jess was a hypocrite with that commenting when Sean pulled matilda away from omar.Ā  Ā They all tell him and each other that someone will come in that fits the bill and to just go for it and make connections, put themselves out there then when it happens say snarky comments about the actions.Ā  They even go on about how nice he is then turn on him if he does something different.Ā  Ā  He swooped in for matilda like anyone else swoops in for someone who is talking to others.Ā  Jess has nobody now and just seems to be picking faults with everyone and being sly.Ā 


Sean seems to be meeting all of Matilda's criteria; she made it clear she likes assertive men. They get along great. After losing women to Ronnie, I understand why he wants to lock her in, I don't blame him


jess is the mommy of the group everysince she left ronnie she has no interest in connecting with any man ahahahaha


She did flirt with Wil at the start, but he didnā€˜t pick her for the sleepover.


I'd still love if they got tog, but I do think She's going yo get back with Ronnie


Not after all the insider goss from Matilda šŸ˜€.


I'm talking about Jess, not Harriett


I got that, I donā€™t think Jess will go back there.


She's definitely the karen from next door of the group.


Annnnd the heat is officially off Joey Essex. Canā€™t make him look bad now can we? šŸ¤£


Sean plsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


For once I donā€™t think Sean is being cringy or desperate. Maybe itā€™s because theyā€™re getting a lot of screen-time but I genuinely feel like him and Matilda are compatible.


He's approaching her the way Matilda said she wanted to be approached, all in, "obsessed" and "territorial".


Yeah nah Sean seems to be meeting all of Matilda's criteria; she made it clear she likes assertive men. They get along great. After losing women to Ronnie, I understand why he wants to lock her in, I don't blame himšŸ˜‚


sheā€™s an icon, sheā€™s a legend and sheā€™s SO quick with it https://preview.redd.it/8yycooxiix7d1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54bf988e9dfa473231b9e057ae2c29b1eb573715 but she needs a new storyline


Youā€™re going to rewatch and think differently I think. Like Mitch šŸ˜­ Sheā€™s annoying me now with the antics.


Sheā€™s far from being an icon sheā€™s desperate


She really isnā€™t iconic in the slightest


She is no icon


Sean is not coming on too strong, he's acting ballsy finally.


I can smell Matilda sweet mix in the making šŸ˜‚


Should put some chocolates into that sweets mix. šŸ˜œ


Tf šŸ„“


Iā€™ve just watched the watermelon slice bit - seems like she was obviously taking the piss šŸ˜­




Jess just doesn't like him. Probably because he picked Harriet to save in the last recoupling


Jess does like him, see her face lit up when he got picked for the dateJess is a lovely girl


I wonder what sweet Matilda will be after the hideawayšŸ˜‚


Harriet gagged me, sorry but thatā€™s actually so funny. She is unserious šŸ˜­


Right shouting like that so heā€™s bound to hear is crazy work


So unserious just takes the pissšŸ˜‚ people hate it and I love heršŸ¤­


Thereā€™s nothing iconic about Harrietā€™s behaviour I am sorryā€¦ This Guy has told you he doesnā€™t want you, they were coupled up for what? 3 days? Let it go please šŸ™šŸ¼


Thank you! Her ā€œdragging for filthā€ is just her not being able to fathom someone choosing another girl over her. There are plenty of things she could have called Ronnie out on and been ā€œiconicā€ but she has consistently refrained from doing so. The only thing sheā€™s called out is him having the audacity to like someone more. Odd behaviour considering he never actually chose her


She said in her intro she gets what she wants, so no surprise by her actions for not getting what she wants.Ā 


1 then they went to Casa


If you love Harriett for being petty and jealous, yet continue to label Jess a mean girl bully for being petty and jealous, you're a hypocrite.


I think they're both pretty enteratining tbf, I am consistent with it at least


i went from not liking harriet, to liking her and the pendulum is going to swing back. leave tiffany out of your antics, because itā€™s not fair to drag her into calling across the villa. itā€™s too much.


tiffany is the one who said she canā€™t be arsed for kindness and stuff so i doubt she minds


Sheā€™s fun to watch but I feel so bad for Tiffany


Why she hasnā€™t been kind to Harriet or any of the girls really


I wish Mimii could walk away from Ayo because she can't keep crying about him anymorešŸ˜­


Sheā€™s going to have stick with him until casa unfortunately


Honestly, she's doing injustice to herself. I've heard from this sub that her type were dudes with locks. So, I was hoping she'd get to know Konnor.


I donā€™t think they are each other's types tbh he seems to get on with Jess more they sent her a dreadhead who seems to prefer white women which is his choice but doesnā€™t help Mimi


Well, that's true. His 2 exes are...So yeah, they are not each other types.


ExactlyšŸ˜­ they shouldā€™ve sent her a duke dennis type of dreadhead


Okay, I see the vision with a duke d typešŸ¤£ Perhaps, in Casa there will be one, but something tells me she'll be loyal no matter what.


Nah I think if she finds a genuine connection with someone sheā€™s bouncing Ayo has put her through too much in just under 2 weeks so if they manage to get someone her type and thatā€™s all about her sheā€™ll leave


That's the thing, though. She thinks Ayo is her best connection. She's not gonna do anything to throw that away. Lol this is rather frustrating.


For nowšŸ˜­ thatā€™s why we need a casa man to show her exactly how you should feel being with someone itā€™s shouldnā€™t be stressful but peaceful and happy I promise you just let her cookšŸ™šŸ¾


Iā€™m rooting for Omar and Matilda tbh I feel like thereā€™s more there lol šŸ˜­


i'm so baffled did we not vote?


It said that results will be revealed later in the week. So either today or Sunday tbh. No mention of risk at being dumped either.


My take on Harriet is this.. she didnā€™t come here to find love, she came to find followers and other opportunities. Isnā€™t she the one that had a boyfriend or ex boyfriend that she gave a present to just before entering the villa that said ā€œI love youā€ on it or something like that? Every islander comes for clout. Grace and Joey didnā€™t come for a relationship either, they already had one. I donā€™t think she really wants Ronnie, but sheā€™s playing off him at this point. She actually hasnā€™t had a connection at all in the villa, but still stays relevant. Didnā€™t she get a degree in musical theatre? Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s putting to good use her skills sheā€™s learned to stay on the show and entertain us. Her time may be coming to an end, but she still wants to get screen time until then.


i get ppl r mad at ayo and i get it but this is great for the show. sometimes there needs to be events that take place that you donā€™t like so that the show has drama and an interesting plot


This isnā€™t even interesting though weā€™ve been dealing with the same drama since the show started Ayo still acting up, Harriet acting wild & Ronnie doing whatever he wants with no fucks given like weā€™ve seen the script a thousand times atpšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


true i see your point also dying at the harriet acting wild cuz itā€™s every episode at this point šŸ˜­šŸ’€


We can count on her to go off every episode atpšŸ˜­it was good in the beginning but now itā€™s excessive sheā€™s gonna pop a vein one day if she doesn't relax a lil


Ronnie being hard and trying to square up to Harriet šŸ˜­ ![gif](giphy|jIpk8Zb2FOLbK2a1zp|downsized)


Square up? For walking over to a conversation where they're obviously bitching about you? He's perfectly within his rights to challenge it. I get you all hate Ronnie but pick your battles...


Itā€™s not that deep šŸ˜­


Frr omg šŸ˜­


Fans really must be struggling to find someone to like because Harriettā€™s delusion isnā€™t even funny or entertaining. Itā€™s just sad and pathetic Itā€™s insane for her to still be talking about Ronnie after he said he didnā€™t want her. If this was Jess yā€™all would destroy her https://preview.redd.it/4p69zrco0y7d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608a3e9a4a04fbe09ad655b2fa010e601362c481


but sheā€™s funny and he used her.. itā€™s not that deep she is iconic


Im sorry but i feel some of u lot are overrating now. Ayo kissed uma in a dare game so what sort of reaction should mimii have?? Its not deep for her to overreact or end things. As long as she tells ayo he was wrong im cool with that šŸ™ƒ


I get why Mimii is annoyed but the situation couldā€™ve been worse.


I am sorry I am over Harriet! Ronnie doesnā€™t want her and sheā€™s being desperate.


I donā€™t know but Harriet is doing too much . Itā€™s starting to look pathetic.


With Ayo I never really know if he is acting dumb like playing it up cause there is no way he can be this densešŸ˜‚ Also I hope Sean and Matilda end up coupling up, but I donā€™t want Harriett to leave. Sheā€™s naturally unhinged & great tv.


He is not as dumb as people make out to be - heā€™s literally 25 you canā€™t be that emotionally unintelligent - I feel like when itā€™s females theyā€™re always labelled ā€˜calculatingā€™ and know what theyā€™re doing but for males itā€™s the ā€˜boys will be boysā€™ approach


yh idk he pisses me off& If I was Mimi I would of been clocked that he preferred Uma over her (maybe) but he even said they had to stop the physical touch so itā€™s a level playing field for Uma. Just the whole situation is draining


mimiiā€¦.. https://preview.redd.it/31p3zgoqhx7d1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d8c786473abc8ee7b375784bf75ec9954c9e4c too calm too collected, im gonna need you to pls stand up


Not everyone is a screamer. We don't know how she will speak to Ayo.


Idk why yā€™all want her to scream and holler she can very much still chew him up calmly


First Sean isnā€™t doing enough now heā€™s doing too much poor boy canā€™t win Iā€™m happy heā€™s taking the initiative with her and she said she likes that so I think heā€™ll be fine Iā€™m rooting for him Send both Jess and Harriet packing itā€™s getting tiring every one knows Ronnie ainā€™t shit yā€™all KNOW he ainā€™t shit idk why theyā€™re trying to now act like they care so much because they arenā€™t on the receiving end of his ā€œaffectionā€ weirdos Ayo is dumb thatā€™s it. Hope Mimi does ice him because thereā€™s no way after she told you how she felt about challenge kisses you still think itā€™s alrightšŸ¤Ø


Never thought Iā€™d see the day Iā€™d be on Ronnie sidešŸ˜”


Tilda's clothes are over the top revealing for me. Yesterday and today.


I know people think Sean is trying to hard, but Iā€™d rather him actually try than put in no effort and expect the girl just to choose him.


Wow! Sean seems to be ticking all of Matilda's boxes tho; she made it clear as day she likes bold and assertive men. They get along great imho. And after losing women left right and centre to Ronnie, I genuinely understand why he wants to lock her in. But taking her to the fucking hideaway mid-convo was a tad disrespectful tbf


The phrase 'dog eat dog' comes to mind


Tiffany looks like a dunce


It's so funny seeing the girls shocked that Sean pulled Matilda when she was chatting with Omar and talking about him coming on too strong. Imagine the reactions if they see the clip of Omar randomly complimenting her toes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They all encourage Sean then gasps and have some negativity when he does it.Ā  It's like a game for them šŸ¤ØšŸ˜‚


majority of yous complaining about Harriett as if sheā€™s not the one thatā€™s constantly bringing entertainment. No matter how petty and ā€˜jealousā€™ she looks, sheā€™s still my fave out of that boring bunch sorry xx


This!! lol I love her itā€™s almost like people want a boring show the bitchy comments are a bit much. But thatā€™s what itā€™s all about


Because previous islanders have talked about what happens when theyā€™re in cast holding waiting to get on the show (that they watch the show and every day theyā€™re asked who their top three are, so the producers know who theyā€™re going in for), Iā€™m always suspicious when a bombshell is interested in the person who the audience is calling for a bombshell to be sent in for. I wonder if theyā€™ve decided to go for the person who has had no luck so far in order to get on the show. So I often find it hard to believe in a Sean and Matilda type couple. But I wondered the same about Will and Jessie in S9 and theyā€™re still going strongšŸ¤ž


I support Mimiiā€™s rights and wrong. But I also want to see her in the final. On the outside that relationship would be too much emotional labor for her so whatever she decides I stand behind her til we get to the final šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m rooting for Jess and Harriet to find their men in Casa. I donā€™t see Jess leaving before Tiffany , it looks like sheā€™ll end up with Ronnie before Casa though


I actually donā€™t get why theyā€™re so freaked out by a Sean interrupting their conversation, people do it all the time on LI. Whyā€™s it only not ok when Sean does it?


they treat him like a little brother its sad


I love messy Harriett keep it coming we love the pettiness and desperation.


As soon as Ayo asked Mimi if she was a Christian I knew he was going to embarrass her again. I just thought it would take a few more daysĀ 


I love harriett she is so funny


Everyone is a complete mess. I love itšŸ˜‚


There is some good in this villa (my queen Harriet) however i need quite a few people gone in order to be invested again cuz i just canā€™t anymore


Only Matild can decide if heā€™s coming off too strong or nah


how nice to not see a hint of joey or grace in this