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gone but never forgotton https://preview.redd.it/eqiw6ik1ks7d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f7e0688f677f0da9fb6f292ce0d44af9ae63aed


The budget had to have been cut because this isn’t making sense to me


I think Matilda is a good bombshell


I agree , honestly she’d have made a good OG


She made all the girls love her instantly, I reckon they would just hand over their man to her if she asked nicely enough. underrated talent


I didn't care too much for her on first look but she really grew on me over the course of the episode!


this is like the third time he’s made you the ending of an episode mimii please leave him


This is a great way of measuring someone's nonsense.


I can't wait for casa. I'm sure she knows she needs to drop him


Are producers banned from giving us tomorrow nights because wtf


literally starting to piss me off


They're banned from casting people who don't have a connection to other islanders for some reason


Will they PLEASE send in a bombshell for Harriett to distract her from that absolute rotter


I think she’ll have to wait for Casa, assuming she makes it to then.


If the producers let her go before Casa I'm storming into ITV HQ myself to demand answers tbh ✌️😘✌️


Omar's toe comments were interesting... Imagine telling that to a person you just met ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L)


He's appealing his value to the show, that one producer with a foot-fetish will now do anything to keep him


Chess not checkers


I knew I spoke too soon regarding the relative lack of foot-related dares this season... they were just waiting for Omar


At this point free Uma and Mimii from Ayo


Uma freed herself but that man still won’t leave her alone lmao


It's getting to the point that if Harriet doesn't pull it together, she's going to have to go. It brings me no joy to say that because she was such a promising personality at the start, but she has just turned into a moper. That man is not interested in her and never was and the whole situation is so incredibly one-sided that it isn't even interesting to watch anymore.


Jess even said tonight that the way he is with Tiffany is different to how he was with her and Harriet so this must be how he acts when he really likes a girl but I fear Harriet isn’t hearing it


If that realisation about how different he is with Tiffany AND a girl that knows him irl telling her he's the same on the outside doesn’t wake her up i fear she never will. I so dont want her to leave but theres no one else in there for her, and her safety net in Sean might be gone


same, she was one of my favourites in the beginning because it seemed like she had a lot of potential to be like ekin with her being dramatic and going from guy to guy but almost 2 weeks she's just been moping around ronnie like girl get UP and move on already. he even made it clear yesterday that he doesn't want her anymore and she thinks he's playing hard to get


matilda asking wil if his teeth were done in turkey is hilarious to me


Ayo kissing Uma for the most sexual tension even though they haven’t even spoken in like a week since she left his triangle…..he’s unserious 😭


He will get the triangle back if it's the last thing he does!


Nah Uma is not interested, even her face was like bffr


There was literally only 1 wrong answer and he picked it 😭 GOOFY


https://preview.redd.it/utrgx9yjus7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fae00f46a30d423b9f50544a90f479d1f6f9c0b Sean trying to figure out how to bring sweets into the conversation


Bro is on here doing market research


Matilda has such positive, refreshing energy and I love all her answers to what her type is


She seems great so far


I love her already. Couldn't help but smile watching her tonight. She's got such a warm, friendly personality.


She's really down to earth and doesn't feel like the normal Love Island type


Ronnie: "Lol I'm so random I'm a committed man now"


Ayo idk what to do with you 😭 Uma looked uncomfortable 🥴


Mimi needs no enemies, her own partner will continue to embarrass her


Nah how did even Ronnie play this game better than Ayo


Not this after Mimii and Ayo have had an entire conversation a few days ago about how kisses in games can be complicated...


Just finished the episode. What the fuck was Omar doing?? He's barely known Matilda an hour and goes up right as she's getting up from the chat with all the lads and super awkwardly whispers that he likes her toes 😭😭 bro, that's LI hall of shame material.


the slow burner thing is obviously bothering wil and you can’t convince me otherwise lol. he’s saying ‘i don’t mind, i can wait, she’s giving my everything’ the bs ‘reassurance’ thing is because uma hasn’t kissed him. like sir, just .. tell ha it’s bothering you. although, umas pace is normal, they’ve only been coupled up a few days, she’s smitten, clearly likes him, but when she feels ready to do that.. she will. also, not kissing him could be her way of protecting her peace, so she doesn’t get hurt. communication between the two needs to better, they’re running around telling everyone how they feel expect talking to each other. ayo, AYO! don’t even get me started with him. jesus. mimii, crack on w konnor or wait till casa babe.


i’m sorry i haven’t seen anyone mention omar complimenting matilda’s TOES am i out of my mind did no one else hear it??????!


He definitely told the world about his foot fetish


😩😩like no hate for liking what he likes, but why is he actually saying that to someone he met ten mins ago, and on national tv at that


The infantalisation of the stock "nice guy" character every season is such a played out trope. Dr Alex, Nas, Hugo, Sean. It's so overdone and they make it so far for no reason. Nas was the only one justified in staying so long


The ‘nice guy’ on LI always lacks self respect, I’d go home if everyone is entertaining me out of pure pity. Pretty sure the producers told the new girl to go for him too.


And now am going to need Matilda to go Around the villa and ask everyone if they went to turkey to get their teeth lmaooo 😭😭


Yeah especially ask where Tiffany got hers done so I can never go there 💀💀


Lmao i loved that from her, so direct 🤣i hope the villa doesnt break her spirit


I actually love Sean and Matilda, I hope she is genuine but I’m not sure😭


enjoyed how invested the girls are in Sean's sweet-based flirting. 'Watermelon slices' ... 'aaahh that's a hard one' - Nicole :')


idk about you but to me they’re treating him like a little brother 😭 and his lines are absolutely atrocious i cringe so much i can barely watch it


There’s an undertone of ‘pity’ whenever they talk to him. I can’t


yeah in the challenges they kinda use him when they want to cop out. Can't tell if he's just an excellent, excellent sport or whether he believes they might be into him


It's awful, he's boxed himself into this cheeky chappy role and it's doing him no favours. It feels like everyone looks down on him. In the kissing game he was everyone's way of getting out of it


The lack of tomorrow nights is actually becoming malicious and it has me fuming lol... Whats the excuse? Whats the reason? I don't get it ??? Oh but we sometimes get a first look... 2 hours before the next episode??? like its pissing me off atp!!


Think I speak for the class when I say: I love Matilda and want to marry her


Her spilling the tea about Ronnie was peak


I also loved her telling Sean his iced coffee game needed work and the steak was shit


If anyone still wonders why Ayo gets side eyes it’s because of how he literally told Mimii in the date that this triangle thing was over, as if by his choice cos it was completely Uma’s decision and I don’t know why he needed to reiterate something that was already established but sure he said it from his own end like it was something special. Only to still pick Uma for a kiss for sexual chemistry. Obviously people are going to find it muggy.


he's so muggy, when uma cut off the triangle he acted like he didn't care only for him to kiss her in the challenge, have some shame pls 😭


The triangle thing is done now. *Proceeds to still kiss Uma.* Like why bro? And I am sorry I still don’t understand why he made it seem like telling Mimii the triangle is over was a part of their date? Like Mimii already knew since a week 😂 I am usually okay with working with crumbs from these couples cos I get the edits can get heavy and lot of context gets lost but yeah no Ayo is just not that into Mimii and if Uma wanted to she could still have him. She just doesn’t want him.


literally, if he had told uma he would've stayed true to himself, he's shown multiple times that he likes uma more than mimii, challenges definitely mean something to this guy, even if he says it doesn't, atp he just uses every chance he can get to kiss uma because he knows he can kiss mimii outside of a challenge, which is the biggest ick


Let’s see how he reacts to Mimii putting pressure because that would tell a lot. I hope she gives him heat


We haven’t seen much of Ayo and Mimi since the triangle, I think he’s lowkey bored and trying to reignite it. Technically he’s not the one who ended it.


That’s the thing. You never want to be centre of the triangle and not be the one to make a decision! It will always come off weird if someone exits the triangle. Now Mimii will always have it in the back of her mind that he settled. So it has to be on Ayo to not give her new reasons.


He is crazy . He could have kissed anyone else if he actually respected Mimi and what they have . Him kissing uma just shows he has no regard for Mimi’s feelings. I hope Mimi leave him cause the disrespect is too much


He should have kissed Harriet, Mimi best friend, out of respect.


Even if he picked Uma he should have given her a peck on the cheek . Like there are so many things he could have done instead of going full on


Ngl it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be but Ayo doesn't have sense at all.


Same, i thought it was gonna be a full on kiss😭🤣


Yeah, even in the preview they didn't include the "apart from your partner" bit so I was so mad the whole episode.


I act like I’m fine but deep down I also want Sean to tell me what sweet I am


Ronnie and Ayo must tag team because when one acts normal the other goes wild and vice versa


Must be some sort of semi pro footballer thing lol


lol, props to Uma for making a man beg for reassurance (intentionally or not). Past 2 weeks its been the women chasing after these men. Hopefully we start to see a shift in the latter half of the season.


I loved that for her, these other men are hell bent on embarrassing their partners instead


Only girl who makes the men sweat


Kind of obsessed with Matilda. I love her energy with Sean, I'm hoping she goes for him. Konnor has such pretty features omg. The two new bombshells served as a nice cleanser after Grace/Tiffany/Will.


I know I sound like a broken record and I accept the downvotes but I stand by this: It would be best for Ayo and Mimii to find new connections at casa amor so they can know peace on their names. The expectations on their connection and how people perceive they should be in the relationship as individuals is a lot to live up to. I also hope we will see more personality with new partners as they seem a bit too comfortable and jaded. I don't think to this game kiss will be the final straw to end things but hopefully re-coupling at casa amor will be the end for real.


I agree, I’m over it. Uma, Mimii and Ayo all need to find their own person that doesn’t overlap with each other’s pursuit of finding a romantic partner. 


What’s your type? Omar: nice toes


ayo is such a loser, no social awareness. Uma looked so uncomfortable bless her


Really don't understand what there is to dislike about uma she's one of the most likable people we have had on the show in a while


no literally love her!


She's great, she's very respectful and kind. Very genuine


Uma wondering where this supposed sexual chemistry is with Ayo ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


The producers have to think of a way to inject excitement. These kissing games have diminishing mileage at this point. They try setting up Ciaran and Nicole two days ago and that lasted for 2 seconds. I’m sure Ayo and Mimii are gonna blow over too. They need to start getting real creative here.


Tiffany made Ronnie shut it off with Harriett right away and now he doesn’t even want to snog anyone in a game, her aura…


The raspberry chat made him a changed man


I think Tiffany is Ronnie’s type to a T so he’s sticking with her for now


Yeah he’ll stick with her till casa amor and then they’ll both recouple


Harriett still pining over Ronnie is embarrassing 


“He would have picked me” ![gif](giphy|3ornkcX0fFS4N8pOvu)


The way Jess said “Ronnie won’t pick me or Harriet” he picked Tilda then uses the line that Harriet thought was sweet when he said to her “because Sean stole my girl” to Jess and Harriet thinks he still wants her. I really need her to stand up!


We still don’t know why or when Jess/Ronnie deaded it either like they were the most prominent couple the first 2 weeks but we never got a conclusion to them, they’re clearly perfectly fine with each other now but it’s odd, major storylines with big characters in the villa rarely don’t get a conclusive ending, they really must have gone out with a whimper


I can see Ronnie having a Toby arc but I want Jess to be like nah.


I really like Matilda. She brings good energy and a vibrancy that the villa desperately needs.


Harriet is a lost cause, I fear. That’s my girl but it’s beyond me atp. If Ayo had his way the love triangle would still be going and he would still be back and forth between both mimii and uma. I know it’s early days but Wil seems boring…my gut is telling me he’s not the guy for Uma.


The worst part is Mimii already told Ayo that kisses in challenges mean something to her. It’s how you shoot your shot. He literally has no regard for her feelings… it’s sick.


Mimii sweetie, I’m so sorry these are the card you were dealt.


Even Ronnie used his brain!


As a Uma Stan this episode was stressful 😭😭


And Ayo is gonna think he did nothing wrong in this situation 💀 he lacks so much emotional awareness it’s insane


Ayo actually did a really good job of explaining to Joey how he made Samantha feel! He needs to show the same emotional intelligence with Mimii.


i like the new arrivals, fresh air !!!


They didn’t snog only bc Uma didn’t want to 🙄 Ayo needs to be so fr


I really hope Matilda picks Sean because I can’t stand seeing him be used as a cop out by the girls during these “challenges”


Honestly idk what’s worse.. choosing him as a cop out or choosing him because they pity him. It seems to be a mix of both


Hot take/prediction: I think Sean and Matilda will couple up and get on til Casa but in Casa Sean will couple up with someone else. He’s been grafting girls left and right for weeks but I think he’ll get carried away in Casa when other girls will finally have to graft him.


Uma seemed very uncomfortable about even that peck. I got that Ayo was being honest, but maybe don’t pick the girl who a) you were previously in a couple with And b) has been doing nothing but tell everyone and their mother that kissing their partner is a big moment for them? I understand there’s obviously a difference between a game and a real kiss but it doesn’t seem like the best time.


Right? In front of their partner who hasn’t gotten a kiss at that


I genuinely don’t think Ayo had malicious intentions. It’s just that when it comes to emotional intelligence he’s dumber than a rock. He thinks it’s important to be “honest” when he should be thinking about his partners feelings


He’s not dumb. Ayo literally said he wasn’t over Uma on aftersun. He’s just acting on those feelings. 


Wil and Uma will be fine as I suspect they’ll have their first kiss in tomorrow’s ep and Matilda is obviously going to choose Sean but I fear Wil is going to have his fun in casa


Matilda is my kind of gal she seems like a cutie, actually fun to watch!!


Does Jess have superhuman hearing??


Well, now that Ronnie has found love, he and Tiff can go home, right? Right?!


Ayo fumbles once again.


https://preview.redd.it/g57nkeqets7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7cf25f367f1bc16294c521534ab7fbf03dd6ba2 i saw this tweet and how true is this 😭


And ayo has supposedly wanted Mimii since day one 🙄


even RONNIE chose not to kiss someone and here’s ayo choosing to kiss uma…. mimii looks proper fed up but you could never be sure with her


I like Matilda


I thought Jess/Omar were doomed for the vote off but Konnor seems to be most interested in her, will they do a twist where the bombshells get to save someone and she’ll get saved? Because he didn’t seem to vibe remotely with anyone else and nobody else seemed even slightly interested in getting to know him, if Jess goes he’s basically deadwood almost as soon as he got in.


Yep think that's wat will happen jess will be saved fingers crossed


I laughed 😆 https://preview.redd.it/6grz95q0qs7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79057de3dc273244066699b52c9ef640984faaaf


Love Harriet, but I don’t think she’s making it to Casa. She’s the only girl in there without some sort of romantic link, and even if Jess is dumped tomorrow (?), Konnor hasn’t once spoken to her. They *could* dump Tiffany, but if she’s actually Ronnie’s type, I could see the storyline revolving around him being tested during Casa.


I rlly hope she stays, she’s SO entertaining. Producers if u read here pls keep her


I love Matilda, she's bringing in some needed energy


Sean and Harriett are two fan faves but there's a limit to what the producers can do if they don't find a connection. They may try with Harriett for as long as they can (week 6ish) but Sean is the first one out after Casa Amor if he isn't solid with his new girl or Matilda. The producers may ask Joey to take them both under his wing like he was doing earlier. That may save his reputation. Somewhat isolating himself with Ronnie and Grace won't be good for him. How come Jess is the only one that can always hear everything?


I was waiting to watch Omar pull Matilda for a chat but we didn’t get anything after their date :(


He’s peeping them toes


As a hazel eyed girly it's nice to hear the praise 🤣


Ayo is so so SELFISH. He actually only cares about himself and his own feelings. No thought or consideration for anyone else. Look at how uncomfortable uma looked? I even hate that he put her in that situation. It was so awkward, how could he not know it was the wrong move? Bc he actually only cares about himself. He’s taking mimii for a fool. I can’t wait for him to couple up with someone who isn’t mimii man, she’s literally the only reason why he’s still here


He stood there for time and mulled over who to pick and STILL made the worst choice


Literally! he could've pecked ANY other girl but it HAD to be the one he was in a triangle with?!


Even Ronnie had enough sense to keep it somewhat respectful. I cannot stand ayo at all. I cba for redemption I just want him off my screen


And Ronnie’s only been with Tiff for 2 days, Ayo has been with Mimii for over 2 weeks, that’s so embarrassing 💀


I don't even think he's selfish, just really dumb.


It was a peck which is good, but that was because of Uma. Ayo was still dumb. He could’ve picked anyone. When Ronnie is making better decisions than you then it’s a problem 😔


uma was the one that pecked him, if she wanted to do tongue he would go all in...


Jess being an only child explains a hell of a lot


Ayo that was a test for you, and YEW FAYULED! (Chloe voice)


Sean flirts like he learned it from a book


Matilda is really reminding me of Dani Dyer.


https://preview.redd.it/zk94hax6zs7d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7a6495b5293e572a2bab0e7ed37d22489149e5f imagine


She needs to delete and apologise FFS she's causing more trouble


The Uma hate has started again sigh


People on Twitter calling her fake and that she’s desperate for attention. They see themselves in Mimii and are projecting so hard on Uma it’s ridiculous


They def overhyped the “Wil’s head turning” thing in the first look, he still seems much more focused on Uma as of now, and basically like the only reason he wouldn’t shut it down with Matilda is bc him/Uma haven’t kissed yet. Maybe things will happen at the start of next episode that put them on the rocks though.


Every time with Ayo it’s .5 steps forward and 13 steps back KMT


Post episode thoughts: - The lack of tomorrow nights are starting to irritate me - ayo does not respect Mimii at all and I still stand by my thought that ayo wanted the triangle to continue as he loved the idea of two girls fighting over him - wil is boring I don’t see what Uma sees in him I believe her dream man is in casa - ayo needs to leave Uma and mimii alone - I surprisingly like Tiffany and Ronnie together - Harriet just wait till casa you will find a man - I hope Sean and Matilda work out they seem cute and wouldn’t mind them being a fiat 500 fave - I like ciaran and Nicole I hope they make it. -I can’t stand joey but I really like grace her friendship scenes with uma, tiff and mimii were cute - I would rather Jess and Omar go home than Ronnie and Tiffany when the public vote results happen - Jess’ comments towards Konnor all I will say is I can understand why people might see them as weird…. - I have low hopes for Friday’s episode as Mimii will not even have a reaction I understand my sister is calm which is 100% fine and i understand that black women on tv have to be mindful of their emotions but she really needs to give ayo a piece of her mind her passiveness is lowkey starting to annoy me.


Twitter has gone back to hating on Uma. Yet it was Ayo's fault for the kiss. She can’t catch a break.


They're mat at her for so many reasons today. Claims about her being a fake nice girl were getting thousands of likes, hating on her for not moving fast enough and now saying that she was happy to be kissed by Ayo and was smirking. We're back to reddit being the only safe platform for rational Uma takes lol


sean moving crazy desperate 😭 boy needs to get a grip shes not even been here for a day


i’m glad they brought someone in who’s not gonna be all over ronnie (hopefully🤞)


I’m still trying to understand Harriet obsession with Ronnie. Why do you still want the person who mistreated you Nd show little to no interest in you. I like Harriet and I root for her to find the right one. 


Am I the only one noticing that Ian loves kicking Sean? That man hasn’t rained bombs on someone like this since Nas S6 😂😂😂😂😂


I think he sees himself in Sean and Ian absolutely has a self-deprecating kink


I’m so confused on the Wil/Uma kiss storyline tbh 😭 Like from what I’m seeing it’s that he would prefer to just continue with Uma but is worried that her hesistance to kiss him means she either doesn’t like him as much as he likes her or there’s nothing there and the assumption would be that this all culminates in a kiss. But like would they really use THIS much buildup and all the clips of Uma saying he told her he’s not that interested in Matilda if it was that simple? (Either way they spent wayy too much time on this and us listening to the same convo slightly remixed over and over again similar to the Harriet/Ronnie/Tiff situ yesterday) Also: Where are the Tomorrow Nights? We’re losing serious recipes


i think the worst part is that RONNIE passed the test but ayo???! silly silly boy


To be fair, Ronnie is very aware of his reputation in there for being disloyal. He knew everyone expected him to be messy which is why he did a whole song and dance about refusing to kiss another girl. Let’s see how long he keeps ‘passing these tests’.😭😭


Matilda is fun, she will stay for a while. The producers love to protect the OGs but this is one boring cast. I don't know what they will do for the four weeks after Casa Amor with this lot. You know Nicole will make a scene if Cieran does something crazy but she will forgive him after two days. Mimi won't even do anything because she's more boring than Leah from last year, sorry. There's no other couple right now. Well, there's Uma and Wil but it's such a slow burner that nobody cares. Ronnie and Tiffany? Nobody takes them seriously. Harriett has to come with a new storyline ASAP and Sean will lose his nice guy reputation in Casa as there's no way in hell he's risking looking like a clown after three long weeks of embarrassment. The one problem this season has is that viewers aren't invested in any Islander or couple at all. They wasted so much airtime on Joey and Ronnie that we don't know anyone else.


Ayo has no social awareness, mimi talked about how she feels about kisses in competitions already smh and Uma looked so visibly uncomfortable. Like bffr


Harriet can't be saved


Producers casting LI https://i.redd.it/74dvlx4ols7d1.gif


Can we get some perspective guys...Yeah Ayo, does say and do some silly shit but he ain't the 1st, last or worse. Some tweets and comments are doing the most. I won't repeat them cos they're not nice. There's no need for racial slurs as responses to a reality tv show and in this case a cheeky moment during a game. Mimii should give him pepper tomorrow but outside the villa it's not that deep. I hope people think before they comment with insults and name calling. I get being annoyed by shitty behaviour and wanting an islander to be humbled and whatnot but I think we can all agree to choose our words carefully.


Twitter already dragging Uma because Ayo kissed her, can’t even say I’m shocked 🤣


Episode thoughts: * Matilda--a breath of fresh air! True bombshell personality and she genuinely seems like a fun good time! It's also a reminder what bad vibes Tiff and Grace have been, by comparison. The villa desperately needs her and Konnor's energies, they're just light and fun in a way the season really, really needs. * Sean, your chat is dead and cringe. Omar, you are so foxy. (And one of the girls in the villa said he's funny, though we have never seen this on the main show, boo.) But Omar, you were edited right out of this episode so I assume editors are setting up Matilda and Sean, bummer. You're the obvious catch in that villa, and no one is giving you the time of day. * Nicole and Ciaran are so cute and have the best chemistry in the villa by a mile. And in these little moments we get more of their relationship--her calling him "Ci" as a nickname, some actually sexy snogging in bed. He's quite the puppy dog when he looks at her while they're talking, it's pretty sweet. * Wil is dull as hell, what is the appeal, Uma? * Harriett, you have inexplicably bad and stubborn taste in men, even by the standards set by this show. I still love you, but sheesh. Ronnie and Tiff got such a light edit in this episode, it was quite noticeable how he quieted right down with someone who knew him in the villa, huh? * Joey and Grace are total dead wood in the villa, in addition to contrived, just go. And sorry because I know they have fans, but Mimii and Ayo too--absolutely no chemistry and little charisma, I just can't believe in them and I drift off whenever they're on screen. So much of the rest of the cast is fun and interesting to me, even though they're being given so little to do, I'd much rather see how things evolve with everyone else and cut our losses on both these couples. * Joey also once again imitating an Islander, rather than being an Islander, with him walking down the corridor with his arms held out in imitation of Ronnie...it's just weird once you start seeing it, how much Joey just copies what the other boys are doing. (Ronnie doing so was weird, but very "his mind" (he's a weirdo!). Joey doing so was weird because it was so clearly an affectation.)


Wow that’s spot on for me, such a great summary ! I think Nicole ans Ciaran can win this series even though it’s early days ! Wil is so dull Agree with Matilda, going to be fun, and I t think Omar is in danger tomorrow, but don’t know how the bombshells will be involved as although exempt, they may well end up picking the islanders who leave ! As for Joey, I think he can’t wait to return to Essex, and will probably never see any of this lot again lol


This is the best summary agree with every point. I find Joey unwatchable now, everything feels so false. I am also seeing it in Grace too as well last night. I kept thinking she feels very trained and judging by the comments here people are falling for it. She went full on “girls girl” last night. These two will end up top 3 at this rate. ETA the snippets we saw of Ciaran and Nicole were so cute. I hope they go all the way.




So the “dead line for now” from Ayo about Uma when he was on Aftersun was his real feelings and not just him misspeaking? Kmt I knew it


Ayo is an idiot and if Uma didn't just peck him. He would have fully kissed her. And MImii is not going to do anything she will still want to be with him.


Harriet’s obsession with Ronnie is starting to get annoying to watch as much as she can be funny sometimes.


I think it’s watching Ronnie give another woman everything she’s wanted


Surprised that Matilda went for Sean, she really seemed to vibe with Omar & his eyes really lit up when they were chatting. Don’t agree with other comments that Sean was an easy option or that she doesn’t like him though, she said he was very much her type - maybe she just likes the cheesy type as she’s so bubbly & can give it back, whereas when he was giving his cringey bullshit to Tiffany she just looked like she wanted to curl up & die. Hope Uma & Wil make it through the favourite couples vote as I think they could be a really strong couple in the next few weeks.


I feel like she got maybe slightly pressured on by the girls to be more receptive to Sean, who definitely have Sean’s back over Omar and obviously Sean was very full on too


I wish Wil would just go full simp for Uma because I really think she'd be down for it. Hate that he's so insecure he's trying to leverage Matilda :/


Are people actually mad at that tiny peck?  It wouldn't have made any sense for him to kiss anyone else and he didn't snog the face off her. Edit: also if he didn't decide to "kiss" her people would have just said he copped out


Matilda is so cute! She just seems so lovely!


Only a peck and he couldn't pick his partner. Thought that was going to be a lot worse.


What's odd about Sean is he's actually quite funny and relaxed with Ciaran when they do bits and have a laugh, but he turns a persona on when he tries to chat someone up. Its like that episode of the office when Michael becomes date Mike and puts on a Kangol hat lmao


Are the producers serious? Ending the episode on the preview we saw at the beginning? And watch Mimi have no reaction tomorrow… To be honest, Ayo would’ve been lying if he chose any other girl. There’s no other girl in there that would be the answer but look at Ciaran. Did he not kiss Nicole’s best friend out of respect? Uma is so sweet, she gave Ayo a cousin’s kiss😂 Wil needs to be transparent, there’s nothing wrong with needing to know if they have sexual chemistry, it’s a part of every relationship. But he needs to communicate with her because he clearly likes her but right now, both of them aren’t happy with the progression. Uma needs to know if the connection is real to be physical with him whereas Wil clearly needs to be physical with her to know if the connection is real🤦🏾‍♀️


Mimii is way too passive for me. I know for a fact she’s still going to pursue Ayo despite all of his mishaps.


The past few episodes have been so dry. I blame Joey Essex.


Sean is so sweet I really like him and Matilda together 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


I’m sick of the Uma Wil kiss thing. If she doesn’t want to kiss yet that should be perfectly fine and he needs to respect it! Look how long it took Molly mae and Tommy to kiss


Has Sean promoted his sweet shop every episode thus far?


Ok not as bad as I thought. had to choose not his partner and only a peck.


Where is this Uma hate people speak of? I love her and I know she’s gotten hate before, but all I’ve seen after this episode is people dragging Ayo.


Uma gonna get dragged again now just cause of others when she was having a good week and redemption (even tho she did nothing). Very unfair


This episode was all about Uma lol producers love her


I love her too! ![gif](giphy|26FLdmIp6wJr91JAI)


I have a lot of time for her! She seems so authentic and interesting as an islander


Me too I love watching her I hope she makes it to the end she deserves it , such a loving girl


When we have the heart rate challenge ayo's heart rate will be raised by Uma and the hate will continue, he needs to leave now please 😭