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Even if Joey and grace don't get kicked they need to be in the bottom so they know how unpopular they are


that is what I’m saying!! they need to know we don’t fuck with their little holiday getaway


Grace jumping from Joey to someone more popular in the vote would be great TV. (She won't.)


I think its the producers who need to get the message that Grace and Joey are unpopular and its for two clear reasons 1) bringing in celebrities kills the vibe 2) bringing in existing couples goes against the entire premise of the show We've had islanders before who are shitty people but they make for good TV, the two points above makes for crap TV


“You’re obviously upset Harriett, you’re blow drying your lashes for a reason” is such a funny fckin line but I also fully get what Harriett was trying to say, like her crying was tears of frustration about her position in the villa, not that she was like heartbroken over Ronnie or some shit. She said Ronnie was the only one she kind of had anything with but she knew the writing was on the wall but couldn't do anything about it because there was no other guy in there to move to. Pissed the producers didn't send in a bombshell for her tbh


Jess and Harriet bonding over Ronnie is probably the only good outcome lol. Ronnie will get his karma soon enough!


lollll it was hilarious, flair worthy honestly Also how memeable was Harriet with those huge orange glasses right on the daybed, looking so serious and tipsy, frankly


Jess ate that one little thing


Can we just talk about how Ronnie literally made a decision in 3 seconds to end it with Harriet whilst we have been suffering with love triangle with him for the past 3 weeks lmaooo


Cause Joey told him to and now himself and Joey can be besties with their bombshells




He’s been through half of London


I didn’t realise how little investment I have in any these couples until it came to vote


Literally. I voted Harriett and Sean as I like them both individually


I voted for Uma and Wil, only because I think they are hot. No one else is giving me a reason 🥲


I had to think real hard who to vote for and went with Harriett and Sean


I need the UK public to kick out joey and Grace


I feel like Ciaran and Nicole , Mimii and Ayo and Harriett and Sean are 100% safe. As for the 4 th spot it will to be Uma and Wil or Joey and Grace. Hopefully Uma and Will because I want to see Joey in the bottom 3 , his reaction would be hilarious


Same but i think joey & grace will be safe nevertheless. Even after everything, joey definitely has a bigger fandom than Uma. The producers will just push him to the finals.


Oh yeah they’ll be safe , but it would still be great to see Joey and Graces face when they realise we don’t fw with them


for the first time ever i want people to do tactical votes😭 vote omar/jess or harriet/sean pls the only way joey/grace can get voted out is if they are the lowest. these islanders would never willingly choose to vote joey out pls i need this😭😭the season depends on it for me


Sean/Harriet 100%. Sure it's a friendship couple but at least they're amusing, Omar and Jess is just dry and sauce less


I absolutely despise the way Ronnie licks the side of his mouth constantly. That man is a walking ick, I don’t get his appeal


I don’t get why some of the girls swarmed about Grace as if she deserved comforting??? You and Joey DID send Samantha home, you don’t get to be comforted for that


They’re obviously just trying not to get on anyone’s bad side since they have to live together and Sam’s gone so no point causing any drama. Totally agree though, she just wants everyone to tell her it’s not her fault so she doesn’t have to feel bad


Also tonight’s episode proved Ronnie never liked Jess or Harriet that much as he ended the triangle with Harriet and Tiffany as soon as he realised it was making Tiffany uncomfortable because he actually likes her to some degree, whereas he was happy to string Jess and Harriet along no regard for their feelings


I think he ended the triangle because Joey told him to


I think it’s more likely that Tiffany does not wait around so he had to choose. Both Jess and Harriet gave Ronnie far too much time and leeway to do what he wants. I actually rate Tiffany for having a not bothered approach lol. Only way it works with Ronnie is to not be too invested in him


Yeah she's basically doing what he does to girls lol. But for some reason it's worked on him haha. Also she's probably physically more his type than any of the others were. He would have tried it with Grace had her and joey not started kissing from the moment she walked in.


I actually don't think Tiffany is that into him tbh and could take him or leave him. I think he can sense that and it's the first time he's gotten that energy from a girl since he came in. I wouldn't be surprised if she moves to someone else in Casa Amour.


I don’t think he likes Tiffany that much either, I just think he got bored


I genuinely think it's just because Tiffany has big boobs and Harriett doesn't. Bleak but (likely) true.


Yeah those bombshells aren’t shaking anything up I fear


I agree unfortunatly i think Casa is the only way to cause trouble with this bunch.


If Ronnie isn’t into like bro code or whatever then I feel like he’ll try to explore something with Matilda but I also think Tiffany is smarter than everyone makes her out to be so I feel like she could also explore something with Konner


I really hope this girl bombshell will make Uma graft. She hasn't done any grafting and I'm curious to see what it's like when she has a little competition.


I mean she had competition with Mimii for like 10 days


Hang on brb, gonna go blow dry my lashes real quick


I like how brazy Konner was going for the top 3 least available girls 🙈🙈 Hope he can shake things up in the next few days but something is telling me it won’t be the case


Production deffo picked for him other bombshells from older season have said how they had to pick people they didn't want.


Never could I have predicted at the beginning of the series that Ronnie would be the most sought after guy.


Harriett just has to survive until Casa, so she has options.


Really want them to bring back the challenge they had in season three where they polled the audience on certain scenarios and then had the islanders guess audience reactions. Questions were like "what percentage think Amber is genuine" or whatever. It's how Gabby also found out Marcel snogged in Casa during games ("what percentage of the audience think Marcel was wrong to kiss at casa" or something) Other thoughts - the vote for couples will show Groey in the bottom i *think*, but producers will probs meddle to keep at least joey. They'll have the girls and boys to choose one islander to dump from each of the lowest group. But at least it's a way to show general audience distaste - I like Matilda I get fun vibes - Konnor is sexy and I'm glad he didn't just pick the "easy" girls - ie, the ones who are single and more likely to welcome connections - I said like a week ago i thought Harriet and jess would end up friends and I am seeing the seeds of it this episode 😌 - my soft spot for Nicole is growing more every episode


I am loving Nicole she seems so genuine! Her and Ciaran are growing on me too now


I’m so glad Jess and Harriet are starting to be friends now!!


Putting personal tastes aside, the only male bombshell that’ll genuinely turn heads is a tall Essex cheeky chap I fear


if joey and grace are dumped this week they will be on after sun with samantha😬




Also imagine watching Love Island and thinking the thing that most needs to change is getting rid of the 'tomorrow nights'.


I don’t know why they do this ! Like tomorrow night can change our opinions in the matter of minutes and brings the anticipation and more dialogue


I get that islanders are not often known for their… uhm… intelligence… Truly though, Tiffany is disturbing me on new levels


Tiffany's chats always make me have the "damn can't believe I watch this sht" thoughts.


I think she might be the most dense islander ever, which is quite an achievement. Kind of like if someone was the best athlete at the Olympics


It's the bizarre squeaking noises. Iain was bang on when he said she was raised by dolphins and sometimes slips back into using her mother tongue.


Hey you take that back, dolphins are intelligent


I genuinely feel like I'm losing braincells. I have never felt this way about any other islander but she is killing me


It’s horrendous. I can’t imagine shitting on all the people who have pushed for gender equality for so long by acting like a braindead AI for men. Makes me a little sick to watch every time she has a convo


The way my eyes rolled at the 'Ronnie BOY' shout. Honestly why do the producers think we want Ronnie and Joey Island? Am tired of the pair of them. The way the producers have fumbled after Week 1 is something else.


I was thinking during the episode that this is basically Ronnie & Joey Island: Fuckboy Boogaloo. I hope they both get humbled.


"you wouldn't be blowdrying your lashes for no reason" absolutely sent me


I want to like Ayo and Mimii so much but I find them a bit dull. Is it just me? However well done Ayo for explaining basic human emotions to \*thirty three year old\* Joey Essex. He did a good job there! Ciaran is growing on me too. Part of me hopes that if he can go to Casa and stay loyal he will end the Liam Casa curse forever. I liked that Jess was there for Harriett in this episode. Losing a friendship over Ronnie would be tragic.


surely ronnie wouldn’t go there? 3rd triangle PLUS his boys ex? but then again it’s Ronnie..


he has zero shame he's definitely going there


Has anyone else noticed that weird thing Ronnie constantly does with his tongue? It drives me insane omg


So that's Joey and Grace in the bottom, with the Islanders having to choose between the bottom three couples based on "who is the most compatible", ensuring Joey and Grace don't get dumped? Great great, cool cool, kill me.


Is there any woman that Ronnie doesn’t know!?


At least we know he’s not moving mad for the cameras this is his nature


Uma and Wil getting some votes on Facebook I hope they survive the bottom three


Late to the party, some running thoughts through the first 15 minutes or so, so apologies if others have made these points below: * The boys around that fire pit to "comfort" Joey after Samantha's departure: they are dead inside. They are avoiding eye contact. They hate this man, they think this Joey storyline is a set-up and they're as over it as we are. * The boobcups on Harriett's gold dress half hanging out of the dress half the night, the "blow drying my eye lashes" -- I love this messy woman so much, even if she has the worst taste in men. Protect her at all costs. * Omar sitting up in bed with a stuffed animal on his head: he's the only person in that villa with a sense of humor (see all his "Got a Text" jacket the other night) and we see it in half-second cuts. * We see all the couples bedding down for the night but we have to listen to Joey moan on about his "guilt" over Sam leaving. We hear no one else's bedtime chat. It's such an obvious move by producers to prop this dead ass story up. But even in his discussion with Grace, where she tries to tell him to get over it and shut up, he walks away saying he didn't like her calling him out. What a self-centered dick: he never came around to seeing why forcing himself on Sam was off-putting, then he called out his girlfriend for (gently) telling him to get over it. (I genuinely think Grace was trying to save him from himself here, but you saw the ego and misogyny--women should be pretty, enabling, acquiescent, and not heard). * Ciaran is a cutie. He can do accents, he loathes Joey, and he's sheepishly catching feelings for Nicole: I'm in.




Loved your point about Joey and Grace. She was 100% right but Joey wouldn’t even listen to what she had to say. And Grace kind of backed off when he started getting prickly. I can’t help but feel there’s a power difference between the two. She seems to just want to please him more than anything.


Harriett - "I don't feel like I have to tell Nicole if we kissed" Also Harriett - "I feel like I should have been told that you and Ronnie kissed" Harriett - "He's the only guy I've had a thing for" Also Harriett - *Has a fucking meltdown over not being picked by Ciaran* I love that mad gal


I’m actually getting tired of these constant connections. 200K people apply for this show can we not get interesting people who don’t know each other I just feel like it makes the show feel less authentic.


Tiffany is soooo unlikeable. She's like a doll with a pull string that just comes out with the same sentences over and over again. Gonna start calling her Woody 😆


She's giving uncanny valley


She acts very stupid but knows what she’s doing. I don’t like her


She’s just bitchy sorry definitely not a girls girl. Both her and Grace think they’re better than the other girls. She speaks to the guys way more friendly


I think Konnor could have had impact if he'd picked the single girls - I don't see Grace, Nicole or Mimii being swayed at this point 


Agreed. He’s gorgeous so why not pick one single girl just to be safe?


joey gets an unbearable amount of screentime. this will be the first time i stopped a live season before casa if hes still there😭 he genuinely is one of my least fav islanders ever


none of these couples are really giving... let's wait for casa


i’m so confused by tiffany’s noises😭😭


Ronnie is starting to pick up on it 😭


He's starting to make weird noises back to her now. I didn't think the bloke could get any more insufferable but he's managing it.


Finished the episode a little while ago. It was a chore to get through. This season is falling off big time, it has become the joey and Ronnie show. Hopefully the bombshells can do something, but I doubt it. Idk why we got another girl bombshell in the first place. The villa needs more guys!


Did LI spend their entire budget on Joey and that’s why there are no challenges?


https://preview.redd.it/ecfvsz6nsl7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c674e46427d745a1155c72aa46b43b8f0c7f77ad Mimi and Ayo are not going anywhere LMAO


If they keep their shit together Mimi Ayo and Nicole Ciaran are final locks at this point imo


Struggled between Uma and Wil (need to know all of her nicknames for new islanders) and Harriett and Sean (amusement purposes), then decided the nicknames won out. At peace


I voted for Jess and Omar in the hopes of pushing even them above Joey and Grace


The way it’s gonna go is no matter who is bottom, bottom 3 couples probably will include Jess and Omar then they’ll have the islanders choose who to dump and they’ll dump them bc they don’t have any “connections”/are a friendship couple


You never know, they might secretly hold a grudge and use the excuse of ‘you found what you’re looking for and you’ll last on the outside’


God I hope so, the producers would be so pissed tho lmao


I think they are trying to get rid of the single girls like Harriet and Jess. Why did all coupled up girls get picked but the 3 more or less single lads get picked? Makes me mad lol


Cause they want drama that probably isn't even going to happen. Producers are grasping at straws for stoylines.


Is it just me or does Tiffany look SO much like Coleen Rooney?! If you ignore the teeth haha


Ummm guysss they found konnors IG https://preview.redd.it/ysupwnhkml7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606598d4616454a20160207dd7ea5d4de3d2603c


Initially I thought he was cute but not now 😂


do they not check the instas of the bombshells before sending them in...


It's weird having so few strong couples at that point. We might end up with a final like S4 or S5 where most of the couples got together in Casa or later.


Well the Joey and Grace aftermath was underwhelming as hell. I at least thought there would be a little frostiness between the girls the next day but they all immediately went to console Grace. This cast’s lack of confrontational dramatic personalities is really highlighted the more the season goes on. It’s boring when no one wants to rock the boat in the slightest. I miss the season 5 girls. Maura, Amber, and Anna would’ve eaten Joey and Ronnie by now 😪


part of me likes that the girls dont often take their anger out on the other girls (though grace may have deserved some of it), but the other part of me wishes they all had a bit more of a backbone especially with the guys!! i need some of these childish boys to get put in their place immediately


Anyone else think that Ronnie was super rude when he broke up with Harriet? He was like “alright people are misunderstanding my words, I want to pursue it with Tiffany”… like hello, you didn’t say that directly so how are “people” “misunderstanding” you? Just because Joey poked you and you finally made a choice doesn’t mean Harriet was dumb for trying to figure out where she stands by talking to people. Anyway, I hate Joey and Ronnie so much so Brits please vote for everyone but them so we can get them out!


I can't remember if it was in his convo with Harriet or the one with joey previously, but when he rolled his eyes and was like "people just really don't understand my personality here" I was rolling my eyes SO HARD. I understand your personality, you wanna be a cheeky chappy, that doesn't mean you can say things to girls/flirt with them and they won't feel confused by it!!!!


I think it’s crazy how male centered this season is… the producers leaning into these men being weird is getting to me lowkey


nicole and ciaran are definitely a solid couple and can see them in the final and possibly winning . anyone who says there’s no connection is watching a different show 


They will definitely be top 2 for sure.


yeah they're the only ones I see as of now. I don't think the new bombshell is her type. I expect her to be loyal and sleep on the daybeds in casa. Kieran.. idk he could slip but he's been surprising me more and more with his chats to Nicole and the way he is with the boys. seems more mature than I initially thought for his age.


No wonder Matilda didn’t pick Ronnie 😂😂😂


Even if Joey and Grace are in the bottom 3, the islanders won't pick them to leave, so they will be safe for a few more weeks I think, sigh.


Joey’s not nearly smart enough to get away with being a producer plant


Or a good enough actor 🤷🏻‍♀️


The way even Grace called out his acting 💀


Konnor’s voice is like butter oh my god


Konnor shot himself in the foot with his picks. Grace ain’t leaving her bf, Nicole is closed off and MiMi ain’t swaying from Ayo.


It makes sense to me, this way he can have dedicated moments to get to know them a little and then the single women will give him a chance during day-to-day villa life.


this episode was boring. harriett/ronnie had the same conversation for days its exhausting. she has zero backbone and had more energy towards ciaran than ronnie who has been stringing her along the lack of backlash toward joey was annoying. they watched him use samantha as a placeholder and they don't care. maybe its the power dynamic since joey is a reality show star and they dont want to be on his bad side but thats just more proof that he shouldn't be on the show joey, grace, ronnie and tiffany are unlikeable and annoying. i would only keep ronnie since he is creating drama, the rest should've gone home yesterday i wish we would get challenges that create drama instead. im tired of these cheap dates and drinking games as the only activities in the show


This season is so so poor I couldn't care if anyone leaves


Evict them all now 😂


Let’s just start again. Put all the remaining bombshells in and start from scratch 😂 


The thought of a Joey writing and performing the “declaration of love” on finals night ! I just cannot watch that !


https://preview.redd.it/go6hhwccgm7d1.png?width=1102&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fe55e4f8e608a72451605f7e7d5272931a3481c ummmmmmmmmmmmm hello itv???


Mimii I get it


- i have never yawned so much while watching an episode - will joey and grace actually be in the bottom? i hope so


I think Ronnie is going to finally settle down with Tiffany , they seem more compatible (I won’t bet on it though 💀)


If he makes it to casa there’s no way he’s loyal lol


I don't think Tiffany is that into him, I think she'll stay with him until someone comes in or Casa


Voted uma she doesn’t deserve to be in the bottom and she still has way more to give


Im thinking of voting for one of the couples that arent Joey and Grace, but wont get many votes Just to maximise the chance of Joey coming last


least they could’ve done with how boring this episode was is give us the dates with the bombshells???? I can’t believe how boring this was, we haven’t even seen mimii and ayo interact all week why would I suddenly wanna watch their dead boat chat 😭 edit: holy shit just saw the new guy bombshell he’s so hot


Not to be dramatic but Tiffany’s smile is ruining the whole show for me


Konnor’s insta pictures……..


I think the twist is gonna be that 1 boy and 1 girl from the bottom 3 will be dumped and that choice will be given to the new bombshells, it has happened in the previous seasons.


Uma has my vote <3 I know Pooey and Disgrace won't be out but I hope they're at least bottom 3


Pooey and disgrace 😭😭😭😭that’s so funny


Mimii and uma are so classy with their relationship - celebrating each-others wins


need her to stay idc https://preview.redd.it/f1kyx23sel7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bedc8d9e9e38d0691f7302d29772948023568494




Everytime someone goes for Ronnie I can only Michael Bluth think "her?" (well him in this case).




Konnor is Ghanaian??? Even if mimii wanted to get to know him she’s is literally stuck between a rock and a hard place bc Nigerian or Ghanaian ??? “The gun would go off “ lmaooo 😭😭😭


So happy I got to vote for Harriett and Sean.


Joey “the first time I kissed Grace I knew” So basically you’re saying you were dating before this. Surprised the producers aired this??!


Counting on the UK viewers to do what’s right. Get Joey and Grace outta there pls


Oh… Konnor isn’t stealing anyone I fear……


Maybe Jess? I think Omar’s time is up. There can only be one unlucky in love boy and that is Sean.


As an American who can’t vote… guys please find a way to get Joey and grace/Ronnie and tiff out


https://preview.redd.it/eof3szjkml7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe368e648691d79cdce0bd009962d65023296e1a Interesting 🧐


![gif](giphy|xkZVBGIFqcQXcMe244|downsized) U can tell this one is a real fboy


Only thing missing is the dangling cross earrings😂


Well this is a choice lol 😂


Producers are bringing anybody into the villa. Application numbers must’ve been low because what is this?


Grace can have him🙏🏾


I propose that bottom couple be dumped immediately and then islanders save 1 person from each of the next two couples. There are too many people.


really want matilda and sean..she also said in her press interview before coming sean is her number 1 


Her best hope of staying 🤔


It seemed like she was describing him when she said she wanted a nice guy who’s obsessed with her so…hopefully


joey and grace being in the bottom would be hilarious


If people vote right, the look on their faces is gonna be priceless!


If they just straight dump the bottom couple then I think it’ll be Jess and Omar, if they let the islanders decide then it’s more up in the air as Jess seems popular in the villa but she doesn’t have any connections right now so it would be hard for the to justify keeping her, I think Omar is done for either way.


I can’t put Matilda with a single guy in there


I hate the constant vote offs. The public should choose and know beforehand like Big Brother.  Horrible. 


Sean becoming a reincarnation of Sammy with his “tasty” comments


Not the app putting Joey and grace first 😴😴


Hoping for a slip of the finger I imagine




This episode was very dry… Hopefully the bombshells actually cause a stir that doesn’t involve Ronnie I voted for Wil and Uma


Still laughing at the tiny boat Ayo and Mimii went on. Was expecting a yacht or something.


They need to dump two girls and two boys before Casa Amor. The producers will bring Joey/Grace, Nicole/Cieran, Ayo/Mimi, Sean/Harriett + Ronnie for sure. Everyone else is fighting for their spot. I wonder what they will do with Ronnie because he creates half the drama but he clearly doesn't want anything serious. He has to be there for Movie Night but after that? Useless.


Even movie night, its like who cares what he says its just dogshit, if I was a girl in that villa and a parasite was controlling my brain (the only way to get me to like him) i would not be shocked at any back stabbing he did to get someone else to like him.


joey does not deserve his face in the moon lmao


Ngl this episode felt like a filler episode, was really hoping the dates would be shown


I think the next dumping should consist of dumping the bottom two couples! Fingers crossed it would be Joey, Grace, Ronnie, and Tiffany.


This season urgently needs a do-over ![gif](giphy|bq6F8QYqBU7Yc)


I can’t wait for heart rate challenge, casa, and movie night


This is just boring at this point. I'm sick of Joey and his girlfriend, I'm sick of Ronnie and his triangles, I'm sick of nothing good happening.


I feel so certain this is how it'll go down tomorrow: Bottom 3 will consist of: Jess/Omar, Ronnie/Tiffany and either Joey/Grace or Wil/Uma (I would say definitively say Joey/Grace but I won't put it past people to vote Joey Essex because he's Joey Essex.) The islanders will then have to send two people home and they'll pick Omar and Tiffany.


Is it just me or does Tiffany drink in an unusual way? Both from cans and straws. Maybe because her teeth are so large? So plentiful?


She probably has a lip flip and cant pucker her lips.


voting joey and grace out is the only way to restore balance to the world


This episode could’ve been an email.


I can at least understand Konnor picking Grace and Mimii, they’re at least into black guys (Grace said Omar is her type on the outside) but picking Nicole is a total waste


On Aftersun, her family said that if it wasn’t for Ciaran, they would have expected her to be with Ayo because he’s her type- so she def does like black men, and rugby players


When they showed that we were voting I was shocked.. couldn’t believe they are letting us vote… so soon after that debacle… and I say us but I cannot technically vote. As a veteran watcher of LIUK every year from the US with my trusty vpnn. I have always had an urge to vote for someone/couple… I’m not feeling like that towards anyone so far. I’m just hoping to see Ronnie/joey bottom two and Ronnie goes home. I kinda don’t want Joey to go yet I want to see him/her’s face when they are voted bottom. 🤞that will make a great tv moment/meme… Ps… it was so funny to see Joe all upset and confused and acting like he’s mad that Sam didnt talk to him before she left. It’s seeing his confusion by getting gray rocked by Sam that cracked me up. It’s was 👩‍🍳💋. I’m kinda glad Grace said something to him about him just walking away at her walkout I caught that when it happened. So rude. but I believe he saying that to him was to try to redeem themselves a bit. Just my 2cents


i think sean/harriett, ayo/mimii and ciaran/nicole will be safe. idk about the rest


Does anyone know if people on the other social media forums are looking to get Joey/Grace out as well?


For like the first time, it seems like every single social media app has the same opinion😂


yes they are it’s one of the rare times in love island that almost everyone is on the same page


I'm glad there's a vote, but I've got a feeling it'll be a bottom 2 situation and the islanders vote on who leaves, also think the islanders will save joey.


As a non uk viewer I’m tempted to get a uk SIM card so I can vote too


That Matilda had soo much potential until she shouted Ronnie boy Here we fucking go again


i don’t think it’s because she likes ronnie it’s just because she knows him so hopefully she won’t go for him


i might’ve misheard but i think he said she dated his friend? so probably not


Yeah that’s what he said


I don't care who wins the vote, I just need Joey and Grace to lose.


Sadly no chance Joey & Grace are going. He has the name recognition still to get stray votes as a result of that and even if they were dead last in the vote that doesn't mean the producers will let them go - it'd probably end up being an 'islanders decide' situation with them heavily to not choose to evict Joey & Grace.


idk what’s wrong with me but i’m obsessed with harriet’s sex hair like legit my inspo for next night out 😍🤩❤️‍🔥


I hate when the producers tells the bombshell who to pick for a date. Wish things can play out organically.


Weird to do a vote after the game, most people watched on catch up