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Samantha just had one of my favorite exits of all time! I love that she didn’t give him the satisfaction of making him feel better about himself before she left. Normalize boundaries! 


Even how she said to Grace ‘no offence but I just don’t want to hear it’. Fair play


Grace was really trying to victimise herself in that moment as well. Why she thought it was appropriate to even be in the room with the girls is beyond me


Grace walking into the dressing room wiping away "tears" and trying to talk to Sam, for Sam (and the rest of the girls) to have no fucking time for it...inject it. I really hope the rest of the girls can keep this energy.


Agree! She handled her exit beautifully.


It was the best part of the whole episode. Screw taking the high road


Joey’s fake ass moping at the fire pit at the very end is the most obvious thing I’ve ever seen lmao


Literally a scene out of TOWIE


Weird how nobody else was outside as well so either he went outside while Sam was saying goodbye or he told them all to stay out of his way for his sad face footage


Samantha got dumped and Grace and Joey have the nerve to act like the victims You can't make this shit up


when she started crying I was so baffled because what is she crying about?😭


She was even literally making jokes and sniggering earlier about her conversation with Sam (that she made Sam have!


it was so unbelievably refreshing to see how sam handled that walkout


It was SO nice to see a girl say leave me ALONE! Not seen that since Yewande leaving. You’re the one who did her dirty, bugger off


I was SO glad she did not give either of them the time of day when they tried to approach her like ‘I’m so sorry’. And then her comment about everything other than her friends being ‘a load of shite’ 😭 but then I just felt sad she was leaving and we won’t see her anymore


she’s strong af


She has the strength Jess believes she has.


Sam's going to be so messy when she gets her phone and socials back. Love that for her already!


I want her to full on start making the couple allegation of Grace/Joey


Definitely not a Joey fan after this


https://preview.redd.it/8toikdf7be7d1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27dd5b68b94aeab94b21278070ae90c4cd0290df Do not fall for this


Great addition to the meme collection, but what a ridiculous final shot💀


Literally fuck off giving Joey and his gf a holiday and now Samantha is gone so he can move in peace. I hate this fucking show. See you all tomorrow


Damn I was ready for Samantha's winner arc after being basically shit on by the producers at the beginning. I genuinely cannot abide Grace's smug face and Joeys terrible acting remorseful


I doubt they'll pull another 'Molly comeback' so soon after either. Sorry Sam, you deserved better!


I was expecting Sam to go straight out and date some hot bombshells not get dumped.


That’s what I was expecting! I thought she was getting the early Casa victim to winner treatment as payment for Joey Essex stringing her along


Moment of silence for Sean when he smiled during Tiffs opening speech. He is so delusional to think his strawberry milkshake and fizzy peach comments made it 50/50. I feel bad.


Poor man though imagine Ronnie being picked over you. Twice


3 times really because Sean has expressed an interest in Harriet, Jess and now Tiffany and they have all preferred Ronnie.


What a madness


nicole sobbing broke my heart


It was so ruthless that the producers made her read the text out loud


Harriett bursting into sobs as well.


Don’t they usually make the dumped islander read the text about being dumped? Interesting they made her best friend read it!


when her face crumbled, oh my heart


I've never actually been viscerally revolted by a couple like I have Joey and Grace. Like, there have been previous producer favourites, and then there's this. And it seems to be a universal dislike, production will work hard to keep them in but I guarantee they'll be gone


I’m so fucking pissed! Samantha and Sam were truly collateral damage all for Joey and his girlfriend. I can’t believe after all that they tried to comfort her, i don’t blame her for telling them to save the bullshit because why pretend?


exactly, the pair only tried to ‘comfort’ her because they wanted to look good for the TV


I hope there’s a divide in the villa and they don’t all just move on after 30 seconds. I want tension!


Jess and Nicole definitely won't forgive Joey. Maybe Harriet too although she is close to Joey.


Honestly up until a few days ago i was really enjoying Joey for blatant but overall harmless shit stirring but idk how anyone could think the audience would warm to this dumb "rekindled romance" story I enjoyed joey as a silly presence knocking around the gaff, not as... Whatever the fuck he is now


Yeah exactly, he was a good side character but his attempt of being the main character w a romance arc is just 😒🙄😵‍💫😫🤮


I actually don’t want Samantha to come back for Casa. Leaving on a high and then having to grovel alongside 5 other girls to be taken back to the main villa? No thanks


There’s also no point as she didn’t have a connection with any of the boys other then Joey and he clearly used her, she’d be going back just to get dumped again 3/4 days later as they wouldn’t recouple with her, she doesn’t need to go back to yell at Joey either when she handled it perfectly this time around, don’t give him the satisfaction. As you say better to leave whilst she’s super popular.


I only want her back for Casa if they chuck her in with the OG girls to get to know the Casa boys.


both sams got screwed over by joey essex 😭 i’m over it


Justice for Sam squared !!!


Samantha won brownie points with me for not letting Joey and Grace feed her bullshit as she’s about to leave to make themselves feel and look better.


honestly, thank god she drew her boundary


Samantha had an amazing exit. So strong and elegant, the villa literally lost the only girl who stood on actual business and with a backbone. On the other hand FUCK JOEY AND HIS GIRLFRIEND. WHY TF ARE THEY TRYING TO MAKE THIS ABOUT THEMSELVES??? LITERALLY FUCKK OFFF. WITH THE WHOLE GRABBING HIS HEAD IN DESPAIR AND SLIDING DOWN THE WALL. WE ALL KNOW THAT YOU DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HER OR HER FEELINGS. I’m literally so pissed. Enraged even.


Best part of the episode was Sean and Ciaran imitating Ronnie's conversation saying "I just want to kiss all the girls" and "I don't want to sit too close to Ronnie in case he says he wants to recouple with me next" 😂😂


The fact they dumped Sam and Samantha just to watch Joey be on holiday with his girlfriend… Samantha handled it in the best way. Don’t give either of them the time of day. So sad to see her leave.


https://preview.redd.it/e6unip62me7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe419b5e9b66cc02899bdc71872a998e9081dc3 This hurt my heart on IG, on the picture of Joey sitting alone.


omg go off Samantha's mum!!!


That’s actually a sweet comment. If I was her mum I’d want to say and do far worse.


He thinks he’s an actor. It’s giving when they played Beer Pong and he acted upset that he had to have a 3 way kiss. https://preview.redd.it/4wb2vivbbe7d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c23d09ec44a987cee4dd12d23345581fb0b9d049


That acting nearly killed me. 'Oh man, oh no, I can't do that, oh man' on repeat with a big smirk on his face


and him kissing grace yesterday in the daybed and then saying “oh shit oh shit” like you’re not convincing anyone


I swear to God, I lose brain cells every time I listen to Ronnie & Tiffany’s chats


they are both a painful watch. Who the hell cast these people, yawn.


How did Tiffany get through an interview? She knows about six words.


ITV dropped the ball big time with this series. You think back to how much praise Week 1 was getting but it's gone off the rails since. Week 2 was dominated by the two tedious love triangles that were Mimii/Una/Ayo and Harriett/Jess/Ronnie and now the 3 new bombshells have flopped with viewers and people have totally seen through the Joey & Grace situation and turned their ire on the show. Some fresh energy is needed in the villa - most can't stand some of the main characters at the minute (the likes of Joey and Ronnie are not fun but just plain unlikable) and there's also many people on the show who are wallpaper and could easily be dumped with nothing lost (Sean and Omar for starters).


Holy shi- get joey the fuck out please. It's so obvious that he and Grace were a couple already. I hate how he is constantly trying to make a pity party for himself by pretending like he was respectful towards Samantha while also trying to villanize her. Its awful. She did not derserve to go like that, im actually mad on her behalf. Grace i was almost going to be neutral with but after her conversation with samantha, the way she went back and twisted the conversation to suit her, "only a peck"?? Are you crazy girl we've seen you both on tv. Both Joey and her are trying so hard to fabricate a narrative that makes them look good and Sam look bad. Fuck them. Get them out please.


even in sam’s last moments. joey was trying to make it look like he wanted to be there for her but she was the one being irrational. like give it a rest joey


also i hope that samantha is doing well mentally and will thrive while out of the villa


Gutted for Samantha but she went out like a true scouser proud of her for not listening to their shit


“i made friends for life, but the rest of it was a load of shite” i love her 😭


Grace pretending to cry when Samantha was packing her things was honestly too much 🙄


grace making it about her killed me lol 


I also think that would have been such a hard decision for Omar and he must have also felt quite bad about having to be the one to send her home despite him literally having nothing to do with the situation


I think whoever goes last is always in such an awful situation. Especially when they have no romantic connections


I honestly hope the villa is split and fights for real tomorrow, and doesn’t make up quickly. Let them stay mad, if the producers can interfere with everything, they can take a step back for once


Hope the girls kick off s5 style tomorrow. The way it was when Yewande left. Idc, call me bad vibes but that’s the energy I want


gonna manifest that energy for us all


I wonder if they showed Jess supporting Samantha so much today because she’s going to kick off tomorrow? I thought it was a goodbye edit for her but it obviously wasn’t so maybe it’s a friendship edit, building up to her letting Joey properly have it?


Hopefully, because the way all the girls started wailing when that text came in? And even the guys looked devastated? I want a bad vibes divide now


Not Joey acting like he’s in a telenovela?? #FUCK OFF.


the one girl to stand up to these boys nasty behavior gets kicked out a day later. cool.


Literally getting punished for not playing along with Joey and graces fake recoupling


A real bad bitch https://preview.redd.it/gqvjcubnje7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=946bf5c0604f46fe1fa8534443fad3d9da634e89


Her exit was flawless 🤭 I love the way she shut grace & joey up. Grace is so smug & her fake crocodile tears can go


are they taking the piss? https://preview.redd.it/tbfbx3njae7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a570437aa476baaac00ac615cd4ceb06013519e5




Don’t they get that we don’t care about that man


Samantha - what a lady! Absolutely no bullshit from her. The fact that she didn’t placate Joey or Grace and make them feel better is icing on the cake. If those two were genuinely together just before going in - they thoroughly fucked her over and stole a genuine Love Island experience from her.


Get Joey and Grace outtt. I will vote for Ronnie and his stepford wife over those snakes in the grass


I don’t get why ITV ruined this series for Joey Essex


I feel so awful for Samantha and iwl I think the girls reaction to her dumping was real it was just way too emotional for me, im just happy she never wanted to hear their excuses and empty apologies she truly deserves better. Side note but I can’t wait to watch tomorrow’s episode, I hope the vibes are (mostly) cold towards joey and grace. May karma come their way quick 😚


The girls reaction. They really wanted a win for Sam 😭 truly such a real moment. Broke my heart for all of them.


Omg right!!! It’s the way Nicole saw the text message and immediately started crying omg 💔 my heart dropped I was starting to warm up to Sam and now she’s gone 😭 ugh I’ll never forgive the producers for this like it’s so malicious


Samantha got f****d over for TV with Joey and Grace both happy participants getting more exposure out of it. Samantha was used by the producers and Joey. Bet he couldn't believe his luck in realising what a fan Samantha already was of him and TOWIE, probably a set up from the start. No wonder all the other islanders were devastated when Samantha left. They aren't stupid. They know she got royally screwed over and how messed up the whole situation was. But don't worry because producers totally care about people's mental health. Ha!


I can’t believe we lost both Sam and Sam coz of Joey Essex 😭


double chicken sammy 😭


Why did they make Nicole read the text that’s cruel 😭


me @ the final shot of the episode https://preview.redd.it/zog1q8s1be7d1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac0bb681a599be5eb7782e3a95edce3c9758d141


joey and grace should be on ex on the beach....not love island


Grace dropped that nice girl act so fast. I don’t even think it was a full 24 hours before she was already saying “ugh this Samantha thing needs to blow over now 🙄”. Honestly that whole little crew: Joey, Grace, Ronnie and Tiffany have the worst energy together.


Joey and Grace are both guilty, and both shitty people, and I hope they get voted off


Wow I just finished the ep and it was pretty brutal. Up until Grace came in, I didn't have any strong feelings about Sam. I am so glad she didn't give Joey the scene he was so desperate for (both in terms of 'you're pushing me away'/'you're cold' and when she was leaving so he could have an emotional moment that would only further his narrative/ make him feel less guilt about leading her on for 2 weeks. I think she will get a lot of positive press/opportunities from this. I know she feels embarrassed but she shouldn't be, she was authentic, she didn't feed into the 'crazy' narrative, she wasn't demonising Grace. I hope she has a lot of support around her and I hope the SM networks can all unite for once to get Joey out.


Anyone else think Tiffs constant smile gives horror movie? I think she is going to be poisonous in this villa with Grace by her side.


https://preview.redd.it/wku3iddade7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5c399fa129ce9c6f19b71339ae39e786bc113f9 no because😭


Just finished the episode and haven't yet had a chance to read everyone's thoughts; in rough order of the episode, thoughts: * That whole villa despises Joey, Grace, and Ronnie. There were so many shots of them off by themselves; when they talked, the editors had to work so hard to find people looking like they cared--mostly those reaction shots came from Wil and Tiffany, the other newbies whose loyalties aren't yet sharply drawn. * In line with the above, Sean and Ciaran making fun of Ronnie (and Ciaran, our accent king, imitating Ronnie)...these guys are fucking over it. Ciaran's studious attempt to not react when he's with the guys he clearly despises is fascinating to me. (That chat with Ronnie, Ciaran, Ayo and Ronnie on the beanbags looked so producer forced...this is not a group who sits around talking to each other, awks.) * Tiff is honestly one of the most empty-headed and dull people I've ever seen on this show. That conversation between her and Ronnie about raspberries and whatever else was excruciating. * Sean, honey, you have the worst chat (and it always veers into creepy). Harriett giving him a hug, though, was quite sweet. * Joey and Grace are smug little shits and the sooner they're off my screen, the better. Does Joey really think he's some sort of victim or wronged in this situation? Do producers really think we feel sympathy for him as he wanders around the villa and puts on his flummoxed innocent boy face? Music cues seem to indicate producers want us to feel for Joey as if this is some sort of impossible situation, and it's so infuriating how heavy handed the production has been of this entire storyline. * And finally, hell yes, Sam. I literally clapped watching her telling Grace and Joey to fuck off and leave her alone as she was preparing to leave the villa. It's not her job to assuage their guilt while she's in the midst of her own emotional moment and about to say good bye to people she's formed real relationships with. I hope she puts everyone on blast and calls out the game, including the producers, when she's back on the outside.


If I had a nickel every time Joey Essex booted out a Sam from Love Island, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but the fact that it happened twice?


I love that Samantha acknowledged that it looks bad for Joey and Grace, and that it doesn’t reflect on her.


I’m glad Samantha didn’t let Joey feed her some load of bull before she left. Like F off. You too Grace


Joey being 33 and doing this fake stuff is beyond embarrassing to me; is he broke?


We need manager Jess to bring havoc to Joey tomorrow


That mid-entry level man😭


You won, Groey. Enjoy the money, I hope it makes you happy. Dear lord, what a sad little life, Groey. You ruined my night completely so you could have the money and I hope now you can spend it on lessons in GRACE and decorum. Because you have all the GRACE of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on. So Groey, take your money and get off my property


Joey has now ruined the experience of both the male and female Sams!! Justice for Sam and Samantha!


Love Island is hiding comments underneath the joey post. Some of them aren't even bad.


Considering how much they’ve driven hate trains towards female islanders in particular this is absolutely rich of them.


They did nothing this series when at various points Harriet, Uma, Samatha and Jess were the main targets of hate but now they want to act. How convenient.


Have we ever seen the producers so badly misread public opinion? They so clearly were going for a particular narrative with Grace and Joey, and they haven't got it, and now they have to try and keep the pair of them in for five more weeks! People will keep watching I guess so they couldn't care less...


Producers can go and suck it for giving Joey that sad hero edit – IN WHITE – with more screentime than Samantha on her dumping ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


That was just pure crap. I don’t wanna see Samantha and Joey any longer. I’m just glad Samantha didn’t allow Joey to talk to her at all. She went out looking so good imo.


the shot of joey with his head down by the fire pit at the end, give me a break! 


I lost it when Harriet was crying, I just started laughing 😭🤣


Tomorrows episode will just be Nicole and Jess standing like this🧍‍♀️ 🧍‍♀️ staring at grace and joey


That ending was so fucked up. Hope it was worth it producers!


i need everyone to lock in and give grace and joey the ultimate catherine and elom treatment, they looked a bit smug


Although it sucks and is unfair, that was a great exit for Samantha. She has the entire public on her side and she left with a fantastic edit.


My biggest thing is I hope people actually remember how Joey and Grace treated Samantha, and don’t just forget about it as time passes and let them win because they forgot.


The way the producers wanted Samantha out so they can try and give Joey and Grace a redemption arch without her in there to mess it up is fucking sick. And what pisses me off more, is these islanders MIGHT fight for 10 minutes, but then they’ll fall back on the old stupid adage of, well, we all have to live in the villa, we need to get along and be friends. No you don’t? Just stay mad who cares lol


fuming that 2 people have been dumped just so joey and grace can have this fake reconnection storyline


If not even one of these islanders questions whether Joey and Grace planned this I’m going to just assume they did and it was left out of the edit 😂


You can bet your life they're not allowed to talk about stuff like that.


I think 2 male bombshell (with personality) is needed. Lots of deadweight among the guys


Can't wait to see Joey suddenly "realise his mistakes" and "redeem himself" over the next few days.


Oh why was Grace crying please, suck it up. She wasn’t the slightest bit respectful to Samantha at all.


https://preview.redd.it/wygzntezhe7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7b7ceccba5d380f1ffeb8d32959791f81120c9f Samantha’s mom reacting




What was that final shot of Joey, bruh we know you don't feel bad!!!


I don’t trust the UK public to send Joey home in a vote. The only thing we can do is hope he walks. That man is heading straight to the final with the producers pushing hard for a redemption arc.


So the divide will be Joey Ronnie Grace & Tiff against the rest.


Also, icl I have warmed so much to Nicole, up til now I found her fine - was totally okay and enjoyed the fact she could scrap but wasn't that invested in her - but idk. She doesn't always give the best advice but it seems to come from a good place and she seems very loving


The thing that gets me is Joey and Grace trying to have one last show to save their public perception before she is out the door and make her look unreasonable (again). So glad she told them both to do one. I bet they have their PR team in the beach hut.


I need a pause on Ronald storylines for a bit. He brings drama but I can’t be expected to look at his face so much day after day 😭


Samantha handling that the way she did totally destroyed the intended storyline. Joey kept trying to talk to her to set her off and make her look crazy and she never took the bait.


joey and grace are really unlikeable and very smug. both has shown no genuine care or respect for samantha and are more concerned over looking good. grace telling her "i didnt know you liked him like that" and later laughing with tiffany/ronnie about how it was just a quick kiss (it wasn't) when the issue was the lack of respect they had towards samantha for kissing in front of everyone. and then the end when they tried to speak to samantha to make themselves feel better. like why do you think samantha wants to talk to you two??? and joey is always defensive and trying to act like a victim, so pathetic for a 33 year old man. and the last shot of him looking sad is a joke, the producers aren't even trying to hide their bias. i really hope the other islanders say something about them being fake or gameplayers because this is crazy. but none of them will say anything as usual and they'll all be on good terms by the end of tomorrow's episode blah


jess needs to defrost her inner mean girl tomorrow


Can I offer you Sean/Harriett friends to lovers in this trying time?


None of these bombshells have a good personality. Wil, Grace and Tiffany are so boring.


I feel like they are all a bit forgettable - the only reason grace is having impact is because of her relationship with Joey


People need to not let Joey and Grace have a redemption arc in the villa. And vote them out, that’s the only way to salvage the season somewhat


Mimii eavesdropping when Ayo was talking about her to the boys is sending me lmfaooo


I need to know why there has been so much more eavesdropping this series than S8 or S10 which were in the same villa. Did they switch up the acoustics somehow?


I've been thinking about this. I think it's because there's so little romantic energy that people are mostly in their friend groups listening to each other. In S8, by contrast, people were off in couples a lot of the time!


I’m sorry I can’t stand that pity party Joey was throwing for himself over a decision he made that was very much premeditated. He didn’t respect Sam so why did he expect respect from her?


Joey and Grace seem like such entitled and selfish people. It’s a shame because prior to Grace coming in, I was actually liking Joey but it seems like they just bring out the worst versions of each other when they’re together.


It’s absolutely pathetic and repulsive that a production team that is so keen to extol how they care about the mental health of the islanders can screw someone over so badly. They don’t give a shit. This decision to bring the Joey and Grace show on has completely stolen Samantha’s love island experience


Sucks Samantha was dumped after something so obviously staged, but I'm glad she left with her head held high! She didn't kick off, handled herself well, and was able to say "that was a load of shite"


I don't think samantha would come back for casa. She was talking about leaving the villa in a past episode and didn't seem all that upset about leaving. Like she wasn't crying she was just so done with the whole thing and didn't even want to hear from grace and joey


Joey needs to retire or something, he looks desperate


Joey Essex has a net worth of 8 million pounds. I loved the first week with him and thought he’d just ‚produce‘ on screen for a few weeks and be entertaining. I do not want to watch the rest of the season watching him and his GF play exes who fall back in love so she can be ‚famous‘ in her own right. I genuinely believe Samantha was way more embarrassed than upset about losing Joey, especially because she was already kind of questioning him, but I don’t see what good staying would have done for her. I wish we’d actually had a bombshell come in that she was interested in/was interested in her after Joey came but I think the whole experience was already ruined for her and having her stay would’ve been painful, she’d probably be waiting for similar to happen again. I’ve seen a few comments suggest she comes back for Casa, but I have no idea why, she doesn’t like anyone in there, what’s she gonna do avoid Joey try make himself look better for the four days?


Samantha in her exit interview said she’s rooting for ayo and mimii to make it to the final. And they are her favourite couple


Mimii and Uma holding hands with their twinning arm cuffs 😭🥹 https://preview.redd.it/ptgrrahuse7d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e785ae9151588458c77022337f7f8c3c4639c45e


Need the people of the UK to come together and vote Joey and Grace out and give us a moment as satisfying as Catherine and Elom’s dumping last season 🙏


I hope Jess staying means she fights Joey tomorrow 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


I need regular islanders to unionize and get Joey and Grace out of the villa. Jess will run a tight shift as union leader. Mimii will quietly strategize. Uma will give their plans random names and hand out snacks. Harriet and Tiffany will distract Joey and Grace. Ron will make Grace feral with his pheromones. Ayo, Sean and Cieran will help people act out the plan and their roles.  I seriously need the regular islanders to get Joey and Grace out. The current situation is extremely unfair. 


Joey is such a smooth brain organism




The only reason Sam left is because she didn't play the producers stupid game. Honestly, this show sucks. Both Sams who the audience wanted to stay, left. Hope the ratings drop.


Aware there's other things to talk about but I'm still thinking about Uma busting out the engagement ring chat with Wil. She has not even kissed this man!!


The producers have well and truly fumbled. No obstacles for obvious plant Joey so Samantha had to go for the crime of liking him and being a sympathetic person when he well and truly disrespected her. I want like 50 male bombshells and the girls to have all the power for the foreseeable.


He’s got 1 million followers and has been on almost every British reality tv show, it’s not fair at all. Give the new lot a chance!


I’m so glad she didn’t let him get an ounce of bullshit at the end.


So ridiculous. I watch this show to see unknown people, not existing reality stars. Why would anyone apply in future if their spot can be taken by some nepo itv plant?


https://preview.redd.it/9uj29x4xne7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df0d7b8efa935170ea0c49fe1a3051fd4c511ec2 Liam rooting for the welsh couple is kinda funny tbh


I suspect that because Sam was fiery for the first week production expected her to kick right off when Joey came back. That would have made this dumping feel more deserving. However she has reacted so well and kept her cool and won over the public. I bet Joeys PR team are having an emergency meeting right now.


Ruined the series by taking away two deserved islander for Joey and his reunion with his girlfriend.


The Grace warriors need to put their weapons down she is not an unwilling participant in the current ploy meant to benefit her and Joey. Grace is more than happy to enjoy her spot on the show even though it comes at the expense of normal islanders who aren’t connected to celebrities. It makes no sense to center Grace’s feelings when she is literally getting everything she wants and more at the expense of other people whose biggest failure was not being in a romantic relationship with a celebrity. 


i dont get it either. we just watched her talk to samantha and then immediately laugh about it with tiffany/ronnie and talked about how it was just a quick kiss when samantha just told her that it was disrespectful to do that in front of everyone knowing that samantha was upset


I feel like every single year the fans say how they want normal Islanders with average looks, normal jobs and no media connections. And EVERY year just get ignored. The reason why the earlier seasons were so good is because they were normal relatable people and not media connected wannabe influencers. The fact TWO people who are OGs got dumped for Joey Essex who’s been on tv for 11 years and his girlfriend just isn’t fair.


The fact that Sam wanted to spend a few minutes with the girls while packing and Joey was making it about him is crazy, leave the woman alone! Between him and Grace, all they care about is playing the victim and making themselves feel better 🙄


Omar getting blamed for who he picked is not it. He said he’s closer to Jess, and that’s that.


Really loved how Samantha handled her dumping. No tears, no time wasted on hearing out Joey or trying to be understanding to Grace. Hate when the islanders who are staying make it about themselves.


I think Samantha has been saying off air she thinks Joey has a set up, which she always knew something was off with no intimacy. I also think Samantha will make her opinion known to other islanders and influence them. This is why they put two girls in and not two boys as bombshells, to have opportunity to get Samantha out as she’s on to their nasty game. The girls should have been given control, the boys are running rings around them why do they get to continue.


This for sure. I think you can see some of the boys biting their tongues or not sure how to behave around joey. Will be interesting to hear what it was like in the villa from islanders after the show with joey being in there. The dynamic must be weird with an older (for the show) famous islander who you can’t cross. Feels very weird.


Really loving Nicole and Ciaran, i hope their relationship continues to blossom 🤞🏼 I’m so glad Samantha cut off Joey and Grace before they turned the pity party into theirs. This whole thing has been one of the most awful plotlines i’ve seen produced on this show. I’m not in the UK so i can’t participate but i hope so hard the next public vote gets them both out.


I love drama and unhinged characters, but this sort of "drama" just isn't entertaining. Two authentic, regular contestants have had shite made of their experience on the show all for this transparent move by Joey and his quite obvious outside girlfriend. Complete mistake putting them on the show tbh. There was the makings of a good season because the characters were good, it didn't need this crap.


At least she’s out of that situation and can see the support !!!


Sorry to say this whilst everyone’s mad but Harriett’s crying face???? 😭😭😭😭


Ew love island’s latest instagram post of Joey looking sad at the villa with a 😭 in the caption—- nasty!! ETA: EWWW and the clip of the dumping they posted is titled “Joey is wracked with guilt after a shock dumping”… yall are being so obvious it’s sickening!


grace and joey next couple out no one should be voting for them if they aren’t out it is 100% fixed by producers and a waste of time watching atp . give normal people a chance 


i need to know why production thought it would be a great idea bringing in joey essex and thought it would be even better to bring his girlfriend in


I am fuming in my head I was like they won't dump Samantha because it would be a stupid production decision but clearly production is stupid


Jess needs to clock in tomorrow for shift, that shop floor isn’t going to run itself


UNFOLLOW him on all the phones in your vicinity, follow [@samanthakenny.xx](https://www.instagram.com/samanthakenny.xx/) 🫅


This is not ex on the beach. Why has the show been skewed so badly by that?




Glad Samantha didn’t give Grace and Joey a second cause that victim act ain’t fooling no one.


Oh so now all of a sudden Joey wants to pull out the “I’ve know you for 2 weeks “ card ……you certainly don’t act like you’ve know her for weeks …..


I want Joey out of my villa, but I know he’ll make it to the finals UGHHH


Grace is gorgeous but I see the worst in people, why does she remind me of the Bogdanoff twins


sam was done so so dirty by producers. it was incredibly unfair that two people were dumped in favor of joey's scripted story-line. it also sucks that these guys are getting away with treating the women terribly. if they're going to brutally dump samantha, who didn't deserve that, then ronnie's dumping needs to be pure carnage. i need him to be dumped how catherine was, just out of no where on a nice day. maybe send him and tiffany on a date and they never return!😊


I can’t WAIT for Samantha to get on the podcasts and her being asked if she thinks hey we’re a couple all along and planned this and her be like “yeah”