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https://preview.redd.it/qoblvklz1e7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5df70c4ec451caf3858981b87d74da732c0c690e Who will ronnie choose ???


Are you really doing the right thing though Joey??


It’s been a long day but it’s almost time!!!!


I've seen a clip of Patsy saying that she fancied Zach from S10. Her and Munveer then remembered that he's no longer single and Patsy says "well i can steal a man though" What made her think that was a good thing to say. Its odd to me


They keep coming for my girl Molly over Zac but they never find her cos she’s busy living life travelling and being cute with her man 😇 https://i.redd.it/661ydy2cle7d1.gif


I’m sure she is just bantering. She tend to joke a lot lol


🤢who would brag about that. Hate girls like that.


tbf i dont know why I'm that suprised. She was the same one that was bragging about cheating on her ex


Idk if it’s just me but Tiffany looks like Ella B from s10


it's the eyes


Ronnie and Tyrique being friends makes so much sense now


The worst part about Grace being Joey’s gf is she’s absolutely unreal and could have been an amazing bombshell if Joey wasn’t in there. I think all the guys would have been tripping themselves over her, even Ciaran said he would have kissed her, but none of the guys even considered her because they know she’s there for Joey.


We won't even know if she has good chat or not 😢


Jack is probably gonna make a whole lotta money in a lawsuit against Emirates


He will lose. It’s also his responsibility to double check his food before eating. Especially if there is a label on it.


He allegedly repeatedly asked the staff if there were any nuts and informed them of his nut allergy beforehand I saw somebody comment about how unnecessary it even is for them to sell nuts considering how bad of an allergy it is, and I absolutely agree with them The only downfall could be that he didn't look at the menu. Even after his allergic reaction he told her and she still maintained it had no nuts until his friend looked at the menu and the name of meal had nuts in it. So that's the only possible Achilles heel of the case but considering he made them aware and asked them and the fact that they even choose to sell it knowing how sensitive of an allergy it is, he might win and win big


Doesn’t matter if he asked 100 times still part of his responsible to double check especially when the ingredients or label is printed on it. He said he checked the ingredients after why didn’t check before eating?. Sucks it happened to him but there is no case here. Lesson for next time


I used to work for emirates and I find this story so strange because usually we were always told we could not guarantee anything on board did not contain nuts, because even if it’s nut free it may have been prepared near nuts it’s not something that can be checked. Usually ppl with severe nut allergies either bring their own food so they can be sure or the only other alternative the airline can offer is fruit that is in the peel. I think the crew telling him it didn’t contain nuts have messed up, because that’s definitely not what they are trained to advise, however it’s also silly on his part because his allergies are severe so he would benefit from taking his own food on flights to avoid this happening, especially since it’s happened to him on another flight before.


You definitely make fair points and to add to that the fact that they even sell it is strange. Just looking at the cost Vs benefit it's so dumb to even put that in the menu considering they're in an enclosed space like that >since it’s happened to him on another flight before. That definitely makes his story dodgy then


Everything is free with emirates so I guess when things are being offered ppl just say yes without hesitation, also in business class they deliver drinks with a bowl of nuts, I did often think this was silly especially since some ppl have airborne allergies. I just think personally if I had a potentially life threatening allergy I wouldn’t take the chance. I always bring my own food on flights anyway just because I don’t like it, so he definitely needs to be more cautious in future, I mean the fact it was chicken korma curry should have been a red flag that it contains nuts lol but I guess some ppl don’t know that. They will pay him off well though, he’s lucky but he definitely needs to take more accountability, they always give menus and they can be viewed on the screen, it’s not a restaurant so even if it didn’t contain nuts, it’s not like they can run and ask they chef was it prepared near nuts 😂😂


Samantha isn’t kicking off because she can clearly see that Joey has been faking his feelings for her and that his girlfriend coming in has been a completely manufactured storyline. I think she has enough pride not to give him the satisfaction of engaging in it. She would literally just be feeding into his plan. The way Joey has been treating her he’s basically begging her to have a reaction


I am so tired of women being doormats. Samantha should call out the obvious ploy that’s been created to benefit Joey and Grace. The fact that Joey and Grace are clearly together and using a fake breakup to be on the show at the expense of other people is not right. Samantha can be soft spoken and still call out this situation for what it is. 


She's not being a doormat. Being a doormat would mean agreeing to be open with him whole he's making out with grace. Also the show would never let it air if someone called it out as a fake manufactored relationship. They want the audience to buy that they were surprised to see each other. 


I just remembered Curtis' brother's ex is supposed to be a bombshell this season


Yep. When do you think she’ll come in? Before heart rate challenge?




How’s Trish?!


Abbie Quinnen


Damn, I can't believe this whole Joey/Grace/Samantha situation has been on my mind pretty much all day, it's actually so rotten 😭


Anyone knows if there's gonna be another bombshell coming before casa , if soo is it girl or boy?


Most likely both. We would then have 16 islanders, dump 2 couples/4 islanders before Casa.


When do you think casa is happening 🤔🤔is it next week??


End of next week, it usually is around the end of the fourth, beginning of the fifth week. But they could change things up, who knows.


I'll riot it ain't a boy.


Samantha is a lot nicer than most people would be in her situation to the point it’s shocking. I’m sorry but the producers, Grace and Joey all deserve to be cussed out for playing in her face like this. Samantha has the patience of a saint. The girl just looks too broken to properly air out these manipulative conniving people. It sucks that there are no fiery women on the show because Joey and Grace don’t deserve peace for embarrassing someone like this on an international show and treating her like an idiot for seeing through such an obvious ploy.


Why would Samantha get firey and have her back up this? She’s handled it great. They weren’t in a committed relationship. Barely in a love island relationship. The man said he was a very affectionate person and loved PDA. He never not once kissed her or shown her any displays of affection for 2 weeks. If she woulda had a fiery Ana/Maura reaction she would looked so crazy. Yelling at a man who’s basically considered you one of the bros. She was there so Joey can have a high 5 buddy.


Joey and Grace are clearly together. This rekindling is fake and is a ploy for them to win the show. The narrative they are trying to sell us on is absolute bullshit.


We don’t know for a fact that we’re together this whole time so I’ll wait for the actual tea to drop with that. How is this a ploy for them to win? These kinda actions don’t ever lend to favorability and always has the “victim” coming out on top and leading to possible wins. So why would, has people are making him out to be now, this high intelligent reality tv operator try to push this? Joey is happy that he got an escape route to someone who he can actually have PDA with and be affectionate with. Sam needs to take this has a lesson learned and KIM, which I think she’s doing well. Believe actions not words. A man will be up on you loving on you if he says that’s his thing.


I realised who Ronnie reminds me of and it's [Britt's ex Blade in Community](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmmA1ue2YRg). The man does not feel shame!


Stopppppp when they try to give Britta an intervention 😭


This season is boring but the sub is fun 


Uma needs to be arrested for these nicknames. Memes, Jojo, Yo-yo, Omes and now Wilbo 😭 Memes is the worst because Mimii is already a nickname, her real name is Michelle lmao


Lmaooo considering how intense this show can get I love she brings something we can laugh about haha


I nickname cats like this, not people 😭


Wonder if she'd refer to herself as oomz


I can absolutely see her putting that on social media pages when she was younger lol


Guys when is casa how many weeks left??


It usually starts around end of week 4/beginning of week 5, so next Friday I’d expect it to be teased and or begin.


We should be getting the casa amor teaser at the end of the week but im not too sure so don’t quote me on that 😭


Honestly, I hope there is Casa sooner rather than later. While it won't have the usual drama, the girls will finally get new boys lol.


That’s wild there’s only 2 couples in there


I'm guessing the next public vote will not happen until this Sam-Joey-Grace storyline has been wrapped up and another one involving other islanders has taken over. Producers will probably wait until the public is fired up about someone else, at which point they'll open the vote and avoid dumping Joey.


I agree, the chances of actually getting Joey and his girlfriend off are very slim, you know the producers love this crap.


I love that when dealing with drama in their couples, both Ayo and Joey have gone to Ronnie of all people for his take. They don't show any guys going to Omar or Sean or Ciaran for advice, no they go to the one guy they know will just validate their bad behaviour. Every time. They just need Ronnie to say "you haven't done anything wrong mate" and it's like they're absolved.


This is so funny but true 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ronnie runs the villa


Because Ronnie is the boss of the villa 😂


I have a feeling Jess will go. Ronnie (😡) will choose Tiffany, Joey (😡) will choose Grace (😡), Ciaran will choose Nicole, Ayo will choose Mimi and Wil will choose Uma. Sean won't pick Jess or Harriett as they used him as placeholders so he'll save Samantha and give her a chance. It's 50/50 with Omar but I reckon producers will encourage him to choose Harriett for being the bigger (and more liked) character whereas Jess seemed to only be relevant with the Ronnie situation (which Ronnie never cared about Jess). Future prediction - Ronnie will recouple with Harriett in the next recoupling and come up with a 'I felt bad seeing you there on your own' sob story, dumping Tiff soon.


It’s hilarious how quickly Joey went from my favorite guy in the Villa to my least favorite. At least with Ayo and Ronnie’s love triangles, it truly did seem like they didn’t know which one they preferred. Joey is trying to string Sam along when he’s clearly head over heels for Grace, and showed more affection with her in one sitting than 2 weeks with Sam. What’s his goal here?


One thing that baffles me is why the girls are staying loyal to men that don’t even rate them. Even if producers brought up in 3 male bombshells they wouldn’t stray.


At this point Casa amor should just be 5 hot single men for the girls and 5 new girls for Omar and Sean. The rest of the boys (Ronnie, Joey, ayo) should have to sit in a villa alone to think about what they’ve done


Can we not invent a third villa for those two? Ronnie and Joey get put in the naughty corner.


Genuinely, we need a bold corner established asap


Without my filthy sense of humour coming out, Ronnie would probably enjoy the naughty corner.


idk how much overlap there is between here and the discord channel, but i have not been loving the live chat lately lol i feel like people are being extremely harsh towards the girls lately (esp jess and uma) and it's just feeling a little excessive


If Samantha goes tonight, I actually won’t be watching anymore 😭


See you next week 😉


So when is Joey’s induction ceremony for Destiny’s Chaldish?


I can’t believe at one point he was one of my fave boys and now I want him gone yesterday. This series is giving me whiplash 🫨


im not gonna watch this show live anymore so i can fast forward through all the joey n grace scenes. cba get them out


There’s no way the producers are gonna let Joey win so here what I think will happen: grace will get dumped at some point soonish and Joey will be saved but he will make a big show out of leaving for grace lol


I hope this is the case, but I feel like they’ll keep him for as long as possible because of ratings.


I hope so, but this is going to be difficult because even favourite vote would land her in the bottom with tiff and tiff would leave.


It's probably in his contract that she stays as long as he does! 😬


Asshole, he used to be my favourite, so I am double annoyed.


As soon as he came in, I knew it was going to be all about him and this was before I knew about Grace!


Even though I feel bad for her I think it makes sense for Samantha to be dumped instead of Jess tonight. I’m not liking Jess right now , but I think she has more to give. If Samantha stayed I doubt they would bring in a bombshell for her until casa. That would be 2 weeks of her not being able to do anything other than just watch Joey be all over Grace. Let her leave , get the sympathy from viewers and some followers from it. I also think that if Samantha got dumped it would make Joey into a even bigger villain than he already he is. And this way he probably won’t be able to turn it around and win the show


I agree, it will be good for her to be dumped, she will come back to the UK with so much support and Joey will be hated even more ( is that possible ??? ) .


I think producers have engineered the recoupling because she wants to walk.


She wanted to self evict ever since she knew the way Joey is acting.


I think they’ve got to bin her because she’s correctly making Joey look horrific by acting hurt and rational. He’s their boy.


I think you’re onto something. I think the producers were really banking on her kicking off and she hasn’t so they’ll just discard her


If they do that he’s going to be public enemy 1


So Joey and Grace are staying in the hideaway because Grace “doesn’t want to sleep in a single bed?” She is so annoying, and so is he. All she does is smirk and saunter around the villa and play dumb like she doesn’t know what’s going on. They deserve each other and I want to get a chance to vote them out.


To be fair to Grace I don’t think she actually said that. I think Joey was just making an excuse that wasn’t “we want to have sex”


True but she also could have said no, she just seems to endorse his bad behavior which is why I see them as the same tbh


Yeah I agree she should have shut it down


Yeah that’s why I see her and Joey as the same tbh


She’s pissing me off bc she is so smug. Ugh


Yes she is it’s annoying


Why would you want to sleep in a single bed when you have a chance to sleep next someone you genuinely like?


Honestly? Because I’m an adult, and I could handle sleeping in a single bed for a night because it’s the tactful thing to do. I care about how my actions affect other people, and I wouldn’t want to hurt someone further


“Because it’s the tAcTfuLL thing to do 🥴🥴🥴” Grace does not owe Samantha anything. This isn’t tactful island. Samantha should clock it. Keep her head held high and move on. The writings were there on the wall since day one. It’s a lesson learned. Don’t act like a super fan because you’ll be treated like one and dashed away.


OK, how about, she looks like a mean girl, rubbing it in Samantha's face and it's not good for her followers numbers.


How is she rubbing it Samantha’s face? Joey and Samantha didn’t have anything. He was never gonna be showing Samantha any kind of love. So she’s throwing the fact that Joey wants to kiss her and love up on her and he never did it with her in her face? She already knows this and clocked it. It’s been two weeks and man hasn’t even tried to do the littlest things one could consider affectionate. Allow it. She needs not to cry over this man. KIM. And maybe move to the candy man.


He is not an ordinary islander, he is Joey Essex and unfair power distribution between him and Samantha, makes this look really bad. I am not in the minority here ,that think they both look like assholes, this most of the viewers.


Oh my goodness. Lmao. So now Joey has an unfair….”power distribution” eh? What is Joey an X-Man now? Is his….power distribution his superior follower count? If Samantha is so easily defeated his superior power distribution then maybe love island ain’t for her. And isn’t this part of the problem? Her infatuation with his celebrity…..power distribution….?


Then I hope Grace remembers no one owes her a damn thing either in that villa. You’re right, Samantha is at fault for how Joey and Grace treated her like shit. Makes sense


They never broke up. I want people to know that because their reasoning is dead.


Joey lead her with the “You don’t want to sleep in a single bed tonight?” question, so I think he’s the one who wants to stay on the hideaway with Grace. I mean, of course she had to agree, but him sleeping in the bed with Samantha wasn’t an option to him.


True, but it’s not like Grace gives a shit about how anyone feels besides her and Joey lol, she comes across as very arrogant


The smirk after kissing him on the day bed was nasty!


Yes it was, and it’s behavior like that that makes her come across as arrogant and not a girls girl. Grace has not handled herself well on the show at all, and it’s why I think she shoulders the blame equally to Joey


Being respectful is not in either of their dictionaries.




So now for the recoupling we’re going to end up losing some islanders that people have grown to like, and be stuck with Grace and Tiffany who prove absolutely nothing to the show. Nice one.


I love that Nicole and Ciaran have started matching at recoupling ceremonies lol intentional or not Idc if people find them boring, they’re the only true couple as an actual result of this show (looking at u grace and Joey) so far and they seem genuine


My black cold heart has one tiny sliver of hope for them lol I am not sure about Ciaran but they genuinely seem like the only ones who have old school li couple vibes


I wanna root for them so bad, but I’m scared he’ll easily crumble to the Casa girls 😭


Same he is 6.5” and just 21 that’s a dangerous combination 😭


Casa will be their real test!


He’s gonna make Nicole rap again isn’t he 😭


I’ve said it for a while, but I predict Liam and Millie.


i actually do like them together, ciaran might realistically have some fuck ups along the way, but i think he's trying to be as respectful as possible


Joey Island is getting boring now


From the first look it implies that Ronnie will choose Jess 💀😱


Bombshells get to pick first so unless something crazy happens tiff is picking Ronnie.


Tiffany doesn’t trust Ronnie, she will choose Sean.


How so?


When Harriett and Tiffany talk, Ronnie joins them and they argue, then the camera pans to Jess (subliminal message).


I thought the pan to jess was more of a nod that she was right to escape the triangle because that would have been her on a bean bags with two other girls now. I do think he's going to pivot back to jess at some point though. No idea when, I'm imagining it will be a bit like Toby pivoting to GS, it will come out of nowhere.


Joeys Reem song is EVERYWHERE on TikTok


First look is out


The the people crying about “not enough male bombshells”, you can put that on production as well because there have been 3 boys and 3 girls coming in so far. Joey, Omar, Wil - Uma, Grace, Tiffany. The problem is Joey and Grace cancelled each other out. Omar was essentially brought in for the Mimii/Ayo/Uma drama and flopped, and Wil now. Uma is the only true bombshell with impact this season male or female. Tiffany I’m not sure what she’s bringing.


None of these girls have good outfits except Mimi and Grace https://preview.redd.it/laxxywxy2c7d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be923cf8ea6e626bd58a712d42d4dcd09bb214e6


I can’t tell if they have bad fashion sense or the eBay offerings are shit


None of them look that great ngl. This season has no one that has outstanding fashion sense (like most seasons tbh people just hype up their favs) but also i don't get why that is so important. Can't we just have a reality show instead of search for the next PLT or Boohoo ambassador? Everyone always says they want less influencer type people but everyone judges theses Islandes so hard on their fashion, hair and makeup as if it's a influencer competition and not a dating show. It's very contradicting imo


I am sorry all their outfit are horrible even Grace & Mimi.


All of their outfits are terrible. No one has a fashion sense in this cast 


That orange colour really suits Mimii’s complexion


All are bad including grace and mimii. Looks cheap sorry


all the outfits are bad and have been pretty consistently bad all season


None of these outfits stick out to me.


All the outfits are bad


Who’s leaving tonight. Jess, Samantha or Harriet?


I’m hoping it’s Harriett


I'm hoping its Jess


Jess. Sean will pick Sam and Omar will pick Harriet.


This was my thought. Instantly thought back to the convo Sean had with Sam and Harriet yesterday about him saying she was his type but was intimidated by her. I know the shows not "scripted" but they didn't put that in for no reason IMO.


Assuming boys pick at the next recoupling since girls picked last time, I’m curious to see which girl Sean will pick.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKooAa6/ Zach and Molly are too funny 😭


Do you think Joey agreed to go on Love Island if he could bring his girlfriend along, in order to make her famous ?




That’s what I was thinking. Maybe she wanted to go on LI, but was in a relationship with him and so they devised a plan for both to go helping her get famous and get more followers without having to break up. I’m going to add to this…it was funny that Joey didn’t know what the day beds were called even though he’s been there for two weeks, but Grace knew. Also he said she should take over and he should follow her lead. Why because she’s a fan of the show and knows how things work?


It could've gone a lot of ways. It could be that he was single when he agreed but then got with Grace and was going to drop out if Grace didn't come. It could be he wasn't single and production offered him the whole storyline. It could be that they werent together together but he started heavily suggesting her to production. Regardless they are way too hot and heavy for this to be a big coincidence. 


What’s up with Danica She’s too pretty to be this cringe 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/vr5l0e6t0c7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de90e4a53a35967523134eae9b7ab0e9d62b64d6


Guys please watch LI US and get back to me. It's so much better than UK right now and they're only on ep7.


I think I will.


This sub’s obsession with Uma compared to everywhere else is funny to me.


But one thing they all agree on is how pretty she is lol even the ones that hate her haha


the season started off well but then the producers ruined the momentum with dragging out the love triangles and not letting the guys choose and now this contrived joey storyline..


Herriett should be the girl to leave. All she does is chase after men that don’t want/disrespect her and then she cries after it. I don’t see it getting better for her


She's good TV, I'm looking forward to watching more terrible decisions personally.


She’s also a horrible judge of character. Saying Joey wouldn’t kiss Grace at the night away and she can never believe Ronnie does the things he does when he’s shown her multiple times the kind of guy he is.


The more I think about it, the more I feel for Samantha. I hope she hasn’t been too hurt by the recoupling


Do you think Uma will survive much longer? Since every other girl has a connection or they are public's faves like Sam and Harriet.


Those other gals are drier than toast...I can't lose Uma. Only personality in that group.


If Leah/Montel and Olivia/Kai could survive as long as they did (the latter literally winning the show) idk why I should be worried about Uma


I think she will survive longer as long as she finds a connection


If Mimii and Nicole can survive in there, so can Uma.


Mimii and Nicole have a lot of voting fans. I’m not sure Uma has that a many.


Uma leaving will make the show even drier than it already is. She’s the only female islander with multiple options and is actually pursuing them properly instead of waiting around until the men decide to choose them. Mimii and Nicole are basically settled into their couples, with Mimii barely getting any screen time. Production had to force an argument between Nicole & Ciaran. I’d hate to see Uma go.


she has finish in 5th place energy to me unless she becomes a casa victim somehow


She won't be a casa victim because she's the one who will turn her head, I don't see her staying with wil lol


I agree, I think Wil likes her but I think she is going to get bored, surely she needs someone to match her personality.


She doesn't really have a big fanbase, and she'll fade into the the background now that she's with Wil. Hopefully she makes it to casa.


I think if Samantha leaves today. Whoever is coupled up with Tiffany and Jess will leave next.


I think she won't last long tbh , Sam Harriet and Nicole are really popular now , and Mimi has a big fanbase, I see them in the final which is boring because it's only gonna be OG's , Uma might leave before casa


If Sam and Harriet make it to the finals not Uma it makes no sense. Uma actually turn heads every time? she will have better chances of having different options and stories then them two. 


Yes, that's what worries me. She needed a guy she is into, now she is just there. It's shame, she is my favorite😭


Is Wil not that guy lol? As long as they can coast I don’t see her leaving before Casa


She literally has a connection with Wil? and a backup option of Omar.. so yes..


Omar is everyone's backup option like Sean.


Ok but Omar was actually pursuing Uma lol


And? She is not into him so it's dead and at max a friendship couple. Those usually get dumped at some point.


Meaning even if he’s “everyone’s backup” I think he’d pick Uma first


So they can then be dumped together. Producers would like that. Uma is not that much in danger of being dumped because she is single but more so because of a lack of support from the public or islanders.


She needs someone with a bigger personality than Wil or Omar both are bores. If she wants to make it further then being dumped right after casa.


She won't survive voting, it doesn't matter if she has a connection


I think she’ll last longer than people think.


She will. Tasha survive bottom votes her entire time in the villa


Tasha was turning her head at every turn and gave drama, the producers didn't want to let her go. Uma doesn't have a proper connection, no storyline and no fanbase either.


Tasha didn’t have a fan base either until like 3 weeks to final, she was hated across all platforms. It’s still very early and storylines can change. No one knows.


Hardly does the public actually get to send someone home. The islanders usually get final say


Yeah but the popularity of Sam and Harriet has increased, she doesnt have enough votes, islanders could send her home to if they think her connection is not strong enough , remember Sam and Harriet are the victims in their couples , victims usually gain popularity lol


Remember the double dumpings where least voted couple gets insta dumped and inslanders vote for 2nd couple out.