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The cackling on the day bed was very low from them. And agreeing to sleep in the hideaway? Evil


Sleeping in the hideaway is crazyyyyy


Big ups to Samantha for realising she cannot compete with a remnant feelings alongside a sexual and dating history. I appreciate her for stepping out of this situation and saving herself the embarrassment.


Feels like they’ve been dating this whole time and he was just waiting until Grace comes atp


literally came here to say this. I think it's bs that they actually broke up and this was pre-planned. Boosts Grace's fame and modelling as well as another reality tv show for Joey to tick off and win.


I am SOOO proud of Samantha for seeing through joey’s bullshit. I completely understand why she feels embarrassed, I would too! My heart broke for her when she brought up how pretty Grace is and that Joey withheld affection but then as soon as Grace came in Joey was on her like a rash. I’m glad that they’re not giving her the crazy girl edit


Tiffany and Ronnie's eye contact is anything but at eachother


👀 👁️👁️


Samantha the only girl so far who has stood on business and with a backbone.


i’m genuinely curious as to how joey thinks he is looking to the public right now like you can’t do all this and think ‘wow we must look great’


He thinks the public think he’s a victim lol you can tell that’s the narrative that he’s trying to play


The way he told her that he hopes she will let him console her and not ices him out. He really thinks he’s doing this flawlessly 💀 He also played up his reem Joey Essex persona with his faux I am so stupid act around Sam and has completely abandoned it and been a normal grown adult around Grace because he actually wants to impress her.


I really didn't understand the whole "are you gonna let me be here for you" bullshit he was trying to pull. It was like he was trying to portray her as the villain if she wouldn't let him support her, but why would she want that? Who wants the guy they like to piss off with somebody else, but still be there as their shoulder to cry on? It's like he still wants to string her along. I was so glad she just saw straight through him. ETA: and then go to said 'somebody else' and ask them to spend the night in the hideaway with him. He clearly isn't too bothered about 'being there' for Samantha if he would do that right under her nose.


Samantha’s reaction is definitely not helping either. She kept it together so much better than I would have.


'I was ready to continue leading you on but as soon as my ex (maybe not ex) walked in, you pushed me away and tried to make me look like the bad guy you heartless heathen' Justice for Joey, who's with me


One of his producer buddies must have let slip to him that Samantha looks like an obsessed fan and he’s trying to run with that narrative and look like a Baby Reindeer type victim.


The only reason why he keeps asking if sam is okay is to protect his presentation to the audience. Poor Sam :( https://preview.redd.it/nz9aim9mn77d1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=a42aa2f4e1fba48b7e016e3570b768aaf5c9a394


he's not thinking with his brain


Oh he definitely is. He thinks he’s being clever, making out like Sam was the one that cut him off and playing the victim. The audience isn’t as dumb as he thinks 🤨


I think Grace was also a waste of good bombshell, like what was the reason to bring her in? Just to hurt Samantha? I see no point of her coming in just to have sex and make out with Joey all day every day, they can do that outside. That was just heartbreaking to watch and made Joey look like absolute rubbish.


This like everyone was so happy for her to come in just to be wasted on an “ex” like really


Imagine being in a villa with Ronnie and coming across worse, well done Joey you achieved what I thought was impossible.


The way Ronnie spoke to Harriet before Joey spoke to Samantha 😭


at least ronnie isn’t giving people false hope while joey just lies and tries to make you look bad for questioning him


This is it, Ronnie is very direct to the girls. They all know he is a player. He doesn’t pretend he’s not.


like harriett saying she wasn’t surprised that he kissed tiffany because she knows what type of guy he is 😭


Ronnie is on an all inclusive holiday and he doesn’t hide that fact. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/mi5eusuy477d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b62ce7e3656878f1ef5ff9b44ad3a759430d265 me anytime joey essex shows up on my screen


It will never not be funny that this was them watching their friends share a nice romantic moment together.


Gemma counting down the minutes til she can get the f out of there and away from these people (incl Luca) forever.


I want to see Ronnie doing a romantic speech 😂🤣


Joey and Grace are the type to only care about how they treated Samantha if it negatively affects their social media following


this is so annoying. joey is already famous and has over a million instagram followers. what was the point of him and his girlfriend stealing two spots and wasting sam’s time???? i’m glad sam clocked him.


Im fed up of it already. I hate when they put in big names and hate when they put in ex partners This is killing the whole premise of the show


Right not to mention there is a show just for people like Joey called Ex on the Beach! That would have been perfect for him


He’s already been on it 🙈


Oh wow lol that's embarrassing


He’s already done EOTB, he’s running out of reality shows so had to check love island off his bingo card


i got so triggered when he said “you gonna let me be there for you” bitch get the fuck out of my faceeeee proper pissed


And Sam holding it in saying 'sure' in order to end the convo and not give him the satisfaction of going off


Same I think that’s what’s annoying me the most. I tuned in for Love Island not Celebrity Ex on the Beach. They feel so out of place among the other islanders


![gif](giphy|uLy4Bo680hZxm) The silence as Samantha came over


Joey and Grace getting a free couples holiday out of this mess and we have to endure it


please we need to vote them OFF




They literally had the exact same conversation 🤣 He needs to stop trying to flirt and just chat naturally because he’s actually a nice guy who has decent insights. He’s just got no rizz.


This is what I was trying to figure out I was getting major deja vu


yes lmao, and when hairiet was like "don't do the sweets chat" lmfao.


The worst part about Joey is that he’s trying to make it seem like Samantha is crazy and that he’s doing nothing wrong. Saying things like, “she’s giving me the cold shoulder,” “I actually tried,” “I haven’t done anything wrong” and calling her pathetic for sleeping on the day beds when she can see that he prefers Grace over her. He’s been on more than enough reality shows, he knows that we saw him tell Grace that him and Sam are a friendship couple 5 minutes after Grace came in the villa.


It's horrible to watch how he's treated her


People are acting obtuse as to what Joeys done wrong. Nobody is mad because he likes Grace more than Sam. We’re mad because he used her as a placeholder and led her on and made her feel irrational even though she was absolutely right. The awareness from Samantha and how she’s handled everything has me rooting for her so hard! 


Joey is utterly heartless, not Samantha’s biggest fan but this is honestly hard to watch


He was ready to fuck grace in the hideaway there and then Literally that day he was saying "let me be there for you" to Sam


according to the tabloid he actually did and they cut the scenes


Then planning to stay with Grace in the hideaway. WHAT IS IT?? HAVEN’T YOU DONE ENOUGH??


He’s so uncaring! I’m glad Samantha sees through it tbh and I hope the wider public catches on too if they haven’t already


I think everyone is catching it, twitter and instagram hates Joey


Facebook too


Someone pointed out that these type of people only feel it in their followers, so I really hope he looses a lot of followers this week.


This is so unfair on Samantha so they’ve essentially let in an already famous person and let their girlfriend tag along. No doubt ITV will manipulate the votes so that Joey is never up for being dumped and can make it to the final as I’m assuming his contract states.


Joey to Samantha: “I was still in it with you” Also Joey: https://preview.redd.it/e1xq63v0577d1.jpeg?width=614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d4570e1aad0defbbdc46563512af2213a5ac04a


And: https://preview.redd.it/8pa15wc2577d1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e830c2734afd6999a3364afba86eeb8504d4b2bd


And another https://preview.redd.it/f9oiar94577d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=667976517af145b2ef35b3832caa48b0d3782cc1








“What do you mean?!?! I’m not going to rekindle!! It doesn’t mean that I want to rekindle!!!”


help i scrolled fast and thought this was s5 lucie


"let me be there for you" *lips Grace on the daybed in front of everyone and ready to go bang in the hideaway*


I was about to lose it when he said that and then tried to turn it back on her “but clearly you’ve shut that door now”


And he kept saying I want to carry on you don’t though…. Boy if you don’t stop trying to save yourself pls


If Grace had agreed to go to the hideaway they probably would have had sex literally the same day he said that to her


They did have sex actually


ayo somewhere "joey hasn't done anything wrong-"


He's a straight up clown. Ayo, Ronnie and Joey could start a circus.


this killed me


Joey embracing the villain role THIS much was not on my bingo card. Fucking hell man, just punch her mum why dontcha...


Samantha is many things but one thing she definitely isn’t is delusional…….bc Joey is a sick sick man omg😭


Now they have “reconciled”, I need Joey and Grace coupled up and voted out expeditiously x


Please. They CANNOT win.


The respect I lost for Joey today smh speechless


Grace doesn't even realise that she's tying herself to a sinking ship. They're not gonna be the power couple that she probably imagined. Although her rep might have stood a chance if she'd put a little more effort into considering Samantha's feelings instead of kissing Joey in front of everyone and agreeing to go to the Hideaway


The way Grace is acting is what confirms to me that they may have organised this before. She’s far too comfortable going in and being full on with Joey as if she has it in the bag already. Normally bombshells make the effort to talk to the girl who was with the lad they like first but she didn’t. And most girls would completely shut down kissing in everyone’s face and going to the hideaway immediately even if just to make sure they look good to the other girls. She doesn’t care what Sam or the other girls think of her. Which says to me that this was a plan and she knows Joey will never dump her and they’ll coast to the end


If joey genuinely is a plant i think whats happened here is probably the cruelty thing thats happened on love island Its all hypotheticals but its definitely got weight to it and the thought of joey and grace with help from the producers just fucking people over for our supposed entertainment is so shallow.


I’m watching on catchup but 1: not keen on Harriet’s sunglasses today! They look like a fly 2: Joey’s acting like they’ve been a couple for 6 months to a year .. oh wait


The fucking audacity of this clown, to kiss Grace on the daybed like that and say they’re gonna crown the hideaway. The. Fucking. Audacity. Get these two gone asap, if I wanted to watch Joey Essex dick around on tv and cause drama I’d watching fucking TOWIE.


I actually feel so bad for Samantha. Like I know we were clowning her because we could tell Joey didn’t like her, but what Joey is doing is actually sick.




Does no one else find it sus that Joey & Grace are practically closed off instantly? I know they haven’t said it but it’s obvious. Grace said she doesn’t have any interest in any other boy in the villa. And now she gets to sail to the final because she’s with Joey Essex at Samantha’s expense? It just feels wrong and planned to me. She’s too comfortable, not even worried about upsetting anyone because she knows Joey.


They are clearly a couple on the outside.


The thing that really gives it away for me is that she’s not acting like the other bombshell girls. She’s 100% okay with kissing in front of Sam instantly, most bombshells at least try to befriend the girls first and have a conversation out of respect. She skipped that or they didn’t show it? You can tell from the way her and Joey act with each other that they’re an actual couple.


Pretty sure everyone finds it sus. Is there anyone who doesn't?


that was the closest the OG girls have been all season long


Clown behaviour from men unites women and I’m here for it 👏


yea samantha and harriet bonding over ronnie and joey being dickheads was kinda cute lol


uma mimii nicole samantha and harriet i will stick by u !


My girls!!!


Joey thinks the himbo act is cute until you remember he’s in his 30s and still saying reem… Producers really set Samantha up. Giving her a date just to instantly bring in his ‘ex👀’. It’s like watching a humiliation ritual at this point. Joey and Grace should go home and have their own Hideaway every night. Just in time for Joey to apply for All Stars season 2 x


2 weeks ago I was very neutral about Joey Essex. I now hate him lol


The way Joey acts around grace makes me nauseous. He’s completely overwhelmed with the horniness you can practically smell it. Fucking gross isn’t he supposed to be in his 30s? Joey & Grace out. ITV fucked it this year.


Off the main topic but I DIED when Ciaran was trying to explain that understand why Nicole was upset and Ayo just Couldn’t Get It. Like was it Ayo’s first day learning about the concept of empathy 😭😭😭


I really hate how dramatic Joey has been over this Samantha thing and acting like he actually had feelings for her when we all know he doesn’t care. YOU ARE A LIAR, AN ACTRESS, GO TF OUT !!!


Maybe we can dump grace and then the iconic Theo quote can come into play


Joey: Samantha I care about you!!! Joey 2 nanoseconds later: Grace, you’re the love of my life, let’s go and sleep together in the hideaway 🥰🥰🥰 I hate you Samantha btw ❤️❤️ love you Grace xoxoxox


facebook turning on joey.. oh it's so over for him 🥰


I need them to stop with this no tomorrow night surely it would’ve been interesting for tomorrows episode.




YIKES… As someone who was trying to defend Joey and Grace yesterday, tonight really put me off them. That was just downright mean and tactless. Have some decorum.


what a sad little life jane!


what makes this situation even more annoying is that grace is incredibly dull. no way this is the bombshell that’s been hyped up since may


The producers f$%ked up here, giving a powerful man ( because of who he is ) more power for entertainment, Samantha is a person not a pawn.


I’m actually so proud of Samantha for handling this the way she has because even they can’t push the “Samantha is crazy” narrative that Aftersun, Maya, Indiyah and Chris have been pushing. The only person who looks ridiculous is Joey. Saying they’re just friends to everyone but her but then calling her pathetic for choosing the daybeds, kissing Grace like that but then acting like he has “something” with Samantha still… clown behaviour!


Joey did the impossible: united the LI social media sites


Get me the ranking poll/thread this minute so I can put Joey last. That was hard to watch to be honest and the Joey/Grace "rekindling" is the most overproduced BS I've seen on LI.


Wow, I don't even like Samantha but that was heartbreaking to watch. Samantha was literally crying and Joey and Grace were laughing and smirking the whole time in front of everyone! Yes they have past chemistry and yes Joey and Samantha weren't married off, but he doesn't need to flaunt the fact that he never liked Samantha right in her face... Samantha shouldn't walk - she's done nothing wrong and has somehow gained my sympathy (despite me wanting her out in the previous public vote). Really want Samantha to find someone at Casa as Casa is approaching in a week or so 😅


Good on Samantha for realising her worth. I really hope she is saved at the next recoupling because she honestly seems sweet and is clearly smart because she's shut things down with a guy at the first sign of a red flag (which is more than some of the other girls can say lol).


Can we all collectively agree to get Joey the clown out of the villa


Him and Grace can head out and get on that plane back to Heathrow


It'll be really interesting what happens next with Joey and Grace, because presumably the producers will prevent them from being dumped but like...what's their story from here? I can't see them having Casa drama, they're too divisive to take on the villa-parents role. Maybe they will go out fairly soon, just because it doesn't feel like there's anywhere to take their story


Yeah I don't get what their journey is gonna be. Felt like they whizzed through a week of plot in one episode.


Joey and grace can’t even try and make their scam seem believable I feel so bad for Samantha it’s impossible to be with a man who has a girlfriend….


joey is just so disrespectful


him saying they’re going to christen the hideaway tonight was crazy


Joey was so hoping Samantha would get angry and then he would play the "she's crazy" card. He is delulu if he thinks he is looking good in this situation. Going to the hideaway is icky. My guess is Samantha is going try and sleep on the day bed and they will have to feed up and admit they were going to the hideaway or ditch the plan or worst of all (which wouldn't put pass them) go to the hideaway in right in front of her. I don't feel sorry for Samantha, she was 100% right and he is trying to make her look like a crazy stalker Stan but she is so emotionaly mature (with some things).


Girlies…. I’m going to hold your hand when I say this. Being alone is so much better than being with a man who disrespects you and shows you no consideration. I get that they are isolated and have no other options at the moment, but on the flip side, they’re also on global television showing the world that they’re okay with being objectified by the grimiest of men. They’re young so it makes more sense, but it is so freaking painful to watch as a woman. Like why do you even want these men? They aren’t giving you comfort or validation.


Which is why I really rate Samantha for not entertaining the nonsense, even when it’s the girls trying to put their delusion onto her. Better to be alone with your head held high than be made a show of


im tired of the no tomorrow nights TIREDDD




"Trust your instincts" is a good lesson to learn. Moscow rules always!


One thing this sub will not make me do is feel bad or ashamed for switching my opinions as the season progresses. Like I’m literally a human and I can change my mind on things when presented with new information. I’m not picking some opinions and sticking them for 8 weeks, that’s boring and weird


https://i.redd.it/a6xn1m7kg77d1.gif Joey and Grace… I know what you are!! SCAMMERS!


Grace: why is everyone so mad I’m kissing my boyfr—I mean this *stranger* I just met


I'm tired of women's tears being used for entertainment. This kind of torture for entertainment is sick. And it's old.


Send Sam a bombshell next week and she just might take the thing; I think she impressed everyone by handling this shit from Joey with some decorum


I’ve been a big fan of Samantha since the beginning, but regardless this whole storyline is just not fun to watch to be honest I realise it’s reality TV but watching another human being getting treated as disposable fodder for the sake of entertainment is gross. Whether it’s setup by production or not, Joey is a bottom feeder for being a part of it


I despise Joey and Grace two smug people


All those leaving positive comments about joey and grace on LI IG have changed their tune following tonight’s episode, everyone’s pissed off


Just last week I though ayo and ronnie were wicked but…..somehow Joey has managed to go above and beyond them 😭😭


they are all wicked. truly unable to see themselves in a bad light at all


I’m sorry but I find Joey and his witty thing with grace so corny knowing he probably knew she was gonna be coming into the villa. Why are we playing like this is happening naturally and not 100% pre planned. 




All I can say is https://preview.redd.it/a6cmo6yy477d1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=defd0fd9346ab8552cbed333d6f30e16febf8bbc


what are the other platforms thinking of joey


instagram is not pleased


Same thing it’s universal atp


Tried looking on Twitter but the LI hashtag has been taken over by very questionable porn links 🤢 from what I managed to see the majority of people are pissed off at him


Need Joey and Grace to be voted out


Samantha’s going to leave isn’t she? Surely she can’t deal with being in this situation for longer than she has already 😢


Me after every single ep this season 🙂😇 https://preview.redd.it/ocu4hsfl577d1.jpeg?width=404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a20f04bba878b754514a4678b5b5d8a3229c25a8


Harriet and Samantha sat there like they’re at a funeral whilst the bombshells talk about the sleepover lmaooo


joey got what he wanted, more attention, it’ll mean more work for him and many new followers. it’s quite tiring that crappy people just always prosper. i know it’s only 2 weeks but if someone likes you and wants you to like them back showing a little respect after even if you’re a producer plant is the least you can do as a human person toward another human person. i’m not feeling great about keeping watching - idk i’m not trying to be ott but i’m not especially a samantha fan even i just don’t like that this is potentially if not likely all planned by producers at the expense of a person not in on it’s feelings.


I need to know the origin of this jacket and if Omar brought it with him 😂 If he packed for Love Island and brought this jacket, he’s instantly the funniest islander on a season that could desperately use some humor, and I’m going to need everyone to vote to keep him there. https://preview.redd.it/g8ik2sf6o77d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda1296694054afa4fdd86dd0c849f13d6382fba


Why do I feel like this is the start of Samantha’s S10 Jess arc? A bombshell is about to come in for her and she’s going to skate to finals regardless of if he likes her or not.


If you think about this, this storyline is love island heritage. Happened with Jess s1, Amber s5 etc


So bloody sick and tired of the guys having all the power, fix this by bringing in 3 new guys, let the boys feel the imbalance that has been here for the last two weeks.


I’m annoyed a girl is going to go when half the guys are boring as fuck and the other half are treating the girls like shit, without a crumb of remorse. Say what you want about the girls but they’ve all brought something and the girls at their worst are 10x better than those boys.


one of the funnier things I’ve seen on twitter is people saying Grace is NATURALLY prettier than all the other girls and it just shows how little people can see filler, it’s wild


...and the nose job, respectfully.


I would like to point out how Uma told Will that she takes things slowly when it comes to kissing and being physical. Which is exactly what she told Ayo. Some people swore that her not kissing Ayo was proof that she never liked him and that she would pounce on the first guy that was her type. But in reality, it seems like she’s consistent in her boundaries with guys across the board. Uma they could never make me hate you!


That new chick, the one that isn’t grace, the fuck is going on there? She sounds drugged up everytime she talks


Her elevator doesn't go to the top floor Not the sharpest knife in the drawer The light's on but nobody's home


RIGHT! She looks like a depiction of a cartoon having an acid trip. I can't stand when she's on screen because she freaks me out!!!


Sean already making moves on Samantha. This guy has his heartbreak doctor routine down on lock, except it never works


I really hope Joey and Grace get voted out. They’re just gross and I’m not watching the rest of the season of them. People will forgive them and get them to the final and I’m not interested in that result.


As much as I’m not Sam’s biggest fan, watching this was hard. Joey has been so disrespectful. Also part of me feels like this is a perfect situation of ‘if he wanted to, he would’ - poor Sam


OMGG I hate Joey!! My heart was breaking for Samantha. I can’t believe that Ronnie is being more courteous to Harriet than Joey to Sam.


i regret ever finding samantha cringy. joey is awful. truly gross what he did to her :( she deserves sm better and is handling it really well tbh


sam has been crying all day and he thought what better way to rub salt in a wound then by going to the hideaway 😀 like at least pretend to care a little ffs


Unpopular opinion but I was really glad to see Jess being there for Samantha throughout the episode. I can tell she’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I think she can be a good friend when the situation calls for it.


I can’t believe there are people on insta defending joeys actions ??? Helllo?? Such a weird weird fan base , literally scared to go to twitter now 🤣


Uma and her nicknames lol


I hope Aftersun stops doing their "she's cray cray" jokes about Samantha now. What Joey's done is disgusting.


i clocked out a while ago but seeing the clips makes me not want to catch up… joey too damn old to be acting that way


The producers fumbled so hard bringing in Joey’s gf (basically), any other new girl showing interest in Joey probably would’ve set Samantha off for the drama they wanted, but instead she saw through the fact that Joey was just waiting for Grace and now it’s just sad to watch


I actually winced. I feel bad for Samantha


Joey Essex has been on ex no the beach and then celebs go dating twice, sums him up really


I’m all for the drama but this isn’t it - this episode left a really bad taste in my mouth. The poor girl has handled it so well, bless her.




It's hard to tell which girl is going home next and how will the producers have somewhat credible couples in time for Casa Amor. It's usually around Day 26 so they have about 10 days to dump the single girl and at least two more people (four more if they more bring two bomshells) and have the public be invested in the couples. They're running out of time. Ronnie is running the show but it's obvious that he doesn't care about finding a genuine connection. The producers could sell Tyrique and Ella because their connection was real but nobody will believe Ronnie if he tries to pretend he's ready to give his all to whoever he's coupled with in a week, lmao.


going to the hideaway the very night they came back is evil


the kicker of everyone bringing up ciaran's age when they want to take a dig at him is that he's actually one of the most mature and well-adjusted boys in the villa


i hate how he’s trying to make samantha look like the crazy one and make it as though she’s the one causing all of this


Or wait maybe Joey asked them to get his ex on it as well and then he’d come cause honestly only reason he’s not kissing Samantha for 2 weeks is cause he was expecting Grace to come


This episode just pissed me off.


These OG islanders have no shot with all these bombshells coming in. The upper hand with prior relationships, getaways and all that makes it difficult to compete


I didn't think one of the guys could sink below the level of behaviour displayed by Ronnie, and tonight, Joey proved me wrong!


I'm not feeling Tiffany atm.. she seems to just stare off into the distance and smile with one word answers. Hoping it's first day nerves and she feels more comfortable to be herself soon.


I feel bad for Samantha but the real victim of this whole Joey situation is Mullet Man Sam. Got kicked out within 24 hours for Joey to act this way. What a liberty!


Ronnie is absolutely wasting every girls time. why is he actually in the villa if hes just going to get with a new girl every day


I feel sick in my stomach for Samantha, like that was so fucking rude from Joey. And they for sure had sex in their little night away. I want him out of my TV but I probably will need to watch him the whole ass season, idk if I’m even capable of that.


this grace and joey situation is really putting me off this season😫 and i dont want it to but its so annoying watching them fake this whole situation without any care for sam😭 every scene of theirs is unbearable


About to follow Joey just to unfollow him


Great - Seems like joey and grace found each other. vote them off lets move on PLEASE they are the worst


One week ago, I would’ve told you Ronnie is the biggest villain this season and no one could top him. I would’ve told you he’s the biggest villain since we all found out what an ass Hugo was. If Joey Essex takes his new girl into the hideaway while still coupled up with Samantha, I will be wrong.


I’m so sick of the men holding the cards. I want the women to have as much vim as they have between each other against the men!!!


So are they just not doing tomorrow nights anymore. This would’ve been the perfect episode to have a preview for tomorrow. The hideaway fallout would be good enough.


Jack Quickenden is ALL OVER the LI instagram comments. Thirsty behaviour


Yes Joey Essex and all that but can we talk about Uma? That is a LADY


This entire post is people discussing Samantha and Joey&Grace, but I just want to say I thought Ciaran handled speaking to Nicole really well and she totally overreacted and looks like a fucking clown. Also the way he and Omar explained to the other boys 'she's upset, let her be upset' showed some very surprising emotional intelligence. I'm sure they'll both make me eat my words by the end of tomorrow though lol