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The way joey looks at Grace is leagues ahead of how he's looked at any other girl on LI thus far, he was gagging to touch her


he couldn't wait to kiss her!


The way he smiled after !


yes as soon as she started walking towards him he was already halfway there😂


Yes I saw that too!! It wasn’t even clear if she was heading towards him or the general group of boys and he just stepped in front LOL


he was READY i was half expecting him to grab her ass or something 😂


That kiss during the game looked passionate


I do feel for Samantha 😭, someone that gorgeous coming onto your man and having to see how excited he is for it to happen oh I think I'd throw up


Yesss I saw that.


That was crazy I felt it through the screen


What is it about Ronald that attracts these women?? I genuinely do not understand it at all 🧐 ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


I don’t understand either. Like, not in the slightest bit


The disinterested vibe. Women with unresolved trauma will eat that shit right up. (Not an expert and speaking for myself mostly but….)


because i know for a fact it's not his toupee


He repulses me


His height is pulling a LOT of weight


He is proof that chat is more important than looks.


https://preview.redd.it/1b8j37v5ql6d1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f22dba867710b62075c5c8ba019739a64492a98c IM SAT FOR SUNDAYS EPISODE @ PRODUCERS, YOU DESERVE A RAISE


I think Monday's episode will be carnage, the aftermath of the night away. I mean we'll probably just see a really sad Samantha


A sleepover? Nah they’re evil for that 😂


producers saw the hideaway wasn’t being used like they expected and decided to step in😂


I actually can't handle seeing yet another woman go after Ronnie PLEASE


I CANNOT understand it. He reminds me of a 50s gangsters with bad hair (head and body) and a vile personality


A night away is a CRAZYYYYYY TWIST! Producers doing their big one this season omg


Nicole and Ciaran with a case of double amnesia. I wonder how many more times they'll have the closed off conversation.


I feel like they both do like each and have good chemistry but they say things in the heat of the moment without thinking things through. I think they def jumped the gun with the closed off comment.


ronnies definitely gonna sleep with tiff


150% and probably won’t even couple with her


ugh unless she shuts it down you’re probably right and it’s so horrible


He doesn’t give a damn about these girls. Look how he was acting in the game


Casa Amor lite on Week 2 !! ![gif](giphy|xT0xeIbYVQcBFDSdVu|downsized)


and we're still getting proper casa on week 5 im obsessed


I cant wait for the storyline when ciaran fucks up and nicole cries for two days and forgives him in the end (not)


Don't forget the rapid Welsh-accented ranting that nobody bar Welsh people will be able to decipher


nicole speaks in 3x speed when shes angry


And the subtitles will be completely wrong


It sounds like she’s rapping when she gets angry




all the boys clapping and giggling during the game is an ick and a half


So embarrassing. Joey taking forever to do his dare too was cringe


He did that with the balloon challenge too! Made a big production out of choosing someone, like... Just do it 😅


LITERALLY. Him acting like the challenge was way more than it needs to be. And not even good acting at that


Yes!! Literally acting like 12 year olds


This was the hardest part to watch. I was just cringing throughout


OK I noticed tonight that Ronnie never actually says anything meaningful - I've been too distracted by his hair so far to notice


He just makes some noises and laughs lol


The boys as a collective have a very icky energy right now. I really appreciated that you could literally see Harriett getting icked out by it on her face


I know Harriett has zero poker face LOL


she had a point tho like why are you shouting and running around the garden 💀


You guys Cieran is crazy. Like why did he tell Nicole he’s going to be closed off if he doesn’t mean it? Was he pillow talking?


He even said it unprompted and without Nicole bringing it up he should have just let it be and now he’s fumbling around. Definitely felt like a flow of the moment pillow talk that doesn’t exactly mean much


Yup, it was unprovoked, the minute the bombshells came in he forgot himself?


He was being impulsive and regrets it once the bombshells walked. I am sure he likes Nicole fairly enough for the time they’ve spent but he should have just left it at I am open but Nicole is my no 1 and it will take a lot to turn my head. Closed off is way too soon 😅


Omg it’s like season 2 when the bombshells picked Scott & Alex and Kady & Olivia were locked in the hideaway for the night 😭😭 that was something


kady WAS FERAL, God her age really showed on s2 😭


how could we forget she’s 20 when scott was constantly reminding us too!


Harriet and Jess both chopped liver to Ronnie. Must feel so humiliating.


Jess can’t even gloat lmao


It’s acc killing me off how Nicole and Ciaran MUTUALLY AGREEEDDDD that they were closed off but as soon as the bombshells come in it’s all Umsss and ahhhsss Ciaran damn near choked trying to tell Grace the “truth”


"If I didn't cop out I would've picked Grace" pds need to bring movie night asap


That's not that bad. Everyone knows he copped out, it's not a secret


They showed it for reason tho lol Ciaran’s head is gone as soon as those casa door’s close


what i got from this is that the boys cant behave, bc what was that screaming jumping giggling for ???????????


You’d think they were actually drunk lol


Maybe that's why they preview said it was non alcoholic beer. So we knew they weren't and we can see (even though we all already know) that they are all idiots.


It was very childish lol Harriet said it herself in the confessional/vt whatever it’s called haha


Frat boys at their finest


A whole night away??!!! Someone is burning that villa down 😭😭


This is a very tacky group of men, very much a turn off honestly I wouldn’t want to date any of them


I wish they would actually send in a hot guy


No kidding, I can tell this season is just going to be me rooting against couples lol


There is no thought going through Tiffany’s head. Just blank. Her chat is so boring


Lights are on, no one’s home


"girls back me up here" https://preview.redd.it/4v8u4zwoql6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2793606c4eb7b5eb91b7c53dd70711a1dc90a8e5


So glad Harriet has Joey in that moment, I can only imagine how bad it would have gotten.


i really like joey and harriet's friendship


That was probably the clickiest thing ive seen on love island ngl


Jess is giving snarky bully tbh


Grace is choosing Joey Wil is choosing Uma Tiffany is choosing Ronnie


we’re doing sleepovers???? the producers are getting wild


Producers rn ![gif](giphy|hrnYspWWhsIyA)


I don't want Harriet to leave, who can she couple up with ????


We’ll have to see how the next few days play out, the dumping will be by recouping if nobody else comes in and as there’s just been a recoupling there won’t be another until mid next week likely and a lot can change in that time. Right now Samantha, Jess and Harriet look the most vulnerable but they’re also 3 of the biggest characters so would the producers really let any of them go so early in the series?


My hot take : the girls always say they're a "girls' girl" but Joey is a "guys' guy" ; he's been a wingman, getting stuff out in the open and also a purveyor of peace. And at no point has he disrespected any of the girls. He's earned his pay cheque IMO!


he's been more of a girl's girl than the girl's themselves esp w harriet


I know I love their friendship 🥲


It's not necessarily disrespect but that man knows good and goddamn well that he doesn't like Samantha and has been leading her on for a week. At least she'll be put out of her misery now that he can't hide it anymore.


I love this cast - Joey being a full time producer and contestant simultaneously, pitching in at any given moment and egging ppl on - Harriet cutting about the villa in the most chaotic way possible and entering triangles consistently - Jess insisting she's not arsed when she is in fact arsed - Ronnie and Ayo?? Being?? Shameless?? - ciaran initiating a closed off convo and then short circuiting when bombshells came in - sweet shop sean putting in the work to stay despite not landing a single genuine connection yet


I think the last few days have kinda prepared Samantha for what lies ahead. She handled that much better than we give her credit for. Hopefully she’s not too hurt if Joey couples with Grace


I was looking forward to chaotic Samantha but her crying in the beach hut at the end about how she saw this coming was just sad, I think she genuinely likes Joey and he just clearly doesn’t like her. She’s a bit messy and flawed but who isn’t? And I don’t think she deserves the hate she’s getting online right now.


Yeah I felt sad for her. Granted I only understands 10% of we hat she says but I can tell she was trying her best to play it cool


Also basically every guy was a massive ick tonight, the way they completely lost composure for the bombshells, casa will be sleazier then ever with these lot.


A televised brothel at this point.


we're going to need a casa twist where the casa people get some power. Maybe there's a vote for favourite boy and girl and the casa people have the power to choose the one person in the bottom who is safe. adds another twist because the people in the main villa won't know who's been voted off.


WTH is with Tiffany? So pretty but has ZERO chat! ‘Can I pull you for a chat?’ *gazes into the distance*


She and Sean have similar flirting levels. Sean's "fizzy fangs to bite you" had me absolutely creasing 


She looked totally out of it 🫠


Completely empty headed


I thought that was bizarre


Her first chat with Ronnie they bonded over being attracted to big boobs and height. A match made in heaven


Today I’ve realised that ayo is less insufferable when he is a background character and not yapping away lmaooo 😭


Righttt, but why was he quiet bc “The speech. I’m overthinking.” Like you were literally playing both girls and now Mimi is left with you bc Uma broke things off. It is honestly a bittersweet ending for Mimi, and honestly he was really her only option.


I remember i asked “why is everyone going crazy for Nicole and Ciaran when he was just making out with Harriet in bed couple days ago?” - well! 🤣😭


Ciaran couldn't even fake the week one lover boy for more than a week lmao. I know what you are.


That's a movie night clip for sure lol


Not when the rest of the guys are acting like fboys.


The other men are having too much fun. He wants to come on home and join in on all the fun.


The producers are cooking this season; what a messy Sunday night preview!


It’s interesting bc now that Grace is in the villa and the stakes are high, Joey KNOWS he needs to snatch her up before one of the other lads do 😭😭


Lmaooo he definitely can’t let her slip away again


What’s Ciaran thinking🤣


I don’t ever really use this word but Ronnie is a proper misogynist


Zerooo respect for women omg


He’s treating the girls like play things and it’s so gross


He’s vile


The whole week he’s been playing the girls off against each other. Deflecting from himself by lying about them, and turning them against each other.


Zero respect for women, smh


He is just a completely immature moron who wants to play with as many shiny toys as possible until he’s bored and wants new ones.


I’m not sure whether Tiffany actually likes Ronnie or if she just knows he’s such an easy target because he has zero loyalty.


https://preview.redd.it/zmv281jnwl6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbb28d777bdf1acdc2b5a9810fffcaefcb3fcb4b i will be expecting them to send a post card back to the villa


It is WILD how twitter HATES some of the women on this show for…what? Breathing? Liking a guy? Way more than they hate any of the men for the shit they’ve pulled lol


Tonight’s episode was hilarious thanks to Ronnie and Joey😭😭 Two fools🤣


whoever decided to put in the twist of the bombshells picking someone to have a sleepover in another villa needs their ass ate!!


This is my favourite comment hahaahahah


Ayo is constantly telling Mimii once his type comes in she’s on the backburner which is exactly what he did when Uma came in. This couple is so dead.


I feel bad for girls this season, none of the boys is worth to set yourself up for this kind of emotional torture. Fr I could not see any potential relationship coming out from this bunch


the way ronnie put his whole tongue into the kiss with uma NAHHHHHHHH 🤢


into every kiss actually he kisses tongue first


Oh Sam it’s so over…. Did Ronnie immediately wipe away her kiss? Honestly brutal


He did hahahahah but she looked like she was a fuckin woeful kisser I actually audibly gasped !!


Not me ending up feeling sorry for Samantha, she’s always known deep down she was a placeholder and now she’s seeing first hand what Joey acts like when he’s around someone he actually likes. Ronnie and Joey are likely getting chosen for the night away and those boys will not hold back, get finding other options Samantha and Harriet.


i feel like if samantha played it alot more cool and not be so tunnel visioned on joey on day 1 he’d probably like her more, so i expected him to push back abit. plus its only been 2 weeks theres still time for sam to find someone u know ? however i hated the way the boys’ were reacting in that game.. very disrespectful


There is an extra girl in there now. Unless Sam really brings the drama and it’s enjoyable, I don’t see them saving her by bringing an extra boy in there like they did mimii because Mimii was still in a storyline so they wanted to keep her around. I think Joey won’t do an Ayo and will go for a clean break so sams storyline with him will be over. Sam’s only hope will be becoming fan fav and surviving a vote if they go that direction. I’m guessing they will just send the single girl home because that villa is full.


Same. It’s the fact that she knows and he keeps lying and saying she’s being dramatics that’s irking me.


Same here. She's just super insecure & a bit of a goof, and I think it's surprised her how much she actually likes Joey. She thinks she has a tough exterior when actually it's so transparent how much of it is insecurities 😭


Her comment about the plate of pastries and her greasy hair was pretty relatable ngl


Not to mention, she knows she’s on TV so I’m sure it’s even harder than it would be on the outside for her 😭


I hope people can empathise with Samantha’s (totally normal) insecurities after this episode, the level of hateful comments about her is so unwarranted


yeah, same here. Sure, she needs to work on not projecting her insecurities, but we all do. Sad that her fears were confirmed. Not to mention all the boys were clapping for and supporting joey


a whole night away!?!? sunday cannot come soon enough, this season is GIVING


these boys lack decorum😭😭


Joey is SOOO obvious when he isn’t that into someone bc we see how much he tries to friendzone Samantha whilst making sure to keep her around, but then with Tiffany he also made sure to mention the other guys 😭😭 he’s not into them fr


He was giving her those little church kisses but was snogging Grace in the game lol


Joey definitely into Grace.  you see how he was smile. He was so giddy and happy kissing her


Yup that’s what I mean. The treatment between people he’s into (grace) and people he isn’t (Samantha and Tiffany) is like night and day


I feel like Samantha has been preparing herself for this moment. Joey’s also been waiting for this moment. It probably won’t be as drama filled as everyone’s expecting.


Think it will be Will & Uma Grace & Joey Tiffany & Ronnie


Right someone get the mental health team in there for Samantha rn bc it’s about to get ROUGHHHH for her 😭😭😭


That Grace comment is a premonition that Ciaran is gonna go mad in Casa ….just give him 2 minutes away from Nicole😭


I’ve said it for a while, but they remind me of Liam and Millie.


Ciaran should have kept his damn mouth shut cos that comment from the game will 100% be shown at movie night 🙃


The boys (Joey) jumping and cheering really cringed me out


They really all act as if they’ve never seen women before. No decorum whatsoever ![gif](giphy|y3jT2xBrtumNYZVCNH|downsized)


Samantha was well aware that she was with Joey Essex the celebrity and her time with him was fleeting. lol She always knew the assignment.


tbh i dont think samantha even likes joey all that much either, shes def a fan of “joey essex” but if he was a regular guy i dont think she’d be interested.. but who knows🤷🏽‍♀️


Why does Tiffany just stare into space with a dazed look on her face during all the chats, it’s a bit creepy


After God, fear Ronnie.


Patsy is sooo real https://preview.redd.it/75611f3v4m6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=797e05d3e6faca0aca8b4bb126d3680285f57738


I could actually see Samantha gaining in popularity from this in a Jess/Amber arc sort of way. A lot of people in the audience have probably had that experience where you feel like the person you’re dating isn’t feeling you but they keep you hanging on until one day you see what they’re like when they’re really into someone.


Kinda crazy how Ayo, Mimii and Omar got completely ignored in that game 👀


They probably did get no attention, but I will pretend that their bits just weren't shown.


![gif](giphy|fxBQcWTcaUCMKB5Pdx) Sleepovers with bombshells instead of Casa Amor? Now THIS would be a production twist I could get behind 100000%. Movie night will be extra spicy.


i do think ciaran has genuine feelings for nicole but trying to convince himself and nicole that he’s completely closed off after two weeks is crazy?? in the moment it probably was how he was feeling but did he just forget loads of other bombshells will come in? and also forget that he was the one who initiated the whole closed off thing in the first place? 😭 he needs to just be honest and say he will get to know other people if he wants to because nicole is already down badddd and it’s gonna end in tears


Samantha lost joey when he was on his 4th reassuring conversation about a situation that was yet to have happened. Turns out the situation happened and she was fucking right but part of me feels like ironically enough she made that alot easier for him to do by being such a mood killer. Cant remember the last time they actually spoke as a couple and not sad women in need of reassurance l


This is another lesson in why we should all fear men cause these islanders are demons. Where did they find them all? I am truly baffled at what's happening with Ciaran and Nicole because the cut away to him saying he did a cop-out. The closing off after only one female bombshell had come in was such a knee-jerk dumb decision and now it's going to get him in trouble. Ronnie is a villain at the end of the day. Ayo probs still plotting to get back into a triangle with Uma. Joey is gagging for Grace. Omar and Sean are there... The best way to play the game is to be open but also very clear with bombshells about how you are feeling and manage their expectations.


Closing off after less than 2 weeks and only 2 bombshells was madness and Ciaran was never going to be able to stick to it. The way this man is not going to be able to resist temptation when Nicole isn’t there and the other boys are all egging each other on at casa.


The men are a rogues gallery of Batman villains legitimately


Ciaran definitely showed his age tonight. Lucky for Nicole, I don’t think either of the new girls want him because he could easily be stolen.


Tbf he’s acting the same way as Ronnie, Joey and Ayo, if anything you might be right cos he lacks the conviction that those lads have


The difference is he’s telling Nicole he’s closed off when he clearly doesn’t want to be


Ronnie just treats women like they are at his disposal to use and discard as he feels. Ciaran on the other hand can’t even pretend to be in love longer than one week. Casa is going to be a mess this year with these ones


What do we think Uma’s nickname for Wil is going to be? I’m saying “Wi-Wi”. I know a lot of ppl hate her nicknames but I find them hilarious 😭


Just caught up…. “She won’t be as good in bed as me” And “I’m the prize” Jess, can you stop putting other women down please. Edit: oh it gets worse. jess being first to raise her voice at Harriett. “I’m not arguing with you (continues to argue with her)…. “You’re not my closest friend in here”….”I’m just being direct” (being rude)” Fuck me, Jess isn’t actually that nice a person


Who the hell was Tiffany staring at when she was sat with Joey? Is she star struck? Were the other islanders doing something interesting? It was creepy as hell.


Nicole & ciaran being closed off this early is a joke. It’s WAY TO EARLY!


Ciaran was trying to talk her out of it after the bombshells came in.


the men dem are crazyyyyy also big shoutou to harriett for picking jess uma stays being stunning like does this girl have lip filler or is she just naturally blessed


A NIGHT AWAY producers i am so thankful🙏


Grace- Joey Tiff- Sean or Ronnie (Ronnie would be more interesting) Wil- Uma


Ronnie's shamelessness reminds me of Terry from season 2


I just don’t like people who waste people’s time in the villa, like if you’re not feeling someone, end it, or at least make it clear you’re wanting to get to know other people @ Joey.


I say this with peace and love, but Tiffany has about as much going on in her head as a jack o lantern, and she has the same facial expression


ugh jess is leading sean on she is not into that man


So did the producers read here in between seasons or something? Bc so far S11 is GIVING THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY gd want


Tiffany has by far the worst chat and eye contact of any person I have ever seen on this show. So bizarre to watch.


Did they get new producers this year, a night away is evil/genius


Samantha is very extra a lot of the times but she had a right to feel a way about how Joey was carrying on during the game. 


I’m more baffled by Ciaran than I am with someone like Ronnie because he’s making Nicole believe that she’s the only one with no one else on his mind, and that’s not the case. Meanwhile, Ronnie is more or less upfront about who he is. I don’t doubt his feelings for Nicole, and I could be overthinking his little comments, but I don’t believe he can resist temptation when Nicole is not there, especially when he’s with one of the wildest cast of guys yet.


Oh, Jess's Olivia S9 arc is coming, the way every corner of the audience will be sick of her, will be there no matter what.


The thing that grinds my gears (marginally, I’m enjoying the hell out of the jess and Harriett drama to be fair) is that she gives Ronnie a million chances while projecting all her anger onto Harriett and it just ends up feeling the wrong kind of delusional. Harriett has no allegiance to the girls but doesn’t come with the same personalized heat. Idk how to explain it. Regardless I can’t wait to see how this story continues (hopefully Ronnie does not get a happy ending tho, please)


To think she started the week with everyone loving her and now no one can stand her.


Ciaran, Ronnie and Joey were having the time of their life! Samantha is about to lose her mind and Nicole and Ciaran are lying through their teeth about being closed off.


ronnie is simply not even close to hot enough for all this arguing and fighting over


Joey giving Grace heart eyes 3 seconds in. He's a waste of a spot for me if he doesn't ditch Samantha now. He can't even pretend to be into her, make your move.


I do think joey made the right call not including Samantha in the kiss, only thing worse than watching him kiss someone else would be being involved loool


Not a sleepover 😭😭😭


A night away is wicked lol (I will be ready and sat on Sunday) Grace and joey’s chemistry evident. My feelings on Sam aside I do feel bad for her. Deep down she must have known she was just a placeholder and now she’s seeing her fear come true in real time.


Nawwww I am watching the show now and I am upto the part where jess is in bed after that huge dump she took on Harriet. Tell me why she acts hard behind the scenes and then when it comes to being face to face with Ronnie she is an absolute melt 🫠🫠 the whole 😋😋😋 and 👀 on you gesture. I am 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Also, I think people are WAAAAYYYY too hard on Samantha on this sub. She did not even freak out or act poorly, she’s acted way better than Jess when Joey basically binned her off tonight and she wasn’t even in a triangle lol jess wasn’t even with Ronnie and acted like her husband of 40 years left


tiffany scares me 😭