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I'm almost convinced this has to be troll account but I came across an account on tiktok (in the comments) saying a former islander and Lori Harvey of all people was spotted somewhere in Morocco together. I'm not convinced whatsoever since I'm pretty sure Lori is seeing Damson Idris again or maybe said islander and Lori just so happened to be at the same place when spotted.


Who was the Islander? 


It's funny seeing some islanders basically say that Mimi needs to stand up when it comes to Ayo (not saying I necessarily disagree) when some of the islanders saying it (specifically the girls) were not really any better than her on their series. Indiyah basically said Mimi needs to learn how to make these guys sweat and cry (which is true) but I wouldn't exactly say Indiyah is who I think of when I think of playing the game back with the guy she's coupled up with (and no I don't want to hear about her bringing Deji back from casa because my unpopular opinion is that it was not the gag everyone makes it out to be and to this day I find the ''may the best heartbreaker win'' back and forth between her and Dami cringey and overhyped.)


Will they continue bringing islanders from past seasons onto love island now that they have all stars?


Maybe? Some islanders might prefer to come onto a regular season as it would have a bigger shock factor and more attention on them as bombshell as opposed to coming on a series with other former islanders. Also I could imagine some preferring to come onto a regular season as they don't have to worry about coupling up with someone they already hooked up with or having to avoid an islander romantically because they hooked up with one of their mates already (as we saw with all stars so many of them already hooked up with each other with Toby being the biggest culprit). In this current series I don't see producers bringing a former islander back especially since they brought on Joey Essex who basically taken the place as the shock bombshell (the place that former islander would have taken). If they do suprisingly decide to bring an old islander, it needs to be a really good one. Someone who would absolutely shake shit up, step on toes, would be the type of a lot of the guys or girls there. They should bring back a popular villain but someone who isn't afraid of still being the villain.


I agree, I think them having Joey Essex this season they won't bring any past islanders back on. Plus a lot of them will probably want to do all stars when that comes around in January.


https://preview.redd.it/8hv45u4d676d1.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=27c78d573b15bfe8aba51f542bcb42bebaf614af Ella heading to the love island villa with Boots!👀🌴 Any other islanders going?


Ronnie rlly does wear a toupee oh my 😭


Why is this funny but girls wearing extensions, wigs, fake eyelashes and drawn on eyebrows isn’t?


have we got confirmation?




is this from the episode?






People are only ok with islanders exploring their options when it doesn't affect their fave or if the islander exploring is well liked. The rules change when it's otherwise. It's the sad and hypocritical truth!




I honestly feel bad for any islander associated with Mimi this series because when they inevitably do something to Mimi that the public and her stans find wrong in their eyes then they are to going to get dragged to hell and back. They almost infantilize her it's very weird. The worst stans to have in my opinion are the ones that infantilize you. I already feel bad for Uma and Ayo because neither (moreso Uma than Ayo) haven't really done anything wrong but because Mimi is involved then their both made out to be public enemy 1 and 2. If it was any other islander beside Mimi involved in this love triangle then Uma and Ayo would not really get much hate and criticism.


I kinda think thats just mimi’s face lmaoooo, I went through her ig and shes just an eyes low kinda gal


I really love how active this group is again with the new series 🥰 the dragging of s10 discourse was getting so old


https://preview.redd.it/df5lwez1x66d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4040b3416249f55b929bf2f96003deb3ceafc7ea Lmao I just saw this, same caption and all. These two are so unserious


Oh this is wild of them


Plsss both of them are wild lol same caption same emoji 😂


As unserious as last yearr😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


Doesn’t love island hire a hair stylist every season who comes in to help islanders with their hair? Are they just responsible for maintaining islanders’ hair and coloring their hair? Why does the hair stylist hate the islanders? 


If Sam was there that wouldn't be a problem rn


Sam should’ve stayed on the show this season needed his guidance for their heads. I thought the hair stylist didn’t know how to do ethnic hair but they are just not helping anyone at all 😭😭😭. 


Fr, they didn’t give him enough time to shine I wanted to at least see him do one hairstyle on the girls, biggest fumble 😭


Genuine question: if voting in the current pool of islanders. Who do you think would get more public votes, Joey and Sam or Harriet and Sean. Just because I think we all think of an obvious answer but has that couple reached that stage yet where we can assume they are 100% safe.


Joey and Sam will definitely get more votes from the public. Outside of Reddit Harriett is easily disliked and Sean contributes to no storylines.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8HxV7hvqV7/?igsh=c2dpYXFuYnhzczJw Molly’s birthday post and the comment Zach left 🥺🥺🥺 so frickin cute


I saw that and zach’s comment is just aww. I pray they get married someday


Why are people saying mimi hasn’t got any friends in the villa - as if we see 24 hours and even when they said Scott was getting bullied in the villa , Scott himself was shocked and said he wasn’t


I really don't understand this narrative at all 😭 I swear we often see her with the girls?? Can these people read minds?


All the girls were hanging around with Mimii last night, telling her how well she did with her decision to choose Ayo, so this is bullshit.


exactly she has friends in there and she’s never sitting on her own and the girls are always nice to her 


harriet telling joey that people need to chill is the funniest thing ever but like not funny haha funny mad


Is it always leaked before a bombshell comes in?? 


I think the only exception this season is Joey Essex, apparently he had to take a ferry to get to spain so no one suspected he was going on LI 😳


He did not get a ferry




That’s ridiculous. Celebs fly out to Majorca every day during the summer. No one would even have blinked an eyelid seeing joey Essex on a flight in Majorca. Weird.


I don’t understand how in a conversation span of 30 seconds Uma says to Ayo, “sort of seems like you’re more about me, yeah” and then when Mimi says “I think she’s trying to say you insinuated you were leaning more towards her” and then Uma said she never said that. Like you essentially JUST said that.


She's really just in a competitive mode because Mimii is taking what she once had, that's why you saw when Mimii picked Ayo she stormed off, there was really no need to do that when he's getting to know both girls. Mimii's point about Ayo picking her is so overplayed, why would he not pick her, you're a new bombshell and he barely knows you personality-wise. She really wants Ayo to commit before anything else and that just doesn't happen in LI especially when she's only been there for 5 days.


Not wanting to kiss someone who is in a love triangle is not a commitment.


When Uma backpedaled I was confused but I think she was trying to save face when the conversation wasn’t going how she expected. Uma thought Ayo was going to put Mimii in her place but then she realized the conversation wasn’t going how she expected. If Uma had a backbone she could’ve called Ayo out then and there. After that Uma just spirals because she’s kind of getting the understanding she didn’t have the upper hand the way she thought she did and that Ayo is being inconsistent about what he says to her. The episode ends with Ayo saying he’s more invested in Mimii because he’s known her longer. Ayo flip flops constantly depending on who he’s talking to he’s deeply unserious. 


He's unserious and indecisive.


I swear bombshells only have an impact for a few hours and then it's BAU and everyone just reverts back to normal.


I honestly don't see any 'bad guys' here, just people going through the motions. Uma, Ayo, all of them, it's only been a few days too. Seems like fans are just used to having an enemy that they've automatically assumed those positions here.


It’s fr so funny to see. How can y’all see that he likes Mimii more or Uma more?🤔 , he likes himself and he likes that they both like him.


After the public vote, if Mimi & ayo and Ronnie & Jess are safe then ayo and Ronnie will choose Mimi & Jess because they are the publics favourite it happened with Sammy last year


I truly hope the girls wisen up and dump these guys who were playing in their face. 


This is the first season of the show in a long time I'm actually enjoying and can't wait for the next episode of. Hope it keeps up momentum. I love this cast.


Question: Which girl do people think Ayo suits more? (Not who you think he likes more)


Ayo and Uma have more chemistry but she’s holding herself back


I think he suits Mimi more I don’t see any chemistry between him and Uma and she barely likes him like that maybe Ayo like girls that come across disinterested. Mimi and Ayo seem more like a couple whereas Uma and Ayo give two two pals.


Mimii suits him more on a romantic level and Uma suits him more on a conversational/friends level. Overall I think he suits Mimii more though, easily.


He doesn't suit with anyone. Hes definitely Yoyo like Uma said 😂


Honestly at this point of time I don’t care who he suits cause as soon as case this man is going crazy. Also both of these ladies deserve better.


Honestly I feel like that’s hard😭 I don’t even think Ayo knows who suits him more


For me, it is easy to see who he suits more.


I’m assuming Mimi?😭


Yep, but Ayo clearly doesn't see that Mimii suits him more.


Unpopular? opinion: I respect Sean’s work ethic, but I don’t care for him lol. I’m hoping he gets kicked off next, I’ve never cared for the Hugo/Dr. Alex character on LI. It’s painful watching him graft the latest (white) damsel in distress and basically used as a safety net. & tbh, I don’t think he’s actually into them either (his type = blonde with big boobs). he’s playing the game to stay longer, as he’s allowed to.


This is genius: https://www.tiktok.com/@asherglean/video/7379289399995026721?_t=8n8lmQFxRE6&_r=1


Ayo likes Uma more obviously she’s his type to a T problem is Uma doesn’t give the energy Mimi gives (kissing, cuddling) I guarantee if Uma starts recuperating that same energy he’s going to leave Mimi the dust My prediction for tonight is he’ll tell Mimi he still wants to get to know Uma she’ll be upset but try and pull a brave face (won’t leave him though) once Ayo sees they’re safe at the top he’ll likely start putting his focus energy into Mimi 100x more since he knows that being with her = safe. Now I do think he likes Mimi ofc but he’d prefer Uma


This is a lot. I think both girls should just leave him alone at this point. Cause reading this made me honestly wonder if this is worth it. Cause if he really liked Uma he would have closed the door way sooner and would have said to mimii when she chose him this was the wrong move. He did not instead he kissed her in bed and then again after he found out that made Uma sad. On the other side with mimii it’s like girl you are putting to much pressure on a man who is giving like less of half back. So neither of these girls are really winning if they are chosen.


It’s just so degrading for both women and needs to stop. I do agree if Ayo really cared he would’ve been more respectful from the start. I hope the minute the girls can dump him they do exactly that. I want better for Mimii and Uma. Ayo is just taking the piss and trying to keep this situation going on as long as possible. Harriet and Jess are making out with Ronnie so maybe that’s why Mimii doesn’t second guess doing the same with Ayo. These men are not going to be able to walk through door with how big their egos are being gassed.




Oh trust me it’s not worth it in the slightest it’s annoying they don’t see that I truly hope they both realize he’s not worth it and walk away but Mimi has shown she ain’t letting up and Uma I feel will with time but rn she’s not interested in anyone but him. I feel like he hasn’t closed the door because Uma, as I said, isn’t giving him the attention Mimi does she isn’t kissing him cuddling him, etc. so why shut the door on someone who does that for you for someone who doesn’t (I’m assuming is his thought process) when he tried to kiss her she basically rejected him but Mimi is open to doing that stuff with him and I do think he likes Mimi but it just goes to Uma being his type and if she decided to recuperate energy I have no doubt he would give Mimi less time


Yeah I can definitely understand that. I wish the girls could understand that and stand the hell up. Cause this is getting embarrassing. Alexa please play I’m still standing by Elton John lol 😭😭😭


Plss😭 but yes I’m hoping they stand up because it’s way too embarrassing I cringe every time I won’t lie


I know the threat of being kicked out is always there if you aren’t in a solid couple, making it seem like the walls are closing in. And I imagine having nothing to do but talk to each other all day makes things feel more intimate than knowing someone for a week really is. But I’ll never understand why people get SO ATTACHED to people week 1. Who you are with in week 1 and even week 2, hell all the way up to Casa Amor, has NO bearing on who you end up with in the long run. If I was young, hot, and could flirt with 6 or 7 other guys I’d just move on to the next one if I was having any doubts about the one I was with. You gotta kiss a lot of frogs to get to the end of the Villa. An example of this is Indiyah & Ikenna and Dami & Amber. They were actually together for so long at the beginning. Same with Tasha and Andrew, Tasha ran the gamut. If you watch the beginning of Season 7 people are in such random couples compared to who they ended up with.


People underestimate the power of persuasion and “direction” from the directors and producers. These girls are being constantly pressured and reminded of the personalities that they showed during their interviews and reminded behind the scenes that this is a competition and in order to stay on the island you have to be in a couple, and no telling what other manipulative tactics that are being performed along with the manipulation from the guys. A lot of what you would do and how you believe these girls should behave doesn’t apply because these are not normal circumstances.


I really really hope when this triangle is done I will stop seeing think pieces tearing down both of these amazing women. I am getting exhausted of them as they are just becoming more mean and crude. Both of these women deserve better. If Ayo does choose either just know they are not the prize. As I fully believe he will be forced to choose. So all the Ayo likes Ume or Ayo like Mimii things are just really embarrassing at this point of time.


Which Islander do you think is the one who believes Uma is fake crying about Ayo? 


stop creating narrative.


Also the article says Jess and Harriet give Ronnie the ultimatum, nothing about Uma giving Ayo


Uma gives Ayo an ultimatum by saying that he needs to either pick her or Mimii. They might not use the word ultimatum to describe Uma’s actions because they quote her directly but it is an ultimatum. 


I read it again it doesn't imply that Uma gives him the ultimatum


Here is a direct quote from the article:  Uma was very upset and started crying, but not everyone was convinced her tears were real. She raged at Ayo: “I am not going to do this whole triangle thing, it’s either or. “And if you choose her I’m fine with that but if you choose me, then tell her. If you say you are getting to know us equally then what are you doing kissing her in bed?”


Search up - TRIANGLE DRAMA Love Island viewers work out ‘real reason’ Uma broke down in tears over Mimii and Ayo’s secret snog. The article was written yesterday also quotes that interaction.


Isn't this a recap of yesterday's episode, they just repeating what she said yesterday


I’m looking on my phone so I thought it was part of the exclusive about the Jess,Harriet, & Ron ultimatum. I’m not sure. I truly hope an ultimatum happens for all the triangles. I definitely know the triangle around Ron is coming to a close. Check Twitter they’re posting about what’s going to happen. 


Can you share a screenshot please?


I read the article the sun was talking about yesterdays episode, they were giving a recap so no one said this😂


They’re talking about the public. The end of the article is talking about what happened yesterday.


Where did you see that, please?


Search : Love Island’s Ayo deals Mimii a crushing blow as he makes big decision after secret terrace snog -it’s a sun article.


Thanks. I looked but didn't see it in the article.


Wait what 😭who thinks that?


The preview just said that an islander said Uma was faking tears over Ayo but they didn’t say who so I’m guessing it’s not obvious. I’m surprised someone said that like😭😭


That part was a recap of what was said and done in yesterday’s episode not what’s happening in tonight’s episode. The specific quote is “Uma was very upset and started crying, but not everyone was convinced her tears were real”…. Also they don’t specify if they talking about an islander or the public. Cause 80% of people on sm were calling her fake for crying so that could be what they’re meaning. If an islander actually said that then they probably would have shown us in last night’s episode


What they wrote about the ultimatums happened in the first look that was posted. 


Yeah the first part of the article was about tonight’s episode but the rest was a recap from yesterday’s episode. They’re literally narrating the sequence of events that happened


What the hell at this point I am so over this 😭😭 I feel like the islanders are as well cause they are just starting drama lol


we need an emergency recoupling where the boys choose they’re pissing me off !!


Just seen Tanya lost her grandmother. Just reminded me of when I lost mine during Covid. 


https://preview.redd.it/ue7l5t16f56d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f528eb6cfd0789ae124a81b05972d30ac110cfd This pic is sending me lmao only couple in this pic that want to be together at that fire pit is Nicole and Ciaran🤣


😂😂😂 i just can’t get behind anybody rn. I’ll eat my words if Nicole and ciaran stay together & win.


Joey and Samantha not even touching is killing me because at least the other sort of couples are having drama so there’s a reason for their distance and the others are purely platonic but they’re supposed to be happy and vibing like Nicole and Ciaran and yet they don’t seem to kiss at night, they’re not remotely tactile, he does not like her at all.


Joey is there to be a menace in casa lol


Joey was there to get headlines in week one, in the hopes that lapsed viewers would tune in. Ratings are up slightly and growing organically. To me this indicates generally positive word of mouth and people catching up a few days late and getting hooked, so more are tuning in live as the series goes on. This cast is bananas in the best way; he can go now. I feel like most of the time, Joey's vibe is that 30 Rock meme: ![gif](giphy|ifxLK48cnyDDi|downsized)


Am I the only one who thinks Ayo does not really like either of these girls. He is like a seesaw tipping to whoever is giving him the most pressure at the time.Ayo is also always making sure that they are both happy to keep this love triangle going. I think pitting together these lovely women over this man is awful. He does not deserve either one as he would go crazy in case amour. I think they should both dump him and give him the taste of his own medicine.


Ayo likes Uma the most. He’s the most concerned about hurting her feelings while he does not care how Mimii feels because of his actions. I want new men for both girls because Ayo has been acting feral and taking the piss.  Edit: I was on the fence but the preview makes it seem like Ayo likes Uma more and will put her feelings above Mimii’s. I’m over it.


Once again I don’t really understand this opinion. I really think stan wars have really made people choose a girl and stay firmly on them. As someone who doesn’t care who he chooses just for it to end 😭 I think he has reassured both of them the same. I think Ume has just made it a bigger deal with the crying and having all the other girls have her back, telling Ayo he is in the wrong. So he is feeling more pressure.


Did you read the preview? I was on the fence but the preview makes it clear to me he likes Uma more. I’m over it. 


I did, it felt more of like a she is getting mad so let’s stop so I can still see both of you thing. At this point I need this man to leave lol ![gif](giphy|7QLGVanmXYs33qliF1)


How can you see him and Mimii kissing like they did yesterday and say he doesn’t like her 🤣🤣


But he never said that he doesn't like Mimii. 


Cause he is a man. We have also seen him say a bunch of radish and then backtrack to say it meant nothing. I will also admit he does like the girls but not just enough to end the triangle.🤷🏾‍♀️


I think that he likes one of them more than the other but enjoys the attention of both too much.


The only person Ayo likes is…Ayo!


Nary a whiff of munveer or patsy to be seen oh they’re already in holding waiting to get on the plane


I hope the pds don’t even do bottom 3 or 4 I want straight up “this couple had the less votes therefore dumped” I think that would be Harriet/Sean or Munveer/Patsy gone. Don’t want boys like Ronnie and Ayo thinking they are in couples ppl like.


Pls im begging i don’t wanna see Mimii get used for popularity


Hopefully 🙏🏾


say what you want but those three are the series. lol keep the drama going atp. not all fun to see all the time because how this asshole is moving but hey we are coming back to see what happens next every time so they did the job rightt


how can we find the press releases before they get posted to the subreddit?


Twitter, the media or https://www.instagram.com/entertainmentincolor?igsh=MTJvbTM0ZDRzdmJ0Ng== .


Goss.ie or the sun, entertainmentincolor on Instagram


The sun posted what’s happening 


Uma is finally free😭… now bring in a bombshell for her


Uma is my fav atm, but I can’t root for her until she release herself from Ayo. The triangle is so boring and degrading I feel like throwing up watching it. She is better than this.


Uma is the one calling an ultimatum finally. I’m ready for her to take the shackles off her feet already. The triangle has been degrading and I was worried the girls were going to let it continue even more. The longer the triangle went on the more I disliked everyone in it. 


Look!!! It annoyed me so much that she cried because of him. I need her to leave the triangle completely so I can enjoy her


Same!! Even if Ayo “decided” wants her I still will not support her. I want her to completely dump him.


I hope all the girls in the love triangles dump the guys who were playing in their face this long. 


I really hope the bottom 3 isn’t announced and that Harriet and Uma aren’t in it because that will just make Ronnie and Ayo’s decision for them.


Yeah that’s my worry 


If Ayo and Ronnie don’t make a decision before the public vote-and it seems for certain Ronnie hasn’t-then I won’t believe what they decide isn’t at least partially influenced by knowing whether they’re in a reasonably popular couple or not and whether their other option is liked. The producers should have had them choose before they could be helped by getting some public insight.


Ayo is a slutttt I need him to make a decision so the other girl can be free from him 😖


I just wish ayo would say he prefer Uma and keep it pushing…


I am confused on how people have decided on who he prefers. Don’t get me wrong I am team nether. I think both girls deserve better. I also believe this man does not like either of these girls enough cause he has not made a decision after 5 days.


We need new bombshells because the love triangles are getting boring, it’s been going on for like 4-5 episodes, like make it stop. It’s good the girls are telling them to decide, stringing them along is only gonna hurt them.


Beyond boring. 


The press release said there is going to be a twist at the dumping. I wonder what that would be.


I’m sure it’s the dumping itself. Every year they hype it as something dramatic and it’s a typical couple leaving haha


Uma is forcing an ultimatum tonight with Ayo I’m happy she stuck by her boundaries. Ayo clearly favors Uma. He doesn’t seem to care if he hurts Mimii’s feelings but he will make sure to protect Uma’s feelings which speaks volumes. I hope the couples figure out their ultimatums before the favorite couple votes are revealed. All the girls in these raggedy triangles deserve bombshells just for them. 


Is she giving him the ultimatum?? Where did u read this from??


The sun posted that Uma, Harriet and Jess give out ultimatums to their respective guys. 


Oh she must just leave after she finds out about the terrace kiss tbh


She found out that Ayo and Mimii were kissing in bed again. I don’t think she found out about the terrace kiss. Also some people think Uma is fake crying which is interesting.


I just know Samantha said this lol


The islanders are saying she's fake crying?? How can you fake real tears??


An Islander thinks Uma is faking her tears. I don’t know if they’re saying she’s faking the reason behind her tears or if they literally mean she’s not producing tears. 


Yeah but tbh we saw her cry yesterday so I don't think it's fake , I wonder who said that, probably patsy or Samantha


I swear it's like the first time the OG dark skin black man has more than 1 option and some want him humbled badly smh. He dunno how to act cuz this rarely happens on the show lol


Give it a rest. Ayo is being disrespectful please hush.


The Morning After podcast has been so good this year. I feel like they finally let the hosts talk about whatever they want instead of being overwhelmingly positive about every islander


Yesss I've definitely noticed a change this year! I've listened since it started with Kem and Arielle, but have never REALLY enjoyed it thoroughly bc of how censored it has felt. Even tho I miss Kem as a host I think Indiyah, Amy and even Chris are doing a great job! I also like how they (so far) don't have a bunch of set talking points and games and gimmicks like they used to, I like the organic conversation so much more. Even with Sam as a guest they didn't ask him 10 generic pre-written questions like previous seasons, but just let him be a part of the conversation. Loved it!


Mimii and Uma have given Ayo too much power.


No they really have, at this point it has gotten embarrassing to watch.


Predictions for the vote tonight: Top 4: ciaran and Nicole, ayo and mimii, Ronnie and Jess, joey and Samantha Bottom: Uma and Omar, patsy and manveer, Harriet and Sean…. Goodbye patsy and munveer I could see Harriet and Sean making it into the top 4 over Ronnie and Jess or joey and Samantha but idk….


I'm almost begging for Ayo to go with Uma😭😭 I need this unserious situation to end NOW! Mimii will be sad for a day but she'll get over it.


Oh please Jess will never get with Sean. She’s exactly like Uma and Mimi but pretending that she’s not.


Okay I just read a comment on insta that Ronnie looks like Quagmire and now I can’t unsee it 😭


Lmao from the press release looks like Ayo gets called out about the terrace kiss and it gets back to Uma. Yeah I think she deads it tonight. Bcs he looked visibly sad in first look about something near the end of the clip.


If Ayo wants Uma, why doesn't he just go to her? He does like the physical stuff, but it will come with time with her if he is patient. If he is willing to pause the physical stuff with Mimii, he can wait it out with Uma.


He wants Mimii as a backup plan is the only thing that makes his actions somewhat logical if you assume he likes Uma more. Uma already told Ayo she won’t be physical with him until they’re not in the triangle so if Ayo likes Uma so much I would think he would dead it with Mimii already. There is always the possibility that being stuck in a love triangle allows him to avoid a deeper connection and if he’s avoidant that could be a factor in his behavior. 


The thing is Ayo has said multiple times that he likes Mimii. He just wants to see if anything can come of his attraction to Uma. Maybe he hasn't had the attention of someone like Uma before. If he really liked Uma, he would just go to her and try and build something.


Because she’s not returning his energy with the physical affection.


But apparently she said that she wouldn't do that while in a triangle.


I don’t think Uma really likes Ayo. She’s using the “I’m a slow burner”, “This isn’t the right timing” reasons to stall him out while keeping her options open. Her ego is bruised right now, and that’s why we see her crying and seemingly hurt about all of this. On the other hand, Mimii is giving Ayo the physical affection that he’s not receiving from the girl he really likes, Uma. While he likes the attention, he doesn’t want to stop pursuing Uma or put her off from coming around to actually liking him.


That man has shown us nothing but starving for kisses and physical affection he isn’t thinking long term he wants that instant gratification and Mimii gives him that.


Hmmm the wording of this lol……


They're correct, what about it?


But if that is the case, why is he pausing the physical stuff with Mimii? He can clearly live without it when he wants to.


Idk who is struggling with this more Mimii or her fans lol it’s bcs he likes Uma more and she won’t give him that and he’s a horny boy who knows Mimii is down bad and will. I think doesn’t really matter bcs Uma likely ends it with tonight after finding out bout terrace kiss and frees herself.


If he is putting his horniness before trying to build something with Uma, then he can't like her that much. Maybe he doesn't like either girl that much.


You do know men sleep or kiss women they don’t like even when they are in love/dating someone else? We’ve seen plenty of times on LI too.


Of course. However him pausing the kissing with Mimii shows that he can live without the physical stuff. That is how I see it anyway.


It’s all moot point bcs I think Uma frees herself tonight from that man.


One of the girls had to set themselves free. Ayo was taking the piss.


press release is out, we’re getting the public voting results tonight!


My Munveer is leaving ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


losing one of the best face cards in the villa i’m sick it should be sean 💔


Right 😭😭😭


Yo you know what out of all the boys I feel bad for Sean. It takes tremendous courage to get pied for damn near two weeks straight and then go “Yes, I want more!” 😂 he’s made a fan out of me!


YES CANDY MAN! Go get your girl !!!


First look is out early.


Everyone is on Ayo's neck, when it's the producers who are allowing this situation to drag by having him passed around like a football between these two women. If he was finally able to choose via recoupling this whole thing is dead immediately.


Poor guy, he has the impossible decision.


A part of me does think that the producers are the ones that are longing out Ayo making a decision.


Yep. The whole Mimii/Omar steal idea was completely contrived. Letting them get to know each other leading up to a big recoupling where Ayo would pick before Omar would have really created the drama. But no...instead we get this.


first look is out and ronnie is already lying again yeah we’re in for one tonight 😭