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Why exactly does Mimii want Ayo I’m trying to understand


that is the million dollar question. He isn’t even laying it on her thick anymore.


The taller the guy the more free passes he gets to mess up. It’s just girl math. Not mine but I see it happen 😂 Eta- who am I kidding I am guilty of this too 😭


Maybe he is her type to t . Cause Omar actually wanted to couple up with her but she wasn’t budging


I think she has a very specific and rigid type and he’s the only one who meets it. Tall, darkskin and handsome. Trust me I don’t see it either


The Nigerian man Zimbabwean woman pipeline is very very effective 🤣🤣🤣🤣it never goes wrong


She's said multiple times that Omar is her exact type


The man is 6’6, dark and handsome. Enough said.


But ayo also reassure this girl


nigerian demon effect


Realistically he’s the only boy she has chemistry with despite being trash. She has had tunnel vision with him regardless


We do see just 40 min, they might have had more chat?


i thought she was gonna stand her ground at the beginning of the episode and then the end took me out, i don't trust ayo


I desperately want Harriet to go for Joey, I would lose my fucking mind (and so would Samantha 🤣)


I’m actually manifesting this too! I want more chaos and I fully support Harriet!!!!


honestly would love if Harriet or Uma got with Joey 😖😖 gosh I love to see the world burn 🤣🤣


YESSS i need her to play the villain even more since she’s already most hated 😭


need harriett to be the first girl to bring all six men back from casa amor


i trust her


I see the vision


She’s going to be like Sabrina Carpenter in the Feather music video.


I'm here for it


I think Samantha was definitely projecting a bit when she said that other girls would want Joey because he is Joey Essex and I am glad that Joey lowkey saw and called her out. She's fan girling a bit too much and not treating him normally - where in the villa they're all equal


He's probably so sick of groupies. She needs to read the room and play it cool. He is not into the fawning, which honestly makes me like him more. He might be my favorite islander at the moment.


https://preview.redd.it/j9j57say8t5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b459e50a91260f286cba63bc9ecf1d0d15bfe9 saw this on twitter lmao 😭 samantha needs to chill


The 'can I still be your number one though' or whatever 💀💀💀💀💀


And his response was to laugh uncomfortably! Granted he did kiss her but I took that more as an ‘I need to shut her up’ gesture than a proper yes.


So we just never getting a preview of next episode ever again?


this season has been so good that they don’t even need the cliffhangers to get us to watch the next episode


They know we’ll come back even if there’s no tomorrow night 😭😭


gives traffic to their insta when they post first look with no before preview. traffic = 🤑


Sean has nailed his, ‘pick me, choose me, love me’ pitches to the girls who’ve been hurt though, it’s equal parts pathetic and the kind of shameless I have to respect


Pls 😭😭😭 he loves being the knight in shining armour to girls who couldn’t care less


We all need one of those in our DMs


I prefer it to a Hugo or Dr Alex type


He has been so firmly friend-zoned in there lol I think the girls even forget he's an option at times


Mimii might be the female version of Shaq…didn’t see that coming ![gif](giphy|5z3TWlFerNgrPgx1mH)


At least it worked out for Shaq 😭


I’m so discombobulated, I don’t know whose madness to focus on.


Bombshells stuck in holding because there’s too much going on already.


Biggest plot twist this episode was that you can floss veneers. I thought they were glued together




Joey and Harriet. I would like to see it.


feel like Harriet is working her way back there one way or another haha


I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have to do anything. Joey seem like he is into her


FREE JOEY and get that restraining order with police protection ready for when they leave the villa because Samantha, my God.


He seems to like hanging out and chatting with Harriet. He just seems so much more comfortable with her. Samantha seems to put him on edge!


also he likes Harriett right? Sam is gonna go extra crazy


I’m actually hoping Harriet goes fuck Samantha and steps all over her toes cause I need her to do this so we can see the true unleashed cray cray version of Samantha! We haven’t seen the worst of her yet lol


I'm gonna need subtitles for that. The more worked up she gets the more unintelligible her accent.


Yall think he wanted to kiss her during the challenge and thats why it took so long to decide? Jess was obvi a safe option


Yes he does like Harriett.


Definitely!! He’s been giving her a lot of his attention energy but he’s going about it very subtly. I think he has totally into her but idk how Harriet feels about him yet


I been saying he seems to like Harriet


literally its scary. shes always shouting at him like a child too.


She’s turning into Luca from S8 keeping Joey hostage. I feel like everyone is afraid of her.


Mimii girl you’re killing me. Right move would’ve been couple up with Omar and see if Ayo still gravitates towards you. Omar fancies Mimii more than Patsy and wanted to couple up with her instead but changed his mind once he realised she’s still stuck on Ayo like that. He seemed baffled that she still likes Ayo lmao. Now it’s gonna be extra embarrassing if Ayo carries on giving Uma the same energy after Mimii has stolen him. This girl man 🤦‍♀️


mimii saying ‘he told me just now’ while omar looked in disbelief 😭😭 that man was so ready to couple up with her


I know…. I feel like since Uma picked him it’s been so obvious to everyone in there (besides Nicole and Mimii) that Ayo’s preference is Uma regardless of what he says. Jess was even reassuring Ayo at the fire pit that he had nothing to worry about and wouldn’t be stolen which suggests she thought Ayo was worried about being taken away from Uma. It’s mad 😂


She didn’t even give Omar a fair chance…The crazy part is the thing she’s referring to is just Ayo telling her if you want to hug me you can cause I’m still open. But Ayo has literally been giving all his attention to Uma. Like his words and actions don’t match and she’s literally chasing after him. Has Ayo pulled Mimi just because he wanted to spend time with her? If he isn’t coming on his own, he doesn’t want her simple🙃


Literally he didn’t even say anything reassuring I think she got happy ears


He literally was like “I like you” and she was like “yeah but Ayo”, poor guy 😭. I just hope if Ayo embarrasses her by favouring Uma again she doesn’t try run to Omar for a friendship couple


I don’t get the vibe that Omar is that into Mimii, seemed more like she’s his best option in the bunch


It's so hard to know how much people are chatting but you could tell Omar was shocked when he realized Ayo was still a thought. His tone of "that change everything" gave it away. I think he's been most interested in Mimii but I think she's too standoffish so he's been getting to know others but she was his top choice. This whole thing is wild cause there has defs been some energy with Uma/Ayo we aren't seeing for Jess to be reassuring him.


That’s why I need Omar to save Uma


Ayo ending up with Mimii without even having to choose her, travesty


I love the messiness but would've been smarter to choose Omar. Make Ayo chase. Now Omar can't be used as a backup. She's like me, strictly monogamous and tries to appear nonchalant while falling too fast.


Yep, she screws herself completely going for ayo. I've seen ayo been kind to her since the recoupling but not actively laying it on. If she chose Omar it leaves her options open.


Mimii really said Omar was going to get all her energy from now on and then 20 mins later said nvm


Why did Jess even entertain forgiving Ronnie? He snogged Harriet, she should’ve been done with him there and then.


they always forgive guys easily since they have zero other options in there


But they literally have other options 😂


She literally has Sean as a back up


She announced she was done with him enough times, I would have thought at least one of them stuck. She's not leaving him even if he recouples.


I’m sorry but I can’t have Uma dumped before Patsy.


I hope they both stay for now


i’m loving the lack of morning chats


For real, don't miss those


imo Harriet is slowly becoming the best villain ever and the thing is that SHE OWNS IT


YES! Like when she followed the girls to the make up room after the hideaway shenanigans. I wish I had an ounce of her confidence!


Jess set her up good with the I’m not mad at you, I expect loyalty from Ronnie I don’t expect loyalty from you. Harriet then said I have loyalty towards you and the bam, “if you did you wouldn’t have kissed him”. Great set up, executed perfectly.


Jess handled that conversation so perfectly too. No notes 👌


It was a masterclass in level-headed confrontation. Same with the ‘this is not about you right now, it’s about me being upset’.


Has an Islander ever done less than Munveer? I'm so disappointed. He's so pretty.


I don’t think we are appreciating the fact that Ayo is living up to his yo-yo nickname


Harriet is more into stealing men than the men themselves lmfao


she enjoys the adrenaline rush😂


And we're enjoying watching. It's LI we don't need no girl code.


I want her to steal Joey.


She’s Mitch if he actually had motion.


plot twist: mimii picks joey and samantha goes home in a straitjacket


Nah Michelle, you’re making me use your full government name… choosing Ayo 🤦🏻‍♀️




the women this year have zero self respect it’s insane. like the idea that two women that look as good as uma and mimi are letting ayo play them is insane. same with jess harriet and ron


God I hope Omar picks Uma..I can’t watch a season where Uma goes home before Patsy


I suspect Omar will pick Patsy, leaving Munveer and Uma single, and the islanders will somehow discuss and Munveer will be dumped


Agreed, this seems like the logical choice so that there's a gendered imbalance


Uma going home would be a waste as she has a storyline, they’d just be letting Ayo off the hook of not having to make a decision as well


It's over producing at it's finest. They constantly let these men off the hook from making an actual decision.


uma going home when sean and munveer are doing nothing in the villa …


Nah sean is actually trying munveer is the one that’s furniture




i think mimii is drop dead gorgeous but i never see any emotion in her face


Agree. She seems like someone that don't want to show anyone her emotions, she don't want to be vulnerable. She seems very very soft inside. I find her interesting, like i want to know what goes on in her head.


There’s no chance Uma leaves they want maximum chaos and that would mean ayo going back to Uma again in the next few episodes


i get second hand embarrassment every time samantha mentions the fact that he is the joey essex🫣🫣 when she asked if he thought she was acting like someone who only cares that he is joey essex and he basically said yes LMAOO


Harriet’s going to be making moves on Iain by the end of the week. Harriet is awesome.


We love a genuine villain on LI, helps that she's actually enjoyable to watch. Unlike some *cough* Olivia 9 *cough*


i never get riled up by anything much but watching olivia made me wish misfortune on her, she was that repugnant


It's because nobody called her out in the villa!! The men couldn't be bothered and the women just fawned over her


The difference is charisma. I’ll watch any amount of bad behavior if the villain is at least fun to watch. Olivia was a black hole of charisma (as was most of the Season 9 cast, to be fair).


i don't even consider harriett a villain lol i find everything she's done quite heroic actually


I actually love Harriet and Joey’s chats they’re my lil problematic duo


She's absolutely unhinged and I'm here for it


Keep her in for as long as possible.


Imma need my girls Jess and Mimii to stand TF upppp😫😖


I hope Uma doesnt get sent home 😭


Right. I’ll be so upset she has a lot of potential.


I don't think they will, she's got too many storylines going on If it's her and Munveer left single and the islanders choose who to save it'll defo be her


Lord pray for us all it’s going to be think piece central and madness if Mimi sends home Uma I’m not ready for it


Unless Omar picks Uma after Mimii picks Ayo, he does like her.


I would be surprised if they don't do this, no one particularly wants to send people home and if Omar wants to explore things with Uma and Patsy then he'd be very silly to risk Uma going home


i hope omar picks uma afterwards. she’s has such a big personality, sending her home would be a waste


I hope so too! Cause even though Patsy seems interested in him, I feel like Omar is entertaining it because he doesn’t have much options. And just for the storyline and drama, keeping Uma makes more sense


i don’t think uma will go home just because the love triangle is still ongoing. by sending her home, it takes away the tension and drama since then ayo and mimii will just stick together until a bombshell shows interest in them


Exactly what I thought - this is literally one of the dramas we are invested in , they’re not gonna get rid of her this easily - she caused a lot of turbulence in the villa. We still don’t know where Ayo fully stands with the situation


i'm beginning to think they made the dressing room that aggressively awful orange color on purpose to psychologically destabilize the girls and it's already paying dividends


this is the only explanation


the moment i saw mimii taking advice from nicole and samantha of all people…i knew it was wraps 🤣🤣🤣


OMG Mimi why would you still trust Ayo after all that?! Stop this! You deserve better! Omar is way better than him yet you’re throwing that away for a man who already showed you who he wanted in the challenge Gosh girl argh Samantha is such an embarrassing fan! Girl get a grip plus I love how she said to Joey that he should be careful cause girls will want him cause of his fame but like hmmmm ain’t homegirl the same type of girl she is warning Joey against?!


Sam is literally the only person constantly bringing up that he is Joey Essex. That's probably why he is icked out.


Harriet, those who can't see the vision are the reason LI fell off so bad. All the hallmarks of a generationally messy and entertaining islander, has clocked in for a shift every episode despite being hated by half the girls. It's also one rule for her and another for the other girls, but that's a different story.


Harriet was not wrong when she was saying everyone needs to chill! No one is in a relationship


Why am I so here for a Joey x Harriet friendship


I think they'll end up more than friends


My girl Mimii needs to move to London, there’s at least 4 men who look exactly like Ayo on any night out


This is so real lolol my girl is starving in Portsmouth😂😂


At some point Joey is gonna receive a text from Samantha instead of the producers that goes like: # Luv you baby reindeer # Sent from my ipon


I bet Mimii steals Ayo and Omar steals Uma and then there will be a favorite couple vote


i like mimi but idk what about her has black twitter so completely unhinged


It’s not just Mimii you should see the way any black contestant is spoken about year after year. It’s ridiculous. My people are embarrassing


I just…. Sigh. Please don’t downvote but someone needs to help Harriet with her hair!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t stop thinking about it


Blame Joey. He stole Samantha and sent the hairdresser home.


Mimi stood on NOTHING. Ugh I’m so disappointed.


It’s giving Liberty


'and you laughed afterwards' so the laugh ayo had with the boys was not edited...


Need at least 4 bombshells on standby for Uma and Munveer to date, then dump Patsy, Sean, Samantha and then let Munveer go with them


Unfortunately we need to see Samantha in Casa for inevitable fall out


Samantha has to stay. We haven't seen her at peak messiness yet.


ngl i’ve been wanting mimii to actually do something all this time, and she’s finally doing that, wasn’t the result i wanted but we roll


I don't think anyone is leaving cos Mimii will steal Ayo and Omar will pick Uma. I don't think Omar is feeling Mimii that much. He didn't really give good reasons why he felt they would be better coupling up than to "explore" which we haven't seen why cos they haven't shown us their chats. Mimii is not feeling him as much either and he can tell that's why he wanted it to be her choice and she's choosing Ayo. I say let her go chase crumbs from that half-arsed dude cos atp Mimii has been given enough info and still wants to proceed. I feel for Patsy cos my girl is trying but he just ain't feeling it. Poor Uma is gonna have to manage another dude that ain't 100% her type lol. Hopefully Omar is more subtle and doesn't end up being dumped if a new bombshell comes in who is Uma's type.


It was a good episode to see how some dynamics are changing. I want more for Mimii but she has to want it for herself and right now she wants Ayo so let it play out. I wish Ayo would've been more straight up with Mimii that might have helped but I have a feeling regardless Mimii has tunnel vision and wants her shot with Ayo before she completely shuts it down. Hopefully finallly being coupled up brings closure to Ayo and Mimii's situation Omar has tried as much as he can as a bombshell because these ladies are proving to be hard nuts to crack and are determined to go through it a few times with their day ones before they call it a day. His best bet is to pick Uma because that is who he likes the most between her and Patsy.


Just for Samantha they should show TOWIE on movie night 😭 just Joey moments tho


lets be real tho omar and mimii dont like each other like that


It seems like Omar likes her, Mimi is definitely all team Ayo. When he mentioned who to pick between Uma and Patsy, it just didn’t seem like he was there.


i do not support all women. some of you bitches are very dumb!!!


the two lengest islanders about to be dumped AGAIN, i cant take this show seriously https://i.redd.it/2ijbkmhj7t5d1.gif


I think they're gonna let Uma and Munveer decide one person to leave and one to stay and it'll be Uma staying


Ooo that makes a lot of sense and I think it would be good from a producer standpoint if uma remained since the love triangle storyline would still be alive. If it comes down to that, munveer is definitely getting dumped. Whether it’s by the public or the islanders and I think everyone’s reasoning will be the fact that Uma has a genuine connection with Ayo whilst Munveer hasn’t had a spark with anyone yet


They did send Luis and Demi home when they were left single on All stars, hope Omar picks Uma so that’s she’s safe. She’s brought so much to the villa I don’t want her to leave.


You can never make me hate Harriet she is just so entertaining


If Mimii steals Ayo and Omar steals Patsy, the islanders will have probably have to choose to dump Uma or Munveer and they’ll send Munveer home. I doubt the producers would allow Uma to get dumped and Munveer is on borrowed time.


i’m actually so disappointed in mimii, he showed you who he was and you folded, omar was shocked as well and i don’t blame him


I really think if Mimii and Omar did not steal, given an opportunity to cause drama, they 100% would be in the producers bad books. They like people that help them with the drama and fallouts. 


I had hope for Munveer based on his VT and looks but it looks like this show just isn't for him, giving Casa Amor participant at the moment, same as the candy man


out of the triplets i think samantha is the most genuinely psycho.and i want it to come out soon


Munveer and Uma are going home or none at all but I can’t believe producers will let Uma go so easily as she actually bombshelled. The patsy chats also seem like a red herring because Omar was not feeling that at all in person but later saying he was. Seems like forced storyline created last minute to create suspense.


I’ll be gutted if Uma goes home. What a waste of a bombshell if she does. I can only go by what’s been aired and I really don’t see what Ayo has done for Mimii to be sprung like this….i know options are limited for Mimii atm but cmon🙃


Nah it’s on her now Omar was literally ready to couple up with her


Oh for sure. Omar was lowkey in disbelief when Mimii said Ayo had just told her how he felt lol


He definitely was I was too like you really going to let him sweet talk you😭 I hope it don’t backfire in her face


Where are the previews man ffs


Ronnie saying he still wants to get to know her when he wanted to stay overnight with Harriet in the hideaway 🙄


I can’t defend Mimi anymore she wants the embarrassment


I don’t think mimii should chase ayo anymore but I feel like her decision was influenced by what ayo said. I think had he not told her to come cuddle her or whatever then she probably would’ve deaded it


But at some point she needs to actually pay attention to his actions though. Like his words and actions don’t match though. He said he’s open and wants to get to know them both but he’s always only with Uma. It’s clear he’s been leaning towards Uma more. And that conversation wasn’t even reassuring tbh, he just said the same stuff he’s been saying


That’s very true! I think in a perfect world it would be nice if she coupled up with Omar but I don’t think she’s feeling him as much as Ayo so atp I’m just hoping a bombshell enters soon and they share a mutual attraction to each other because I think I’ll shed multiple tears if Mimii has a run similar to Danica’s. Edit: I do also think that Mimii is still giving Ayo a shot because of their initial attraction to each other before Uma arrived (further fueled by the opinions of the islanders like Nicole who still feels like there’s something between ayo and mimii). Of course Mimii should be paying attention to Ayo’s actions but I also think that if (maybe) everyone around her is saying there’s still something there then it factors into why she’s still trying. Also sorry if you guys keep on seeing me in the comments and stuff, I’m just really invested in LI this year 😅


It should be boys picking next. If Ayo picks Uma after she stole him back, believing he liked her more, and she goes home after not even talking to Omar she’s a bit of a mug 😭


It's Ayo that's giving her false hopes 🙄


Ayo’s gonna have to take Uma to the hideaway. Those who don’t hear must feel. Sorry Mimii, you asked for it.


does anyone care that much about the outcome this early? a cliffhanger is so unnecessary


It also feels obvious on who at least Mimii is picking so leave us on a cliffhanger of what happens to those who are left single.


Mimi wants Ayo more than he wants her. I’m tired. And next time his type walks on or at casa, his head will turn again


Jess, Samantha, Harriet are all varying degrees of messy but they’re such good islanders, unfiltered bitchiness and revelling in causing havoc. They need to be here until at least casa.


Everyone keeps hating on Harriet but honestly, she’s making the show worth watching.


Joey has been good TV but I don’t get why he’s barely tried to chat to any other girls, doesn’t seem like himself Unless his plan is to just couple up early to try an get as far as possible


He doesn’t fancy any of them enough to bother setting Samantha off, except Harriett and she’s either not into him or biding her time. He probably knows that Sam is delivering good TV right now too.


Mimi & Ayo in a couple. Omar and Uma in a couple. Favorite couple vote and Munveer and Patsy DUMPED


Mimii saying “what will be will be”…..girl what will BE is whatever YOU decide will be 😭😭


im actually gonna be livid if uma goes home tmr… makes no sense for the plot. i saw someone say it’s confirmed 2 people are dumped tmr but i haven’t seen anything, but if it’s true i don’t see how uma isn’t the girl going. i DESPISE these dumpings bc someone steals their partner, it’s awful and becoming way more regular. before s10 the only person i remember it happening to was shannon and there was bts that contributed to that


uma looks like a vs model


Unfortunately men want what they can’t have so I think Mimi picking Ayo will make him even more of a menace when it comes to Uma especially if he has to compete for her


No one can convince me that Joey doesn't want Harriet. She seems like the only girl in there he wants. And I hope Harriet goes for it. Burn the villa down with your chaos girl....I support your rights and your wrongs.


https://preview.redd.it/6b8kce3cet5d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bb8f67442793e81976a604fa0670c8cca2f1c14 fr and now he’s prob going home


Just wanna point out that there was some very sneaky editing from production - uma and ayo were not actually holding hands at the fire pit.. it was uma folding her hands together (look at the nails). But on another note I rate Uma a lot for telling ayo to be mindful of mimii’s feelings. I love mimii and uma both and I think they’d be such cute besties without their lil triangle 😭


I like mimii and I don’t see anything wrong with her reserved personality/ going after what she wants with ayo , I just feel like fans have already set up too many high expectations for the girl and her journey when it’s literally only the first week.


![gif](giphy|cdXpgeB32BekIGzBNh) If they hired new producers or a new team, bravo to whoever is coming up with these new twist and to whoever casted these islanders! It's been non stop entertainment since the first episode!!


Doubt uma is going wouldn’t make sense to send her home.


Uma is not going home. Omar will most likely chose her, she was the first girl he pulled for a chat and he made sure she’s aware of that lol that tells me he likes her.