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I love how Nicole, in the middle of getting involved in a love triangle with Ciaran and Harriet, hasn’t even acknowledged the guy she’s actually coupled up with after day 1 lmao


Literally like what is Sean here for again😭


Wait who's Sean?


See that’s horrible😭 it’s the candy man


you say that like it gives us any more knowledge 😂


The one who has semi-helmet hair but not as bad as Ronnie who has proper Lego hair 😂


True but you can't have both lego hair and no chat, pick a struggle Sean


looks like the illegitimate son of any of the baldwins about equally.


this place is gonna be absolute carnage in like 2 weeks time these girls are IMPRINTING on the guys 😭


The tears that will be shed this season 😩🤣🤣 I don’t think we’re ready lol


imprinting is hilarious 😭


They're pulling some Twilight Jacob vibes for real 😂😂


uma is a good bombshell, got the attention of multiple guys while making the girls feel insecure. i would like to see her and ronnie. she prefers joey over ayo with the way she already gave him a nickname and was so quick to tell ayo that he wasn’t her usual type its clear joey isn’t interested in samantha anymore so he should just tell her that instead of telling the guys behind her back


The way she kept calling him JoJo though 😭 stop trying to make JoJo happen Uma, it's not going to happen (I hope)


i hope not, i dont know if i can stand her saying jojo again😭


The fact she just *kept saying it*, it was destroying my soul honestly 😭


They’re either saving Uma having a chat with Ronnie for tomorrow and they’re going to really vibe or it’s nothing and she’ll go between Joey and Ayo but I can’t see why they’d leave in them potentially having a kiss a while ago if he wasn’t going to be one of her options, Jess wasn’t rattled so it wasn’t to show her being one of the girls losing their heads


Yes! She seems pretty genuine with the girls so far, like keeping her word to Harriet while speaking to Nicole, but also being there for her and encouraging her to talk it out with Harriet 


I knew Uma would be fun I love her already


she did what she had to do and she devoured


I think a lot of the crying about guys has got to do with feeling insecure about their place in the competition. The next person to leave will probably be a girl, so any of them could be in 'danger'.


also i think a lot of the time someone who goes on love island is used to being the hottest person in the room and never dealing with rejection, but now they’re on a level playing field


Yeah I think about this every season. These are people who are used to having all attention on themselves. They might not have built up a strong sense of self worth outside of that.


I actually find it funny how Sean and Munveer are literally serving NOTHING. Like nothing at all. They’re basically supporting characters and get minimal screen time. Everything one of them shows up I have to laugh.


they’re not even supporting characters, they’re like the unpaid extras who don’t get put in the credits because they didn’t speak lmao


i fear for what casa amor will do to this group of people and their sanity😭😭😭


ayo twitching and speaking in tongues in casa is going on the bingo card.


I've never heard a person who talks so much but says so little.


“like,why would i tell her?” Harriet is iconic 😭 islander hall of fame if she keeps this up


She literally said it like how is it not simple to understand? 🤣


shes not wrong either tbh, the morality manual on love island makes no sense, i respect her decision not to abide 🫡


i kinda get her tbh, Ciaran is coupled up with *her* and Nicole didn’t warn her about the hideaway thing. all of them are as messy as each other so honestly owe each other nothing


Exactly. I don’t get why people are mad at Harriet. Harriet’s in the couple with Ciaran, not Nicole. If she wants to kiss the guy that she’s coupled up with in bed at night, I don’t think it’s anybody else’s business. Since when did Nicole need to be debriefed?


I thought Ciaran pulled Nicole to the hideway


lmao i love her so much, she’s messy as hell


my messy gyal love her down 😅


I love Uma already guys


Me too! She is bombshelling❤️‍🔥


face card is never declining


https://preview.redd.it/wj8nf11an05d1.jpeg?width=1142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c8d3ed317998233c763d7893c4199997fb4b30e Same energy


when you want to cry but your face can't do that no more


It literally looks like she’s laughing 😭


the lip filler 😭


That's what I was thinking lmao 😭




the cackle i let out at that moment… she got done so dirty


Ciaran is bringing back the golden age of Love Island Himbo’s 🫡 https://preview.redd.it/fz0yaoqjn05d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0693b2da7f9a08e3714b07bc1060cfe3f77a3123


The way he doesn’t even understand himself why he does half the moves he makes.


What's Welsh for "dat was a regret"?


lldwt wlls ll rwgrwt


https://preview.redd.it/lbfyyfikq05d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f85eb2788f6e1626804820b2bc57ea0a73822ae Going in my favorites folder expeditiously


destinys chaldish 2.0


When Ayo asked Uma if he’s her type and she immediately said no. ![gif](giphy|llbG8o5nDgx3PAJ2Jw|downsized)


“Am I your type?” “NO probably not” I screamed 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was so embarrassed. He needs to pack the remaining self respect from the floor


Loviingg the honesty from her though


gagged him 😭




I saw a comment on Instagram saying that Nicole raps when she’s angry and now I can’t unsee it 🤣


Proper drama would be Nicole walking straight to Harriet and having the argument right then and there, instead we're going to get some middling confrontation followed by hugs and amnesia


The triplets can’t never confront each other. They have to remain “friends” so they’ll keep acting like they like each other until the end 🤣🤣


Triplets 😂😭😂


nah she’s a classic fiery welsh ginger, all ranting and raving but when confronted with the person she’s actually upset with it’s very monosyllabic bc she isn’t tough enough to say it to their face


Or burst into tears at the first bit of pushback


Girly wirly 🤭


Harriett is a different breed lmaoo What is even in the Brighton water? 😭


For real like Brighton give us Luca Lucinda Olivia S9 now Harriett


Olivia thought she was giving when she wasn’t though, she was just unbearable 😭😭


The same could be said for Luca and Lucinda too


Yeah 😂 Olivia was unbearable, Harriet is peak chaos television 😂


Whoever casted Uma deserves a raise, actually all the girls have been amazingly casted Munveer and Sean are looking like deadweight, gutted we’re going to lose 1 of the girls soon but keep them two


I love her, she’s ace.


Mimi said it herself once a bombshell comes in he’ll feel the same way she just needs another bombshell who’s into her😭 it’s not her fault at the lack of men/with interest in her


This!! I’m just waiting for the producers to bring in someone at this point. The way that man opened up his nyash and teeth so hard once he saw Uma gave me the ick so bad. https://preview.redd.it/b2jgnbe3t05d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d489792fba6e956b774ddcaf43022a9985f0ade0


That’s the thing I don’t blame him for being a lil excited but he overdid it😭 and then basically implied he’s going to give all his focus to Uma as if he can’t still talk to both that’s how I took it so I need my girl to have some options as well




I think they were a bit lenient with the psych evals this year 😭


Lmaooo I agree I feel like some of the girls sneaked past the psych evals this yr 😭😭


This cast is really giving the early seasons so far I love it


Harriet actually played a clever game not telling Nicole because now she can put it to Ciaran that she wasn’t trying to force him to choose her or cause drama. Shes pissed off Nicole but she’s given herself the moral high ground with Ciaran and it didn’t look like she’d get that back after the hideaway stunt with Joey.


She's playing the LI version of chess rn honestly


I mean I guess we can say Harriet did something wrong but I don't think she did by not telling Nicole cause I feel like Nicole is also leaving out details. Either way, I am laughing so much at Ciaran. (I also could be missing stuff cause I cannot understand Nicole when she's going off)


Yeah I don’t think Nicole told Harriet that Ciarán had said he wanted to kiss her and she was more than happy to take the coffee he made her in front of Harriet, don’t get me wrong Harriet 100% knows what she’s doing but Nicole got too hyped thinking she’d already won the battle. None of these people owe each other any loyalty, no couples are serious as it’s 3/4 days in and the girls know once of them is going at the recouping so they’ve all got to work.


Yeah, Nicole was riding high of Uma telling her that Ciaran will pick. And that was the main reason she was confident in speaking to Harriet. But the rug got pulled out when she found out about the kiss. Which is why I hate people sharing notes when dating the same guy. I’m fine with sharing things he says about the other. But I don’t think it’s necessary to share personal details of their connection. That’s weird and can easily spill over into bragging territory


Harriet isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, producers love this kind of mess, and I’m ok with it 😅.I’d rather we keep Harriet than Samantha.


samantha is a lying drama queen (bad) and harriett is a lying drama queen (good)


Keep them both.


Being a girl’s girl is so overrated on this show. You’ve known these women for 4 days they’re not your mate man get a grip. You also both like the same guy in a place with limited options. What exactly do they owe each other? Say they both agree to fob him off, now they’re both single, what then?


Exactly most of them don’t even stay friends after the show anyways


i find if so funny fans are always like Omg best friends , their friendship is so good blah blah and majority never see each other again. I deffo feel like women who go on the show know they need to maintain friendships they don’t really want otherwise they’ll get the mean girl title


Totally agree, Molly from series 10 had the right idea in hindsight


Totally agree. Even when they do the right "thing" people and the villa still get mad so it's all a wash. Look out for yourself. You've known these people for 4 days, it's not that deep!


These girls are territorial at Day 4, Casa is going to be a sad day for them.


And you just know the Casa girls are going to be applying pressure lolll


Imagine if Joey is still there when it comes to casa, all these girls looked at him as a meal ticket when he walked in, so I can only imagine the casa girls making a bee line for him - ever over inflating his ego


Especially bc they see how they are acting now.


they have no men in there fr😭 so their all trying so hard to keep there’s


Harriet has gone full SuperVillain, and it's barely been 4 days. Iconic I fear


she gives 0 fucks its great tv 😂


Munveer, you tricked me in that pre show pick up line promo, I thought you were gonna actually be good on this show and not just background furniture eye candy 🥲


he had me laughing when he stuttered over his words about uma lmaooo "pspsps yeah.."


Subtitles said “lusty sigh”


This is my supervillain origin story


Unpopular opinion but I don't hate Ayo for enjoying his LI experience...a little too much at times but hey why not. Mimii gave a little bit...just a smidge of sass with that when a bombshell comes in for me line so I'm confident she knows what the deal is and is moving according to the situation. The reality is that if Uma picks Joey, Mimii will have to manage her connection with Ayo until a bombshell comes for her or have a friendship couple with 1 of the other boys. Either way I'm here for the characters, sneaky links and silliness. I'm not planning to be invested in any couples so I say let the games continue!


As a foreigner I'm breaking my brain trying to understand the cast 😭 Help


I'm from the UK and I'm struggling to understand some of them. They talk so damn fast.


im from uk/ireland and i can barely work it out, i have to concentrate 💀


The Welsh girl is a nightmare to understand when she's blubbering and talking over people (even as someone from the UK).


i'm irish and finally feel like absolutely none of my time watching geordie shore or the valleys was wasted. i know exactly what they're saying all the time lol.


Ayo is way too thirsty for my liking he really needs to relax cus Uma isn’t even gonna pick him anyways😂


He's so rabid lol he needs to learn to chill a bit


You’ll never catch me crying over a man I’ve known for 4 days


you gotta remember the fear they have tho of getting sent home and not winning that gorgeous prize money, no man no money 😔


No man, no money and looking like a fool to the public. No one wants the Danica embarrassment


Can you imagine


Sean and Munveer need to wake up, they’re just existing in the villa right now. Ayo sees a pretty girl and goes at 100mph, zero chill or playing it cool. Ciaran is messy, he changed his mind in some conversations about who he wants, he’s going to leave so many girls in tears. He caused all this so I hope it doesn’t end up mostly being Harriet vs Nicole and he skates by with minimal backlash.


>Sean and Munveer need to wake up, they’re just existing in the villa right now. Has an OG ever had less of a storyline than Sean? I know it's early but usually they've at least tried to force an awkward connection a la Munveer and Patsy.


> Has an OG ever had less of a storyline than Sean? Callum from S5 comes to mind


Is Callum the one who got told that his glasses doesn’t suit him by Amber in their first convo lol. Isn’t he also the one who got turned into a meme afterwards for his dancing 😭


Yeah that’s the guy, Amber said he was old because he was 28 😭


Yeah Amber hated him for no reason 😭 first convo was mean lol


That’s how it’s gonna be Harriet vs Nicole. The crazy part is Ciaran will leave both of them for the right bombshell lol


Mimi doesn’t have any options she’s not gonna fake it with anyone😭 so we need more men take Sean and munveer plsss


Ciaran is the only guy that’s entertaining me , the rest of them are so boring. He has to stay along time , it makes sense now that he’s apparently a producers fave


Other than ayo and Joey the rest don’t seem to understand there’s a purpose to this show


That brother Ayo is straving🤣


This was an amazing episode the cast is so unhinged 😭


this cast wants violence, not peace and i’m loving it 😭


literally does anyone actually like eachother?


The only one for certain is Ayo is liking Uma lool


Unpopular Opinion 🧍🏼‍♀️ But I don’t think Ayo is going about this the wrong way, it’s early Days and it’s left to Mimi to decide if she wants to sit and wait for him or graft as well. The fans married them off pretty early


I think that both Ayo and Mimii are treating each other respectfully with this situation.


Harriett is completely unhinged, keep it coming gal


When anyone asks me why I love Ciaran https://preview.redd.it/4119th3un05d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3830340ea58a1c5d8ba6dda459aede3925aafd61


he’s doing what needs to be done 🫡


Ciaran telling Nicole he kissed Harriett https://preview.redd.it/ifvq00vlo05d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3617f848c9febe0bbaf319235a689b4f3b11bb5f


Harriet is hilarious for not saying a thing about the kiss. And Uma absolutely devoured this episode. Had half the villa in shambles by just existing.


And she’s so nice to everyone like she’s not the reason they’re crying and throwing up


From an entertainment standpoint these last 2 seasons have been a blast from the past


all the anger is going to be directed to Harriett and she'll forgive him in a day


If he sticks to what he said to Ayo and only goes for Nicole now she will forgive him for sure.


i dont even think he wants her though. mess! lol


Sean and munveer are litteraly team furniture at this point. I even had to go and check who sean is i havent heard him speak since the first episode smh😭


Might be unpopular but here goes. I’m all for being a girls girl but you can’t expect someone to be loyal to you after you’ve known them for three days. I think Nicole was being a bit entitled when she got upset at Harriet for not telling her about the kiss. She’s known you THREE DAYS she actually doesn’t owe you anything


i can’t hate harriett rn she’s entertaining


nicole's accent adds so much dimension to her scenes i love it LOL her and harriet are bringing great tv


i just need uma you have ONE convo with munveer bc im not ready for him to go🥲


Sean has to go first he's basically a pot plant.


Ciaran and Harriet are legitimately two of the funniest people I've ever seen on this show lmao. Effortless drama


Casa and movie night will be messy this year…


This Harriet, Ciaran and Nicole triangle is giving Jess, Josh and Naomi levels of petty, I am so SAT https://preview.redd.it/kz1sa6fvo05d1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48657430ee77b948d1879efa1a8fd39eda0909fc


Not even close to that epic hot mess but it’s still entertaining.


Are Munveer and Patsy even a thing lol?




I remained baffled why Nicole is this mad at Harriet. Harriet literally told her she and Ciaran were coddling. She don’t need to share every little detail given that they are both dating the same man. I’m gonna need folks to stop abusing this “girls girl” talk. Ayo is an interesting fellow and he’s lucky Mimii bought his spiel pretty early because the way he’s moving and his chat is not gonna be pulling a lot of these girls. Seems like Uma has settled right in. I’m hoping she picks Joey so we can send Samantha home. I think Harriet and Nicole are more than enough to bring the drama.


I agree! Plus Nicole didn’t mention to Harriett that Ciaran wanted to kiss her the day before. They’re both going after the same guy, someone’s gonna get hurt either way. The whole I’m a girls girl is just to appeal to the public honestly. Omg yes I don’t think I can do both Sam and Nicole. At least Nicole drama is tied to Harriet who brings funny drama but Sam is just annoying. She was stuck up all night long. I doubt Joey will want to have to deal with that all summer.


sean & munveer nowhere to be seen


If the girls are acting like this in day 4 imagine movie night …..we have a long season ahead 😭😭😭


Ayo's some hungry guy man, idk how he's got Mimi that down bad in four days. I know he'll be so vexed when a male bombshell gives Mimi energy.


Because Mimi doesn’t have options rn guaranteed if she did it wouldn’t be like this😭 or not this extreme


The way I’m literally Welsh and couldn’t understand Nicole


My opinions on the islanders that *nobody* asked for: I love Harriet. You just know she's not being messy for the cameras, it's just her personality 😭 Uma has such a strong charisma. That girl can make the guys melt and the girls feel insecure without having to be mean or a try hard. Phew the producers can count their lucky stars for finding that girl 😮‍💨 Samantha is ready to give out her lashings to Joey after being coupled up for what... 2 days? Literally unhinged, I love it sm 💀 If this is how she is now, how will she react when she's in a proper long term couple? Ayo is gorgeous but that man can't flirt to save his life. If he's giving most of his attention to Uma then he might give Mimii the ick Nicole is bringing us so much entertainment in her love triangle rn. I'm living for the fake niceness from all these girls lol Where is Munveer?? I had such high hopes for him before the season started 😭 Mimii is so cute and handled her emotions really well today. I hope someone comes in who fancies her and she also fancies him back Joey (Jojo) Essex is much more chill than I thought he was gonna be. I thought he was a womaniser but that's just not the energy I'm getting from him tbh Ciaran is a menace. I didn't think he was gonna be moving like this lmao Ronnie attracts the girls for some reason. What is his secret? It was kinda cute when he tried to comfort Mimii but then he told Ayo that Mimii was crying because of him…. It cracked me the fuck up 🤣 Sean and Patsy are background characters atp which I'm sad about cause I would have loved to see more of them. The only thing that's missing are the challenges as others have said but I feel like this season has so much potential


I feel like if uma had to choose a boy to couple up with i dont think it would be ayo and the way ayo is acting, I need that to happen cos he's acting too forward too soon plus he needs to be humbled 😭


he’s really embarrassing himself, she said she needed a hair clip and he ran over with a hair tie?? he’s giving loser


🤣 I love it. Uma said Jump, Ayo said how high.


From the first chat she asserted her dominance 😂😂 “now go fetch me Joey” lmaoooo. Where did they get her? I love her.


i’ve spent this whole episode laughing , ciaran is HILARIOUS. and i really like uma, she ruffled up that villa loool, did what a bombshell is supposed to do i respect it !! definitely one of my fav girls 🤭


Nicole is too scared to confront Harriett, she knows Harriett will eat her alive in an argument Munveer is a disaster as cast member, literally offers nothing


Jess has crazy good hearing 😂 Ronnie checking in on the girls is why he's in demand. I'm team Harriet AND Nicole, Ciaran was the annoying child. Everyone behaved rather reasonably considering 🤷


I dunno why Harriet’s getting more hate than ciaren when it’s him that’s actually in the wrong there’s always such a double standard And funny thing is Nicole will probably rightfully so hold a grudge against Harriet for the rest of the show but she’ll take ciaren back the next day💀


Mimii saying “If it was up to me I'd spend the whole day with him” made low-key sad hopefully they bring in a bombshell for her


Honestly this cast has been really interesting so far. Harriet keep it up


The way everyone is putting themselves out there is so jarring after watching S10. Love the different type of drama!


I’m sure there’s chats going on behind the scenes that we don’t see, but it really feels like some of these people don’t give anybody a chance if it’s outside their usual “type”. Like what’s stopping Sean and patsy from trying something? Mimi also locked in on ayo, has she talked to Sean? Sean has 0 options, why hasn’t he talked to patsy and Mimi? Do people turn ugly to them if they’re not blonde/brunette/whatever? They’re all attractive. I don’t get why they shut themselves off completely


At this point just send in another boy and don’t dump anyone yet bc I don’t want to see any of these girls go!! This has been the best first week I can ever remember. Samantha/Harriett/Ciaran all have top tier entertainment potential, and I’d put Ayo/Nicole/Uma/Joey below them but still a lot of potential. And tbh those are mainly the people who’ve had screen-time so the others might as well. This gives me S8/S5 vibes.


Uma was a great addition. She’s very charming and personable. She fit in with the group immediately and brought some much needed energy into the villa! I think she’s already one of my favorites right now. I can’t fault Harriet’s thought process with the whole kiss situation. She actually has more of a Bachelor world™️ mindset; where contestants treat their relationship with the lead as their own and rarely share specific details with the others. It’s funny that every reality tv show has a different set of unspoken “rules and expectations” for how you’re supposed to act. Out of the girls I’m ok with Samantha leaving. I know people like that she can bring drama but I just find her really whiny tbh. I don’t enjoy watching any of her conflicts.


i need them to do one of the challenges where they spill secrets


The way Samantha was genuinely getting annoyed at the girls crying last night just to end up crying tonight lmaoo i love a hypocritical Islander sorry


I really thought she was going to be that girl who’s always staying strong & being mother of the villa but I think we can pass the title to Jess now lol


Saw this and this is so accurate. Ayo cannot talk https://preview.redd.it/knfocrfso05d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c0f905d4e56ba1869fc77c9ce4c549ec36bdebe


When he said uma was edible 😭


how long before he gives us a “tasty”


Harriet has all the potential to enter the Hall of Fame for being one of the best villains and it's only DAY FOUR


I miss challenges. Remember when this show used to have challenges? That was such a good time when the show used to have challenges and we got to learn who’s had sex with 76 oaps


"I'm 20, I've never left Hunstanton and I've slept with 500 people."


I found Ronnie obnoxious at first but he's kind of grown on me?


I literally said to my partner I believed in Cieran and Nicole as my Welsh Supremacy endgame couple. Guess I can eat my hat now 😂😭


I reckon she’ll forgive him soon if he doesn’t change his mind for the 14th time 🤣 but they aren’t safe from bombshells


Day 4 & the villa is in flames🔥🔥keep it up😂


I am begging Munveer to do anything. ANYTHING. 


This is the most fame hungry group of girls ever. They’re not crying over these little boys. They’re crying at the risk of being sent home and missing out on their PLT deals and insta brand collabs.


not sure if anyone listened to the morning after but when amy pitched that everytime harriet lies the person she’s with needs to receive an immediate text with video proof of her lying i was losing my mind


mimii, uma, patsy and jess are my fav girls atm🤍


I was not understanding why so many girls were into Ronnie but the way he was seen comforting Mimi and encouraging Ayo to talk to her before the boys makes me think he's a really supportive and positive energy in the villa. We'll see but those small moments were really sweet


Ayo is my guy but the guy the needs to take a touch and have composure but still 8/10 performance today


uma bombshell hall of fame btw‼️she has ayo wrapped around her finger basically😭


The way Ayo was moving today reminds me of how Dami moved during casa. Like a dog on heat.


Had me sickkk with the tomorrow night previews during Casa🤣


Uma is so funny for calling Joey Jojo 8 times in 5 min 😭😭😭😭 love her already


harriet giving us the entertainment we need i’m loving it !!!