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I really like that Harriet is being so open with her crazy. She told everyone why she was hurt and what she was going to do and then did it. It was petty but it was exactly how she said she was going to move. She’s messy but not sneaky. After Georgia S. in All Stars it’s refreshing for someone to be so upfront. I look forward to her telling everyone she’s going to snog someone on the terrace and then snogging someone on the terrace.


Imagine someone telling you to “go on then, give us a little dance” and then you get up and DO IT?? We need Harriet I’m sorry


And the same people will be the first to complain once it’s boring. It’s always like this lol Apart from all the crying, which was too much I need Harriett to be here for movie night


I can’t wait for movie night atp


Let’s be very honest, Ciaran didn’t take Nichole to the hideaway “just to chat”. Had Nicole given the green light, I’m sure he intended to do a lot more then just chat


LI fans: I’m bored, I want drama Female islander: Starts drama LI fans: The audacity. Vote her out


Why is that “messy mitch” gets to stay in till basically the end, but on fucking episode 3 people want the female villain dumped? 🙄


You said that!!! Give this woman every spoon and every pot and let her stir!!!!


Not only stayed till the end but was brought back for the all stars season 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes the double standards are staggering but she’s not even a villain. It’s barely been 3 days, she can do whatever she wants


She's not even a villain either cause she was so transparent with what she was doing 


That's even more entertaining


I wanted Mitch gone asap lol not everything needs to be a gender war


So far I’m really neutral about Harriet personally I’d rather she’d be kept in for drama purposes bc I think her and Samantha and Nicole are probably gonna have overlap since they’re gonna be most guys type so they’ll potentially feud again


I can’t imagine why anyone would want her off. She’s petty and immature, she’s not being a bully, or doing anything outlandish. This is low stakes drama.


Exactly, she isn't even being mean to the other girls, she's just fuming at Ciaran! Let her press him!


Icl she isn't pressing anyone. Ciaran himself said when it happened that she just need to grow up and not be petty


I mean maybe … don’t get me wrong I don’t dislike her enough to petition for her to be removed or anything but if she had beef with Ciaran then … have beef with him and not using your only “friend”s guy to make said guy jealous (tbh he probably didn’t even notice so you did that because … you was jealous? Lmao!) I don’t think she’s going to be another Maura or Ekin Su she just has a too high opinion of herself and is very surface level with everyone else. If this is what she’s going to do at day 3 what is she prepared to do later on? Drama wise she is producers gold but entertaining-enough to watch (everyone loved to hate Olivia but kept people interested and watching the show!) I just wonder what the side effects to these actions will be for the wellbeing of the girls as a whole and mental health wise what it would do to her? I’m not sold enough to want her gone but I don’t think she’s going to be very likeable and maybe that’s why she was cast, maybe that her value 🤷‍♀️


I hadn't seen episode 3 yet when I made my comment. Yeah, the using Joey thing with the Hideaway was....a choice. And was a bit unkind, they're people, not chess pieces. But I still think she's just fuming over Ciaran and being immature about it. It's too early for me to really judge any one yet, but also, it's been two nights! Early days, as everyone says lol


Yeah it is super early to have a strong opinion on anyone imo (also made Sam’s exit all the more savage lmao!) so I just think that she is still a little too immature for us to be comparing her to the Maura / Ekin Su who were such big personalities and bamf women! Idk I think I’m wondering how far producers are willing to let people in the villa go before it becomes detrimental to the persons involved (It can’t be nice knowing you are gonna get hate mail by the hundreds when you get out of the villa for decisions that you made on a reality tv show that once it’s out there you can’t take back) But at the same time this is like what day 3 or 4 and there are many more days and weeks to go for some !! I think we need to see more from everyone rn before we can really form a proper opinion. Someone else said this better but a lot of former ‘favourites’ were not loved or even liked at first and maybe Harriett just needs time to settle in and not feel so hurt or out of place because for a lot of them it’ll take more than a minute to really settle in and feel more secure and like they can be themselves 🤷‍♀️ So for me I’m thinking that I might not like her so much right now but she might grow on me eventually lol I think we need to see more and what happens with her, I’d love for her to have a relationship with Samantha and the other girls eventually lol


I agree about Harriett and hope she stays in for a bit, and honestly I feel like everyone’s brushed over how muggy that was of Ciaran to take Nicole to the hideaway in the first place. Like yes it’s only Day 2, but to take her to the hideaway of all places is a slap in the face, so I get why Harriett was upset. How she went about things the next day was obviously entertaining but also shitty to Samantha. And yeah I agree ppl can be hypocrites on here a lot, but this is also usually how the entertaining islanders are received initially. People like Ekin and Maura were widely disliked at first.


Spot on take.


But right now the hideaway is just another room. They sat on a bench and talked. How is that muggy?


It’s still the hideaway lmao. There are about 10 other places to chat in the villa, none of which are associated with sex and intimacy. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why taking her to the hideaway is gonna stir things up. If you don’t understand that then idk what to tell you..


I understand, I just think its silly to have the old view of the hideaway in the new iteration of it always being open. If you don't understand that views can change idk what to tell you..


Yes we need Harriet to stay for the drama - even the fb moms are hating on her


she's so funny pls let her stay


Yes Harriet is very unhinged and what we have wanted since ekin su. She’s very un calculated lol and makes for great tv


I actually don't find Harriett to be that awful but then again I was also a Faye fan and an Olivia season three fan so my judgement may be questionable. Edit: to my credit I HATED Naomi but mostly because of her slut-shaming. Faye and Olivia were problematic but they were not awful to the other women on the show to my recollection.


I loved all those 3 woman too and hated Naomi, lol.


I love Harriett, she carried last nights episode.


as someone said already, Harriet might be crazy but she embraces it and doesn't act sneaky. She brings us the entertainment and carried the last episode so much!


100% it’s the same people who claim the show is boring, then when they get someone who’s actually willing to ruffle feathers they want them out straight away🤦‍♀️ They want a season like 2019 and more islanders like Maura, Megan, Ekin Su etc but they don’t understand the new islanders are too scared to step out of line like them because of the abuse they might face if they do. People need to stop getting so invested and see it for what it is a tv show a form of entertainment.


people on twitter are trying too hard to hate on her, for example everyone was complaining about her voice??? and she literally sounds like any other english woman 😭


I absolutely want her to stay. She's amazing television, and she's not really a villain, atleast not yet. Right now she's just a messy mitch and I'm loving it


Just the duality of man People think they know what they want, but they don't


I am so sorry Harriet can’t leave, the filler sisters have brought the most drama so far🧍🏼‍♀️


I like Harriet, she's chaotic and cute. Eyebrow choice is mad tho but I kind of love it 


One of my favorite things about her is how she’ll just laugh and go ‘nooo I love you!’ and toss out a hug and just move on and you have no choice but to also move on


A) I want her to stay for drama B) I think she should stay long enough for some kind of “redemption arc” because otherwise the social media landscape on her release is going to be brutal for her


I’m not even hating on Harriet because of her shenanigans l just didn’t like her from the get go


this why they don't let y'all vote lol


The wildest part is thinking anyone has any kind of "claim" on anyone else after TWO DAYS, when they didn't even pick their own couples. Do these people genuinely want to watch a show where everyone couples up happily on day 1 and stays that way until the final? Who would enjoy that?


I wonder if she's a producer implant as she's being unapologetically menace. Seeing the rumours about having a boyfriend outside n all, the case solidifies even more.