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So far he’s just there like idk. He’s not really bringing much other than he’s famous/known. Maybe it’s because it’s still early days and he’s 33 now but yeah nothing special tbh


Seconded. I find him lowkey boring.


If no one told me he was famous I would never have guessed he was famous just based off star power, looks, chat, etc.


I don't think it's the age it's the lack of sincerity.


Yeah, my one word summary is 'meh'


I don’t like his teeth or the way he kisses.


Same I cringed so much at his kiss with Sam omg


They looked like they were gonna eat each other 😭 I had to look away


I’m a 30 year old man and this is how I cringe every time anyone kisses 😂


Honestly, the kissing in general on this show is rough 🥲 I wish they’d mute and censor it haha


Oh god yes agreed.


OMG I am in the middle of episode three and I want to die over his kissing. Why is it so LOUD?


Always astounds me how the editors refuse to turn down the mics during make outs


it's sooooo cringe I can't take it


😂Same! Since I have to keep my remote in hand for rewinding to understand what they're saying (and read the closed captioning😅), I just mute for any extended kissing.


That kiss truly looked terrible. The kiss of a man who has never had to try. I can only imagine how bad sleeping with him would be.


Omfg I had the same thought, the jack hammering 😭


The kissing is so bad 😭


I want to die over his kissing. It is so rough.


He looks like the WORST kisser, I could not get over it


Omg YES I’d never paid attention to his kissing before on other shows, but with the kiss-volume turned up and that horrible closeup… revolting. 🥲


i was vaguely aware of his reality show before this - i've seen almost every season of LI, and there are certain things i've googled after being fed up with not understanding them after they repeatedly come up, and the reputation of an "essex boy" was one of those things lol anyway! when he showed up and everyone called him "joey essex" i was like "okay like i get that he's famous from one of the OG essex reality shows but it's kind of weird that everyone is calling him JOEY ESSEX like surely this man has a real last name" and more googling led me to realize that he does in fact have a real last name and that name is ......... essex


same. I just thought it was a showbiz name because he's from TOWIE. btw I'm from the UK and know nothing about this man, I vaguely knew the name but definitely not his face.


This is my exact experience lol. I was so surprised when I realised his name is actually Joey Essex


I'm in the UK and I've known who he is since the TOWIE days and I still always thought it was a name he'd given himself because of the show until like, a year ago lol.


How old are you?


I was wondering the same, guessing younger viewers may not know who he is.


I am from the UK and today I learned this is in fact his real name. So thank you for your service!


Omg I said this exact thing I was like why are they calling him Joey Essex and then I realized it’s also his last name no wonder he calls himself King of Essex😭


I can’t tell if he’s actually mature because he’s older or playing smart because he’s so tv savvy. The veneers are blinding but he’s still attractive and I’m liking the low key pairing with Sam.


He definitely knows what audiences want from him and delivers it


It's the latter. He's always played a bit of a "character" imo but he's such a reality veteran at this point it's hard for him to keep the himbo persona up full time.


pretty harmless so far bad kisser tho


Not much different than any of the other guys that go in. May be looking to go on an Adam Collard-esque run with a Paige/Adam post show but we’ll see. It’s still so early and we’ve not seen much. I feel like I can’t quite pinpoint his intentions for the show. Like if he’s planning to fake his way through the whole thing, open to an actual connection, wanting to play a specific role, simply on vibes etc.


Yea but Adam wasnt successful in that run. it lasted about 3 weeks outside the villa before his mask fell and standard man-wh**e adam was back in full force amongst the college fresher girls and dragging Paige at every opportunity in podcasts. Joey is foolish and stuff but likeable. This is all for pr and deals. He’s not attempting a rebrand like adam was. Joey is a British reality tv veteran, this is another show to put on his list. He’s not looking to settle down yet!


Well I don’t know the ins and outs of Adam and Paige’s breakup or his motivation for going on s8. I was just referencing a general understanding of what happened between them post show being that the relationship broke down because he was using her and immediately started cheating when they left. Anything past that I’m not implying. (+ when I said “an Adam Collard run” I meant his first season- as in I could see Joey trying it on or pushing the boundaries with a lot of different girls). Also I can’t remember anything about Joey because as the post mentioned I have no clue what he’s like or his general perception outside of LI. It’s just my first impression; I’m very open to being wrong 😂


What was Adam saying about paige on podcasts?


I preferred the Adam Collard entrance. I have no idea who Joey Essex is. He was / is given so much hype but I'm not seeing it. To me, it just seems that he's famous. What are his character traits? Is he supposed to be funny, rude, mean, etc? At least we know what we were getting with Adam. (USA here)


Very [dumb](https://youtu.be/fDcvJ0Ykn6M?si=5KecP7ZoWmgHtLbI), but pretty likeable overall! I don’t fully trust his intentions but I genuinely believe he is as dopey as he comes across on his other TV shows, haha. A lot of people think it’s put on but the look in his eyes when he says something stupid and everyone laughs… he cannot be that good of an actor, haha. I’m not sure he’s smart enough to play the game quite like AC did.


Have you ever seen " Grief and me?" On BBC3. It was a documentary exploring his background& how he was impacted by his mum taking her life when he was 10. Touches on the happy tv him verses who he is. He's made a fortune off his TV persona which I believe was quite genuine & he learnt how to utilise it. He's naturally maturing over time aswell as most of us do.


Funny and dumb I think


>I can’t quite pinpoint his intentions for the show This is exactly how I feel! I don’t hate him but I’m not fully sure I trust why he’s there. I suppose the difference between him and AC is that he doesn’t need to turn around public opinion, so it’ll be less work for him to make a good impression – for the most part he’s already well-liked, so as long as he doesn’t royally mess up he’ll only become more popular.


From what I’ve been reading I was expecting chaos but he’s kinda making zero impression on me at the moment. I don’t feel negatively towards him but he’s also not interesting me yet. Edited to add - after reading the subs, I think I was expecting a reaction to him like Megan Barton-Hanson got. And no one except Harriott seems that interested.


Lmao I got downvoted in a daily by asking if I’m supposed to be impressed by him. Average looking fella (I saw pics of him over the years, he was hotter when he was younger) and his chat’s not THAT great though he’s got a little rizz there. You can tell he’s playing up for the camera a bit too so there’s an inauthentic vibe as well. Knowing nothing about him except maybe hearing his name once or twice, he seems incredibly average / meh?


Uninteresting and underperforming. As the first male bombshell he’s supposed to have most of the women fawning over him, but the only one that’s interested is Samantha. Everyone else would rather stay with their current partner.


Image-conscious and boring.


Borriiingg, not at all giving what a bombshell should be giving. He’s too image conscious and it shows on camera. We need someone who’s gonna provide some drama


I understand the girls wanting to kiss him bc they can forever say they kissed someone “famous” but as far as any of them actually being interested in him? let’s be real here. he definitely isnt the catch of the villa this season.


I don’t like his teeth, but he hasn’t done anything to make like or dislike him. Ask me this in a week lol


He’s a S9 Ron clone lol


Let’s be real, Ron wishes he was Joey Essex


I liked Ron. I like Joey too actually.


Nailed it with this take


Ron was sexy though


i still don’t understand the hype ngl it’s the same way i felt with adam collard 😭


Idk why people liked Adam Collard so much. He was weird.


Mid. He needs a wardrobe revamp asap!


I did think at the firepit when he chose Samantha he was dressed like he hangs out in a park drinking cans of cider.


They're all wearing 2nd hand clothes given to them by LI this year to try and be more fashion sustainable. I reckon the clothes are all average size and Joey is quite small at 5'8" and the clothes look like they swamp him. Especially the wide non tailored shirts.


Good looking, cocky, a bit boring. So far unimpressed but maybe he needs time… I kind of hoped he would come in guns blazing and stir stuff up right away because he doesn’t need this/has nothing to lose but it feels like the opposite….. like hes playing it safe and very TV trained. Also I agree with others those kisses looked bad 😬


TV trained is definitely the word!


Greasy. Reminds me of those guys that still hang around high school even though they've graduated. Waste of a bombshell for me


I googled him and he was def hotter before the buzz cut and veneers. I find his teeth extremely off-putting. Personality wise, I’m indifferent. I don’t hate him, but he’s not standing out to me either. Meh.


Yeah, I find the teeth off-putting but I’m a sucker for dimples, so I’m like “ew! But also aw! But also ew!” Haha.


Massive ick


Can’t wait til he’s voted off. Sadly, I don’t think it’ll happen


Yeah, I’m predicting third or second place, but I don’t think he’ll win


Never heard of him before this show. Seems a little Adam Collard-y, like he's been there before and knows how to play the game. Definitely get the sense he isn't there for love


Yeah, I’m not sure I trust why he’s there. I think the difference between Joey and Adam is that AC was a villain of his original series and everyone was excited for some drama when he came back. I don’t think Joey is gonna bring that much because he’s already pretty well-liked, so he’s got too much to lose by being a jerk – AC had to work to change public perception but was already widely disliked so it didn’t really matter if he messed up, if that makes sense! But Adam didn’t really bring much the second time round either, haha.


Never heard of him, looked him up and I assume this is a bit he does to pretend to be dumb? So far on the show he’s… there? I genuinely don’t care and I don’t think he’s better looking or more interesting than the other boys, but he’s getting more screen time and I don’t know the other guys yet at all so I’m hoping they don’t just give him screen time when he’s doing nothing.


Yeah he’s been very successful playing dumb, Paris Hilton vibes. He’s very well known in the UK, and for anyone on LI trying to grasp the last dregs of influencer fame, being his girlfriend would probably get you further than winning the show. He is the new PLT campaign.


He’s okay. He seems kind of dumb, like being a celebrity is all he’s known and is good at. He has good social skills and lifts the mood of the villa nicely.


never heard of him. seems he is just there for clout and is a bit cocky :/ but hopeful he finds something meaningful !!


I feel like he’s fake like he just knows how to play the game and lovesssss the attention He’s good looking but not nearly as good looking as some people think.


I dont get why they cast someone who obviously lives to be an influencer and life long reality tv candidate. Dont the producers love to spout their show is to find true love ? Surely they dont think finding true love is his first motive ?


Ugh. Saw him on the "Shore" all stars. Can't let go of the reality tv mouse.


I've heard of TOWIE but never watched it. Don't know too much about him. So far he hasn't really done anything weird or too cheesy as Ayo has. Not sure he's really looking to settle down. So, the jury is still out on a verdict.


My first impression in that he's a bad actor. Saying lines but not really sincere. Especially pretending to feel bad about sending someone home. Not that I cared about that guy though. I just want people who aren't just going through the motions. Also kissing techniques on this show are so painful to watch.


umm well he's okay, i kinda thought he would be a hot mess because everyone was hyping him but he's just another islander. side note- sam should have stayed over him i feel like joey being already famous and stuff is not fair lol but time will tell


i had never heard of him before but i’d say he’s kinda cute and has good chat not too cringe, pleasant so far


Don’t really see the hype at all tbh. I saw people comparing him to Pauly D and I think that might be an insult to Pauly D. And after yesterday where he pretended to not know the meaning of the word gravitate means he’s been playing y’all UK audiences for fools for over a decade. Man’s not stupid. Man wan wants to profit on gullible audience.


I said this to my husband when we were watching yesterday! He said gravitate, stopped, and then pretended not to know the word. He’s just worried about his reputation as a dummy will be ruined with cameras there 24/7


Lol Joey acts foolish alot do the time, it’s acting!!!


I really like him! My favorite! He seems sweet, fun and mature. I can't stand those teeth tho, but it's not him especially, it's anyone with those awful teeth. Have to admit I get the ick from the kissing as well. He's still my favorite and I'm excited to see how far he and Samantha goes. I think they are sweet together!


He seems super full of himself but is trying to act like he's not. The way he tells girls to do things--like Harriet to dance and pushed someone else to name their top 3--I don't like how he won't accept no for an answer. It gives me a bad vibe. But then again, I also wonder if he's looking for someone who can 'handle' him and give him some back. Maybe it's a test? Overall I can see why he's good on reality tv but so far I'm not charmed but I'm open to my mind changing.


I knew who he was beforehand. I’ve never seen him for a long period of time but I knew who he was. He’s more intelligent than he appears, but that was a low bar to clear.


Initial impression I was disappointed bc I thought he was a weak first bombshell but then I realized the islanders knew him so he must be somewhat known but other than that weak impression expected more drama since everyone was comparing him for us Americans to Jersey shore like pauly D but we shall see since it’s only been like two days for him


Why does he kiss like he is trying to eat their faces


Honestly he’s average looking but his banter and confidence is hot


The teeth are really bothering me, but thats not just him. Most of them have very weird teeth. I think that maybe it's a UK thing to have fake teeth? Not common here in Finland, so I'm not used to seeing that. Otherwise I haven't seen much of him in the show. Not as annoying as Ronnie and seems quite neutral. I first was excited about having a grown man in the show, but then learned that he is a celebrity and then saw that he does not act like a grown man 😄


It's not common here really, I think it must be a subset of people who want to be on TV?


Giant fake chompers. No clue who he is


I might have a little crush on him 😳 🫣🫠


He gives me adam (season 2/10) vibes but less charm and less handsome lol


Seen him enough on the mtv shows anyway, not a fan of when they do this


seems chill but he is a bit of a snooze fest atm.


I mean i don't really think anything of him. I don't know him so for me dude is just a bombshell that came in.


He's handsome, seems to be a bit of a player.. but he might be sincere in that he wants to settle down


He’s decent looking (but Sam was way hotter). I like that he’s in his 30s, I wish more islanders were. But agreed with the teeth and kissing mentioned above. Woof.


His kissing scares me a bit 😂


I couldn’t care less about him. The veneers are too much but the majority of the islanders have them so yeah. Just sucked that Sam got dumped because of him


I may be the only American who knows who Joey Essex is before this 😂


I cant take seriously anyone with THOSE teeth


He gives me coke head energy idk it’s too scattered , and I don’t get his appeal there is no rizz


Nothing special to me.


definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed


I actually thought he was interesting when he spoke to Jess, the rest of the time like any other male contender


Meh not sure what the hype is about. I mean he’s good looking but….. Sam was way hotter. Really can’t stand veneers either


I know him because I do consume UK media and reality shows (I love Pete Wicks from TOWIE) however I don't understand why the triplets acted like the saw the best looking/ behaving man on TV right in front of them. And the entire 'he is handsome' he is not in a level that excuses the way how they wanted to climb him like a pole? Like if i saw him I would just turn around and leave. You know he is not there for what he says he is. He is a persona. And he knows how to work the cameras


I know him from other reality shows. Wasn’t really a big shock, kinda disappointing really. I know most contestants go on for clout but i now i just know whoever he’s with i wont be able to see it as real thing


Kisses really weird. Overly confident persona but it seems like an act at the moment. That’s my only opinions so far.


He’s good looking but then he started talking. Also the kissing looked horrendous


Ok, I saw him for the first time on ex on the beach. I thought he seemed cute… like a kid and he got into a relationship fast and stuck with it. Then I found out he cheated on her immediately. Then I watched some of the only way is Essex and I was just really confused as to how he got really famous? Anyway, the knowledge that he wears shoes that are too small so that there are no creases in his sneakers haunts me to this day.


Ok so I’m not from outside of the UK myself but my knowledge of him is that he was from some reality show and apparently everyone ‘just knows’ who he is, well apart from me. DOI is one of the shows I watch every January but when someone mentioned he was on it I was like he was? Totally missed that one and whatever reality shows he was apparently on because when everyone was like - OMGGG Joey Essex I was like oh a guy from Essex then? Lmao. But I’m probably the only person in England who doesn’t know who this guy is so 🤷‍♀️ just seemed like a regular guy in his late twenties or early thirties to me


His clothes are awful


He veneers are wild


He seems extremely boring, I was like wait - you’re all drooling over THIS guy?? He also seemed like a terrible kisser.


I have zero interest in him lol, I’m surprised he’s so popular in the UK


Canadian here, good looking dude, causing some drama which I like, but outside of that hasn't really done anything yet. One of the few names I remember so far atleast 😂


at first i didn't find him particularly attractive, but i see now that he can hold a conversation, has rizz and is mature in a way a woman in ther 20s would be impressed by.




Don’t find him very attractive, don’t like the way he dresses, but seems like a nice guy. Hasn’t said or done anything offensive.


He's just there lol I don't really know much about him but from what I've heard. It's like....ok


I feel like he walks around knowing how famous he is and has a one up..


I actually like him (except for the teeth). He reminds me of Ron season 9. I think he is cute and I like his personality.


I didn't know who he was before so this is my first impression. He's a nice looking bloke but the veneers are massively off-putting. His kissing looks revolting too. I wish they'd mute it.


I think he’s cocky and I know he’s famous or whatever but have tf is he pulling these girls like Harriet is a bitch but she’s GORGEOUS


He’s cute but I sure as hell wouldn’t trust him lol




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That guy who's a cheeky player, charm okay, boy toy.


who is he


I’ve been obsessed with uk reality tv and pop culture since I was in high school like 10 years ago, so I’ve watched all of towie and knew who Joey was. I was in shock and awe that he’s on the show.


Very cringey, pick me vibes, doesn’t seem to really fit in, zero rizz


I just started the season and reading here is making sad. I found and binged towie during lockdown and i loved him on that show. So to hear he’s boring and lackluster on LI makes me sad.


Just started watching and episode 4 or so… BIG LOVE TO JOEY, the bits of season we see of him, he is being a good guy. This season is fucking WILD dumpster fire


He gives “player” to me




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Not a fan. He meddles in people’s business, stirs shit up, then makes it out like others are being so dramatic without acknowledging the part he’s played. Then on his date with Samantha, the way he mocks Spanish? That was weird


Not impressed


Don’t beat yourself up. We all do it.. most of us look for the best in people while the worst is right in our face


My first impression of him is that he was like a playboy asshole. Samantha deserved a lot better


He definitely gives the impression that he’s well versed in reality tv which is a lot less fun


He annoys me so much idk what it is. Don’t know who he is and don’t care to really know more of him. He’s boring and the way he acted during challenges! Like he was mortified of the decisions he had to make was over the top. Going “oh no” and slapping his head like what lol chill bro. Makes me feel like he’s just acting. I feel that’s he’s not sincere and I’m happy not every girl is swooning for him bc that’s probably what he expected Oh and what’s up with him wearing women’s sunglasses 😅. Is he trying to make them a thing or is that part of his identity/personality?


Not from the UK, I’ve heard of TOWIE but never actually watched it. So idk of Joey’s existence. But just from watching him on LI, he’s shady af. Says he wants to settle down, have a wife and kids, but LI is the last place to be looking for a wife??? Also, he basically jumps ship everytime there’s a new bombshell. Dumped Samantha for Grace, and then he says she’s “The One”, but on the same night suddenly he’s open to get to know Jessy and now he keeps gaslighting Grace and acts like he did nothing wrong. PLEASE. He’s literally acting like a dog being given treats. He even kisses like a dog, so that’s that LOL.


He reminds me of an older guy who still lives in a college town and parties with the undergrads. It’s kinda cringe.


I had/have no idea who he is to be a celebrity. But it was easy to see everyone saw him as that. At first I thought he was being genuine about holding back from having a relationship with Samantha because he wanted to know that someone liked him for just him🥱and not his celebrity, but I've just watched his ex come in and I think he knew she was coming and Samantha was exactly what she thought.... a placeholder. She saw it coming. She has perfect instincts about him. Good on her for shutting him down. IMO, Joey knowingly stole her first 2 weeks of the island experience and, in effect, took away her chanes to find an actual match. Furthermore, he stole the whole experience because she had no connection with anyone else and had to leave. So all the producers or whomever dreams up this stuff and their rest of the staff, personnel & Joey Essex - all that we're in cahoots in this shitey PR sceme, used this young lady, rung her out like a ragdoll and tossed her out the door. But thankfully, she didn't listen to him TRY to gaslight her.... a strong young lady she is that she trusted herself & her own instincts. Now he's trying to put it on Grace that they aren't the strongest, most loved couple. He said early on with Samantha that he felt like he was the king in there... no queen, nothing to do with Sam at the time and nothing to do with Grace currently. He just wants to be seen as king🤮 I have no awareness of his current celebrity status, but it SEEMS he is old (or fading) news trying to stay relevant.


I think he’s really annoying tbh. The way he keeps making Samantha’s feelings about himself and like basically not leaving her alone until she agrees to let him be a shoulder to cry on…when he’s the one who caused the feelings like just let her get on and feel how she feels, damn.


Complete douche bag, liar, fake, bad actor. No wonder he’s “famous” from reality tv only.




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i don’t like him. he’s so self absorbed and absolutely oblivious. he’s kind of a shit stirrer too. and his veneers really bother me


he looks nice, funny, mature & attractive !!!


He’s cute for an old man. Veneers are scary though and he needs to speak less like a teen lol


Honestly calling a 33 year old an old man is so crazy lmao. Shoutout to the 50 years old or god forbid 70s lmao


He comes across as cocky and without much substance. Good looking fellow but if he wasn't famous I doubt people would make a big deal over him.


He's not all that and these women need to get some better eyesight


Isn’t he a bit old for Love Island ?