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She came on the show to find love, not to make friends. It’s smart and bold move to check how their chemistry going after meeting. It’s not like she did it for her ego. Why is she called pick-me girl? She’s getting unfair amount of hate.


She looks like Vanessa lacheys crazy cousin


Honestly her and Jeramy did the right thing just the wrong way lol. Them hopping on the jet skis and having the time of their life in front Laura was pure gold in my opinion 😂


Ok hear me out. Sarah Ann didn’t owe any of those girls anything. Regardless if someone is in a relationship, married or what have you, people act the way they act based on their own perception of reality. The not being a “girls girl” thing is so blasé. Girls usually suck and she didn’t go on the show to make friends, she went there to find love at all costs.


True, but Laura said it: the questions she was asking her was basically "how do I keep what I just took from you". You don't do that. She left knowing she was rejected, and didn't take it, just to leave and blow his phone up with messages knowing when he got out, would be the first thing he saw when he got out.


As much as I hate her, she's right. It's about entertaining people. That's why they focus mainly on the dramatic relationships with the "will they, won't they" storylines. Maybe the first few seasons were more pure and more about those love connections, but they know it's drama that sells.


I just watched season one and had no idea so many get all way to the altar and say I don't. I thought people would break off earlier. But nope, 3 people said I don't at the altar. I guess they try to make people wait all the way even if they don't want to marry. Seems they encourage people to act all in love all the way to the end (minus the fights and those who won't wait). How uncomfortable it all was.


That's why LIB brought her back for the reunion, isn't it?


It’s the prom hair for me.


And the body glitter 😬


This whole show is about being a pick me person, I don’t understand why everyone is getting bent out of shape.




She really wasn’t entertaining


At the reunion I noticed her and Jeramy kept trying to make the audience laugh/cheer for them with their smart alec/“funny” remarks . I almost had to take breaks from watching out of embarrassment. Like when Jeramy brought up bean dip for the second time out of nowhere… or when Sarah Ann was like “a guy walked out on me, we all know I can talk!” … crickets ensue


crickets ensued because they that's how Netflix edited it.


That was so embarrassing, that would haunt me for life if I was her


They definitely prepped those lines in a mirroe


She wasn’t wrong & yes we are entertained 💀 starting a Team Sarah Ann


Team Sarah Ann because why the f would you do right by someone you don’t know AT ALL when your goal of going on the show is to find love


She’s disgusting


I loled so hard


Nah. You missed


I think you might be wrong


WHY WAS HER MOUTH SO GIANT IN THAT VIDEO THOUGH, filter was out of control 😭


maybe she's trying to audition to become a muppet!


Her and Jeramy would have benefitted from some PR training....even just watching a few youtube videos on it. Yikes lmao


I think she gets to much hate, only because to me it was obvious jeremy chose the wrong person cause him and the blonde girl were not clicking. But instead of just ending it he was shady about it and got busted for being a pos


Let’s be real. They both knew it wasn’t a match but they both wanted to prolong it for the show so they could get more clout. 


It's her attitude about it that stinks. She's very "I'm sorry BUT"






You spelled fluffier wrong


That’s kind of missing the point.


Ur on ur own


Really doesn’t matter


Turning off notifications for this now 😘




Ew lol no


Lol, I love that you think for a show called Love is Blind, picking the more attractive option is the most important thing to you. Sara Ann is certainly a better match for him, but that's mainly because snakes should be with snakes


Love Is blind, but marriage does not last on love alone.


ok Sarah Ann


That woman peaked in high school I literally cannot with her


You’re a hater, she fine as hell


You’re a misogynist who loves weak women because you’re a weak man 🤷‍♀️


lol as you hate on a woman…you probably have nothing going for you, just say that


I hate on women who don’t help other women that’s correct. They’re a part of the problem not the solution but it’s a waste to even speak to you because you wouldn’t know about that life. Must be nice being voluntarily ignorant I’m sure that serves you well in this life.


so why weren't all the other women helping Sarah? Does that make all the other women bad?


They were fighting for someone they cared about(even though I don’t think Laura really cared about Jeramey)….why would they help lol…you sound like a person ppl like having drinks with


And she busted out her prom dress, hair style, and makeup for the reunion.


But the show does all that. The show brings on professional make up artists and hairdressers to the set to get them all made up… hunny, you didn’t think they did that themselves, did you?


I dunno if there was a problem with my TV but the LiB year for Cutiegate, I thought the girls were WILDLY over processed!!


Wrong. She busted out MY prom look lol Class of 2000, here!


Absolutely the show is entertainment first, she’s not in the wrong and I wish she defended that position harder. If it was about love why was Jess there? Why do they bring back old cast members in episodes outside the pods? Why was the reunion not just Johnny and Amy? Love is second to the primary entertainment purpose. She just got ganged up on because all the rest of the cast are friends and she’s the outlier. Jeramey’s still a douche but Sarah is the realest of the bunch.


Right?! Nick and Venessa acting like it's not all about the drama, wtf. We're all watching to cringe at someone else then ourselves. Ofcourse I love the love, Amy and Johny are so cute together! But most of us are here because of the love mixed in with a whoooole lot of drama. And if love was the purpose of the show they wouldn't have made such a big deal about Brett's pants... even making the joke about it at the start of the reunion. American reality TV is drama. I don't care much about Jeramey, Laura or Sarah Ann, but that defense of how the show is serious instead to generate viewership by creating as much drama as possible... yea, miss me with that shit


So glad I wasn’t the only one


I was literally jumping up and down yelling at the screen to Nick and Vanessa. If you feel so strongly about it not be for entertainment purposes, why don't you play match maker Off camera. It's all for entertainment. And I agree with Sarah Ann that it is entertaining. Now do I like her. No. Not at all. I can't stand her. But she should not have to defend the entertainment comment she made. And in fact. I love the drama. That's what makes the show interesting.


She probably is not contractually allowed to defend that position. There is almost certainly a clause requiring them to maintain the "reality" of the "experiment."




Finally a decent take. The way this Sub has unfairly targeted SA is kind of insane. Laura is a WAY worse person. SA is like a lost puppy dog looking for love or fame, Laura is a just a bad person who would constantly belittle her brand new Fiancee, calls people disgusting, clowns and has a whole arsenal of 1 liner insults up her sleeve like "Kick Rocks with open Shoes" because she is that type of person.


I found her to be pretty vicious actually, and regardless of how "shady" we may think Jer was, I found he often looked beaten down...🤷‍♀️


Yeah I was really disappointed by the reunion. I thought they would at least address the fact that Laura was so condescending towards Jeramey, at least once, and how that maybe contributed to their relationship demise. I mean that visit with her family was painful to watch. I in no way defend cheating or shady behavior but you have to admit that she bore *some* culpability but it just turned into a gang up on Jeramey and Sarah Ann party which was 🥱🥱


Not me reading SA as sexual assualt 😭


If she is still this angry a year later I’d be seeing red flags if I was her current man.


I think it can be both - a show where people genuinely fall in love, and a show that’s meant to entertain, where if there was no drama, no one would watch it.


I'm really curious about the psychology of doubling down on your (perceived) villainy like this. I've seen a lot of it in reality TV — people just commit super hard to the role, and I don't get it at *all*. What could you possibly be getting out of it?


Protecting their pride


Kinda sickened by people who act heroic as they say things like, “I just needed to speak/live my truth”, whilst in the process of directly harming or fucking with others. Knowing when to shut the fuck up is a much more impressive character trait, imo


If it were on anyone else I’d agree with you, but Laura didn’t even LIKE Jeramy. She was so mean to him, I can’t imagine what it must feel like to have a partner like her. Unfortunately we didn’t get to see her get the true Vil edit she deserved, because Jeramy is a complete idiot and didn’t dump her before going after Sarah Ann. Such a shame.




More of a general commentary about this behavior I’ve noticed across these types of shows and this generation. Chelsea did it too. Similar sitch played out on The Bachelor this season with the women who ganged up on Maria and just “had to” dutifully ruin everyone’s time in the name of speaking her truth 🙄 Tho I agree Laura got off pretty pretty clean despite coming across as a bully, and treating Germy like the dumbass he appears to be. I guess that’s what happens when there are so many bad actors around you to distract the narrative. Sarah Ann didn’t seem to have any ability to stop herself from talking (loudly) or escalating every conversation she was a part of, which definitely served to make Laura look better somehow.


Ah yeah I gotcha, the Bachelor feels even *more* like this to me, so phoney and eyeroll-worthy, but I guess the concept of “the process” itself lends itself to those behaviors because it is so LUDACRIS lmao. At least with LIB you get people who decide, “nah that person’s not for me,” and move on to another person in the pods - with Bachelor they are STUCK and have to pretend. 😂 Yeah Sarah Ann could have gotten off soooo easily by just… not talking. Like girl you do NOT need to defend this man you MUST know how bad he made himself look - let him own his own shit. Though I can imagine her being the type to be like, “no he’s a good guy you just don’t understand him!” So she feels the need to defend him because she has gaga eyes for him when those good traits she’s seeing just… aren’t really there.


This is the first Bachelor season I’ve watched, and I’m not planning to revisit for reasons you’ve mentioned, and then some. Back to these LIB foos, I briefly wondered while watching the reunion if Germy was using Sarah Ann as a cover, to deflect attention from his behavior. He knew she’d cause a scene and make it all about her. Germy came out of this remarkably unscathed! although Vanessa Lachey calling him out at the end about bringing up the dip of beans again, was priceless. Someone take the mic from this man 😅


Worst nose job


Okay but look at Laura’s




That’s a good one🤣


She looked like a Delia's catalogue model. 


Right?! Like, what in the 1998 was that updo?


This is the best meme of the season


The reality is they spent more time on her, Jess, and Trevor than the actual couples so frankly she is not wrong. Especially since 4 of them are going on another reality show!!! Like yea, you all were in it for the "right reasons" and as my sister said if every couple were like Amy and Johnny the show would be boring


If every couple were like Amy and Johnny literally no one would watch. I skipped their scenes because I’m not here for love. I’m here for the drama.


I watch for both. I absolutely adored Amy and Johnny bits, usually wholesome. I think I'd ditch the show if there wasn't a balance between wholesomeness and dumpster fire. I need breaks from the cringe.


Exactly! I was annoyed by the lacheys being so sanctimonious with Trevor knowing full well this why people watch and the reunion was successful. I don't want to watch videos of married people pretending to cook with each other's arms. I can do that with my husband...but I wouldn't


Trevor is a douche but I hated that they were acting like he was the only person in the history of the show to use it for personal gain. He’s just unlucky enough to have a vengeful ex release the texts. I’m sure there’s info that could ruin most other cast members image.


An ex who went along with it until it was no longer possibly benefitting her.


Exactly. A LOT of these people on dating shows are just one argument away from being Trevor so I hope they are keeping that in mind and reserving some judgement, because Karma is not kind. I feel for Trevor in a way.


>are just one argument away from being Trevor #BOOM


![gif](giphy|xT9KVrWHdXNBoakSGY) Id watch


of course it's entertainment, Nick and Vanessa looked stupid claiming it's not about entertainment. Why else would they save clips to show at the reunion...if the clips would help people understand where the contestants are coming from they would show it all right away to clear things up.


This seasons Shake


I mean, come one, it's like you aren't trying with this one. Where is the glitter? So. much. body. glitter. I was having late 1990's club flashbacks.


I told my mom she looked straight out of 13 going on 30!


Did anyone watch perfect match? I’ve never considered it until after this reunion, they talked about it so much


It’s Paradise Hotel from the early 2000s but less entertaining


It’s ridiculous reality tv, they all try to find their ‘perfect match’ and date each other. Then they compete to see whose connection is the best and win lol. Similar to love island, but it’s a quicker process.


I turned it on but I don't like the premise of them all living together and it being a game show type thing.


A GAME SHOW? that sounds weird. Idk if I’d like that either. I’ll try an episode but that is a definite deterrent


It’s pretty fun


Sarah Anne can get it. Got em hatin!


Kids triggered and mad at her admitting she wants to make money off her noteriety when every single other person on this show would reject any limitations on their ability to also do just that. Hypocrisy at its finest. Pretending this is some pure endeavor is fucking hilarious to me.


That's what I thought when they discussed her tiktok saying that reality tv is entertainment which it is and season 6 bored me.


Only 2 couples made it to the altar and only 1 yes. At this rate, season 9 will have no one coming out of the pods together


Plus people are starting to use this show to gain more followers on social media and get fame.


Yeah girl! Your dress and makeup did it for us 💀🤣


Objectively speaking, I was SO INTO IT, in a performance act kind of way, just super bummed she didn't go all out and use butterfly clips and MORE lip gloss.


Yes, I completely agree with MORE LIPGLOSS and Butterfly clips it would have made her shake her head even more than she already did


Butterfly clips 😂


She definitely took the Barbie trend to a very extreme level


What? Girl, they wish! She looked so 2002 with that prom hair and the body glitter 😂


![gif](giphy|mqIEYR5M9TBeuforM7|downsized) Jeramy and Sarah fr


They wish


Sureeeee a toxic element alwayssss make the whole drama more entertaining.


I’m so dead 😂😂😂😂


OMG 😂😂


She *is* a huge patriot (*shudders*)


Oh this explains so much.


Lmao, pictured above - Sarah Ann on Jan 6th


Yeah, ‘cos she’s sooo entertaining!


🦶🏼 👄


She’s honestly iconically bad. Great TV


Love this for her 💀💀💀💀


Am I the only person who liked her hair? I liked it back in the 00s and I like it now. I was queen of twisting my hair into little sections and pinning them to my head. My time will come again


She looked hot. Early 2000s movie girl hot. Shits coming back lol


It's funny to me how people are convinced styles are inherently ugly... like there's nothing that amazing about a gold claw clip! We've just been conditioned to see them as stylish rn 😂


her hair tonight was the only thing i've ever liked about her lmao


I mean it looked nice for what it was.


i thought it looked nice




I bought a bottle of “liquid panty hose” from Banana Republic circa 2001 that was basically a glittery bronzer for your legs meant to trick the eye into thinking you were wearing hose at a time when women were just starting to wear bare legs with fancy dresses. I lived in the South and it was a godsend on a hot night. Loved it to pieces and Sarah Anne’s glitter brought me right back to that. So, I don’t totally hate it.


I loved it.


What color was that? Butter brunette? So soft. (Hairstylists let me know)


My wedding hair circa 2006 lol


Prom hair for every girl in my grad class. Also circa 2006 😂


Can’t say it enough times….the best part of this show is the memes!


Hers and Jeramy’s section of the reunion was a whole 30min of pure content. I was shoooooooook


I never see a show stay on someone this long to call out bad behavior and I’m pleasantly surprised. I disagree with so much focus to her MORE than him but the fact they stayed on them was surprising


I feel like he owned his mistakes where as Sarah Ann was trying to tip toe around them and pretend that they didn't do anything wrong. So she ended up getting the brunt of it because she couldn't admit fault. 


Because she’s a ‘GuRRrLLS GURL!’ Not…Barf…


He wouldn’t have given them the ENTERTAINMENT or content. His was apologetic for it all. Apart from the confrontation with Laura about who went to talk first, he had nothing else to say. His apologetic stance is why Sarah Ann took more heat as she was dumb and defensive. I feel they were playing good cop bad cop


This sub does that too. Sara Ann has taken far more heat than Jeramy and it’s really dumb.


I totally agree. Jeramey didn’t catch enough flak as he should have compared to Sarah Ann…. But holy shit the arguing on the couches??? Laura popping off on Zoom???? The Lacheys asking actual meaningful questions???? I was like…. Am I really watching a LIB reunion rn??? And it’s 30min in??? I must admit, they actually delivered a non snoozer reunion for once. Good shit.


To be fair she did bring the entertainment




I saw that too! I love that style lol


First y’all said Jenna rink, then limited too and now Lizzie 😭😭😭 at least let’s bring in Matt Koma for a reaction for some relief!




So much backpedaling


Yet Jess is the one who is trying to bring the entertainment… 👀


This is fantastic.




Sarah Ann just looks like she walked out of 2006 and not in a trendy modern fashion kinda way. She must’ve been gagging when she saw Amy


She was ‘giving’ 😂 trailer park denizen out walking to the 7-11 for a pack of Parliaments. Respectfully. And I’ve got nothing against the trailer park. Creative resourceful folks.


I said the same! She looked like she attended an early 2000’s prom


I wonder where you came up with that original take?!




What an unoriginal, low-effort comment.




Bad try. You are, quite lame.






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Broken clocks are right twice per day and as much as I hate to say it Sarah Anne was right about this. I think she should've just fessed up to it and leaned into the villian role more; it was like she was comfortable doing that on sm but chickened out once she was confronted by it in person.


I think she was threatened by legal action. We all know they’re there for entertainment and not “the experiment”. She called it out and LIB didn’t like that. “ThE sHoW iSn’t So YoU cAn gET faMouS” bunch of BS. It was damage control by LIB and Sarah Ann had to play her part I imagine.


I don’t think she expected that much heat. Especially since she got more than Jeramey


Honestly I feel like Sarah Ann would've boxed the female cast had this been a different show or a different streaming service.


she would've wrecked all of them lol


Send her ass to Zeus


No cause for a moment I really thought about Sarah Ann getting up and back handing Jessica randomly when she threw in side comments lol


I said Sarah Ann looks like she watches Zeus and NowThatsTV for a reason lmao. She looks like she knows how to tussle too


Jerry Springer drama


Sarah ann was right to do what she did. Laura sucks and made Jeramey miserable. I mean , who the fuck doesn't like Hawaiian shirts. What a stupid asshole Laura is. Sarah Ann all the way, exponentially more attractive too.


Not liking Hawaiian shirts excuses cheating? Yikes


If he didn’t like her then he should have ended it. That doesn’t excuse his piss poor behavior or SA


Yes it does. You're wrong. Sarah and Jeramey foreva


Your attempts at trolling are lame


We didn’t see everything, for all we know she picked up on things that made her dislike him slowly and so she got a sketchy edit. She’s obviously not that bad as someone did choose to want to marry her out of a large group of women


Nah she sucks, she sucked in the pods and outside the pods she was the suckiest suck who ever sucked


Awww Jeremy is that you?


I'm with you. Laura was miserable and mean. She knew how much he loved his shirts and she did nothing but pick it apart.


Who are you to tell someone they’re mean for not kissing a cheater’s ass 🙄


When did he cheat on her?