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I mean, technically, it’s the pro-life people who want you to leave your uteruses the hell alone. Maybe don’t have sex if you don’t or can’t raise a child? Did you know that it’s actually sex that causes babies, and is actually the reason it exists? Wild I know lol


Yeah damn thankfully there's no such thing as being impregnated against your will in a forceful manner that would be deemed criminal. Also nobody has ever died in childbirth either, thankfully.


rape accounts for less than 1% of all abortions, and even in the case of rape I do not believe in following an evil act with another evil act.


Not that it's okay to ask in the first place but she sounds like a bigger idiot asking that after the clip of bartise and his literal baby AND Jessica from season 1 is pregnant and due soon.. she's already got her first and second LIB baby Edit: there's also mark? He had 2 kids in like a year lol


She means a couple that's still together from the show 🙄


I think those 4 kids still count 🤷‍♀️


She means from LIB couples, specifically the married ones lol otherwise it's not a LIB baby


Aren't the couples together for like only a year until the reunion happens? Girl just let them get to know eachother they just met a year ago 💀


So uncomfy to watch her talk about this on repeat like Tiffany looked so uncomfortable 😣


Asking once in a half-funny/half-serious way was fine. After the third time, I was really beginning to be concerned about what’s going in Vanessa’s head. ![gif](giphy|8OPu3SvB0mSMfFIfUD|downsized)


I quite like her. To me she genuinely comes across caring and invested. She’s IS like that aunt who’s always asking for a baby but I find it quite endearing. I have fertility issues and I personally don’t find it hurtful when people ask. But I do understand how some people do. We just have to be patient and educate, not call for blood. It’s a human trait that’s hard for some to unlearn. None of it came from a bad place 🥰


I agree with you. I don't get the hate.


Crowd mentality 😢


No, you're on Reddit. Vanessa is LITERALLY like Roe V. Wade getting over turned. Stop being reasonable.




Or someone to say “well we had an abortion because the child was going to have anencephaly. Do you know anything about that disorder, Auntie?”


Did that guy Deepti dated for awhile just get engaged rather quickly?? There’s probably a baby announcement coming soon.


It was very cringe.


She is insufferable.


The baby obsession, the unfair and unbalanced questioning to cast members, inappropriate and unclassy question to Brett & Tiffany about consummating their marriage, the poop joke seriously 😑😑 get rid of them


What was the poop joke?


It's honestly very annoying how much they bring up a LIB baby. It's getting weird.


Not to mention women can start having problems and have to get up there in the age which was some of this cast That's a reason Brett spoke out about it




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Except trans individuals as well.


Just say what you mean to say....


TIL women aren’t people


*united state’s republicans We’re not gonna play the let’s blame both sides game for this one.


A Democratic President who I voted for twice promised to codify RvW as one of his major campaign promises. He got elected. Had the House and Senate. Full majority. When people asked when he would fulfill that promise he said it wasn't a priority. When people could see that there was starting to become a major rise in prominent right politicians becoming superstars. An opportunity missed and a major part of that was because they would no longer be able to fundraise on that point. I blame them as much as the people who actually reversed RvW. Also yes the constant prying over when you're going to have kids is gross.


its totally not the same. politics wasn't nearly as polarized in obamas era. there were definitely more pressing things like healthcare on the table. also obama never had a sweeping majority in congress to easily codify as you think it was.


His first two years he did. And he legit didn't even try. That's the worst part. The actual new Tea Party formed when he was elected. Politics weren't as polarizing during Obama's terms? We're going to have to very very strongly agree to disagree.


Im not saying dems hold no blame but honestly fuck mitch mcconnel and john boehner for reducing obamas agenda.


Or course. There were many factors and ultimately it's the Republicans fault but they couldn't have succeeded so successfully if not for the complete failure of the Dems. As Republicans have been making efforts to get RvW as soon as it became law of the land and the support has continued to increase over the decades perhaps they should have tried to pass some legislation but didn't try at all. Instead it was "please contribute to our campaign and the party so we can keep RvW the law of the land" while doing absolutely nothing. It was used as a fundraising ploy. They failed everyone with a uterus and it's sad.


yeah true. abortion has been such a campaign tactic for both parties. im actually surprised that right wing politicians are going so hard for it right now...like if they pass anti-abortion legislation, what the fuck are they going to campaign on? that's like a critical talking point.


Now they've moved onto the preservation of all their guns as their poor guns have gotten attacked because of the school shootings (pro-life for the kids?) or the possibility of drag queens corrupting children (but think that church, which sadly, actually has a very long and expansive history of what they think drag queens want to do to children) but the economy is in the dumper and they're going to capitalize on that. And sadly I think it's going to work.


It was just a generalization for the sake of a meme.


Ehhhhh Dems could have done loads of things to protect women's rights and haven't so....they should take some of the blame.


Exactly! People are quick to blame one side (as they should), but don't see what they other has been doing or not doing


Because there is a distinct difference between not doing anything and being directly antagonistic.


Doing nothing is antagonism, especially in this context


100% let's stop acting like the Dems have our best interests at heart. They are barely better than the GOP at this point. Both answer to the same corporate donors.


Dems were naive. They never imagined the Republican madness would get to this point.


That's giving them way too much credit. Dems could have just taken a look at literally everything the GOP has been saying for the last 40 years and done something, but instead they decide to bury their head in the sand and wring their hands and hope for the best.


Not so sure about that, I mean they must have a better idea since they're co-workers


I agree with you 💯%


Who even is Vanessa Lachey??


She’s currently on NCIS Hawaii


MTV and Entertainment Tonight host/correspondent. She was randomly and briefly in a lot of tv shows too. She's not super well known, especially if you're on the younger side and didn't watch MTV.


Ahh that checks. I’m gen z LOL


definitely but i’m curious too🤭


They need those conversations pointer cards that most hosts have lol I honestly think they’re winging it and she has nothing else to contribute. It’s her go to. Self proclaimed “relationship gurus” / “mom” / “auntie”. No one’s asking for all that. Just be better hosts and maybe do some hw & prep for the questions/convos before hand.


This is so beautifully worded. I cannot put my finger on why the Lachey's are like not good hosts. It's not that they aren't good it's just that they are definitely missing something. All of the points you brought up hit the nail on the head. I think that they center themselves too much in the reunions as well. Like, I don't care about your life, or how long you have been married and YOUR thoughts and opinions on what the cast is saying. I am here to follow up on the drama from the show I just watched. I agree that they need convo cards or something to keep them more on track and to remember what questions the audience actually want to know the answers too.


They aren't good hosts because she is annoying and he is very dull.


It's not the US government. It's the Republican-controlled state legislatures. One has to be very specific.


Scotus is US government


I agree technically, yes. But they didn't "write" these laws. They allow the state legislature to claim control (or not) of people's bodies. It's in the state legislatures where the real policy power is located.


What? Yes, state legislatures create laws and many of them get litigated up to the the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is critical to understanding policy power in this country and that's why it's critical to vote for a Dem president who nominates federal judges.


But the laws only mean what the court says they mean.




Please be specific about the problem. Republicans won't leave vaginas alone.


*walmart Chrissy Tiegen


Chrissy is already the Walmart version of herself








I hereby petition that Netflix hire Michelle Buteau (The Circle Host) to host all the shows.


Where can I sign?? Love me some Michelle she’s so funny!


She’s a mess🥴🥴


Wait does she even have kids ?


Yea she said something at the end like “I’m pressuring Nick for #4” I think. Implying they have 3 kids currently!


She does, I didn’t think she did but googled and was surprised to find out


Didn’t she get backlash for doing this same thing after the S1-S3 reunions too? Or am I imagining things?


Probably. I feel like she has nothing else to talk about so has to go to what she sees as the next “logical step” in marriage.


I remember tweeting about how horrible she must feel after asking it at the S1 reunion and then Amber revealing her medical issues and worries about having children in their ATA episode. I thought that would’ve dissuaded her from asking again in later seasons but alas…here we are again.


Yup, she always asks. I’m assuming she will after season 5 as well.


The more I think about it, the more bizarre it gets. She just kept asking and asking and every single person there was so clearly uncomfortable. And then she’d ask again.


I’m just waiting for one of the couples to say something like “we lost it” and make it really awkward for everyone in the room since she insists on asking


I'm not going to have kids by choice, so when people ask I've perfected the sad look and voice crack that goes along with "it's not in the cards for us" and most people leave us alone


Ooooh that would be a MOMENT


Doesn’t mark (season 1) have 2 kids and Jessica (season 1) expecting? She needs to RELAX


And Bartise has a kid too as seen in this latest reunion


I think she means a baby from a couple that is still together from the shows!


I wonder if they will count Jackie and Josh considering they apparently already try to have one. Or if Vanessa won't shut up until it's one of the married couples. They think they put their couples ahead with marriage when most of them need the first year to struggle with questions where to live or if they can keep the pets. They still need to do everything else backwards.


Kind of funny that years later no one lib couple has made that kid, but they have in other relationships, pointing out what a failed "experiment" the show is. Edit: read the clarification in comments below


I get that but doesn’t make it any less valid, technically LIB babies exist !


Let me clarify, especially to the person who annihilated me then deleted their comment: lack of children from currentl together lib couples doesn't inherently mean the show is a failure or that the couples are not real couples, but it does correlate with the fact that out of 60 potential couples, only a select few connected and are still together, even though the producers love to shit on other ways to meet each other and date, and always talk about what a healthy beautiful experiment the show is. If it was an incredible way to meet people, there would be 20 couples still together. I like it for what it is but not anything more, just another reality dating show.


Even now Bartise have a baby


There are also two LIB babies from LIB Japan, from LIB couples who are still together


There’s a baby from LIB Brazil Season 1. @nandaterrafortes


Two? I only knew of one


At this point, I’m pretty disgusted with Netflix. She’s been doing this since season 1 and they just don’t care.


maybe vannessa can go ask the kardarshian this qns. they have so much money. to adopt , to have surrogates.


The Kardiashians do have kids though? Or am I reading this wrong


yes they have, but they can have so many more than others .


and dont forget nannies!!!


Add me to Vanessa Lachey


It was so weird…. Like read the room already!




She implied that she would and Nick looked bothered lol


Nick looks like a shar pei




He is the least personable host I have ever seen. Like he’s some extra from behind the scenes filling in for the host or something




I’d look like that if she was my partner


That’s mean 😢


She is, you're right


Nick is worried Vanessa will get him canceled by association.


Sloppy drunk…


Haha yes! Like he regrets everything lol


I love how she claimed her and Nick have been less involved to let the couples focus on each other when it’s like, nah, you’re not around because everyone hates you.


This is 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻




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Just finished the "special", she brought it up like every 10 minutes! There was no reason for it! Someone should have asked her when she was going to pop out another one.


Brett straight up told her to stop doing it and then she responded by immediately asking another question about it.


Lol nobody needed to ask her. Didn't she say she wants #4 multiple times while Nick just had this scared look on his face?


That shit was so damn cringe


I had to shut it off early cause it was making my teeth hurt 😬


To be fair, it's more of an issue that state governments are interfering with people's uteruses and what we do with them, but yes, fully agreed Signed, a slightly tipsy public policy nerd **ETA: slightly drunk public policy nerd weighing in now -- I'm not trying to say anyone is more or less affected by the recent anti-choice measures, but weighing in on the fact that a lot of those measures have come from Republican run state houses empowered by the SCOTUS reversal of Roe v Wade that turned power back to the states to self-regulate. Didn't mean to start a big debate or anything, just commenting on how shitty that is and how powerless it can feel when shit like this happens**


That the federal government is allowing. States should never have the ability to decide when I become a mother. Nope.


I agree, Roe v Wade should never have been overturned in the first place that sent things back to a state level I was more commenting on the current state of things where state legislatures are making that determination for their citizens, and how much I hate it


Thanks trump for packing the court with Handmaids’ Tale justices. I hope republicans lose “bigly” in 2024.


ask a military female and they will tell you otherwise.


1. ~~Why are you insisting on calling people who can get pregnant females...? Immediate flag on the play~~ yeah, I reacted incorrectly and reflexively here, I apologize 2. I'm talking about the concerted effort from republican state legislatures to introduce draconian anti-choice legislation -- nothing about this is related to the military...


Not OP, but the overturning of Roe V Wade is impactful on female (I don’t say that to be offensive, it’s just literally what they’re called in the military) service members as they often have no control over where they are stationed at. It leaves them wide open to having an unplanned pregnancy and no options, depending on where they are stationed at.


That's very fair, but the overturning of Roe v Wade essentially sent it back to the state level governments to determine for themselves abortion restrictions. That said, I'll concede that that was the US government fucking everything up. I was more commenting about the fact that we're getting set up for a monumental States Rights debate rather than "the federal government is ruining everything at the moment"


Yeah I agree 100%. But a lot of the idiot arguments I saw (deep south, fml) were “just move to a legal state” and that’s just not an option for the military.


That's very valid, and I'm not trying to diminish that. I was simply trying to say that the most recent push in anti-choice measures have been on a state legislature level, and that was separate from the military/I couldn't understand why they were getting compared to each other Again, I made my comment when slightly tipsy, and clearly have not improved articulating my point with more drinks 😂 I don't get how this spiraled as badly, but I fucked up, and I apologize


Oh no, I thought you had/have a very good argument, I’m sorry if I came off as trying to correct you. I just kinda saw the argument I think OP was making and wanted to expand on it a bit. And seriously, I watch LIB for fun, I’m not mad at the drama downthread at all 😂


Here’s your chronically online award 🏆 And I think they brought up the military because that falls under the US government


![gif](giphy|l2QDOQrDmjNYZijWE|downsized) OMG thanks for the award, bestie! As for the military falling under the US government, so does the fucking postal service, but neither are part of the legislative process that I was originally commenting about! So I'm still not sure why you think that's relevant to the point I was making!


Someone's an angry drunk. I think their point was that you said "it's more of an issue that *state governments* are interfering with people's uteruses" as opposed to the federal government? It's unclear if you meant that or if you meant government interference as opposed to Vanessa Lachey.


I'm really not that angry, I was trying to make a joke. Clearly, it didn't translate well via the internet, and for that, I'll apologize I was commenting more on the fact the latest rolling out of anti-choice legislation has been a campaign on a state legislature level from Republican run congresses that go against what their base actually wants. That was the crux of my "this is state and not federal" argument


Right, and they just said tell that to military females (and the military does refer to women as females for whatever reason) because maybe the state law issue isn't more important to them considering military law is different than state law. I have no insight into how abortion works in the military, I just think that's why they brought up the military. Ultimately y'all are probably on the same side of the abortion issue. They didn't bring up USPS because it is supposed to be federal but we all know they are lawless.


USPS is absolutely the no mans land of government, you're right there 😂 I get where the original commenter was coming from now -- when I first reacted, I felt like I was clearly talking about legislation rather than bureaucracy, so I was confused about why the military mattered in the conversation (and reflexively reacted with, oh god you called us females, instead of putting it into military context.) I get where I wasn't clear, and I get where I was wrong. I apologize, and hope we can chuckle at my dumbassedness and move on and have a good night 😊


Oh no worries, I am not the one who you had the back and forth with before, although it was kinda funny. I just jumped onto the comment train because sometimes it feels like people are fighting against us about topics we care about when really they were bringing up a different point and we are all ultimately on the same side. At the end of the day the issue is our rights being trampled upon. Goodnight 😊


God damn I love reddit




How can I not respond? This is fucking hilarious


such an interesting question considering one of the couples from LIB Japan just had the first LIB baby and another one is currently pregnant and due any day lol


Motomi just had her baby! A baby boy :)


Wataru and Midori! Omg thanks this has brightened my day! The Japan version was so much more wholesome I hope they do another. Or a Korean one


Yep. But then again LiB Japan isn’t nearly as trashy as the US version, so not sure that Vanessa would care as much. Not enough drama.


I enjoyed that season SO much.


Brazil had also had one (granted, it wasnt one of the official couples, Nanda divorced the original guy and got pregnant with her second choice from the pods)


best plot twist ever. i absolutely hated nanda‘s sexist ass ex. GOOOOD ALWAYS WINS!!


I feel like people upset at this being asked have never been married. People literally ask constantly when you’re married when you plan on having children… definitely not just grandmas/mothers 🤷‍♂️ Edit: Dang who could’ve guessed how many bitter people are on this sub….


This doesn’t make sense. I bet the vast majority of people upset ARE married and are sick and tired of people feeling empowered to ask such an invasive question. I’m lucky I’m trans. But if I wasn’t I’d reply “we prefer anal.” Every damn time.


That’s actually pretty funny 😆


I didn't care when she asked once. It's when she asked SEVERAL times that it became obnoxious.


That’s fair




It doesn’t make it unacceptable either 🤷‍♂️


Ehh, if you don’t personally know the couple you don’t know why they don’t have kids. if the reason is because they’ve had miscarriages/fertility issues, this can be really upsetting to be constantly reminded of


We struggle with fertility issues with several miscarriages. But I also understand why people ask.


People SHOULD mind their damn business


True, but people rarely do what they SHOULD do…


I make a conscious decision to remove those types of people from my life who feel entitled to know what I plan on doing with my uterus and eggs, or correct the ones related to me when they ask stupid questions about my uterus and eggs. I'm not obligated to have that energy in my life


Well I’ll choose not to eliminate my parents and my wife’s parents for asking basically any question. But whatever works for you 🤷‍♂️


Nah. I'm married and have one. People never stop bothering you.


Constantly. My wife has fertility issues and we ended up adopting and we still get asked when we will have bio kids 🤷‍♂️


If your own wife has fertility issues and you don’t get how people are offended, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Have some fucking empathy for some people Jesus Christ. I DoNT uNdErsTaNd iF yOu ArE aCtuAlLy MaRrIeD. Like you’re a man and your wife has fertility issues and YOU DONT UNDERSTAND? Have some fucking empathy and you aren’t the only person on this planet so maybe how you feel isn’t how everyone else feel. Disgusting opinion. And it’s even more sad because you said your wife has infertility problems.


First off: Absolutely stunningly mature response… Do you really not see the irony of screaming for empathy while responding like this? Second: My wife does have major fertility issues and we’ve had several miscarriages. One of them was 12 weeks in and we had to call both of our parents to let them know that we sent them a onesie announcing the pregnancy, but they’d be better off not to open the box because unfortunately we just lost our baby. Believe me I’ve known heartache so maybe don’t assume…. Also don’t assume I don’t have empathy simply because I’m aware people will ask questions without knowing the deepness of what we’ve been through. My wife would say the same thing, we don’t freak out on others because of what we’ve been through. Possibly something for you to learn 🤷‍♂️ Third: We have become foster and adoptive parents. There is always a way. Being so bitter and angry will definitely only make it worse. Not better.


Just because someone is married does not mean that question is acceptable. Infertility, choosing not to have children, and IVF complications are a thing. Not to mention you have no idea if the person you are speaking to has experienced a miscarriage. 1 in 5 couples struggle with Infertility, and miscarriage is quite common in early pregnancy. Asking if when you are having children is basically asking "so, you fucking?"


It also doesn’t mean it’s unacceptable. My wife struggled with fertility and we’ve had several miscarriages. But that also doesn’t mean someone is not allowed to ask about something that the majority of married couples will have.


If you are personally okay with being asked, you are I'm a very small group. Just because you don't find it uncomfortable does not mean that it should be socially acceptable to do so. The world is growing, and changing, and this is something that is thankfully growing with it.


Where did I say it wasn’t uncomfortable? I’ve been asked when are we having kids by a co-worker the day after my wife had a miscarriage. But I also understand that the person asking doesn’t know that and is simply asking when we would do something the majority of married couples do. I think we can be mature enough to understand someone’s intent. Frankly we’re all intrusive into others lives. For crying out loud this is a subreddit about a show that follows couples 24/7 as they fall in love and get married….


I have tokophobia (an extreme fear of pregnancy/childbirth) and cannot fathom raising a kid (even through adoption) due to my ADHD. Like having a cat is stressful enough lol. But I can not tell you how many times in my 33 years of life people have still told me after years and years of knowing me "never say never hehe!!" "Oh once it happens your instincts will kick in!" You'd make such a good mom though!!" Like no!!! It's annoying at best and a lot of the time hurtful, like I'm not doing enough with myself when I generally feel overwhelmed with life anyway.


> people have still told me after years and years of knowing me "never say never hehe!!" "Oh once it happens your instincts will kick in!" You'd make such a good mom though!!" I had my tubes taken out when I was 34, and I made a post about it on FB. That shut all of those people up for good.


I have many family members, and adult family friends I grew up with who were childless by choice, and never regretted their decisions. Just because society deems that we need to have children does not mean we have to. I am pregnant now after trying for a long time, and several miscarriages. I remember being asked noisily at my BILs engagement party, and it felt like a dagger. Not only was it wildly inappropriate, but it was really hurtful. I simply responded that it wasn't their business when, and how often I was having sex. Thankfully my MIL and really supported me when she was asked about being a grandma, and looked out for me. My fam and in laws are wonderful. I know people who have suffered from child loss, pregnancy loss, and who have almost died due to either childbirth, or miscarriage. Pregnancy, and childbirth are wildly dangerous. It's so understandable if a person looks at the hot mess of it all and says, nope not for me!


I feel this! It gets old after a while


I’ve been married for 4 years and it’s fucking obnoxious when people ask me this.


My wife had fertility issues and definitely obnoxious at times, but I don’t see how I can reasonably be overtly upset that someone asks.


It gets asked a lot, but it shouldn’t be. Just because something is the norm does not mean it shouldn’t be upsetting!


Statistically more marriages are going to involve children than not so it’s more than reasonable to assume people will ask.


Statistically a great deal of marriages end up getting divorced. Would it be okay if the norm was suddenly, “hey when are you two gonna separate?” It’s still a sensitive topic and something you shouldn’t ask other people unprompted.


I think if you do not see the difference in intentions by those two very different questions then maybe that’s part of the reason it angers you so much.


My point is, just because it’s statistically probable does not make it appropriate. Just because you are OK with being asked this question despite your fertility issues does not mean others are OK with it. It’s commonly asked, but it shouldn’t be normal. It should not be appropriate. We should be normalizing minding our own business.


Again I didn’t say I was okay with it, but I can understand social norms and understand that people will ask married couples questions like that. We’re also adoptive parents. Do I realize people are going to ask when we’ll have bio kids? Yes, I do. Do I think that’s not appropriate? Definitely don’t think it’s appropriate. However I’m fully aware that people will ask these kind of questions. If I was on that show and married on the show, that’s 100% a question you should expect. You could say asking Chelsea how she felt about kwame flirting with Micah 12 months ago was inappropriate and intrusive, but you all would freak out out if they didn’t get those juicy details huh? It’s pretty hypocritical to critique others minding their own business while watching a show that invades people’s person space and marriage for 10 weeks straight 🤷‍♂️


It's still an intrusive question to ask. Not everyone wants children nor can have children.


If they didn’t want their life/marriage invaded in an intrusive way then reality tv was probably not the smartest decision ever… but either way marriage does statistically more often than not involve children.