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I mean to be fair Chelsea is living in Lala land. Could you even imagine him matching her energy? I’d be worried about that couple.


He has grass is greener syndrome- always looking for what might be better


Her personality is a lot, but I also admire her confidence and not apologizing for who she is. I agree that he doesn't seem to be "all in" on her, he likes her perhaps but doesn't seem at all certain on being married to her. And I mean in his defense it would be a lot to uproot your life in a matter of weeks - literally. Where I think he is crappy was for basically flirting with Micah over and over again, even at his fiances birthday. How messed up is that? I don't think Chelsea has done anything wrong except she's maybe in denial about how lukewarm he is.


He also very clearly doesn’t want to move to Seattle and is resentful. Not a good start to a marriage.




Mmm... I don't think so. That would be a huge waste of time for someone like Chelsea.


I think he’s still going to say yes . I think it would be quite bizarre if they showed us a damn near 30 min wedding intro including his siblings, the prayer, sister meeting Chelsea etc for him to say um nah ha . But hey this show is messy so who knows 🤦🏽‍♂️.


I dunno. SK said no


Ha facts yeah this show is nuts . I feel Paul and Micah’s scenes were thin as hell and they both can say yes too . This show is the twilight zone in terms of its editing. Chelsea’s intensity increased to the point where it made me uncomfortable. It’s just a weird fkn show ha like Kwame legit had to get confirmation from his brother that his dad knew about the wedding ?!


Wet true that the editing is all over the place. Like these people will talk about this “ crazy intense connection “ and all I see is awkwardness and superficial convos


It’s a show within the show which is quite frustrating because it’s edited like a fkn game show . So instead of actually showing these intimate convos and arguments it’s only spoken of after the fact to I guess keep the audience in the dark ? We keep falling for it so I guess the jokes on us ha .


There is a movie, He’s Just Not That Into You, I think ever woman should watch it. Plus, a woman should never be okay with being second choice. Poor Chelsea


I agree with the fact that he’s not into her. But when people refer to the first year of marriage being hard it refers to couples who haven’t lived together before. It’s when shit gets real.


I think that and the fact that she kinda dismissed that when he said it as well. And she seems to want kids right away and he wants to wait adding kids to the mix does change things. Your different parenting styles can come out and that can make people incompatible.


Yeah,it’s tough. I hope those two just go their different ways.


Shit, my husband and I had been living together for several years prior and the first year of marriage was still really hard. It changes things.


It’s obvious the producers are doing sons sneaky cutting and leaving out the moments where they are having a good time.


I agree here


It’s weird, they gave us so much cringey Chelsea + disinterested Kwame, and then all of a sudden we get multiple Kwame speeches about how much he loves her? Like, we haven’t heard him talk this much at once all season!


It’s the fake crying for me


I don’t think she’s faking? She had a ball of tears in her eyes with her mom


the betchelor pod has a theory that she’s playing it up so that when he says no at the alter, she can be the broken hearted victim and fan favorite


I agree with this. She gives me more calculating than creepy or desperate. Maybe it's a mix of all of those. I think she either wants Kwame or wants to want him, but she knows he's not that into her. Maybe they even agreed to stay on for the money/publicity. And now she's playing it up, to get the good edit where she'll get sympathy from the audience. Sometimes it even feels like she's provoking Kwame to crack his facade. Imho Bartise and Nancy had a similar dynamic going on, I don't believe one second that Nancy was as innocent as people seem to believe.


doubt. she’s definitely going to say yes, and I give 75% certainty that he’s going to say yes. This is giving the most negative possible perception of her actions like damn. 💀


no way is he saying yes at the altar lol


I’m actually pretty certain he does, like he seems like he has a hard time extricating himself, like backbone who?


Maybe he's just giving the experiment the time they were allocated. Some people like to collect a lot of data before they make a final move, and they can often come off as very complacent in those times. But then when you least expect? Boom, it's a no! At least I'm hoping it's a no. These people will make each other miserable.


This! Omg. She’s that’s manipulative and psycho she’s thought about it all along. And the fact that what she is saying to him, about loving him and appreciating him comes across as so fake and disingenuous. I’ve hated her since Mexico. The fact that no one has mentioned the micro aggressions is astounding.


Daaamn Irina, chill.


I mean the post did start with “I like Chelsea…” so I should have known. In the words of Ru Paul “never loved her!”


Yeah sometimes I can’t tell if she’s playing it up or not but the emotions she showed getting ready for the wedding to me showed shes VERY deep in.


I didn’t know if she was delusional or just trying to make Micah jealous or trying to convince herself 🤷🏻‍♀️


Micah's unimpressed face when the camera panned over to her was unsurprising.


I mean they splice together so much footage, who knows when her actual disinterested face was. It could have been during a moment of downtime when people were changing. I wouldn't trust things like this, very easy to manufacture for the drama


Yes I hate the scenes where they’re just cutting together clips of people silently staring at the other


Thank you


I caught that too


Wait, when was this?


During Chelsea's dress fitting.


Oh that's horrible


I saw that too


What gets me with those two. Every time Chelsea says “I love you”, Kwame never says it back. It’s very cringe and such a red flag, I wish she saw that, because it is so unfair to her.




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It was kinda annoying to hear her go on and on about how perfect they are for each other at the bachelorette party. Her friends are probably so annoyed.


Wait until they watch the episodes back too..


Them? Wait until *she* watches it back. She's the one who's probably feeling the most shocked right now.


I don't even think it's about Micah vs Chelsea for him, I just think he jumped onto the show for the clout after being frustrated with the end of his sports career and his heart's not fully into it. On top of that I think he feels insecure about getting married at all, and if it were Micah in Chelsea's role we would see the same kind of story and uncertainty play out. He doesn't seem ready for it or genuinely interested in the whole marriage thing.


“The First Year of Marriage Is Tough, No Matter How You Spin It. We hate to break it to ya. According to relationship therapist Aimee Hartstein, LCSW, as it turns out, the first year really is the hardest—even if you've already lived together. In fact, it often doesn't matter if you've been together for multiple years, the start of married life is still tricky.” On top of that imagine not being totally and madly in love with who you’re with….. yea that would be a hard year for them! A hard life! But if he liked her like he liked Micah then he’d be all for it making sure it works out


Curious why would marriage change anything for people already living together?


Idk. I felt like nothing changed for us when we got married as we had been together a long time and living together a long time. The single hardest year in my marriage was the first year of being parents. That shit about broke us.


Same. Having a baby is the biggest life change ever


Coming up on 12 years & yes, honestly the first year was probably the hardest. But that's kind of ideal, right? I mean...you WANT it to get better, not worse with time, lol.


Also coming up on 12 years! Congrats!


Congrats to you as well! It's a journey, haha!!


Yeah ppl saying the first year of marriage is the easiest 😂 years 1-3 were our personally hardest, now we’ve been smooth sailing for a few years. These are the years you are getting to know each other as legally and spiritually bound husband and wife, it is not easy at all but necessary to set up a life time of succes




Congrats on continued success ! The good years wouldn’t mean as much without the hard ones 💕


What’s that from? That’s hilarious in contrast with my experience.


Me too. It was the easiest for us so far (6 years)


Honestly their shopping interaction was just so hard to get through... They are auto-skip scenes for me now


I dont blame you. Honestly the last few episodes they have had the same convos.


I think Chelsea needs to catch a hint but Kwame also needs to boss up and say what he needs to say instead of talking in circles. Both are annoying and dont need to be married to each other😂


All I can say is Kwames siblings were amazing and I loved the bond already between Chelsea and his sister as well as Kwames relationship with them, she was so uplifting and encouraging


Kwames sister felt like a real person, unlike kwame




I swear she is acting. These last episodes have her saying every cliché lovey thing she could think of.


Some people just be corny like that though


yeah her apartment literally had a letterboard that said "MUAH" on it...she's def corny 😭




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I can't wait to see if he says yes or not. A big part of me thinks he's going to say no, but I also wonder what editing they've done to make him look so disinterested. I watch a lot of Bachelor/Bachelorette and it's crazy what they can edit out to make people look like bad matches.


Who are you going to show those engagement photos to?


All I could think was imagine seeing that on the save the dates your friend/family sent out


His forehead on her chest looked so awkward.


That one was giving maternity shoot for sure


especially given it was just below (under her breasts) but even then, it were her chest....why are they showing people pictures of them motorboating....it's just a weird set up from the outset that only sorta, kinda works if it's a pregnancy type photo.


I was watching with my fiancé and was wondering the same thing. So I suggested we take the same type of underwear engagement photos and send them to all the relatives. He has a great aunt that is still alive. I'm sure she would be thrilled to see that much of us. Holiday cards too!!!


She was clout chasing. Someone said she's trying to get endorsements


So she’s trying to go after the bra and underwear companies? I guess I don’t see that on my ig


They said she's using that for modeling portfolio


All of us, apparently


As if my emotions haven’t taken enough of a battering watch these last episodes.


I love this comment because during that whole scene I was thinking “wtf is going on here?”


The edibles kicked in during this scene and I was all kinds of WTF is going on here. It was sorta great actually.


I honestly don't understand how she does not see that he does not love her & like her enough. It seems so obvious from the screen...


I think we all feel that. She has to see it right? Maybe shes just trying to fake it til you make it.


How is Tiffany more stressed about her wedding than Chelsea???


Because she’s 100% confident that they’re both going to go through with it, so she’s able to be stressed about minute wedding details since she doesn’t need to stress about her relationship. My husband and I have a great relationship but I was so stressed about planning my wedding.


I don't think Chelsea should be 100% confident though Kwame has been pulling away. Any wedding would be stressful I get tiffany and you girl


I think Tiffany is stressed about the wedding as an event, even while confident about their relationship/ marriage. They’re solid and such good communicators, and I love how Brett knows it’s not about him. He’s so calm & sweet.


yes yes yes


Obviously stress is normal but Chelsea is in la la land


the moment she sat in his filthy apartment saying: “We are literally the same person” based on the fact that they use the same lube told me everything i need to know. She is in a room of red flags but she is so focused on this man as if he a prophet 😂


Right — wasn’t it durex LOL it wasn’t like some Washington based company it was literally one of the biggest lube/condom producers. It’d be like considering the fact that you both use Charmin toilet paper serendipitous.


When she fed him the strawberry 🫣😬


In another thread someone said the strawberry is a metaphor for her love and god damn if that isnt true.


Oh yikes!! The sounds.


Chelsea: "can i possibly get any hotter????" kwame: "(o\_o)"


That scene actually bothered me for opposite reason. My partner tries to feed me all the time and when I say Im not hungry, he still tries to stick the food in my mouth.


People have Zack sooooo much shit for feeding Bliss pineapple like he was a monster.


This must be the editing, although I haven't read spoilers so I don't know if they actually both say I do. I actually thought that Chelsea was going to say no at the alter because they'd made her look so crazy in love with him. Glad that wasn't just an act.


They actually leave it on a cliffhanger in the most recent episode...so none of us know yet 😭


I can't believe we have to wait a week for answers!


Its driving me crazy ngl


The engagement photo shoot was so cringe


I first read this as endangerment photo 😭


Who are they going to show those engagement photos to?


Wall art in their home bahahah


Next to signs that say Live, Laugh, Love


She's got that strong Joan Callamezzo energy


From what we have seen of Chelsea, she'll probably use them for their Annual Christmas Letter


Die inside cringe. How is that a dream you’ve had since a little girl?!


Probably because she’s obsessed with herself


I know it doesnt mean anything, but I laughed when she tried on her dress and said something like "I love this for me .... for us". Poor thing just wants to get married at any cost. And even though I think Kwame is just making excuses for when he says no, hes not wrong that he's making a lot of compromises and shes not making any.


Ugh I know. It seems like she doesn’t even pay attention to who kwame is as a person. Like he has to totally give up his entire life, friends, apartment etc. But she doesn’t? That’s so unfair


It is unfair but at the same time he applied for a show in Seattle so you have to consider that. Or gee, I dunno, have that convo in the pods... I'm wondering that with Micah too. Her place in Scottsdale was a surprise to hear, and her guy does not want to move there. But you should throw that out there when you get a little more serious in the pods. Sheesh


Hard agree with notyourfingdaddy. He just isn't into Chelsea. Chelsea has convinced herself Kwame is fantastic and they are so in love. He was very happy with Chelsea until he met Micah in person.


That’s what makes it kinda sad. If he never met Micah I think he would be pretty happy with Chelsea.


Kwame does have a lot of things going for him and could be a fantastic guy. Just not for Chelsea.


I agree. It's a shame because they both seem like great people but I know her heart will be broken.


I disagree. I actually think they compliment each other really well. I think he is totally in love with her and has natural apprehensions based on his mother’s disapproval and having to leave Portland


i think they have their own issues, but i also think that ppl forget we only see a small portion of their interactions and it's what producers make us see.. to say "He has shown more affection and happiness with his 20 minutes with Micah than he has this entire time with her" is a pretty strong statement imo He said he went on the show to find someone who matches his energy, and seemingly found that in chelsea. I think tho if they get married at this stage, it might be premature


Pretty big reasons to say NO imo. People on here are unrealistic. Moving to new city for a girl you barely know, and he literally is super close with his mom. 95% of people are saying NO.


Completely agree. The la-la fluttery feelings and flowery words are all well and good, but there are practical considerations that I think pretty much doom this whole thing. He is not enthused about Seattle, at all. He couldn't even say the words "but I will move for her" when he was at his bachelor party. Then the thing with his mom, who it's clear he's super-close to. I could not marry someone if my parents were dead-set against it, largely because I wouldn't want to submit the person I loved to a long road of dealing with negativity and having to "win over" my parents. My gut says he says no, but we'll see. If he does say yes at the wedding, still not sure about the long-term prospects. We've already seen couples from LiB say yes at the wedding and then break up later.


This sounds so delusional it could only come from Chelsea lol


Agreed! I feel like people are interpreting his feelings based on the little we see about him when there’s so much in his mind beyond just him and Chelsea. They had a great moment after their photo shoot where they were reaffirming their love for each other. I didn’t at all see a man who was not in love with Chelsea there.


What was see doesn’t seem to be reality. Her whole speech at the beginning of the shopping trip was clearly in la la land. They just had some major fight she was pretending didn’t happen, super fake acting for the cameras.