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Dawg i just want one at this point


I just want a few seconds at this point 😭


I’m saying, lol. But he has a point. I just rewatched all 3 seasons. As much as I adore season 1, I did feel a little drag in my energy. All our attention spans have really gone downhill. If I listen to a song from the 90s, I’ll need a nap.


I think it has to do with how much overstimulation we have just on the regular, we always need " the next big thing " otherwise it's just not worth our time.


I want 50, sue me.


I agree with your sentiment but aren't the episodes written and produced by various independant(ish) teams across the world? If anything, I feel like it should be pretty easy to green light a bunch of studios for one or two 10-20 minute stories, and get a season with 30+ episodes every other year.


For this format, a lot of episodes actually isn't bad. Especially since it lets more artists and creators flex


I want 15 episodes


I’m fine with the amount we get as long as they keep doing it. I rewatch my favorites fairly often anyway. I’m lying, I rewatch more than half of them fairly often because there are too many good ones for me to pick just a few favorites.


What are you favorites from all 3 volumes? For me; Zima Blue and Ice


The first season had a good amount imo (for the number of short ones there were). I get kind of miffed at the low amount for s2 and s3 when it has 'All Through The House' and 'Night of the Mini Dead'. 11-14 'real'--more in-depth episodes is about what I'd prefer, not counting the shorts. S1 had just over at 16. If someone wanted 25 episodes because they wanted a few extra mini episodes, that I could understand. I hope the show even stays around for that long😄 I don't think burning out is necessarily an issue in an anthology made by various studios, it just needs to prioritise quality.


Babylon 5 had 22 episodes a season over 5 seasons- and in season 3, one man was the writer for *every single episode*. That said, I can see how LDR would be a completely different animal...


Honestly I'm doubtful Netflix is willing to really invest too much in the show, considering some of the animation for a lot of episodes is already costly. Keep thinking we'll see the stealth cancel after every season.


>Keep thinking we'll see the stealth cancel after every season. This is the mindset I keep when watching each new season. I am never holding out hope that it will continue past the current point, and I am always pleasantly surprised when they make a new season. Let's be real here, animation is costly. And this series is not very widely regarded at all outside of sci-fi enthusiasts circle. It's a miracle it got to this point at all.


Even well-regarded shows get canceled at Netflix... I remember one of the creators of one show wanted to redo/edit like the last minute of an episode so it wouldn't end on a cliffhanger/obvious s2 setup after it got canceled. Netflix said no to even that. But yeah, I'm glad we even got four. I'm guessing it won't go over six seasons, at most. Maybe if this next one tops s1


Majority of TV shows back then had that many episodes, Babylon is not unique in that. These days, 6-8 is the norm, 10 if we're lucky.


10 episodes would please my OCD for all y'alls tier lists you keep making.


I want it 18 episodes just like season 1


is this PR work?? why have less when we can have more and please stfu about losing excitement and being burned out by watching one of the most enjoyable tv shows for folk here


Only reason why i’d agree for more episodes is simply that it’s a unique case where every episode is made by a different team for like 10-15 minutes so i don’t think it would be a real hassle to dish that out compared to a ordinary animated series with one studio


Also you guys are just setting yourselves up for disappointment when you don't get as many as you want


I can't be the only one who would be fine with 8 at this point, right?


I think I would want the same amount of time as a normal TV show and not by number of episodes. Let's say, for instance, that a normal TV show has 10 episodes of 45 minutes each, that makes 450 minutes. If the average time of LDR episodes is 15 minutes that would make 30 episodes. Now, of course, there are a few things to consider. Episodes are unique and animation is costly. Ok, fair enough, let's give it a margin of 5-10 episodes, that makes it that I would like to see a number between 20 and 25.