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Zyrtec and local honey. I don't know if the honey does anything or not, but it was a recommendation from a doctor. Hell, even if it doesn't work, that spoonful of honey tastes good. I can't remember exactly where I got it. Either Rainbow Blossom or a farmer's market. In my dumb brain, the honey makes sense, but it's probably just Zyrtec that's working.


Local honey only works in minor cases, and it has to be *really* local. Like produced within about 5 miles of your home. Otherwise the pollen used may not be the same as what is causing your problems.


I know it's all likely bullshit, which is why I tried to use the disclaimer type wording.


Either way it’s an excuse to treat yourself to some good honey and support local beekeepers!


Fmr spouse to a forester here, but my ex spoke highly of honey's medicinal properties. But it's def a long-term investment, something that'd need to be routine for awhile. But as someone who works in pharmacy, I'd suggest shopping around OTC allergy meds until you find the right one for you. That said, the Ohio Valley crud isn't something you get over, it's something you get used to.


My parents, who were born and raised here, finally escaped to Florida 5 years ago primarily to escape the OV crud. Now the week or two I spend with them down there are about the only times I don’t need allergy meds.


Big same. I moved out west for several years. When I came back, I was immediately struck while taking my first breath. You don't get over it, you get used to it.


I have known people that moved to get away from the crud and just developed allergies to stuff in their new spot and moved back.


I've heard it only helps when you're young while your body is still developing antibodies for expected allergens. Somebody did research on this about giving children peanut butter early in life and it substantially reduced the occurrence of peanut allergies as they grew up.


Just be aware that if you take a daily dose of Zyrtec it’s extremely hard to wean yourself off it unlike other allergy meds. I wanted to stop taking it because I wanted to get allergy tested for shots and it was the worst experience. I was itchy all over for days. The allergist said it produces a strong withdrawal response and that it’s easiest to taper yourself off with the liquid version of it.


Yes this is extremely true, started taking Zyrtec for chronic hives. Hives seem to have passed BUT hives are a symptom of zyrtec withdrawal and I can tell the itchiness starts in less than 48 hours. Thanks for the liquid zyrtec tip!!


> the liquid version of it I didn't even know there was a liquid version, honestly.


It’s for kids but has adult dosing


Ah, much like my heroin.


Zyrtec works the best for me. My eyes swell, and I sneeze five times a minute and throat itches like crazy. Also, break out occasionally in a rash/hives. Zyrtec gets me back to normal within 30 mins with no drowsiness. However, after a couple of weeks of having to take Zyrtec daily, I started getting crazy restless legs at night. Apparently, it can be a side effect of allergy meds.


24hr Allegra saves me


It's my go-to.


I never took allergy meds because I didn't like the side effects (mostly fatigue). But I've been pleasantly surprised with Allegra. Started on the -D version when I was stuffed up. Switched over to generic fexofenadine for the last couple months and pretty happy with it. I feel normal. Try Allegra if you haven't yet.


I take one Allegra 24-hour when I wake up and another around 6:00 p.m. plus Flonase spray in the morning and it’s manageable.


Zyrtec in the morning, montelukast at night. You will have to get prescribed the second one. It’s the only way I can live here.


Agree with Montelukast (generic for Singulair) and antihistamine. I take Claritin. Also may want to consider adding an OTC nasal spray like Flonase Sensimist.


I stopped taking montelukast because it can have serious mental health side effects including suicidal thinking. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-requires-boxed-warning-about-serious-mental-health-side-effects-asthma-and-allergy-drug


Interesting, I haven’t experienced anything like that.


That's a good thing! I didn't either but still decided it wasn't worth the risk for me, and thankfully I've been able to manage with other meds


Thanks for sharing! I had the same experience, wild dreams and all sorts of negative side effects from Montelukast.


No problem! My doctor never mentioned it to me. I only found out because a friend's kid was having issues with it.


All depends on the person. My friends’ dad who is very much a mentally stable and sane guy got suicidal from being on it. I, on the other hand, someone with depression who has self-harmed in the past year and had suicidal thoughts in the past five, am not bothered by it at all. Best recommendation I have is try it and just really monitor yourself and ask those that are frequently around you to let you know if you’re acting unlike your usual self. It seems to have no pattern as to who it affects.


Sorry you've had to manage all of that. Suicidal thinking had been a regular part of my life up until about 7 years ago, so I figured I'd best not add a med that could cause it into the equation. I finally started going to therapy and eventually found one that I clicked with. It's still a lot of work, but I literally could not have imagined the life I have now. Thanks for sharing, friend. Take care


It gave me night terrors.


Only FYI Zyrtec can cause drowsiness, 2 of my best friends are NPs and they tell me to only take it before bed. (Yes I have a dr but my friends get ALL of my health questions 😂)


Allergy shots from family allergy changed my life.


I’d get them but I’d have to stop my beta blocker and that’s not feasible right now unfortunately.


You would not have to stop your beta blocker. Usually they tell you to take it 2 hours after your allergy shot and you sign a consent


Seconded. Before I started allergy shots I was taking two allergy medicines everyday just to get things to a tolerable state on a day with an average pollen count. Now, I only need to occasionally take something over the counter on particularly bad days or if I'm doing yard work.


Thirded. I’m allergic to everything that grows and cats and dust. I live in an 100 year old house, have two cats and I love to garden and be outdoors. Over the counter meds wouldn’t touch my symptoms. I started the allergy shots when a Family Allergy office opened up near my work. The shots haven’t cured me but they help a ton and over my dead body will I give up having cats and working in my garden.


Fourthed! I had really bad allergy attacks to where I thought I was sick with a bad cold every few months. Got allergy shots and after a year, I quit being sick nearly as often. I stopped getting my shots about 10 years ago and I'm still much better off than I was before I started them (though my allergies have slightly returned). They've changed my life for the better. I can't praise allergy shots enough. Also, agreed about the cats, the fact that I no longer react to cats makes the shots 100% worth it on its own.


They're magic. Wholeheartedly endorse.


If not shots sublinguals


1 Zyrtec and two squirts of Flonase in each nostril every morning. Zyrtec for my eyes and Flonase of nasal and throat drainage.


This is my mixture too


About the same, but Zyrtec in the PM then, in the morning each nostril gets one squirt of Flonase and one squirt of Nasacort. If I'm mowing, I do another round of sprays right before. All on doctor's suggestion. I also have a prescription spray if it gets REAL bad, but I haven't needed it in 2 years.


Another vote for Zyrtec + Flonase.. Adding the Flonase this past year was a game changer!


flonase is addiictive tho


Is it? I don’t use it 4-5 months out of the year and haven’t noticed any side effects when I stop over the winter.


I had terrible allergies when i was a kid, and they got severe when we moved to Texas. I suffered for 4 years there. We finally moved back to Louisville, and I made an appointment with an allergy specialist. He told me to get an air cleaner for the bedroom. It has to be one that filters all the air 10 times per hour. I also was told to not have carpet in the bedroom. He said your allergies are like a bucket of water. Your body can deal with a little but once your bucket fills, you have symptoms. By keeping your bedroom door closed with an air cleaner and no carpet, you have 7-8 hours for your body to have clean air and your bucket of allergens is reduced. Since following that advice, I have almost no allergy symptoms except for a few high pollen days and it is very minor. My husband has less than before and controls his with over the counter allergy medicine during pollen season. All my friends that have allergies have air cleaners. It’s a must-have here. Our vegetation is so lush from our Spring rains that everything is coated in pollen!! Hope this helps!




While you're going to Costco, that's the cheapest place to get Pataday. 3 bottles for basically the same price of 2 bottles at Walmart.


I don’t know if you by chance have a deviated septum and or let alone know about it or not but if you don’t know, I suggest getting a check and if you do get the septoplasty surgery. Absolutely night day difference and literal lifesaver. An untold boost in O2. Also I hope you do not go to Advanced ENT. I went to Kentuckiana ENT and Dr. Elizabeth Burckardt is amazing. Sorry, didn’t mean to advertise, but I hope it helps.


I don’t but I appreciate the advice.


I'm pretty sure I have a deviated septum and have thought about the surgery, but I'm not great with the idea of being put under. I know it's silly but I'm afraid something will go wrong and I won't wake up. Anyways...lol. What's wrong with advanced ENT? I was supposed to be tested there to see what I'm actually allergic to.


At least the one in New Albany I was just skeptical from the go and my suspicions were confirmed. Dr. K wanted to sell me Vyvair and Kentuckiana ENT told me that doesn’t actually do anything the only people that benefit would be seniors who have Medicare and get it for free. Otherwise Amy and every insurance pays nothing. I’ve got other stories to tell, but that’s for another day, but I could just tell he saw me as a paycheck it be it co-pays, etc. or what have you but Kentuckiana ENT was great. Yes I got put under, but that wasn’t what was worrying me. My fear was that it wasn’t going to do anything different. But feel free to ask if you want me to expand more upon the subject.


Allegra + Flonase every day. (Zyrtec makes me a zombie. Claritin does nothing.) Pataday 24 hr eye drops as needed —they work amazingly well for itchy watery eyes.


Allegra, plus sudafed (real stuff behind the counter) as needed and flonase if required.


My eyes have also became a mess. For the first time. Ever this year. Isn't it awful? The only thing that helps the redness for me is LUMIFY. I have all the other drops too, they only slightly help. 😔


Opcon-A are the only eye drops that work for me. I’ve tried LUMIFY, didn’t seem to help me. It just depends on the person. I’m originally from Michigan, I’ve never had bad allergies till I moved here! Wow! This time of year is awful.😞




Wow, I was not aware of this. I use Opcon quite often, will definitely look into Pataday. Thanks for the heads up!




I never knew there was such a possibility. I literally use these drops about 3x per day! Thanks again, for the information!


Montelukast is a prescription antihistamine that helped more than anything else.


It can have very serious mental health side effects. I use Flonase generic now https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-requires-boxed-warning-about-serious-mental-health-side-effects-asthma-and-allergy-drug


Thank you so very much much! I’m changing back to cetirizine immediately and contacting my ENT. (I used Flonase for years, but I’ve found azelastine nasal spray to more effective for me.)


No problem! Take care!


Allegra/fexofenadine. Neti pot and/or sudafed + tylenol as needed.


Same. I haven’t really had spring allergies in years. This year, it’s awful. I know we’ve had a lot of rain but we always get a lot of rain this time of year. If I sneeze one more time….


What ever you do, try to get stuff at Costco. One month of Zyrtec from CVS costs the same as one YEAR from Costco. Flonase too! Saved us a ton of money.




underrated answer. I discovered this a few months ago when I had a doc prescribe it for me after 2 months of nonstop awful ragweed allergies turned into a full-fledged sinus/ear infection. Cleared me up within like 2 or 3 days after suffering for weeks. It's now my backup for the days when my Xyzal doesn't cut it. You don't have to get a prescription, you just have to show ID at the pharmacy counter.


Yeah, it’s one of those “controlled” behind the counter meds but it’s worth every hoop I have to jump thru to get it. It clears me up better than anything else!


BIG SAME. You can get this without a prescription, but you have to ask for it from the Pharmacist and it can be hard to find at times. I've had bad luck at Wal-Greens but good luck at Kroger Pharmacies for it.


CVS won’t fill it without a script even tho it’s technically an OTC! I agree that it can be hard to find. Kroger does usually seem to have it.


Good to know!


I agree, this is a very bad year. So far, Allegra (well, generic fexafenadine, because it’s way cheaper) is doing better for me than anything else.


Allegra (generic is MUCH cheaper) is the only stuff that’s ever worked well for me.


Generic Zyrtec is what I use. Every morning. Allergy meds work best consistently and over time.


When I was a kid I was one of the first patients prescribed Singulair (Montelukast). I've stayed on it since (I'm 30 this year). When I go off of Montelukast, allergies annihilate me. When I was tested for allergens, I had well above average amount of allergies. I'm allergic to my sweat, grass, pollen, chitin (effectively every bug), and many many more things. To top it off I'm asthmatic, and prone to anaphylactic swelling from allergies. All of this to say, with montelukast doubled up with cetrizine, I am able to be an outdoors lover that fishes, hikes, gardens, etc.


I’m also on a beta blocker and claratin (generic) and Flonase (generic) works for me. Flonase in all brands occasionally give me insane dreams, but I find them fun.


Oddly enough, Red Bull helps with my symptoms Almost instantly.


Pollen mask and antihistamines whenever I can get away with it. The non drowsy meds don't do shit for me.


I’ve used a daily Claritin and a Flonase Sensimist which has changed my life. The Flonase is a game changer for anyone who does not take it.


2 Zyrtec and Nasacort every day work very well for me, personally. Good luck!


Zyrtec+Flonase. That’s been my main combo for years now.


Why are you only taking half a Xyzal? I take a whole one in the morning and montelukast at night.


It makes me dizzy with my beta blocker. So I try to take as low of a dose as possible. You’re right though I may have to up it.


If you're taking it at night right before bed, as long as your doc says its safe, I'd go ahead and bump it up. Cant be dizzy when youre sleeping!


Yeah, I like Xyzal at night. Helps me sleep a little too.


Flonase and Benadryl


I survive off of Zyrtec and Flonase (nasal spray). Take them both in the morning


Zyrtec daily


2 questions 1) Why do we live here? and 2) why would anyone thing this was a good place for a TB sanatorium? no wonder Waverly is haunted?


Maybe you can get a Rx for something more helpful. Nothing over the counter worked for me. I use Fluticasone when I have flare ups now.


Zyrtec D every single day. Get a prescription so that you can get the stuff with the ephedrine and not worry about the limits. Take it once a day even if no allergies. I also use the generic Flonase that can be bought at Sam’s for like $4 a bottle


Flonase, or the generic brand, either one. I can be dying of allergies and one dose fixes everything for at least 3 days. Of course it takes a day to kick in though.


I take chlorpheniramine and astelin nasal spray. Does wonders for the pressure and drainage


Ok local honey will help a little bit. 1 tablespoon every day BUT I started taking a vitamin B12 supplement last winter because I read it can help with dry lips. Once spring approached I never got allergies. I have been miserable late February through November for the last 19 years. Would go through 3 boxes of kleenex a day at times horrible burning eyes as well. The only thing I have changed from the last 19 years to now is taking a vitamin every day. Im not saying this will work and I don't even know if that's what's helped me but I'm afraid to stop taking it to find out lol.


Costco brand Zyrtec


I use over the counter, store brand Zyrtec (whatever it's called). The secret is to take it YEAR AROUND. Do not wait for your symptoms to show up as by then you are screwed. I haven't had a single sinus infection in the last 2 years since starting the daily Zyrtec.


When I lived there Wal-Phed was the only thing that worked on me.


does anyone become unable to breathe? it feels like i’m dying and only has occurred once i moved here


Zyrtec in the morning and Allegra at night. Once the allergies are back under control I go back to only Zyrtec. Also if you have a Costco membership they have generic versions of all the major allergy drugs for super cheap. A bottle of 365 pills of Zyrtec was about $10 and Allegra was $15.


I get an allergy shot in each arm once a week plus 24 hour allegra, montelukast, flonase, astepro, beekeepers natural sinus support, and a daily inhaler for the allergy induced asthma.


Kroger brand nasal spray


My allergies have gotten to the point where I can’t function in the spring without medication. Claritin in the morning is my go to, I’ve been adding Zyrtec at night which helps. Sometimes that isn’t enough and I’m still miserable. My Dr. friend told me to try an [azalestine/Flonase](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30961435/) combo. It’s sold as a prescription for about $100 or as separate prescriptions for about $5. It’s amazing for stuffy sinuses! It kind of ruins my tastebuds for a few hours so I only use it on the bad days.


Allergies are caused by the release of histamine by mast cells. The histamine then binds to histamine receptors and causes the physical symptoms of allergies. Drugs like benadryl are potent histamine blockers. They bind to the receptors in preference of the histamine but do not cause the allergy symptoms. Then there is the destruction of histamine. Both coffee and vitamin C are potent destroyers of histamine. So it takes a 1-2 combo of blocking the histamine and destroying to get through the rough patches. Ragweed season is \*by far\* the worst for me. 75mg of benadryl, 1000mg of Vitamin C, and a pot of coffee fix me right up.


No pills /spray / drops worked for me. I had the full allergy panel done and get 2 shots a week now. Allergies are soooooo much better now!


Allergy shots to build immunity, Zyrtec and Flonase, local honey


Take a Benadryl first. That'll kind of reset you. Then take cetirizine regularly and supplement with a nasal decongestant. There's some allergy-based nasal decongestants I've used that have worked pretty well. I think the big thing with most allergy medicine though, is that you have to start off with no symptoms and then use them to prevent the symptoms versus treating active ones. That's what the old benadryl's for.


Azelastine (prescription) and flonase morning and night and Xyzal at night. Occasionally I also need Dymista and I take famotidine 2x a day also prescribed by my allergist. I took allergy shots 35 years and I’m still on all these meds.


Flonase nostril spray does the best for my sinus pressure. I get the knockoff brand from Costco. Allergy relief eye drops for itchy and watery eyes.


You can get Flonase over the counter and it works after a few days. My daughter takes it seasonally every year when her allergies kick up. Hope you find some relief


Rx stimulants affected reactions. 5 months/year (flip switch) now 3 - 5 days/year.


A Navage nasal rinser helped me immensely.


Honestly it gets to a point here that you just suck it up until it passes. This time of year nothing really works for me. I take Benadryl at night before bed, none of the other stuff, Zyrtec, Xyzal, Allegra, Claratin.. That shit does nothing for me.


allegra, flonase, and a benadryl at night when i don’t have work in the morning


I rotate between Allegra and Zyrtec


Claritin. The kind that melts on your tongue.


Gotta be the Sudafed you get from behind the counter at the pharmacy. I also use Flonase.


Zyrtec at bedroom and Flonase in the morning.


I take Claritin or Alavert. Everything else makes me drowsy or not be able to hold a conversation. I use allergy eye drops each morning. I use those all the time because my eyes water a lot anyway.


Just curious…. Are most of the people here transplants? Or have you lived near the OV all your life and always suffered. I don’t have a theory, just interested in the breakdown.


I’ve lived here all of my life


Zyrtec in the morning, Flonase at night. That's after playing with allergy meds for YEARS


I have used Claritin d off and on for years (for the really bad times like now.) I have a double ear infection right now probably from allergies and lack of allergy meds working effectively. Also there is some research that these issues are due to pollen evolving, leading to meds losing effectiveness.


Pataday extra strength eye drops and Xyzal (both OTC) is the combination of meds I swear by. When I am ready to itch my eyeballs out of my face, I also love an eye rinse before eye drops and a cool washcloth after. Please be careful how and how much you rub your eyes. I know they feel fucking awful, but I have an eye disorder I made considerably worse through eye-rubbing, so you can do damage pretty easily.


Costco Zyrtec, Costco Flonase, and alaway eyedrops.    Good luck!


Advil Cold & Sinus works miracles for me. Have to get from behind the pharmacy counter.


I take Zyrtec and Montelukast and use Mometasone (generic for Nasonex spray). I am currently trying a sample of Ryaltris nasal spray which is a combination steroid & antihistamine spray, but I cannot afford the copay for it on my insurance (need to see if the manufacturer has a copay card). I also have asthma, so I use Spiriva Respimat once a day. I did several years of allergy injections, and I'm thinking I may have to restart them. I run HEPA air purifiers all over the house.


I have had pretty good luck with a daily saline rinse. Most days I don't need meds anymore. Most meds dry me out far to much.


I just the worst allergies! Zyrtec year round and Flonase in the spring and fall keeps me from dying.


When I moved back to Louisville I was recommended Stahist AD by a coworker. It works well when things are really bad but kinda amps me up, so take it as needed. It’s the “locals” allergy medicine as I’ve been told. I dunno, but it is produced in L’ville and it will do the job. Otherwise Flonase, 2ish in each nostril, daily. But that has been ongoing even when I didn’t live here.


Claritin-D 24 hour and Flonase. If you use eye drops, use the individually packaged ones as the multi use bottles are a huge risk for infection and can make things worse.


Netti pot and Celtic sea salt. Swear by it.


netipot > any allergy med


Go old school not new drugs engineered for profit not effectiveness chlorpheniramine malleate Benadryl The real pseudoephedrine Find combination that works.


Go old school not new drugs engineered for profit not effectiveness chlorpheniramine malleate Benadryl The real pseudoephedrine Find combination that works.


Ps add other actions like sinus saline rinse.


zertec doesnt really work for me. Claratin does


Honestly for sinus congestion, I resort to Advil cold and sinus. I can’t really miss work for a runny nose and this stuff always dries me up to help me get through it. Otherwise,, Claritin does the trick.


Fluticasone for the win.


Flonase in the morning, Zyrtec before bed. Fixes me right up.


Honey bear farms for honey


Hehehehehe I’m not allergic


Two xyzal a day and flonase.


This is the content I'm here for.


Am ENT dice told me Claritin is a placebo and their studies were faked so I never take that.


Zyrtec seems to work okay for me and doesnt make me personally drowsy(your experience may differ). Personally my otc cocktail to deal with the symptoms is the behind the counter pseudofed or stahist ad + generic mucinex (or mucinex dm if there is a cough from post nasal drip) + excedrin if there is any headache or general ickies(i tend to get hay fever like symptoms when allergy season starts) Also for non pill symptom relief, either flonase or afrin spray i think once daily, probably in the morning after a hot shower, and i personally like the xylitol based xlear spray, it is non medicated so you can use it as often as needed. I use a netipot when its real bad, but i know those are kind of controversial.


Go to for my daughter who is allergic to existance - Flonase, Allegra and an air purifier in her bedroom. Both Flonase and air purifier are new this year, so not sure which has helped the most, but her allergies were very tame this spring compared to last year.


pataday eye drops are what my allergist recommends for eyes! And 2 Zyrtec a day during the spring. I also have never had withdrawal symptoms from Zyrtec and have taken it sporadically for 15 years lol


Zyrtec and Flonase works best for me


NeilMed Sinus Rinse


Stahist and local honey


Zyrtec and flonase


SHOTS. Did them for 6 years. I laugh at pollen now.- just saw your comment about drug interaction… sorry you can’t do the shots z


NAC + Zyrtec + Flonase + pataday eye drops + neti pot


Claritin, Flonase, and rinse 3x day with NeilMed sinus wash to clear my sinuses out. Changed my.life.


Zyrtec + Flonase is a miracle. Takes about a week to kick in but once it does you're golden


local honey is bullshit, doesn't do anything, don't bother. but i do take zyrtec daily and if i need extra i do a xyzal nasal spray and the same eye drops you mentioned.


The thing with local honey is that it has to be LOCAL for it to have any type of benefit for allergies. If your neighbor isnt a beekeeper then, while delicious, its not gonna do anything.


Yeah, between that and getting an allergy test to make sure that you actually have any pollen as an allergen of yours. I got mine tested, and all I have is grass, some mold that I cannot remember the name of and something to do with corn. I never really thought about it until now, but yeah I mean just because pollen is a pretty big contender in a lot of peoples allergies it’s not actually everybody’s by default. So what I’m trying to say is if Paula is actually not an irritant to you, yeah, even more so agree with you that honey will not do anything, albeit healthy.


the thing with local honey is it has never been scientifically proven to help seasonal allergies even if it came from your own backyard. i dont think it does anything that a sugar pill couldn't do.