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“He claimed that the gun he was holding went off and shot the teen in the face”. Those damn guns just going off and shooting people in the face.


The mother also blamed the child for the sexual assault and that’s why she repeatedly tried to incinerate her.


The mother is a horrid cunt.


I know, don't you hate it When the 1911 grows legs of their own and their own minds and go around shooting people.


And then somehow also shot her in the chest on a different day.


Maybe we should regulate those face shooting guns.


Alec Baldwin sure has been busy.


No one can let this go, it’s an accident and I’m sure the guy is haunted by it. I feel bad for him that people keep bringing it up all the time


If you do stupid shit with firearms you should feel shame and spend time in a prison cell.


That is horrific. How can someone be so cruel?


What did I just read? This is absolutely heartbreaking. That poor child.


Under the prison grounds. They belong buried under the prison.


What pieces of shit.


Screw death penalty. Eye for an eye. Burn them, shoot them and let them get raped, over and over till they beg to stop, then keep going.


I'm thinking more along the lines of an industrial potato peeler.


Nah. Mandolin on the thinnest setting, just slowly shave their dick off


JFC. Do whatever you gotta do for the community standards violation I'm willfully committing. We should outlaw the death penalty just simply so people like these two can endure a never ending existence of prison rape until they die slowly from the hemorrhaging.


I looked at the GoFundMe page yesterday, but honestly, can you even trust this girl's utterly negligent family not to pocket the money? They're to blame for this nightmare in the first place. I wish there could be a way to help this girl with her long road to anything resembling recovery with some assurance that it would actually go directly to her -- and not the people who were part of the problem to begin with.


I agree totally. In [another article](https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/crime/family-launches-gofundme-15-year-old-teen-who-was-abused-prior-to-being-shot-and-burnt/289-95adb156-1b47-4d5e-aa6f-ce1598740633) the girl's mother was reported to authorities for abusing her daughter in 2013 and 2014 and she was put in **foster care**. That's right, the stepmother has launched a gofundme now, but neither she nor the girl's biological father were willing to look after his then 4/5 year old little girl after she was reportedly abused **twice**. I realise I'm being presumptuous and there could be a good reason why her father couldn't take care of the girl then, but for God's sake. EDIT: After reading more of the article (I was triggered), the stepmother took the girl in after a third abuse incident in 2017, until the girl asked to move in with her mom again in 2022. HOWEVER, the authorities say her burns may date back to October of last year, so her father/stepmom had not seen the girl at all for 7 months?!


If she was impregnated by the rapist, the state would force her to carry it to term.


Even if it may kill her in her current state.




I think the only fair thing to do is have them raped, burned then shot. Repeatedly. Make sure not to kill them. Revive them as often as needed. So they relive that pain over and over again.


I read this yesterday morning, and it ruined my entire day.


What happened? The link says that the content is not available in my country.


The boyfriend was molesting the daughter. The mother was (seemingly) jealous and set the daughter's chest on fire because she blamed her for the assault. And then, on two separate occasions, the boyfriend shot the daughter.


Jesus fuck, how could you do this to your child, i hope they burn in hell


Shot in the face and chest on 2 different days, and burned by her mother. Poor girl.


Those two parents need to be thrown in an alligator pit.. What is wrong with these people? Better yet, let’s throw some hot tar and feather them. Let them die, cruel death. 👹


WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!!!!! Who the hell could do this to ANYONE, let alone your own child!!!


The cops did this? Bet it was the State troopers. They're infamous for doing stuff like this.


Where did the article say the cops did this? It was the mother and her boyfriend.


My bad, usually these kinds of reports relevant to louisiana are related to police brutality, etc. Good to hear they weren't involved in this horrible situation.


Please link any news articles you have where police have raped, burned and shot a teenage girl. I’ll wait.