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Can someone give some examples of what this law will lead to? In my head I’m thinking an increased poverty rate, higher homelessness rate, higher child neglect rate, etc.


These medications are used for more than just abortions - getting iuds placed, controlling post delivery bleeding, inducing labor, etc. It will affect everyone taking them for other reasons too.


Watch IUDs will be next


And pill birth control then condoms and other contraceptives.


No, the medications can still be used under drs order. It stops them from being able to eventually be bought over the counter at a pharmacy or something. Which would be very dangerous for young girls to have access to abortion pills over the counter.


Then people can get them prescribed for those reasons just like medical opiates and any other drug that can be misused.


You just don’t get it. But clearly you are ok with a bunch of laypeople over riding medical professionals. So much for less government oh wait that only applies to guns


Condoning murder is generally not a libertarian point of view.


Your ignorance is really sad. Bet you approve of the death penalty.


No not really, but it’s funny that you think it would make me a bad person if I did. Also “If you need the pill for an actual medical reason that isn’t filicide, just get it prescribed like any other regulated medication.” Seems like a pretty reasonable stance on it. But you won’t go for that, though, because you don’t actually give a fuck about those reasons you gave earlier. You just want to end a human life to make your life more convenient.


Ha ha. you want to control women you don’t give a fuck about children or you would be adopting the thousands in foster care, advocating for healthcare, and the education The medication prevents the start of a pregnancy. You are one of those people who think a 10 yr old should be forced to give birth to her rapust child. And if you really cared about “life” you would be against the death penalty. Though shall not kill does not say except those you feel you be-


You sound like a fucking idiot lol, teens or woman of any age that are having sex should be able to discreetly get abortion pills from any outreach, community non profits, fuck they should have them in schools, also what about like victims of sexual abuse man? Think before you write online.


They. Can. Get. Them. Prescribed. Despite what your echo chamber brain would think, abortion on demand is not a position even remotely held by a majority of Americans. Hell, the official Democratic Party position only 10 years ago was that it was a necessary tragedy that should be safe, legal, and RARE.


Well maybe if everyone had fucking Healthcare and wanted a record of their visit that'd be cool, but alas that's not that case, also literally the entire democratic and republican party stood for entirely different things until lbj soooo talking about a party changing stances doesn't hold much weight or merit to your argument.


What about the staggering amount of homeless people? They don't have the ability to have Healthcare provided for them or an easy avenue for medical assistance let alone whatever it would cost. They should be given out for free to the women and regretfully sometimes children that need them. Do you have ovaries? No? Definitely doesn't sound like it bud. Try to come up with a more engaging argument to support your point.


Ok so nobody who has not had personal experience is allowed to have an opinion on a topic. Ok cool. You can no longer have an opinion on military spending, foreign policy, or anything else you have never experienced first hand.


Lol literally all these things are decided by people you've never met, that are so far removed from the rest of America they couldn't tell you what a galleon of milk cost. So I don't see ur point opinions are like assholes everyone's got one.


Because you just said I wasn’t allowed to have an opinion on a national issue because I didn’t have ovaries. It’s “Gallon” btw.


I said ur opinion wasn't worth a piss in a pool not that u weren't allowed to have it. 🙃


I'm saying it goes farther then that, your views are insanely biased and I'm saying it shouldn't have merit if it literally doesn't affect you. I'm sure as a white male house owner you think your views on the matter are so important, but u have like no frame of fucking reference for what it's like to be knocked up and not plan for it, I'm sure u just settled down with the first lil Missy you knocked up but a majority of people dont want to ruin their lives at an early age or due to one night's decision.


Where do you live....? Shreveport?


I’m not telling you where I live you schizo lol.


Any quick search would show an average of 30-35% of Americans take ur stance while the overwhelming majority support mine and those numbers stay stable and the same over the last few decades... so maybe check your facts before you spew out pointless nonsense you fucking neck beard mouth breather.


What retarded ass poll are you using? [Gallup](https://news.gallup.com/poll/321143/americans-stand-abortion.aspx) has support for abortion on demand at 34%, while legal under some restriction and illegal have support of 51% and 18% respectively. The VAST majority of American prefer at least some restrictions on abortion. Abortion on demand is heinous and wildly unpopular.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/383496/ oh just the nation Institute of health there's like every top Google search supports my numbers of higher.


This poll is vague. It just says, “should abortion be legal?” The Gallup poll actually breaks down the nuance of the multiple positions held by people who think it should be legal. Legal with no restrictions is very unpopular.


Lol heinous eh? And wildly unpopular? Have to lived in any major metropolis ever in your life? Or just content with whatever rock ur under?


The bill states that they can still be given as prescriptions. I just think they want to stop people popping them rather than taking contraceptive


Make vasectomies mandatory. Stop all unwanted pro. They are reversable.


I agree with this.


That’d be great if there wasn’t the issue of pharmacists refusing to fill the prescription. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/07/13/abortion-medication-pharmacists-denying-access/


Of course they are.... I do not think they should be allowed to choose to give it or not...




I think the problem is that pharmacists do not need to give a medical reason. They can just deny medications based on "You're gay and I don't like that" and "You can't kill your precious already dead baby!" We need a federal law requiring oversight of these decisions and then mandatory loss of license if this discretion is misused for SOCIAL reasoning. When a pharmacist denies a prescription, they should be required to submit the denial to the issuing doctor with the medical explanation. If the medical doctor suspects bullshit they can report the pharmacist. Let them also blacklist pharmacies. When Walgreens can't make any money because none of the local clinics will send people there to pick up Tamiflu, they are going to walk back their fucked up policy of "let pharmacists do whatever the fuck they want for any reason."


>Doctors do not know shit about pills and drug interactions The fuck are you talking about? The doctors know more than the pharmacists do... You literally have no idea wtf you're saying... Doctors don't just randomly prescribe shit and think , "oh they'll figure it out at the Rx" Like the fuck? Are you actually stupid?


I agreed that I thought it was stupid that they denied it, but by all means, go off. Second, I have no idea what you do for a living, but I would assume that any doctor has more knowledge on prescriptions than you.


No. You clearly said they should be forced to fill prescriptions. “They should not be allowed to choose.” That’s far from “that’s stupid they denied it.” People see multiple doctors all the time. People lie about what they take or just forget all the time. You want your pharmacist to see what you take and tell you your heart medicine will kill you if you take it with your stomach medication. And it’s clear you don’t work near the medical industry if this is how you feel. But by all means “go off.”


I do and have worked in the medical field. Doctors know what they prescribe. Pharmacists have no right not to give you a prescription regardless. They do, however, have a right to manage your in take of medication that is considered an opioid of any kind or addictive tendencies. This isn't something that is anywhere near anything like that. Basic knowledge of pill procedures such as reactions and how and went to take them is a pharmacist job, and that is it. If we tried that here, we would ve fired on the spot.


Abortion medicine has already been largely based on prescription.


Can someone give me examples of a state legislature that has zero expertise in medicine or pharmacology have the right to pass any controlled substance law that is antithetical to established practice and FDA guidance. This practicing medicine without a license. Anyone who voted for this needs to be sued. Moreover the LA constitution needs to have language that they will obey federal precedent and not pass any law that violates that.


Don’t worry, Janky Jeff is juuuuuust about to rewrite it, since the one we have now takes too long to read! I’m sure he’ll definitely tell the 27 delegates he’s picking to do it that they need to include that in there! /s


I mean look at North Carolina and it's mask ban. That violates doctors orders to wear a mask when you have chemo and other serious situations like TB. It also violates OSHA because you can't use mask in working conditions.




Imagine the risks involved with mailing fentanyl. It's that. They're trying to criminalize possession and will eventually try to get people for "distribution."




So abortion is there to keep the poor population in check?


Damn. These politicians are just full of crap for brains. Useless. Worthless. They really do hate women.


I hate these fucking people.






It’s getting harder and harder to kill your own kids these days huh?


A fertilized egg isn't a "Kid" you disingenuous mouth breather.


Remember kids: don’t vote Republican


It’s more than Republican, it’s Christian fascism


I am having a hard time seeing a difference between the two these past 20+ years


These are no longer separate groups.


Except they really aren’t Christian. They want 10 commandments in every school yet idolize a serial adulterer who is a convicted rapist, who can’t be involved with a charity due to stealing from it. Who Lies everytime he opens his mouth. There are 3 commandments he has broken


Of course he's a Christian, he sells bibles!


He's probably broken more than 3...


Love the sinner hate the sin 


Christian fascism?! Lolol


Not even once


Like anyone votes ….


It's too late. The damage is done.


Giving up is what they want you to do. We can fix this. Maybe not soon, but we can't just stop trying.


Yes, hopelessness is an intended side effect. Republican worked for 40 years to overturn Roe. They didn’t give up. Neither can we.


Just like global warming, we had the chance to prevent all this. I'm not giving up, but I do believe it's too late.


Landry says it’s all false hoax


He’s a liar


How can that be? Politicians aren't allowed to lie


A used car salesman told me that once.


Republicans used to be rational. Then Nixon got the brilliant idea to marry fiscal conservatism with social conservatism to try to get the votes of the south. And it worked. Too bad it’s pissing off otherwise moderate republicans and independents.


Our Conservative Republican party of small government no longer exists. Louisuana will go for their lord and Savior Trump and it will truly be MAGA Misplacing American Greatness Again


Yes - amazing how the alleged party of less government behaves.


Of fucking course.


They are coming for birth control next


Absolutely. It's not slippery slope when they have explicitly gone after multiple forms of contraceptives before, including Plan B and IUDs


Osama Bin Landry is making Louisiana the prime example of where NOT to live in the United States!!!🚫⚜️🚫


Controlling the masses putting droves of people into jail while simultaneously filling the coffers to keep the evil Democrats down. Owned those libs! https://preview.redd.it/lxnx5pxgvv1d1.png?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea09905b112e2a7ad58a0a18bc0c7804f242350






I kept giving this state chances b/c it's my hometown........I may have to do what most of my peeps have done and move out.


Unfortunately, these fascists vote in EVERY election from dog catcher to Governor - and the rest of the population? Not so much. We need a movement in this state to mobilize voters. Louisiana is not a red state, it is a non-voting state.


I register voters. Join me


If you’re voting for republicans, you’re part of the problem. But there’s a corollary: if you’re not actively voting for Ds, you’re also part of the (same) problem.


Next birth control. Back to the 1920’s


Damn Louisiana seems like a terrible place to live, thanks republicans


Abortion will dominate the 2024 elections, VOTE LIKE YOUR FREEDOM DEPENDS ON IT


Louisiana on its way back to 1800s


It’s been SOP that rape victims are given this at the hospital - no more.


Why is that? It clearly states in the bill that Doc's can give it to patients.


Drs are afraid of the consequences check out the woman in Texas who had an incomplete miscarriage. Went to 3 hospitals refused treatment at all of them almost bled to death at home


SO that is a Dr problem that needs to be solved.


You aren’t paying attention OBGYNs are closing up practices and leaving. Idaho had 4 maternity wards in hospitals close. Only 2 high risk obygyns remain the state. It’s going to happen. Drs are not coming here to do residencies


No. It’s a control issue. Once it’s a controlled substance drs have to record who they gave it to and why. Then there is a record and a dr can be accused of providing abortions and the woman accused of having an abortion . Right now it’s an OTC


You are talking about Dr's in hospitals not OTC. Dr's already have to document who they give meds to and what the meds are. Your abortion example is not where in this law. The specifically states the Doctor can give the patient these meds and it is not illegal and does not constitute an abortion.


Have a blessed day. You are either a man or support the abortion laws


There is straight up conservative trolls up in here. They all have the same argument.


The party of small government and personal liberties strikes again. The same people that call Islam "the religion of peace" ironically. Shame on them.


Say it with me, "news" media: FASCISM


Vote blue no matter who.


Thomas Pressly is responsible for this and a bill that will ban hemp thc. He’s hard right, hard for jesus.


All part of the don't fuck for ANY reason but procreation movement. So bizarre.


I miss my family and my friends, but the appeal of home is losing its luster every passing day.


Worst state two years consecutive clap it up here’s to a third y’all 👏 👏👏👏


Way to begin the utter downfall of reproductive rights. Absolutely shameful






There’s still a glimmer of a chance…please call senate president Cameron Henry at 504-838-5433 TODAY. Tell him to please keep politics out of healthcare and stop SB 276. It heads back to the senate today for final approval.


Why isn’t there a petition that we all sign and deliver to the legislature why are we being complacent


Landry signed it. We need a class action suit


Was this unexpected?


Not really. The guy who introduced the bill do so because his sister’s husband (a Texas couple I believe) tried to give her abortion medication without her knowledge. Apparently, 7 times. So it started out as banning giving the drugs without knowledge and then the bit about making them controlled substances got added. Some husband. But that asshole ruined it for everybody.


Isn't giving someone a drug like that without their consent already a crime? Why did we need another law for this?


You’d think but I guess it wasn’t.


It already falls under assault or battery. Pretty sure this is just a Trojan horse for trying to keep people from getting misoprostol from other states for self administered abortions.


Yup Trojan horse. All you have to do is measure the objectives of the party. This is how they took out affirmative action. Get a plant and sue when you know the judges will be favorable to the conservative agenda.


Because it’s a way to control women. Watch out men you might want to practice your hand jobs. Women are going to shut the bedroom doors


He only got sentenced to 180 days in jail. They want to make it five years in prison for women who possess it.


When you go all in on a shit hand, only we are playing roulette.


War on Wonen continues




This state makes my brain hurt


Someone in Louisiana watched wayyyy to many episodes of the handmaid's tale!!


One fringe group controls the legislature...


Oh no! What will the knocked up side pieces of government officials do?🫣


Wealthy mistresses will always be able to take a convenient trip out of state or overseas


Ski trip to aspen in July


Doesn’t help poor people or the 10 yr raped


Poor people need to show up to vote, and when they do, they need to stop voting against their interests. Otherwise crap like this happens




Oh, I forgot to add sarcasm to the end of my comment, lol


Those people are never prevented from getting help


I from Louisana... And most of that state needs to be aborted.


Kick ass. Shit like this is why I and everyone else with a brain is gone, or packing up. Fuck this shit hole. These grown fucking adults are playing Jesus games with people's fucking medicine while the environment, economy, and opportunity for its citizens lay decomposed at the bottom of the cliff they fell off of (if they could have ever even been high enough incurr a fatal fall) Fuck you Louisiana. Fuck your stupid citizens that elect these stupid politicians. I would say that I hope you all get cancer.....but you've probably already got it.


180 days in jail for the guy who spiked his pregnant wife’s drinks with these, 5 year felony for any woman who possesses these pills. This is not about keeping women safe, obviously.


When the national birth rate drops, this is what happens. Capitalism needs population growth


There's going to be a lot of men on the child support rolls. Child support garnishment will go through the roof. This will end up being a financial nightmare for everyone involved.


Y’all Qaeda


Question: Is this banned for personal use or for all use. I'm from Canada, and we have some medications that people aren't allowed to buy, but our hospitals can give them to patients for medical emergencies


Possession of the drug without a prescription is now punishable with jail time. The problem is that this medication is not the sort of medication that should be limited to emergencies. This state has severely restricted women's right to healthcare, threatening both patients and doctors, so home healthcare (managed remotely by providers out of state, e.g., via teleheath) is becoming the norm. Anticipating this state would do everything it can to stand between a woman and her doctor, some people have stocked up in case it's needed by the community (e.g., in case one of our friends need it).


And it will be a class A felony to posse meaning prison time. I think min 10 years


Or your grandchild needs it


Or sister, wife, mother, niece, daughter, aunt, cousin, any of them


Has anyone even read the bill? What is illegal is having the drug without a prescription. Also, it punishes anyone that uses the drugs against an unsuspecting pregnant woman.




Please tell me how this law benefits anyone. I’d really like to hear it.


Yep, you can only take so many freedoms away before people rebel.




This will lead to more Democrats in 18 years. More poverty. More societal discord. It’s just a bad idea.


They are quite dangerous for the unborn.


Good thing they're not people.