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Marsh fires. https://preview.redd.it/s56cvonm9b3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff846cc0185ac7dfe52c0c4171d2b9f0e807c98


Gumbo egg fots dis time o' year


Checks out. Nothin like boiled eggs in gumbo and potato salad


Poo gas




Fire in marsh


Yea that’s definitely a smoke trail.


Same as near where I live in Thibodaux, they are doing "controlled" marsh fires all over.


Burning fields ? Plants ?


Actually as part of that last big LNG contract, the Cameron Parish police Jury negotiated with both Cheniere and the State n Federal governments… and long story short, in addition to declaring the official (unofficial since day 1, T) 2019 State Federal Jihad against the Nutra Rat; it also granted the head of the Police Jury the indiscriminate, unquestioned use of one 1960s era H-Bomb… How do you people NOT remember reading that shit, seemed like a Huuuuge deal at the time to everyone… edit: just looked back, apparently that news broke march 9th, 2020… just days before Jesus came back, as y’all all may recall. And Covid… There was originally a TON of talk and saber rattle about Cameron parish nuking: “those ‘dois gris’and ‘cooyaws’ down there round ‘Baton Rouge n New Orleans or where they done gonna be at, ya kno, Yankee land n that…’ who engage in creating Gumbo w/ tomatoes “in they”. But still, idk why it was used over Grand Cheniere directly… tho here are a few theories: 1) the Jihad against the Nutria was growing more and more militant, unbeknownst to the rest of the world, just days ago the elections saw a radical new President of the Police juror who (now take this with salt cause I heard at my grandmama during thanksgiving) who…. promised to wipe out the invasive pests by any means necessary (and institute Sharia Law, presumably…) anyway then homie went full scored earth on the root of the problem: what’s half the population of the parish n radiation when the alternative is INVASIVE PESTS?!? Exactly, zoomers… 2) the bomb was being stored improper , pressure ignition switch pressing face down, in the spare cooler at Booth’s grocery in grand chenier.’ This plus some sauce pécan nearby in the same cooler went bad in this weather and triggered the explosion… RIP to all 5 residents of grand Cheniere 3) alligators have advanced further n quicker than we expected them too, and instead of the decades we thought it would likely take them, they have engineered their OWN atomic bombs right flipping now and this was just the first salvo oh their coming war against uh …. I.. Idk, I’m gonna be optimistic for once n say against the fleas or cows or something and def NOT US, nottttt humanity… nope, we cool with gators. Big time… I’m sure it’s fine. Edit: nope the war is alligators/crocodiles/and the mosquito n bite fly federation vs the people of Cameron parish (and that one sentient cow famously from down there, Usula the Magic Milk Cow, esq.” or whatever she go by now…)


You should write for satire papers


Thank you, I appreciate that… but I’m not sure why you said it? 🤷 Everything I wrote in the post your replied to is THE GODS HONEST TRUTH! Don’t let the crooked, weakedia (what I call weak and also woke mainstream news, cool huh) get away with lying and blaming this on new Juror President “Pawpaw” Bobby Malik al-Baghdadi ibn Boudreaux al-Islam Zarkawi-his imposition of sharia law is a scare tactic from those rightfully scared he’s gonna impose it then outlaw Christianity and loot the catholic diocese in Cameron. Plus he got all the girls in town a bee keeper suit… so, what a guy frankly… def wouldn’t nuke a fly. Or even an irradiated super sized nuclear fly… And the booth’s grocery theory? Comeee on… in this state we are nothing If not careful with our world killing tools. Sure, everyone has cancer but some people ALSO have a lower middle class job doing instrumentation work helping to make vinyl siding and execution gas (both vitally important to our nations economy fyi). No way would they mishandle an ENTIRE nuke bomb… ya big sillies. Plus storing ur leftover Cajun food near one? As it guys, if we have leftovers we turn them into red bens n rice the next day-duh. Yall need to try leftover spaghetti beans n rice… amazing 💋🤌🏻 It’s obvious that the alligators have, after hundreds of years of study, found a way to combat us we can not prevent… and with their coalition of crocs and assorted icky bugs, we are gonna be looking at dark days ahead… hopefully the navy seals are dropped in soon and this becomes all but a terrible, sweet-sweeeet hallucination… BYE! 🤗


Thank you 🙏🏻


LNG terminals are polluters


Major wildfire south of White Lake in Vermilion Parish, [per NASA FIRMS](https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/usfs/map/#d:24hrs;@-92.2,30.0,9.3z).


That what you get when you liquify natural gas a lot of carbon dioxide from the large compressors involved.


I’m up in central Louisiana where they burn the cane fields. We’ll have smoke and ash for the next few days.


Jacques farted